HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-28, Page 7slim , 111 . illtili Q ). dePendent unfelt our willing- Golden Text ha' thie leesou (Jelin 0 um ATI forgive the sins ot others so may symbol of Himself on the cross for StaGrAikeetnetenegtenjkatheAntlege 1.144:1141"give us Qur 9vin t'l ord and my God, if thy pardon seolce of tt to Nicodeinue i chin , SG espaewes. , the sins ot the world, and it 1. en; . . G OTHERS, 0 1". 1117.‘"" ..41744'WiLdiF 'NI."' mrk-"F' ness to forgive and pardon others in, 14, 3.5), That old serpent, the what ehance bave‘ most of us for , devil, by siu has bitten our men, y org ten a !and iitultitudes ere perishing, but es But I have Quo thought more -1!To tbe likeness of tbat whicit had bitten. Is a Habit Which Can be Laid at Many a Door. develop, and then I am done, 0 Israel was put upon a pole for their man bee a right to condemn his deliverance so the Lord Jesus was brother. beea,use gkfter tbe go/Wee/ma- on the gross made sin for ns tbat-we tiou is once spoken it often happeue might be made tow elanteoueeteen ot meat "'cordite to eet W fne rOlion1ent Y1 Iditlerent front that WIdelt fioWe a i 0 Itulttt:rt hex Inneu\c-ei3r, beherencZedr.epellitn: siGeorlileenti ler tl(lellpeelot:evve.021.11igesr14 e .1 h 0 •rh d, NI .114n- the veins of On nenceetet et Aviculture Mem.) nee eat Iwo. in will** Bann 01 1**ritc4 at We are ditil=tthilil,IrrIVE il 11 ' 11-. s°11ilorterljguldi(IgellnisTtb:reeLille 41= i?ar CitliALon tier ;roes 'w:e $ sk9in ee g. p „ ,A, despateh from ohicaho eaysz ings of ba,byhoed arid Nevitood *id evil words which. speak to others rendered harmless to injure those Rev, Frank Be Witt Talmage preach- Spullg Inanhclml. 'StnAle Inen ili"er about an absent trlend or euelnY who are in Christ. 'ATM) sting of ed from the following text Mate knew the love 0. Parent. Teeir will In all probabinty be repeated to death is sin, and the strength of sin hat ye be father and mot ex' died when they a snond and a third and fourth - ) thew vii, 1, "Judge net„ t $oine things which all young house4-eepers .an.d some old house,- neepers oeed to know and which are tehl la no coening boon, botecehold magazine or other compendium of housewifery, are the earioes nonges end substitutimee practieed by those to ennen. necessity is the mother of invention. We tem ell remember the ot • 11 Ian e e A time wilco We did licit know enough The sin of censorioas criticism, is Lere tvoelgyetYlItieng" ,eui=ieol, pats b' party pernys aurnetilcaritehereebeceeisivnirtelar:-s olvehr°Iga3)14thJe'IsIsee CI111.1'7•Issil'e"t7Ciollr7ngvit• t%oeutii.13sio1;7 1104)tuierveene4altrgr$a bleystP14itniiinig- Uallouwrtler3aranrwntebm: slifteteda,5PArd commit it at east unconsciously out lute the great inhorlel uupreparni we do unto ot, ers will be pee. t4 HOUSEHOLD ta mazosossaa WacDr.11iatiia). haneneS, enpful of gegen and he white of an egg. Place the teille on the state to beat, and when it. bee - reached the "boilleg point remove from the ere, ,aun stir Is the sugar untii dissolved; then set. aside to cool. When ready to fi•eeze, peel and thoroughly inasla the belie/ease end add them to the Milk, tOgether With the contra, well whipped, and the thoroughly beaten white of the egg* ifrewe as previously di,reeted. TESI'Etri RECIPES, Sponge Drops—Three eggs. * cup elverized SUVA', a pinch of salt, t easBeen Vanilla, end 4 cup flour, Beat Pager and yolk together. add salt goad naroripg. thee add the whiteS of egge beaten stint and iaste most universal beeauee one ie ant and have In -en, htney were Pln then my brothelite t tentage wi iible_ se. eei, As quickly tbe eyes of toes. rather time wastefully throw the near iefto the other iugrediente„ and without premeditation or foi•e- for the struggle °I lilen5"1 • ' Y t 41 told , to call Oh in Mother awl sister. a bitten, IsranW fell ellen the set'', them away, we patiently ate the drop from. the tip of sio3Q4 ml" thouglit. If a party of youog pee. Shift for themselves. atte ern as win we. shall is•e pot, here and now, PbO 1Ve,a 1U1 U1C Pie ere together, it is not hard to ;nlifferent as Rowers