HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-4, Page 7•
The Place Where the Christian Church is
Not Protected.
ihneeocelles to on ag tee rfrueneet at
u • 1,444, OaCrboluan lYaw
eto aful o. tenoo oitioe TOronf9, 144
'aneat41.'efont c);', 4gocat.3 ottamaJ
Crosby eame to this gentleman and
eaid ; "'hooter, how con. yo a like
such o man ? Yon know he is not
What he ought to be.'" My friend
A despatch trein Obleng0 saYS turned and said ; "Dr. Crosby. if
ADV. Frank De Witt Talmage preach-
h- you had a little. child wtio had lost
au eve or who was deaf or who was
41/tt. trtna the felletrIng ,tehtt heel- 00,,e- liorn 'eine. would yoo despese loot
intigans le, 2 deeepise, ye the on account of his infirmity ? Well,
onurch of God -?" my friend is a, morel cripple. I do
not like him because he baa lost one
eye and one leg and one arm, but I
do love him because by the grace ot
Go& he is trying to struggle oefoinst
his daily tomptetione, and his spirit..
I would like to Ask. you the quese
h P
tion wbicout osiced the uon-
ohurelegoero ot Corinth. Tbe world
needs precisely tele tinge that tbe
lame• ehurch was organized to supply. It
oeeds etrengtb, to resist temptation, deformitiee. So you will finti
it oeioist rules for tbe guidance of to the chureb, a God toediee- moral
life, it needs support, underaellictripples. They aro streiggling every
Von. solace in bereavement and e. day a tbeir livee against sinful
hoPe of heaven after death. All , temptations; their Iceep on struggling
• •
joifti the churcb. the Savior founded
on eanth.
But there ie one answer yet to the
questioo of ray text. This onswer
(*mos from molly a troubled heart.
You son' to me: Mr. Polmage, I da
not 4esp1ee tiee cuurch exeept by
My acetone in a public way. The
reason I do net join tee ehurcle is
because 31have so many holne dOties
that I Cannot do nay share in cluerch
work, if I should loin, In few
yeere I expeet to take Any place as
A Meniber of the Omni). alter.”
Nowe my friend, n want you, to reel-,
ize this great truth; God, itever or-
dained that any one duty should
vonfliet with other duties. Ile never
wants a mother to leave the bedside
ef her sick child itt order to attend
a missionary meeting. ere move
'compels a man to do tor the church
More then he Can couscientiously
do, But Christ doe e demand this;
Ile does demand that yOU profess
And confess his love before mere And
•you eaunot do thet in a better way
than ot the churele alter. Theo at
the most imminent Ohrietion duty
decide wbon you Might to do here,
And I would espeeially plead with
arOla tO occept %mist in the churCht
before men. fee you none others dee
It is therefore worth while inquiring pending upon you, your pre.eent ace
ae eeicl to Motees, "Now therefore
go. and I will be with thy moutb.
ond teach thee what tholk slialt, say"
(Ex. iv, 1,2). Ho said to Jeremiele ;
"Wliatooever I commana thee thou
shalt speak. * * *13ebold, I }late put
tly words in thy mouth" (der. i.
9). It is easy to understand how
suet/ men needed. to be told what
to say, but when we read that the
Son of Goct sx onepieed Hopeeli thee,
He coulLi truly say, "I can of Mille
own self do nothing." "tny doctrine'
is not mine, but Iiie thot sent Ma"
Ti Pother who sent Mee Ile geve
• Me a corailectudeeente what, I elueeld
soy a.nd what I should epeon.-, -The
Pother that derelleth lo Me. He
• doeth the works" (John le 80; Yin
• 1(1; xii, $9; oiv, 10, then indeoll Nve
sea what wao aever seen' leefore *toe
sin.ce--Iiine in whom all tulinesa
dwelt emptien to matire dependence'
on another e'en for His words.
20-2.ee How shell we know the!
word whicit tbe Lord bath notl
spoken ?
