HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-11, Page 54 P.-`7•77 4 THR ezeter buoratt i • published. every Thursday -Morning- at the OICAPP. flfAIN-STREET, - ElW'rgR., tlie 6.1 Consump lion KEEP THE 'OLD tA.LIE al. MIT -ULT. E..ALLOON Ben wr, EXET.g...11 M.:.111KETS. # : CITANGInk EACH IVL'D'O'gSDAY t Stoteee, Milan Soldiera IP.;11.17 Ile- - " - ' lOregloaTwo rutok ,, 'meat 64 ' .1.1......24,114.14ENT 0 TO .. THEI ( . . • - Tli kind tipswit,.kr. svion B.4.49214yrs luit. • wailimaaLetii 310:110Ns Rome sept 9 ___Iiqtri , th . - , . •• , 114 ..or roonoek.., 08 arley. , . ...... . . • 34 35 4,0.,,ts.. . 31 ; FTII -I-. • - 0 . - .., . FOE • . . t. only of consuinn. 4. ' {C t1011 to fear is - neodected z? consumption," ., people are . learning that eon= I. , Ed tio ' f 't'4 p'r. a' or nook, to 4' '-1,7Putp‘lifti:e4",-NelessZY CillE4r4-01' Advooatod,• )4174411:71:17111):11717.14€54:::4CY.0:111;i8teQe4aUrie:Si„(11:1;:llia•egr°1 1411 41Orth1.1.441.1.faorAlLvt4tkiltr.tt.V4tbeetl..e4r-"I' °41-3-: tense heat. ' F.1111::itit;tt,1;1".pi.'irtCl.„1:04:"411-go'0‘"1";e:o.:;L: 16 0:61 72:E' e' Rgliortni• • ' • • • .'.- • • • • 13 • 14 1.-,ri ' -join'i,4 oo r 00 , i es. per , . o ...- - . a .. ' 'PURE MANITOBA . . _ 11 nO CE FAMILY FLOU.F - - - • -.••• , • - -By - . ADVOCATE PUBLISH' INtl OPMFAKV TEA= OF sellecewrio-s., One Dollar per annum it paid in advance. $t•Slit if Pet $o. asi.cLarstrtl,a•‘-.o.c• altze.to* osa, allaapp/aqe.- t000t. sumption is a curable . ' - - - • disease. it is nec<lected consumption, 0 - - that is SQ often incurable, Mentreal, ..g. t, 0. -Tho General a , o - 13 ' - . Yu'l logi° °coupled iu di5cu5siug u °19004 0 whleh Mr. j. A, Worrell bod gilool P.Os ! Tim of-otticg'r ,ft I" OAT • - waeot ggpoe 13 • 1 v x•a• ,rtitia4 !are •SII00,4: Tradisal.aleat tilaotatioa Pg. 'Lire Illege: per Mt'. - - . .. 6 50 1) r esse d Hogs... - ....„ 7 75 3 00 .ShOrts per•OWt..,....... I 00 ,13 a iv . 0 t ' ' 4.44 - .4, . W. .....,....... SO (Star) BEST ,PASTRY iFrIocess) _____. No paper diseolointiod men allatrearogo prepaid, Advertisemeato ',anima speciged directions 1.vill be r1,-4'ciiscrk irdetiloAndransel:nir adv4eeertaisralv:egniL imuto for IT,•,n p.t.rzeds.„ E.seridevription of JOB FIUNYINO tooled out iti the finest style, and at moderato rates. 'Cheques, money orders, Re.. for tdvettismg. subscriptions, etc., to he made peyrible Q. Chas,Ii. Sanders, EDITOlt Atm Ra0 , , At the faintest suspicion of ()-et a bottle of Consumption : • • . •aa, ' tee. .a$ teuewe 4.--rhat. tbe upper : : ,. .,.... , 114..°06 eenearr,ingo a'• 4P*11". eonuou‘ooe co: at Htalsas be APPOgateti (a) to igloo .. Meador venioo. Sept 8 ToatiaAto- St. .Lairreners Marko,. . . 11 a ,fincient F e . _ 0 ' WHEAT'. E...T • 1_0.: . a -,_ • Scott's . g..1111.1.1.51011 and begin regular doses. The use of Scott's Emu on a once, has, - thousands O in of eases, turned thebalance _ _. In favor a hea/th, Necrlected consumption does .o.„, , ot exist where Scott's gaunt- . on is ,. , Prompt use of Scott's Einul. - , lOrl Checks the disease while it n be checlied. sueh steps ne luny lie oeeeo,ory. to balm the ehereh in the DonlitliOn of Cenado signated by adinive de, sticttootimial „ oame, oe ie the ease of Ireland, Some Afrigo. or the 1•71:iite4 States;(14 tC1 13.1413' fish. an editien of the book et ceinnioo prver, With Audi. additiouo end adepta-. . mons a4. max be reouired by the lIeetta of the country; (e) ' to eleami mid limit the nue and duue$ a the Varieltil ec- cacaloatiefil tafliceS toWilidi elergymen moo, be oppoluted hy any Riehop JA. cue, Ada, " M.Matthew wawa of Chatham. Ego. gilded . hi! Judge Savory of Anor.apOr.s. mov . .. , , ea tee am menthe' -hoist After a - - - - - - 191Par dintis51014 Ow amendment of a aw months' heist, wile carried by 37 to 3,5, &lore Tee receipts of --.-gp, a t4 t oet hot- - -. ye- e. e to -go were not large, prixes were ea.Y, • beat IIFIs 6tV44S. 200 bYr.,..he19 or 4.41 nod white aelling at Me oats-orere te.