Exeter Advocate, 1902-9-18, Page 4vier brocate)
taireas. aat. Sanders, and. Peon
TRURSDAY, Sept., 1.84 .90.ti:
'Phe report ef the Inspector of Beols,
try offices for 1001 has been issued,
By reference to it we find the foilows
ing for this emety-municiptdities„ 25;
instruments registered -patents, 2;
leases 5; meal:tilt& liees, 0; wills., 170;
deeds, 1,4a0;mortgaeee, 1,000; dis-
charge of mortgages, °IMO; Abstracts
given, 1,207; searches, 1,013; gross fees
eaolled. 80,071,23. The figures an Bruce
county 8e-doetutients vegistered. 4.-
020; ettortgieges, 037; diselearge of tootle
gages, 1ar311; wills. 145; leases,20; deeds,
1307; fees, tr,thrirarle.
Every farmer shoul1 examine bis
herd and titst the value a Ws cave
milk and better proancers, If an ant.
raid comes below a certain standard,
known to be a profitable investment.
get rid of that cow. That is the way
to succeed itnd make money. As it
rein, it takes no more to feed a good
cow than a poor oue, while the weeks
from the two are v ery different, Dairy
Coottnissionet Marmite% of alitaierto.
ta, estimates that a the 800,000 cows
in that Stote. 200.000 are abeolutely
worthless. A propler test would ride•
out allot of cows m Boron meaty.
In a cemetery a Chinutmen
Dutchman were vieitiog the groves
their deed, each boron • engoged
short dietenee apart, t Chinaman
Notes 13y the Way.
Seen by Sere, Maror John. T
Westcott, Who ReOresentea the
35r4 Baron Regiment me
the Canadian Coroitation
July &1, -We again board 'the steam -
e' Tunisian ot Liveypool. This boat
was beat in 1900 and is 550 feett in
length. The passengers on Wald um,
ber 1878. Out a that number 057 are
sohnonee 1. premed e birth on tbe
seeond cabin, beteg eo sick a Weeping
le the hatottwek ou my voyage ever.
I considered tayselt in beet .procuring,
stall a good birth, it containing eight
beds. I boa for toy room mates seven
umlauted ponee, befog' W. A.: MeLel,
land, of White Horse, Nailtout A. E.
Fargehar, Fort, McLeod; Z. Merl moile,
Calgary; A. S. Alexanderd, W. la
, an,
Harvie, Regina; D.J. MeCarthey, Let h -
bridge, and a It. Peters. •Calgatty. I
foetal them toed companions teed a re,
sociable lot of fellowe. I had forgot,
ten to tuention in my last letter that
each of the soldiers NY01.0 presented,
vrith a coronation testament by the
Soldiers' Christlen Aseoelation at .Alexr
mire palace. I consider this a much
better gift than a momenta, HOW -
ever, bad the Cormation 'taken place
on June tout we nomad each have beep
presented with a medal os they were
all mouttatetneed with the name, mirk
and regiment engraved on- them. A
reat many eoldiers are of the opinion
utt we wall gti a medal' yet.I cu.
