HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-11, Page 87,4-12; •
That give comfort, makei
you. feel right and look
We supply them,
Fall goods and fall fash•
ions are in. Better select a
suit and overcoat now,.
W. 'W. TAM,A...._
On door forth a Dr- Liitz's.
Sovemigt RR et Maga
Caphel atithorized.. • • . $
Capital Subeeribed $1,300,000,00
Savings Department
hs heen showLO
ALT/17'W the KING- and now ie. an o
portune timeto .how LOYALTY
yenrself try openion a SAVINGS
BANK account in the SOVEREIGN ,
where highest rateS of interest are
paid on depaeits of $1 and onward&
ehe. the pied for the steeliest Zeb
Tioniespau Drees Goods in the coun-
try. Stewarns,
Men Vood shipped a, carload
of ;export cattle from this stpeiot. -on
Monday, . r; • •
hree Foot Vaee for tender, tired, acti-
ng onswoolen feet. . SOK by 0, Lettee
Preeet35 cents. . •
The ateroge 'eon of a rich inaO is
like an ocean wave. He ettiete out
with, a -gmat roll,. hut he no sooner
steites the shore than he proceeds to
go brelee,
Messrs. Zeller and Selteghleh Of
Webster, Ne Ye bate takou charge of
the Exeter Nontle Eyaporatee and will
carry on • the • week of drynig apples
for the etext few Mouths,. -
Mr. Thos..endmore, Andrew street
bas a sunflower growing in hie garden
thee contains 107 heads and • stande
nine feet leigin, Mr. Cuilmore eaneere
tainly claim the largest and most po-
Sunflowee of the town.
Mr. John .Kerslake, of the Londo
Road South, on Thusday last sold an
excelleot twohTeateold :colt, sired by
Orchard Willow, (owned. by 31e. A.
to Mr. Geo. Pettereeni, oftravis-
steen, .for the letindsome stun ot $171
j Evidently their is as mach .denaand for
teed hems as ever there was.
The Education Depertment has is-
. an offieial etatement whieteau-
nonnees that :candidates, for teachere
I will no in the future be required to
st dr Letim 'The steady of eheinietry
will, however, he mane coutpulsiney.
It also anuoutices that after 1.iN)2 no
foreign language will be either optienn
Squire Leathorn, 'while passing
thrOugh the bush the otherday diseove
• ered a very rere growth in the shape of
a wild cherry 'tree in bloom and on
whieh wae nilinberonS elustein of a
MON developed state Of the bloeSenle,
having formed Mae cherrtes. The
Spire; 'brought us in a few }branches
;of the tree so as not to have his vein-
eity questioned.
Word has heen rezeived here that
Dr. H. L. ReSs, son of our esteew.
eil townsman. hlr. D. et, Rees, WaS
MaiTIM WedriFSilay of last week
to itlis.e (Wes. of (*nineteen
Mum The Dr, re well and fevorable
it.nown here and we are eaneetent
whoo we wieh hien end. is 'bride a
loug and Mivfnii lifie and entitionous
Prenferitee we only eeho the fervent
wishes of the Des. hog of intimate;
feletals be.
Aeltanquet was tendered M. E. J.
Sreielentatibv Eneter Eneeropmente
Nt. LO.O.F., on l'ineeday evening.
leen it living, the meneion of his ply-
ing his first offielal iSit to the Fhi.
enninmelet in. his eavreity asGraod
Patroareb. a the mien A long toast
net was gotie through and agood time
spent. The mune, which was excel-
lent:, was supplied lwMr. O'Brien.*
Oa Sunday last the Rev3InThomas,
yonng minister of Loadon, oeteapied
' the ninon of the &trove etreet Metho-
; dist ehureh in the abience of the
tor, Dr, Hannon, who le ittendin
genenit eonferenee at Wionipeg.
