HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-11, Page 3THE DAliGER OF WORRTDTLL When People Break Down in Health It Is Not From Overwork, Motierlzd Accorajnz to„.,No ote seen:mew, et land. sell out, Trembles MOW into Catata, the. Tear One alioussee Nino ittrest 40. Tv% 144.11,40 eteteet eeteneteeet. epees afe, but they invariably came thenevemeaset HaesIteeteoweetwonst on the way awl at the time you did ,not expect. p 1 • • • • • 4, will follow those light-% 1V110 WO not read the ehapter from wlel our treasereeVehieVwhddh,"*".**P"..".4.TILoidnit ow „to a, doll i e veen on eay and do will influence others ito eh ; - * * * * * * * * * I *- I' s*•• g.clad-sjze'l ears al P3r44 reference to what they say or do for i leSS(In Is talle° wit11°14 11°t1elag. the ; a'"fs e ' o s D e ° 4 i frequent repetition of the name "the et „:7, quart of milk, A LeaSpoonful, of gmt. Or against ChriSt. l.f. by a, tru..!, God." not less than fee !,„ sh" el:- 011, .°11itt'll'a'sit °Otninefreotillz./' o7rfighethe eimPle faith, we ean trust Christ in, Te°111 thY •refereuee to the future both tem- tleetette Then if the Previous ebapters 4-h .a. dasial ote.014pper and 11 youioUla.tn, pmwojarikittersilsy:iyntan::::Tehutaeatptepiaygiiy. e:is Tia II :14)1 tooepan :, I ,,.1 i ,'to_l julipii:ist LI i 11.,xual_rued ,ti:he,e_esne ..fvecds...tb,,eTrue.. a ta.v,t141 lu_uc.oruIntiey ert .ti.:..)....04,..;„;..,.......,.....x...........,.,.:4;1.4.e.: ta:aasouto oltut 797: iglial,r ,at auati0eth; l'i 1Ce4r im's giQrmu''' ann leaeral ant"' • LACK OF TA= :te'N; oonoef Tor; PTalltoof thesoupaalritdd 'for me. I will trust Christ also le- the Lord, thy (o," itt gxeill 58. and cause that Man bale an Institentei there will eleuteless •ow to mind hack- of tat is respousible for Istar until thick- f4erve in a:. hot I aith Width 1 laeh." Mkt if* by wore, eteopter a, 6, 7, Ste the reason why Mora heart-402es and doodad clays tureen after paseing through a Pnrei 17ing., and fretting about the fookureei they sboute ober And serve -rune than many of us are whitest to ad- 'aiehh. we show that we de not trust Christ i lett they woe not 44.% now x.3.,,itne *ley )ait, A$ one Woman ex•pre,s.5es it; 3, then others will say : faith: feseleg Christian is PO better ea; theY moldered- ist'nerea need is Our thanglitle'lY Iluet °"11eirj letelnut bleneh aoe then aux. 1 6111111 not try to eat:et Pee 11 a e A deeoted busband tintetang ta Wash, eriep 4Co Cold weter, ao4 IF THIS PROhlISE IS '1'1111E. t, • A despatee from chicane says; - (lees not stend the test bat pre,. did net believe Itile evercla and toe "St/Ille PeePle se elltese." 4114 •-•-•••••,..• SALADS, itleeds eonstalithe e•oet-sely chop a pound of walnute„ la tents ebom that. mon ehunot le°511ess to heelk Omrs hold MN, the", pleesaetly eurptise his wife on her cut iato email pieees the inner Part Roy. Frank De Witt Talmage preach- is It not time for you to stop Your itrest." ' te see Him who said: "Thy law /I r t .41 f • It an e • n ad, trip nif f. handl ea from the followiag text; Mat- Ouselees fretting? is it Ilet. a senee- Due no Man eat) safely let the fu,A. within me heart e deneht to do The the 1411 ,,a,,,,°1 1 naN'te a A - ''' - - ---- of gem - Toes` them thew she 8e, "Sufficient unto the day less oeeupetion -to he worrYing tore take care of lasell ondees bea Will, 0 nil. 0o -d -i" and7;;IYing-leline' 'asdatQuit7gclfer"a 'emaPncePgre" "144 lutint- IlightlY In' all' "Vitnar.'-ilellaee an° iS the evil thereof." '4.about. certain troubles Nelda,. in all deals rightly with the p2 C1 sod .. rept in His' rigliteousnees. This ter Mir I "Whet did Youb sele'c't gtven for? , a (lisle arid surround them with kb ealt. Arrange them in the ceater *A eall.b. the advico the itylog man once ,• Wili *O'er eilliet your life? Des Yon present unless, be neals rightly wilt. CbriSt is gtving counsel, wiech en,..prebebility - judgea by the past-- no men eon deal rightly with . at,11,het redemPtion: then tor the deft life 1.1.,,ie ,IluVybYfeet°,41,14d1:v4`1.0,)rel-ellidlozi: iltV44te..dyas„ .tieier 1,uleee- Imata4s:11.1 ei$1;iethwaitiftewm iteelves gave te hio children. After calling not feel that, the old English pro- God, or, ra.ther, let God deal rigatlei wh° redeemed us Mug nVe kt nem aose his sons ATol deughters to his bedside 'verb is rieht wittch declares: You With ililll. Are You and. I in to 4 h eat! es we let Him eaee us 'without any, vullEalie u1111.