HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-28, Page 4- - . ox•,, ",•V --- • . . • . . . - • , , . , .• , eNtter Abltoratv Note$ By the Way. GOT WHA IIF 1);"`SERVED I has- been ennui, etraty here on three At • ez,, , meson Atieust .,...3. -.Darby Travers " ,Icounte, two a etilereig houses irt this t'elees. L Sancle.re,Belitoe and Peon TITURSDA-TL &Lege, As Seho h)7 Sergi. Major Joh" T city and oae of attempted aail-brean- A w lee resented .ttie lug. Tie first two offences elicited a, este otn, r —--11 rot' ee intent on sentenee of text years each, and the at - the Q41140.140 qocottation additional years. rhe three terms of Contingent. Imprisonment will run, conciwrently. Travers will be taken toEingqton next _____ week. Teavere is ;nee wanted at St. Thoteas for burglary. , Ler.:=„c tie...5. --- ---*.op-- eneble Mr, Holt to hear motions and 6 iitrittxtchit)t:.itt.lter local brieinese in the Jame rith,e_oster ilaajor,e, oar Last mu nom A DARK „' meal on the steamer Porisian, we St. Thomas, Afire 2,0. --Mie 1\9'10,1 t * ' I, left the boat at 7 a.m. end peraded , Vitnelenle. of Dexter, net with, terrible We give here a few nartieulars eon.' fienn Alexandria. doek to tbe great injuries yeste-lav, whieu Way prove cern:dug the Boer War, It lested two ', Northern Station, a dietance of alaatit fatal, Mr, Vansieltle, who isnee nears years. eeven months aral teartity dayen five miles, te,oing tbrough the priucipal : a age. was shiugling his barn witi.ei lie i 'up to April Ait thi,5 -year Et wet a eato.9ereeele of linerpool. beaded by the fell to the gt.ount.1, a distance of Omit., ties were; officers killed 10:01; misseete, ' Llneetnad City Eana, being composed ribs were broken. punetnieng the lunge' over t,3623,,O00.0`,10. The British casual-. "Mayor of tbat env and the faM910$ i twenty feet. u is eboulder and several R and prisoners aattiovalided, hotue,a974; of 75 Musicians. -.A. nreat Dandier of mad villein,. the body to swell lie IIASI; luvalided home Oas11. The BLit- parade but a gee:4 mane t vons 418.0 couja NTs r R tereated tell breaking ealliog. for two Philip Holt, R. C., who wee recently appointed deputy county tedg4.A, for lieroo, has ret.eiredt he additional op- " pc:Awn-lent of local Judge a the wBt High I Court of Jastiee for Ontario. •This men killed 20,11:4; naissiim and isoners 'the eitizens turned orit to WitneSS the -.'iritusieltle itelered internally. t • we •e• !Beare - teh foree in the field is estimated at pointes1 from the fact that the parede RInNAWAY ACCIDENT. — Elaneltateh Mn. Geo. Ogleshy toet ers bonds of at the close 'R ti,tee piece at 10 a.m. I iwasaigg'.105„et4o„ oal3kyelaleceValeentA. -A os rfauLlial- triltthrVolgTsi(tlemt.leuelk°,t,ewteeTtellueL parot 0; .4.59,twa vier,. Number of B(,er prham. ' woe announeed by the city war Totot of Boer force at twat the streets were iinee at wally, eieent,red 10 the towvisidp sithlev we us t"I'c'e tbe tr44 at the ikA*Irdersr.e. lit7vittgl;1721 11\i'SlaSItkpuell;e11 met with a 044 toown how the aeehleot oe''' 131° °In" P3b54't thi°ugh "lanY C•ittIeS iNIVItbdeUstairitiUttreietin bre(Sllikultilo8us•evae),"IbIlilTell;:.elstirag bi$ son.in. • efitenhtlietriyieofttyinvoibrstleeitettektin:711114:5ttlalte. were wrown onientir to the gra u eon. of strittieys with his harvest the When assistance reaehed them it was" other day 3Ir Archie MeDontild sus. Soft Harness TOO cola nosito TooRbok ;leo 14. glioTo And as tough as who by u4n4Eult.ttif-J41Eittru 40, VI (M. TOR .r In -then tts iifsk-nasho last We% sa tens tta t toiattottky EUREKA Harness OP ) lefiebael Boland. who was injured near 13e11's Corners, by the Pembrooke train, Monday, died in St. Luke's Hoepital, Ottawa. Tueeclay. • -STOPS THE