Arte..43 rent. while we offer the Lard's Prayer,eay 11.t°34eni. a sinner loeles to JeSUS on Ann fault with the monster. end Sorn,cs are Planted in rieli so oth- with sincere and truthful hearth.; tvanemcirtme fostrighmeiringin einbrhistt. as sstemilt.: the doctor. and the dresemeher, and "ers in poor. Some are care r "Forgive as our trespaeses as we tbe neighbor's wife and chile and .loviug hands, others have t ht forgive those who trespass age.inst Is wrltten, "Look ludo Vie and be ye saver (Isa. xita tin), The serpent, /Muse and ali that be ha -e. is;for their lives among the ue ?" e net difficult to My the reputation of J thernS ' and the aimed*................. -..U thpole was no thought ot 1,1••••nr. ie 's n Provision J SU absent naember upon the dtesec801110oweeds. See have m& oost Moses. but tlLordow e attert Maii. v THE SUNDAY 0 L in g table of traducement and out aud,to incubate and develop thein sharp, merciless tongues. It is pot tr'slake tbeir thirst Other flow r FATE Ur PROSPECTOR hack it. into pieces with cruel. ,Just cum& showers and dews al-WayS disegreeeble Opportunity are continvelly being scorched — I .TINAT101,TAT, iXESSON, 31. to repeat, the slanders and the vili-4,,the drought and UNVORTIJNATN lf,AN AMP BlAlm ' neatiens atal the defamations and' DlatitIGED DY Tap Ithe wholesale condemnations which we are all ,Illeetent In u =MRS. et soft and testeleee.teings. fliera was 5.0.a period when if our SOW was' otersalted before- venting to the., table, we had to -add atesepoonfall or brown sugar Zo the tureen. If '0;411 Much Penner was the fatiit,, it was. a ileinse mystery yet to -tinfold„ that a ttep of eretten. Or tunic Would alleviate it We know .now that if our naetry novir be exhausted and we wash to tneker a calm before the delivery waggon calls. we may use 'Wyatt - flow- if, we piece .it out. with .one-third or .one,,ouarter sorra Text of the Leeson, Num. x II0 TURNZD TO SALT. starch. The butter. too. in cake- . may lareszi have been cireulitted about the ed teniperaMents and makingbe refd with et neighborhood in t'eferenco to other rpsio. temptation, I iii, 14, 15. ry of a Mining Engineer After or cluchen fat if carefully tried outii granulated sugar. flake in well WV Through the J and not mixed WIth other shorter.- tered pans These are delicious.. Now Teeple's characters. Tiohnee. the quaint p 1-3. He fought against 'bradui a Trip ThroDeserts. ing: a speck of tralt must be added. Allure Fulf----Waeli or boil moll or , nay test is a divine protest peer, once wiset ' oak vonfe of them Twist:meta. The housewife who pleue to melte mieslitipen potitteee *bat will not against the busty and the 1,1114115t ups trout/1g , tii ThlS iS the fiterV Of Arad the Ca- HTeeher . . a mini ig pr judgments witlt which we condemn t 1,00 years be 000thte. who dwelt sit the; Eintte, no pea r who fin4 104 etturma thorn graham brean and finde the grainon. leolt well nerved. ivhale. Peen:MI* QUI fellow uten. It is v4. diviee pro- eip:o neve yeti everne to have reineMbered the vieit ttip teiguat tee mojw1,4 “sd eon,- flour bag eniPidt* MO MI nitl,1 ll'el' g 1.1.4 Illr°1/ a iCelf0,4 (eel 14. golden Text, Zebu gree-Wd tin abeette Bate elghe or ten, Minutes in 0, rather geol. oven. Five O'Clecte "rea 'Cakes-e-Orte-hall sifted sugar, map butter., whites eggs, nap sweet Scant teaspoon bolting powder WA I teat speoie .elneend Savoring pawner. :Cream the butter and Sugar logo* Veer.. add the.,beaten eggs, •then the Milk• and tbe atismieg. end then •S• • little our with the bating powder. Mix well and add .enongli More 0014 to make g dough last stiff enough to roll out * inch thlch Cut, into, bigi. cults and brash them with egg 'yolk over 'which slit a little powdered or rg t.v.s4 to bring men and women to the egudg.tutt awl Uli Warn} Water, yeast, an ow gates d d as muc coil e upped mea realization of the awful damage they Ill the 1-'1014 alteideth'slObe4,17 eththeattirnt„ ,111f0thelleFdeir4.80,Zy/i501 allemneart1/4gedble 1.0tr°41‘, suth_reionan'ts 4n Were, left treat the erne kind. ti'Mon with 5. alt butt, nut mire -elven nt raaia'S 414 salli4e