HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-4, Page 1ArV
A"A"Av" AVAA. A":4.44.
. eence oer gest accident she was
atkreicalk4P-', Air atkAarioffr4ei 4,16' ete- sfaast ettealtesheetaielltratheeheelat Ureenway Granton i (..". ._ ,
, 1, ere but uncomplaleing sufferer and
OWTHING the Bend last week. -Mrs. ata A, WU-
1 \Nilson silent a few pleasant days at -Lb°
Misses Enema McPherson aiel. Alice
ereeted a retotelah to his dwelling.- end relative -a in parehoe_ere. arta ''.thtlti(:xil'etitleef-EgTalhoenisil!h%nsevt•mexe.etel;.).:1 4f:
Northwest,.-afr, Clatwortby lutajtifter an exteiated visit with frieml;
Miss Annie Alorat bas returned froee I Miss aley lirirlisililaesYre4turned bone- the lest LU .".i hronight ber a,
..OI) (4 of London, are visaing at, the Tile contriactors have cominanced epee, -
home of Mr, W.J.Wilsoio-alie annn- __te'°,! t, ,.. 1 . P he t a- , b a iby Sundayt-Mie Getaga Galletate of `a”--21 "'-am'alIS 311's• WM..
!gra Fred. Clarke viaited in thils viein- cct.itallee; V. i-
its (r.amilehd u.e.ince, sht, baNinc
al Farmers' picnic Is to be neld at the wu'autewat *eke*" now ueeaotertaedbun" Mita% Mich., who hae for toe p3st pas.eed the four score mark, being over
MEN and -BOYS. latienarditotno.-doefyEx(Tetehur,rsedaaricad-alur. flTie. ,igs. t,:elsicIsuzigiangolustco:non.Pilve.iteetar'ict, Tnan3 _tart; Ntvheee:ce byeaerntsr.esntlex7tietdigrzmboiami7,tm:an:leids.41; 8tItill317:4;11,),;41";:ticti,/ei.liviasse,toet, ruet 11.
ilere (baring the weele,eue awl arm farntersare commencmg to. EqW Apr _gee.. a. Knott preached a go°4 alhe wive way to the gradual wearing out,
visit- ,fall wheat. --Mr. jobo Rowell, o ie eellettien3eaeeneteralenenstuirodnatty.tb3Igth. jfuloirrie$-
J, J. AfeWilliaros, of (aliselloirst, ttf.telfenyce_ antese terestitution. eta
6 ed friends in this vicinity tioe week,- 011"i° 1-10°8a*bas bad lus Iteense cam' nt flied etion al years ago. They
lit panied hy alrs. W. A.Wilson and alise Ometable Aliiguire visited the house tBoeYhafs/3h?sfeGerrantrti.): rt,tdi: 6.41-vitg.rtrVitht sgaudino family. Deceased had been a
Wit leave just added to our Stock e Clotbing Depiwtment. which
caonot he surpassed by any clotbing lipase in tlien County. No jobs,
eto misfits, no off stoek, no hlinderee but geed straight goods made up
a' in the latest fasbions, with good linings, all sewn tvith silk and linen
thread. We purpose making this a leading line aud have bot with
1 tbat idea in view. Our stock will not exceed $1S1011,00 but in it will be
feond the best productions, of tninds, hande and machlues. We fear
tiontaife prices and given a show C1411 put VOtt hi a way to seve 'money.
These pods were purchaeed after a careful inepection ni Seven Mann*
feeturets audteeditv we atmotince to yon that Coppley, Noyes 4.• Ran.
dell, of Hamilton, ie our choice on the best goods, and Atalirlikull,
41 Grey & Southgate. of Toronto on eheap goods.
Coppley, Noyes de Roadie are fast getting the clothing trade of
1 Caoada. Wiley are cutting ont the old. lioers with their otettedate
ideae, uothing is too aew for them, nothing ie too new for US OZad OP -
thing is too new for you.
Mr. and Afrs. W. J. Wesel), accom.. eelled- leceose Inspector Smith area
resident of this township for neatly
(!artie EL WIlsoo easited friends in -.2 ri,v days eg,o and made a seizare" of Monday. -air. %! 41 Preston is via half a (i (.J She untie a /ad
cleaning called on frieiale here Satur- i It th ee
Beyfield over Stineay.-Mr. Geo. Glen. hawTs"--31ran (Dad Lang is visiting itiog friends in this viefitait•.tr.--.51its„ i know was to tetpett, ot a 4tietYattlgi
Story aud her friend, of Ottawa. arl lauteseelaea 4-1- al b t 5 .