--o,47, etio' ol„ -eii 311elat7 :123125ed Straw -Orbe receipts were small. ..,. ^ - ...ere was o fair ,,,t; t it _ demand 000 the market N 8 t'o• T. lo loads of hay selllog at V3 to Mow 41.1.4 a load f 't ' 't .$0 m• .' .. .. ..4 Q a raw a. .. ' to . • UO. The Ilailaie $upply. Wet .. ...63712tkott2 477,i,o,t9')...:1.0 73317,30,t4iZoect.N1--- i cr,,,,,,, ... ... 2.,,,w.v.„3,., ..,,,,,,,..„_ ,.....,,,,,,,_ , - o '7•"•.''...W..•0A004,0AP4 I Oats .... ... 4,002.e00 13,O01.0X0 8.824,060 1415 "" " - aS701-43 1•VV.NRI ka1130O 1 Whe44 441-46e4 455•°°4 11.40°4 PIO Pa5t lalvaete:17; i-t.o.r oTo7tiacrea.551.:470.;00004:71;,:: el& To benntt end bappinese is SOMft417.-••• 0 , . - _ 04 ugly Ae ever since time ilunlern°44% IO a boodles IR the neck, 4:c- eattn falifeS thta Oda, Luliumes tbg unleQw '' nci- elli-bi.41:4e' wa'51.e4 the 442' r'lzp7a .ge'7.74.* ON the bones, reduces the 1-aower of -• xe4oaucuIu` crr'enle and Ole cP-Put4tY• - • 4 for moray,. and derdope IWO Og.P" ` , stroptioo, '"'X'w. o et ra..7 chitilren had aerefUla ot-e: looleot oept growelto deeper owl kept 1,4egi OW RellIR tai aettooi for thr, otontbx Dint t d ill ne did 000d wit; aa.,.....' L .":::::e17Reatl' 7.-a,:soria:tO -ell, :-.:'-aq.,.. fril tPn 111""g thera.119c" F341.3'P-M•. Pio Cltitchca bow shown no signs of. ri..rea., tHreakfaot Food) i -A. good sAli: !ipply of Weed I d Chop always on. band. . e o 1 1 t - • Give 1. r F ou - arhd Feed . , .. rial and be couviaced tbat , .. S Oil right, iler and Plate grinders 1.E STIR elaStOMer S. Harvey Broo, sc s to J. eobbledick tz rxoTosstottal Cards, FL 'KINSMAN. hia.a..4; Pit. A. gligs -:•-•-•'. MAN, Vaasa UM. Honor gradoate .. %gent° 1;oiveristv. DE.NTISTS. leetb eatraL•ted witnalit aor P•110.1/r "l' 1'31.1. effeet$ ooze to Fartsan'a Meek, west $ide Vain street, zoom A N . . -are . s ‘1. TC1 Pligt. .0 , ' a adjournmeet a. motion WWI vd that the $393oil matte in a mess- f cOngrattdatioll to the Preoldent of .,..,...,,,t_., ,atos on h1,5, i.eout eiaa.,0 '"'414e41141 ra the iteehtent in which 014;a he members of hle party was killed, CiaceOe 31arkota. Lintlego velo, 0„ -„The Thor/4 coma,. Choose iseor4 met here to -day. Isuovor pre. senti were yours. Filivelle awl Fitimereld: 1,79t. wero tmarodecl. And 4ohlogoanz et tv. Pen tat* two borers at et a-150 rfleta N.Y.. Sept. a -At me' rum miry ula alum" W., idcOlsn. Wors2dotezk, Oat. Roodos sars arilla 'I ' - • ' - • - - (IP --I win rid yen of it, r4dicany raid per - irteue0Y4 Ali It Um Ild U19414141. ____________ __. , _ econd-bawl DIA Lino plight finny° MOIST Moor Gra f amino irolversity mei Royal oellege often al ^aua of Ontario. Also Feat of 0104:40 s .01 at et -9,04010 Deatistery (with honorable mention.) Alluntintun,Oold aa a Vulcanite Kites made in the neatest maonerpossible. it perteekly hamlets cut, lesthetie wed for painlesaettraction et teeth. °oleo one deer &aunt et Carlini; Bros. atom ANtter. , STOPS TOD COVIIIII 'D:WORNS OFF THE COLD. to ariemo•QuittineTohletssoresa cold la OM v No Cote No Ply. inc. 2,5 cent& , Frank Weighter, Of ForniOsa, was suffocated by gas at Bull's Head hotel, Toronto, rout A.rehibald Petters, a Hamilton hotel- keeper. took a dose of etrichnine with fatal results., Tbe Barker Lumber Compaors le111 at B1114'014 ' WaS hiltiled Thoradao,o so KM or .T.A000. tohort Markle, who was sent to gstono Ponitentiary for complicity the Napanee bank. robery. has been leit,F..ed nu parole. The Bothwell Dairy stock irons Auld m0411101- were completely estt)ye bv ow,. with tile seaoon'a moon or ornin ' i • 1 1 r . ant creanter) mac 1 nery. A Will'inallt WAS issued in Toronto foe p• porsomo, unknown.who committed n assault on Airs. Nellie Alulqueen . 1 ito is not expected ttt recover. ... . Tiza,_ c viRE. A C_OLD IN ONE DAY Tak* .. a uoioe Laxative ilronto Quinine Tab lets. All druggis:5 raund tbe money if it fails to cure. 25e. -E. NV. Groves' signatore is on er.elt box. e third part 'ef 31r, J. A. Worrelre motion for a joint cominittretto_poloobli_oh an edition of the 13out, t i: ounuo Prayer suitable for Carnal Wit* then tzlitell up. , • • Mr. Matthew Wilson. K ... ., C a chat. re ba, moved. eeconded by Ilev. J. O. Farthiog a Woodckan stoo. amendment, Whtel4 ll" banged durluK vege$51 414 44.3713! 