HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-4, Page 8Stock Taking Inducements. We piopose • talking• stock shortly anal we also propose to give a bargain in every wait or garment put mit, by us before we start the joie ChoiceGoods. We have some of the elnoicest, moose fashionable and nee -to -date goods to he haad, time gonna Fon es good selection to choose f rorty., Remember When we say we ave going tog give bargains we paean that, but they will only last genets stock tak- ing's over, so leave your measure OWpoppy' i1 . Drop in and get oer prices axed I be t;onavaueed of what we say. TAMAN begat Ttailaar: 'j illY8181P Wei ave inst received a fine lot of Ladies' aanderskzrts, made of good. Black Satana with deep flounce and 6 rowsof narrow frills: around bat, teen. Some are lined: rand, some un;; lWed., at very special prices, $1.25 •end $1,50, Stewart's. Livingstone -Wylie eon eat, Fair night, Sept. 23rd, If you want to be healthy, wealthy: and wise use Harvey Bros. Star Flout% Thenpen seitson for wild duck open- ed on Monday And willeloseDee:ernber 1st. Oarr eustorners say they never had as good, a flour before. A few hackings will be mire to eoravinee yott of the trnthof it, Uv g Enos, Turkish Scalp Food is the best rens- etly said for Rebhan' of the scalp, pre- mature falling of ate hate danda1litre- storing color of ey hair. Price 50 cents. Sold by ', Lutz, Exeter .As a, general tonic for the system and to enrich the blood, nothing will equal Eland's Laxative lelood and Nerve Tonic fists, 100 pills iia each battle. Sold by C. Lutz, Price 50e. A little negro boy threw up to an, that his mother took in, wasix- fng, "Course she does," replied, the apt er, "Didyou 'speetshe'sgwine to leave it hengin' orat on de line while our daddy is oast of jail. We believe almost, everybody with. in lege h rises Star Flour, but rf you have not trued: it do so anti be convine. eel that itis the best floor on the anger. stet. DARN= Duos. The eroutinned wet weather daring f 0 a ,Judy and the early part of A ugoiet bias swag eetd :ra great deal of rot aauacang, the potatoes nerd what at one time proms teed to be very laige erop will only new be anaverage one, 11VAD Al: F,ICB TORONTO ROI authorized........ S2.000,000.0: ital Subsrcilaeci .. ,Sl0 :rial?,teitet e EXETER BRANCH rings Department Every erre has been showing LOY .4T4TY to the KING And now is an op- uue thee to show LOYALTY to nreelf by opening a SAVINGS eNK, aaeeount in the SOVEREIGN RAH EXETER or CLINTON. where. highest rates of interest are )larriti on deposits of Si and imwerele. NOTEdiseounted at re.asnata ble e tease ratAFTA 1.' ni r and Stall:?. 'ECI1lL ittrntk n gicele to ffan;mere cattlemen'e lentsariess. .tic`„GE;4EBALBANNING liI ;yIL1• 3Taloa V ii!Ii, G eeDMAM. F. R, EARN, Si: ie:tar. Nanette tiessrs, Bowden & McDonell ship. ped as eaarltaad of importea stallions and mores Wednesday to the Tolerate Ex- lril+ition. Mr. lit; Smith also shipped, a ear of thoroughbred cattle for exhibi- tion at the sante fair. Leber Dray passed off very quietly in town. The purposed lacrosse match between Aliso Craig and Exeter did c` not sua{tera aline bet as very interesting: game of ltasrbsali tool; plwee on the re. ereFatiota '},`rtiaanels nn the afternoon be. tweets two packed !venal to nus, result,. itng in aa. t.ie. t has Wen generally reported tha MI. t. A. Holland. Exeter "North, had rented his fame in Hay to►vnsbip. hut: the report is entirely withs►att AMA. anon we have Keen inked. to have the tarneesantrittlictesl. If there is arty: Neon in search of first -dies farm in a •liusl lorstinn they shortlel at once see a. Holland or communicate with him. The Rev, R. Meetosh, Id, D., lector of tie treed to reach Chatham, is antl i Anniversary ants. Iiia vest Thanksgiving sermons in Triti itt M'emordni Church on Sunday next. Sept. 7th. No word of commen- dation is needed for lir. McCoslr as be is well 'known to the people of :Exeter n., il, very e:lrnest and eloquent preach - Everybody dy is cordially invited to erviees. ae. W, Johns has again decided to open ng a tailoring business in town and will occupy the premises recently raesated by Mr, W. V. Taman, on the east side of l.Iatin street The building is now undergoing repairs and lir. ns expects expects to_ be ready for business in a few days. He will put in a coIn- 1►1t'te new stock of tweeds and bein sa st class tailor we are not sur prised tla;at lir. Johns confidently anticipates ates that bee will, get a fair share of the trade. Boy Waisted. Good smart bey wanted to learn ;printing. Apply at this oilier. pronto Fair Visitors. The following are visiting at the In- dustrial Fair,Toronto,th is week: Mrs. F. J. