HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-4, Page 5re ow, THE Outer Attrocate published every Thunday-4ernina it the Mee, 14AIN,95TREET. 99,,, EXETER. ADVQOATO PitEd., I 4ttUqOOMPANY TERM. OP 81413.SCSAPTION. Cho PoBeeper mama if veld iel esivattee *Leo it tot ee paid, tiltedeerregtdeedeeg' e'Rreettses coo 4-epeteeque eleetee- No peva diseeetittual Weil ell arreareges aeeeeldi Acivettisements withottesrecieeddirections win lee publesbed eau - table wet 030%0- twoortilegly, Libereidiecomat we for tmestivee eelvertiserneate leterted ter ten vededs... elesciiptina .../0/1 PRINTING thenecioue le the detest style, awl ap mederete teem Claque, mOney onalers, &e., for edvertisieleettbscriptiens, etre tehe mede melee a Obas.IL Sanders, •SPITOIX Moe PAU rroreselonal cards. toestiont non. 4 »Re A., R. WS- N4b7.1e10-$.. O.O.Se Weer greettete of Toreate lteeivereese DENTISTS. Teeth extreated wielleett awe pele er wax bed el Otesin Peasee's :ea*, 43,En Atne% Exeter. • ALTON ANOMON (1),(1.81. tala -DENTIST Meer Oraluate Tareete reisersite ene feeyel eel:gee-et Dentel seureereas Oeteeto else Peet Oradeete ef Chimp Seheal et Proathetie thsetietery (with heuereble mentloe.) dibueinuto, Gold and Voleaulte Plates reede in the aeateettuatuarpasetle, 414 prefeetly hermit -Ai ae- atelbetle used ter eeinlysseetreetiea of teeth. Odlee eat) dor entith deeding Ores. gem, Peeler. Meted. DTele T. lie dieLAPOULINt MEMO= OF 'lilt. .Oelleee Peyseeeee one Saracene theme" Playseeeee, teereeen oeed Aceezezcer. calve Peet. weed, the. Jy. &be W, 011eee end &teeing*. VI (encene Ave., Leedoe Oat. Smell etteatlea eaid to 'cremes of wemea. Oleo betas, Ideee to 4 pt. nen 1. rgoism -0, munlism3. Ad, tzz% es -vexes -eve Ve...;=te SettlVere terdiedseee Vaal/. We Mem e Owen =tee! telercele (ell'ave Male stave Rea L Caettee,11.8.,, lip it, 111.49im 16-1 01.141011AN. (Semerevr ta Ellett de GPO - A". * Panel Natesler. Sadler. Notary Peitele ccee- see-neer, Itzr.tw timi at %nit nue a to, tact, Oftet, Main met. Pieta. t *ewers DROWN, ttirrletlets. Maid. Aurteenet • teethe Ceentice af Path and 3iletileste t rthetwensblp 17tberne. Sales prattle% Wand temts rreeenahle. Sala anareed diet, Medi:ilea. The Molsons Bank (Chartered. ite Parliament, 1%5 ) Mead °Mee, Montreee Paid up Capital........... Reserve Fund.... ... . . .....,2,130,000. JAS. ELLIOTT, GENIARAI. --EXETER BRANCH-- ee ano to 3 ;um; Saturdays 10 to I, tgeneit1 banking Intsiness transacted bfeney admired to good Farmers et lowest Me Swinge Dane Depesits from Rawl upwards rely. el interest allowtel�L inghesteurrent rates, Otresos &Ceram. N. D. Waxer, o' Solicitors. Manager. CREDITON ROLLER MILL& omozzozooc***cocoot coo= We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelltng our mill. yam pugnte GONPULSORY LEBITRATION DUCK -SHOOTING SEASON. Ull• Uig Tim Taman TRADE tenceetsTs, Every farmer knows that some plants grow better than others, Soil may be the sante and seed may seem the same but some plants are weak and others strong. And that's the way with children, They are like young plants. Same food, same home, same care but some grow big and strong While other stay small and weal!, .Scott's Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty. Chad weakness often means starvation, not because of lack of food, but because the food does not feed. Scott's Emulsion really feeds and gives the child growing strength. Whatever the cause of weak- ness and failure to grow Scotts Emulsion seems to find it and sot the matter right. Fend for tree semple. Seat %woe. ebaniste. Tomato. 