t - - - - breaufast cereal; znahieg the dough ter mid tO Otte Pint add eneegh are doing tlieMSelres, es, well kis pitteo `Then. atto. we. have put ng but but now it is_ no handful of men aud bun'o In one of the lerge ealtg Intik to give a Create consistency othent. by the perniclotie hebit of ourselves in our ening Intatheen who haw cornet It is a all le T1117 fields that abound there. Pr"L'Y 6tia nilil whit° ""f`' censorious eritlelent. It is a Pro- place have we right to affirm that tleto that be Fees annrottebing. anti "One, Of the most desolate places' is17411". linlg ago "tat .,ther° a°4 0" b"ten egg. Beat all Ivi°74 test to prove that. theugh we honor pee and love men an0 praise men an,. help mem yet we PinSt. mat hate Men or deride men or condemn men, Gontlentuation le a divine preroga- tive- Condemnation is a thunder- bolt which will shatter every human band that. tries to grasp it and to hurl it. tontleirmatiou is a poisen- oust fang which will destroy our own lives as well as lacerate and the Wel DODSON INTO THEllt rixsu. Versoually we should not condemn IOWA, because, having imPerfections in ourselves.. we have no right to ex - Peet and demand perfection J11 oth- ers. If we were holy. perbaps we might have a right. to espect other people to be holy. If we were pure minded, We might have a right to 60Xpect, other people to be pure Mind-, ed. If we loved the Lord our God with all our heart aud soul mid Mind and strength; if we were 've- to'. huebands mut perfect, wives, per - Sect porents mei perfeet thildren„ perfect In our love for our fellow men, we might expect.others to be pc:4feet. lint what right has the raven to croak because ber young 'DAC wings as black as the night? rl.*T• right has the Marine to etaad up nun condenut the poor pat- h:eau, who stood afar oft and , bent —"Ni. breast, moaning, "Glod be mer- ciful—to um a sinner," when the Vhurisee himself WaS SO sinful that he WaS like a whited sepulcher, "which inueed appenred beautiful outwtu4d, but was within full of dead MOWS bones and all unclean." And what right, have you, 0 hearer, to say your neighbor is a bad man 00 a bail woman and sbould be con- demned when. yeti yourself have an evil eye and have not yet, by the grace of God, plucked it out? When you yourself have an evil hand or foot and have not yet amputated it'? When you yourself have an evil tongue. to speak or tut evil ear to listen against the deeds of your neighbors? And the sad fact about human condemnation is this: The more we ourseives have goue astray, the more we ourselves have followed too Much the devices and the desires of our own hearts, the more we our- selves have sinned in mind or in act and not yet been found out by the world, the more apt are we to con- demn the shortcomings and Weak- nesses of others, even as Lord Jef- freys, the unjust English judge, was merciless toward those who were brought before him, although he, him- seld at that time was the greatest criminal in all England. it is not the good father wile is hardest up - ea on the daughter that has gone as - Mgt tray; it in the bad father who is not apt to forgive the wayward child. 13. is not the good brother who is un- willing to save the wayward sis- ter; it is the sinful brother, who would and does demand that his sis- ter should be niorally all right while he himself . MAN BE MORALLY ALL WRONG. No man should rashly condemn another; becanse it is often impossi- ble for him to realize what were the mitigating . chcunastances in. which the sin was conceived. If all men vvere born free and equal, as the American Declaratior of Independ- ence optimistically declares, you ' could judge them in the bulk. Yeti .nould judge any two men as you. 