COUGif oIwoRKS OFf COL% LaNatite Promo -Quinine Tablete,euresa eold in one day. .No Cure No Ply, PriQe ea cents. eTNI)VelZilpifg°tflibisuiellailtlAgwPaer $412t101s0700ne0(1i.. &re erillrgiclYs.c44 rum heavy bodied eoeo- reeineinreparre -to wine same_ tact Imam, L=1= Wel lalettl; Alt COMM tegiuning of war eetimated at 73000. hone notch to the char.' lio a mal-IYA on eueele ton leheeehy fear pampas - of it pitchfork dropped from the top of S A . However thoneands of citizens gather.. mAD DROWNING. pet. Cheer upon cheer went, up and t'uttler, Out Ang. 22.—Mrs. Jehn the band lalayed as we steamed met of i1.1hutnrrsen'''' * whe hml 'leen hear!" f'dt SaturdaY. He was Cameron and Mrs., Ed. alepenidd. whol, Liverpool depot, Two train loads con- '''.1sucgle.-4 -"Kr, 804 xlm. Tharke, Were j workieg at a, building of 6, spar. WI e out picking berries at Spanish r sisting of 17'.ars eeth. The distauce t'alwItt t`t) retctuu hual'eaail hadio$t• tak- "ear the salt Worts. who? he Mills, on Wednesday. were drowned, 1.ailwa,y front 1.,OltdOli to Liverpool's e° tUe5e 't'eats /II a democrat wagon fell, striking the joists on his side, and eurred, Inn it is supposed they were taatuning home and by MOW means the boat upset. throwing the tidies into the water, which is deep at that t°1"4"'• e t .°°°•• ou eollaled with A toe and all four 'Mr. John McGregor, of the end tient m• -'ed '"4"ufaeturetli 13:1113 tOund tliey were all badly bruised, buil' tained an injory which has since laid, Place Some coming Imte 11°tieed 19.velY-14eteaa.1.1'°“' /s -a Mrs. Sharpe. wile is Sa Yeahs of age. f: him up and neceasitated an operation the iitoau ned boat, and. tonna the 143etnemg FitY• 13333°11'4 -e had her shoulder Made broken and sus. which nals performed on neaday by alines. berry dishes on the shore. Thel brick treed in °la London le mar rob toned internot $he is ilet Dm (wan and Shaw. • • II • e Wier, %vete grappled for and recover- 0 • • i ial. Lunch was fiuniabed the contin. ed. machinery and are.of the best ;natal"... GLIIITNING'S PRANKS. gent at Retford which was brought cond,er. Ont.. Aug. 21_131thtutn,.. Into each car by the ()Meets and Ws unone near staples. "ring the timud. ;tune of Salidwieltes, The cora are not , ,,,t1.ttar, tile, barn of .7,%13.,, James stong StalY and eaelt soldier bad his allow - I likely to recover. The hoses collided cadeeleau A renew neeident befell with a buggy. which waa badly amaslar, Ora Bates, the vomageett detegbter ed. The occopente were thrown out Toe_ street1 en and braiSed hat Ho honea were broken. 14,01towL, "e171"lingt:"1,p,fe CAUTION! against A tope and was thrown down' on a cement walk, her coilerbone being broken In two places end her AM tlIS- a Yard najolning her own home she ran etsnut tot4 evening. soon t to. 11,;trn half the size of our Camel:in cars, be. This is not a gentle word—but when mia, Inal,s of Imes. lag divided into two compartments. you think how liable you aro not, to t,nnqEach windd hold 8 passengers 4- in purchase for 73e. the only remedy ttni- 4441.10 .44,4 .4441. A4,4.44,•' -7; * each other. As seen Yeraally 1;nown and a remedy that ilit$& eoneolthe • - d *. • its the tra,a, ;a loaded the door of each , had the latge4 of ;ploy m . , „ , • *11 Prey to the ttaeoe'. i•-•°61 otoot car is locked ankle, whielt we the world since 1808 for the cure and -an, pat Goy 1.0V4144.11 NI,. insurance. wawa atn eefaiileek and' treattneut of Colistunption and Throat Laketleld, t ,11.