we are entitled to then). . July
pteetem several erodes eo few wen 'Ube -The ocetm is finely calm. beaky. •
oaked on the grave am is their
We see the coast of Ireraud 0'*one
ceuse ,
tom). and the dutehutan planting Row- role and S.pnlatui and the Isle of Man
es of different varieties, The Ontelt, 'I° the ewer' It le am. we have 41,
man hooted over et the Chinaman and a vie.w er trtelh -4,1 °me a driZetY 11"
Called to him, t'For why you dodat set$ oh At one P.m 'we rettelOttreile,
yot 4,xprct dry wig et Op and eat
land,where the moileare ma Ott anti
Inv Thr, chinamar, caged town. ',Ago nit the steoluee. The conutry Is veey
sitwee, your thiuk they gettee uppe lik,t1E and sever"ralds _ aare covered
wan mustard. In the 414ternoon we
and stuelleer met The Etheopiam ,another Allen
e * Line steamer. loaded 'with paseengere
The eaeeagainst Fiore , leearthe l'°1134 f°e Tetrerttool. Pint of our
et AshReld, on the charge of stealing btted eee deeeake ereest' ef trileearf,tereme
a number of logs and some temino pueeno atm the onor pare oi ideal on
.1w othet ernix Oa playing
his fayea. %yes tried bet judge peek at There's a land that Is fairer than
Goderieli on Friday. ,tratian Mune ,11aF." At 5 p.m. we are etill in sight
1.1eF Lewis appeaved for the CrOWIll Li. °I' 914 keland, The weanis getting
E. otatterelr ger toe peteate peaseeeteee, Tote, choppy and the boat making
the Cleveland Serena seetemeg otao very foot time. At 7.30 path them Is
Limited front whose refit the logs were li no land nu sight and it is getting cool
on deck and most or the pessengere
are in thew rooms. July otio-A tine
morniug. We met another eailiug
yew). 'After breakfast about 150 Of
the contingent are evil, sick and are
feeding the whales. Sea becomes very
&eying te the beech to woo „way gm. rough at I pato and many more get
yell, and that the defendant- bad"neyor islet, but I ion feeling lbw, able to eat
Bride eny claim to the ownership of ,land sleep good, At U p.m. it continues
the Will nor resisted the claim ee -the rough. Sunday, July 60. --The sea
Sawmill Co. His Honor evidentivtook i veer' roe& 011 forenoon and nearly WI
this view of the ease, Inc after h&tring i en beam' 8ic1 Ate 'feeling 4 tittle
Ishakey myself and not uble to eat auy
dinner. Had a cup of beef tea at night
with my room ;nate, Parker and Al-
exander, who had been sick all day.
His Honor Judge Doyle was engaged Mee cutts. We all retire at 7 p.m.
In the matter of the Li an drain For this luxury We pay 50 cents foe
last month at Varna fee two days ; and glad the day is over. July 7th. -
hearing an appeal from the asseesutent ' A dull, rainy morning. foghorns blow -
made by Me„ Fartwombe, engineer for • ing all morning. Am not feeling any
the township of Stanley. A. great to well, but able to eat sea tomtits.
many witnesses were eNallailled. MS There are hundreds sick to day. The
Honor heard argument in Goderich steatner travelled 358 miles during the
and afterwards directed that Nether last 21 hours. The boo& played sever -
evidence should he given. On Monday ul tittles on deck timing the afternoon
of last week ,several more WillletiSeS while most of the soldiers are passing
were ,exammed and after hearing erg- harsh words on the Government for
ument on Santrilay jteigment wee Rho sending them steerage passage and
-en in atom of the iippellant. alulleth, either them hemmocks to sleep iti,
whereby his assessment was redneed ;stilly 8. -All on board are feeling tough
teueletlf, 4311 the understanding that 1 and wishing the journey was ended.
the earth to he taken out of the ditch The Weaklier is imite cool, tbe soldiers
where it -crosses his laud be placed on i wearing -their 1,Teeat coats and capes.
his land and not on the road as direet-In the evening the sen
becomes quite
4 d lot th bylaw. If this is not agreed calm. The shyp made 335 miles due-
t+) His Hoene will emisider a. forthee ing the last 21 hours. At 5 p.m. there
reduction in ateRetlits assessment. 18 another vessel In sight. The boat
The costs of the woneesea are to be stopped from 10 poi. until. 4 non. to.
paid by the township. They will be day on account of the fog. The fog
somewhat heavy, as there WPM. foul, whistles blowing all the time. This is
profeseional men ealled to give evi- a cold. damp morniug and is the cold-
denee. Proudfoot az Buys aeted for est day we have had on hoard the ship,
Malt -VI and Dickinson in: Garrow for 1 seeeral Hakes of snow falliug during
the township. the day. The afternoon was spent in
* * ir berths telling yams. A '1 p.m. we
neet another steamer which clone
near meaning into our boat on account
of the fog. July 10. -A very foggy
morning. The sea is getting calm.
The steamer is nearing Rimonske.
Here we see four whales. Our boat
has travelled 308 miles during the past
between toe rows, and silos are Pack- 21 hones. In the afternoon it got finite
so full that they groan rud wrnald cool. At 5 p.m. we passed a sailing
burst if they could and be done with vessel going in the same direction.