4,, 1,110,$,1 4313,.. R11 3 %ay*
aal-e-atr. D. ev.wilson bas purchased hae4.16-'1stlf:eoM-m. Eltcileu' 1($ dc-
ViAtilrlig at aloe Jobe leteeisa-atr. 4geiede ea her moaner. ood ever ready
a new clover huller Whhalt le (1(14 4,., first, Actsienatata, -Mr, S. Riddlea tetZela Itea.0's bouse is. progressing, rapitile. kr to earder aid where 5t wilt detetettt
testes 4401... -3-.. Nellie Ilotson left , teen away tbe caber day and made The fouodation is Already Nat -Ma, teed ,,,eeidred. she was a devout anti
"41044(144 for ¶I. ionto where she will ree In r,,, lively for a taw, They were lin. G. Gilbert aria Miss Mate/Gated eis- i enlist-it:tit tottottr ot t4ertott,yteltac
mitia SOW tulle, at'y caught liefore 14 .4 damege was ited with 'Mrs. J. Matson toad other 1(0151401e
down, other than baying Blear Wed friends in laidtbillph. during tlie week.
St. Joseph- ket; eut. -gr. Gino. Diesinore's boree --- --og..,---- ----
etthatbled ami fell while driviug down "2: Well
Fi544 taieek hill at Mrs. McDonald's 1
Mr. R. efealordie anti Mr D. a Nt ,,,,
funeral Su1day. The oecopetits were 4‘117s9 "7615nfilt* r•14"2° srl4t a f*,..11. 1,iltkr1 I trtn 11,4* in th 4 no 11 ' dietr" ' ''a.
all thiown ont on the luta coal Ma, °E 1*. -1)78"41 d9lialg w"e---t-att''' bVsin;es tri t' M 1 Jwsu Pi "set t'u s
A, 4 ,
_ _ _ _ _
Incr114rlacArNit47"9"VC/VolliaricfrArl'irfarn4r79"Wirrlar Vaslit
Groeeriee a Specialty. Post °face Block
itiOaarele TO WAN,
Webeveanlialted erivete tusk* for le.
vete:tout mem term or village peopertyt
tuwest cittett ut lotexest,
Dicxaes Ceecialat, ,
Bereatere. etc., Exeter.
rON X*
,31 ftA ACHE Menlo raaaa
lelaitag}inegivgaetiatWirlegggre?lid, 11;•."e IVU
Tbe undereignell offeriu4 for rent vr for r4le
Om, desirable haudrol acre tann lathe towcAiii, et
nalcii.ter'40 tot C'etrerr.4ez Read. Ile
Ipturx,sqs ore colvenienti,F, traral to 4'.1-r' -4
gc,-...yel,11 cab gaint Ilar,goea%-travd, anti
cher 4-;,ateakr.lecs.
Itav IN O.
ratesetinterest. 114 the to.lAtit et Sacrbru, tit lug Lat, El, !Coves -
F. W. Gba.rit.t.N. , aut ham, 5xid tars. a wenifrzoll Fall +ar..1 caz-rc
-- - - ------j- - - - - fa' ritate,..11 at a reasanalle f3;aort. Apidy to
latNr..iT ELLIOIT Jo. tlarst. EtertItur.
Orniacta, Out
Ifical Etilateonill Int-um:Tv Agent _-_____ _ . _ .
Tie ein the artzvel, ;wiped8 tanne lalne
learcieterl Matra Street Exeter /tar 4121.1Z. 111, Vil5 No arai snl
faini4e. caul pr-4-periZes bi',U.-13, and eir,24 c7.1
141015 In rarts nanitebt or4.4 the Nertimot
ter •
Stepben tam haw. iaiod tramp temp o.,11
tam, well raaerall qui kared oral is in o good facto
nagaiwi'do terms. 4 raltlealik.Oniutt 5 Pr
r igralt LICEN-.4: UT, ,
Take uptice tlut I haTe awlied tata,
Coroartioners for t=tuult Unroll far iptratet.t.a to
trariler lleicl Lazne in the tillage el Maier to
William Page. any (Mallen eazing travier cite!
LiPone must he mallow the 1.Peen..re In5ptr ter on
Cr terilre the =SI 1414 64 .‚4 4.221.45,
(imam :dim
Dated of Exelcr Cih(tte Attiaril,19(.1.
Fog mix,
iwucro:,g, _
b,.<4 eituated at Devon, on thie Leaden Ituad. This
holel NIA od Pundit -4-m, tmeg routb rt
Exeter. Tiara:Ails larey trate3c41. and for the
Light man chanves are good for a splendid habitats.
Then fs aped (table Ito connection alatt.11 acrid of
laud. Possenion gitcu Immediattly. This property
will lic sold cheep. For partieulani, Olt' to
Dietsos CAUT,I.NO,,
Exeter, OOt.
'Div teak rol'ocal afferiga tyi_a de.dratle Gity uPre
Cirri 10 Mat: ihr. eolith half of 144 IL al% 4.