There always have been god alwaya
CaSZNatee1636/944,etv it*
Baked Apple Mannalacle.-Place
0. boning -disk, a layer of slieed tort
-apple% ellen a thin toyer of granue
toted sugen arid eo on until the dish
is full, booing a sugar layer on top.
to). Favor the green. part with
bitter ielloond and vanilla, or sn'ee
almond. )raege fievoring may -Chet
be added to the fourth portico
(white ladyllogers are made of on
gel food.) Bake in the ladetegel
pone now for sale aod peek in te
atone jar in a napkin to keep fresh.
anLi crisp. When used, wiiip lath
thick cream, repeat tbe process of
divieion, liavoring and coloring
•loin sides of the Augers with given
oi some color (excepting the orange
when white eam is used). owe Nat
the ice uii ready to eerve.
Saielveiches Suitable for Swat
Wttt with inn n leen ? 1 • ,Teas. -The requisites ler eaaleint
Bwbakipepseldowc.tineraullia!f a, day. Serve with, taatwieha •
Creep Apple delly.--Thie Is SO g°°41 rt)2frtbjeangpktik'Sght 44t:Ims4eali°44,74,1:4141beo.i•euatbdutilit:7::'
tateitt swupep el irle:e it Lorairo akivernystt,c, least woe 007 cdaeretoculyd: alTraaleespreaeoentiihn,
cal, as windfalls are Just the tbing-•butter before cutting the bread. CU
er7lociele:reeiefenets.°PPliVenss h(noixtlpeuett oiniettieS)
halve, cut out the blossom and any „ehane to teat fumy ahanee eivjael
A -i the andwiches nade.
porcelain vessel. Cover witk cold„ triad any nningt etta natal. as
water and let, boil tunil they can tinlanee froin the Oavor: 'but thole
will be Wee prophets and tearheio.,, easily pierced W4th a fork., Rave„,ut it -very swan nits. tut mak
Lord (jer. xxiii. 21. 25, 82). There- Mane of 2 thicienessev'shicollf intetwith tian or even ttintetn. n.0„,
teaching lies in the Bain° of tbe 4ellY bag readY- i• 0, poste Apayerfnalse or witl
fore, John tells ue by the Spirit Hold the bag in anothtr Poretitthin a, glom tea, use 'lettuce. eueember 4):
"Bar}Vedr belieVe. ocet‘ every spirit, vessel, poor tbe apples end niece. teeiery with a little, of the choppes
c es -sings come by IS non y. 'but try the spirits whether they are tie up the bag with a strong. string.; green $k,of added. to ,47 out, th
KEEp ON PRAYING. a God, because many faise pro- Make a. 100P of the string and haieg• (.4
pbete are geme oot into the world -inn the bog inst high eueagh n° It.
lobster or tbe ihne Pert of tolnat1
what are the obstaeies that keep keep On reeching un toe Gott. re heel/ tioos will probably decide bow your Hereby blow ye the spirit of Gad vgnet Welch the juice in the Wm tle7f; iprepared with A Silver knife). A
men fro corning into the churelt. en stoning in tile eltureu uec8A8e hived ones will act and feel toward zany spirit tilan eentean.nn tame• km. na, not wileeze the bag, Now4eitow, main is mann ,thun yninn
green effect, A plan tea. may bovt
"Well” saes some one, auswer they 'mow that tthrint (fill not ett.ntee ethe chureh Cliriat"s estahlisbleeat, •tnettnt elitist Is Mlle in the nettle le measure. the tnieet hut haeh Int° a,bard-boided eggs dressed, and goes
to the words of my text. "the reao to institute a church for heriece your heart you. feel that it is in
eon I despise the church of God is own. He ealne to heal the tint and
of god. and every spirit that cone pincelain nettle and a( d 0 Sugar., white waubriebee eiathett veal a
!the church you ought to confese teeatia„ apt, that nestle mine
because there eye eertitin In allowing one quart'. of sugar to event a nrat ash, wane a fawn one aet
parts of the not the well,. The enure]) of nod ie'obelet„ yam •know it is into
t.ftee come in the ileeh is not ot God (X one quart at jaieo. TA boil flo
Bible I do not understand. Then:- the great earthly spintual hosental , rode with sour aPides• felingi
church you Will Want to be earrleu John iv. 14). Tbe test therefore is, minutes, counteug the time from W410, 'jai need dreseing /it the paste. Whet
fore will not profess to believe where Christ, as the surgeon. 101,0 when ,aro dean. eat it is from „what, think yo ot choot
whet I cannot, comprehend," Now, , to eet, the ere'eheil Iftetn; where its bollowed precincts you will Wont it be,gins to boil. Skint off the wino the anion is prenaran natter the nra
to go forth 'when you meet him when
you shall dwell with him in tieleVell
TOVeVer alld ever end eter.