July lltb.-We can now see land -
Gaspe and Donaventaire and are now
in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The St..
Lawrence at this point is 80 miles wide.
During our voyage we were to baYe
oranges, bananas and apples for des.;
sert every noon, but the waiters in-
stead of furnishing us with ,them bid
them away and during the afternoon
would come around and Sell them for
four cents each. Tbey all seeined anx-
ious to Make extra money. When do-
ing any small favor they would always
expect a tip for it and if it was not giv-
en them they would ask for it. All
are now feeling glad that We are near
Qaebec. Saturday, July 12.-A fine
morning and at 5 a.m. we are at Grosse
Isle, 40 miles below Quebec. We ar-
rive at Quebec. at 8 a. tn., about 300 of
the Contingent getting oft there. We
stay at the wharf one hour and then
go dosini the St. Lawrence to 'Mont-
real, a distance of 1.60 miles by water,
land being seen on both sides. This
eountry is thickly poptilated..by the
Fren eh people. The scenery is beatiti.
Cul tint seeing so much Water we did
not appreciate it so Much. In the aftee-
-hoon several of tis sat o b deck and Sang.
A 3 p.m., we Were all paraded on deck
to get our train transport from Montre-
al to our destination.At 6 p: in. we had
• . our last meal on. the Tunisian. .0.n
our way from Quebec we noes Three
.SHOCK BROKE HIS - NECK. ' Rivers and Sorel; Quebec,. It rained7a,
Berlin, Ont., Sept. 10.--A fatal acei7 little abont tea time. This being the
dent took Plar*yesterday at the farrn: Glorious Twelfth, and some 55 'soldiers.
of John Gildne'r, two rubles. east Of Ser.: being rneMbers Of the Qrauge Order,
lin, whereby Jvan Kehl, . Of • Berlin, a cloned: tlietnsel yea with yellow ribbon.
young man of 20: Was killed almost in Prinee'14; Col., T'ellatt's grey Charger
staotly.. He had gone on the rool being decorated With the 'same. , At
of the h..re- to clean : out . an eave. $15 p.M,,-We 'landed at the .Allen.', Line
tr.origh andsiikped on the - wet roof. wharf at Montreal and at 11 On. N'p
'rid slid abon.t• twenty feet, and fell to were comfortably settled in the' train,:
.. the grOtiodt a; distance of about 14.1. -feet. after haying paraded:from the Wharf
Death was cartsecl by a broken neck; to the depot... At the. dock we were
. : the jar.of th,e, fall throwing Kebt fo'r-' Cheered by. thciusande Who.were•awaitL.
ward with great force. : AD in g 11 es i 1.11g our arrival. J illy 18. -.We al"Ti17.e
77f0 °Petted and a jury was enipanelied.-it Toronto union depot at 7 ii.in, and
After viewing-. the : boclY they ad- r1nging,,-cars for [..icart arrivr, titpro
' joarned till .Tintraclay evening. . - at 1 p.M., reaehino'.., home at 3.30 - m
.. •
whieh drifted ashore on the beach at
seed to have eseaped; and Philip Holt.
KC.. for McCarthy. The defence ceine
leaded that Mr. Meearthy had notap-
propriated the stuff to his own We*,
but that it :had shunts' been moved
blek mit rif the way Wilt% persons were
the evidence on both sides he dismissed.
the ease.
* *
The Harpenae Weekly gives this
amusing catalogue of the farmer:: bad
We're -The fanners down Beet nre
having a bard time this year; they al-
ways da. Sometimes the eorn grows
so high that people get lost winking
a. Bnt that means dry weather, poor
pasturage, little clover, and pindling
gm -ass so the farmer shakes Ins
head. .'Next; year both corn and gross
do pretty wellibut there are no apples.
or the bugs are in the maples-, or there
is too much or too little snow, or, the
hens won't lay; and the fermer!'sbakes
his head. This year the bugs .fortook
the maples, there was plenty of sap
and just enough snowfor good sugar-
ing, apples now. hang many and low
from the branches, the hen lay mul-
titudinous eggs at twenty cents a
dozen, and the corn is good, thoti-.Th
somewhat late in ripening, hut alas!
the grass grows so fast and the rain
that makes it grow so fast comes so
often that it can't be got into the barn
so the farmer shakes his head. There
• are just four times as many cows .and
not more than one-frit:11th as many
mortgages in Peachham, Vermont, as
they were twenty years ago.