0 . eve, mei Atte ; dreggiete. Hulletta The barn and stable. o Mr. James Snell tvhicii were among the most complete in the county, went up in emoto Monday night. Mr.Snell was awakened by the conflagration at inidnightibut it had gained etteh head- way that he saw at a glance that the buildings were doomed to destruction. The only live otock in the stables at the Uwe were two thorobred bulls and a stallion. Tho totter avid ono of the bulls they managed to sive though the horse made repeated Mono to re - urn to its fiery stall. The animal whIch was' horned was a thorobred. The horn was full from floor to totof with the whole of thio season's crop. 'The bar waking operatIons had only been completed the evertingbefore. In- deed. the last load AVIS hooted in at so tette an boar that it mumbled on the Nvagati, ?Jr. Snell, who has spent a lifetime in Hullett, says he never hod a bettee erOp. The grain was of end mutiny and the straw long. The re made a clean sweep of the fne'llt buildings and 31r. Snell is now without shelter for a head of stock which, as is well known, is among the most valu- able in fltwon. As it is now almost too late in the season to build more Hien a temporary sbelter,be Will Prob- ably have to dtspose of the bulk of his thorobreils. 31nch sympathy id ex- pressed for 31r. Snell, who, as an exten- sive breeder of high class sheep and cattle,bas done much towards improv- ing the stock in this county. The ori- gin of the fire is tiknown. but it is sup- posed to have been caused by spon- taneous combustion. Upon the build- ings, which could not be replaced at the present time tor $2000, there was an inSUrance of $1350, but upon the contents there was no insurance what - Ver though it included the whole ceop off a, two 'hundred acre farm, In- cluding 100 tons of hay. TO CIAO A COLD IN 01411 DAV Take Laxative Eromo Qninine Tab- lets. Ali druggign refund the money if it fails to C111.0.. &v. E. W. Groves' signature is on es.ch box. George King, a Hamilton painter, stabbed his son, William, during a family quarrel on Sunday morning, and the ftM1 May die. 4.4410.4 The Unhappy Buraen- Bearer Must Make Choice. GRISTING and CHOPPING Paine& Celery Compound DONE PAOMPTLY. SlAtEITZER !VI"' j'ile4 /00001 PhOBIlOainef The OreatMaglise. Remedy.. -Sold and recommended by all denggists in Canada. Only rele, able medicine discovered. Ste 23ae7cages guareinteed to cure ali forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Xxcessive nee of To- bacco, Opitim or Stimulants, _Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1; -six, $5. One will fgenses sin Witt Cure. -Pamphlete free to any address. The Weed.Company, Windsor, Ont. WoOds Phosphodine is sold in Exeter • by' 3. W. Beowning and C. Lutz oina, e Druggists. *, a eal ExETER Estate Exchange. The'Sale, Purchaseiinct jizinge, of Villa(ve and farm. laricl and:properties ratgotiated,a t reasdniible rOes .of coui Mission, Vat' Sale. Several Valuable Farms in 1-IAY, II813ORNE, STEPHEN :4nd McGILL, IVRAY; also .Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms Watited. We have purchaser's for good ktrm and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who will F..xchange. APPLY TO - Wifi. Bawden, David Mill, Valcuttor. Mtn ager OFFICES: Dickson & Carling•'s New Block, Illeeter. Takes Away The Load of Di:tease and Leads to New Life, Health and Happiness. The uuhappy victine of diSease who has just dragged. through the suminer, and who is now racked with suffering and almost a physical wreck, =St make immediate choice of two paths. One leads to increased miseries and certain death, the other to new life, health and happiness. The use of Paine's Celery Compound is a necessity for all who seek the path of healthand long Years. Victims cif rheumatism, nenralgia,kid- ney disease, liver ..trouble, dyspepsia, nervousness and blood diseases, quick- ly and surely find newlife, vigor and strength in Dr. Phelps' medical pre- "scription-paine's Celery Compound. It builde'dcp the systein, 'purifi4s the blood braces the nerVes and regulates digestion as no other medicine can Mrs. Oharette, Chambly P. Q.'Won- derfully rebelled .by Paine's Celery Compound writes as follows: ¶`I can honestly