'might' test two ,bars of steel' which come from the same mold. You e could judge them as you might say that a pound of coffee ought to weigh . es -Patch as at pound of tea; but all men are pot born free and equal. We are dillerent in heredi- tary tendencies. Only a -short time - age" at a convention of the,Woelen's „whivistian Temperance Union dele- gate read the record of a woman with crin-iinal tendencies who died in 1827. The name of this woman, for o.bvious reasons, 'was not told. This woman of criminal tendencies had, had up to date 'over SOO de- scendants. Seven hundred. of these clescendante have been criminals, and all were. convicted at least once and most of them more than once or crimp. Thirey-pix -of these descend- ants have been murderers.' ' Said the Speak.er, tthe blood of that one woman of criminal tendencies has cost the nation in eighty years over cj,3,000,00 for trials and exe- cutions for, the property, stolen Or ,destroyed.°' ' Is net the Snood that flows in your veins tappily we. iu our own streugth. would hate done difiereptly than he has , dope? we do thee affirm we ore not honcet and true to ourselves. for 50100 of the reightiteit and test 113033 41 004 have testified I'ust the osposite, Glorious John Newton, trunlpet throated John Newton, - Holy Spirit Inspired John litiwton.a 03400 deClared that he never ,31W 41. murderer being led away to the gal- lows hut he always Fain to himself. "There goes "John Newton unlese he hod been sad by the grace of God." Horatio Seymour, twice goveerfor of New York, in a large, religioue meeting once solemnly de -i dared. "in my - time as the Odell executive of New York. I have bad to examine hundreds of applications for pardons. After I had Carefully =mined them aud fully entered in- to the lives of the convicted and realized the influences which eaueed them mimeo, I am free to eonfew that had I had the Wslie influence about me es those men had in every caw I should have committed the same (Mmes., If not blather oues." Oh, my brother. Indeed of condemn- i»g your brother put yourself in your erring brother'o place. Get down on your IlleeS and offer a prayer a gratitude that you have not been tempted no he is tentrted. You ought, to get down on your knees and thank God that even in Your lesser temptations you have been saved solely by an Inspiring faith, in a divine lose 'which may never have been kindled 131 your BROTHER'S SINFUL SMART. No human being should condemn his neighbor because it is ouly the loving tear of pleading sorrow that eon ouench the fires of sin and uot the sharp tongue that "hreaketh the Ibone." it is only the Wall% gentle - Protecting, Outstretched arm of a, friend that draws the sinner toward God and heaven; not the 'clenched list of an enemy. Did you ever see a minister who became a, better min- ister through the fault finding of bis congregation ? Did you ever know of a wife who became a better if because her husband talked against her to his neighbors? Do you know of one human being who was brought. closer to your heart and to God by being demeaned in the eyes of his fellow men through bitter denuncia- tions that you hurled against him? No I No Slander and vilification and traducement and disparagement and evil rumor, repeated by your lips, never softened or purified a. sinful heart. They only drove the sinner farther away from you and farther from God. It is possible to eriticize even the best of men. The" story is told that Zeuxist the famous Greelc artist, painted a wonderful picture of a boy holding a dish of grapes. The pic- ture was so wonderful that the birds flew through the open window and with their bills picked at the grapes which the artist had drawn. But though there were thousands ready to praise, there were still many censorious critics who con- demned the picture. 'Tor," said the evil minded critics, "if the boy had been painted as perfectly as the ,dieh of fruit, the birds would ,have been afraid to approach the dish Which the lad is supposed to hold in his hand." 'It is possible to harshly judge the actions or even the beet men. Therefore it is very easy by bitter criticism, to destroy the -m- all& who, might be saved by. the gentleness of a loving, forgiving, CHRISTLIKE TONGITE. 