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. J A. Stew- art, firs. W. J. Carling and daughter, Louise: le H. Dickson, Rev., R. Mill - yard, S. McTaggart and Mrs. A. Mc- Taggart, Miss Mabel Kemp, Miss May Sanders. Death of Mrs. Balkwill. It will be sacs news to many to learn of the death of Mrs, William Balkwill, who was summoned to her long home on Wednesday evening, last week. at the age of 33 years, 9 months and 3 days. The deceased had been in deli - rate health for a long time but had only been seriously ill about two months of tumor of the brain. Mrs. Balkwill, whose maiden name was Ada Jane Fanson, daughter of thelate Mary Ann Fanson, was much respect- ed and news of her death will be re- ceived with deep regret. Besides a sorrowing husband she leaves a family of three small children—one son and two daughters. who will have the keenest sympathy of all in their sad affliction. The funeral took place to the Exeter cemetery Friday. Foot Mangled. The friends here of Mr. F. J. Carr, of Duluth, Minn., will learn with re- gret of the unfortunate accident that befel him recently in that city. In re- ferring to it Mr. Rich. Pickard, an old Exeter boys, says:—''A most painful, and what might have been a very ser- ious accident, happened here Tuesday morning, when Mr. F. J. Carr, while superintending the removalof some mining machinery, at No. 5 warehouse of the Northern Pacific Railway Co., land the misfortune to have his left foot badly crushed and mangled. It was not thought necessary by the doc- tors to amputate any part of that mem- ber, as it is hoped by careful attend- ance and care to ward off any evil ef- fects. However, it will necessitate the use of crutches for some time to come. Though confined to the house, Fred, with his acca ;stomed cheerful- ness, passes over his.;lnisfortune light- ly, and hears the pain with manly for- titude, in which he has the sympathy of all his friends." Court on Thursday. Mr. Philip Holt,BC R. ,. , of Goderich,` who has recently been appointed Dep- uty Judge for Huron County, presided at the sittings of, the Division Court held here on Thursday last. The docs' ket was a light one. Cameron vs. Brown, an actionon a promissory note: Judgment 'wa g s en- tered for the plaintiff. J. G. Stanbury lff.,.Dickson & Carlin for Carling p :: • deft. Sterling vs. Hannah which was also an action on a note and on an account. Judgment was given for the, laintiff a .p. against the defendent and•t , g he case was idjozrned a s against the .gar ish ee. F.W. Gladman for pltteDioltson`8Cere -. Prig fer deft, and';garnishee. LOCALDO epent*fit a6 very tin ppert'ttrs anis'4-meany' Fl:tnn e pattet us and r.e'agv pretty tted ate valve, at lel and 1 ard at Stewart's, I, rich dress aartl sa poor heart make but combination. 25e. in advance for the Aevcreee tk2Jatn. lst,1003. The Sutherland -Innes Co. eornme:ne- t:ttttingagain Monday. Be evisef' than other inen if you can, hitt don't, tell tbern off it. An expressie°e'face disconnts;t pretty alma hundred percent, Don't forget the Livingstone -W yl ie nicert, Fair night, Sept 23. 'Use Foot Ease for tender. tired. ach- ng ne swoulen fret. Sold by 0. Lutz. ,'rice 25 cents. Mr. Chats. Wilson has accepted a po- tationgas bartender itt the Metropoli- ttn. 