—Jainesithe *(1)"1,;; up; is-t,pt.,104-e.,1"nutt„, '1,,.kw and Lung troubles without !wing its e°141e414's tAttt "114 el°1teuts 414 train makes the tiext stop. We trIty. &Tat nontdaritY all these yea's, yon theeshhri mehhle 'N14°4 'was' 113 the elled tbi4 dietance from•Liverpool. to wilt bo'llalidkful we called Pout' attela. ham reai y to threah today. Was de, entenne eeeheung awn at the eate of non to s.10Qebee.ti Cieritlittl Syrup. There are so many ordinary cough remedies made by druggiats and others that are cheap and go for light colds perhaps-. but for severe Coughe, Brow Ciampa•and especially for OM- sumption. where there is difficult es.:•- wliteli yonng man named Peonkie owl 100 aailea of tunnel. sometimes pectoration and coughing during the lies in a. critical condition. Nevada taking 13 minutes to go throtigh ono nights and moraine, there is nothing was working on the farni of ale. wnt. of them, when all would be in dark- like German Syrup. Sold by all drug - Buck. near Wartburg, as A harvebt nesa. At 3.30 p.m. We were landed at gists in the civilized world. hand. Re had been banding a, wad,• our destination. 1Vood Green station. Sold by C. Lutz. and when finished jrniqual off to the Alexandra paiao, London. We first --ma— ground. Ile aliglited on the handle of got our baggage carted to our lines, Clinton; At high noon Thursday a fink, whieh had been stuck upright. which is calleil the (Mould Troop Cupid again compelled Clinton to yiel4 The handle peuetrated his body seveml lines on the Alexandra Mao grounds 131) one of her faireet. bidden In the per - incites. He was at once removed from which comprised Some two access. The sou of Asa Gibbing% the young. the field the home, and Dr. Paul, of palaee, the building where we had our est daughter of Mr. John Gibbing -8. Selaingville, summoned. The 'injury meals, eovers nee acres a ground. Themoro than fortunate gentleman, is certainly a serious one, and eaneed We ail enjoyed our journey by train to get welt 41, Charlphig470(Mg eonsiderable Internal bleeding. very 100C 1. In one parade to our was cawlate classical master, air. J. W. tents from the depot we found the Treleaven, now Principal of Almonte wee in scene places six inches deep. Collegiate Institute. The ceremony FIRES AT GALT, This was timed by four days rain mid was performed by Rev. W. Treleaven, Galt, Aug. 22. --The the brigade was heavy lolls of baggage being drawn on a GlenalIen. brother ot the groom, as - waled out last night about 11 o'clock the roads. The mod is Yew sticky sided by Rev. Dr. Gifford. They were to put out a ilre in the shoe store of and it takes more tbau an ordinary unattended, bathe bride, dressed in a Win. Hall, in the MeTagle Block, 00 brush to remove it from your clothing g°wo whitealik, with a shower bon. Main street. A coal oil lamp carried when dry. Most of us had lunch at (wet of white rosee, looked beautiful hy Mrs. John Boyde, who occupied the temperance tent. It was under- indeed. The parlor was nicely deem.- etereytd 109 lite last night. Ca‘M•4', lightning; partly insured. IMPALED ON A FORE HANDLE, Stratford. Aug. 2-A frightful acel. dent occurred:at Ellice, us a result of ;Xi miles ate hotin The tramsare drawn by way emelt eughwe, painted a Woe' Wet% •COIStr. The Ms. and engine have •ahrels Aunt 41101411 tIle 01 (1111 Cavnidkiu CAM. and the track Itself le nerrow gauge". We bad to go through the two upper flats as a dwelling ex- ploded, setting fire to some empty paper boxes, which. threatened a seri- ous eonfingration, but wawa out he - fore =eh WVIS U0110. Mr& Bayd'S clothing caught fire, and one of her bands was badly blistered. stood by the parties who had to pre - pave our meals that we wind(' spend that day at Liverpool (having been in- vited to do so by the Mayor of that eiti.; There was no preparation wade for ns. 0 pan. found. us comfor- tably settled in our tents, about 80 ated with green and all the flowers of the season, and the happy couple