4 But the text has a deeper `and wid- er' meaning • than merely the inter- rretation which implies that if we utter condemnation against our brothers our brethren will in tufn speak sirriilar condemnations against us. It means that if we condemn our brethren,, Oiliest will condemn us. It means that if we do. not speak kindly of those, who have gone wrong Christ will not become our divine advocate and Plead for Bible forgiVeness. What does the say in ender to inapress tins truth upon our hearts ? Christ gave us the Lord's prayer as the model of our applications. Our • Father Which art heavenc hallowed . be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy well be done in earth as it is in Ileaden. Forgive us our trespasses as we. forgive . thote who, trespa.ss against us." In other Words, we must pray"that we .are ready to near y "WA SN 419 in a slitei Ina until light and feathery in his folly he tbinks to restst theM, in the Colorado Desert." tahs biro eanned in4t„ se333*301* nte of yi.; added /latter a fiat baking dish and Pilo for be knows not. tbo Lord nor Ills Tucker. "is thirty-two miles south- PurPoses. W.hen Abram first came east ef planby, "nor i 1:41D -A. da.. it 10 our 01I1K.0 Lneot at Tirautismr- the Mince in rOUR4 high MOIRA. -'--e -- fug or at Christmas; bat we oot Het in tine 0.T.en hang enough to to the land. the Cattaattites were in posit of roch stilt fifteen mile5 IU mac Haw., pie teeth hay hoe Sittn7(4 tlAhlleradi *here 4in"la;YsteawrtZeta'stgv 400 tiehntgeotilee‘lieLls fil.n"attQUIPtelnattl'h4ertlilisC. Etat ny,411rep00037074..eeloT.,e.reafilpreeleeolle.e. eotir:;vgys .44 14b!iLlt3:741itteohtfarrIt!giptia.rlaatee:7';ii1;igrtehLatetilY:og(latnariati sea tt;t11, nil, 0; Nolan hail+ gil). War Of grass or allY land of or %via -des -0r,, poilillitg-Fance. cut to shape before toasting an When linween the last les, -on and this salt. crops out of tne eattil. aud antn heated netb temp ot boos.; It4.51 earegaiix. Foe ledety bake thei one, for in chapter sx, which 11V- where In this t-ection rock salt can beTuie wi‘104.", ot. tt,oF t1441,.. wave ao butter pop -over pans and gins with the death of Miriam and he obtoincd by digging ten or twelve teed with dour stirred up to coin) terla 011 to a, hot platter, but be ends with the death of Aare% We Inches, No one knows how deeP the water, with a iittie extra slmor and sore to t-erae hot- Another way Is mad l'ersn 1 that' theY are hal* saJt' gee% nulnber of prospect again the *miter.. and if the tetterect1 to omit the egg hem the mixture, at Kodesii, whene they Were 113 thinit- holes have been Sahli, hut lam great. keit was Very deadens indeed, ne form a, mound on a halting dish. ter 20, when they met the ;Tien almourat, tif water encountered at a quality,. GriminiA 60;ALea mild wade& mate eurfe or Nur enpreseiens ft; There ere 00134 thirty-eight years ecgetation, in many Places the t'00,7., merely heatin1*713 g fit; or it Illtael he brittle and dry Xel1St be br1°111 and ilm6w trtun 014111)4" 7gxklit' ilePth twentP11‘.e fbiffY feet- to the finneriltions *Top Intakes al the top anal drop on egg into each. 3S, that Aaron died in the fortieth makes further alining e.,,invposesible front jelly tbat etootoot entheneete, eet iDo the oten long coough to cook year after the$ hqt rentPh. How without When making molast*713 ies comics, if the egg. One cook who 43e134e5 this little is' known of tholze thirty-eight DUMPING. AVPARATI,18. the jug tiatly refuses to quite 11111 the, dkh calls it 4Ideallized haft." and Years, 14 was time last In wander- "some ten years ago an Mort was'incasure, piece out the recipe with, it merits the name. Still another ing because of unladief, for they are made to bring this immenee deposit' the brown Or ewe* white eager WY to tierva the Wow pug MiNtaril DO nearer the promised land now of suit into COMMerClal Twe;!bIlit, we sit not imagine thof it we- 13 to cook 0. like an omelet, fold than theY were ill the 1854 lesion" railroads were both to connect the, have nearly enough Molarsee it tv over and garnish with bars of Utast How many believers thus wander o rock guory109 with the Santa Fan do witheut addiug the stinere The and rartley. Meat is too costly to lifetime on the borders of a land It was found necessary to build a!gingerbread or cookies num have lie misted and there is no excuse