Mu; and *be F.3914 hair et lee 44 SIlIlIlI 11541414.4.54.')',
Youcansave money, time and feed by keeping
your pigs dm,' and clean. They Nvill thrive better
awl keep beaithy. Mike the bog vomfortable and
4)4, will put °atom. You mu 140 80 with it Ntry latle
expense by creetbagredlets Patent), Tho Ermined
lioveabie Pigs lied. Simple ei construction, mike
it yourselves. Soul V.I.00 In registered letter ior
lam right certificate and plan of construction to
Patent applied for, IiansPnatesti, Exeter, Ont.
ofilitivatZ4.n. Pam 19 MiZe+.1 tokly ter
rwatre: Both TAR! he rabll ta tom qt tour
stars oed et a rea..-maloc trate, ,k -or surar.uiara
inn ,
C11149. BiY4, thcattor.
Exam a 0
De. Thos.lIenderson, wife and child,
of Detroit, are visiting the Ihe's meth-
er and frientia-The farmers in ethis
Feet ion beer" nee rly coal phit-a the her
vest mut will 80011 he mto
Art; Wm. (\tumbril is on the siek list.
Mr. and afre. Wm. Densford visited
Mr, and Mrs. Phil. Baker at Grand
Bend Sunday. -Mv. Seana Trieumner,
and finial* of Detroit, visited Ma
Wm. Dearing on SundaY.-Roy Don -
gate and wife, 'Miss fled gee, Fred
Hedges, Arcby Powell and Jas.Bolton,
of Loudon, visited at 'Ma Jas.Dearina's
over Sunday and Labor day. -Miss
Maud Ceitick retuned home Saturday
after visiting Mrs. W. H. Dearing,
The Misses May, Ettie and Nona
Coughlin leave to -day (Thursday) to
attend the Covent atStratford.-The
C th i held on the church
a o cp c -n c
groonds Wednesdaynight of last week
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Was a grand success in every particu-
• kr. Visitors were present from all the
surrounding villages and Exeter was
In the Suprente Court of the North- particularly well represented. An ex -
West TerritorieseNorthern .talber- cellent tea Was served on the lawn fa-
te, judicial District. In the mat- lowed by a dance which all joined in
ter of the estate of Isaac Harvey, and most heertily enjoyed. The Cough -
deceased. lin Band, of Parkhill, was present and
Notice is hereby given that aiursuant to enlivened the proceedings by seve
the order of the honorable Afr. Justice soott eral choice selections and. on the whole
persons hayinif claims against the estate a splendid time was spent. The pro-
em District of Alberta and formerly. of Exe-
dated the lath day of August, .A.,D , 11102, that
811 oft e said Isaac arvey,late of Velment, in ceeds amounted to $175.
ter,ia the Province of Ontario, who died on
or about the 3rd. day of April'. A.D., 140:i, are
" requested to send by post, prepaid or to de-
liver to Martin Itunnals, executor, or to
Messrs. Taylor & Boyle, Senators for the
Executor, of Edmonton, Alberta, North
West Territories, on or before the
1st Day of October A D 1902
their christian names and surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions, the full partie.ulars
of their claims, a statement of their ac-
counts aralthe nature of the security (if any
held by them, duly verified by Statutory
Declaration, and that after the said day
the said Exedutor will proceed to distrib-
ute the assets of the said deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to such claims of Which lie shall have no-
Dated. this lith day of August, 1909,
• Solicitors fonthe Executor.
In the matter of George -A, .Merner,
' of the Village of Exeter, in the Coup-
- ty of Huron, Hotel -keeper, Insol-
Notice is hereby given that the said
George llierner, carrying on business as a
hotel -keeper at the said Village of' Exeter
has made an assignment under It. S. O.
1807, Chap. 147, of all his estate, credits and
effects to ,Tonathan liferiatir, of the Village
of Dashwood in the County ,of Huron, for
the general benefit of'his creditors. A_ meet-
ing of ereditOrs will be held at the office of
the saiitAssignee' in the Tillage of' bashwood
On Friday, the
5th day of September, 1902
at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon
to receive a statement affairs, appoint in-
spectors and for the, ordering of the affairs
of the, estate generally. Creditors are re-
quested to file their elgiuns with the Assignee
with proofs and: particulars as required by
the said. Act on or before the day; of such
meeting. And notice is further given that
,. after the Stlf d,/fry of Septeniber, 1002, the
Assignee.will firoeeed. to distribute the as-
sets of the estate amongst the parties ea -
titled thereto; hay ing_regard only- to the
claims of Which, notice satin then haye: been
given, and that he will not be liable for the
assets or any part thereof so distributed.
to any person or persons of whose claim
ho shall not then h Wee had notice.
Dated at Dastrw ood this isth day et August
if. J. D. COONE, J. J. MunNtn,
Soho or for the Assignee. Assignee,
Miss Ethel Godbolt has left here to
attend the Mitchell Model School. -
Ma Robert Richardson and wife. of
Zurich, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bas-
set) ou Saturday and Sunday. -Mr. E.
M. T. Clark spent Sunday Grand
Bend. Miss Rhode Elliott, of Thed-
ford, accompanied him. -Mr. Charles
Clarke returned to London last week.
