HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-28, Page 5THE Oxettr brocate, published every Thursday Morning at the Office. elfAIN-STREET, E. -By the- AOnr()QATE eueeteki INO POMPANY TERMS OF StT,SnRIPTION. One Doilarper annum if paid in advance, st.Oo if not so pald. aree„artamtaoaattatqatta, 45-xtplaa tiatoP. No paper discontinual until all ermarattes are paid. Athartliements without speciaerldireettons win be Published until forbid and charged Accordingly. Liberal discount made for Immo/Rot ;advertisements insetoed for In periods. Eaery deseriptiou of JOD .D.LNTING turned out in the funq scis. to4 at oderate rates. Cheques. money orders, ao., for %erasing. subsoriptions, et., to be mode payable Ohas.U. Sanders, zPITAIt 4,Nla PAU rgoreslon,a1 Card*. . =SWAN. WM.& Dia A. D. tilIN N. LDS.. Honor grad:note nto tadvertstsa DENTISTS. Teta extraated without ally Won or arty he tatare to Panserreoptoets, west eitto talakt gleter. e " ToBA HARVEST. IMAM VEVEY av'enfrliElt PRINGS 01f TER, REAPIPOS, PROGRAM:IR VAIV401AN MIlzffSe IN PAWS. Cleareige fee the 4tette of Oen LARGE onCrieelerietO OV WEINAT pesetas Towartla 8ir Xottla aiTAS 7.;LaIN A-X.4011MT OrnE, rter,4. Pinner lee- Can Iii 'Monday Next, • eltS Or4 011,4= 111,00,1.c4P ON TWA itAileWAYSe Paris, Aug. 26. --Sir Wilfrid urine has ititerviewed af. Del - Portage la Praivie, Aug. 25.- ba3asee, the French IR/lister of Foreign been. the best (iv a be paw 0eeinirs, at Paris, on the eubjeet of the reapiog the great western reet. .1trooestol inodtlicatten of the existing Ttie weedier ben been perfeetlee (dear I commereial tveaty withCanada on the utt quite warm, anel gelds, not oto4,44o leash of mutual eoncessiems, Sir Wit- , lye were advauced a, coosiderable •stage dthe ast of a series of inter' that directien, LIzere ie now praeto to-dae eith the Director of the lly no fear eaf freet, And whit ordinary coranterela-o deearbuent of the rreeela reasonabl,y dry there Forreign O'Dea, with a view to el.r.ctillg weather aeonoi to doubt hut out the zoote4 her. a reoluctioo a fInties on, certain aniiniee„ • et manitebees histuty win be swired but IM IS /19 qtieetion as yet rof direet4 * e • and that the eneein will be a mere than, ce-(e'ee„aciceeitalec8"'" altlig"gh "1"11b119g ordinarily geed quality. The hue wea ther of the vast few ova eawed cut, 7,ellere ia a alletinet bb in Ong to be general to -day. mini thousenti ;;:ertteiteitl-edeege:afSillr )1;f1 Lt etrIt:r 1:14nirciel ef binders were at werio while the ar" iast %lett. Then he WOO- extolled ivel god olietriloatien ef the eastern her- 35 the g,reateet British colordal statce- Xg"," tatetiotho going,* PerfectlY man, and ide remelt origin was Fondly '414 '''10 Wel; 4.ortage 'anqarlliag mitered te, Now. wit4:11 the eame atatee- wbehluquiry wee mede testleo, tile teen openly glories in the fact that he Whaaae declared to he ne good as it is a Britisli stfleieet aud aSieria his hue ever been in the more then 39 yam :thy to the Crowe, he is represented aa of thie sectioutt cultivation. The yield "aceeminoaating himeelf to Ang!o-Smon wIU ea me .5 litiehele, ond the nutplo efineneete," The 1ralle815 Says in ite 41P143ra CY,eaUatit. PrObably 10 to 24 tome of last evening: 'Inv:gine fifty per cent. of the wheat le cut, am yea ra hence the Premier oof Afeece-Ler- little, if anywill be etandiugby th railae. if these provieces are then till end of the week. (female thinidng, fit to pralee the Ger, ihniFeg. Aug. a -Ideal haneeat 'linen Emperor end inswilt the old father - weather continues throughout the west. land Sir Wilfrid Laurier is sueli It hae teen warm and dear. vete e„ nem therefore, let him leave our 1014 Nige the erikoloded strapger be hes be- come in our eyes." Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Sir William Mu- loet; mad lion. W. S. Fielding will inuele putts recelved te,duy et the eutfie8 with Presfolent Lonhet to -morrow; In ow that upward% of fifty•theltSand Zer,P,Ve;11:ellactalltleidrallineedllora4w1VP4. elide 'Willi eb eres, or the per Cent. of the crop, are oleeeleet the rtrutinien Wender on Sep - v cut, Time ane principally on high Itembee let, lighter land, hut the biuders !UM oekeri the he bode, and by Weel- u eeday liarveetiug wil. be genera, Seto crel Winkle& of harvest kinds have ar- rived and there ts toot yet ;my erre for help. The yield is heavy, mid is esti- mated to average 37 bushele, with inime mord-breaker% Tbe quality, too, is epic:Aid, and there bee been no done Age by lodeing, either by wind, rain o hail. The only cue of auxiety is the certainty of a blockade more a:Outlive than last year. The inereatell wareinnue Ing accommodation le insignificent, while even -eo ordinary tragic cermet be ellift• cri for want of moving power, so that when tile grain begins to pour into the elevators a blockade is eertain. About nine Comeand farm laborere from the east have arrived at Winni- peg. Of these over 7,050 had been hand- led at the reetleket office of the C. P. u. a the station platform, and the remain- der. aver 1.000 in number, are resting Around the elty for ot day or two lee, fore departing for their destinations. Special trains arrivIug tbie afternoon and to -morrow carry about 3.000 more, which wilt briiig the total number to be land- ed at 'Winnipeg somewhat over 11,000 men, and it is considered that tills num- ber h auflicient to attend to this season's harvest, In September en effort is to be made by the C. I'. R. end the Gov- ernment to secure an additional ten thousand for the threshing of the grain. Some of the rowdy ehtes broke into a store at Whitemouth, on the 'Manitoba boundary, and earrtel oir large sup- plies. N tlititia TIST , of Terolito University awl Roeul egeo gal Soirees:ea Oatarlo. Ats,a Past dente et Cho &lead el Presilietie /Nuristan thhenotable mention.) Allotoiretto, Gold and Vulcanite Plates latsile in the neatest morinerpassdde. A perfectly hatinle an- eesilleue used for poinlessestratIon ot teeth, Office one deer seuth efearlirre Rms. Rem Exeter. Medical TIE. T. P. liciarolitO, MEM 13; OF THE sd, Cailega oPhysacions and Surgeons Ontario,. Physiciao. Sargon and Aceouttour. °dice, Ont. Thb- 11344 r.1^ Ught breeze blowing all by. Everybody D. wean, oore ond eteirleare. WO 14 at it in the Acid now. and from ail ave., uledoo Oar. Spnrialetlfi,tetittlon, illopettfelleea everyone is cou0dent the a =mem, /41's°1°"11'3' big harveet. will be eafely gareered. Re- _ TID TkitIlitiOlif 4 CARTAN 1," tore, Notaries. Conve, Santana fer Helens Mete owe se glee 'Chattiest, OTee U. eAeretan. emelt' ^telselitraire. leen m et Ender. I, Damson W. ateetneeen it...ere-ever ta LEilolt St Glad. man.) tArtZsUrt, btalititer. :Calory Parallo Calo eanDer.Eve Moen te leen at leaven Fates ef Otere Melo Met, Exeter. Auerioueere Drewiee, Mechelen% lament Amite for the Cenanties of Perth and Maldiese eteweeklp peherne. Sake oronstally cora Rana rensasable. Sales arranged Whielletsea, The !Nelsons Bank (0113Mrtiloy Parliament, lirf3 ) 1T* Ofte, Montreei. Paid up (*wind.