for Yu an a weatWO I 110USe 4110 Middle Of the deposit, sufficient sweetening, Asnie, if we, mall pieces spoiling when a ehoice unbelief They do really put their and for Ole purpote enough blocks fail /abort of sour milk uhen • thatt exists of many good. wa-n of sem - 1111" t Lord (.5" and luseePt of Salt Were cut to build a shanty" ingredients is required, 'we may pour ing it in it SeW 143/15e. '11111I AS their Saviour* but because fotIrteell by thirty Ica in dibulk-,, suilleient cold. water to rill up the Cooked IlauweaSe-Mray PeoPle can theY Cagnet obtain Konle elZfeN sion9. A flooring mid roof eenlinined bowl or cup, hilt we must net ill, eat freely of uncooked banaucts with- . out tiny apparent harm. 'while to others they inettriably cause Much testinal discomfort. They aro cer- tainly not iMproved when fried 15 batter which is often, greasy ou the outside and uncooked inside; tint when sisuply baked they aro eery wholemmte and &Helmet A little salt and lemon juke belp to bring out and improve the natural flavor 01 the fruit and often a great niti in le digestion of uncoohed banaitas ; and for those who think it an im- provement a *14115 stigar may be used. A good iiroportion of swesont e4 ••• 4) e "waS not sick, partly filled with ruin water. lie, boiling milk; cook 20 mintage, tdir- ing is ;Allowed one teatpeenitil of but Ids time had come to go home.' -considered this a lucky find, for his: ring often, and set 31e:137 tfool, sugar may be used. A good ten and this hi the 'wog account of it. canteen was almost empty. lIetIVIten the liquid is cold, add the rest portion of Seasoning is ttllowed 014 It WnS gain to him. It was VOW (week his 1111 of tne water and per- of the sugar. the ilaverhig and the teaspoonful of sugar, one4ntif 'tea - far better (Phil, e ee, jt.v,) The 'MUNI his burro to do the I cream, and freeze. The long toiling spoon of lemon plea, one teaspoon reason they had to compass 'the —me night was cold and the, prevents nuy hint of the raw taste of butter and a few grains of salt land of Edom instead of going storm 'continued. He determined to so often noticed when eornstarch is for each banana. Peel the fruit and through It was that the king would camp in the hut over night. Thal used. tane off the coarse membrane, divide not allow them to pass through dead embers of the fire were still tol Iee Cream.—To a quart of them once each way and lay them (Swig. xi, 10, 17). be seen when we visited the place, new milk and a pint of cream allow in a baking dish, with a sprinkling 5. And the people spake against evidencing the unusual severity of two tablespoonfuls of corn -starch or of the seasoning on each slice; add God .and against Moees. • the weather. They loathe the manna and say, A HORRIFYING SURFIIISPI arrowroot, an egg, and a toilful of water to just thew among the slices. sugar. Place the ntilk in a intim and a few bits of butter, which, with that there is no bread and no trater.11 4-teben we opened the door of this. boiler to heat, reserving small the sugar, helps them to brown het - So they are full of trouble because desolate shack we were horrified at portion to wet the arrowroot or ter, and bake in a quick oven about they are rebellious and unnianagt!- seeing what seemed to be a marble 'corn -starch ; when the ntilk boils fifteen minutes. able. The record concerning them statue lying on the floor. The head" add the arrowroot or corn -starch, is found in Ps, lxxviii, 17, 18, 10, was. Of alabaster whiteness, the hair and stir 20 minutes; then strain in- HE WAS CONVINCED. 22, 87, . tat recotd attd whiskers having fallen away. to the mixture the well beaten yolk enmity against Min who loved them The body was outlined under a thin of the egg, add the augeat slit' A SkePtical Hospital Patient Put and sought only their welfare I See blanket. I well and set aside to cool. \then , to the Test. His heart toward them in Ps, lxxxi wrhe si ht was so uncarmy that cold, add the cream, which has been previously whipped tvith Dover. inAdiatt,intseeinwsttinbgy Reooninttelsd irom egg beater; also stahn.dinoteheflabveeariteeng white of the egg whose services in establishing the arid freeze. „fact that malaria is communicated Lemon Ice cream.