-Mr. Norman Jarrett and wife, of
London Road North, visited Mrs. Jar-
rett's parents on Sanday.-Mr. Leslie
Robiusou and sister, Ellie, spent Sat-
urday at Grand Bend. -Mr. Thos. Bell
and gaug are doing some good work
in the threshing line. The other day
while at Mr. Thos. Clark's they thresh-
ed three bushels of wheat per minute.
This is considered big -work. Torn has
a eood giteg of men and the best out-
fit on the road. -The Misses Brown, of
Rirkton, were, the guests of Miss
Maude Fletcher Sunday. -Mr. George
Ea,ssonaalacksmith, has disposed of his
business here to Mr. Geo. 'Heywood.
Mr. Easson intends going west some
time in October. There is a good op-
ening here -b OW far a blacksmith. -The
Rev. P.' Whitlock, of Lumley, deliver-
ed a very strong temperance discoursh
on Sunday last. While tee agree wite
what the Rev. gentleman said to some
extent we must say his remarks were
more or less cactracterized with politi
cal bigotry. The names of the two
candidates in the last politieal cam-
paign were brought up and the name
of the defeated heralded to the skies
for his good temperance qualities,
while the member elect was quiet to
the contrary. We are inclined to
think that the speaker did not know
what he was talking about or he would
not make such rash statements and we
will simply allow them to recoil on the
author. We, claim that when a minis
ter or any Other person undertakes 'to
discuss temperancehe should first free
his mine from political blisotees and
discuss this good cause on its Merits if
it is to carry a n 3r weight, otherwise i
. is Simply a waste of energy.
The work on the doek here is pro.
gres,sing favoritbly under the able man-
14,14MIleat of My. b. Belangea-ala J. ,
',wheat). ACCOlapittliC4 by his eime wee 4) (44411. was giliteiserionsiy injured. Wm. Pinkl.einer, ;data' a, pleita0 tit Vigs. titre I ford, NV:t.-;iali'll:,,,,1,7fias,e iv/Islart11:° qi''..'.
441 London Saturday on besineea--'31iss ' 'J. Vat egeseaola NIII$ Aso somewhat set, it with friends here, 'attuned to Mil- calling ori friamfeeottrs„ ettottr ttaha
airtudetontillitatoeuralietfut etbi‘isinaste•etelettfottr. Ottoitilhe- : Jowly laiiisaf.e.aherfeeou, the young •erktrin last weele-Fthed. Dentlittb„ Jthe sort of, netihai. was the tatot of mitt
"*"'''' " "'''• sue -if 11, Ilhent Miley, met with a VI t '0, it :saati.V6eeSeSuire dr t,!tYs i ti. 414 14'0 Be! r216 s%clfsa hl 1;er t Va(3, aNan'ania.tti;iv.isatit _cittirhhttet the etit-r t.„0,-;1.-,a1c,r,
br,ter, Mrs., .1., IL Horton. -A certain .
ttivigitlr'31:e:titIllativSliSiltItireitlISISvii3eiti°431trilteellIe'n 4)11)41. 4.4(4.41 enetneedtggar- -I. '.4444)14') 3(1444. attti grit Rtibigefteil.naltri.dait.ite.51,t, FvI,,,,iltervohi;tebrefesiiireiliuledi 1 14.1_411 sT4trn. ,:kivove2ctinit.iistopnettg:1;:leete;itFogrozistliimo r;veni,
otiyo a cat- vaunting down to tile etvek 4"
VISIt to 0Or 'Anvil one caty litSt 1,14'44 ' ti„(1 1,:a1"4.* when Charleton Park 440 a
ilre, ti 41311 her trip to Baimpton and Se.
bere.- 'Mae A11111141 Ifess has returned el‘t/efte Alvin hamath of tdmitgiitt 54
vieiting at the parental lionie.-Ilea
lawyer from Goderieli paid a flying 1,,
114p 1 ILI: it sYt.be aAlgouri;)aidalS411tioTkeriohllittlAbZ fist ng I V", :1 4:: 1 IL : : . _ . . . .1: e fi le nte: : ,e Ch:st et b : i : g7151Vi-i-ttr- to SLrittf"Vd. %%tare he bag $eekitvd 3 dreier,- elearcb, Janne on Sept,. Stli. at
easier on the face.-Fitriners ;tee 431 11 ' -- a - i ' : - - a' - - situation in itstioestora-aliesetldirig-,
As s • • • A • •
eight theloek pan., on Ids trip to the
ease, io hie throat Several. stitches brilv"lale --Mr NVI° P"'"wft ins g"tie M. C. al. Lennan will lecture hi St -roar --
1y all through harvestiog and report it N":111a144.
good yield. --While at work on the Crediton tili:„vea!the;1;sarfeetsJrnwalost-,iisuitthivrIto.Itifari.einnal tehrf:fit;Inteebewtti,(;t154...16e:vrt4ttTlc,seermIlteerilitete4
1413 4t Ott Satuadaa Meta Jannlsou had . a . ,:,,vs, v., A . gpor,,,,.4y C.:,11..4$ r. 51044 GA A.. 1. III is visiting faellt41,4 in eediaohio, the Nature gun" 14,,, iazez..