- ........$2,509,000 Reserve sAs. ELLIOTT, OENERAL MANAGER, --EXETER BRANCH I ;Atm )ottan=10 a.m. to 3 paa; &knit -Am -4010 ii•nt. to I p.m. A gen.eral banking -business trausacted Mere Alban:TA to good FArmere At lowest mks. Sfainee Dank Dm:mks Otom 81 and upwards receiv- ed. interest allowed at loglanit current totes. Inctoos .t Comma N. D. livitmol, SkOleitora Mauager. dR-Ethir-O-N ROLLER MILLS. 0311224M.Ilii==le)4700Ctr3{1044000.011 We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GRISTIXG and CROPPING DONE PB,OMPTLY. 14. SWEITZER Beare difitn NVO0ate Ph081:11108ine, The Greed Rnglish Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. $ix . packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One please, six will cure. -Pamphlets free to any address. ! The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Woods Phosph o din e is sold n Exeter . • by S. W. Browning and C. Lutz • DruggtSts. EXETER Real Estate Exchange - The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village ancl.farm Rinds and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of com- , , • Fon Sale. Several Valuable Farms in HAY, USI3ORNE, STEPHEN end I'7RAY;I also Thee very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Entrees Waited. . , We have unirchasers 'for good farm and in the yiainity-of Exeter, or who will Exchange. APPLY TO Win,B,awden, David Mill, vabuttor. Manager. • 'OFFICES: Dickson & Oneling's New Irlienik; Exeter. , OVElt A CUPP. OW* Young Lady's WI. Saved -4 Yonne 31noto Ireroinnt. Mont Eagle, Tenn, Aug. 25. -At Forest Point Saturday eight about midnight Miss Vinnie Tucker, a prom- ineut young lady of Decherd, and one of a party °xi a inountain trip, stepped over a cliff. Sidney Cowan, a young Nashville man, sprank to her reseue. He eaught her, but too late to prevent her fall, he being dragged over the edge of the precipice with her, the two piper down together, arid landing on the in- cline 35 or 40 feet below. Though Cowan was badly shaken up, he wits still conscious, and as his body rolled down the ledge he caught on a bush which stayed his inessage. Miss Tuck- er, bleeding and inKonscious, was fall- ing in the path 11. had come. As she passed he caught _Id held her, their flight ending three reet from the edge of a 300 -foot drop. TO have gone over would have melt a instant death. Their companions quickly organized a rescue party, descending to the ledge by a narrow, circuitous path. Cowan was found clutching the girl's clothing' in one aand and a clump of bushes in -the other. lliss • Tucker was insensible. ravsea wAs PREPARED. 00.1Mal Troone Coneenteetteel set Cher. bourg at TiOle or rouriltioillt Monate. Perin Aug. 25..--A yellow book, re- cently ionted by the French Health De- eartment, mukca the revelation that at the time of the Fashoda dispute with Great Britain in 10.10 France, fearing *lir with Great Britain, concentrated thirty thousand troops at Cherbourg, where a sericite) outbreak of fevtr occur- red autong tlie soldiers. A thousand cases wo re reporteol, and there were one bundled and twenty deaths. SECOND WAIL allaIDAlto coign ADDroceed-stord Ittteheattrat Method at Forcluar War °MOO. Loudon, Aug. 26. ---The deaign for the -econd South African war decoration)eas been approved by the Xing. t will beer on one side the age- of ids Majeaty. The medal will have two bars -one inscribed 10004001, the other 1001-100?.. Service throughout the whole campaign will en- title men to both bars. The dote% of the Isom are not yet complete. Lord Kitchener is the oilieer respon- sible for the idea of a seeond decoration, and in this matter has acted with char- terlatie energy. Distend of eonsultiug the War 01The first, he promised his men he decoration And afterwards informed the Pall Mall autherities that it was generally expected loy the troops, with tbe, result that it was granted without waste of thee, ink cr nemeaneteer BREVITIES. The Shah Las gone to Paris. Forty plumbers have gone out on strike in Ottawa. Quebec's aastssment is $26,307,300, in - eluding $7,206,040 of exempt prhperty. The Kingston District Fair and the Canada Central Fair at Ottawa are in progress. A soda water generator exploded in the Royal Hotel cellae at Guelph, and tore holes through two floors. The funeral of the late Rev. Father Ilinehey at Hamilton was one of the largest ever seen in the city-. Henley Wirtz, Charles ilitzroth and Aseph Forester have been summoned at Hamilton tor tailoring on Sunday. • The Hamilton Police Commissioners have decidtd to have the cabs inspected and to retire the old and shabby ones. The Australian House of Representa- tives has rejected all the important seg. gestions made by the Senate for changes m the tariff. ' Experiments in wireless telephoning were successfully conducted between Sassnitz and RI iberg, Pomerania, it, dis- tance of 105 miles. H.31.C.A. CONVENTION. The British transport Staffordshire The Final. Service Held at Christi- sailed from Bermuda for Cape Town nutty on Sunday Night. . with 1,000 Boers, who had been prison - ors in the detention camps on the is - Christiania, • Norway,' Aug 24. -The Young Men's Christian Association Airs. Jeenie Smith of Toronto siva- World's Congress, which opened here on lowed carbolic acid and threw some August 19, closed on Sunday night; When more of it iu her lvasband's face. , She the President made his farewell address was taken to the hospital, where she and a repre,senOrtiee o each of the rmdied at 2,15 this morning, tionalities said a few words itt recOgni- •Fred. Lee Rice, who was hanged in tion of the generous reception they 'hod Toronto the other day for the murder received. The final service took place of Constable Boyd, admitted to Crown subsequently iii the Church of the [Icily Attorney Curry right after gutledge's Redeemer, Prince Oscar Beenadotte, sec- suicide that he (Rice) had..abot Boyd. ond son of Kiog Oscar, partieipaling. Mr. R. Glocklaig, Secretary -of the :Bureau of Labor of. OatItriO, has issued a circular asking for confidential in - fern -lotion about strike( and lockouts during the past year for use in prepar- ing his annual ecport. ' Mr. A. 147. reoepbell, Deputy' Commis- sioner of Public WorkS, has returned from a trip through the counties in e. st- ern Ontario, ivhich were swept by -a disastrous storm 0 ellorI time ago. ' Mr, recorded between 23 and 23,20 o'clock. Campbell 'carefully o.;,pected eveey farm This same tremOr has been recorded in that. had boon damaged, limas -and the the Luropean observatories, and is Tel:limns bniidina, t.ind inquired into thought to be part of an extensive earth- the loss to live et-ock. Tie will at an quake of greatest force in the neighbor-, early date make a report to the Govern - hood of hpan • Observers anAdelP,ate' ale,A of the probable ailount of the