'While climbing tip the ladder of suc- cess don't forget the laws of gravita- tion. When a man gets mad enough to be miserable he ought to get out of his awns way. A treat for Fair night, Sept. 23rd, the Livingstone -Wylie concert, in the Opera House. The first of the season, The Living - atone -Wyle Concert, Fair night, Opera Huse, Exeter. Mrs:. R. l3. Collins entertained a *amber of friends very pleasantly Monday night. The mosquito sings while he bores, but there are many people who bore while they sing. ' Miss 111abel Brooks commenced ber duties as cashier and hook -keeper for Messrs. F. Hawkins & Son on Tuesday. Rev. Thornes, of London, will preach games street charcb, both morning and evening during the month of Sept. The Junior Bible class of the James street Metholist church picnicked at 3rand Bend Monday, the outing be- ing very much enjoyed. The teachers of the Exeter public school staff have returned from their holidays and resumed their respective cfaties Tuesday morning. There are people who are too honest to. steal; too proud to beg, and too lazy to work, but somehow they man- age- to live by buying on credit. Mr. R. W. Dillon, editor of the St. Marys Argus, occupied the pulpit of the James street Methodist church, on Sunday, delivering two very able and interesting discourses. The Lacrosse boys; will go to Clinton on Friday to play a friendly game with the boys of that town. The re- turn game will be played here the fol- hawing Friday. Newspaper .men are blamed for a let of things that can't be helped, such as using partiality in mentioning visi- tors, giving news about some town folks and leaving out that of others. A.72 editor should not be expected to know the names of your uncles, aunts and cousins, even if he should see them. Tell him about it, It's news that .makes the newspaper and every man,. woman and child in the neighborhood be associate editors if they would- . Cull and see Stewart's 2 big spec - tale in Ladies' ready-to-wear skirts, made of good pure wool ;Homespun andvery ateel trimmed, at $3,95 and $2.95. Weddell nt ilenhall, The English church, Hens.•ai1, was on Monday afternoon the centre of at- traction for an intetesting assembly who gathered there to witness the sol- emn;ze.tion of the nuptials of Mr. Am- brose Snaith, the obliging and popular teller of the Sovereign Bank, Exeter, to Miss Bertha, second daughter of Mr, 3'fi'illian► Hodgins. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev, S. L, Smith, of Forest, assisted, by the Bev. W. Doherty, rector of the church. The cereinuny over the hap- py couple took the afternoon train for Toronto .and elsewhere for a short honeymoon trip. The contracting par- ties are prominent in social circles and the very warmest wishes for their con- tinued happiness will go out to the young couple with the eernesttme that :life may be for thein an uninter• rupted honeymoon. rww9'979wPERSO2NAL. Mr;, J. D. Atkinson spent Monday in Clinton. Mrs, John Farrier spent Tuesday in Landon. Mrs, Ed. Christie spent Monday in Clinton. Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck spent Menden in Clinton. Miss Nettie Martin is visiting friends in Mt, Forest, Mr. Alex. Tait, of Landon, wits in town Friday. Mrs. liteeton, sr., is visiting ber We in Princeton, Reeve Levett was in Lnndoit an business Tuesday, lir. D. D. Crittenden, et BI,y tb, spent 't1 tow o da to ty tri •n. Mr. J T. Westcott and wife spent Sunday in Sraftirth. Writ, Wilson and Hilton Evans spent Sunday in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. W.:Snell spent last Wee/4 at Growl Deud, Dr. Sill:, of London, spent Sunday and Monday in town. Mr, Frank Williams, of Mitchell, spent ?oanciay in town. Mrs, J. P, Ross, of Chathaisan, is vis. sting friends in. town, Miss May Thonlaas, laf St. Marys, is 'siting at S..Maartiree. Mre. J. V. Crocker is visiting Mewls in Toronto and Oshawa, Miss L. Drinkwatrr left Tnesday to a asit friends in Landon. Mr. Frank:nell, of St, Marys. spent Sunday at his sesame here. Mrs. Jas. Moore left Wednesday to visit friends in Thedford. Mr. Wm. Gunld, of Pontiac, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. R. Elworthy and son, Harry. spent Sunday in Strathroy*. ;lir. T. W. Hawkshaw. of London. was in town Monday night, Russell Frayne, of London, spent Labor Day at his home here. 31r. Thomas Hazelwood and wife w we in Seaforth, Wednestlar, Miss Ella Morlock visited friends . reafo;tla a few days knit week. Versa Hardy left Monday+ on, t Harvest Excursion for the West, Mfrs. J. G. Stanbury left Tuesday visit her parents at Whitby. Mr.11.'Pickard