tilta taliSfattaalle tO SMOG* tnS Wei; While 1 seien,':aeol^,,.,•lta... Nfolar,; (tan-Q5,,.g,, a. Nalliligan.- Miti.S 1444 1.19y,euiwrry re- t( ire. and entertninfolgt atie be tholge-
liftiog it 41 ‚14 Moue. 'which laid him thee t octal- INeler, 4.n,./. 141 141 foein Giait Lat. wini.k, waerin she t telvee'uteete twine , to 101 vie peeve
feet work, for it few daye. , aliee lama Rau. of Serilia. is visit- Iliac ll'onsl°11141414-.4b(' Pd''t f'•kw tn"ntus no 1I 4), 41re in tebAt of the W.P,
Grand liend ng her pareetts in Cretliton Beet. -alt, with frieials.,---ala, al. Zeller -1..ieciviee et,...tAneithi;0 vs a ,4 ,_ T ,, 1 ..
i E. Srimpane of !tlitinresville. was in the lug Irma hie illneea-al iss Susie Settee- ,ga*:ta ;14eli:azt74f41:4":'ailet1411:16'zacnt:xpre,:4,
esaiseetas are wet. thteshieht these villega igiA. Friday renewing old no- III'. 411 Detroit, is visaing her irarote lout 1,101311461.xf orailltacielkto•t3. :tat ef;40:17.
led,y referred to it, the youngie-t elatagif
weehte,hties Ham Deedee who has eelliethl et illatittfill. Coneratulatione .-
Smith spent a few days in Sarnia Imt ilagabeutallitql. te3cher In the 111Flt
).L i4.1 ter of Rev. S. Acheson, Z:11.4.4.y of
been viehing at alia. E. ours, retrtra- Mr. veM 1114 1t, blacker. while Jos, Skinner ettiprend a ear toed of this pkwe. l'At 9 a. in. Wedriesdoee
ed to ber home in Detroit Thursday. shari°14ing a 11444*tejlat41411. '111"* 14a5t eggS to Chatham Wa'ailm-iizay.- Rev. aliss Ilar,i.talf.rite. Stehiluag atehinsoe
Thilittly, gave Ns igonnh .
DEATH OV LOUIS W.,...1.1,ER.---Thi8 „,„ ,;,`,k:st7i,91:_„,e 311% Rigsby and air. A. W. Humphries aud Mr. tailbert C. at ad; were united
wet* it becomes tam gad dote to men. C;4191/ .313 3t3W "111(.8 31/94"'”- - - " -‘'*' linft, aforalay for thP Ge Meal (Valor- in Illtill iiilleilt the Pciabyterteu it gnat
'" --,4"4- 1141 izoi ilielliE Wall held at (trend enee of the Methodiet etairch at Win- in tine eity, in tile peesentne id a Loge
tion the death of Air. Locals Wolper. Bend Th t d er and 11 had ii- ue u
47thaideeig3Prto(id.latlyuelrkrek. riBle‘co'4a:evdenill iPit;7,1°-:;,',1.,1:i:---tbimillti ebiatlYis,,1141,e.,,'..!tier'F' IA: dualllyefoft7eit'Ailin1312.4n, tillocjestelunuplItilettlet c'tfini:t1.- tvt°101117,itiats17,4)).if'ittfrifultiellitrolP.'thel'Ailetehecrel
eontractett thatdreaddisectee COUISIIIIIII- i';‘,-ei,v- t;v:e"illui-..-A---- eaft-alf-ai"a"ie' . "io... -ea, tentifeig 801144411 ore alis.ees K. Mathes. tfle Km% sieve sainiee etenesoie 55a
time, cousetettently his cleath was not h tc:tuas ill he ism ed in a son. R. LiaVe. M. Grant and lanuse eisted liv hie brother, itev. la la ache.
ill the least ouexpected. He leaves to irg 4.01 14,. Trill Fi klil i 1,„,., Fletetter.-Selby Watsark returned to son, of Park 11 441 The .1 ISI ‚45 4*
mourn hie detuise a loving*, wife two 5 I In' it t r y .... 1 ti
lis!t: with friends liceaa-Theinolor lacrosse vinee, the rirmiepal figure heing a floe,
sons and thaeP daugittere, besid4s ifis returnehtto tetu,n mote ternale,iPtinnegrit Chleage SitturclaY, after a short vieit laeintifitily dteetrated with flowers ania
aged father ;out mothc.r and several ViTevit utlerkiF % ieWis wit'4111711* tatm phtyed with the .4'1:Ilse Craig boys al melt in front of the alter, beneate,
brotbera. The funeral on Saluda), was dall*,"3„/"Vre At. V' lett ,Ibse, eela,„,„.,"„ at that place on Wedneeday lint were whir* the vows weie teken. aelte wed.
