HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-18, Page 1FIFTEEN' 11 YEAR. ^sat ent sitestkeitestik eliksitrietiesitie EXETRR, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1002. ;sr. -Arson- . . . .," .„ • Jibeline Dress Goods, 48 in, wide, French make, very fine wea,ve, black ond navy, was -$2.00, on whiehlve got a crit priceinow $1.40 a yd. . . theline Disess Gobas. 4$ in. wide, beeutiful finish. Freneh me. nnvy • and hrown, WAS 1,75 hot to eleet• a $1.20.a yd, A bargain. Jibeline.Dt.ees-GOnas, 48 inwide, in black, navy, bron•re rmd green, levely shades, with brilliant finish. at $1,00 A yard, Black. Worsted:Stating% veryIw•en bright jet Week, 58 in. wuie. at $1.40 a yard.. • Meek Woreted Suitinge. 51 in. wide, perni finish, jet black, very heavy weight, at si..2,1 A yard. zLee %Weep, 5$ in. wide. heaviest weight and make, spiended flUln and warp, Kean navy.light and dark ysinew Weed Oessayel„ spun sultingn 5$ in. wide. black, light and dark greys, brown* best value in the trade, 75ets. a valet, Suitings consist Or hig range or different goods which we o clear and cien't be duplicated, at 75cts. a yard. • Big Stock of Drees Goods. POPLESTONE &GARDENER ppley, Nimes Ai Randall's One door north of Post Offite. clothiug is the hest IOwned met to adjourn mH erit in Town all„Meeillivsays Sept , pursuant - , 1st. Itiesent, J. I). Drummond, Reeve A. H. frodgins, D. Dorman. J. McGre- gor arei W. Memnon, Couucillors. Minutee of hist meeting read, opprov- ed of and signed, Dorenan-Mawson ---that bylaw ;the 2, /002, let -ring on the duller on the ;assessed retitle of pro- perty in this township 18-10 mills fox county perposes; 25-10 mills for town- ship Pluipsgs; 13-10 mills for special public *chola purpo,ses, and the emanate **(pared by trasteee of the several nentione.as read A first and SPC - 01M1 time, he now read a third. time and panted,--Verried, liseigine-Me- Gregor-e-thet recemmts. amounting in 11 tn *tiii1.50, be passed and orders is - Led In peyment.-Caresied. Dorman Miewesin-that this Connell adjourn o Meet ,he the Tone) tin the tirst Slondat in October, at one o'clock p. me -Carried, Sieetiog of Council on Monday. Sept. R. Ali piesent. Dor. tueu-iiictitegor-tha.t the Reeve and Clerk be, a nd they are hereby, ',estrus t. ed to 'Wasn't one solicitor in regard to the eaar autered into coiwt by T. E, Sleek, et.d. if deenaell advisable are in. tructed in defend the said CASP.,.-ORT• Vollarton NoGillivraT Co .. . and Mrs, Thomas Hanson, of de township, left on Theredity 1011 a isit to Arkansas City. They expect be gone several week* and will like- ly visit in Califorpia, before they re- Itrern, They.were accompanied by Min. daughter. Afrei Moffett, of Aritannes Hanson's sester, Mr-•. Rigg, and her. 1 City, who have been %letting friends and relative's in and anima haze for oine tine. -Iter. J. A. Ferguson is visiting friends in Sarnia. and London. -Mr. J. V. Cunt. harnese maker. was MAPtied at Daehwood on Tuesday to IMss Emma Biseu00,, or that viilog. We extend congratulations to the Young coupie...--it was learned hem with regret lot Wee% of the death of Rev. !told. Philliee, of Trowbridge, formerly of Geenton ilIlit Fullarten. deessaSeil Otetetlentelt had been tint. tering trine) internal troeble for softie thue anti his deeleise Nene notunexpects. il. Ile made many warin frientle due, g his pastorate bete and will re much, asset], He leavtie -a 'Wife and four hildren, who have the synepatity uf I i entire emennuriitto ladies' Dress Goods Fancy Wrapperettes and Fancy Waists OurNew Fall Goods ',.