say that I 'would not be living to -day if it had not been for your wonderful medicine. For a long time I suifer6d terribly from nervous: ness, sleepless, head and stomach troubles, and never received much benefit from ordinary medical treat- ment. I heard of your Paine's Celery Compound, and I have good reason to thank God that f used it. I can now eat well and sleep 'soundly, and my nervousness is a thing the of past. I now feel per•fectly rested after a night's sleep, which Was never the case before using the Componnd. My neighbors eve mu prised at the grand cure mode by your medicine, and some are using it now. •1 thnnk you eineerely for the honest results given by Paine's Celery Compoend. ethanol ate s- MirtY-OftIA congzeoa CemMe14014. 74014.1194-41'O Laet AII WeeIcm-riVe liondred Reiegates-itonort 1q4". 'the Re1e,gat4g* tO tUe, United Staters. London, Sept. 2, -The 85t1* ''rad.ee Union COnes e Cerneeenced aweek'a esanon Lendom tipworda of 540 delegates, representing a million and a ouarter workers, were present. They include many women delegates. One of be principal resolutions 'which will be Omitted demands legislation creation 8. empreme eourt of athitrotioo, with oompulsory power to settle dispiltea be- tween employers and emptoyees. The report of the Parliamentary Com- mittee referto the visit of the Itritieh Trades 'Union delegates to Waehlugtoo awl 44y4 they were greatly impressed with the advantage Aineriean trade unionists posseas over the Britieb. by this willingnesa of tie President at all times to eoneult with accredited lotion repre- eetitatives. *The troth" toys, the report, 'htp to uow. how made uo bad use of their combination, wagee boviue. a tendeuey to increase.° in. It, 4, , ICENNCOY 1U4P. Promident or The %Imes Pri Ong company ot Hamilton, Hamilton, Sept. 2.- --VJp onum. Ned Les F.a.waeitietee. 31r. R. A. E, Kennedy. Pmsident of Tile Times PrInt- Ing C-omnany. passed AWay ehtertly after 9 *leek last uight. He had beeu ill duce August 20, when he fen down tne steep sters at the Mountain View pa- " u white ottendiug the annul &nig be CP.& employees from Toronto, oft eatty mit over tbe one, log sleeken up. The tud L m seenewhot euddeoly. The deceased for many yearo a familiar Bowe this city, and be bad a host et friends who dcroly regret to learn of MS taking off. .'Ute late Reginald Aencal itelihtili WAR born In Hamilton in De. muter, DM. He woe descended from an old Scottish family, and wan a Bacot desceadant of the toluene Robert Bruce. Ile WAR ver,y demecratie, however, aud did not Free* any claim a long descent. Uu was educeted in the Galt Grammar School, under' the late Dr. Tassie, and, W43 ono of the "old boos" at the recent mullion in Celt. When sixteen years of age he entered the employment of the old Great Western Railway Company. remaining with the railway for ten ars. Then be joined Mr. Frank 11c. derry in the wholesale crockery and fancy goods buelness, this partnership being dissolved in 1S70. In the menu - time Mr. Kennedy hacl formed ft corn - puny for tho purchase of The Time* nowspeper, title having been accomplish- ed in 1074. Ever since that time he bed been Preeident and Mituaging Director of The Times Printing Company, and the well-kuown Itiliera1 newspaper has flourished under bis management, Be- sides Ws connection with anie TIMM :Sir. Kennedy eVas a director of the, Landed Bulking & Loan Company ainee its in - option, a director of the Victoria 'Mu- tual Fire Insurance Compnny, President of the old Hamilton Elf cilia Light & Power (ompany, a member of the firm of coal importers of 1). R. Dewey Co., and he was also interested In other busluceses. tie as distiognished for his business ability, tact, honor in dealing and friendliness of manner, and he was a warm friend to the needy. Ile was ex- ceedingly patriotie to his native eity, and he saved several:years as an „Alder - ream He was one of the hading Lib- erals in the city, and, although a hard worker for his party. he had many friends among his .pelitieal opponents. He was an euthustaAie supporter of amateur sport, especially cricket. For many years he was captain of the Ham- ilton Cricket Club, and was captain when the club made its memorable tour of victory in the United States in 1879. The deceased was prominent in the 31a - softie Order, which he joined in 1800. lie was a member of Rose Croix Chapter, A and A. S. rite. He was a member of the A. 0, U. W. He was also a member of Christ Church Cathedral, of which he was for years on ()nice -bearer. Ile was married in 1809 to Miss .Aurora Ann Christina, daughter of the late Mr. John Walter 111i1le, who survives him. Nets Aauezlean...erchbishops. Rome, Sept. 1. -The propeganda, after a four-hour *sitting to -day, decided to recom- mend the rope to appoint the'RIght Rev. J. M. Farley, Dan the auxiliary, Bishop of New York, as Archbishop of New York, and Right Rev. ileerge lilontgomery, 131shop of Los Angeles, Celifernia. as .coadjutor to the 4.reabishop of San Prancisco. TELEGRAPH BREVITIES. Signor Zane: delli, 'the Italian Premier, is seriously ill , . Mrs. Welding of Brantford was found dead in her garden. Charles P.edinond of Guelph committed suicide by taking Paris green. 'Aid. Patriok Dowd, .Labor candidate, \Vas elected Lord Mayor of Dublin. '1 ihzud Kirk of Norwood fell off the roof of h building and broke his thigh. Nearly .30,000 cases of cholera.are re- perLed in the philippinei, 'with 20,000 deaths. ' Leslie Byers of Greenwood, and Cyril Graham of Victoria 'Road, boys, were drowned. - • An -explosion occurred at Cherbourg on board the French:, submarine 'boat Le Eraneaise. • Severalmen were injured. Eighteen vessels were driven ashore in a ,gale at Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Ii; is feared there has been great loss of life. Labor Day was generally observad throughout Canada, wall big demenstra- -Hoes at Montreal, Halifax, Toronto, Hamilton, London, St. Cathar- ine, Guelph and Peterboroe Sir Eden -and 'Barton, Premier of the Aeletralian Commonwealth, and party, ereived in Torouto in 'the private Pull- man car Lucille last night, coming by Grand Irenk. The party are registered at the Queen', and will be there for oen o d 4,T S. SIVNTRR DROWNVP AND 41,11, OTIIPide vl? TolquaLad 1;OPOTtlie4 bre the swamping or Their CaneteeedAdolte Frosts do alanitelm-,SeareitY or krarreeters,Labor Par at Wine /Alyea, Wothilteh. Sept. h.--Ditek-allootingIn Manitoba opened yeaterelaynnd lautulre49 of sportsmen were in the inershei gatio erbne in good bags, oswald Biotin], aged seventeen, of Iviiimedesa, was drowned. in A pond while swfmrning for deeks. Cherlea Hawley of Netnnipeg, had his eye aceidentelly shot while shoot. Ing with a companion. 1-iabor Day was observed with a 11.404^ er porade of the trade wilione in the ortnea. Five Hammond Paell were in liine, witla many attraetivo dents. Sports were bad at River Park. There were slight frosts at 3,1hinethisa, Rapid City and, a few other penota vorttarestern Manitoba on Sunday evea- tug. hot not severe enough to hurt the grant. Toolay was warm and The eeareity of barvesteri is. felt itt =Inn Feints. mid tins will delay witting and threehing. Thousende can yet and Welie in certain distriete crops soind, not be aaved were it, not flr the Gal/elan end other recent arrivals of new eettlera from thirope. Mies lihnlyn Boueber of Bouelierville„ on Paine' Meer. and Miss 311teliell, tentiolaw of Mr. P. th 31111s, Rat Port - on were. drownell in 'Winnipeg River • day attcritoeu by the einaniping gauge. 4441144.44.414.m..44emnew.M441.4,441 ,NAN CONVICTS" HAIM LOT, Average Ltro Sown Yeare-Sitat Like Doze Cutler Contract SriteMe Anetin. TexoSept. 2.