litegely attended, testifying to the high otmolgarit!ietizettaaare speoeut4thai" le 'al; defeated by a ecore of 2-4-Itlise Ida. cling inareh was plieyed 1)y Mies Muria
esteem in which he was lieid in the hoe auhfuest avid from the 'n ols Connors, while engaged in the litundry Foil. The bride veae attired he a ecs.
tiad 14124. 444.3331 *5:vaitem_e'Tt'‘iiliertvt,ilvhillet:ii'intiotii'lt:v71111:"4.'eeill:illel.tital,':':,. :bit l'ini:Illnegblyar:tsaisntd3113,e(teti(ilft N'xivti.tite:Negrkai,5e. otiitiettp•hetilczni i;i{tttgi.tttivz,....cpltilide giloleit)Viiittwfuzu,
amain/unity. ale bereaved friends - to 5 et here had the misfortune a few (lees tame tlf white. ertainloped ina the, folas
, have tile keenest svmpe tele in tleilir It.,1. tn, ' , • li) 5 f f neat. to I4et, Inv hand hems. ertiehed in of the litigt, bridal veil, the gowit i101eg
Centralia heard. rarmers are at 4t loss where. to who heard her call for help, the result gOWn Snit was cif steel blue cloth with
wouhl bave been more serions.-On eevu tate and pantie velvet trimmings.
Mr. Rieb. Neil. of Biddulph, is con- put the straw, which in some pieces is
Monday, in Cot Goodman's office, 141 Tile bride Was ;assisted by atiss Elcie,
tined to Ins bed front a severe attack stacked as high as the barn. -
of appendicitis anti white liehig very has retiumed to the tiresenee of a few eitaens, Ma A. Harvey. while the 0.11,420m was support_
for Mr, Ed. C' Gx'itY' wh° ree°1/11Y returned fr°111 t(tU)Yhtezei" 2'.,T:dAll'1,17.th.s'e,'etytt;
Mr. Garnet Baker
ill 34. 2'. expected that lie Will recover, 14411414/u• °Let! lv°vkling
Kestie for a few weeke.--afessra Curie South Africa, W116 presented wail a
Dathrit OY Wet. Naie.-This week and Schroeder witeelea froca Walker- gold watch, accompanied by 1.41'4(1
it bet:tones on' ead duty to record tbe ton last Saturday and are visiting rel. dress. -Mr. Edward A. McLeod,
death of Mr, Willinm Nell, of the 2nd atives in town. --Mrs. Dora, Link and
concession of McGalivray, 'who died daughtee Ella lute° been visiting tills Phwe• '1'L'em InInvied at Sy t'ing' 414111Y friend8 w311 wIsh bet' evet'Y bare
on August 20, by Rev. . Mc- limes's, Tet flu a will regret taut the
on Monday evening last nfter a very friends in Loudon this week.-afrs. it1'911;
sbort illness. On Sunday week the (Rev.) j. A. Schmitt and on,
deceased complained of severe pains ,Tacobs, ere visiting Mrs. Barbara Oes-
of se. lemon. Ian extend congratulatione. sieiliecxittigenelsuotf%esiterieillistzot(iinlasticileiisillt?vei4lliteleaeoaswitihtzli,ittel.!
in bis bit, shoulder and his condition ti --A number front here spent ---Bia.......,......_shard
Copp is no stranger to Pembina pea,
becoming worse ineclical aid was at last Sunday at tbe Bend. -The Misses .niturtIED.-Mr. David CittlWaytt a' ple. .After the cereniony tbe bathe
once summoned. It was then cbscove Berttond visited Mrs. Israel areith at prosperous young farmer of this town- party retired to tha manse anti partook
ered tbat las ease was a serious one, Exeter for a few days last week. -Mr. ship, was united in marriage at till of en elegant weddiug breakfast, aftet
being blood puisoning, which evident- Wesley Rawkshaw, of London, wits in ;Methodist parsonage, St. Marys, to which the young couple were driven tc
ly had resulted from a slighe abrasion the village last. Monday. -Mr, itnd Mrs Miss Lizzie A. White, of St. 31arYs• Entersom w_her9 they took the C.P.R.
of the skin on the left hand, but Which Schaelitg, of Zurich, were the guests The bride, who looked charming I° a train for Wintepeg, and. after a tour
had apparently healed. However, he of Mr. taottlelh Morlock laet Sunday. gown of white organdie, was given of Eastern Canada, will return to
gradually became' worse until death -Labor Day passed off quietly here. away by ber father. The imptial knot Vie etbourne, Mite., whet e Mr. Copp is
J him. He Was in his 61st year A large number frgru here attended was tied by the Rey. Thos. Manning. stfttion agent on the C. P. R.