were -made one under canopy of the same. After the silken knot had been closely woven, they adjourned with their guests to tbe dining room, Where 11. sumptuous repast NOS provided. They About taw o'clock this morning large rods from the palace. During my left an the 2,o3 train for Toronto, and volumes of smoke were eeen issuing stay in Old London T was quartered from, there to the Thousand bleeds by from the upper story of the -same in a tent with Sergi:. Loffey, of the building, and the firemen found a more 27th Regto Serge Hines, of Charlotte - serious fire making headway in the town, Prince Edward Island; privates building. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd were May and Strang of the same conmany aroused from sleep hi 0 stupefied eon- and Trumpeter Davey of the Canadian ditiou Irian fumes of smoke in their Mounted Rifles, Winnipeg, Man., who bedroom and resened with ladder. by tbe way shim returning betnefrom The building did not stiffer much from ibis trip. was drowned at Winnepeg. the fire, and is fully insured in the t on July 23rd last. I found the above Gore District Mutual. Hall's stock soldiers a jovial lot of young men and will be com detely ruined by smoke after having our 'midi we a11. took ft and water. nsorence $4,000,divided among the Waterloo Mutual and Ca- nadian and Ottawa. London's Big Show. Everything is shaping well for a must successful Wester a Fair. Not- withstanding that the dates Septem- ber 12th to 20th, are a week later this year, entries are fully up to what they were laet year at this time, and by the closing date, September llth, every deparErnent will be crowded to its full- est capacity. A number of American Manufacturers have applied for space and triore will follow. walk around the grounds, which was a beautiful sight. The palace alone being worthy of note and would take • two days alone to see the sightsieside. Statutes of all previons kings and queens, their bleille death and where buried, including, one made of copper of our late beloved Queen Victoria, sit- ing in ber arm chair as natural as life. Also all of her Jubilee preseuts, anci- ent guns and cannons, and life sized color paintings standing against the walls; ten feet square cag,es, contain- ing birds of nearly every kind; also many fortune telling machines, nic- kle-in-the-slot machines. etc. In the building, there was a post office, tele- graph office, ice cream stands and six The stock and other buildings ere canteens, where liquors of every kind being thoronghly overhauled and j?nt I could be had and lunches served with in first class condition, changes bone tea coffee etc. There are hundreds of made that will very mangle Ily improve people employed daily to look aftee the general appearance of the exhibits, the soldiers and visitors comfort, In and add to the comfort and oonven- all my travels I have never seen any ience of sightseer. building in Canada, so large. It would In an earlier issue of this journal take me days to write of the sights some reference was made to the list of seen in this building. They have tee special ettractions engaged np to that largest pipe organ in the world to -clay time. Since then two more high priced in thee building. °cinemas are given features have been secured. The world- there nearly every afternoon and even - famed Streator Zouaves (seventeen in ing. In front of this Organ there are number) the champion iancy drill and well sealing team, and Tom Eck,s roo- toe cycle whirl, the only act of its kind in the world. It virtually consists of riding on the side of a picket fence. The whirl is a circular track 151- feet across at the bottom and 21 feet at the top, within a foot and a half of being