Moines' disceurse morning and even -
g was more than :ordinary. We
iave heard a great number of yong
men in our time, but without excep-
tion he ranks the highest and we pre -
diet for him a bright Altura, Mr.
Thomas will occupy the pulpit for 'the
inixt thew Sundays.—Com.
NOTES dieeounted at reasonable
SPECIAL ettention given to ferimen '
and cattlenietes bilsineSS.
Solieition Mona, et
2lle. the yard for very swell Amer'
Jean Open iThumeil waist goods A�
the new shailee. Stewart's.
All men are gnI,T for something or
A 511es is in0vFr nitiNed after she le
comes a Mile.
25e. hiatirtm e foe the Anent -ATI
to Jan. let, IOW,
Business le picking up. Advertise
in this paper and piek np your part of
Don't forget the Livingstone -Wylie
Concert, Fair night, Sept. 23, Good
time promised.
The Exeter Orehestra is engaged for
the Livingstone -Wylie eoncert, Sept.
Will, Fair night.
There are more manned women who
have been disappointed in love than
there old maids.
Some women claim that they cu
get along without men, but somehow
they don't like to.
One thing we like about the good
old songs of the past is that uobody
sings them anymore.
This town has some citizens who are
of no more use to the community than
a plot to a comic opera.
If alt men bad to live by their wits
there are several in this town who
would be very short tired.
Mr. B. S. O'Neil is having the inter-
ior of his bank remodelled and other-
wise beautified by afresh coat of paint.
Wm. White, son of Wm. White,
Rogerville, has taken a, position with
Messrs. T. Hawkins & Son to learn the
hardware business.
We know of some church goers who
ought to have alarm clocks placed in
their pews to awaken them up after
the sermon is finished.
Misunderstandings may cause sep-
arations, but sometimes a man and his
wife may separate because they under-
stand each other too well.
Miss Estelle Livingstone, daughter
of Rev. James Livingstone, Petrolea.
takes part in the concert, Sept. 23rd,
Fair night, Gidley's Opera House.
Mr. Clark, Insurance agent, Inger-
soll, has rented Mr. Albert Hooper's
residence on Simcoe street and will
move therein in the near future. .
Mr. John Hawksbaw received word
last week of the serious illness of his
daughter, Mrs. C. Cryer, of Detroit,
and grave doubts are entertained for
her recovery.
Torkish Scalp Food is the best rem-
edy sold for itchio,g of .the scalp, pre-
mature falling of the hair, dandruff,re-
storing color of grey hair. Price 50
cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.
Mr. S. M. Sanders, of the 2nd con-
cession, has purchased the 50 acre
farm from his father adjoining that of
his own :aid: has now one of the finest
, hundred acre -farms in Stephen.
As a general tonic for the system
and to enrich the blood, nothing will
equal Bland's Laxative Blood and
Nerve Tonle Pills. 100 pills in each
bottle. Sold y C. Lutz. Price 50c.
Rev. Thomas, of London, occupied
the pulpit of the James street Metho-
dist church, both morning and even-
ing on Sunday last, delivering two
very elonuen t and interestingalsdo urs -
Road _o °°;mheill.isessoli?ligrn Bainsseteirnclets17:;
tt has ; a
gang oteittlicommieeeiallions a —,
-goat) of reossing main stt_eet.i cv,t,vee.
c ill be a decided rn
cOMPleteCt w
are "2, .•-•
King Quality gen
tnen.!.and for wornen for
,kettfeert and kitality.i.Seeneete
zirr. Miss, who for some months has
been &Intends clerk for Mr. E. 3.
Spa:Oman has resigned the position
and returned. to Lncan, where,we un-
deretand, he will launch out in busi-
ness for bimself with a partner. M.
Ross' genial and obliging manner
made for him many warm friends
wbile here, who will wish him every
success in his new undertaking. The
vacancy here will be filled by 3,fr. I.
3. Gurney. of Toronto, who commenc-
ed his duties this week.
Boy Wonted.