of bis age antl although never married the Methodist Sunday school picnie at Only a, few guests were presertt., The op
was much respected as a friend, and Grand Bend that 41.3 -311 Samuel young couple wilt reside on Mr. Cath- Clinton: There was celebrated at
mightier. He s'. is a Conservative in Brown and son, Ira, are busy plowing cart's farm 011 eon.aond have the best high nom on Tuesday the marriage
politics, told his many friends will re- their field along Main street and are -wishes of tlaeir numerous friends. A of Air. Nelson Bali, a popular and welt
gret to learn of his demise, doing good work for alnateurs.-This similar event took place at London on known veterinary surgeon, to Miss
A.HDBESS AND PittSaiSiTATIOX. -The week is self-denial week for the mem- Aug. ltith, when Mr. Catlictirt's sister, Nellie DOWzer an esteezned young
Methodist parson at Centralia was the bers of the Young Peoples' Alliance of Miss Ada, who has been keeping house lady of town. 'The cereniooy was per -
scene of a happy event on Mond%
everting last, when the members o saved during the week will be devoted raarriage to .
the Evangelicitl church. The money for her brother, David, was united in.
Mr Thos. Bolton, a, mem- the presence of only- the immediate
formed by the Rev. Dr. Stewart in
torthe Mission fund.-alr. ard Airs. ber of the London police force. Mr.
the Bible class, Epworth League and relatives, and tater a light luncheon
many other friends assembled to bid Ne in. Wood, of London, spent a few Bolton used to farrn on tbe Sth eon.
their teacher, Miss Hutton tarewell.
During the past year Miss Hutton, as
teacher of the Bible class and President
of the Epworth League, has been a
great. help to tbe people in this vicinity
and the large number assembled on
this occasion of both old and young
show the great esteem in which Miss
Iluttonas held by her many friends
here. The evening was spent very
pleasantly in social couverse and a
short program was also rendered, con-
sisting of speeches, songs, deletes, in-
strumentills, etc., after which Miss
Etutton was presented with an ad-
dress and a silver tea service as an
evidence of tbe respect and esteem
with which she is held by those aloteig
whom she lived. Miss Hutton in reply
thanked her Many friends for the beau-
tiful present, their kind expressions of
esteem, and inany kina wishes for
the future.
To Miss Hutton:-
;),B, Mes5lag, Bossenberry and {plat Ittatia.rsi. Haile has beast appecia. at (ittsiPti 144111.?..
chena and Mies alara Holt, both of. cid and eintreli etrebet, am while her
days here with friends during the
week. -Mrs. Fred Wuerth has been on
the sick list the past week, but is now
rapidly vecovering.-Council meeting
was held the Town Hall last Mon-
day, when gravel contracts were let. -
Mr. Samael Trieenmer, of Detroit,
was in the village the past week Visit-
ing old friends. -Messrs. Wuerth,
Heist & Co. have a, number of Indians
working in their flax mill- Mr. Sam'l
Sheardown, of Goderich, was ih the
village Labor Day. -Mrs. Lydia Hoff-
man, of Plattsville, was the guest of
her brother Bernard last Sunday. -
The Division Court, which was to
have been held in the village last Fri-
clayetNes postponed by tbe Judge until
some" future date.-Messase Harry
Dyer and BeiaBertrand left for Detro-
it last Monday, after a pleasant visit
with their parents and ---. They
were sorry they could not stay longer.
ACOMENT.-While Freeman, eldest
nrArt Fiumin,-On this the eve of your departure son of Mr. Wm. H. Morlock, was lead -
trent our midst, we would express our sincere sorrow ing a colt near their farm last Sunday,
at your removal from amongst us, During the year the animal kicked and struck the boy
that is past you have deservedly won our confidence
and esteem. We would notlerget the viduable ser- a, fearful blow on the face. The nose
vices you have rendered for the Master on our be- and some of the bones „De the cheek
half as teaaher of the )3ible class' aud President a were broken and the flesh badly Cut.
the Epworth League, and in many other ways. Your quired twenty stitches to sew up
affable manner,ithe pleasant word and kindly smile, 1'0
and your ernest endeavets 10 ,m3tNet ne-in feat the wound. It was indeed a narrow
knowledge that will the better st us for esefel 'CM- escape from instant death. We trust
mate pare, and prepare us for the bright a nd the boy will sustain no serious results
better land beyond the blue, coupled with your -
christian diaracter, have had an influence kr geed through the accident.
oared our lives in the years to come. As a slight palm -The _grim. in
over us, that will live in oar memories and be shad -
token ofour. affection and esteem and of 6110 has again enterea our midst an z e -
ouster ddeath
predation of your labors amon.st permh us, on moved a bright little child, in the Per-
1;b0eli,aelciteht tuntgetteshortdte°tallettraltarealr,hteta bn S f Ethel Chambers, daughter of
In as an evitienee of robe respect With which you are Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Chambers, comes -
held by those among whom you have lived and la- sion 8. The little thing was operated
"bored. Accept our warmest wishes for your future upon the day before for aPPendleitie,
welfare and happinees; rimy you love in the future
as you have done in the past, for that which. is truest but the operation_afforded no_rellef as
and purest-, noblest and beet in this life as it prepar- the %me seemed to have been set
atioii for till better icf,e beyond where we trust n whe stroulcl go. She died last
friendship shall remain uthrolten andyhtienrerulitnar- Thtd_l,aly at the age of $eveu years.
s 'nee n more sever, an
- ever. Signed on befialf of Centralia circuit, The funeral took place Saturda.y and
Z88 oke, Miss Tiandtird. proceeded to the Exeter cemetery,
, Miss Elston, Miss Melts,
J. A. McNaughton, A. Hodgins. where ' the b°dY was interred' Tile
Rev. Knowles. officiated. The sorrow -
DRS. ORME St ORME, ing parents have the heartfelt sympa-
and is well-known here. The congrat-
ulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Bolton, from their many friends.
DEATES.-Another of the old and re-
spected residents ed this place, in the
person of Mrs. Samuel McDonald, of
the hap y couple left by the 2.55 train,
for Bu atm midst a shower of rice..
On the return they will take up house-
keeping in the residence lately oc-
cupied by ,T. E. Elitekall, the Doctor
having had it renovated and furnish-
ed nicely throughout, On the oc-
the 101.41 concession, has passed over east= ef his marriage on Tuesday. the
to receive her reward of a diligent and gun club made him the recipieut of a
well spent life. Although for some monis, choir, good to look at ana reste
months.past Mrs. McDonald has been ful to the bodly. The Dr. is only a
feeling indisposed, it WAS only within
a day or two of her death that there
was any apprehension of danger. The
deceased. was 72 years of age and is
survived by four sons and two daugh-
ters.. The sympathy of the commun- .
ity ie extended to the bereaved ones.-- .
Word has been received here of the Nerre-In Centralia, on Sept. 1st, to
death of a former resident of this place Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neil, a daugh-
in the person of 3Ir. Thoma,s Bruce, ter. .
brother of 1VIessrs. Frank and Robert
Bruce, of this place, who died at Win. lifittoRmV7. a--llidrimErKsetjeot,s.imaii-tivittyls, SOn.
nipeg on Aug. 1.3. The deceased went
west many years ago and took ine a Allmon -In Hibbert, on Aug. 30, to
farm near Portage la Prairie, where Mn. - and Mrs. Wm. Miller, a daugh-
his wife died aboot eight years since. ter. • inAmtwoes.
Deceased vt,as 8,3 years of Age and had
several yea". ' BALL -DOWSER. -At the residence of
been living retirecy in Winnipeg for
Tuckerstaith, the bride in Clinton, on August 261.1)
by Rev. Dr. Stewart, Miss Nellie
Daaans.-This week we .record. the Dowzer, to Dr. Nelson Ball, both Cif
death of Mrs. John McIntosh, Mill Clinton.
Road, which sad event occurred on
the English
reached SmrrH.-lionerNs. --At
Sunday. .Mrs. McIntosh' had
the sotnewlAt unusual age of 83 Years. church, Hensall, on Afonday, Sept. 1,
aA.th oaue et i lithe nr ete. vyeesaurist i agongi ns she 9n1ferta owt till; , ItgbYreorntOym7x.a,Srs.S. iALSimedSbrnityi 4tellici se ivf:,1 .:ttiVbb e:„ of ,70 „t Ept:10:
of her leg. From this injury she never
recent addition to the club meinber-
ship, but he has won such high scoreS
at the matches that he now ranks veal
up among the veteran shots.
fully recovered. But previous to that 1.!r„,',.!'43-fkM,r,,,,,IS-vrrs 13_,,e.r-rxt112;,.,' _second daugh-
strength and activity. About five
she was a marvel for .hes' physicial "' '''' .' "' "'DEA.:1::"'
dent, srtel resulting tihnegmi itthweitihraaelittiltrbe°1Of a- het' NENIerii, Lai „Ii,,bliesG6111sItl-Yyre_a'aYii.,Con• 2, Willi4IE-
hip. This proved too much for her
weakened constitution. She came to
ClIAtifeERS. -In Oretlit0u, on August
this country and settled bere, on the 27th, Ethel Ernma,beloved daughter
farm where she died, in 1818. Poet-- of Thos. and Selena Cha mbers, aged
teen years after that her husband died
6 years, 11 months and 17 days.
and she was left in care of the family
,TelePlinae coMMIMIC,AtiOn with main office in Taxan, bOreaVettlent,
' thy °f the vicloitY in this their sad hinende4aln'me hwSohdeat'guititatasfa, inalillyotofwrauma SBYM°1/11.- in Clhlltoll oil August 24-,
, ,
art SeyrnOur.
Centralia, the infant son. of Mr, and "Mrs. Stew -
Office hours 1,0 a. in. to 4ip. m.
aye predeceased her save two sons.
. , .
4e, '
. .