TOY friend, eiwie statenient s sha- Christ, its the spiritual opthattoologe
ply abetted. Front, Snell, toile ono iSt. loves to Open the eyes that are
4°,1,fihst, nunhonn that the only hum- blinded of sin.
'Menu"' things MO whole universe "Well." observes =other hearer.
we those renircled between the lide "the reason I do not loin tile church
of holy writ. Wify, there. are whole is because31 believe a mati can be Tun oiNhAv cruniu
realtus and eyeles and universes' of just as good a Christian ()aside the Lien. Vt./Ms/L-4A
!Rae in every direction yet mitre- church as inside." Now. I would -a-
wrned and "e3Phtiod. You eon' not assert that all men who are non -
nut rocket the whole Ilea -Nene with one ,eborebsoees are emenrietion men, ilnEitli4VTTinkritr4 1"'4'SS°14.
teleseore uor ;span Infinity with the jean Newton used to saeo "When I SEPT. 7.
flutte• You unght as well trh' t° get io beaven, I shall have three,
build a notate of inountains funo
oebbleo Into the Atlentle ocean or I. did not ooneet to see, Tile nett 9-2h1. Gold= Text, TO
o 14.
try to 'mPty tho I4achle htt dthhing surprise will be to find so many peo-
up the waters witb o sewing girra
thimble as to attempt to build l .
pie absent. whom I expected thou to. Fee. 1 0. When art come into the
up a
•eysteut of science or to develOP aud the third great surprise Nvill be laud winch the Lord thy Owl giveth
et ,to tind that 1 got to heaven any- thee, thou emit not leant to do at -
in the nlhie tulles's Yon are I hieh
winingto accept ome things oFein" Lilco John Newton, when ter the abominations of those ttoo
' s .
' Most of us reticle heaven -I pray we tient%
YOlt C.ANNOT EXPLAIN. may all be there -I believe we will Before the deluge God saw that the
lie very much surprised, to find there wickeduese of Dean Was great in the
mailindliel4bithtliii‘,81n,1 itTliheienb"‘,01nuayaud" ' 1 tl and that every Imagination Pi
OW people who never entered tbe ear 4
'''----- - "-- ---- ----- J- - - IiSh 1 a lot never timid r cone the thoughts ot ins heart WaS only
eboutot uoderstand, the silent truths,
great. surprises. One great surprise Toot of the Leaeon, Boat,
Long Island to Etigliind by eitolting, N7111 be to find so many people there
POOR PABZIING IN RUSSIA. ee 1 uses on op. en I. , initt, 0t lomat. nut the num ni
belled .2r; Minute% renloye front- the emooth butter and ' lace elle seconi
fire. Pour the jIllee into glasses, slice of bread cut i fa, cy
When Wanted for Om table,. renuree.;,ttn „ noode, witah thn,-1,,shaPoens,
rout the glass by (lipping a hnife bed* - --- - '-'-'". --" ''."- 't'' --
0 cold 'water and renniug it around. tr
armalade.-Pare and core as finally „ , ruDinzcos.
- Stew on
es, as you wish. Cook iu granite', "141441E4 Pudding.
ompiete Exbaustion ef the Soi
Is Threatfoie4.
a is eaSeatially an agricti
country. Ninety per cent of
e habitants tilt the sell for a inn
but fanning oolong' the peas-
' lot very prontoble ancl seems
the (Weary truths'. the Converting ;OeuSeroedttar'faaltie at th?, chn4h ae. evil continually ((en. vi 6). The
truths. are on slippier told teethe. 31 tar, margin says that every- imagination
defy any unbiased man to read the
elinple words of the four gospels and
MIA!hthd tO their meaning, No
Butthough there inay be Chris- signifies also the purposea and de-
, A n,
Mliving a men and women outside itthe"tr dolugo sin "rtti"entt.