and: wife left Monday to attend the openings at Toronto. Abe Robt. Knight spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in London.. Mr. John R. Snell, of St. Thomas, spent Sunday with his mother here. Mrs. Reginald Elliott, of Norwich, visiting her mother, ,airs. L Carling. Miss Annan Martin left Monday to attend the Model school at Goderbeb, Mrs. John Sweet is visiting her daaghtel, Mrs. Eel Glanville, at. Lon- don, Mr. Luther Howard. of Galt,,spent as few days at his home here, during the week. Mr. John Salter, of London, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents here. lir. Fred Davidson, of Wiarton, is spending a few days with his parents here. Mr. bend Miss ICestle, of Palmerston, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood. r Mr. Clyde White, of Windsor, is spending a few days in town with rel- atives. Miss CoraPrior has returned, after spending a few weeks with Seaforth friends. Miss Etta Hayton has returned home after a few weeks visit with friends in St. Marys. Mr. Harmon Davidson, of Saginaw, Mich, is visiting his parents and other friends here. Ur. Albert Hooper and son, Olen, of Clinton, spent a few days in town during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Crockett, of Dorches- ter, are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. W. L: Talbot. Roy Farmer left Tuesday morning for Windsor, where he will attend Sandwich College. Misses Eva and Hazel Browning left Tuesday morning to visit in Toronto and Gamebridge. Mr. Brickwood, of Toronto, spent a few days during the week at his home, Exeter North. Mrs. R. Knight and son, Drew,and Mrs. L. Thorne left Saturday to visit friends in London. • The Misses Talbot, of London, s of Mr. guests spent Labor Day here, the Mrs. W. L. Tal g t and Talbot. • Miss M. Bowden, who has been the guest of Miss Pollie Bawden, returned to London Tuesday. Mr. Ted. Gro o mbrid a : g, who has spent the past summer here,left yes - ter (Wed.) for Glencoe. Rev. Ball returned to his home in Wheatley Wednesday, after ;aleas- ant visit with friends here. p Mi's':foxie s Eacrettaft after a; pleasant visit with friends here returned to her home in Brantford Monday. Mr. Nel son Sheere, wire lute Beene n gaged in Sarnia, left.?Mondato..ac- Y ac- cept a"osition in Hamilton. p 1? _. Wee T., .. Acheson.left s Tues da _ gmorning .,_. for L ondo n, he r e shos errd 'few daYs and from there will to Detroit to visit graster Mrs,l. Billings, _ Mr. and sins, Ed. Dyer, of Braut ford, spent Sunday and Monday with friends and relatives in town. Fred 'Tree ethick returned Saturday from Strathroy, where he has been spending' n few weeks with friends. Mr. Samuel Trieurnerand two sons, of Detroit, spent a. few days in; town last week, guests of Mr. WrieMitebell. Mrs. 0, Miners, who has been visit- ing friends and relatives. here, return- ed to her home in Sarnia Wednesday. Dr. Jas. Pardon, of Edtnore, Mich„ forrnerly o, Farquhar, was a pleasant called at the AIM:tee x= office Thurs- day, The Misses Tillie, tllillie and Mary Bertrand. of Detroit, spent the past week in, town, the guest of Mrs. Israel Smith, Mine Vera, Hawkshaw has returned from Toronto and London, where she had been attending the millinery= op- enings, Miss Gertie and Fred Spackman, of Blenheian, who have spent the sum- s a ger EI i. r. t grid d i ' ino last week. E'en., y sited town Mr. D. Eozel, who has been engaged sit the grist mill here, left Wednesday for Sarnia where be has aeeepted a Sinai1ne position, est Ed. Fowell, who bas been visit- ing friends here left Tuesday for Woo dstk,aecompanied by bas sister- in-laaw, Mrs Futrell, Mr. ,grad Mts. Spackruan awl family, who have been spending the summer at Grand Bend, left Tuesday for their home in xa Blenheim, a385e Thompson.who has been'the guest of Mre. W. C Heston for tht pest two weeks, returned to her hone in Montreal Tuesday, s ,, e. St S i Fra sweet Frank w et ants Herne Cann 1;ave returned Monte from Wing - ham, where they have been working for the past few weeks. Mae. lir.) Anderson and children, Mrs,Elliott, Miss 0111 and Mics Brown. after aa, two w eche outing est the Bend, returned Monday evening. h illarvesters' and