Good smart boy wanted to learn
printing. Apply at this office.
liTatat. and Chain Lost.
At Grand Bend, Levett's park on
Sept. lst, open face silver watch. Find-
er will be suitably rewarded byreturn-
Mee same to W. Ii:err, Crediton, or F.
W. Baker, Crediton. East.
won at clieten.
An aggregation of adepts at lacrosse
formed themselves into a club and
journeyed to Clinton on Friday after-
noon last to play the team of that
place, and from accounts the game
was a fast an interesting one. How-
ever at the end of the allotted time the
game closed with Exeter team as vic-
tors by a score of 1-0.
Late Literary News.
It is risking something to ask the
public to ple.ce a piece of fictio
alonsid.e of Poe's best work. Th
Editor of The Cosmopolitan ven-
tures this in the following note
which appears in the September issue:
"One does not often find a story which
seems to come in the classification of
Edgar Allen Poe's best work. Yet
one might be tempted to ask anal
place for "The Canonic Curse" which
.1irther E. McFarlane contributes to
The Cosmopolitan for September."
council Proceediags.
Council met at call of Reeve at Tow
Hall, Sept. 5th. Absent Councillor
Davis. Minutes of previous meetin
read and confirmed. Muir—Wood—
.Fall MillinerY . all .ready "for yom
Show rooms now open. 'Stenetietts, .
Mei wanteit
Girl to do general Iniesewoele—one
Nebo could, sleep at tonne. Apply to::
'Airs. A, Q. Ilehien town, -
neenteee Hints For Antaton, ,
The new drop -yokes prOdoCe the 'ef.
feet of very: drooping ehooldeee a.onj
are shown ne many of the newest eao.el-,
els with the yoke of alhover. lace ,exe •
tending over the .sleevee. . ;Seems, in
;slot effect retnaill the distinguishiug
Mite in many of - the- new 'skirts and'
jact.,70tS and also in the small .eleirt;
-Waist% There is nothing danitter•
than weltnnade nod exquisitely decor -
awe lingerte :tud sinee the vagee of
feggetieg.,genees, separate yolieS„, gel",
lere, ete„. ie et its height., this dainty
needlework .ite likewise .applied :::to • ren-
derweer. The etiteh employed is use-
elly the plain .faggotingor herriogbouce
There le a wide aseortmett of heavy
textured or '"enannieh" goodsas they
are terenedeeny one of- which is ;p -
ICP jacket and skirt spas.
Milevatell velvet cords are shown io
wide assortment of colors, and there
Do more fasbionable 'material. for
Ming or street; costurnes. Erobrol-
ery and 'fancy' stitelles.are the inevh,
table mark or .4.11.5uuction on anythirten:
from the dainty stock noller to tbe
even dainter hose„ Fttsition has de,
ed the exteneiveitee of pendent aud
foinunings this. eeteeon. and e great
eiety is exhibited. Both black and
colored samples are procuroble,as
as bite of m.etalorat enema film wind,
irideseent beads and eparigine are ens-
pended. The possildlities of veivet
0,9 an ornamental 'featurt . have
ivon for it the highest popularity in
inning net. ellitfort and light wool-
ne.—The Delineator.
noriecot. and Tliantsching Sprvicco,
The Annieeraery and Harvest
Thateliegiviug seteleee of the Trivitt
Memorial. church were held '011 Sunday
last. The weather was most fitting
for the :occasion and large congrega-
tions were lo atteralance both morn,
;Hg and evening, The: grand 'and slate-
ly 'interior of that beautifill and eiweed
;edifice was lavrehly decoreted on :all
sides with grain, fruit, vegetables and
flowers, ;and the (tamed, whieli WiLS
ornamented tvhh flowers and .gteen-
house plants, wao a Rene Of beauty in
iteelf, the whole presenting a meet
pleaeiog effeet ond a. fitting trilitite to
the Oi,"CaSinn. The Rev.)LM.Me( ••-:..j
Rural Dean 4,4 Kent, onenpied the pull -1
pit and preached excellent eerateone.