loss news of extensive eorthqoabie in the L,eamc by the somn, east at the hour recorded. ' 30a-rilmotilze in Toronto, Toronto, Aug. ' 213. -The observa- tory reports • that an " 'Oarth- quotte .trenwo passed through this/ city on the night of Thursday, 'aVogog 21, j The seismograph • record S the vibrationas comMencirto at 02.20 o'elock, and continu- ing fon two lietre, the strongest :being 11104TiliS FROM SzavSTooKE, 11'1y* Bev orted .Proot Men t eimm. Thriafrza From's' a Morse. Witualpeg, Aug, 25 -le. -Martin, a Brandon boy, receiyed a fatal sunetrOlee- The lifteen-yearogd daughter of Mr. Chen, Gardleer of Rapid City is dyieg from the se..- cause alptiste de Fowe stabbed,. Fred Borr in the eye at Delta OR Seturday, Beth er fishermen on Lake Manitoba. Woodstock, Aug, 25.-toleeeial-/- While exereiaing a lame near Tolden's, about eight miles south of thio city, William Crawford IWO tbrowu to the ground on Seturda,y night and had 14s Shull crushed. So eetione were the in- jlltieS received that his reeovery is bee lieved to be impoesible. 51'14 'Au Vage of num OCeve 'leek, _tug. 21 -Louis Lt. Con - Wily. a foreman et the city street- eleaniug department, ley down On. the cliff at 187th street and the Speedway tor a rap. After eleeping an hour he awoke, and in stretclung lost hia bel- ow, rolled over the edge of the our tee the Sroeilway liehav, a dietetic* of 100 feet. and wee inebently kIlle& Con - ways fae falt ,,ree Mitneiied by sev- eral p/ensue-seekers on the cliff, WIN MARKET 14,1PORTS. a Deolime a LiVe $toelent Jo Firmer. Monday Welling, Aug. 21 tato St, LaWreave 3farleet, were only COO bestial or grain re. Ii liatTning en the etreet market, °re a elicale easier, 'neer-Wad 'reeler. OW oor new rite Piling at 1-3.0 ouil tet--' Road of red at rale. 'Mrs -Were ealer, ono load Of 014 eeilleg %tr.-. wee amen ileet Vonis of new sett. g at *11 to Mai) :old four Wade of ohl $1a. Straw-lieeelpts were nil. 'The Visilble Supply-. Atig.23,14 4ug.20:01 An 'WO „eo,oeo,ono eitooe.eisi 40,0;00/ Coro ....a. aolaaaatu 12,203.000 a oeamen , venom easeeotoo e.„04;8.into Eye ., .... MOW 1.4103Atlill 704.oif0 Barley ...., ing..teso arooeu foll.tora teleettio erneetetto. 8041-lar,liettA itl. 41051%7;1'01r Leatueoloraxcuebreezett Itoitolten WUe tep puce was eV 6-a4.aa all the feeterke inceepiliiin 310atreal Mane Steele. Montreol, Aug. 21---"4aere were aloe% Val Oemi el looalave:a cattle. DM ir.1.14rci ond 14011 atm: atal luentha ofleaed for sale nt tri; •'1414t Q liuratil.ollni ;4ow triterPe II iiii:POrsottilifardireIrtiltj,;„t rilit)11;17"111,triiigg"' _ , . CII •• tr p fel an Ou Ilea. Daa' 4 tilaztaa, *r. te Moroi hoindit tont , trope eottle Ut ii§C per Po pretty good tott- llitis . s o i 1., i la nelieo 14. !'trtulfur IIVIt 1; 11;11 end elil "414): 1414 gilig1V. elgsslittifiirazr°114211,1 2rinr. were sold at.113,24 per Owe he Starlit i'onae *04 : o.k aro anih 1 7 tamers a from lIrOZ to 24' per lis; Valves *Old at from ti 42.23 to a10 eerie or, from 3e to 40ie oer lb; alieep hold at from .er..ie to illie Mirth; lambs &Ohl at WHO 40 to Olio for prime 1015 mot from 3eac to 3tee eer to for eatilnlOn lands; good lute or rat twee sold At /PORI Ong to 7e per ile welshed oft the elate. Ewa Burnie Cattle etarreet. morale. NA".. •Aug. 25.-Cattle--11e- ce rs, 4,800; Writ. oetivet generally 10c to fie lower; prime eteers.4.3 to 4.8en; 1.2A to 1,401) _pou,pil store, 20.73 to eita.o. tale to pint, *nee to eteeto owlet.. 