%!,7r,Ztli leCk '1e) "4. Vat jel ‘t.d, Style Features. We bought the very best the market pro duces and if you want to test thi-I Store's preparation for fall, you cannot do better than look through our stock now. All are here for your benefit, whether you care to buy or not. New Fall Underwear New Thulerwear for the Ladies NP1.11 X`Illif.111. car for Men tit' Boys. At Ail Prices------ FlalleletteS We have a good iine of up-to-date Flannelettes n stock u assoried colorings. Grocery Department. -Our groceries will always be found fresh and complete in every line. 1 wish to announce that the business will still be carried on as heretofore and that every effor wifl be made in procur- ing the best good and in giving our customers the best values possible. Thanking ray many customers end friends for their past favors, 1 again solicit a share of your patronage. Dirs. W. D. Yoe, Oddfellows Block. VONEY TO LOAN, Wehaveunliraited private funds far in- vestment upon farm or pillage property, at lowest rates of interest,. DicsSos& 0,eastawa, Barristers, etc. , Exeter. MOSBY TO 1,011.N. 'have a large amount of private fluids to loan on tarns and village properties at low rates ofinterest. P. W.Gllarants. Barrister, Main Street Exeter ERNEST ELLIOTT Real Estateand Insurance Agent Farms and village properties bought and sold on reasonable terms. Several dwelling houses for sale. nds in all parts of Manitoba and the North-west for sale. FAR' TO RENT OR FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for rent or for sale .that desirable hundred acre farm in the township, of Ilay,being Lot 3, Concession 1, London Road- The premises are conveniently 'located to Exeter, arid are supplied with good buildings, large orchard and other onvenienees. . ANTHONY HottAxm Hay P. O. 100 ACRE FARAI TO RENT. • In the township of Stephen,being Lot 6, Conces- • sion 6. There is on the premises a good frame house and barti, good fences, a windmill pump and many other conveniences. This is a splendid farm and will be rented at a reasonable figure. Apply to JAS. CLASS, EXCCUtOr, Crediton, Ont. HOTEL PROPERTY FOR ME, The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable hotel situated at Devon, on the London Road. This hotel is in good condition, and is si miles south of 'Exeter. This road is largely travelled and for the right man chances are good for a splendid business. There is a good stable in connection also, 11 acres of land. Possession given immediately. This property, will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to Dicssox & Exeter, Out roomsideboard, 3 box stoves kitchen stove, a b lort ESTRAY BULL. There strayed unto the premlsesof the undersigned - on Sept. 16th1 a two-year-old bulL Owner can have uamo by proving property and paving for this notice. Thos. Ilnocs, Exeter. IThere will be sold by public auction, at the 5fetro- politan Hotel, Exeter, en Saturday, September 20th, 1 3.002, stone o'clock p.m., the household furniture of 1 George Merner, Insolvent, late of the Metropolitan Hotel, vis:-.10bedroom suites, 1 parlor suite,1 omen, 50 chairs 3 dihin room ta.bles 2 side bear d - GIRLS WANTED. Wanted about(50) fifty more girls, from 16 yeara of age and upwards, can make from $$.06 to $7.00 per week. Steady work. Apply at once to TIM IfcCoamicn Biserrr &CoXescrtomniv London Ont. Sale Reiter.TIRMSDA.Y, Sept; 25.-Fann Stook and Duple- tnents, the property of T. Ogden, E. 0. Jones and .A. Isaac, Lot 9, Concession 5, Bicidulph. Sale at one o'eloek. Jas. Stanley, Auct. Lietion LICENSE ACT. --- Take notice that I have applied to the License Commissioners for South Huron for permission to tratifer my Hotel License in the village of Corbett to Albert Moser,. of the Village of Dashwood. Any ob-• jections to *. aid transfer must be made to the License Inspector not later than the first day of October next 1902. JAMES SUAD15001:, FARM FOR SALE --50 ACRES. The undersigned is offering for sale