Stratford, Sept 10. -Joseph
son of the G. T. R. station agent at
Seaforth, employed at the round houee
here, was badly crushed while coupling
car8 in the veil. this afternoon, and
died a few hours later. Philips had
only been working about two months.
IThee Mot trip is ended, hut before dos-
ing I wash to State that during all my
- travels I have seep no towu of its size
to be compared with Exeter, either Inc
Inisiness places, dwellings'' or other-
wise; and I might further add that
this fait. 0a,natia, of ours is good enough
for melted compares mighty favorably
with the hest of them.
"Mid pleasures and palaces,
Though we may roam.
Be it ever so hemble
There's no place like home."
Mao tate for bat week),
Agrs, John Lewis went to Toronto
on Wednesday to take in the Exposi-
tiou.-Afr. W. Bice, of Loudon, Iws
been visiting Wends in this vicinity, -
Mr, J. Tbonmeon was married to
)11es eaulder, of Hamilton, iast.
Wednesday. We wish them much
AemDENT.--We are sorry to hear of
the accident which befell Mr. S. Ban-
ton lest Sinulay. He was kieked in
the face by a colt. We hope be will
50011 recoyer.
Dnerrie OF ),111S, Giro. Lug. --This
week it becomes our sad duty. to re-
cord tbe death of one of our mowers,
Xre. Geo. Lee, of the Ittle emcee:don
of McGillivray. For the last while
she hoe been living with her son Wil -
Ram Lee, where she died on, Batordan,
Sept. Otle. She was in her 81st year.
SheJeowes to mourn her loss two sons.
The funeral took place on Monday,
Sept. Stlt, to the Mates MU cetneterr
and the Rev. Mr. Knott pee -itched the
funeral sermon, Six of her grand-
ettildren were pall lteiteell). The DIM%
al was largely attemled, testifying to
the high esteem in which she was held
in the community. She has been a
nber of the Mac's Hill church for
a good number of yeare. The bereav,
ed friends have the keenet sympathy
of all in this vicinity.
Pithall" WEDDI:e0.---One of those
event which cause merriment nod
happiness took piece at the St. Marne
elmreb,Brinsley, On We4nethiy, Sept.
10111. It bona the marriage -of Miss
Lizzie Seth, daughter of Me. and ;the.
Rohn Seel'. to Mt Ambrose Prest, of
Toronto. The ceremony was perform, '
eti by Rev. Mr. Deihl, of Alba, Craig,
neststed by Rev. Mrahomos, of Lueionl
in the presence of a large congregatioo ,
ot Mende, The Outwit was beautifuhl
ly decorated with. flowera and vines.1
the principal figure being a Howl arch b
ud evergreens in front of the liter.,
beneath which the vows were taken.
The wedding match was _pinyeil hy
Miss Mary Prest 1i114 MI: ter, Stokes.
The bride was attired in a costume of
white, enveloped by the folds of the,
long bridal veil, the gown being of
white silk organdie over white
and was given away by her father and ,
was attended by Miss Lily Biee, who ,
wits attired in white organdie over;
phile silk carving a bouquet of pink'
flowers, while the groom meta support-
ed by his brother, Me. Will Prot. The
flower girl carried a bouquet of white
flowere, while the page also carried a
basket of white flowers, coutaining
the wedding ring, both were a niece"
and nephew or the bride. The *Niters
were Xessrte William and Robert Seen,
brothers of the bride. After the ser-
vice was over tne invited guests re-
paired to the home of the bride's pare
cuts where a, sumptuous repast. was!
served. The presents were toetly and
numerous, showing the respect luta es-
teem in which the bride is behl. Amid
showers of rice and gond wishes Mr.
and 3Irs. "'rest left for- their home in
Some little while ago a rather mew I
trie cotton miurefeeturer, owning lerge
mills not a seoz:. of miles from Halifax.
England, and who was familiarly known
itt the distriat round about as "Owl,
H -r overheard one of the lade in his
employ remark to somebody: "Aw wisb
Aw bed '0w4 H -'s' brass, an he wor
th' warkletase." Quieltly retiring.