f 'velop-
e again t"n ewer'. an S 0
Men van read the story of the prattle do not believe I could be a Cbristian and beetutte very manifest in the re-
L- egainst God of the Babel
gal eon and fail to realize that God and not be a professed member of
builders. In duo time God coiled
is represented by the aged father. the church of °heist. X do not be-
that his own Sinful life is represent-, neve that I could tura toy back upou Abram from among the idOlators of
to dwell In a. laud
ed by the sias or the youuger son, my' church and still love my Christ Mesopotamia,
tbat repentunce and peace are repren as I love him to -day.. and. my bra- which Be promised to Wen and to Ins
seed forever, that in the descendants
seined hy the return bottle and the titer and sister, ,neither do I believe e
divine love and lorgivenees by thee you can turn your bock upon tho oe Abram Ile .n.h-gbt. have o. PeoPle
031(1 1130 hated ealf and the church or God and yet Ooli?o to who would honor Him end live to
ae.S, RISS. SPiitttlat Ide tend. chew your true and novelle levo,
. s"' -- Make mm known to other nationo.
el ,i a 1 at "Ulae a ° ' C`$.. because I believe that, as Christians,
my brother. no you bellow In God
. . We should look upon the church as,
10 a toe ,
On oud God 41 eollectiOn of God's children.
the Holy Ghost ; an you believe that liberal wholly for God, a peculiar treasure
fore we should accept and love its ;unto nim above all moue on the
3°n338 "Ifered mat tiled upon the ntemhere as our sPiritual brothers earth (Ile. xfx. 5, 6).
and sfsters, children of God, and we
that Christ lute gone to heaven to 10-12. All teat do these thinge
They were therefore to be a people
separated from all the customs and
idolatries of the heathen, living
cross for our sins4 us you believe
eourselves should long to be of
trepare a dwelling plaice for thosel Il _ )1 ,r A L _ I,totismoLn. attillaonnettxhtoincli;nutiestelonof enthtitso
who ere (loomed by bis blood you lIe fl, I I -vrse says
bethwaThis vas the an that is need" to fluttlifYli gall" you well In:? statement. mai& this land were, gi,n, those
that the nations which. formerly ec-
ru to come into the church he es-, tat aot aithoo that there
were n° abominations mentioned in the pre-
"lishell en earth ' . f
saviug belief ol the Philippi= jailer Christianmen outside othe elwrc
CI *' h,virtue verses, and because of these
aniv addiug enough water to pound rhubarb until teOder,
growing worn(' instead of Wei beep 'Out burning until juice begins a nf then to ere" one quart rbubari
nessime add three tablespooes conistareli
4 11QW. Cook AS thien as
Three years ago the attention on before adding sugar. then add ono- one teaepetou eirmainou and 0110 Cul
ho eca.e wan called to the teeth beetle- pound to every pound of the tmcoolee 8ttgar More to suit tbe taete
Word condition of agriculture. ed fruit; the rinds and juice of two:Se:1.13.... ceftt with errata and snig"
apPoluted a. cOMuelselon to inVeSti. oranges and two ientons to. every "wt., „ „ ee, o o.,
.0" tho questiOn. A hart of its "gallon of hulled apple. Cook the, io.Vrt"n4chelgjit1- 41121itwUWV•151Z"garri.5"1,14r:)'
WOrh WAS' delegated to the well- rind in water until soft Then slice' ."-""
box gelatine. When nearly e0111. adi
kuown agricultund expert. Prof. very thin and add to the lam. Coale
Lens who has just Presented to the elOwly until it is a ride darn color. 1,ttelte,folf, orange, "I a let°1d nh°"1
commission a report of a peseimistio Apple Bitttere-hlake good clean' """ wad eut itchclics. Pfants
Oranges and baitalteS, and pour till
character. CRUM front wafilwd aud candully pre-
Proi. Lenz aays the irratiemal ay's, pared ripe apples. Cut out all de-,,gehtthte over theta' When tttlnet
tem of farming practised by the ma- cayed places. Boil the elder away out of the mid' dreerate 1"th "14
i0oitY of small Maiden frown; Mon one-half its quantity in granite, poialde,feellete,nteneeaened, 1`011r whfilited et-ean
easily lead to complete OXIAAUSt1011 of Mahe or very thoroughly cleaned. '"' +"`""
il Plum Pudding.---Sliee ant
the soil. This exhaustion. he says, brass vessels. Put otie pound grann- browu ,g4h
.nAS..ng fork en
cannot be mode up to the soil even bated euga,r to ono gollOn of bone& tt-weee
wire toaster. retied flour bread. Bub
by the Use of tte beat of fertilizers enkr, if both, eider and apples arei ter well. and place a, layer in 4
for a long SerieS Of years. not very sour; it sour, more sugaeh Steanier over a layer of plutuse-o01
Vast as RUSSIA'S agricultural lin Will be needed. Good, ripe, sour mishit -that have already nen
tercets are, the peaarintny aro among apples must be pared. cored mule metaled sun. When loan in meant
the poorest farmers in the world. ellaPPed. Or cut into dice about one- ed light. eerve with whito Nolte() en
Ono reason because, except in fourth Melt squai-e, and put into thei whippet cream, short inseam an
Poland and sonee other distriets, the boiling cider and sugar. Use en- 11504 for the toasl. t, sugar fettlee 11
lend they till Is not owned. by theta.' ough to mane It thick, like iellv when
- - - - ' nether preferable to the cream. cute
They live in vlilogea, and the laud well cooked. Boll the butter over on vice versa.