5U-t41.11tted " f°,11Q-11-5:- 4 4. - ., let It IA UM eomeuten an esar. able that an edition of the book of ' mama proyer be printed for use hroughont Canada- by the aetion of a juiot committee of • both houses, and that suet prayer book should coutaiu„ emiveuiently arr =Wed. all the prayers 1 forms of servico applicable to aud utlaarized for the use of the church ser- ,oriiied for the uoe of tho church seo, ein Canada, and $11ou14 be isionol wit th"ituuriq e""' .'"./3"'•2' "1-41''''' ond used by the various constetiolna within its poismetioe, and that the u per bootie be respeetfeley r tteotfe take huvb ution as may el_ a.--.....,„. . i . 1 i "v ill`r:57" neee?sary e prepaie a p an or t te • ue of eneh Chnadian prayer book, arid that, the upper how:. concurring, a jOint emu- ate „too + 1 n e of both louse?. be appel...,- . FSt in carrying. out the killibjCet o resolotion, anti teteport at tit Synod.' 'lotted of Trade toolar there WAN a goo Ad- rf,ei 1,,..1;,;04,014,4,'4714:10htpiertglet/aaadeelxoel. moo. so.4 at m,.r. ant swan at 0,Ne to ilm: 12 Iota of Linirboxes selling et tke woe; Pflec, Crourcerr tunerOlOO tuba wed t ' =0 raid IP at 2elle. • A Urinals Cattle iarlsota. It moon, Feist. K ---1111 ted Skates cattle 7144; e'44144 eattie tillUil on Arrirsi i 4/11P -;rt -6441" Qk'rt .S.4.C37.441014 gat, ,44,. 4uven ool. 'T''',„,,,- t.* "VV.; '''' '"''''' ''"-e4 Montreal laloaa Stook. . Mmtmll S1"1" P. --111M wM Stoat 1113- tztat a tive,40zr ottIN so ,alre, onl tilo ea-als„luit, '4'044 uamou vq sco at zawir to -day, Trade -trAi ' It,..,ilth.„,e,t_ysLie_iv,,het nei.toer Ricca ya.,,^ei PrF. 15tIlil.te v44r:-.0„-;.-1- . Pot tcaiw '''ItTr$ Pe &It Eie;rateit'ire "'";1•14,4"1" P'41E1 "re` . IQ 4444 end tin eom. QII Stle$4 11 tP.141 " 60 we lePr 11b. Cott. era F3:1 toga 'lie t V' ooe Pt tor atom I otila CV '4' hula r .• t $ ° °, °A 6 - • 4 ra -,yrut 4• i CICL. Or t,-,;;4 c.,4,,,, tte (re ., I( -,-, 1 oleo: to er,,,lo o4,:e to ioo peill, al. oltual,ks,ot from Vic to it dole over "te rev Ala. ',Awe. 1411,1 at t t LI A.s LI U Ire Fir ,, PA:1_4;4%1401 oilr the ea. 'Three large ho,,i:j,/.. ii w..,girg law p,unkKT were sold et t.loe ' 01.4 morale cattle Nemket - . East tlattgo. Sett. S.-Cattle-Iteetints.l. ai larao; p•ovol export mai window stem teaily to rAtimr; conatuon lee to tee loiNr; rueo ao,,,o,, $1.73 ta Ics.24; vhot,se. jam 1400 Ito, Oro* to - ----- - --- ---- -- reodierieh; Orit ?Imlay iftito Thoultaie 4115 one Wilee r e 'en 511 en y WI I paralysis o. Tie old geolleinati with a ' - ' tl 4 'I t th 't1 t ' cOmpainion.wao i v fig :o o oe aro for adviceand the stroke war so se. vere that It was with difficolty he was held In tbe buggr. tie was tukeu "' , tbe residence of 31r. Treble, when i was found tbut Indf Ilis tedY WS Par. ;147-ekatI4 140 ROW lies them in a crit,- icel state.-UoMondaY.MvPhSliread' reoulenei.4 of his con -in-law 0 ' St b:411ni:1:1:4lle.:::151:5;34T:AtIVS4t411911! 1 . uht - hi i ... tE,,,,t- „I .31, IA S pProdOVA ° llg,,, 41 t A. e . ,e W41.541. oevere row and lie outs moved into the house and intedleally - tt 1 1 tit: r ,11,1, t tdi- '• . ' 1 a ettt el . Wilt ..ti 0'414 Li •,.. obi., over three orore„ pieoluiles the ptiosi- t upt . E i ', . 0 entake teVOVerY. cli t 31 1 • i • 000 Et von .r. • u uu' • cgm 4,Y,2," Z41414 . "4" cl"Illei,Mg111.-.114litt'm, LW .1114-4:ber„ ladYs cline cat hie z..,J ii`dill 1111111 Giolelleb. and not Irving Wen Getimuittalvd liamtvil op ids old friend. He was rit loot retool and ellitilliCelitig them to a jeweloy store, a license ofidee. and then a min. tater, waited with patience till the wood ol proloalloc. tk . i co moo MIA • o* -• ' - - • - - Wife we*' soul. The :want: mon was Benjanlin 7.1. Robinson, il the. OH ' • „. FOR . N 1.ew Pian,oz . Organ ., 1Wa,lyS. . 