Threshers' The wise and rut he : a p lent roan. he farmer or what be may, never leaves the things he requires till the last mint T y' pee. q ate. Neglect bas part many a man in a tight pinch. Now don't be eaug It napping, if want anything in thewe You line of harvesting or threshing supplies have it, Here are a few specials:,- Biuder Twine Brass Valves, Cocks,. Gauge Glasses Mr. Frank gall left Tuesday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Theo. Sweet. at St. Catharines, Before returning he will I visit in Niagara, and Toronto. Mr. Geo, Sstnrwell left Monday to visit friends in Montreal while rs. Sawmill left the same morning to visit ber daughter, Mrs. Seldo►n in Ingersoll. Mr. P. L. Bishatp, traveller, of To. vent . spent a few days in town dire Ing the week, He had his samples Filet hutm and tiki considerable basin ess in town, Mr. Roy Bliss and wife, nee Miss Mary Mateer, who Iut.ve been visiting friends in town foe the past week. left yesterday (Wedel for their home in cross Forks, Penn. Messy s. N. D. Hellon. A. 0. Dyes' and 31r. Fitton returned last week from Port Frank where they had been for several days in search of the finny !elite, hut without much success. Miss Millie Westland, who has been visiting friends heron for the past few weeks, left Triestine,: for Torouto,where she intends remaining for a time be. fore returning to heronlo in Wyom- ing. Messrs. Win. Brooks and Geo. Eae. t who were on n. lalesawant trip to. Oil Soil, have returned home, the owner arrivin • Fiedaty and the latter, 'eumining at Montreal to visit his sis- ter, Mrs. Ross, did not get home till Tuesday. Both report a ala excellent time. Miss Edith. Sanders, who has been on a visit to her brother, Mr. W. H. Sanders, of Denver, Col„ returners borne Thursday morning last and re- ports a very pleasant and enjoyable trip. She left again Friday evening for Toronto to attend the millinery openings. The many friends here of Mr. Jos. Davis wile be pleased to leave that .he is daily improving et the Muskoka Sanitarium, Griavenhnrst. He has taken on considerable flesh during his absence and the change. coupled with the careful treatment, seems to have the desired effect. Miss Mildred Stewart, of Brockville, who has been the guest of Miss A. Oke for the past few weeks, left Tuesday morning for Montreal, to visit a few days prior to leaving for Boston, Mass., where she will join her mother and in future make her home. She intends taking a college eourse immediately on her arrival. Around. About Us Clinton: Last week Mr. Hiram Hill was confined to the house and suffered intense pains in his head, presumably the result of his been thrown out of a rig some weeks ago, and alighting on his head. When the accident happen- ed, he experienced no discomfort, but it thought that concussion of the brain must be the cense of his present suffering. Brussels: Mr. Samuel Shines, a far- mer residing about five miles from here had his right hand badly lacerat- ed while assisting in feeding a thresh- ing machine. He was receiving the sheaves from another helper while the binding cords were being cut, and by accident the knife was drawn across the back of his right hand, severing the cords, which will in all probability render this member useless after it is healed. Clinton: It is with deep sympathy for Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Seymour that we chronicle the death of their infant son, on Sunday afternoon last. The little one, which is their first child was only brought into the world on Saturday evening, to gladden the hearts of its parents, but it was not destined to remain with them long, the doctor making then aware of the fact; and it passed away after a brief life of 12,hours. Ailsa Craig: On Thursday as. Mr. C. Walker was driving up Main street with a lot of groceries for delivery, the reach of his buggy gave way and he, with the groceries, waspercipitat- ed into the street, ° About an hour . af- terwards Siddali Bros. were the next to meet their fate. This time it was a shaft that broke as Mr r Sddaliwas driviug his'' wagon upthe t; g at farm. The horse became frightened g and took a .few 'turns around the field damaging