--Qoa feta treatett like Feasts ot Gehl PIP13 shot down lake degs by woods end centreetore epees the alightest peetext t. the charge mode against the Ezowgenaent et the Ram PeultentlarY by Me levestigatius committee alapelated the tau Legalatore. Tee atateraeot Micas io, "it la Ott eewrietion thou the is 641. disgrace to tile State aed ought Abolished. AR 4 ruletea are or /et 1;1 not as eatuatoe ta the eyes et b erent-i, petal and contravem, witb extvedgest. ail that at a. on. in eel - donee thereof wo Ana that the average itre et a convict is aeren years. Couvicte are Sign thsall epee be last provomtlepsrnii when them bi absolutely no excuse ler Convicts ore matted when now are sten aug alleabled. and some have been ewe - Relied to work until they bave dropped dead fa *heir traeke„ "'Men men are shot down like doge mid re worked until they drop dead muter tfll eyatesu, the ie.vple or Texfsmenet bop* to eheape tbe responsibility or these wrones. The exuding ructbods sr Web, eruct, in- humae and unworthy or an imitentimea pee. The Om hi regera eo witipping con - Vets ought to be metaled. The sergeant waive ai any and ab times that It is bis entwine to do so. The eentrect system ;ought to be abolisbed at once and a moro ettmune ayucta leaugurated." VORTO RICAN rox.rrics. • Men, Including. a Poi Iceman, Won't ded-Threo San Juan, Porto Rico, Sept. .S, -At Cayey yesterday evening there was a conillet between persons attending meet- ings of Yederals and Republicans, dur. lug which six men, including a pollee captain, were wounded. The lighting was caused by a strictly political dis- pute. Acting Governor Hartzell has instruct- ed Andreas Cresas, a heivyer and member of the Executive Council, to make a thorough investigation of the recent rioting at Humacao, where three her - sons were killed and three were injur- id. APTEIt DALLooN RECORD. 111. Au Attempt lo Elr Prom Denver to Neu- reek.. Denver, Col., Sept. 2.--hltig Glory," one of the largest balloons ever con- strueted, was successfully started front this eity last night an a trip, the pur- pose of which is to break the world'a long-distance record, as well as all pre- vious records for fast balloon sailing. It is expected ultimately to reach New York if possible. , British Cattle Markets, Loudon, Sept. 1.-ernited States cattle, 7d; Canadians, Oeld; sheep, 0;ed. shLelevve,rpoodo.1, Sept. 1.--0anadian cattle, Geld; Beet Dunne° Cattle hIstrket. East Buffalo, Sept 1. -Cattle -Receipts, 8,250 head; good cattle- steady; common, 15c to 20c lower•' prinie steers, $7.50 to $81 choice, 12e toMc per lb, $0.50 to $7; fair to good, $5.75 to 10.25; iceolce, 1,000 to 1,150 lle 175 to $0; fa.ir, to good, 4;5.35 0 to $5.50; choice heifers, e.25 to e5.T5; fair to good, e4 to e150; light to fair, $3.23 to $3.75; best fat cows, 14.75 to $5.25; fair to good, $3.50 to 14.25; canners, 31.75 to $2.50; export bulls, $4 to $4.50; buto0ier8', 53.E0 to $4; saesage, e3 to 13.25: choice stockers and feeders steady; commeu to fair. sl5c to 250 lower; eeeders, $125. to $4.75; stockers, $3.50 to $4.25; stock heif- me,$3 to $3.25; good fsesh cows and sill:lug- ers steady; • 0%1=1011, ;$0:to.4i3 per head lower; choide, e45 to $55; fair to good; $80- to $40. Veals-ltecelpte, 1,30.0 head' easier; tops, $7.75 tO ee; reir to good, $7 to $7.50; common to light, $5.75 to $6.75. Hoge -Receipts, 14,500 head; fairly active; light • gredes no -'to 13c lover; • -others steady;- heave, $7.S0 to $7.90; ligh.t do, 57.20 to'$8; mixed, 17.00 to $7,75; 'Yorkers, $7.40 to $7.55; light 00, e7.20 to $7.40; pigs, $6.05 to $0.00; roughs, 10 1:0 stags, $5 to $5.50; grassers, 57.20 to 67.80; closing steaev. Sheep aud lembs-Reeeips, 17,000 -head; seep steady; larnbe,- 30.35 to e5.5; fair to good. $5 to $5.25; culls to common, $8.50 to $4,80; yearlings, $4 to $4.115; wether, 53.70 to -e4; sheep, top mixed, 53.25 to $3.50; fair le good, $3 to $3.20; culls to coMmon, $1.75 to $e.75; etves, $3.25 td $3.50. • Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Sept., le -Cat -Hee -Receipts, 1.5,- 500, including 300 Texan. 