'ING MACIIINES. perlenee isiness eff'PP gaPls• NN''e cony ' chines tbat the -ell 4.42 eAsyttlE149. .. , , poiro for oll 14E45 tm 1/44iti. . . Sheet Music, Books, Etc., VALI. AND .SBE: u .re , t ... SALB 01 -AP o, .. . and m Stook ' la tbe Steratig tl'it years)) is ta gio o - • • • • in etaut the loot Wt. ' ' ' ' utatiket offlods mil . • ••• :tile-ClINVi MA Ile. t -it goehinis iiiways . . MUSig DdeliSa Ilytun Rept Its StoCli. rs. IT WILL PAY YOV. 8 MARTIN ......... Medical ...-----. T. r. Nam:owe. , 3n/unpat op um so, College of Yhystelans and ;lmuens Ontario. Physteiao, awa:000coePaah- Scoo mad aashear. °Offl. iota ma, D. m a °glee Ansi ues„,;(tellee, alo .1,a• teireini Ate... aOnt. Speen) ottentioa ktill to 0;v4"c's (1"6" (nUe119149. 12"" "I' 4 it. Itt, frogat... .. . . teltSON a`.. esruxu. nantliSTEUS. Sou 1 , toe. No.:oats, Canraaaarm Cainngc014 . Orilltors tar alelanza Canis, eta". Maori to a5D..71.Q oweat rates of Interest.. 011olas, Mira atm:, Exeter, I. U. Camino. ILL, L.11. ItwriscN - w.ca.Aows, ifSnai-`inr to igrililtt S: G471' ra2u.)Barrl:5Zer.SLIRf4r. Nold.:Irg PAHL' (A)n. El,. 3/m.4v; to /Qom /Golly /n/ea el in. tem:, 031ae, Main, tura. Eatar. . - e , a ors ----..-----,.. _---. LIFItoIrlItTe'2..,v-noV41:23,4.p,,,/r 0113 '3,114\04,107. he ta.,...73514 ar rza,me, Eat, prOnipt„:4, e i Mani tows reasonahle. fiales arranged t Int aloe, It/nein:1ga. - - az.',,'-w,t,bitsohti, ?4,111,1,i.L1,;,,v44:, AiNQvieuilr., burg Wednesday. when the t'opo broke . ;mil the machine started hack down the hill. NV. A. Edwards was stand- lug on a bridge at the bottom of the Mu, and in. endeavoring to get out of the way of the umehine he fell off the bridge filanntity. several ribs and WIS , i _ - • a . • severely bruieed. Goderieb: ' A quiet wedding WaS 801- menized at Knox church: on IVednes- day 141011110g, When. Miss Nellio.t EVelY11 next meeting of the Canon Low, in pointing out a aura. ber of omiseione whieh might well IS() 181.19441.e'folari4tbe4ahd7oNlettee ZP:u'neetatant3 P for -the "nobility'," who were.the "Lords of the Council."' It would he better 1 pray or joa chamberlain. sue!), a, prayer was not essential. It would .he mtliit better for the ..AinericOn 'elnirith to pray, for the nobility with tlaiir (laugh- , tors money bags. (lomobter.) Rey, Ifr, Harris, amenduont for en appendix was lost, and Mr. Wilson's Carried two r.„ . , $7.50; fair to good. ,vi t,,, tia itt,...tor te.,044 *,1073 .415.0 Rua L IA vI to ..liejacw...$5.114 to4;45.15; ittal a 1301;. tot:34111°V.0#P.aliari:*.r3int.otrajdbe3a to $4; calmer% *Log to 42.4; ex4port bells, . o'1111.1uhairelifehyraot/i*I'atall ; Illatt-44"' apringers eady to ogee; common and medium v dull; e,'1°4° c°°;80 0° t° 4ed; fidt to 0, $45 to 445; °fluill°8' "S th .$24; ieg44"4 %tole to 14.C5i stockers. $3.50 to 14.231 atm.]; heifers. la3 to $4.50, Wahl -Receipt" 81.1 n il; ; , .7 Cs: tat to P4)°11, 1M° t°1$7"74; 0111100u to 'kat, 10 to $11. IlOga-Recelots 12000 bead' active* oottoe, *solo to pais; a' few at p3'.2.5; aux: 18 tO S.10: to3keo, one of Mieingall Liiiilher,(0.'ShOiltsaild Miss VVtr,Prfli,$:latiti'l):411("4";';11 ftillithis. welmin:1:, of the ot:4 antie pli:41, arid returned heille by the 0,10 pan. train. et/1,1°1‘,5" ollgk.1114tb(ralittlelly etiliattuett (luvitemrstlitewier . T • V111110 11`1111 1,0 5ltY• Goderieln On Monday Robert s. yOUngetit SIM of MO. Andrew NVIiitely, crossed the river at the age of:13 years 'ate)," 'In illness td lit months dttra- ' • .I.r • I - bon. he deceased weenie unwell in . _ ____ • -- - , EXETEll o. , . - . . ' ' FO1lViR.Y . . The Molsons B a ti k Wirirtereti hi Parliament, PiT,', ) Dead Calve, Montreal.. Paid tip Capital- ... . . .. ... $2,500,000 Reserve Fuud . . . . ..... .,....2,1A000. JAS. ELLIOTT, GENERAL BLS:NO.