"Owd H-" sent for the offender into
his office'and asked him. what he would
do with the money, supposing his wish
were to he fulfilled. The youngster
quite equal to the occasion, promptly
replying: "Whey, th' furst Mug Aw'd do
wod be ta fotch yo nat (0ut). minister."
This clever reply so appeased the old gen-
tleman that the boy was sent back to
his work with half a sovereign in his
The other afternoon, says the New
York "Tribune," when President Roose-
velt reached Dupont Circle, a "seeing
Washington" electric car hove in sight,
and the guide continued his lecture
through a megaphone in this way: "On
the left we see the eke at rasidenee of
Mr. George Westimpio-use the million-
aire inventor and electrielan, formerly
the home of the late James G. Blaine; a
littleto the left of front we perceive the
palatial mansion of Mr, L. Z. Leiter, the
Chicago xmlliona .e, and father of the fa-
mous beauty, Miss Mary Leiter, now
Lady Curzon, the wife of the Governor-
General of India; in the park in front
we are confronted by the statue of Ad-
miral Dupont, and also in front we see
the President of the 'United States on
horseback." The crowd looked, and one
woman said, "Whose statue Is it, Me-
Hinley's?" "It's Roosevelt," the Fide
responded. "He ain't a statue yet:.
"I have used your Hair Vigor
for five years and am greatly
pleased with it. It certainly re,
stores the original color to gray
hair. It keeps my hair soft." -Mrs.
Helen ICilken ny, New Portland, Me.
• Ayer's Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
gray hair for fifty years,
and .it never fails to do
this work, either.
You can rely upon it
for stopping your , hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for
making your hair grow.
81.00 a bottle. All druggists.
If your dluggist cannot supply you,
Fond us one dollar and wo Will express
ou a bottle. Be sure and ive the namo
f your nearest express oilice. Address,
J. O. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass.
OgPT PaS,V11.
Iteinnining on Their Farms, pew,
tate,-Special Agents Apnointeil to
AnnIst Thent-A rerlintalsen* Xonnif
noaed 4nnoln04.
New York, Sept, 10, --The Louden
Tittles' JOhatmesburg eerrespondent.itt
despatch eabled to The New York
Tittles, sap it Is feared that there are
many eases of real distrem in the
Transvaal The sufferers are, ter the
most pert, families who remained on
the veldt throufgheld the war, and who
from false pride or Ober reasons did,
not come in at the conclusion of peace
and obtain relief. Special agents have
been appointed to hunt nut these peat
ple. They mill Mao provisionfor the
relief of the really destitute.
A commission has been appeinted at
Pretoria to consider and draft a scheme
tor the establtslenent of a permetteot
land hoard, widelt Will wake proviaion,
for the disposal et Crown lauds and deal
with mUnerons matters connected with
the land settlement of the Transvaal,
etietitely- Appolated Papal 1k1rMe
In the Veiled Staten.
Rome, Sept, 10. -The Vatietut hae de-
Anitele decided to send the Most Rev.
Melanie Faleenio (the Apostolie Dele,
gate for the Dominion of Caned.%) to
Washington as Papal Delegate in the
'United Staten
Ottawa, Sept. 10.-Moesignore at.
emit) has ha4 no intimation, offictal 'or
otherwiae. that he Imo been appointed
Papal Delegate at Washington
Heavy' Debt or !taut Tear F.
ttrelr C4114ve1c4.
Bugatt, MaiseeSept. 10. --The Anierimo
Board el Commissioners for foreign tribe
akiltli5 has balanced tts beeke Inc He Se-
ca* year ending Anna 31. and mede
publio the follewiteg financial etetemeate
toelayie-The expendituree Inc twelve
volatile to August 31, lata, were aff41,-
303.33, and the muter receipts for the
year were $742,704.47, leaving a balance
on hem]. September 1, 1092, of V401.12.
The debt of a year ago, amounting to
at03,341,38, haa been entirely cancel.
Tree =In Vaned .eaminat Tweet
Ave WIstte Den.