g g the :wa sn'considerably On Saturday night as Mr., A. Andersoe was wheel- ingin . from ; Lieury, he was thrown y. from; his wheel near the Black bridge, sustainingserious injuries to his head.. 1Ie hes been - under.' the s dgctor' -care 4 encs is. plogr•essingfavorably, Binder Giovos, Obeek..s,, Eto. Gauge glass rubbers, Leather Belting, all sizes from one to 6 inches wide, Tbreshin Gloves a new stock, Engineers , 'gineexs Pacl3`ing, Rubber, Asbestos,, Speeial Rabbit Metal, Cylinder it , x>:er (3d , Peerless Maohi?e Oil, Artie cup Greece," or Solidif ed on. T KIN r SON, Successors to .U, Bishops 4 Ula,. AT SPACKIVIAN'S • New 50c. Waist Fabrics For Fall, French Flannels, all wool, newest colorings, latest de- signs, stlikingvalue for 50e. per yard, 12 pieces to s from. French Delaiues, a selectionof the very latest patterns to choose from, no better or more suitable material , E 1 Ills. the Market for waists, 10 patterns 50e. per yard. Black, all wool, light weight Moire 3) inches wide, One e of Tdestly's finest dye perfect, away ahead in durability" over silk or any other material for ladles waists,inexpen- sive irle pel>w sive at 85e. yard. L J SPACKMAN. Headquarters for the Celebrated W. 13. Sandford Ready "Made Clothing. V istIDERTPI I Now .s1 .e time to beautify your homes by selecting some of our handsome Furniture. Do you want a nice Bedroom sett for..... , .. , , $10 Sideboard 8 Cool Sweet Mattresses. . , .3 Bed Springs,..,.....,.. 2 Couches and Easy Chairs at easy prices. Curtain poles and trimmings. We have several sets of beautiful chairs just in. Give us a call and if we have not got what you want we will soon get it for you. Wes. C. Huston, Furniture and undertaking rooms. Gidley's Block, Exeter. • ;9 n .l e u0' . rr. foci SHORTHAND, BOOKKEEPING, Business Law, Writing, Correspond- ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly taught by experienced teachers at the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. We have no difficulty in placing competent pupils in good positions. College reopens Sept. 2nd. Send for Catalogues. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Clinton: The other day while Al- bert Turner was using an emery wheel, a splinter broke off and lodged in his eye, necessitating the series of a doc- tor to remove it., Clinton: Mr. Maitland, who moved here from St. George, a short 'time ago and settled on Mary street, had the deal closed Friday' evening, that has been; hanging for the past two weeks, 'between Ogle Cooper & Co., and himself, and took possession of that grocery store Saturday morning. The name of Cooper and the grocery trade has beenassociated fora good many years. Seaforth: e forth• This week ek we` record o d the death of Robert McMillan, of Roxboro McKillop, which sad event occurred on Saturday,at the ;a age of S ],years. Just one week previously.be was in town attending to business and to all. appearance as sprightly as usual. He took a severe cold, however., which sets,- tledon hislungs,'resultrig inpneu- monia en= monia and . ` this followed bY er vsei• l,is .._p in the face, ctsltn`'in' nate: d has; death despite all that medical skill and at- tentive nursing could do torolon P i; ll lliTON A PllflflO9 EXETER, AGENT FOR PROVAN'S PATENT CARRIERS FORKS AND SLINGS, Supplied with either the Angle Iron, Round Rod or Wood. These are without a doubt the best ma- chines obtainable at any price. Was awarded the only medal and diploma given on Hay Forks at the.. World's Fair Chicago. Supplies at Russells Blacksmith shop. EXETER, ONTARIO.. Clinton: On Tuesday Mx'. a. J. -Olnff went through a slight operation, fi nperation g g , which will -co confine hire to the house for a couple of weeks. -A son of Mr. 'Thos. Jenkins . alsounderwent inderwent;a sur- gicalTuesday,, : . operatioe on And will be' laidMileyup for a.short trete. : , S'I. 6: • ? ,n. . • On Wden.sda.:', 'while in Y. . her yard Mrs.S. ET, Mitchell' had'' the misfortune s to trip over ewe and: fall, against a h ox, breaking three ribs and; being badly • bruised and shak- en up. Although puttering Consider p able -: a h Vin, Mrs: Mitchell is able to. be a around, end As improving •nicely. 1?