410 to $11.40; steer, $3.7; to $0.50; fair to toot!. 33 to $itoe.8014;18$111.24ocoles%et,0411:pesitilloo.51:6s..10171.5t 17;toft0afiar.41uot..5:t1; oof II lot: .r*43_ . ,t411 to $4.2; canners to common. Wel to exert bulls,r44.23 to 44.73; batters' belle. e3.43 to 44,211; alumni do. 43.23 to 43.73; choice cows and springs do, good to eelpte, 023 heatICe,teritly; Peas 48 to $8,14; fair lir iiii. kirl-TogiV Mg 'ad 340; tommon, 420 to 42S; stockers and feed- ers, good steady. other e Ille to 13e lower; steel. heifers, 4, ..e 10 ert.i5. Teals -Ile - feeders, 41.33 to 3; stockers. 43,73 to 44.30: choice 445 to 490; medium tlo:good,:oill; to active, Ze to 10e higher; 110aVre .37.40 to 37,05; few *7.70; Mixed *7.30 to $7,00; a 1 ra, 7.1 14i $7.i.1.1' P $il.!ilg 144ot '31:4 to ., ,boigPot44. sitil tt,?, 30.23; stags, *3 to $5010; grassers, s7.20 to $7.40. Sheep and lambs-allocelpts, 11,300 !wad; steady: top latulta. $6.23 to $0.40; Lair to good, $5.73 to $0.20; culls to common. $4 to $3;_ „yearlings. 34.50 to 31.73; seetbers, $4. to *4.25; owea, $3.25 to 53.30; sheep. top mixed, $3.50 to peal; tole to good. $3.25 to 43.40; culls to common, 41.75 to 32.71 Montreal Groin and Produce. Montreal Au'- 2.5.-Graltt-The market 13 quiet auk utieailnged. Old crop oats are quoted at 43e for No. 2 and et 4e tor No. 3 In ear lots ex -store„ New crop oats fur - WAIN no new development. New cunt har- UT WdS steady at die to 480 here, aloe rye ' at Ufa east. Flour -The market Is quiet, bat steady. We quote t-attioltoba spring wheat patents, $4 to $4.20; litioltolm strong bakers ,$3.03 to 43.00; winter wbent pateuts, $3.0u to $4.10; straight rollers, 33.00 to $3.70; ilo lo bags, $1.75 to $1,80, and extras $1.00 to $1.03. Meal-Dual:ass Is qnlet, but larlee4 are shout steady at 34.03 to $3.10 per bri and $2.43 to $2.30 per bug. Feed -There Is it fair demand nod prices are firm, Manitoba bran in bags hi quoted at $17 per ton and Ontario tio-lit bulk $13.50 to $10 per ton. Shorts are quoted at 30 tor Otanitolat in bags and $24 for Ontario. Cheese -Finest Ontario colored, Olte to 1)%e; finest Ontario white, 0%e to natio; Gu- est townships white, 01,se to 015c; finest townships colored, 01/,c to Oftfic; finest Que- bec colored. tria: to 01.he; finest Quebec wbite. 0%c to OVIc. Dutter-The butter market did not record any particular change on spot this InOril. lug. We quote :-Faney townships cream- ery, 18%e to 19e; finest townships groom- ery, 181/.0 to 1894e; finest Quebec. creamery. 1altie to 1Sate; finest Ontario creamery, 1$e to 181/eci 'fine cremnery, 17%c to 1.8c; dairy butter, lalhe to 15%c. Eggs -There is it fair amount of business at steady prices. We quote :-Selected, 18c to 18ttle; candled stock, 15½c to 10e, in a jobbing way, and. straigat receipts at 141,O.c to 15c, and No. 2 at 13e to 14e in round lots. Provisions -There is a fair demaud for most lines ond prices are about steady. We quote:-Ileavy Canadian short cut Incas pork, $24.50 to $25; Canada sbort out back pork, $23.50 to $24; light Canada short ent deur pork, $28.00 to $24; !west kettle lard, 20-113 palls, 12flo: to 121/Te; e.xtra pure Intl, in 20-11.) palls, 10%.0 to llic; choice refined compouod lard, . Oe to Otac; Dories Haul Mita, in 20-11 wooif peas, $2 to 3208;. Globe at 31.80 to $1.90; 20' -lb tin pails, tate less per lb; hams, 12c to 14c, and baeou, 14c to 15e per lb, Leadi-nR,Wheat Markets. Closing previous day, Closing today. .0:Ise, Dec. Cash, Doe. .. .. 