perpend ice' an ninety-seven times around malting one mile. Around this chairs enough to seat five thousand people. In the evening the weather is dull and cloady. joue 18th am be - gluing to feel much better after losing 80 many meals on board the ship. At 7 a.m. the bugle soends for breakfast and we all repair to the palace where a good breakfast is served for us of English bacon eggs and milk, bread. and butter, In'the forenoon I got ac- me-140;11re teen,- eve riders on motors qoainted with some Australianand at the one time race at the enormous I 'new Zealand soldiers who were canip- speed of 80 imles or more per bor ed next to ns They are a sociable passing and repassing een itother, and lot of soldiers and are 'goo:1 con versa - at times going in opposite directions, tioualists. The New Zealanders speak requiting the greatest presence of mind good English hesitl e their °Nvnlanguage and nerve. Miss Lottie Brandon, the 1 which seems to he of Indian twang' lady in the aet, holds the record' for 1 Din'ing out stay at the palace grounds the fastest nide by 18dee us well as the We, were treated to the very best of ewer record, baying made over 33 miles everything:, in feet, we could not have 10 the hoar. Th6, ethers are an riders been used better, had we been the Of note, including. the champion trick' Icing hitnSelf' The meals wer0 S"Ved rider of America. lry 012218 waiters dressed in white,sonie Five(-'vc1311,1gs of grand fireworks, (ii) in number, WOO were sociable and giVing each evening it thrilling specta- ve157. obliging. To the evening I went eular rePresenration of Smith African to the City to see the sights, going Inn Wax-. The sentetarY informs us that 1 way of the .park road. will give -my .speeiat and late, trains at, sPecially low reacleie an idea of the sivats to be seen rates ve heen :irrzinged ior. so ' 118 • - • .. , a r.ine• lily 16 days -------------------- '• I, • y Old' Landon '''.1".1.1 is niy its Ct)iti,pletene's$. i • , . • boat, before entering upon the new home life at Almonte. THE ILLS OF WOMEN ARE TOO OFTEN WRONGLY DIAGNOSED *BY OUR PHYSICIANS, A Lady Who Would Not Submit to an Operation an the ehoulder. 4 4Ye used Aye's 1131: Vigor ever thirty years. It lama kaat my p free from &atria aad s prevented ray hair !rem tarn. ti Ina gray." --Mrs, F. A. Soul'', • Billings, Mont. 10,14.41tIra There is this ulizr 4 thing about Ayer s Hair 'Vigor—it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair sloes not suddenly turn blfmk, look dead and lifeless. But gradually the old color comes back,—all the rich, dark. color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. si.or a Win. Ali emit* It your &unite cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will express yousbottle. Besuro and give then:me of your nearest express office. A d drCZO, J. C. A.WLE CO., Lewell, Mass. Coetraete have been lee for a $20,000 addition to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, Out Fall Fairs Torooto Sept. 1-13 London "12-0 Exeter • 44 ee-23 Zinich 24,25 25-20 eene . 30 Oct. 1 30 A' 1 Oct. 2-3 Seaforth TO PORN A. POO IN ONN »AY Winghittn Take Laxative 13rortio Quiniue Tab- Goderich lets, All drug ss refund. the money St. Marys if it fails to cure-. E. W. Groves'iararkton signature is on La- eh, box. I Blyth Sep 4, na :ORM NNW fattuDatztagmy .