$71-1151°°,,es, re -111°1'14° the wit.° isnuee. :,-tonnaist the deing father said; "ely chile- -must tattt ereee the bridge until You with Jesus Cbrist so that Christ can! Nrorks o4 OM'S "re OMSt let WM wOr.k. . Not rtneolx,r- Onr4,033.,„. titmx,ks,sfialle,38fnUoreflal'oul.F°4rbaoPriklpee ell"/1414 ren, I have own a let of troubles in ;imitate tothe journey of life awl aria tale charge of our future; 10 Oa both to will wed to eta or easeeo the extra hours apd exPense i tender etiough to admit f sit Wit my time. I lieve seen so many iyou will And UlaP3r blidgeS dOWIL for os ? If we are. eve are etex.nally i geed nieaeure, workin I u tb t "--e troubles tbat they bave completely ,You will diseover that the sPeing all right- If We ere not in touch Videlt IS well PlesS111:1114111 7413:rlilitalt4 ,r,:gar welt: ruestt. frpn grausst Illeilideodoiltr 1r:el Worn ma Out, and that is the reason freshets have serePt AWAY the em- with Christ. We ore eternally la; 21). OnlY fie we Ale would have chosen. but alie mo- o badeelet powdered sugar preeent relationship with Christ is censtraioed to eleid our whole helot„ a IIOWS ; *; Mixed with a talhesPoonful •each Of not all right. then I be of you_ eessot to met ghtee surrender. :-"prep'ar.;ation-Ort scer'rltlat"sti, '.11eaf 'behgatidileSimeant.4 we:MI:eh shbeotgurl: to stand still ,nntll you can. et naegualete4 Jews ebelea iespeciat fondness. Ile eats Abele. t° ' most he quitdissolved e givig saviour. Will you draw close with . that I am now dying. ethert I ought banloneuts upon wbIch countless to be in my pbyeacel and meatal abutments were placed. But, in all D prime, ue the saddest part of It is prebability the bridge yow worry that most, of my troubles lave been most about will be firm enotagit end, imaginary troublee. They have strong enough to tear you over its been urtneceesary troubles. They ' stream. although you may have to have uot been troubles of the Immin- wade into other- angry waters a wrong. Dut„ . my brother, 4 yeug• see We, great lere ne will we be ‘;thao. Mout 1 base-beee .repeteelatee. 1 ' • against the loving heart of the fora; l'inrra7 $a7a" w° 131114t D?euxu° bettee' she her lalsbalal 12 (U. i the 15°44 l'eede4/' as the Falgal to gbetsgs bleeding. wounded de SU for ns. The linewledge ef the greats be °lir!. hut 41ever word• thaahg A New Salad Pressinga-A KlelidOW ;or praose doess. he utter. In, fact. he thressie for oven selads awis made b en to -d. but co t the vtnary to- little farther on /wee you as a time elemsi . etts Deal. and glery of 'Jesus t 0 steer_ et ,;terees dtem aa matter of course., rutin paq- to;41c9p040.101 0-* um4 morrow. Tkey have been troubles Anticipating erolaajes, le earo late coureged by Christ's love and the° ef g Strong end hely lit% Tbis :oneeitopiy is-ooree her tameghleoaalidee in bovej. mows ietonoon, WWII: 'would uever hare bothered ' cause tbe pment, dutig of WO tax etreegth he giveyou. look p ipto edge an be reeled erdy in the Ward at ;pees, A few kind words would have, full of celery- ead. seds-peonna unless / bad gone tertei aud bloated ,inintest everY inaleS PhI;OiCal And the face of your hkevenly leather OW', Interpreted te Us by the Hely amply repel(' tile Lind little Newnan white pepper, awl daeh en cayenne them out. of their leis and troubled tneutul resourcee to the utmost lita- and etty, "Thy wipe 0 Lora, and not Spirit. but the Hely spirit ennunt non. ,Q1u4 COat 121111 mithing.AMIN in a little at a thne. alternate, theM- The things that have given 1i it, we read with eetrow *toil ted- mine he done ?" win YOla believe whty iced ue Into the power end the A loving, devoted mother whit/ had ely, three tateespooneas or oil aye 31122 IllOst Concern have hem the nitration About the pathetie struggle him ? Wilt yoa trust him ? 