belongs to these conuntinittes, or slow fire, stirring vero often to keep', Group Pialding.-Sel one pint mill
mirs, ea& tax -paying individual bav- from scoeching. The cider should. be . aa the store in a saucepan. non 00t
tablespoon cornsterch with two tie
Jia d in*conunon, and being respell- to boil. Lemon peel, either grated
inesneent et" tan nen thettnnut 01
Ing the use of a part of tbe land thordughly skimmed when beginning:,
able far the titece.e oft the patch of or chopped Vero line and stewed in three eggs.
GROUND BE CUIeTIVATES. roblime eugar to taste,
a little water. or the unsweetened and a. little salt. When the milk 11
The result Is that the =intik, or eider, is an improvement. The but -
peasant, knowing that at the end of ter may be put away in ercons, or aloe: It bON ss:titreili:ittlett'Onnstrattlittjnei,
a. short period bis allotment. of the in glass nun. ';Peel and slice five oranges, removing
laud will be subject to a, redietribu- awe and reach oniteoewina eau_ tthe tents. inn; them in a dish,
tion, does not care to improve 'the
fling Peaches, san'e ell the niee skins sprinkling each layer With Sugar, and
soil by careful cultivation. He has that are tree loom decay, Quarter. roue the custard over them. lleat
no ambition to •expend •upon it time •
aad eon some sour apples, lefty- tete Nt)bites ihe eage to a, roan
aud money with an eye to the future. ing the skins ou. Cook these with' froth, add three tablespoons sugar,
Should ho do this he would expect to the peach skius. DraM off the juiee ond spread on the vv. Browe
lose all he expended upon improve- through a stroinee, and proceed as inislightly in the oven.
malting ordinary apple jelly.
to whom Peen stun, "Believe on the they were being driven out. 'there- meets. Hence he barely skims over
that a man cannot be as good a
Lord desee Christ ond thou. sbalti be • fore Israel was to beware of and the surface with his rude plow. not
• . •
voted anti illy house." A matt is
not uccossarily barred from the
(-Mirth of Jesus Christ because he
dots not fully understand all the
Bible. lie is received and welcomed
became he believes that God so
loved the world that he gave his ma
ly begot 100 Son, that whosoever he -
nowt!) on him should not perieb, but
have everlasting lye."
"Wein° remarks another man, "I
do not join the chlirch becallee of
the inconsistencies of its members.
Some profess one thing and practice
another. They say Christians ought
, n ten on n 4 0 le ' ° 8 lan avoid all these things,
church as inside. nt It "5 het only to sieve labor, but also that the
hoere maY be cause of the -wickedness of those ne- manure lie plows in may benefit only
good, ,Christions who prefer the so- ti°11'S that and not Lord did drive them his crop annot the future harvest
deter of Sabbath desecraters and
out of Israel and not because Of any which Some other may reap. Ile has
no attachment to the soil, no inter-
est except the present. The sys-
tem is thoroughly bad.
pies, quartered and cored, add one, A child who rries much is certain.
pound sugar. Cook gently` on the ly not well, and is quite likely to bo
back of the ronge without water for one which is over -fed.
ace. y p Casino so. cis to t e so- one hour. Tben. add two miartsl Some physicians recommend that
righteousness on the pelt of Israel
house. . did for Isra.el for His own name's
'Mout. ix, 4-0). Ito did tal that He
the stewed apple. Cook gently one' cold is to go to bed, drink hot lent.
eiety of those who delight in God's blackberries to every four quarts of i the most effective tray to abort o
"Well," answers another man, "I sake (Pack. xxxvi, 22), then in re- longer. Put into cans andlonade. eat plenty or nourishing food.