08% ;754 ;....) , 63. New lore • • 43 Toledo .... 72% 714 Mbmiemolis . So ,1111waiikee, 2 nor 741a . Detroit, 2 red .. 72rif 7224 r. St. Louie 66 6524au Delo th . . ' . 74 .. 7524 British Markets. London, Aug, 25.-Close---Whent, on pas - silence rathor firmer: maize, en pfts_sago, firm, lint not active. Country ilia rkels -English dn11, French otoiet but steady. PRI'k Ane firm; aug- ust, 220 20c; November mut tehrnavY, -Or 40c. Flour firm; Aegust, 31f 25e; Nevember fuel February, 201 75e. Antwerp, A lig. 2,51. -NO. 2 red winter, Loudon, Aug 25.-Close---alark Lane 1111. ler Market -Wheat, foreign firm, at an ad - Vallee or 30. Bee -Hell nominany unchangcd, eta o, America la nothing aolng: La,a uo T4in strolle, at 9.11 of ,a. 1010 17 00107111 th'll? at an1.1"Icnuee of • 1 •, kAtUR CHANGED WEDNES" Wheat. . . - 78 70 Barley Oats Pena Potatoes, per bag. ... . 45 May. per ton 00 Flour, per cwt., roller, 05 Batter, -.14 Eggs . . - Hides, pee1001bs - 4 03 Ltve hogs. per ewt Dressed flogs- - 7 00 Shorts per ewt Bran per owt 451 2 OC 15 14 3 00 5 30 700 1.0 .1 to ht Skta Pietress by day end night- Thae4 the eomplaint of thane wh e uefortuuAte as to be a ie with Eczema or Salt Rhenne-Aed ward applleatione de riettp They can't. The source of the trouble is in the blood -make that pure and this real, tug, burniog, itebing Akin dieeeeewiU dieappear. "1 Waa tae o wIlle an itching, en n47 anus wlelele proved very diSOgraeaDtea mien:Weil it was neat thenen and 1147,',44 a bott1eot Woe's Sareaiterlree. In two "1,151 aftyr 1 began teeing it eat ht,ttfT ana Wal Iga,, long before W/14 CITed. Unit, never hart goy WOO elleeete eince." Men lee B, WAVP, COW Feint, Utl. ifoott's Sarsaparilla ids the bleed pi all ireporittea res all truptierath edam to raise MOM for goo re a new school and a Corntogi library wero voted down on Wednes, day, Tito Frontenae Comity Connell .ettile upon the Ontario Otiverunient to re- move Sheriff Daweon, who is sitiug the gaudy for a stationery hill. Three desperate itilltliener$ attempt- ed. to escape fr011/ prison at Frankfort, Hy. Otte was fratidly Feettalt1 wounded and the attempt frustrated, crws.twatiOlf %WAS served in tne Lannuozr 'ollention enleo epon Mr. M. S. Matiole, the defeated Reform ea tahlet eteeklog be diettiodify laina. YOUR HOME JOYS Win be Full When You Become a Regular User of Mall Breakfast Food IT IS THE CEREAL FOOD THAT PEOPLE TALK ABOUT EVERYWHERE. ma..eminac. There Are Poor Imitations Bu Nothing to Equal it as a Strenth and Health - Giver. The joys of home life are no fully at- tained until your breakfast becomes a relish and plenenre. When you be- *011ie ft regular user of Malt Breakfast Food at the morning meal, you truly begin to enjoy life, because this mar- vellously delicious food keeps digestion perfect, otitis to physical strength and keeps up vitality. It is the food that people talk about everywhere. There are poor imitations; avoid them and insist upon having. Malt Breakfast Food. 