his flity-acre farin, situated in the Township of Bay, being the West half of Lot 6, Con. 9. There is on the premises a good frame house and barn, two acres bush, a good oreberd and it is well watered and in a good state of cultivation. For particulars apply on the premises, or by mail to Louts Holm, Dashwood, Ont AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FURNITURE, g e 1 a FARMS TO RENT. The undersigned is offering- two desirable fifty acre farms to Vent, the south half of Lot 17, Con, 4,` Step- hen; and the East half of lot 8, South Boundary, Hay. The Stephen farm has good frame house and barn, well watered and fenced and is in a good state of cultivation. The Hay fawn is suited solely for pasture. Both will be rented for a term of four years and at a reasonable rental. For partienlars apply SO . CHAS. Box, Executor IMPORTANT to HOG RAISERS. You can save money, time and feed by keeping your pigs dry and clean. They will thrive better and keep healthy, Make the hog comfortable and he will put on flesh. You can do so with a very little, expense by erecting (Pedler's Patent): The Elevated Moveable Pigs Bed. Simple of construction, make it yourselves. Send $2.00 in registered letter for farm right eertificate and plan of construction to Patent appiied for. JOHN Pentra, Exeter, Ont. of bed Clothing., number pietures,n, number curtains and poles, and a number of other ;thinks.•Terms • cash. _L • E. BOSSSNSERILY XONATHANM.EItNES, Aue'tioneer. Assignee. St. Joseph The directors of the St. Joseph Land and Improvement Cc). held their first annual meeting in the Balmoral Hotel building here on Monday last, when some Very important business was transacted. Your correspondent was favored with an invitation to visit the meeting room, which was very taste- fully decorated with the prodnce of the country, and we feel sure would it impress the directors favorablv -Mr. H Lebeau of Chicago is visiting his brother, Joseph Lebean, our popular brick manufacturer. Mr. F. Corno, also of Chicago,accompanied him. - The tiovernment engineer, Mr. Zing, inspected the dock here recentlY, -4110.•••- May Atenvotervi.-NouniiennnessOn the Or OW 10th inst.. the home t NOralgOIt, of the tiail coneese n, was the scene of a WIT happy otherlug, the oceasion heing the Inns riage of his third daughter, Rebecca, Mr. Chas. E. Aldwortb. prosper. nes young fanner of the same neigh. borhood. At precisely8 rector:le the wedding party entered the spacious parlor and took their poSition ender an evergreen mesh. decorettel with ger. animas and stoeltes while Sliss Alice O'Beitel likened the Wt'dding, mertish. The !nide wiss a&sisted by leer hiSter, Miss Sarah. utile Mr. Frank Alain -tittle of net -livid, snliparted the genuine. The bride and In itleenerail looked al;u ming. tared in white organdie, trimmed litee and silk ribbon. The -eerie, lUIi. was performed by Rey. It Melts yinid, of Exeter, after whith continent - Maine tollnwed rind the guests eat donee to a sumptuous repest. A de. lightful evening W.P. spent in games. Musk., etee while Mr. T. N. Northcutt added greatly to the enjoyment of the Wee lihntenn. Tp. Clerk. Eirlot011 Silo g has cominenced in this James Moore and Abet-. Jeannie. t returned from Toronto when' they leivis hewn visiting Mende, Alvin Diner iii attending the St. -s Chiletpate.--Slise Kiettelteel Me- visitiog friends in t.Thonias. nes !neve Won theme the fail and linseed a, chilly looke ineson. of S. Marys., visitrd Mr. J. Taylor, for a few ditne daring t veele-Mies :Veggie Leign has gone to tiodelieli to ;Weed the Collegiate, -Mrs. Jallae$ Keine and s daughter* Miss Snail, are camning nt &rand Demile-Misses laylor rend Maggie Nail .i', 4:(1..n;. are OD A holi- day. trip to reletietei CHOW% Kin - celestine and Ilitweavillee-Mrs, John Elliot., Wills has been on a month's vieit to her brothers. at Georgetown L. SANDERS ED TOR. • Misses Gladys' and Rose MeNevin spent it few days in liene.alisSvitie their ;tent, Men Rossi daring the week,- Mr, Chais, Kalbfleisele of Philadelphia, is engsiged with Reeve Lemont. toe a short tiine.