The result is that English farmers hour
will tell you frankly why I despise turn for all Ills loving kindnessesraise from three to four times seal. Be sure and have the berries , and stay in bed for twenteolova
the church of God. The reason I Be only asked thenx to let Him do much grain to the atm as Russia, very ripe and sweet and you will !! hour&
do not join the church is because it still more for.theen. or, in other farmers. If land were tilled in Ruse have one of the best flavored jams. 1 If one wishes to cool a hot dish in
is too straightlaced for me, and I words, fro asked them to walk in sia as it is in England, that country Preserves. -Pare, quarter and core' a, hurry it will be found that if the
am not willing to give up my own His ways and serve Him with all would to -day be the greatest wheat large tart apples en firm texture.' dish is placed in a vessel full of cold
way of liviug," My brother, I bee their heart aud soul (Deut. x, 12, raiser in the world. As it , ith
Drop them mto• cold water as they, salty water it will cool fax moan
lieve You breve told me the exact 1a), for only thus could he do more only eight or nine bushels of wheat are PreP"ed, and keep them lintlei' rapidly than if stood in water free
to he kind and loving and gentle truth, I, believe ninety-nine-huri- for them than He already had done.
and helpful to their fellow church dredths of those who scoff at the 13, 14. Thou shalt be perfect to 'the acre, the Russian crop varies
or agate kettle, when cooking vegetables, put a
with a plate. Put the parings into from salt,
members. Then they demonstrate 375 000 000 b h 1 t 450 a porcelain -lined
press down, pour in hot water even small saltspoonful of carbonate of
tient some of the worst fights on
earth are church eghte. The elder . iwitietsh. the ttroapin, andtlotillgh15 coil. 20 min- .soda in the water instead. of the cone,
who prays the loudest in prayer esecloth. mon soda. It will be found a great
To each pint of the liquor add 1), improvement, and will not hurt the
meeting may be the :armor who
never comes out second best in a
horse trade, and the gossip of the
soceing society is just as merciless as
the gossip at the club or in a ball -
Keene As long as the church is
fIlleci with hypocrites I do not want
no join it.",
y.ou kuow that velem of the very
best incti in every COTatapaity ara
member* of the different Christian
churches. You know, tis well as I
know,' • that though some of the
ehurch members may be hypocrites
, the vast majority :we men and wo-
men who have blended themselves
' together for the purpose of prayer
and communion with God and of
'trying to make their fellowship bet-
ter and purer and truer and more
Christlike. • There are thousands and
• tens of thousands of church members
who are no more hypocrites than
• your Ohristiaa father and mother,
eltrho were also members of a Christ-
, len, church, Were hypocrites. ,
• What did you do when your little
flaxen haired childAlied ? Did you
take the smell ,NvInte casket into . a,
ballroom '? Did you have her danc-
big master pronounce the eulogy
over her dead body ? , Did you have
• her music teacher sing a song ? No;
you took her to the Church. You
took her into the churah whereinany
prayers had been offered, You did
, not .have a dancing master pro-
nounce a eulogy over her white, still
form. You called . in the Christian
Minister for the last reverent offices,
for your beloved 'dead.
When you criticiSe the sincerity of
certain. • ch.urch members, you shOLLIct
not forget that the church of Christ
was instituted, for the imperfect , as
i well as the perfect, for the moral
eripples as well as for those Who
•are spiritually whole. ' In the church
there arc to be found members like
jame-To every one pound •of an -i
church scoff principally because they
are not ready to surrender some sec-
ret sin. But as you have given nee
(margin, upright or sincere) Nvith
000 000 bushels a year.
the Lord thy God.