'Will • bieesing or oedos wore mans with spent. mane weery bows in the mak- te two ot hittwice stir ad tilt thlnds ihot never leeppened. So I sir Walter Scoa made In his old charge you, my dear children. if you lige to pay off his aebt' Uy a fool - mid serve God with your best phy- Ise breestifieut be Weenie responsible • you cotiannt your preeent mod there- (Mr whole benrt we hearken te Hitt -"IS o! a new INWa with whteh to etinte, •or the ingredients will eePeee fore your tognorrow Into his care ? ensue Rh/we- eatd. aihe word" :wpm° her ;stow daughter, lieard tate. Add o, tomesp000d iiemi,3 that 1 epeek Mato you are epirlt Mid 't1111S the 1.1111°Illt/g Ungrateful "ri'b4 :mit chives. or an crewel =meet et e life" (John v, 63). " Wg"t 48 bill- 2241 "Wer " for something line $4100enote "itberzu suNDAy scacm oheY the wer4b.3 which mom, , magic peo he went to Wea. Hee • , _ - slake ill ifis l'OMOUS fieratteln workoll atirloo. the day. He worleedi " toe 11°,,,tehtellgehate„,hleathr, 113,, derieg the night. He worhed when • """ ha"" "a" walatiug upon the street. He lived ltd.550N XI, THIRD QUARTER, INTER,' thought for tho thews of neelf. said worked roe the ono ourpoea, Slink -lent until the day le the evil that of beirig able to Fay ne lowed thereof,' "` uo man a teeny. lint while be 1. orke My glorious text teaches almost ,ed lie eti worried over this debt ebat, NATIONAL 8E11158. SEPT. •14. 1.••••••••Pmem TI1E JOY OF BUILT/IWO. egul 11 t IAA 114 'tfl .-ehervd or fresh tarrogon leaves. aoshirt Instead of tuching tt. nutenuali j'hon know I am utterly tired of Mite stuetovreo setoTs. and never meant to have another; 11 A cleaner gave away eaougu o but 'secrets ler rettovatiug Aruft,terials tires ot Our Own. 'your house !oohs squatty." iProve VerY Val1122ble to W0011111 the Tetuan, Rees* axe. 31,14.e. "Nvelw man**. eeld budder.1 "Why did you not choose the Col- • if gasollese, mnahtha*, or benzine 1t .,00,15 a pleasure. which iltay easily onfal style of architecture?" re- the Cleanieg Auld, the amatem • * • be a great delight in the Vaall4ed a Caller t° a 11/4/Y` who had 'dean" 4°4'5 1:11tell that the 1451 dress of that color. led in the Reeriug ot Strue- "Your grounds are Peewit t.sactly the scone lesson that air. ti -sic- elute to bine 1110 lleevtler Oe Pr1"5311ted 141e1: he "141' and said, *neir Walter. if yott do not I 1 "1"): '1?* 4-"C"v1111°434111111P7 rvelmt"4 *4 ''' 1 a gal 3 i test ettoved iota a, fine new home. ',state 14 the cloth is worse than tie "All time Is diVided ilia° three • et I- .. eei b be Ilea, ea )1, mamma ..on 0* any eiteteng weatever .n qui , . , „ , , , . . ,e,...e, . e severe. 'Tee vest belongs to Mettle • l reeneright. Itteet be Amerion Peres aeste tebe man who wields a, chicken eoop, and eaid nothitog about the lateen :.rittg of diecoloration that ntark' tht whit* be is pyre-et:telly intereeted. " 4* "414. 'IMO ateatir44 111(.1 modulus v‘;,, aromas be spot win. be 1 evir.,0 we:he-nog you W* ( il?.. ' 1 1 r44116,0',"tillt Valfit• tho present and the that tee meek and regret. the present to con- MAC:1(71AX OF etunciTsiviii) i with his own hands in Ms Welt -yard 11111e4' somethlug tole-he...tot could stain. Inure thoroughly than 4114 tie lira- To prevent this the fahrit ceattene ^ 11`14" The ererIl le ver$ °g14 aata thee"enjoys the w t; of buildhow it and have 111'eu 511111? 141114111"141 Wall" 1120 (ullnm hatted atP and g Ivo a ',vial 54.1110 89 In Per reoute and tn thr heart, that thoa er h * h 1 "WLao. t tact on the part of a guest. ,slotruld he eleaued witit a photo of tin "1"ell!"14 le 11111:17 1141/Pe 451titt e eald hys doctor. as /wag- do its. umeeet when the chicken coop is doom he is 4 0 pretty illtely to regard et as about has made many a hostees noteerafert- Villille good% the sloth rubbed tomtit - 14111 ' trauat." It teaches Mut" a "reed °l throe debt is tree leer over my head" Re foresaw that they Wellid Wender ° ' able lad epolled on otherwitie please "wiee. and with the weave. Vote futon* 4.vil is dielionoring to tied. , 1 cennot beep worreeeg, 1 enow trout Run awl he nattered among„Hui slielteet thlug in chickee coops * $ .,!