The Rev, geutlieniau toek for his text
Peahen 11.2-1: "It le a good thing to Rive
-thanks unto the Lea, and to eitig
valseS MAO thy mute 0 roost High."
is iliecourse was leased ,princip illy iin
lie inigratefulnese of people for the;
many bleesings derived from oita to
man in .geneiell and the reverend gen-
tleinan was followed, bee his heaters
with: great defied% as be :led them in
splendid :strains of th.ought from oue
to another or the great troths of his
Bubject. The speaker aleo referred to
•e donor anti the beautiftil
ey were now. oceupying, elating that,
hey should feel thankful to Owlfor
the rich gift bestowed upon them. In
the evening the text was II Xinge,fi-
le. evnich was a masterly exposition
or his subject And ltstened to , With
marked attention by thee very large
congregation. The sengiog of the choir
was of high order and :contributed
nmeh to the success of the services.
!rile collections for both services
amounted to $110.
that the following accounts be passed
and orders drawn on Treasurer for
.satrie:—Thos. Hartnoll, labor, $10.25;
Thos. Welsh, do., $5.02; Alf. Taylor,
do., $14.37; Wm. Anderson, do., $8.15;
Thos. Flynn, do., $14.37; R. Atkinson,
do., $2.50; Jos. Sutton, do., $3.12; Alf.
Sheere, do., $3.12; George Oudmore,
do., $2; Chris. Baskerville, do., 50c.;
Gee, Atkinson do, $5.25; S.Ilandford,
do., $1065; W. Atkinson, do., $3.62;
Fred Gillespie, do., $3.30; Rd. Crocker,
do., $5.62; Walter Westcott, do., $2.80;
Bell Telephone Co., 50c; E. Elliott, In-
surance Town Hall, $30; Treniaine &
Snell, acceont to Sept. 1st, $84.48; F.
Gillespie, street watering, $40.—Car-
ried. A petition from a nuniber of
residents on Ann street, askingfor an
electric light to be placed at the corner
of Ann and Carling streets, was laid
before the Council. Moir—Harding—
that the Council visit the Placa and as-
certain if a light be necessary—Car-
ried. Wood—Muir—that the, Council
adjourn to meet at call of Reeve —Car -
teed. G. H. BISSET0r; Clerk.
Sailor Boy -white whine spirit vin-
egar. Can't spoil pickles. Only at
' ' •
Miss Offte MePleerson, who has a pol
sition in 13eantford, was home for '1
few days' visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hale returned
from, a visit in Thedfind and Eddy'e
AlUlo Wednesday,
Mr, Garfield Sheere left Monday to
ecept a position at; the Verity Plow
Works, Brantford,
Miss Mabel Kemp, who hee been
visiting her sister. Miss Gertie, in. To.
ronto, has returnee),
MSS LIM& Ache% London Road,
north, left Monday to attend the Model
School at Godeeich,
Dr, and Mrs. Andersom, of Mitehell.
spent Sunday, the geestsgof Dr. and
Auderson town.
Mies Elliott ha S again returnedto
town and eheinneel her former position
with R. Pickard. & Co.
Miss Edith Beers, who have been
spending holidays let her borne here,
returned to London Satorday.
Mrs, WM. 'Simpson -and daughter,
Mise Anna, cif Mentreal, are vaelting
at Mr, Moments this week,
ehMiletteHre". giehf LMoetrdolen7w"e‘.rewilefriridngtlit
Alm McPherson s for a few days,
Mr. Horace Harwood. of Detroit, is
spending his holidays her, the goest
of his mother.. We. JanPickerd,
Mr, and Men, Gilbert. Lord,. of Chime
go, are visiting Mrs. LOOT'S mother,
Mrs, Brea's, London Road., tooth.