(1EO. ---EXPIZER, BRANOII--- inee boato-lOom,to 3 pon; Satunlavs10 a411. to 1 pan. N. generallmiking business transacted ., • Money advaneeilte good Farmers at lowest rates, , Savings Bank Deposits from el nod uPwaras treei.v. etl: interest allowed atInghesteurrent rates. ' Memos a; Comma N. D. Roam, Solicitors. lialgl"' - Brown, youngest daughter of Mrs. M. 3' "Brnw", became the wire or Jobn 1). Amendment was With only duiseuting •eetes. eO, 17.00o . S. bt do, 87.70 to 87,831 PIP, $7.50 *0;T. .• f 41:1:t0141:::. January, ;Intl thinking there was a more genial spot, than Chiengo. he left After a little . CLEARING SALE f Plows Dunlop, of the furniture factory staff. The chatted of the church WAS ret tily deCOI'llIeti with rants and eut flowers, kstoes and ,ti 1 .. 1. . , , .. 1 ' a P. 1 laS ,eru.g. prominent. TA] FOR PALMA. TERRY --...-- oo grassers and tialrlea. 117.50 to $7.93. 'Sheep :::,11.188;:bas..-2:(•:(*nt714;."'41111.P700 atm: sheOp ateady; too bombs. 0.73 to $.0.110; fair to good, 15.25 to $3.401 Cully to common, 13.50 to KO; Yearlings., ei to $4.35; a stav OfTe'rtItlewSuomuotbialis lie PeAliZea that 1115 health Vas In no tray improved, and a ranting for the parental roof caused ;el to tete, hetroewarolo dna he MS 1 e 1- a G, "ang Plows Land i'Zoliorq ,,, ... I Harrows, ike &e now (to*. a .1 -a 4,7.4 ; Groffrey Holt presided very efficiently at the organ, and played Wagner's. bridateborns iis'tbe bride entered the church. Rey. JailieS A. Anderson, B. ESULT 01' TI1E COMPETITION AT SMAGIRT. ' Winners% $3.75 to ;11 ewe*, ;3.25 to sumo; obeep, top mlatal, ;3.25 to 18.50; fair to 5000. 13 to 13.23; culls to common, ;1,74 to $2,75. ..-. - --- --- •••• •.* - - - • ed the oid honie early in April. Oe- casionally he seemed to get. stronger, but signs of rotor:dog' vigor never Pe oil,- on. .1-, • • i4 ••:i ' .,..,, xerytumg to be el( al t d oil .---- - - - ------ CREDITON m ROLLER I D-ZOOLItlas-D.D*OtliOCOCCOCCOCitif,100 We are giving excellent - satisfaption smo.e modelhng otir mill. Si ' • Re- A., fled the nuptial' knot. The bride wore her travelling dresm s,n tailorode ostutne of tan etamire Cloth, with white silk waist and Mack picture hat -- - ersonnel of the 'United States Team -motel' 18 IL ,Contest at SOO, 900 nod 1,000 Pardo. Chicago Live stock. Chicago, sera, a_coatie_neeelpta, 20,4-4A du linillug 200 Texan.; and 11,taio westerns; steady for good natives; all others slow; ,sood to prime steera,_,.$7.75 to $9.59; poor to medium, $4 *017.50; stockers feed- crime ;nal notwithstanding the loving outer .wde and parents and the best utetuctu attendance, he calmly mid ill , faith joined the Great Army of those who hove on before.' '''• - - a'-ne by JULY 11 1902 and carried a, bonquet of white usterS Her)instid was her sister, Miss Alice, Sea, Girt, N.J., Sept. 0. -The tufted and triiteg,"12.% Iii44,1. f37sc:a Viet, to 15.50;. --.-- FIRST COME , Wos gowned in white organdie and carried pink asters. The groom . , , ,. , .. - was assisteu.uy ms &trouper, George. States team to shoot for the Palma • Trophy at Ottawa was ehosett yesterday. The competition Was at SOO, 900 and $*.o2,;2,11. 1,b,euxus118,. mr,t(t.:1.3!4,,iiot; 0E141475% t11%:?.. ern ateers, $3.7a to $5.75. lioga-Recelpts. 27inh market opened 5e to 10c lower; clos- ed sirotte; mixed and butchers'. ST.SO to Malt FIRST SEE ED. V Any Amount of Wrongiit and ta Do unit TRIFLE mull 'WITH 1,000 yards. The weather conditions were excellent. The team, with seores, as follows :-Captain Wm .• 13. Mar- till, 2/Id New Jersey, 21d; Pte. Geo. E. Cooke, District Of Columbia, *09; Corp. 11.80,i, goad to choke heavy. $7.6) to 'V,1-14,,, ;Viz illiej4Yibf874'iMt7174,56::,;' MI'. Shcep-ReCelpts, 33.000: stetly;7'hunles 10W - er; .good to choice ;3 wethers, .23 to 18.75; fairba, ;3.50 to ;5.75, tO choice mixed. 12.23 to $3.25; native a in Breakfag Cast Iron Wanted. , • A. • - J.FIS IVIUntillY THEM!. K. K. V. Casey, 71s1 Regiment, NeW lurk, 204; Lieut. Thomas Holiconda jun., U.S..1.I.C., 2,03; Pte. M. W. Park- er, Ist Corps Cadets, lIassachtisetts V. montren1 Grain and Produce. -Montreal, Sept. S. -Grain -There is a good local and foreign demand for oats and No. Food. .., Cook's Cotton Root Componna • ' Is successfully need monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, I,adiesask GRISTINGrand. CHOPPINb DONE PROMPTLY. 