-Mr4 -0. Le Shoemaker' and wife, of the Dorninion }Rinse, have. re. turned from Toe.onto Where they were visiting feiends end attending the ex- hibition.. -Mr. Milton ..Bua chenn 111 tends going to Frrenee the early part of October, where he will continue his studies and resiarehes for a time, Me's. Adam Finest and children, who have been on n Seven. weeks' visit with friends in Noistie Dinkota, hasie rettera- ed,- '4r-. Jebel Paton, who hits heeti. a tenant on the Ilse, farm. the pieet year, hies rented a farm on the Lake BOZO. PPPIIIWO from here eliortly,- The &Wet fall itiir will he Etieid on Thursday next. 25. Eine yleitly .should turn met and male the show *1 enceesin-Miss Amiss Hess left' foo' Smith Vend on Wednesdayoifter lug vliit her parents here fora few mouths,. -A. eon of Mr. Jelin Wilsen, genets med. wee leully bitten by a clog on Weanesilay. R is reported tient theeitee a fsea0u6. one, Gotten nv Dotes -While Me. Geo. Edighnifer was, drivinta hOnin lais eat. tle on Siitiuday •evening, it-two-yeer old huff attached bine anti inflieted some very had woundsand bed it not been for his presence ot mind in geeing hints the. annual by the horns, Hine is no doubt he .wciiitel bare been killed. The wounds, though of a dangerons ehinsietere are met netsessarily fat•iat and. if Mr. ISOlighollier is net lane tertian -iv. he sniff recover. It Might 1a4 stetted tiled the bell had not prevemisie eleitwal any signs of temper and toads his netball IIIIAIVIPPF. ralli.011. Mr. MinVionev spent a few •allat Whitby dewing •tfise week. -Mr. B. leyleinvotth has resigned the peineepais Grand Beo(i. Mr. Green and son left with their ii boat Friday for Michigana-Mr. Erennee spent Wedneyday in Exeter. - Mrs. Jos Gill. and daughter, Victoria left for Toninto Fair hest Wedneedity. -Mrs. Pedien who has been visiting relet ives,returneO to bee home in Alla. Craig Thairsiday.-Misn Follick, who has been here for the summer., with bee aunt. Mi5S !amis. Gill, left for Exeter einineday.-iiir. Levitt and 11 deughter, Pearl, attended the funeral of the late George Grafton, at Central- ia Friday. Alias Levet t is spending a. few clays with friends in Exeter., She " in tends leaving slam tly for St. Cathie- rinenwhete she tithe a course as nurse, Mr. Ilierwood,of Exeter, spent SinatinY liege with frientle.-Mrs. A. Mollard IS at present on the sink list. -.Maurice Brenner silken it few treys in Steinke last Stubs, of Parkhill, sisPidit and hinday inges-Mr. mint. Sanders, wiso isas beers camping here for the initialler, left for Exeter Sion. date -Mr. Mealy Ilossenherry spent in "few days in Parithill dining best week. One (If Lite grimiest sestets in the ; way sof a ineteorie disphit WriS witness.. ied Messrs. Hobert Sanders rind fleyealini, of Ext.ter‘4)11 Monday "last, eihile on 'their wiet- &eh singeing down tile river Saulitie about Waif it niilt south of Brewsteese dam. It was about six arelosili. none. when both, leidenly stetted in their heat, were slid- denly by an isontent-e Maine siboaszisi 4,, from the sins frollgi swath to north, MA resembling a beautiful ;welted lkand of fit•e. with shuoting 41 Mimes like the reef itine of an ritelon. whieh Snotty waetet1 itself in the dietanee, 4%, streak. re. ssualiiiing right Mends lezeiaiiits1 he the isrevees 110110 heitsart. Ong haven/lined with the air when it istrieented e very tinily wavy effeet aled dieappeared. The sight* eingallatty ireaut ee