„ While exercising a horse near Told - en's ;demi, eigbt miles south of hem, WM. Crawford was thrown to the ground on Saturday eight and had his tikull crushed. So serions was the in - Juries received that his recovery is be- lieved to be impossible. Edwardalennicker. of Woodstock, has been committed for trial on the tharge of placing a tie on the G.T.B. track near 33riglit. He says that he put it there only to see the pieces fly. A seyere stortu swept aver Ontario. At Florence Mr. Matthew Graham was killed by lightning, and his horses rani into the barn witb a burning load of oats, which caused the destruction of the building. Hail did a lot of damage" to crops in several sections, and many barns were set on fire by lightning. EXETEP, AGENT FOR PROVAN'S PATENT CARRIERS, FORKS AND SLINGS, Supplied with either the ADgie Iron, Round I Rod or Wood, These are without a doubt the best ula. chines obtainable at any price, IF YOU. WANT TO Buy or Sell a :Farm IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Froperty IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money YOT: WANT COileet i0118 W YOU WANT TOM* Life Insured W )7017 WAIN,IT TO ao to the Old Country BY ALLAN LINE CASH PAID FOR FURS all at the Iludersigued JOHN SPACEMAN. Office over If. Spackman's Hardwate. x ter. Was awarded, the only "Medal and diploma giveu on Ray Forks at the World% Fair Chicago. Supplies at RosSeyS Blackamith shop, EXETER, ONTA.RIO. A Letter From Burns. A traveler in Ottawa who recently visited an old Scotch settler obtained the privilege of examining the contents of a musty leather trunk full clf papers and letters. In a bundle of receipts from tradesmen, preserved with Scottish Drift is Cured by among the family papers, he found an ones e ery oifipoun unpublished letter from Rt.bert Burns. 3 The Neer York Sun" gives it as follows, and justly remarks that it shows tho great poet at his best, a sympathetic, kindly man at heart: , R. Burns, Dr, to G. Turnbull, for five. ' copies of his poems at 2s 6d -12s 6d. 1 Dear Sir: I send you by John. Glover& carrier, the above amount for Mr. Turn- bull, as I suppose you have his address. I would fain offer, my dear sir, a word., of sympathy with your misfortunes, but, it is a. tender thing, and I know not how. to touch it. It is easy to flourish a set: of high-flown sentiments that would give..,1 great satisfaction to "a breast quite atn ease," but as one observes who was s61-4, doin mistaken in' the theory of life, "The, , heart knoweth its own. sorrows, and a; stranger intermeddleth not therewith.",1 Among some distressful emergencies that , I have experienced, I ever laid this down:: as my foundation of comfort, "that he, who has lived the life of au honest man has by no means lived in vain." • With every wish for your welfare and I future success, 1 am, tay dear sir, sincere -1 ly yours, 11 ROBERT I3I.JRN2. ' Ellesland, May 26, 1789. I To Mr James Hamilton, Grocer, Tion' gate, Glasgow. THE WESTERN FAIR Sept, a LONDON 12-20, 1962 A Diedley of $peetacular Merit. riot, Hutchison, the Unman Bomb. in a thrilling Ballemi A.scension and Parachute Drop. The marvellous eye' Dazzle. The Osnatos, in a sensation novelty. The great. Gay, the Hand- cuff King. The OlifallS, Continental Hecentrienes, Manning and Da CrOW. famous Monopeden Rosa Saynou, with her with her troupe of 'Trained Tropical Bird% The Bard Boa., Acrobatic Wonders. ehrissie M. Jones Cornet Virtuoao. Mag. nifieent Pyrotechnics and many other 'features. Special train service over all lines. Exhibits further ahead than the timea. Grounds insidiously beautiful. Buildings irresistaldy invititn;. Prize Lists, MIT% Program:laza 3tra:tirerulatIos for the asking feria j. NELMS'. IlfoCOL, 31. GARTSHORE A. Presideut, Secretary. It will prove interesting and emnfort- ing to thousands of women to know that almost all their troubles ad dis- eases are due to a poor condition of the nervoils system. The ills, irregularities and diseases peculiar to womere such as nervous headecheoiervous prostration, anmmia loss of memory, irregular and sup- pressed periods