1-4. SWEITZER . , „ 9 , ...1. s • .,... t 31; 201; Pte. \\*alter G. li Id on, St,„na Corps, New Jersey, 200; Lieut. W. W. Cookson, Oth Battalion, District Of Co- 2 white sold at 33lac to 33%c afloat, Sep- tember shipload. The old crop -No. 2 white are quoted at 42c ex -it -ore In ciu•-lets. Peas are nominal at 80aac Rye Is Nourishing and Sustaining. effeetuaL your drug.gist for cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous, Price. No. 1, 11per Mit; 6 e CO 1.1* PO [ID d e r lumbia -; Major Glendie B. Young, lst Regiment 1). C.', 108; Lieut. Horace M.hoz Befl, 1st Regiment, New jersey, 187. General Bird W. Spence; Captain; Captain F. L. Grahania.U.S A., Adju- afloat Ira. 41,11olet3 . an,. d unchanged at 561,ac slievill 4I..e. anobitt?cy at 46e, and No. a bar. li`lour--There Is a fair amount' of trade at steady prices. We quotea-Manitobo aPring wheat patents. 14 to 34.10; 5ittnito- ' • Medical Authorities Say it is an Un nailed Health Food. eq - -,_ No. 2,10 degrees stronge;$3 per box. NO. 1 or 2,mailedon receipt of price and two lacent stamps. ThoP004...Coglpany WintlilOr.,On: VirlIos. 1 and 2 soldand recommencied by au responsible Druggists in Canada. Peron. After, Ygrocato nosgtodine -, ' • The areat English Remedy. Sold and recommended layall Sold in Canada. Only rola.. able medicine discovered. 8zx ,•'-' . -4 • packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-. bine.), Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt Of price, one package $1, six, $5. One willptease• siz 2°0 cure. -Pamphlets free to sty address. Tho Wood Company, WindsmaOnt• Woods Phosphodine is sold lp Exeter , hy J. W. Browning and 0, Lutz Druggists. , po rm a n 0 of - U ly Cures Sick andextras . tont; Col. W. H. Sarly, Quartermaster. Lieut, AlliorC.A. Jones, Secretary. Lieut.'. 1 ' a d Linut. Bell •ple aeiz r ail len . are alternates. .Meal im strong -bakers', $3,110 to 58.80; winter wheat patents, 53.7" to $4; straight rollers; 33.50 to 83.65; do ?al bags, a1,65 to $1.75 a 8100 to $165 . • • • • -The demand Is slow at 34.75 to .. . b o E 1 , T miser! s p ryally respeetab e pee- aro quite indifferent to the require- merits, of the•stoinach, unless that or- No. 1 and No.2 are sold in Exeter by C. Lutz and . W. rowning, Drug - L 3 W 13 ' . gists. • Nervous Headactes That Make Life Miserable. , TELEGItAPII BREvITIES '-,- ' The attendance at Toronto Fair y es- ._ . , , f terday was 02,500.. . ' - • :;: ... „ • . s....... • , Earthquakesanre. reported. front India • 54.85 per barrel and at $2.85 to a2:40 per bn' 1 eed-There is a good demand at steiidy prIc,es. We quote: -Manitoba 'Oran in bags, 16.30 to Slit shorts in -Mos, $23;, Onterio bran, Iti laullajlo to 51o.00; Shortsaaa4,2 to 123•10 bulk; =Mlle, $23 to 530, according • gan is seriously deranged. Poor break- fast grain foods soon interfere with digestive vigor. When Malt Breakfast Food is regularly used every morning, perfect bodily energy and . digestion, - • Ikappine-ss ' DASHWOOD . . E , • STORE. • - . . Sick a ncl ' nervous headaches are amongst the .worst ills of life. The man or woman who is subject to head- aches1 at irregular intervals, goes through life bearing a load. of misery 'a nd wretchedness that is terrible to ''vt'''' - • • and southern France,' ancla-..estivius is . , • active. .. . . .. ' • ' . •,. . . Anarchist ...in SiOtin ''.celebrated . the :f . ' ' .. • , of ':the -assassination of Pre. anniversary.•• -, .,.. . „ • sident, Me15;inle.'y.,...- ' • Russia is insisting. appu-septling, four to nualitx- • . , . , • o' Butter -Although •husiness Is. quiet prices are very firm.. 