it was, will be lon rensetalitered by our friends. Crediton ,L en.teisreer, rs A nowise:sr wins es ▪ U..,17F4,:l5, *7: •;" 'le- 7, flpan Em kr. Ital. lame by several selections Main hia and Fergus and her sister* Mre. Joim Edlison Plionograiiii. The bride Berry, tit Arthur, has tetierned bongs • the reeipient of IMIlllePOUS and slishieurn, who arrived here in y presents, testifying to the pori- joie front England, end whe has been ity tile p-milg couple in devout tile efopnis of :gm joseph Donee, a borixooil. Among those present has been taken to the Stratford Hos. from a distance we noticedi.--Mr. and ; pited tte be IS suffering from ten tettrielt Mrs., AldWortin Dayfiehly, Mr. and id tytihobil Teem -Sties Ida Moulteri, Mrs. W. it Johnston, KiPpent Mr. who has been the guest of leer cymsins, tend Ms. Dox and Zile. and Mrs. Dann. cey, Stephentitir. and Mrs. T. N.'N'ortb- cott, and Airs. ,T. Northcott; Mr. and Mrs. J. More, Miss McKay, Exe- ter. Lucau Mrs. Win. Scott, of Bridgeburgi is visiting her mother, Mrs. Judge. -Miss Lee has engaged Miss Mathew, of London as neilliner for the owning .sea- son. --Misses and Blanche Jens, of Port Erie, are visiting Miss Louisa, Howard. -Miss Florence Murdock, of Bay City, Mich., is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Mcralls.--Messrs. Ben Marr, Ben Ttevington, P. H. Neil, Win. Boyd, Adam Clark and Wes. Hobbs, spent a few days in Toronto last week attending the exhibition. - Dr. Haryey left Monday to attend the arinual meeting of the Canadian Dent- al Association, which is being held in Montreal this week. -Mr. Chas. Mein, who been visiting his uncle, Mr. John Kahl, here, for the past three weeks, has returned to his home in Dallas, Texas. -The Annual Parochial Thanks- giving services in connection with the Holy Trinity church, was held on Sun- day. Bev. R. Gunn, M.A.., of Clin- ton, occupied the pulpit and delivered two eloquent sermons, which was lis- tened to with rapt attention. -Much grain is being marketed these days. - Mr. Eli , Thompson has returned to Bay City, after a. pleasant visit with his parents here. -Mr. Patrick J. Mc- Ilhargey, a former pupil of the. Lucite High Schooleleft a, few days ago for South Bend, Ind., to atteud the Holy Cross Seminary. His many friends here wish him every ssaccess.-Messrs. John and Dennis Troy, of Saginaw, Mich.overe shaking. hands with old acquaintances here during the week. They have been away from here about twenty" years and find many changes have taken place in that time. -Mr. }high Diamond is spending a few days with friends here. -Rev. R. Millyard, of Exeter, and Rev.Ayearst exchanged pulpits on Sunday. Lannon- nowte-The many friends of Mr.W. W. Handford, photographer, will regret to learn that he intends leaving the village, having received a good offer in a larger place and accept- ed same for which place he leaves in a few weeks. Although Mr. H. has only been in our midst some sixteen months he has won many friends by his genial and honest way of doing inisiness, and aside from this, at his profession he has but few equals. His numerous friends here join in wishing him unlim- ited success in his new place of abode. DIED Is -EARLY MANHOOD. -In the death of William Arthur Hennessy, in his 17th year, which occurred at the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hennessy, Sunda, Sept. 7th, a bright ana very promising life has been cut'ett in early manhood. Art, as he was generally called, has for some time been in the empley of the Lucan Milling Co., and was with them when taken ill. His sickness, though only a few days, was a, severe attack of fever, when death relieved him of his suffer- ings. He, as a hoy at school was al- ways popular with his school mates, and since he began to labor has at all times ietained his school -day popular- ity -by being willing to lend a helping hand. The funeral, which took place from his father's residence on Tuesdan to St. James' cemetery was largely attended. The family have the 'heart- felt sympathy of the village arid sur- rounding country in this, so sad a be- reavem net. ship of the Gesinton ei Weil, whole took 1 tecteet, Mond:tr.