Me, Sam, Trieinuner, who has been
vielting old friends ni town for the
past week, returned to Detroit Friday, ;
hie's. John Sweet, who has been :vie. i
iting her dalighter, Mrs. H. J. :Mame
Lendon, returned home SAM*. !
day evening.
Mrs, G. W. Lyne, who has been viad
ing frieode and relatives itt andi
Toronotomatye:tioned to her home: in
Mre• 37. Inwood, win) has been visi
Ing relatives here for the Oast fe
weeks, returned to her home in Loi
dou Friday.
Al, F4. E. Ward, a former nutmeg .-r
of the Moleions Bent here, has melte
In Revelstoke. B. C. to teke charge
the Moleous Benin
MrS., A. PopleStone, of Detroit, :Mtn
has teen with her perente at Mee
eniegfoe a few weekee will visit Mts.
Popleetono for a few
Mr. Fred Been, of' the Post Office
Diepateiting Department. Detrain and
Nr""* B110417pwnl tt MrS. PopieStenr!
and other relatives for
:01155 MIA Hiltherfortl, Of Aylmer.:
whai hare }wen qtending a few weeks
at (fraud Bend! vieited Mrs 0. (lidley
0 few days dining the week..1
Miss H. Horney, who has been mil-
liner in 41...ilso, Craig foe the past three
yearn has aceepted a position in Aye
ton and has left for that place.,
jes. Valinsay, who has been Nis -
I ting his parents here for the past two
weeks, left Tuesday 'limning to resuille
his dental practiee itt Waehington,D,Ce
Miss Elliott, of St. Marrs and Miss
Johnston, of Shaforth, who hove been
the guests of Miss Jean Hawkshaw at ;
the Commereial Muse, 'returned home
Friday morning.
Ian Handford and daughter,
Maggie, of the London Road, south,
who hew been visiting 'Mende for the
Past few weeks in Manitoba, retooled
home last week.
Nesse& FA Hooper and Fred Sweet,
who have, been on a several weeks'
visit to the old eountry,returried home
Saturday night.having enjoyed a very
lament trip.
Miss Edith Sanders, who has been
attending the millinery openings at
Toronto, returned last week anti hafi
resumed her position at Mr. 3. A,
Stewart's for the season.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles jeckell, who
speut a few days of their honeymoon
trip with the forinerts mothereLondon
Road, north, retained to them home.
in Youngstown, Ohio, Monday.
Mr. Wm. tine% who has been suffer-
ing for some months from :cancer of'
the stomach, is at present in a very
low state of healt_ . and the ;end seems '
not far distant. His son, Frank, Was
summoned home from St. Marys Tues-
Miss McAuley, who had charge of
the R. Pickard inillinery department
at Hensall last year and who will have
eharge of the same this season, is as.
sisting Miss Elliott in Mr. Pickard's
millinery department here for a short
Miss Barnes, of Toronto,has accept-
ed the position of head milliner at Mr.
E. 3. Spackman's and commenced on
her duties last 'weeks. Miss Barnes
conies highly recommended as a com-
petent milliner. Miss Relined, :who
was formerly in charge, has taken a
position in Leamington.
Messrs, Bale and Edwards, who
have been ona four inonthe visit to
friends in and. aroarid. Exeter; the
guests of Mr. James Walters, left
Tnesday for Oshawa where they will
visit a few days prior to leaving for
their hotnes in England. They will
take passage on the Tutonic.
Mr. and MrS. Samuel Sweet and
tle daughter, Erna, arrived home from
the Old. Country Monday night, where
they have been on an. extented. Visit
of several weeks duration. - They re-
port -a highly enjoyable visit.anda
pjeaSant passage... Mr. Sweet left
again on, Tuesday fOr. Gravenhurst
where be will visit his brother-in-law
Mr. Jos. Davis for a, few days.
es nAtititaeleiantesesonsinati
Mrs, Jas, ltlurray is visiting friends
in Woodstock.