It will probably take a long time
To Abraxn., the father of this peo-
to make very noticeable improvement
In Russian agriculture, but some of
the ablest men in the country are
now studying this problein. Agricul-
tural schools and experiment sta-
tions are beginning to be maintain.
ad in widely separated parts of the.
farming area,, so that .better idette
as to practical agriculture may be
diffused among the whole people. The
tariff. on most kinds of agricultural
machinery has been removed to en-
courage the introduction of improv-
ed fanning iraplements. Thus, an
educational work is going on which
will some day, doubtless, have a
profound influepoe for the betterment
of agricultural conditions in Russia.
one honest answer I want you to p e, o said: am 3111
give nao =otherto a question just mighty God. Walk before Me, and
as important. If you are not ready be thou perfect" (upright, sincere)
to surrender your secret in and (Gen. xvii, 1). The title of God
join the church, where is that in here is E1-SliadMti, which signifies
going to send you? the Mighty God, who is still suffice: -
My mirepentant brothen as you ent, as a, mother for her child. Ab -
are unwilling to join the church be- Tani had been leaning on an arm of
cause you are reluctant to give up flesh rather than upon. the Lord and
your secret sin, I ask you where Will had lost fellowship in a measure, but
that secret sill ultimately send you? the Lord would restore him and bave
You need to be aroused from your Min do better in future and lean
spiritual lethargy, and to realize niore fully on the Lord alone. If we
your awful danger. I would specially would know the power of God, we
plead with you to surrender your must learn our weakness. If we
sins and dedicate your life to Jesus •would know' the sufficiency of God,
Christ by joining the church, bee we must learn oUr own insoffieieneY
cause, in your heart., you know well ell. Coo xio 9, 10; in, 15h. See
what you ought to do. 31 have • at_ some precious words for tile up -
ways shrunk from the thought that right, the sincere, in Ps. lxxxiv, 11;
norantly roared in sin, and unrepent- 15, 16. inc Lorcl thy God will: A disposition to look alWayS On
.1 the btight side of things spares its
ant were totally lost, It has al- raise og ant° the°. a prophet from
ways been a question in my mind
whether somloon
• of those poor lo -
some creatures who were reared in
the slums of a great city and who
had never heard the name of Jesus
except in blasphemy, might not in
God's mercy be made as fit for the
celestial city, as some, who, having
been born in Christian homes, have
led a di if ere tit Christian life. God
will never condemn h
one who is born
blind because he cannot see. 1, -le will
never destroy one who is born deaf
and dumb because he cannot speak,
or hear: beut, my brother, jhough
there may be • some excuse for those
born in the sinful slums of a. great
city for not renouncing their sins
and joining the church, there is
You, were bon in a. Ohri,stian home,
and you were reared among Chris-
tian surroundings, you were started
out amid Christian pra.yers, and the
mere fact that you"ade st,ch1)0
e,xcuse to you have, pro“is that the
a man whom a friend of 111;a -A si-.as Holy Spirit is inightily striving with
one e%?..ning defondingt Howard you to -day to coufeee Christ and
people who were born in. sin and ig-exix
i; xxx.vii, 37.
the midst of thee, of thy brethren,
like unto Me; unto him ye shall
111 Jer. xxx, 21, R. V., it is writ-
ten : "Their prince shall .he of them,
Selves, and their ruler shall proceed
from the midst of them, 'and I will
cause him to draw near, 11011 he
shall approach unto Me, For who
is this that engaged his he -art to
aprroach unto Me ? saith l'he Laid."
Here '1St a woliderful and beautiful
prophecy of the prephet Me unto
Moses; 0420 01 thralmqvcs (hawing. be .shen but 'twas only a dollar a
near to God on their behalf and day Oi got. If d been gettin' two
mercy. all things it behooved b'ad. I:CaPe that in moind, darlin',
poSsessor much unhappiness, but
when the theerfulness restt• upon
reaSaming so =soloed as Mr. Dolan's
there elitist some time come an awak-
enMinig'..Dolan had lost his position at
the owing to his persistent hab-
it, of ta,rdiness. and in consequence
his .wife was "low her moind."
But Dolan was as cheerful as ever.