4,000 we -Steens; steady to stroag; good to prime steers, $8 to $8.75; poor to medirim, $4.25 to $7.00; stociters and :feeders, $2.50 to $4.50; cows, $1.50 to $5.50; heifers, $2.50 to 56.50; arm- nerS: $1.50 to $2.50; bulls, $2.50 to $5; calves, $2,75 to $7.25; Texas -fed steels, $3 to $5.35; .western steers, $4 to $0. 1 -logs - Receipts to -day, 23,000; to -morrow, 15e)00; left over,, 2,031; 0c to 100 reigher; Mixed and buteltetse $7.20 eo 57.55; guo0 to eii0 LC c heavy, $7.50 to $7,5214; cough beery, $7.10 Le $7.40; light, $7.25 to $7,40; bulk of eeles, $7.30 to 1e.50. Sheep - Re- ecipte, 18,500; sheep and Iambs steady; good to choice wethers, e3.5e to $4; Ler ittoimbeLea8e 510tuteoc,14,43.$2 50 to 13.70; native EXErift MAIIKETS. 0 O THE roffANGED EACH WEDNESDAY (49T WheataetEXEITH 11111ER miu 70 Potatoes, per bog., 45 Hay, per ton. - - 0 00 Flour, per cwt., roller... 1 05 Butter.- ... - 14. Eggs.. ........ - RAdeg. per 100 - 400 Live hogs per cwt. -- Dressed Hogs. - 7 00 Shorts per ewt• 4 4 Bran per owt. 31 '11 50 700 2 00 14 5 int s 7 00 100' so Pains in the Back .Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or etagnaot 'condition of the liktueye or liver, and are a warning it is extremely tenzeandOtte.tu ne.glect: 80 important is O healthy .tietitat Of thee *therm They are eornicaently ottend:d by loss .of enerenn lack of • Courage. _mad some, tiraea by: &eel forebOdiug mad dee epoedeticy„ hl was tete% Pi with kidney trouble, mut be1a11ME.0 we4k1: could 6catteIr get aroma.. took molten* wtttout began eutt decided to try Mears Sarsaparilla,- After Me first hettie X Mt ea neeete t otter that eentinue4 It* neeand eix 116910$ made 1P.4 a. new Weelatt. When. Vey iie ore WAX A she could sot Iteep anything (414 ttr gtonuckaticl wo gave her nicieel'a OareaPh. rine which cone her." UR% TA4 i. tan Wellaceborn, Ont.. - Hood's Sarsapariila Cures kidney eied liver trouble, re heves the back eud bwltls up the hole system. Mainly About People. "What .ean we do with Rosalyitt" TItelt once aSked.of Sidisbary. "Make .hire, .nleater of Ole buekhowide, on )ti a father woe auggested the latter. "Nett:replied Premier, hiw 4weitre far too mucie for bat. We wit, ;peke him high COMMIS, siener to tbe Church of Sc01.1014." Serator Proctor of Vermont ova the finest tipectdi he ever made coesisted• of Only 'four weed*. It- wee retort 40 &Pater IlOar's sarcastic little tbtust in speech directed at the ORO. Meoutoin eater, He midi 'We man in Vermont Rowed to vote entre% he lute Made : tboiteand doliars tradiag with MU, usette peepiet. 'Wneseat Proeto "And we All Nate:* 6 principal .1. a high sehoottells: the allowing anecdote: Ono day at tithing. 1 gave a bright boy. a sum in Algebra, and, olthougli Hie problem wen coniparativel ey, be couldn't do it. I: remake 'Ton ought: to be *shamed of yourself. At your ago Oeorgo: Warnhington waa surveyor!' The bay looked me straight in the:eyes and. related, "YalA f ir; and at your ago hc was: President oftholfaitad States." TOOK POISON IN MISTAKE. Brussels, Aug. 27.-A sad aceideri which remitted in the death of Mr. Alex. Bunter, occurred last night. Mr. Ranter wao about to prepare a bird for analog and had for this pur- pose a mixture of carbolic acid and other poisons, which he left automat other bottles containing medicine. When going to the shelf to take some medicine he got hold of the bottle con- taining the poison and swallowed the greater portiou of it before realiziug his mistake. He at once ran to Dr. MoNaughten's office, wbere he died soon after. Mr. Hunter wits 5.3 years a age and bad lived bere for tbe past twenty three years, having occupied the position of Division Court Clerk for that period. UP TO - DATE IDEAS. The Most Popular One With Young and Old Is The Deter- mination