•$ „, .4 Of its sieee that there is in the neigh,- dUt /4Sit" time rubbing until the material it guud Gad win be true 40 the might a5 wolf go loui aiv cock er nal otos, au e tent Ult S eat horltood. " Det a, bleseed WV 1S- Why need WO hurt our friends with ,perfectly dry. if these direcLiout 14411w'e it 41°144 11'llether the tiotrietiate ma, Mayne d it " d' treat we leave hlaced Itioto. mod ; 1 at i the reeve not what te do in such a case an , d white "pow -Won of providence we thine our eetreme franhatess. which really -are carefully followed. it is safe 14 whether he will , we o our o amounts to rtatieneee? In order to clean the MOst delicate materials. re111417 heeP the: to boll es to C01100Mild soy brittle not • Be Wollid do whet: they returned to - practice frankness and eitocerltv. we nroiniseto lie has made to hie people. ;:to Ayarry.,.. _,, a J. lin114 ntay even Mid great pleae- I POI.T,OMORM•141.111.1111•11.11.11•••••• 6 RIM With the whale heart. 111 theato 'me wilttelang the erection or a need never say dleagreeable. unkirod STEEELDVST. hati tknie I*1 hest' 1414 level and eanvelen- °all` the °red inhat 4"44114(' th t th means or their redone, built; but a greater joy be finde in t`14,41tillgo an inherent quality, it Can Ill 4'14141" 111" "Itce u, C11113441111 Aft worry nets the pleveleal frame overdue; eerseit or our glean tens berm, or a stable which be is heNjog ;things. Whoile tart is. generally t1:1111/ 111%t* lle h1111111d the° ing1131Y 'thitalt elearly ; It overtire:, tbe eal a 4l tho bending or a house which be is to a certain extent be cultivated, injurious Effects Are and confidently le21.4"0 the, future in 11 , ten ri tbe garliotia, or Hon did Itet have to be seught In he himself to occupy. Every step in Heinous fest ten . God's hands, -end I, 1 fa Wont the turntithe, 12t. of t12t.LAISNDERISHM XO I" WTS AIS. II ',nerve centree haw imperfert Connee- en nor at the Cada et the earth, but i IN GOD'S HANDS ALONE. Mine or complete disconnection. iihe wWs IttWayft nigh them. eheSto 2X %'l.12 tof eartlo in the digging ot teaelies that no matte'. how hope- ' them ft) bear gt epos peep ' t Few pereons realize what a ea 1 te a 4 1•le VI OR wires latee t , 1 e t Itis tfot neceesary to tautly tits "au agent is the serintaing.eart al eye, the digestive owes unto Self being their riehteolffineSS. It they WW1& of the completetkehlugeitturetre tuslkiimt Platte!" to hhow that tine is our cities arid town% because few ap- innot ler shirt waist themon. for they predate the dangers to health toul *outlook. if we know and trust God, lamb ' we hillIllid Iet our gospel faith Ousel `IDAY refu"'l properly to aselmitate wanhered from Wm into unrIghteous• Niklw6 wIlth delight' fears that fret and teatte mod tantal-1 19 ("Indent ffiV u; lt'IIIIF 4,1? 4,I41 LIIIW it thf 1°151e111111ea (11 t to return to Hillt from whom they lug it may be both deep and hem us thee' do When wearing them. They 1 Solutions efiects of etseet thost ieese hutenney e.peatang. inay he the i! breonte brohen Or crossed : two worry life %lett hork •in duet. estealfalih boat° be not a, eosteee but eery are to be nen on every heatd. and atenx an the doubts owl worries and ;the food upon which the human body t nem, there was no way for them but n re ei lite . ; ato it is the toren:mar or all wandered, An unenointed eye WOulde I ...The emu who erects a en/slimes are enitable for almost auy 0000.• are or two kindeathose due to tin men as the rising mai seattere "loathe fatal W. -emelt by which the bu- Mom -Wrar &Ind Whell Carefully mechanical insere or the gritty pow. diatoms and tee invenetraeie , man race 18 111;,;allided and destroyed, • nut see tbe death and ,resurrection of women newer htok trim aloe neat e a dust.; modest ono, the joy he finds In huge,. bufldiugictirraoTtlitiSnwhilitS 10 hiinseit. laundered, look fresh and plate": as der and ,those due to the ection ot or to gratify a 'natural pride. to long as they last. It is wither COB.. the disease germs t.outeinial in it. gamin of the night. 