New Orleans, Sept. 100 -The facto
brought out. by the Grand Jury of Ate
tale County, Miss., in investigating the
lynching of two negroes in that coun-
ty, show that this erinte was wholly
without excuse or defence. About, a
mouth ago, in the northern part of At -
tale, two negroes were taken ;About
noontime by a =oh, Chained to a tree
and shot to death. About one hundred
men participated in the crime.
About twenty-five or thirty of the
crowd formed a semireirele around the
two negroes, and at a commatul from
the leaders it volley Was fired into the
two bodies, The negroes were killed for
a supposed inaultiug remark made by
them about some white men in the come
munity, but later developtuenta proved
the negroea innocent.
So far only twenty-five of the leaders
have been indicted, but if a special term
of the court is held it is almost posi-
tive that enough evidence will be sub -
nutted to indict others.
Many negroes were eyewitnesses of
the lynching.
Beneficial showers are reported in
South Australia.
M. Paul Deroulede, an exile front
France, has been ordered from Spain.
Mr. A. J. Moore, mathetnatical mas-
ter a the Goderieh Collegiate Institute,
died suddenly.
A meteor was seen at Stratford and
other western points at 0 o'clock Sun-
day morning.
Provincial bye -elections will take'
place in Soulanges, Stanstead and L'Is-
let, Quebec, on October 3.
Lieut. R. E. Peary, returning from
his Arctie exploration, sends a despatch
from Chateau Bay, Labrador.
Mr. Maxwell Smith of Vancouver has
been appointed inspector under the fruit
marks act for British Columbia.
A mad soldier in it theatre in Malaga,
Spain, shot and killed seven persons
before being himself killed by the po-
lice. ,
Dr. Gilmour, Warden of the Central
Prison, in an address before the Prison
Congress at Philadelphia advocates
Mr. 3. P. Morgan and Right Hon.
W. 3. Pirrie announce that the organ-
ization of the International Shipping
Combine is completed.
A gas and powder explosion occurred
in the Big our mine at North Fork.
Va. Seventeen men are shut in, with
no chance of recovery.
A summons under an old statute has
at last been obtained bythe English
Protestant Alliance against a Jesuit
priest recentlg arrived from France.
A call has been issued to the Con-
servative representaiives of • the con-
stituencie's comprising the western dis-
trict to meet in London on Thursday
Te Supreme Court of the Transvaal
has given an important decision -uphold-
ing the right of the late Government to
commandeer the property of neutrals
residing in the Transvaal.
mitice was isuecl yesterday to the
branches and correspondents of the
Canadian Bank of Commerce, announc-
ing the retirement of the Assistant Gen-
eral Manager, ,Mr. J. H. P111=1101.
The chador issued by the Toronto
Railway Company calling a special meet-
ing of shareholders •.a. October 0-1.1 to
authorize a stock 1.-xtue of $1,000,000
states that one of the objects of the is-
sue is to provide funds to acquire ox -
suburban Hues, and extend the 1
_anbuybah X0ads.
Premier Roblin, of Manitoba, is ser
ieualy ill,
Destrnetive forest fires are raging
near Victoria, in 0.
Forty moulders in Crowe's Iron
Works at Guelph are out ou strike,
Pr, J. H. Tennant, of London, Ont,
died suddenly at Lucknow Thursday.
euro a cold= a night -Use Vapri-Crette-
lene. It bee been used extensively dieing more
Mae tweetyeaer years, 411 Druggiats.
There has been a marked impeove-
merd the King's health siuce the
Daniel Matthews, a farmer nee
Waterford, committed soieide by oda,
ing arsenic,
The liudson'e Bay Couwany repor
the Indians are slaugh tering wood be
falo uorth of Edmonton.
Ethel 1l,Dinr4,1e, a Canadian nurse ill
the Riverside Hospital at Buffalo, was
found dead in it hotel at Rochester,
Roughs, eeldielleareenes5,tt114 ether throat
tilmente are SILlicklY relieved by Vapo-creso-
leeetelnets, ten cents ner /MT. Alt druzeiets.
William Myers was fined $10 iu the
Woodstock Police Court Inc leaving 11
horse with a brokeu back ou the rood
all night.
Miss Myrtle Shire, of Kingston. was
. trot* by lightning, every etitett ot
her clothing, being torn from her body
which was painfully burned, She I
not erpected to recover.