hysteria, bearing down pa ins,poor and watery blood,neuralgia, general weakness and other troubles, can only be cured by a specially com- pounded medicine like Paine's Celery Compound. This wondrous medicine of nature, popular witla tens of thousands of bur women, carries its rich nutriment and beating virtues to the blood, nerves and tissues, giving power and new life to ina.ctbve and diseased organs. No other medicine 'Can so quickly banish and permanently cure painful and ob-- durate feminine ills; no other medicine ever devised can so truly keep the nervous system, blood and bodily or- gans in a healthy condition to fulfil their important duties. • Mrs. A. Saunders, 13ranconclale, Ont., says: 'I was a great sufferer from severe attacks of neuralgia in the left ovary. At times the attacks were so acute tbat I thought I would lose my reason. Several doctors treated me, and I was a patient in the hospital. 1 obtkined no. relief from medical treatment. The doctors said unless I had the ovary taken away could not be cured. In- stead of submitting to the operation, used Paine's Celery Compound, and I rn thankful your valuable medicine cured Me. I feel like a new woman; and would like all to 1.motv NV/3A VOilr - ' trip ut.) 60 June lOth. medicine has done fur me." , , 2;k.„ "L' ' • • • .t.stetisty_;„,...16(t,t2,,,._ • ,, SUPPORT SCOTT'S EMULSION serves as a bridge to carry the weakened and starved system along until it .can find firm support in ordinary food. Send for free santple. SCOTT POWNE, Chemists, Toronto, • Ch'tarki'. 50s. az,.ld $.1.00 t. ;ill drukgists. • eeee• to, eetaeireeer _ .84 K K • K K 80.C. 6,, BLOOD DISEASE OUFIED. If yo s over contracted anr 'Blood or Private Disease, you are never safe until the viruv polsorthas been eradicated from the system. Don't be satisfied with a "Uctell up" by Some family doctor. Onr Now- 3datlsod As OuarSsAtsed to Caro or No Pay. vs.No Marries 'Used writhotat Written consult. Cured When all Else Failed °Could I live my early life ever%thia testimonial would not be Slecesrary, though I was no =ore awful than thousands sf other young a:ea. Early indiscretions, later excesses, exposure to contagious daseaseo all helped tobreak down my system, When I commenced to realize my condition I was almost frantic. Doctor after doctor treated Inebut only gave me relief—not a cure. Hot Springs helped me, but did not cure me. The symptoms always returned. Mercury and Potash drove the poison into 017 ersteul instead of driving it oat. I bless the day- your blew Method si•\sponsiblefinanclauy. I gave you ray case under a guarantee. Treatment eras recommended to me. / investigated w/ao yon \ were firs; au* finding yea bad over 7,5 years', experience and re - You mated me perinauently, and in six years there has not been a sore, pain, ulcer or any Other symptom of the blood. disease!, 23 Years In Detroit. 250,000 Cured. M. CONLEY. • We treat and cure VarIcrtcele, Blood Poison, Nervous Debility, Stricture, Impotency, Secret Drains, Kidney and Bladder D1601121E4 Consultetion Fres. Question Blank for Home Treatment end Books Free. DRS. KENNEDY et. KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET. DETROIT`, MICR. . • . , • , •-•• • 4,;.• etri :4;•4 AAA This would be a cleaner, brighter world if every housekeeper used - . i .1?., It Malliplies --- your pleasures; a/wide/8— your .4.. efforts; Subtracts—ft-on-1 your cares; Adds— to your life. 1.4.. Made only by THE N. R. FAIREANK 001VIPANY, • Chicago. New York, • Boston, 'Montreal. li ; ..,::::, ,.:. . .• , „., • • ,. r:.1*.I.,. ta",,,i." o4' .4%1,4 t.t.:4#.;,,J,,"*.4.:lt ,-, 4,444,47,- .. •,. , .,. - ., ,,-,-,..$., A It.....';',...11;4,4.41.!'.-r:',,xer..*.,) 4 ,r.:1•,'"),` 3,4_4, ' •