11, „wiles net ses It is att tealoti the for you to ` Christ 111 these worde, but thnt wlaat lao matter how darh °MI threatenieg fret, and worry ahem, the !metre and Paul by the Spirit saw here wheu he mote be the uhrielting tornadoes of trouble the tempo! tetinbowe ehould loe hie. enough to arch the widest of destroy your tires two -Mimes and in - /Inoue. can .wo net es tru,, q210ted. these werds Rena 0,8, f " when he was setting forth that Owlet e meet the (WON; of the present day; is the end of the law for rIghteetosuesa borleons rind bright enough to suave one leave the eleinuarn future In to over e one that believeth. When we 1 h rough oven a shower of fall hog h , God's, hands, ? Worry Is not. 21 harm' ; stand with God end see from We tears. Antielpoted troubles rarely hap -1. lrityskaignel...111Yrtiltunionthosencttltealtutoter.danit,ah,,,ya.1 standpoint. we see His way of right. pee. De this I do not mean that if eed Nat. et'hs in "feu .4hici) has! de -1 eousness set forth eVerywhere from " 1110" w°111d eetlse to wtirrY 1 :D.e.Ietroyeti more victims than lime 010r i Gem Ha Ili. 21. ou to Hee. 1", 9, 104 and meld get Al. divine Passport woned been Aube upon the geed or battle 1 onwardAud it is always wis own wore, uould protect him forever. from the or ground to pieces between the op- i rough baud of trouble. 1 he cup of , per nod the nether nenstow 8 of nud His own work alone, by which 130 e 1 pert-veto:ion and slander. Beware ; bring3 people near te Ulm Or reef tom eortow must be pressed against PV-. 44)7 "Ma" BP. The 01d °Yes* a' 1 how ,OU allaW RR fatal Pl+.011 tO thtla %VIM °WY "Mier 411.113* ma well as the young eytee must becoone !enter your sinful beart. Hint, tomatoes of Leers. I eatit ange ae well as birth ang,el must nap the 12 bog over a Plituelohes palace as 13. la. I command thee this dl,.., to love ANT1CIPATIelG TROUBLE t ,e ' 1. Lord thy God to walk In RIB Waye murk his success among his fellows ventlen ;err OrOn0Mical fOr umfm?ilinten One realizel4 that the street& finds a great joy in that. too. It Is Imusethl'ers th semi these Sorments OV011' well-cleatted citiee, ere a re, of a, different kind, to he sure. from .1." luuna,lrhh nor lit ceptaele for all eons ot eitha-the that o e lOr M.. worn MI be 00110 at JIAMIU eoyiug ‘egetable matter. stale ou but a great ley all QS Sana4. W"14 10" 1104117 10 110110"111 eelurs vigor Mumps, hansom shins ono ree pie parings,. nuniere and. expeettona, "But no doubt the greatest ea %valets should Hat lit% matter,e-ground up into a 11111 Of OR to be found itt d 1°1111 1111Xthh1S that Wihl lalt Powder eeith soot and Particirs 01 -sand and cobblestones, one rag readily underbtand that disettee may be caused by the inhalation of clouds of such duet. Them; is no doubt that many caw* coneumption are direetly due te eo on. otte it they were wilt away. that experienced by the mined-. io. wash Ideebh When hev°1111 s°11ed tiie blinding or chum+. .1 WaihtS aWait. your attention. put. ... them in the tub and cover with would he a great pleasure owner would .ierive from 1. , meet water iti which a little borax leg of a splemild hotme of 1 , *Is iseat tlissoleed. ltub lightly, . 1.- ne enough good soap to get them tato st o lett , • I i se thrOt4g11 two Waler4. lugs told cartiuge and what 1. 1.1.1 .elenth mu. , . . the dust of city :streets. The gritty I; greeter peelieure still is *het lame illaer a loolleu etstratilthalfue'llya,wm,t4111esn,:s• ..tartrutliecleosi itiiireittleitoesetlatenil trztoli;outoys. in the building of a church. maltieg it. Nery t eThe church may be a beautied are of thleic nutter . 1°1 1/r albttle 'Set up eatarria teliich, prepares the is a form of intelleetted end place, with painted windows and .„ e„,„ thieeer they are of dimity of Mit- . if they are of d o tut. in goat numbeis in tin .211 24 soil for the tuliereie bacilli, prevent well ns over the Poor man - - ual sin by which, some me» are This, the Spirit says through ?doses, !lenity hello or otio- f • • Ond &1St. but The spirft..2 end 10 heel) His conommodments. tine -marbles and it is a structure of 'thee' easing its clapper to ring out a • of this sin they caunot thank God tl et street -ton of it. it is all on. a W.; well. 