'Fahey townships ;creamery, 10%c• , flneat ..townshhis creamery-, 19tac ; finest Qiiebec7ereamerr,19aac; finest Ontario ere,' merr ' .1SV•e•' ilne erramerk 17,3,4e to ,1814.c; tialri butter, 150 to-. ioca ' '- ' laggs--There is a. fair, demand' at steady', We t� 18aac, , . will be your reward. The is no insolu hie starch. in Malt Breakfarset food; every particle is nottrishing.' The hest', nie ica au oil cs ao . d' 1 th .' ti s iv Malt Brea.kfast FOod is a ii unequalled health food for young and old. - . ..._ Yon are invited to call and inspect my : . . , t . . , • l'il,-" 4--‘s°11-'"11 of Fin.'"1.e.and . . . furnishings winch I will oiler sit very close •prices. My stock eon- - . - • sists of tbe following: - . Parlor suites Bedroom suites EXETER v'a $ eat 'Estate - -----• .', The Sale, Parchase and Village aincl farm lands • legottatecl at reasonable mission, . a Excilang • Ex.Ohange and rates ' _e • ' • - Of properties of 'cow- '. tbilik f -.• ' unarmed tor Ado bdats throunl the Dar- prices. quote:-SeIect_eae .18c and candled stock at 16O In a jobb:lig way, . ; .. • 0 . , . • .. . . galeLAd a che as a role, resalt from a cbsa -ordered condition. of the perverts SyS- tdm. Mental excitement, leas of sleep- • bodily fatigue and disordered diges- . . ' d eN.ci. Clio' c•tuses When the Mon an .. , 1 „ , • brain becomes th•ed ancl.debilitabed, ....1.• ..., .--. ' • , . -• - ,danelles, in -spite.. of ;the rorte s ,oure- bon. , -.. - , . ... , '• ' ,, '. Special rates of '1,?ostage to Yukon and Atlin districts have been abolished, and ti - • , •.- ' • I - -a., - • le ratt, heteaxter.wil be. the 6 me a. foi ' ' -• and, Straight retelpts 'at .1614,eto• 151/2e,: and. No., 0 at 13e..to .131ac ire roaintaiots. • • az ' ProviSions-The market Is moderatelY'ac.:" tIve aild ntin• s We..9.uotet-Eieavr_Ctniadian', shout cut mess pork,. $24,00_ to No; an.a..da,,,, tart cut baek. poll, $23.ao to a24, light C ,auada Short cut, clear pork, $23,.,0 to $,241 finestlzettle lard,' 204h131111s, 3214.c to 124o; - • • • - ; '• s•'' ANADIAN- • . . C IFIC. 'PA Sprin a . Maltresses b ,, , , . steads Couches , , Lounges, • ' Tables Chairs of all descrip• . , . tions, 'Sideboards r Rockers, ' the whole nervons systenris weakened : ,,, .. ,„, , lc • If the • is ant „nea.ctacnes!isu . , liver. l•election sloggish, tbe kidneys inactiye ond di, deranged,headaches invariably a follow. To cure', and prevent bead- ache, the nerVous. system -must be strengthened andvitalized, The most persistent cases of headache, nervous feebleness and sleeplessness ate per- - inanently Cured by 'Paine's Celery. CorOPOiInd; it is tlie great. reconstruct- ant of the nervolis.system. Mr. A. H. Watson, Creel:11°re, Ont., writes ; .05 folio WS: ' • ,a nian.:, 3..e.tis was sorely ion- ' "Io- • - • • , I ' •to bled Nvith violent headache so that ,tt , . • , ' • ' • tiMea I was completely prostrated and , unable to attend to household duties. 1 'started to Ilse Paine's Oelery Conipoiind ancl expc.irieneed immediate relief, and •• , •• • '0 haave , t 1 a I • , , since 1:,inp, i a's. (... no 3 t a 1 CCL11- the rest of the' Dominion, ., . • . . , . ,, .. .,. . .„ . ' The hill pt, paoticelarsom the Lisgar. trial 'contains 53 charges against Mr. D. A. Stewart ••,:and ' • age.uts. The trial ' et for .th •231`d• irst. i.t. Car- 15 -5 . e• ....• .1... .` . mail. •- . ' ''•: ' ' • , • • A sharp .fight. took plaCe in the' Per- - . - . A sian Gulf between a .bo,) t s crew of the British giiiilioat Lapwing 'ancl . a' 'slave , .. . dhow. A, blue -jacket. was killed , laid. several wore wounded. • , . . The Elder -lam -tipster' 'Steamship 'Coin- has Written t,h, Oniadi'in Minister : pally ,, . (.. c c .6raucl of ' Marine su.,restin, certain improve- ' ' '''' -,•= ' - : ._••. awienee to protect merits in the r.`31: t • " • - • • - .. • '- • • navtoation, and 011erang• the services of h ' • d 7" i two of t eir.exporience oi icia s. .' • . . ' . • Roberto Generals French Ian .--",,01.d. - ,_. . . - , • -- . • - Hamilton and is.elly, Kenny, Mi. D.rod British Secretary for \Ara.r a•nd rick, , • ,, , . , ., . ex• -pure •lartl.,in ',20 -lb poi* 1.0%..e to 1._3,%ci, choice retmed..compound laid, 9c to,Pih,c, , Boar's acad.' •brand, in..:40-lb wood ualls;• '3.2 to *2.08; Globe, at 51.80 :to $1.00; 20-11) tin Palls, 14c less lly 11):.