to Make Malt Breakfast Food The First Dish at the Morn - FOR PURE MANITOBA CHOICE FAMILY FLOPS (P:Sintar) cess) BEST EAPTALSETTAY (Hrealeftest FoNn A good supply of Millfeed and Chop always on hand. Give oar Flour and Feed trial and be convinced tin% it is all right. Ttoller and Plate grinders in use to suit customers. aarvey Bros. sot to I cobbledick .t wo Second-haud m A Imo upright ritinwo AND One Square PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP w Pianos and, Organs Always in Stock. &WINO MACII1NES. Our experience in the Sewing, Nap- " o Businm 02 year guaran. ef cur goods.. . 'S'e carry in 6tftek the best Ma - that . the market ffords unit 14 easy terms, Needles and Re- 's for all kinds of 'Machines always baud. 4 4 t Musk', MuI Doolist BYtisa oolts, Etc., kept in Stock. AND SEE VS, IT WILL Rea' YOU. S. MARTIN ET FUMY 411 LEARING SALE of Plows, Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Harrows, &c., ike., now go- ing on. Exerything to be cleared off by JULY 1) 1902 FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. Any Amount of Wrought and Cast Iron Wanted. JAS. IVILIPORAY. Cook's Cotton Root Compouna Is successfully used monthly by otres 10 000Ladies. Safe effectual Ladiesast your druggist for 'Cook's Cottim Rod Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and img Melimitations are dangers a, box;reo.e,m degrees stron ger, $5 per box. Wm ou. Price, Bo. 1, 5per 1; 1 or ; mailed on receipt of price and two -cent stamps. The Cook Company ‘Vindsor.Ont. 120-No9. 1 and 2 sold and recommended responsible Dru gists in Canada A Food Thoroughly Relished By All Glasses. Tip -to -date ideas crowd thick and fast on the people of progressive com- munities. The strongest, most sen- sible and most popnlar one that has seized the public is the determination to make Malt Breakfast Food the first at the morning meal. When the many positive advantages of Malt Breakfast Food are considered, the new and up- to-date idea is worthy of all encour- agement by those who value health, vfgsr and robustness. The best medi- al men heartily endorse the fact that Malt 13reakftist Food is the true health food. and results amply prove ht. See your grocer. emazaisawiestessasozzow 791•1•110 HARVEST EXCURSIONS RETURN Washada. Es tertu . Elgin Arcola . Aloosomin Wawancsa, Miniota . Dinscartlt Grand View Swan River. 3346.112.4•111, Wili bz,. rum on SEPT. 16th returning until Nov. Pall, 100i?.. FARES to i;e0 tta ...I.S3 Moosejaw.-; 0 Yorkton-) 8 , . . .Pr. Isabel $3 5 Macleod .,,,, Calgary .. , 140 Red Deer Strath - cotta) Frew all pioint$ Cznada, Azilda, Sault Ste, Marie, Win( sor and East. • Tick -els not g000 on "Imperial Limited.' For pamphlet giving further particulars apply to the nearest Canadian 'pacific Ageut, or 10 A. H. NOTMAIV, Asst. Gen.'I Pass. AO.. 'Icing St. klast, Toronto giontrammesamcsomuclumm9sumirm, No. 1 and No.2 are sold in Exeter by C. Lutz and J. W. 13rowning, Drug. gists. DASHWOOD FUKIITGRE STORE. You are invited to call and inspect any large assortment of Furniture and furnishings Whicb I will offer at very close prices. My stock coo- sists of the following: - Parlor 'suites, Bedroon3 suites, Spring Mattresses, Bed- - steads, Couches, Lounges, ' Tables, 'Chairs of all descrip- tions, Sideboards, Rockers, Fancy Rockers, Curtain Poles and Trimmings, Shades, Mouldings, Mniois1 Pilow Sham Holders, Hat Racks, Towel Rollers, &c., Picture Framing a specizilty Baby Carriages,Go-carts,Express wng- ens, Carts, Reeking horse's, etc. Undertaking. I carry a large aud Well IsScrt- Pet stock in this line: In time of need cle not fail to call. The above stock iS bought from the leading Manufacturers of Careida and bought ct the closest „pipes Aut./ our expenses are low there- fore we can sell it at prices e blob will su rpvi se you. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. " Meisaac. 4