'Then there are wring thent as dry us possible. for joy- in a, wedding chime and joyment of present blessings. ileettotee ing„ and He faithfulty set it before ;niittv.novel details to look after in ".haultr them in the shade. The wash- Other diseases may also le ceased eillege church bell, which can throb !blinded to the appreciation or en- Is life and good, truittuiness and bless- th they might choose the right gli,e0ned 1SCttle: it IS 1.;) be 'the home. " hie and drying should be done quick - that ease% al rOrkjaw„ which some - in the Faroe way. tont it is believed tliristionts carol, is; the sante bell , le to produce the best results. tuat can toll out a slow. melancholy children. Illey cannot thank God - thatTbus also did Joshua before be not of one household, merely, but of P kor the ironing. you will need 0. time.e *c.c:ettr without any presioue for their lotitog wives and devoted eei; u via*, eat aim tee ete , le left them, urging them to fear the Lera many. It is safe to say that from common ironing board and a. narrow wound arise from the elite -thee 0: leg tney Wear. They' cannot thank and serve Him, and yet te mg II' them to the putting down, of its nest then- *51:he," poard, Cover these board i $!the ger/it of this disease inter the (lime. The 1101.1Se of feasting least aer the roe. ,.. . . ,. . u become the house of -mourning. The - , orange blossoms, end (*press 111.111•14 1,4,o foe their opinntimities 01 „me. make their ebolee (Josh. xxiv, 14. 15),, dation none -through every stage 011 ‘,.'"11- ,i'we or tinve thickneSS" et:bronchial tubes from the dust of tee fulness and foe health and Iffe. They • and encoureglug them to a right deei- , a _ . „ its can:erection it!the fihttl emu- 11"11111e1. then with 0 white cloth. I streets\ The arconnt of dust in * , grow side by eide. It is by trott- hi in that God trains his children, to platoon rum .opentrig. the n "Pieter !Prepare It cold starch inst. aN SOU city "teen according to the care they might. haVe had ; of Some- dded, whatever- they might, do, The finds in. the building of the. el:Sire'''. o I. lv°111(1 1.11° *white shirts. dis"tve " 'taken to clean the streets., but it i are always thinking of e,oniething sIon by telling them bow he had de - do the work for wlete, they were . tended. It. is by the to en mar . . - o pinch of bOrax in it, and dip the emits especialee •with the kind ot tithes teat might be taken away. righteensness which Is reguirea is to .4. - that he is able to anake hie song- 0 t- Then have no gratitude in their love the Lord - Our Godewith all our h els t • le . '' • ' - - hearts to God for anything. AN APT OtIOTATIOne. In ninety-nine cases oat of a hun- , yienasilsisto . wring them out, wrap ra a. clean their e sweetest music. kiss has in it for them the stiEng"lo71 heart and soul and strength and our a scorpion leveey stnibeam is neighbotrn as ourself ' bite cloth half 011 hour and they deed the troubles which did yon the eclipeed by a dark cloud. Every an un in is Is rtnit.idaly)reAecteotol.i"atulg„- •wwill be ready to iron. Press 1110111 song has in it the echo of a requiem. for us by another We are unr gb eons Lealkthaera,b27u, s o); ta8.at°eildle iy e practice of having the children quote . with . a moderately hot iron until troubles which, as a. tiger, leaped up- and a death rattle. Everv moment and cannot inherit the kingdom (I Cor. • eome Scriptural text as they drop- 'thoroughly dry, and they will bo most, serious damage were those . pea their pennies into the coatteela stiff and nicely .polished. E, J. 0. not the troubles tloat lay crouching d- and glaring and threatening you ' in stanchful corpse. such unrighteous ones and makes them _ Week. walking by the casket of a ' question, a little shaver walked up broad daylight in the open pathway righteous with His own righteousness. end said: "The Lord loveth A. CORN ItECIBES. just ahead. worry I want you to try an expert- ! . cheerful giver," and in .dropped his In order to overcome this sin of 17, 23. Ye satin surely perish. - THOSE SERIOUS TR01113LES mend Every hour of every day try He plainly forewartm them that ' if penny. 'Charity shall cover a. mula pork at, in a, deep kettle, two silo - Cora ChoWder.