Mr, A. P. Smith and wifespentSun-
day in Hensel].
Miss M. A. Tom is spending this
week in Toronto.
Mr. and. Mrs. Jos. Peart are visiting
friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Dickson, of Parkhill, spent last.
week at C. Gidley's.
Mr. Daniel Wilcox is visiting rela-
tives itt Bowmanville.
Mr. S. Martin is in Toronto this
week on a business trip.
Miss Norma Dobler left Saturday to
visit friends in Chatham.
Mrs. Roy, Carling street, is quite ill
and under the doctor's care.
Mrs. Geo. Thomas wbo has been
very ill, is slowly recoveriug.
Mrs. Halls, of Galt, is the guest of
her sister, Mrs. W. 0. Huston.
Ars. McIntyre and son, of Chicago,
are the gaests of Mrs. Dr. Lutz.
Mrs. Hngh Oke is confined to her
bed and under the dector's care.
Mrs. T. B. Carling and the Misses
Carling are visiting in Toronto.
Miss Caldwell, of Hensall, visited
Mrs. T. Prior during the week.
Fred Penhale left Monday for Strat-
ford, where has secured a situation.
Misses Lilla and Amy Johns spent
Tuesday and Wednesday in Clinton,
Miss Lilla Rollins, of Detroit, is vis-
iting her cousin, Miss Pearl Rollins.
Rev. and Mrs. Mallot left Tuesday
Morning to visit friends in Toronto.
Mr. W. C. Huston is in Toronto this
week attending the Embalming school.
Mrs. Adolphus Hooper, Hay, is vis-
iting friends in Whitby and Toronto.
Dr. and Mrs. English, of Chicago,
are visiting friends and relatives in
Miss Arley johns intends leaving Sat -
visiting in Toronto, returned Monday
Miss Cora McPherson left Sept. 1st
after a pleasant visit with friends in
uer ivrodennadymo ngt attend Alma, College. St.
to attend the Collegiate Institute at
Mr. John Nfanning, who has been
Miss Wood returned Friday last,
Harold Bissett returned home on
Saturday after a visit with friends in
Ingersoll. -
Mrs. Laura Rau, of London, was the
guest or Mrs. John Morley a few days
as week.
Henry 13 ke of t t
Mra r, o e r re urn -
ed last week after a few day s pleas -
Rev. Xestle, of Mt. Forest, went the
nese Week here, the guest of 'Mrs'.
Frank Wood,
.Goderich: Two employees of the
Lake Mime) & Manitoba Milling Co.,
Dan McLeod. and John Murdock-, were
injured Friday while loading Rot= on
'G.T.R. car at the mill. Withoutany
warning,' se they Claim,an engine
shunted against the car in'which they
were working; McLeod was jammed,
between the.chute and the edge of the
doorway and Murdoch was struck' in
the forehead.
,Clinton: Miss EmilyTiirner, is con-
ned to the house by a Slight accident
and it they be eorhe time before She is
able to resume her doties. Sometinie
ago- she Was thrown Off :a bicycle, : in-
juring her knee.. She recovered there-
from, and at the opening of her school
in 5.5. NO. 5,: Hulletn she, Conmienced,
to resume her duties. , Her :knee gave
her considerable pain; and she thought
it was sorenessfrem the original en-.
ittiThhnt on netneelting ',a; doctor sle
fetind She hed,agehri displaced theeoy-•
,Oing'itte the'knee;:"e40 and has :been,
dered rest until it better.e
liorvesters arid
'" 9 e**1
nresners Supplies.