—To a pint of usually, if not invariably, by mos. cream and one of milk allow three- lOcucnotoosi., ehaeveetibieer 111%1c...ceded by Alio fourths of a pound of sugar, three lemons and the juice of an °mtge.! There is in Nagpur, British India, Grate the rinds of the lemons, a hospital native assistant named squeeze out the juice, and mix to- Joongey Lal, who had seen the op- gether the rinds, jeice and half a orations cm mosquitoes that had pound of the sugar. Bring the milk bitten malaria ,• patients. and had and cream to the boiling point, and seen the parasites of malaria. under remove them from the fire; then add the microscope, but he was still the remaining, quartet' of a pound of skeptical. At last he resolved to sugar, and stir in the mixture of Out theStx:emhtetieueleit,o etehsiti, ansidersgaeledn taot. lemon juice and sugar, set aside in- Maj. til cool, and freeze. _Lemon ice cream;.Nagpur: may be prepared by any of the re.) "Give me fever and P11. believe." cipes given for vanilla ice cream, ex -1 "What kind would you like?" ask - tract of lemon being substituted for ed. the major. the v:11111184 nut the flavor is not eel "Benign tertian," was the reply, fine as when lemon juice is used. So Joongey Lal allowed himself Frazee Custard.—To e. pint of: to be bitten on January 21st, 22nd, cream and a phat of milk ailow 311 24313 and 25th by mosquitoes in the "Pt4 elle° anl l'S' II° a 4- *01 at of the peculiar kind of earth that, His word they wander OU 'aching SS- exists in that 'vicinity completed the i ;mance. - building. 4. And. they Jowl:eyed from Mount Dining the summer or mg) a Hor by The Way' of the Red sea to swede named Johnson, who had .'compass the loud Of MOM. and the been proepectlug in the vidnitet eoul of the people was much die- etarted to cross this dry lake of salt eouraged because of the way. Mount llor is memorable Iv: to Old Woman's Springs. Wien place where Aaron died. Moses, sandstorm blew up. 110 trudged on tho nearly Intlf way across a tenifie Aaron and Eleazar went up into onto be came to the salt. house, Mount, Her in the sight, of all the where he and his burro sought Axel - congregation. and MoseS, strIPping ter. Aaron of his garments, put them "Under tbe crone of 4310 bonen he upon Meagan and Aaron died there found a, number of galvanized tallkS .111,, 410 sweet milk with your, it. is nuire dinestreeis than tabling new cloth to an old gannent len env:Aar. Imam lee Cream.—To a, gose.otts pint of milk and a quart of eream allow a. pint of sugar, a wanty half cupful of flour, two eggs and a tables; °onto! or %unit la extract. Diace the milk in a farina boiler, and allow it to boil, Meal. together half the sumo, and the flour and eggs, and stir the MiNtare 11140 the 10-16, "I am tho Lord thy God, we hesitated to remove the bianket, which brought thee out of the land but finally mustered enough courage of Egypt," 'to do so. The body had undergone 6. And the Lord sent fiery ser.- a singular transformation, being no- pents among the people, and they thing less than complete petrifica- bit the people, and much people of tion. The substance was of a imbue Israel died. - , of gypsum, very friable and pure , The New Testament admonition in white in color. The outline of the this connection is, "Neither let us body was perfect. I tempt -Christ, as smne of them also "The darkness of the interior at tempted and were destroyed of ser- first prevented us from seeing the peens" (1 Cor. x, 9). Lest any one burro, which was standing in one might think that he never would be corner. One -of our party advanced thus guilty, it is written in the con- and laid his hand on the animal, text, "Let him that thinketh he when it fell over against him. The • standeth take heed lest he fall," and burro had . undergone the saine lest one might think that his trials transformation as its master. The are unusually- heavy and too nruch body of the inen was given a decent ' to be borne see verse J.3 burial under the