•11..s.rUs, 12e to, 14o and bacon, 14.c tool..ic Pei- Th• a. ' ,' e i - t Lett vas Mk, nt Malk:e .8. • , ••• . ,Clostsig previous day. Closing to-dny.. • ' Cash. Dec. Cash. Dec:- " • a, chtea go., .... ... 72% 077, • 7.11/8 '' .07..4 New Yorlt ' . 73343 • • • " 731/4 ,. . • • • • • • • , , . ,,,, ..1,,,,,, 1°1(‘°D- '''';'" ''''' 72 ' 13' . 7? ' ''.,..,,,c,',4; milinsap,olis ...,. .. 6574 • • ' ...a.% Detroit,. 2 red' .. .. .. 70% ' 71%, St. Louis '•-• . •',.'• • • :, 00/1 .C344: . . . . ' British Marketa. . . . . r ondon ' Sept: 5 -Openin,•-wheat . on ' , • . , - • . • .. Coin, .,, . , ,.., 0. ptissageAdlet and steady. on pa sa.i,e rather .firiner. . ' .• , . . Sept. , . . , London. ,.• bt. 8 -Close -?lark Lane- Whent tiorcIrm flimi and rattim• dourer, IThig-' ,. „ . ,,, ,. .,,• -, ,t , ,i , , , . k ., .. , . , tl . asu rttuct., out s tat y, corc, ..1.11G11(:171 11.). 1 lug doing `Danubian TI)713) Anil, nutlitir ricarai fl . ' .A ' 'i ' n-, - le, , fa'. i •oa .., OM: Aura can .313. u :1 a it u..,Ine,..$, -,------------ HARVEST , EXCURSION , RETURN A/Arm-meg. • • ' ' ' Waskada.... Estevan...- ,larigin.., .... ,. A • I i co a . • • • . • 'Atoosothin.. taowallesa.a. " Minioto, .... , lilusearth• . . View •I•.,•wau Diver. . r ..rom itil vints . . o , • Marie, W.ui sor Tickets not .., , ,..„ , 101 pampide. to the nearest Canadian , cag P•tst‘. • t C' 'i '' '''' ' ' • ••• a Will be run ' SEPT. 16ilt S returnin.: ' until Nay.,„;,,,,,c?.. FAIR E,S to . Regina ...).$ •MoosQjaw. vorktona Pl.. Alpert) .111aeleod. l- ' ..I Calgary . • .,. Red Deery Strata- - ' cona ' in •V'zilfin `4i.nilti •-. Canada, - - , - and Eas:.. , . gdod on "imperial Limited."leading , r, .. . , . ,iAin.„ fin thm pm ticolars Pacific A goat, or , T N nt IN'PPil.V.ti'. Past. Toronto • ag - - 6 ' - • , - on 30 Sri 5 j , .fin ., 'Iti 91-.0 , • 7 apply to , Fancy Ro.okers Curtain • , Poles. and ' Trmanungs ,, a. . , o . , , Shades mouiumas elirroxs 1 t:, i 3 Pilow Pilow Sham Holders Hat ; Racks. Towel Rollers / . / &o., Picture Fratnino• a specialty , . Baby Carriages,(ao-carts,Express wog. on-, a Carts, Rocking horses, etc. - Undertaiiing'. I. carry a larr,e and well. assort. , . - • . .0 . - , ed stock in this line. In time of neec do not fail to call. , Th '• • i ' i t, o - • 1 e above stoch. IS "300.'4 •1 tom 1., -IE • '1,1. f• t •,:-• f C' ' i- i dim ac 111._ts o an,a,, and hough t at the closest price: and our expenses are. 10ty there fore We C:111 sell it at prices Whibi ; . - i-• ... will Stit'prise 1 011. •l) e us a ca., For Sale. , Several ' 'Valuable, 'Farms, in I-IAY, USBORNE, STEPEEN'p.nd McGILL-• CVRAV•••itlso Three verY desirable. Re- : iidence properties in Exeter. ' ' . . Farms , Watered. .. We ho've purchasers' for good farm ind ia thaa vicinity of Exeter, or who • CVill Exchange. ' ' ' ' ' ., . .APPLY , TO . , Vini, • Bavidui -David Mill , .. . , i , ,., i Vall.tai:01C ' ' "Manager: ' . ' , OFFICES: Dielcson & Carling's New Block, Exeter. ' ' ^ ' • f Li' . t... I l -. 1 ••(-) • 1, .'p• ' , 1011 / three United St.,ttes GeneralS a.rb ••,ucStS English more 'attiring, trnalnig dearel'.. ,,,„ . .„,„. .,.„„, ,, ,a5mameer i . . 1.(/11Ce 0 , 11..., C, 1. 11SLC (.,1 . „tine s Celery Comootool: an in Valria Idre rem- ecly, and will always be pletisal. to oly- a WO1'.1.1.01' I,•. - • , - , • , ' . of tile 1(aiser at the, Germany an" ineecouOres, in witicll 90,000 -troops are r1-1,10-ect9 in fl. f Mil (11i1.77S' sham. butlila i a- ' ept• S ----los-•\Alivat b,-e:n • SoP• ry .1 's ' -, ' . : - I -Coughs,'' t' iqicr'1.9f Inc' T In•3•01,- 'Intl Anril 'Of 1:;c e u110',.„, ......„,'.,,i,...... -3,,:i.,t,„1")3))„r ‘,.)-(i 33.e, iaullp:),-3; :Hifi Anvil 2•11' tIlle. '• Colds I oaraen an ' ' • 1 ess, a other thioat ,ailments rare quic:Itly relicyed by Vapo-Creso. leue tablets, ten cents oerliox, All diuffeists. before purchasing elsewhere. , , e saac P M I . ,... , . • • . 3