-Mrs. J. ES Slaunrin elltled the foneral tif the late. BM 1 ROlsert Phillips. of Tiowtiridge, whieb took Owe Tnesday.----Sinlidred Jennyn I of New York, is twine visaing leis per. i 1 tints. Mr. and Mrs. John Jensen's% Ritanit.---Mr..T. E. Murray reeeived wind last week of the deeth of Rev. Robert Phillips, of Trowbridge, width sad event ermined on Sunday. Sept. 7th. Deceased was formerly pastor at Granton and Fullerton. Ilt• had been suffering from internal trouble for some time and his demise wee uot nnenpeet ed. noting it pastorate' the Misses Brown, here, for the past here and at Fullerton he WaS very three weeks, has returned to her benne loony nom:owe and many intim in Strationi.-Mrs. Hague anal sister, Mends in this distriet will mourn his Miss Patterson, after it pleasaut visit, death. He leaves Limoges at wife Ana here with their sister, Mrs. Wen. At- fonr eldhiten, who have the sineerest kiuson, have returned to their home in Detroit. sympathy of their many friends here. The remains were taken to Pordwich of...4W. mamma. for interment Tuesday, Henson WEntutio.--On Wednesday evening, Among the number who attended 18nesPette*i't'ittit' tlitielelottjewo.fethdtien.groll‘e.eaBs tcseeelke; the Toronto fair last week wete:-.Ms'. 1 tOwn line, when leis only daughter, and Mrs, McArthur* Me. and Meg, •Tas. Miss Vino, seas married to Mr. John Green, Donald Barns, T. Berry, Geo. Wren and daughter. Annie, and Miss V. Cook. -Mrs. James McArthur is spending a few days in London with her sister. -Miss Shepherd, of Sommer - bill, spent a few days in town daring the week.-james Chapman. of Cale- donia, is the guest of his brother, Wm. --Miss (teethe Ballantyne has taken a position in J. P. Wells' tailoring es, tablistement.-Mrs. Wright and dengh- ter, Miss Louie, of Niagara Falls, are guests at G. C. Petty's.-James Ches- ney, V. S. and IL Forsythe left on the harvest excursion on Tuesday. -Israel LinderfleId has gone to London where he has taken a position as tailor with Mr. Labelle. -Alf. Carlisle. of Detroit, spent it few days here with ids parents during the week. -Miss Bell, of Blyth, who has been engaged by Mr. Rennie to take charge of the millinery de- partment, has arrived in town from the openings and is now aetively en- gaged in preparing for the eotning sea- son. -J. E. & 0. McDonell hitve secur- ed the plumbing and steam fitting con- tract in the addition to the Gunn hos- pital at Clinton. -Rob. McOloy left for London last week to take a second course at the Commercial college.- He passed in the Cornmercial and is now taking type writing and stenography. Albert McBrine has moved his house- hold effects to town from Clinton and has taken up his residence in Mr. Car- lisle's residence across the track. This makes the third Clintonian family to settle in Henson within a few weeks. -Miss Stephenson, school teacher, has been relieved from her duties for a few weeks, owing to the serious illness of her mother. Miss Whiteside will take charge of her room till she is in it po- sition to resume her work. -Mr. P. C. Stoneman, wife and child, of St. Paul, are-spendipg a few clays here with friends and relatives. -Mrs. Sel- lery, of Kincardine, is visiting her son, Dr. Sel lery. -Mr. Johnston, of St. Louis, is spending a few days here with Mrs. Hunt, who intends returning with him to that city. -A few evenings ago