-Fry in butter or mine to you as the little pygmy was to think of the biessings God has 'they turn away from God and Worship tithde of sins," and in dropped the ed redoes. , When tender, add eight supposed to have come to the king given to you instead of trying to ra, ether gods this is what will 'happen, next. "It is more blessed to ai e '''-\--- potatoes, sliced thin.- .Serisou well of old. 'When. the pygmy asked the' member all your troubles. lf 3•cru `... . not because their God 'desired it, but than to receive," quoted the third, with pepper and salt, cover with hot tereata monarch for permission to have a poor memory, I want you to because if they re use is eve an • t, d la- 1 d end so on, Just then, up walked a tl . water, cook a few minutes, then add • 0* that •is promund collars and euffe ie. When everv pee:emcee, macadamized streets be ing in this respect the worst and the asphalted streets the best. Dm city streets, no matter how paved or how well swept, need constant „ watering to keep the dust laid, aud particularly is this the case since the automobile ana the trolley -ear have come with their rapid Jima. dmuesiitt, which raises thick clouds ol In. some places in tbe 'United States the experiment has been made of sprinkling the country roads with petrolemn, and the results, far as laying the dust is concerned, are good.. The oil, however, soils the dresses of ladies, and is therefote objectionable. Better results hit *1 been obtained reeeetly France by the appliCation of coal -tar, which makes a earface like asphalt, but not so impervious, capable of arresting the 'dust; aarej,eleS as they form anew. and ineorne'd,ating them in its sell. In cities, •hoWever, this is int practicable, and the wat(2ring-cilia is there the only sefety.. thread of the material is saturated, on you unexpectedly from ambush, is for them a pallbearer clothed in vi, 941), but the grace of Gotakes tion box. On the first Sunday in little fellow with the munistalcable sweet C0111 tut and scraped from yule over all..tbe.lande which his litIle,ehort limbs coald cover •in theeeasteps, the royal consent . was derisively given. Then the insigni- ficant ,dwarf ismnediatelet aprang up , into,* the stature, of a, huge 'giant. With one stride the glema etepped take a long sheet of paper anti Ie only way remnants of molasses candy on his . . write those, blessings down as yam for them but perishing because of their chubby face end, as he drop,10, ka, eight good-sized taus', ac ng mate think of them, and then every little own willftilness. See the strong words • „ " "Le water, and boil half an hour. Add cent, he bawled out: A fool and while take up this paper apd read concerning* God's unwillingness to have, his money are soon aerted." Et quart of boiling milk end two tea - over the list. You are goingatte be any one perish in. Reekxvlli, 23; . surprised, overwhelmingly eile'Lirieed, ;Kxxiii 11; John iii. le; et Pet. 111 at the great ntimber of b essings S th lo ,‘ f G -- o* th wondering • ; sp o on fu s of bu tt er rebbe.d sinooth Witil tableSPO011illl of flour. Add SAVED 1,800 LINfee4, 'further seasoning and let the whole ' ' , Le e NE. 0, 1 e 03 tp I and the 'lost in Gen. Ili, .when lie There is- a 11;este in I-Iavana, ticaoss the Janda with anol.her stride you eah put down. *,e Corn Septa -Cut the, cOrn from the giant steAped across. the seas, Anticipating trouble Is, a eln soueht out Adam. and elveein the beate \v tech probably has ea*ed the lives 'six large ea„ turn into a saucepan ,end with a third stride the -giant eause it exhibits 'a I ' I- , e er' i'-1°SPr! • r k. am wen es el of 1,800 human beings. This' unique conteinhie two tablespoonfuls of • lifted his sledge hammer fist and sWept the trembling7kiag„,01.1 t h r on e. • YOur treubles, to. use coniparison;- came like aoclap of thunder and a stroke, of...alight- ' inn out of a. clear sky. They came es a, thief, aot .day, but by night, in a way and at a time you clid not expeet them. A's a business Mall yeti have often worried about this, that and the o1.1101'• 'tiling%• You •have worried ehout whether the firm that failed would ,be- able to pay for tim. goods ey bought. You • have worried about the tarill' laws