'Your Grocer eau simply you. _ CANADIAN ',...n*, : ''.., 109000 Farm FARM Laborers' LABORERS Excursions WANTED SECOND CLASS Will be run tO stations on C.P. R. in Manitoba and Assiniboia, West. South-Artst and I7ortiv, west of Winnipeg as far as MOOSE .IAW,ESTEVAN and YORKTON On September ist from station on the Main Line Toronto to Sarnia except North of Toronto and Cardwell 0 in Ontario and North - Jet. .............., One-way tickets to Winnipeg only . will be sold with a certificate extending the trip, before September loth, without additional cosatoother points in Manitoba and Aseiniboia re• above. If Purchasers engage as farm laborers at Winni- peg, provided such farm laborers will work not less than $0 days at, harvesting, and produce certifieate to that died, they will be returned to original starting, point at 318.00, on or before Nov. sOth, 1902, . Tickets not good on 'Imperial Limited." ' For further particulars and tickets apply to nearest railway agent. A. H. NOTMAN, Asst. Oettl Pass. Act,. Toronto. 1*1 ONT. SHORTHAND, BOOKKEEPING, Busieess Law, Writieg, Corre.spo n d- en ce Typewriting 'etc thoronohly taught hy experieneed teaeli ere h the Forest Oity Besinoes and Shorthand College, London, Ont. We have no difficulty in placing competent pupils in good positions. College ee.opens Sept. 2ncl. Send for Catalogues, S. W. WESTERVIOLTe Peieci GO TO 'THE XETEll BEER ORS FOR PUBE MAC°. 'OE FAtiltY FlettuA (Star) BEST -.PASTRY . miwess) WHEATLET rBeeAkfttet FoodP A good supply of Milifeed aud Chop always ov4 bawl. Clive our Flour and Feed triaf and be convinced that it is all right. Roller and Plate girl Wen In se to suit customers. .aarvey Bros. Sueeeetente dr. Cobleltdiet ‘ta, Sac. Two .ond-Iland Di A m Inn 1 AND ne Square PIANO FOR SALE 01:MAP New Pianos and Organs Always in Stook EWINt mAc HINES. Ott*' expellee:co in the Sewing, Ma - bine Elleitteee (4112 yearel is a etnaleten e (lour good% . We carry ettier lieet Noe chillies that the market elitirtis end . 44 on ensy terms. Needles end Ro- lfes for ald kinds of Machines alwaye tetrad. • • • S eet Music, Musk Ilyran Books, Eton kept in b'toelr. CALL A'SD $EE US, IT 'WILLyov PAT S. MARTIN EXETER FORDRY •CLEARING SALE of MOWS) Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Harrows, &e., tke., now go- ing on. Exerything to be elm d off by JULY 1; 1902 FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. Any Amount of Wrought and Cast Iron. Wanted. JAS. MURRAY. tGook's Cotton Root Corapouna Is successfully used monthly by over ionooLadies. Safe, effeetuaL Ladies ask your druggist for nook's C.oltou Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price. No. 1, $1 par box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$2 per boo. NO. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two Sment stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. toft--Nos. I and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggista In Canada. No. 1 and No.2 are sold in Exeter by C. Lutz and J. W. Browning, Drug. gist$. DASHWOOD FURNITURE STORE. You are invited to call and inspect tny large assortinent of Furniture and furnishings which 1 will oiler at very close prices. ILly stock con- sists of the following: -- Parlor suites, Bedroom suites Spring Mattresses, Bed- steads, Couches, Lounges, Tables, Chairs of all descrip- tions, Sideboards, Rockers, Fancy Rockers, Curtain Poles and Trimmings, Shades, Mouldings, Mirrors, Pilow Sham. Holders, Hat Racks, Towel Rollers, &o., Pictilre Framing a specinity Baby Carriages,Go-carts,Express wag- ons, Catts, Rocking horses, etc. Undertaking. I carry a large and well Assort- . . . . ed stock in this hoe. In time of need do not fail to call. The above stock is bought from the leading Man n fa c tore VS of Canada and bought at the elosest prices and our expenses tire 102e there- fore we can sell it at prices which will surprise you. Give us , a call before purchasing elsewhere, P. illeisaae,