as Roy Neeland was riding his bike it broke down, throwing him with such violence as to render hien unconscious. Fortunately no serious injur3rwas in- flicted further than a few bruises on the face and a bad shaking up. -Miss Jean Dick has just graduated from the• Mack training school for nurses at St. Catharines and has received her diplo- ma. -Mr. E.D. Bell, of Londesborough, has purchased the well-known three- year-old Shire stallion "Southport" from T. J.Berry. The horse has gained for himself a. good reputation around here. The price paid was $1.200. -Mr. and Mr. H. J. D. Cook and Miss Sher- rey have returned from Goderich af- ter spending. several weeks there. -Mr. Wen. Workman, of Tuckersmith, is coming to our village to reside, he hav- ing entered into partnership with Mr. Thomas Berry in the horse business. With two such pushing fellows the new firin should do a big business in horses. We welcome Mr. Workman as a citizen of our burgh. Hutchison, of this place. rhe bride looked indeed charming i11. a gown of white organdie trimmed weal lace and silk. She was attendedbv the groom's sister, Miss Hutchison, of Toronto, while the groom was supported by the bride's brother, Mr. Alf. Brock. The cereniony was performed by Rev. J. E. Holmes, of Graydon, in the presence of8 large number of invited guests. The numerous anti appropriate pres- ents testified to the sincere good wish- es of the wavy friends of the newly wedded couple. After refreshments had been served the wedding party were driven here, where the young couple will in future reside. Rippen Rev. Dr. Medd, of Tiensall, deliver- ed his popular lecture, entitled "Woo- ing and Wedding" in the Methodist church here on Tuesday evening. It Was one of the most interesting and enjoyable lectures that has been our privilege to hear, and the Rev. gentle- man held his audience spellbound dur- ing its :delivery. A choice program was rendered and a pleass nt time was spent. -The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be dispensed in St. An- drew's church the last Sabbath in Sep- tember. -Mr. Win. Johnston, of St. Lonis, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jas. Millen -Mrs. D. H. Hay and daughter, Miss Agnes, and Mrs. Wm. Moore vsas in Torou to last week attending the ex- hibition. -The harvest in this section is nearly wound up for another season and the farmers are now busy getting their fall wheat in. A huge acreage is being sown. -Mr. James Mustard has purchased a new up-to-date cern ensilage cutter. --The contractors who have the work of the new school room of St. Andrew's church are pushing it along in order to bring the new build- ing to completion.* As the date set for the opening will be on Sabbath, Oct. 19th, when the Rev. 3. C. Tolmie, of Windsor, will conduct the services. Mr. Tolmie is one of the ablest orators of the church, so that our people have asrich treat in store. --Mrs. R. Meths is nursing a very sore hand, the cause being a felon. We wish her a speedy relief. -Miss Waybrett, of Port Huron is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Martin.- St. Andrew's church is going through a thorough renovation, both inside and out, in the way of painting, new seating, placing in gasolene lights. new upholstering and other improve- ments. When finished it will be one of the finest churches in this part, and will correspond with the new school room in connection. -Messrs. R. S.Mc- Lean and John McNevin have a num- ber of their horses ,at the Western fair this week. We are looking for a good share of the red tickets to come this way. --Mr. W. Moser is spending a few days at the Thousand Islands. --Mrs. W. Butt, of Toronto, visited friends here during the week. -Mrs. R. Blair has returned to the Soo. -Quite a num- ber from here are attending the fair at London this week. Mieninnint Oiniesetais.