Ann WORii.5 OFF Iva cow.
Laxative MornagalideeTetletseunts a cold in CI
dav. Ng Cure lie PAr. rare WI 0411i,
The British team after an exciting
lima, heat the americans for the Pal-
ma Trephy by 12 points. The scores
vee-lioitish. 1.459; Americo), 1447;
Radians, 1,372,
While threehing on the term of Mr
Evans, about three miles from
Mount Forest, 'Wm.Mayleoft ettempt.
ed to put a belt on QM* et the wheels,
when His hand got caught between the
belt and the wheel, which in revolving
lifted the young man off his feet at
every tarn, twisting and smashing the
forearm in it terrible manner. The
itirbeinNto.:as amputated a little below the
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggises refund the money 0,
if it fails to cum 25e. E. W. Grov' •
signature 18 00 each 110X.
Mt. Andrew Beattie, near Pond ,
Mille,Westudusteetownshipelled very
suddenly on Satutday. For some time;
Mes, )3eattie bits been subject to via -
lent headaches, Inc which ehe Wa9 able ,
to smote only temporary relief. On,
Friday eveumg when she retired. she
'tiered front a headache, but other-
wise felt well. Shortly niter 2 °Welt
whe nose and went to an adjoining
room. There she fell on the floor aud
Is supposed to have expired in a short I
time. A doctor was called avid it was
found that she had died from cerebral "
lwmtnearitge. 1„
Aylmer. Sept. 12. -Geo. Wisson,
who lived Imola im mile and a half
hole town. %vas helping threelt tlw
1111 m of Geo. Trim Yesterday, pitching
on the table from above. whet: 10 mane;
way be slipped and fell Into the
tiet' which tore his leg ond arm. Mel
crushed him so badly, thnt he died in
about ten minutes. He leaves a wife
and one child.
Pod for everithing‘
that ram on wheel&
acid Everywhere,
.r ARIA/. tarn no,
sot ai :itta oDol
BUS or Sel
r,%- or Sell Town Property
Borrow or Lend iIoi
F 1Y1017 WANT
Oolle t
Tom, Life I»surecl
111 fOl: WANT TO
00 to the Old Country
0aII at the Undersigned
Ofdee Or t Spackutates rfardwere.
Ne.mn .x•-•*•nrKeds.sle .-.r-17=ren-aneml-,ten... •
Fall Fairs
St, Marys
Kilt ton
Sept. 22-23
" 23-21
" 21-23
4. 30 0
Oet. 241
4o, 0.7
441 0.7
14 7
Sarnia, Sept. 12.-Robt. Maitland,
aged about 20. who had been employed
OS it farm hand at the House of Refuge
twee Inc the p:tst three years, commit-
ted suicide this morning by shooting
himself through tin temple with a re-
volver. An inquest will he held. Mait-
land's borne Wail 011 the 121h line of
Moore. No cause can he assigutd Inc
his act,
K&K Koc K&K K
Specialiste In the Treatment of Nervous. Mood. Private and Sexual Diseases of
lien and Women. 25 Veers In Detroit.
arirNo Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed.
Thousands of young and iniddle.arted Inen are annually swept
to a premature grave through early abuse or utter excesses. Chas.
Anderson was one of the victims, but was rescued 1r time. Kt
says: "I learned att evil habit. A change soon came over me.
I could feel it; my friends noticed it. 1 became riervous, despon-
dent, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings,
poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams and drains
at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make
:natters worse, I became reckless and contracted r. blood disease.
I tried many doctors and medical firms -all failed till Drs. Ken-
nedy A ICergan took my case. In one week I felt better, and Iti a
few weeks was entirely clued. They are the only reliable and
honest Specialists in the country."
RBADER-We guarantee to cure yon or no pay. Tout run no
risk. We have a reputation and business at stake. Beware of
frauds and impostors. We will pay $1,000 for any case we take that our NEW
METHOD TREATMENT will not cure.
We treat and cure Nervous Debility, Varicocele. Stricture, 'Weak Parts, Kidney
andBladder Diseases. Consultation free. Booksfree. Call or write for Question
Eist for Rome Treatment.
FAA, nh.elby St
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