house, and the .1- 7. Therefore the people. name to burro was sent to the Smithsonian Moses and said: We have sinned Institetion. ' for we have spoken against the Lord "The explanation of this strange and against Thee. Pray unto the phenomenon Is to be fatand, in the Lord that He take away the ma kiud of water that was drunk by the pents from us. And Moses prayodMan and the been) and in the land for tho people.of earth that composed the roof and • floor of the salt habitation. The - Many a time Moses had prayed for water is heavily charged with chlor - them, and it is Written of him that ide of sodiuM. The earth that had "Moses, His chosen, stood before been uSed for the 1300111114 contained Him in the breach to turn away Elis wrath, lest He should destroy them" (Ps. con, 23). Moses and Samuel and Daniel and other great interces- sorare types of Ilim who ever liv- eth to make intercession for 11S (lieb. 25; Rom. yin. 84), and there is exceeding great comfort in such words as I John 1 9 end Pr v xxvin, 18, I, 2. Yet the time came when neither Moses nor Samuel, Noah. Daniel nor Job could avail for Israel if they should pray for them (,Ter. xv, 1; Ezek. ale. 11), 8, 9, And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent and Set it upon a pole, and it shall come to paSs that eVery one that is ten, 'when lie looketh npon it. sine; live. Thus elloses dict. and it 00103 pass as the Lord had said. He wto told Moses to do this sew in it a 3111 day in the wropg direction." chemicals winch were taken in solu- tion by the rain water as it dripped througb into the galvanized tanks. After drinking freely of this water, the man and the beast had evident- ly frozen to death and were gradual- ly petrified. ON THE RIGHT TRACK. A selaconsci 0119 and egotisticel young clergymen was "supplying" the pulpit e county church. After the service henasked one of the dea- cone, e erizzled, plain-spoeen man, What - he thought „• of "thi, morn- ing's,,.effort." : eenswetecl,e ,0151. mae; .slowhe "11 I tell ;to enhtll ten ye in it d ..0' parable, f remi n ded me •).f. 341341131iPeck's fust deelehuet,-- when - wen, green: Ile -4031010d the deer's 'tracks all 'right, but he follet*ed 'ent cupful of sugar, the yolks of six eggs and a tablesporinful cif lemon - juice. Permit the eream and milk to come to the boiling point, and stir in the eggs and sugar, which have proper condition, and lie was told that he would probably develop the SyMptoms within twenty days after. And so It proved. 0114Pebruary 133.11 he began to feel micomfort- been previously beaten, together un-! able, and a pantsite was foend in a til very light; continue, until thel drop of his blood. On the fifteenth • mixture thickens, remove from thet day his teinperature rose to one hun- lire, and add the lemon juice. When tired and four, and four parasites cold, freeze as prevlously directed. were found in ten minutes. He saw Chocolate Ice Ore:law—To pint these himself, and his incredulity of cream and a pint of mill: allow melted. .- half a pound of sugar, the white of He desired, however, to watch the a11 egg, an ounce of Baku's choco- progress of his ciwn case, mid so late ancl a tea,s.r. °entail of vanilla ex- not only refused to take quinine, tract. Grate the chocolate, place it hut:even asked to be infected with with the milk and sugar a farina "malignant tertian," Doctor De - boiler, and boil ten minntee. Then chanan reports, ne'vertheless, that a remove the milk from the fire, • and few days' experience of. the untreated set it aside to cool. When ready to- benign form had been sufncient for freeze stir in the pint of cream, him, and that his request for the which has previously been 'whipped malignant tertian was withdrawn, with a, Itover egg beater; also add the vanilla and the well-beateh white "Alie Harclupmust have used a of the egg. Stir an well together, great deal of flattery to win the :old freeze as usual. heiress.'! ''No; he simply told 13anana Ice Cream -4 --To a tint of the tie -nil." 'indeed ?'' -Yes; le cream anda pint, of nailk allow six said he couldn't lite without her,"