and the elec- tions. You hove worried about the rival eameern which settled on the next bloek., You never thought that a 'worse trouble. eoeld come. to ,yete than the- loss of your store. •:You never thought that, yoer own health could break down an.1 that you • aroto0 hatai to resioe from the firm faith to . the 1 t nbeli evers arouna yo t 1 , 1 SLUL1411 ' 3 11 11 ftV11 110.13 philallthropist is Ocept hot butter `eeeson with half 1 tea - W110\ might OlhOrWise ,ltie willing to all His dealings with -Israel, end re- laboratOrV Which ' ' ' ' - helidve in' the atoniter, saying, in- member that Ile sayse "I am the Lord. Ile (1111•P,' t ' as -ear Inetitti te 'of enealti-' spoonful of salt, a seltspoonful , of spirit:1g and reeretiting rower of tho I change uot;" "Jesus fihrist the enme 11<.'e • pepper atet , half a statspoonful of 1 i.ore, t* is .t011?lded hY a newspaper. blood of the 'Lanib. Talk as we yesterday, • today and forever" (Mal. • • • • • n to tlmt • in- 1,,,, maim.% rrv Ibr ten inimites, toss - IS 11°1 St "6 gl" ine it well .,ere on half a cupful may, we ecumot get away from the ill 0* Heb xiii 8) -I 11 . • , • Sll 111 1800. 35'r0111 that year up of cream and etiolc one minute. Serve overvenelming .ftict that every Pro- ia 20. Ile as thy ilfe and- the tentab of o date it is .sala to have imecl ,flisa hot. . ,fe,ssieg .Clii•istian is -1.s e, city set, thy dayS. 'Pt' 000 cubic cenemetres of anti - le , Corn ritters. -13eat two egg's neon a, hill for all untetievers to Not anything apart from HIM, not diphtheria 22.0111111. Willi a record to without Separating, addone cupful look at anything Nye can do, but He Himself .11,500 cures. • of infra one 1)51)1)01 pulped, ,green AND TO BE GUIDED BY. is our life, and there is no life apart I corn, two-thirds of a teaspoonful of 1-1. has been said that no cooa er from Him. The New Testament makes i . Sled ge--"1V 11 a 1 11113 Lilt., et 0 4 co u s t- eat, one-third of a teaspoonful, of chambermaid or butler or other em- this SO very plain le such Passages 118 I , f -hip do.es he use?" pepper and just sufficient sifted flour PI eye ever entered tlie house of Jobe a 11, 12; Col. 514 4• John xiv, 9.and Prati-"0, he tiffects to have found to make a thiek batter -the amount Vhilio Brooks'liut lie or she became' ,the Old 'Testament 27a27105 not, for hear the only girl in. tlle 22711(1 1111- varying according to the ,milkiness a ,Olielletian, if not tilreacly one, tho soul's cry 111ste:1i words as these: Oerstends hon. tily°11g11. lila influence °I that gl'eett "Aly soul thirsteth for God. for the ------ of (1162 corn. Beat fora teoment, add one t.i esp o on fu I of melted but - So our Christian rights cannot be living God" "Whom have 1 In heaven' 1-p (0 1,\I-aol-ei Yeare :tee. It was ter, 011001)dt adbrloOpSI3b0y0111s1.1131,0 0 101 ff obsa 12.105 alld good gospel nanieter iloeton. but Thee; And there is eone upon i's"arY estilnalea that Olir .1 1 n(os- 110Ivder. 11)10 trhey; _are Ialse „arnd ,thapite /loom so_up, (ps, 11't(c,'.vtil.:;e'lli,31,10-sf,riscipiluclitS:076 1,10,v %1ilh(c."), 12.1011111 sci1(7,..1-.ecavneiro7f.h(o,to.1.1 , Ue !iglus, tote wortd elle, 4. tine eau- , - t, otia -- hidden tnalei. busliel. .1 they are 1 etaiie. ems hot, 40 niilem deep 11. is 110t '1' 5 they false the World; .1 ettrth that I desire heelde 11)55021. ghto _11111 , t, • . . a. brown 0.11(1 1 1110 „ . t(e-tie:tee of 3.1)e4Ithe grains end Pi•ttes ote. Vele ELECTRIC TRACTION% Althmigh the predictioes freela made a few years ago that the de velopment of electric traction would quickly drive horses from the. field of labor have not been fulfilled, yei the Electrical Review' cites statistics to prove that the disappearance ot the horse is actually taking plaza altbough so slowly as not 10 attract nilleh attention. In Paris the num. ber of horses fell off about 6 Fel cent. between 1901 and 1902. 16 London the decrease in the 511131* time was 10 per eent, in Berlin Vienna, alid St. Pete] stiurg a similar falling off is shown hy the census et horses. Tri. New Yorf:. it IS esttruateci that tlie number of horses has, de- creeeed 1111 r0i' (0111la the lass ,