--tin Chas. Zwietter lies to rennoients. to the pub - lie lint they wilt their Slillineeis Opts -legs. siiitierthey. Sept. 20111 and Monday inind and folliewing days. The dieeintment melte. the neinageneent of Miss Virgin fernissiy latarnit. itinlent'iti('Itileese clang t"tiVti*Iii‘iSeetttli IskolirsPte'relts bar* eVer shown. Mee B'rown. (WI niktinh 514+, it4 Virdallg WS brother. Samuel, this week. Mine has been nareeried since Is*' was here last and it 1. all extend our congratulations to biene-Miss Adn Kienzle leas retnened from Toronto, where She has been IVIAtiVeS tis,' Vast Wet`li.,-;:eir. aiiil Oestreich er Is having a roncrete stable built by Slessiste Morlock and Bine vezt-The Ezra, Heist. uses present at the operation .of Mr, Ezra Heist at the St. Joseph Hos- pital. London, last Thursday. The operation was successful and prospects are height for his recovery Sir. 'rut - de mins, of Detroit, was in the village Saturday. -Mi esrs. J. G. Young in Son, hardwitte inerchatets have hnd their delevery wagon repainted. -Rev. S. R. Kneteletel, of Berlin, tondueted the Quarterly meetings in the Evangelical awn+ Saturday awl Sundayt-The new five -cents pieces, with the King's head on it, have made their appear- ance in the village. -Mr. C. Zwicker attended the fair in Toronto last, week. Mr. and Mrs. Krupp, of Waterloo, are visiting relatives here for a few days. ---Dt•. Rivers has located in Alberta District and has written parties here to ship his household goods at once. We trash the Dr. success in his new field of practice. -M1' S. Brown has sold a large amonnt of freed the past week. -.31r. Israel Smith, of Exeter, was in town Sunday. -The Misses Dora, Wenzel and Lizzie Either left for De- troit Thursday, aftervisiting their par- ents here for some time. -Our flaxmen have been having considerable diffi- culty in engaging people to spread the flax. They were obliged to close the mill Friday in order to finish spread- ing. -The animal meeting of the Lip- per Canada Bible Society will be held in the Methodist church next Thursday evening S pone -Miss Ids. Winer, of Waterloo, is visiting her parents, Mr, and MrS. Matthew Winer. -Mrs. John Trevethick, of London, has been visit- ing her son, Thomas, here, for a few days. -se n umber from here attended the funerel of Mr. Thomas Snell in Dashwood last. Thursday. -Miss Ly•dia, Finkbeinet is visiting het sister, Mts. Daniel Truemner, of Sarepta.-Mr. Samuel Kuhn has a felon on his finger and is obliged to carry his hand in a sling. -Mr. Jacob Heist, Mrs. Jacob Eilber and Misses Christina Brown and Clara Heist are visiting relatives in Seliewiting, Kilnianagh and Elkton. - A number of our young people attelid- ed the social in the .111ethodist church at Centralia, Monday evening. -The millinery season has ' opened for the fall trade. -Mr. Matthew Winer, Jr., intends erecting it new brick dwelling at once. -Our citizens and farmers are busy digging their potatoes. The wet weather has rotted a great nualber of them, in fact some fields are a total loss. -There are a few of our so called young men in this village who take great pleasure in -disturbing the 'peace of the town on Sunday evenings. It -noise, as there.is nothing very clever do the yoeng ladies think of you? ,in the way. they carry on. Boys, what would he wise foe:Ft:hi:sm. to stop their SALTER. -In Exeter, on Sept. 14tia, to - Mr. and Mrs. Martin Salter, it son. mAIRIBIAGSS. ----- AI,DWORTS--NORTHCOTT--At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on Sept. 10. by the Re'.'. R. Millyarcl. of Exe- ter, Mr. Chas. E. Aldworth, to Miss Rebecc, third daughter of Mr. Wm, Northcott, 2nd concession, Hay.