• The wise and prodeut roam be he a farmer or what he may, never
leaves the things he requires till the laet minute. Negleet has pot
many a man in, a tight pincli, Now don't be caught napping, if you
Want 0.n3trthilig0 in the line of harvesting or threshing supplies we
haye in Here are a few specials;—
Binder Twine, Binder Gloves, Brass Valves,i0heols,
Cocks, to., eallge Glasses, Gauge glass rubbers,
Leather Belting, all sizes from one to 6 inches -wide,
Threshing Gloves, a new stock, Zugineers Paoking,
Rubber, Asbestos,
Special Babbit Metal, Oylincler Oil,
Peerless Maclaine Oil, Artie cup Greese, or
Solidffled Oil.
successors to H. Bishop tt: So
.New OCa Waist. .Fabrics For F..
Freneh F uruls,all wool, newest colorings, iatest de.
signs, st iking value for We, per yard, 12 pieces toselect
French Wattles,a selotion of the very latestpatteins
to choose from no better or more suitable materia ui the
market for waists, 10 patterns &he. per yard.
Black, all wool, light weight Moire 3(.1 inches wide. One
of 'Priestly's finest dye perfect, away ahead in durability"
over silk or any other material for ladies waists, inexpen-
sive at Sfic. yard.
kd W. E. Sandford Ready Mede Clothing.
Now is the time to beautify your
homes by selecting some of our
handsome Furniture.
Do you want a nice
Bedroom sett for $10
Sideboard •••. 8
Cool Sweet Mattresses. ...• 3
Bed. Springs . . .... . • . ... • 2
Couches and Easy Chairs at easy prices.
Curtain poles and trimmings.
We have several sets of beautiful chairs just in.
Give us a call and if we have not got what you
want we will soon get it for you.
Wes. C. Huston,
Furniture and undertakingroonis.
Gidley's Block, Exeter.
Business Law, Writing, Correspond-
ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly
taught by experienced teachers at the
Forest City Business and Shorthand
College, London, Ont.
We have no difficulty in placing
competent pupils in good positions:
College reopens Sept. 2nd. Send for
Goderieh tp: Adam Curry, 7th con.,
had the misfortune to fall from ascaf-
fold in a barn breaking his arm.
.Winetheien A sad accident that re-
pultedfatally happened a. few days
ago to Donald Sutherland, 600 a Mes.
Je Sutherland, of this place.' . Deceased
Was working on a farm near Oil. City,
and one evening he went into toWie en
business: • The railway track being she
shortest, he decided to take ;that road
home. .:Ore, the 'railway was a :high
bridge, and while crossing this bridge,
Mr. Sutherland WAS., overtaken by a
handcar ' loadedwith ties.. •,,The.
protieli to ehe bridge was curve. and
:downgrade,' hencethe 'loaded, car
'clone 'swiftly noon the deceased, While
the met on the 'cienfeiled to notiee any
person ahead in the darkness, eMr.
Sutheiland Wee'neertelten, in ;it Part Of
the bridge -evnere there ;Nag 110" oh -M.160
AO 'save biniseit and struck by ; the
handeer..Was-knoeked. off ::the, bridge,.
falling -fifty' feet to the groand„'heloW..,
OnelegiVia$ freptured 'he' 'theta!, and
' he, was • otherWiln, ;:petettelyee injured.
Congestion Of 'the lungsr. set: in and he
CIIIIRITO & Pullllog
Supplied with either the
Angle Iron, Round
Rod or Wood.
These are without
doubt the best ma-
chines obtainable
at any price.
Was 'awarded the only
medal and diploma
given on Hay Forks
at the World's
Fair Chicago:
Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith shop.
Mr. Alfred Cumming, the postmas-
ter and general merchant of Arva,
London township, who so mysterious-
ly disappeared from his home several
eriOnths singe, arrived honie Saturday.
from Cleveland. Mr. Counting had ,
been ill for nearly four months with a -
compliention of diseases, and is now
very feeble from the effects of his tong
con tin oed illness. Regarding his
wanderings since be left home, . he
knows very little and is not disposed
to talk. His many friends in this sec-
tlou will be pleased' to hear that he
lees been found, and is once More in
.Liie old-time homestead: