HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-28, Page 8Stock Takin Indwerneuts. -We propo takiug st shortly and we also propose give At. bargain in every sit garment put cree liy Ile before start tbe job. Choice Goods. II piute1 dinner eet. regular vrane $.7..co, (k u. u u* e. s et Stewart's. ', E. c.r„,.zon has been honor- ee by beiog appoirti..d District Deputy of the H. C. It for District No. 'eta )ela Mr. Dillon, Editor uf the St. Marys 1 t* Argils, will occupy the polpit of James or street alethodis,t church. next Sunday SV both morning aud evening. 1 The private bankina interests of Mee T. L. liogets, oCfaulebill, have been purchased by the Canadian 13anle I of Commerce. The busiuess which hes hitherto been eonclected in the oldprenalses will in future lie carried We have some of the claoicest. on m Mr. Rogers' buildingebeing ranch tat fashiournele and nentredatee niore suitable aod commodious, and (=code to lie heil thus giving vole ' Mr, Rogers lute been retoineet as man- e. • ‘ , . , a peel seleetion to eloow front, ;lager. The Satrula, Daily Observer on Mon- ' day in an item researding the eervices . at the Central Baptiet church Sunday I last. tbAS referS to tbe sinning of :nee When we eay vt oing to .Any Johns. "In the inornnig service give, bargains we mean abet, but Miss Jolens, a Exeter, sang Iteeutiful- they will only last etntil etoek tak- ly, Herbert Jolinson's Face to Face. ing is over, Se leave your 1:treasure Miss John& voice is a true sot,rano of l'sympathic and magnetic singer." Drop in and get our prices tad A game ef lacrosee will be played on •the Recreation gromals here on Mon- alay afternoon, next (Labor Day) be - ,i tween the, Ailea. Craig team and a pick- li eil team in town. A member of the ivIAINI- ,,-.4,/ team beitig again home a strong 14ggrektilit'oll has been formed. coese- 1•. It is also expected that a. game of base. emember now. rare and beautiful quality" is a be convinced of wbat we say. t tunelitiy a good game tun he expected. ball will baplayed the *aloe afternoon. Ela, The followingfrom Exeter and w- llrlltook in tbe Sarnia -Detroit excureion on Satarday it Ti. Swett. Mr. and Mtn. joint Farmer and (laugh- teraEthel and Ileen,Mies Tillie White, Capital • • • $2.000.01X).00 Mrs, Yngen L fl Dickson. C. IL San - Capital nnannenoonneti flees, teas Hastings, W. W. Tetuan, AIj4te. Ruesell. :Mies Jam Stephen,Clute. . . . 'RNCH Rade' and Ilethert Anne, Vsborne. 11. ,Samincra Department - Kinsman. Ws. John Snell and dangle, , May. Everyone leis been sbowing Wter Y- 11 mtt ye. Henannewt acne/nem-nen ALTY to the h:EN43i "nd now 's an OP" bybissistetelliss Jeamand Mise IY4tune'tiin° siknw L°Ia'ikekirLetet° of St 3Iarye, met with an impleaeant .11.174-AViralf 011.91%., ,,i.6.4.ii-7%."' accident whle idriving home from St. neeennt I"e "%tare"sa""" Maine on Saturday night last which BANN. at EXETER or CLIN'TON. Tot'ght intne nenntno worn wog:luny. where "'di" intelVSt Titey were erassing the track and in Pdhl OdtTP5tri"8 $1. and 1tywart194 nate smuttier thewiwel heeente caught NOTES (11;-toutatell ot tentertmtbl rte. DRAFr'S BOIVIIT and SOLD. SPECIAL at ternion nit en to farattere and eettleatterns towhee:a UVRNE,S Tneen ,.ateeenee :11, F. E. illeit Man -tent: ween therm! and the Oink. A. train wee eppreetehing rt1 a rapid rate ond they Lid harley time -at get oft the Innen and eseape witb their lives, while the wheel or the buggy was An teeny awaken that they Iced to retern to St Marys and Seetlre ;mother rig. By reference to our anvertising colomme il. win he seen that the Forest City Dness arid Shorthand College, retndou, Ont.. annonnces the roopen- lug for September 2nd. This reliable Business and Shrwthand 'School has gest eloeed its most snecessfol year, eying bad in attendance over two eared students, and to -day they ennot meet the demand made upon em ht. business men for office help. 'here never was a time in tbe history of the Reboot when there was Stiell detwurd for young people having a lenowledge of Bueinees mut Shortbaud. The Rehool has a seating eepatity of etudents. The rooms are consider - the best for Business College pur- ses to he found in Ontario. Students terested in Shorthand edueation mid send for particulars about the (iztg System, whieh hns been taught in the School for the past two years, with wonderful results, it is easy to learn, easy to write, and easy to read. Catalogues of either Department will be sent upon application to tbe Mind - pal, Mr. J. W. Westervelt Apprentice Wouteil. A.n apprentice wanted to learn the milling, from 15 to 17 years of age, with good education. Apply to Harvey Bros. ht anise t. tt'seopes eau ke ;it Stnevrtette aitai .ry U1 flOflda» . lit advance for the Anent • ru. let, Ina. If ynu want to be healthy. wealthy and wise use Harvey Dos, Star Fiona The junior Bible Claes intend hold- ing a Ititertie at Orate! Bend on Labor Day. Selmal in town opens tin Tuesday nextwith the same staff of teaehers aii laet term. ree Foot Erse for tender.. tired. rich- ngnw woolen feet. Sold by C. Lutz. Price 25 cents. If it is a feet that the Inns of man followhis progeny, old father Adam must bave been a witizzer. Mra F. J. Knight veey pleasantly entertained a few of her youngfriends on Friday night last in honor of her ester. Miss Jennie Drew, of California. There are more lies told in the sen- tence: et antgIad to see you," than any otber six words in the English language. Our customers say they never had as good a flour before. A few bakings will be sure to convince you of tbe truthof it. Hertvny Bnoe. Workmen are busily engaged in moving- the re rth for the large concrete drairt to be put in just south of the Commercial House. Turkish Scalp Food is the best rem- edy sold for itching of the scalp, pre- mature felling of the bair, dandruff,re- storing color of grey hair. Price eo cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. As a general tonic for the system and to enrich the blood, nothing will equal Bland's Laxative Blood and Nerye Tonle Pills. 100 pills in eaeh bottle. Sold by 0. Lutz. Price 50c. "How to traeer is the titleof a little book just mit. Would some one be good enough to write one, and tell us how to get. the money to travel on as that is the most serious question with most tg. people. We believe almost everybody with- in reach uses Star Flonr, but if you have not tried it do so and he eonvinc- ed that it is the best flour on the mar- ket. HARVEY BROS. Joseph Saanders, one of the first in- mates of the House of Refuge, died on Saturday; he Was aged about 08 years, and originally came from How - ick; the remains were _interred In the House burial plot. An Exeter boy who wrote a letter to a girl he had fallen in love with re- ceived this reply:'"Don't try to kiss a lady throtigh an ink bottle." ' The young fellow is still in doubt wether to feel insulted or elated. last Near Dashwood, a black cape, with black and white lining. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at A. 3. Ford's meat market, Exeter. Eoard Wanted. Wanted by young lady, board and lodgings in private house; either one or two morns. Apply Box 43, Anvo- CATE Office, Exeter. Lost Oilcloth, On Thursday, Aug. 14th, between Exeter and Grand Bend, a, large oil- cloth. By returning to Exeter Grist mill finder will be suitably rewarded. 11. 0. B. Tout. The Huron Old BoyeAssociation of Toronto will have a tent on the exhib- ition grounds during the fair for the accommodation of all Heron's visitors to Canada's greatest fair. Everyone • is invited to make it his resting place while at the fair. Any information that my be required will be gladly furnished by the Secy., R. A.. Walker, 45 Leonard ave. For the con venieuce of their patrons the G.T. R has put in a large and much improved scale at the depot for weighing freight. The bed of the scale is sunk on a level with the floor, thus making it much more convenient teen the old tised phttform scale. The item Appearing in some of the dailies of Monday stating that an Exe- ter man named Martin, aged '73 ye.'irs, hed Witliced off an excursion train wbile going to the Northwest on Sat- urday caused no little speculation here but theit minds have been set at ease by a later report stating that he was ft Wroxeter :instead of an Exeter man. 1 $1.00 fax 7 yards pure wool double foldnavy blue, and Wftle serge dress ' goods. The biggest dress goods bar- , gain ever offerred in Exeter, at Stew- . . , art's. f 4,11.41P•NN, „ L. O. L. Excursion. The annual and popular L.O.L. Sat- urday -to -Monday Excursion to Sarnia and Detroit over the L. H. & R divis- ion proved a splendid success. No less than seven coaches, filled with over five hundred well-dressed passengers all bent on a pleasurable outing were whirled away in the cool of the morn- ing. to Sarnia in time to catch that ele- gant im-to-date boat, the Tashmoo, for Detroit to spend the day in the prettiest city in the American Union. No titne was lost and, towns, villages and farms were soon lost to view. It was an excellent trip through the rich agricultural district of Bruce, Huron, Middlesex and Lambton. Sarnia was reached in due time and some got off to spend the day in this and the Atner- ican city of Port Huron across the river, but most of the excursionists boarded the boat and set sail fax the city of the Straits, a distance of over sixty miles down the St. Clair river, canal and lake. The route is dotted with islands, on which summer cot- tages abound of all shapes and sizes and as each was 'rased greetings from shore were extended and returned. Every mile made by the boat opened up a new vista, interesting and novel. It was after ten o'clock when their des- tination was reached. Mr. R. J. Mac - Math, the committee was present, and did everything possible for the com- fort and pleasure of the guests. The beautiful gold brooch, set with bill- lia,nts and gems, offered as a prize to the largest lady on the train, was awarded to Miss Beatrice Steinbach, Zurich, the judges being Messrs. C.H. Sanders, editor of the ADVOCATE, J. H. Stephenson, Wingham, and R, Watrener, Clinton. Boy 'Wanted. Pot:casts for September. Good smart boy wrieted to lea There will be a strong colnbtzt tion 'printing. Apply at this office, a disturbing causes bearing ou the , camps eriustruetiou. Opening dayS a September. Front ; A raditeel departure in the trttining the,ist to the iith fz ins the culmination !' of the mina militia hae been adopted of a regular vtdeiin peeiod, inteneified ; this neer. In the. pi ice of lerving by Mercury, Barth trial. Mors with, jf t t new niwn °'' the 1s1 Ana 411°94 entho Jos been decided.'to hold eaume of celestuttequater on the 3rd, Wenn weather. generally will Most likely prevail at the opening of the month, with falling barometer. growing hu- midity, and other stolen indications strnetiou tor °Meese ktnd non-connene. steered orders a the regiments of Ontario, gnebec and the Maritime Provinces next month. The Ontario camp will be at lalagara-on-the,Lelte, ssopurettawineseLeacostawzi tofrnocieheingseettte. A2unad from Septex»her to Octeher 4. Eaeb company win take out its comutissiou- te 4111 no one sbould bn sarprieed ,ty energetic storms of rain, wind end thunder. This is one of the nutumal etennoetial periods in which heavy equatorial storms are quite probable. in all eouthern 'waters., and armuld all coasts exposed to the wages of these West India etorma No eerie person will be alarmed at this cautions admonition. ?Nettling out or nature's ordinary and !milted coarse is indicated. If very low barometer nod West India hurriCarte reach raw south coasts tit this time they will either reech interior sectione, aud travel thence to the Lakes and Si. Lawrenct\ causing high temperature aud heavy storms of rain, Wind and Outrider over utoet of tile couratry, or they will move nip the Atlantic coat-. causing danger in these regions and bringing high barometer, nOriliellY winds and quite cool weather over all northern aud central parte of thy (elute try'. ebaneee are that frosts win oecur northwatel about the 4t1) to the nat. The elements will react into storm conditions of ntore or lees me ergy )arogreesing from weet to met about the 7th I:entitle 'The centre of Mars perion falls on the Iltb, and on and fibula tlus (late, It ennet be r4. membered, our globe reaeheS a erisiS maximum of magnetle and eleetric exeitation. ae 11$ ft rtlie Causing mane carious phenomena itt earth mad air. Electrical etorma earth current.% adr, Oral ilightS,, Seismic sbivers and all similar manifestatione are common and natural ;chant this time. The reg. ular storni period central on tbe 13th will almost certainly bring on a. sette of etormy and tmsettled weather that To will emotinate in a general woe' We the reaetionary storm days centering about the 17th and 18th. One of the danger periode for Septembeteespecial- ly in loralities eXratsed storm% will abont tbe 17t1i, leth rind lftth. Watelt all hulications at this time, and do not he surptisee by very cool night) and frost% as steal the low herometric area, and storms move out of the way. Tbe lest regu- lar Morn* period for Sept. is central on the 2401 retending over the :Una to 27th. Tine period is at the center of the Earth's nattiunriel equinox. An. other series of vetty (-tackled equinoe- tial storms is hoth poestble ann prob. nble at this time. The tuntith eloees in a reactionary storm disturbanee, ofneere. 3 sergeants anq 3 corporals ouly, while nne privates. selected by the Colonel, vill represent, each batteliou for fatigue duty. It Pane to Advertise. No -man conducting businees depend- ent on public patronage eatt do so pro- fitably for any length of rime 001ess his bosinese ts kept promineetly before tbe public in the paper published in his town. It is alt very Atte to talk of the people all knowing lettere to dnd him but unforttinately for the mon who does not advertise, the peoWe il- 1 not buy that way. Four times out e fiSP the pods were praetically hough before leaving the home, that is the [ place or beenteas, and the goods to be I purchased had been seleeted from ad - 1 vettisenient in the toner- .1f. Tnn are remaseuted there yen reap, the benefit; if not, well, yon don't, :Many persotts, too, decide on purchasing goods they woulti not have thongitt of but for having their attention entlen to them in an advertisement. Meer - Using net only brings people to your place of bnsinese but makee it easier to sell your goods when pen have them there. The prosperous businera is in- variable one well advertieed, • ns P ;-,r - ON atto of Wheatley is isitin ra Prior Is vielting Men anantyne, of Seaforth, epent it flive Westeott islitvisitin Seerorth. h Beers, of London, vi paeuts here. in of 'Wellesley, is the guest Roza, ,Mr. Calvert, of Seafortb, spent Fri day in town on business, Mete Itiehordson, of Bruesels, is the guest of Mrs. T. Handford. Mies IL White left for Toronto to attend the millinery openings. Nr. Ed. Hunt has returned from Searorth after visitingeftlenda Dnvid Rosen returned home Sean day front his trip to Winnipeg. Mr. John Chtniton and owife spent exened by the passnge of the MooOn Sunday with intends in Parkhill. ver the equator on the 30th. n that date and into October let, aut- umnal. thunder stems will touch many localities. 'fee Zion neverciett Bank nuttalte. It seems an opportune timejlest now when the WhOle eottutry is seeming with prosperity, anti showing such proof of tbesubstontialty of that name whieb we are all so proud to aear Fab, Canada—to set forth ben. the share that our little town of Exeter has bad in the growth. Exeter has long been noted as one of the meet sub - Weida' towns in Western Ontario, and situated as it is in the centre of the finest Terming section in Moon Coun- ty, tbe banner county in the Province, it is well able to hold its own. While Fetetee has not been visited with booms, CIC., it has always enjoyed a steady andbealthy growth, dating frona the opening of tbe London, lInron and Bence branch, of the O.T.R., and it has yet a still brighter ontlook for fu- ture prosperity. Our town hes al- ways enjoyed the reputation of having among its merchants the most enter- prising, up-to-date bosiness men, as well es best appointed store e and stocks to be found in the pro e ince. The Sovereign Bank of Canada,realiz- ing thesolidity of the place and its peo- ple secured the premises they now oc- copy, on the corner of Main and James streets, opposite the Central Hoteleand have begtm business. The plane and specifications were prepared by the well-known firm of architects, Messrs. Moore & Henry, London. The attend- ing, whicji was at first intended ler a store, has been so re-arrangedand ren- ovated by Mr. Thomas Fitton, na to present a very handsome appearance, and to make one of the raost mocleen banking offices in the Dominion. The corner has been remodelled so no to render easy access from either 'Main or James streets, while the whole 'ap- pearance of the corner block has been greatly added to by this arrangemen t. The heavy oak doors, fitted with piate glass, whereon are carved the business hours of the Bank, present a pletieing exterior, setting off the corner to Oili- est advantage. Inside the building has been fitted up in the Most, approv- ed manner, for an up-to-date bank, and the London Show Case Work, to- gether with Messrs. Ross & Ta ar, who had the contract for the fittiugs, have excelled themselves. The whole interior is beautifully finished in tn- tique oak, and is unsurpassed in qual- ity and appearance. The heavy ialc counters, mounted by a handsome r ing of antique copper, with tellers cov- ered cage, is second to none, while the smaller desks fax use of the public,and the sette, serve to make the office one of the best equipped and most conven- ient in Ontario- The floor of the pub- lic office and the manager's room are covered with in -laid linoleum, tyle de- sign, and gives a most pleasing effect. The yeah and, desks behind are fitted up in the most approved fashion and the room at the back of the building has been arranged as it sleeping apart- ment fax the officer or guard. rlihe whole building has been so beautified as to make it, a decided credit to our town, while the advent of our Sove- reign Bank, which started mit last May on a career that promises to be iinbued with Imbounded success, is certainly something of which our town may well be proud. The man- ager, Mr. F. E. Karn, and the account- ant, Mr.rA. P. Smith, are both well known in this community. hating been for two years with the MolsOns Bank at Hensall, and it is needless to sny that anyone doing business with the Batik will receive prompt and court- eous treatment. Mr. e#, F. Tame, of Brigden, visited Mende in town dating the week, R IV, Dr. Hannon left Mont* to at- tend the Cenference at Winnipeg, Ms. Jas, Townsetutor Teeltersmith, is the goest of Mrs. J. G. Stanbury. 3.1r. Nelson Sheere, of Sarnia, is vis- iting at his home here for a few days. Miss Hazel Dignan, WhO has been visiting friends in Banfield,has return- ed. Mr. Neeland, of the Hensall Obsete ver, and wife, was in town Wednes- day. 'Miss Rose Suttomafter a visit to her home here, returned te. Detroit Satur- day. Miss Pearl Levitt, of Grend Bend is sneuding a few days in town with emends. Miss Jean Hawksbaw returned Fri- day last from a visit with friends in London. Miss May Wood is spending a few days in Centralia visiting friends and relatives. Mr. John Renate, who has been on a few weeks' visit to the West, returned home Tuesday. Miss Ethel Bissett left Wednesday night of last week to attend the mil- linery openings. Miss Roxie Haman of Brantford, is visiting friends in town, the guest of Miss Lila Hardy. A, E. Tennant attended th eraces at, Pontiac, Mich., last week, returning, home Saturday. Miss 'Via White, who has been visit- ing friends in tnwn, returned to De- troie on Saturday. George Armstrong, after a few wk' visit with friends in Paris, re- turned Thursday. Mrs. Elliott and daughter, Olive who have spentsome weeks in Iowa returned on Friday. Mr. Aubry Buswell, of Huntington, Ind., is visiting his parents in taborne and friends in Exeter. Miss Annie Levett, of Parkhill, is visiting her brother, 3Ir. W. Levett, and the Misses Johns. Mrs. Geo. Crawley, after several day& visit with friends in Liman, re- turned home Tuesday. Miss ,johnstone, of Seaforth, and Miss Elliott of St. Miirys, are guests of Miss Jean Efitwkshaw. lea,. John Newcombe and the Misses Mend Harness and Clem, Crtdmore spent Sunday itt Woodham. Mrs. John Sanders, wbo bas been on a pleasant visit to friends in Lon- don, returned home last veeek. Miss Ball, who has been visiting in town, the guest of Miss M. Kemp, re- tunied to Groderich Saturday. Mrs. Elliott and daughter have re- turned home from it pleasant visit with friends in AtiburtnIowa. Miss Ada Treble, of Dorchester, is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mts. W. Treble. Miss Matthews, who has been' visit- ing her sister-, Mrs. S. Fitton, returned to her home in Toronto Friday. Miss May Armstrong, after a pleas- ant visit with friends in Paris and Buffalo, returned home Friday. Mrs. Case Miners and sonMilton, of Point Edward, arevisiting friends and relativein town and Eliinville. Mrs. John McAvoy, atcompanied by her four children, of Kincardine, visit- ed friends in town during the week. Mies J. Seale, of Clandebove, and Mise Weetle, of London, visited at the Mansion Meuse it few days this week. arvesters' and hresbers Supplies. The wise and Peedent man, be be a farmer or what he Man never leaves the things be requires till the last minute. Negleet has put marry a man in A tight pinch. Now don't be caught topping, if you want anytbing in the line of harvesting or threshing supplies we haye it. Here are a few specials:— B' 4er Twine 137 ss Valves Cocks, Binder Gloves, Checks, Etc. auge Glasfy; Gauge glass rubbers. atter Beltmg, all sizes from one to 6 inches wide, es -is Gloves, a new stock, Engineers Packing, r, Asbestos, Spe lea Vabbit Metal, Cylinder Oil, seSS Machine Oil, Artie cup Greese, or Solidified Oil. T. HAWKINS & SON, Successors to .11, Bishop & Son. Waist Fabrics For Fal Freneh Flannels, tii wo], newest colorings, latest de igns, stelking vatue for Oe, per yard, 12 pieces to elee from FrenchDela nes, sel ation of the very latest to choose fromuo better or more =table materia market for waists„ 1.0 patterns 50e. per yard. Black, all wool, light weight Moire 30 inches wide, One of Triestly's 'finest dye perfect, away ahead in durability ver silk or any other material for ladies waists, inexpe ve at 850,yard, tte 'as the Ueadquat'ters for the Celebrated W. E. Sndfozd Ready M 444110010'1 44 notbin 1:41'411) IiiEtivrpi Now is the time to beautify your homes by selecting some of our handsome Furniture. Do you want a nice Bedroom sett for 10 Sideboard.... . . ...... 8 Cool Sweet dattresses. 8 :Bedsprings .. • . • . 2 Couches and Easy Chairs at easy prices. Curtain poles and trimmags. We have several sets ofbea,utiful chairs just in. Give us a call and if we have not got what you want we will soon get it for you. Wes. C. Huston, Furniture and undertaking rooms. Gidley's Block, Exeter. Mrs. Wesley Lyons, of Montreal, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Eli Snell, and other relatives and friends en Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley and family, who have been visiting here left Mon- day for their home in Cleveland, Ohio. 'Mrs. L. H. Dickson, who has been visising her sister, Mrs. A. E. Bennett, in London, returned home Tuesday evening. Mies Jennie Friend who has been visiting at Mr. I. Armstrong's, will re- turn to her home in London to -day (Thursday.) Dr. and Mrs. Amos are spending it couple of weeks at Tuddhaven and will be home, Lunch benefited by the holi- day, Sept, ist. Miss‘Anna Atkinson, who has been spending a few weeks with friends here has returned to her home in Cin- cinnati Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Robt.Mair and family, who have been visiting with friends here, left Tuesday for their home in Growanda, N. Y. Mrs. L. Thorne ancl Miss Fanny 13awden, who have been on an extend- ed trip to London, England, returned home Saturday. Master Fred Bawden, who has been spending the holidays with his grand- parents, here, returned to his home in London Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Huston and their guest, Miss Thompson, spent a few days with friends in Goderich, re- turning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jeckell and daughter., Irene, of Montreal, spent a few days in town during the week visiting relatives. Miss Effie Treble, who has been vis- iting in Toronto. returned Tuesday evening, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Roger Crocker. Mr. end Mrs. Int Spicer, of Denver., Col., are renewing acquaintances in town. I3oth are looking well and en- joying the best of health. Mrs. Chas. Wllsoit, boundary, who has been in a deranged state of mind for, some tune was removed to the London asylum Tuesday morning. Mr. F. Tom, of Toledo, Ohio, who has been visiting his retrents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tone, Main street, has reeern- ed to his home in that city. , Master Harry Carling, who e has spent two weeks with his -cousins, Clarence and Allen Pickard, at Grand Bend, returned Tuesday evening. Clinton New Eva: Miss Fanny Ship- ley, of Newcombe's dry goods store, is away on a two week's visit with friends in Exeter and Woodham. Mr. Fred Goind after a few weeks' visit here with his parents, has return- ed to Seaforth, and accepted a situa- tion as tailor with W. Pickard & 0o. Mr. and Mrs. William Powell after spending a few days in town, the e'en' guests of Mr. ttncl Ars. Geo. Powell, left for their home in Cario, Illinois, e to day (Thursday) Mr. Jabez Welsh, of Kalamazoo, Mich., is again shaking hands with old friends in town and paying a shut vis- it to bis parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Weleh, William street. Mrs. Hodgson, who has been visit- ing friends here for the past two Weel&S returned to her home in Toronto Thursday, accompanied by Miss Edith Gidley, who will spend a few weeks in that city. Miss Addie Holland, who has been spending holidays at her home here, returned Saturday to resume her med- ical studies on the other side of the border. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Gussie Holland, The following were atnong the num- ber who left Thursday last on the Har - Vest ee:cursion to the West --Miss Ern - Ina, Morgan, Miss Slavin, Miss Clara, &Indere, Thoim-xs ind Aza Henry Taylor, R. S. Johns (Ifsborne) Wm. Kerslake, Ross Holland, Thorn- ton Smale (tisborne), Jas. Dinney, Fred Finkbeiner,Nelson Baker,(Steph- en), Sohn Moore.