"Now, don't be losiit' your
smoiles, orah, daajin,,,, he said,
coaxingly. "Oi'm out o' wurrk, to
• bringIng God's message to them in donors, our loss' would be twoice
.31 him to be Maxie Me unto his and not be Ceinnlahlhl"
brethren), thatff. might he a inerci- . .
ful anjd faithful high priest' in things •T-I'trriD AND TRUE-
pertabliiig 1:9 Gocl t() 112 0,1' a recoil- ``A mall Of the a r tistic
'fol' the sins of the people.iner,it sees 'many visions.''
Ile wa.S faithful to Him that ap- "Y.cs, and few dollars.''
pointed him., as also Moseswas
faithful i2 all his 120175e (IIelf, all right to get nio.rried, 00-
inarked the would-be groom. cheerful.-
17-19 1 will put y wor( s i his ly. We could live en flati ' and
mouth and 110 shall speak unto thOla `.Yes and charity' " .1)right-
all that I shall command hint. . acideci the prospeetiye
pounds sugar. Place over the fire
with a little lemon peel to never.
Boil and skim until clear. Drain the
apples on a soft cloth, put them in a
jar and cove). with the boiling
syrup. Leave until the next day.
Then put into a kettle. cover and
siminer a, long time -until perfectly
clear and transparent. Serve with a
spoonful of apple cream in each dish.
Cream: Two teacpps powdered sug-
ar. Beat the whites of two eggs tO
a stiff froth. Pare " and grote two
sour apples, mixing the pulp with
the sugar as fast as grated that it
may not turn dark. Beat sugar, ap-
ple and eggs 15 minutee, ond flaYor
delicately with vanilla.
The very best. dishcloths are made
of knitted cotton, for they mien
again and. again, and look like new,
After using always wash a disheloth
with soap and soda, then rinse .thor-
oughly, and hang in the air to dry,
A dirty dishcloth is a disgrace to
housewife. ,
An orange eaten before breakfast
will, it is said, cure dyspepsia soon.
er than anything else. Apples arc
also good, especially when baked ox
stewed. They are excellent in many
cases of illness, The juice of or-
anges, as of lemons, is valuable in
the making of drinks in cese of fev-
er. Tomatoes are also excellent re -
Apple Gingeo-Pare 4 lbs. angles needles in some liwer and gastric
and cut into quarters. Remote the complaints, cold are certainly more
cores and put the quartered apples
pleasant than medicine.
at Once into cold Water. to Prevent '
discoloring. When they are all pre-
pared, put tat° eciamel preserving
kettle with just enough water to
cover them. • Sinamer gently, 20 min-
utes, then pour oil the juice and
strath it through. a doubled cheese-
cloth. To four eups juice allow four
pounds granulated sugar, two heap-
ing teaspoons powdered ginger, the
grated yellow rind of tgo leMons,
and the juice of one. Boil 1-5 min-
utes. Add the apples, and S111111100
very gently , three-quarters of an
hour. Keep an asbestos mat under
the kettle to prevent scorchinE,,. Seal
in marmalade po_te._. Delicious with
bread and butter.
Fancy Ladyfaigers.-A sponge cake
batter, quartered before flavoring,
one part darken with chocolate and
davo-r., witli vanilla, tint another
part with confectioner's rose color
and flavor' as liked. the third make
pale green. CI 11.1 colermo' may
be found at a caterer's, and being
made of spinach, cannot be objected
Eipling tens maoy amusing anec-
dotes of his experiences in. India. 1t1
was. once in a railway station there,
when e, Bombay • judge -a, pompous
kentlemtia, Nvhose bearing denoted
that never for an instant could lo
f o rg et the greatness of his position. -
was pronienading the platform wait,
ing, for a train. An Englishman, ap-
proached Kipling and asked him 11
he could direet him to the statiot
"That said 'Kipling. 90111>
ing to the judge, "seems us ir 12
might be the 0120 you Want."
TIlo Teepee ishinan thereupoli 1724511e2
up 1...0 the judge, and asked:
"I3.as the Bombay 3120211 gon
The judge, looking vacantly OVOS
til head of his questioner, rentatkoc
co`lillya:m* not the station mister."
''Not, the station master!" echoec
the Briton, `•Then, 00I found youj
sir, why do you swaggey about as
you were?''