HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-28, Page 1FIFTEENTkVEAR-
eftentereelteeereteficenweRe e'en 41,4e, -sfeeiefeefeesets ate -A."0- ifee
We have just added to our Stock a elotbing Department, which
cannot be surpassed by Lreny clothing house in tbe County. Lc.`o jobs,
no misfits, no off stotk, no blinders, but good straight goods made up
in tbe latest fashions, with good linings, all aetvn with silk and linen
at thrend. We purpose making this a leading line and have bot with
1 that idea in view. Our stock will not exeeed S2000.00 18n. in it will be
found the best productions, of mind% beanie and machinea. We fent,
no man's prices and given a show can put von in a way to save money.
These pods were porchased after a garde) inspeetion el Seven Menu-
factrwere and to -day we announce to you tbat Coppley. Noyes 4 Ran-
dall, of Hamilton, is our choice on the best goods, and McFarland,
41 Grey ..tt^ Southgate, of Toronte on cheap goods.
CopAey, Noyes & Randle are fast getting the clothing trode of
Oanado. Theyare tutting out the old, liners with tbeir up-to-date
s, thii
ng s too new for them, nothing is too new for us and no-
thing is too new for you,
ecialty. Post Mace Bloc
Claildttbn ye,
Mm. Blackwell and family, who heve
been camping at the Bend, have i*e-
turned home, -Ma T, B. 31cIlhergey.
of Court Greenwood, and Mr. 0, (M-
inis, of Oeurt Olandeboye, were dela-
gates to the High Coirt, LO.F..at
Windsor as week.-eliss Bessie .Tella
of Loudon. is home spending a few
days with be fathett-MissAllie Hods
gins spent a few days in London last
week. ---The fanners seem to be taking
advantage of the line days and are
rushing things, The crops are the best
seen in years,-'eliss Lillie Downing, or
Loon, is visiting friends around this
vicinity., -Mr, John McWillietus and
tinnily, of flexisall, were visiting with
friends here last week. --11r. James Abe
hat. of London, has accepted a situa-
tion in the general store here,-Ittliss
* Carter, of London, is visiting her
rents here -Quite a number front
re took in the excursion to S;wnia
a Detroit Saturday. Richard
Simpson called on friends in Exeter
sV week. -'-ME. Allen Blackwell, of
inn" is spending a few days heve.
Mr. 51, Hawksbaw loft Tliis1iy
morning for Wolsley,
Orr Phton is attending the Mode
(dun)). at Louden. Alias Edith Shin-
y is also attending the sameschool.-
ts. George Crawley, or Exeter.
is vis-
ig friends herie-Mise Olive Nom,
rthy, of St. Thomas, is the gnest
Mis Ayearst.-Miss Ith NeFitils and
eciuein, Miss L, Hoover, of Minton,
are visiting friends in Londo»..-Mv.i.
iirhaut lies recovered from his re-
ent illuess aud able to Lyon tie street
againe-Dr. Chas. Canzphell, ot Brooke
bee Y„ spent a 'few days in WWII
during the week. -31r. A, X Camp-
bell is visitsnee in St. TIMMOS.
ACCIDENT. One day recently while
Mr. Caleb Ryan was bantling a load or
elin to the barn, the horses stopped
ud the wagon becked up a short. dis-
tance. Olive, the five-year-old daugh-
ter of Mr. Ryan, who was hanging on
the wagon behind fell off in the mean-
time and the rear wheel passed entire-
ly iteross her body beneath the diaph-
ram. Dr. Orme was speedily sum-
moned and the child iteetnalitig to late
est reports is doing %veil and will in all
probability recover.
1V1214 0e81' T WAN'.
alineveuediseitel rrivete twee for in
voltratest eree feria or yttlege en:melee.
lOwest VA tea at' ietereet.
Broom: a Ninon%
Bercistere.etee, Rut
MINIM: TO atekte.
I have a large amount of pirate Nelda1.4
lean on term and rteeerties at 3ow
rates pante:tat.
w, ol.Ammx.
Earrieter, 3blill.Sfreet Bette
ERNEST Enniorr
Real Eatatearal Inntranet Aa'ent
101I! 1411laae properties latualit and sod
lie term% teseral dwelling hoists kr le.
In all parts of Man -della end the North.
IgITOR nieces&
Take none° that 1 have applied to the License
CamitaMiencre for Smith !lemon tor Fern:0511On to
trandernay Rotel Uteri% M the village of Exeter to
William Page. Any obJteetion agaiest tranekr of tat's!
Linnet. must be model° the Lie(1150 impeder On
cr before theff7th day of August, 191.n.
Oconee alunie
noted of Fatter this eth day of Mau:0,10a
Tim undereignol le offering for ealo that desirable
hotel situated at Devon, mt the London Mad. Tide
hotel is in good conditiou, audit, 1. miles south of
Exeter. This road Is largely travelled and for the
riebt man chancesare good for a splendid imainen.
There le aped stable in connection also.11 acres of
laud. Ponession given immetliattly. This property
will he sold Cheap. Per particulars, apply to
DietiSex tCAMINO,
Exeter, Out.
You ear save money, thee and feed by keeping
your pigs dry and clean, ney will thilve better
aud keep healthy. Make the hog comfortable and
he will put on flesh. You oan do so with a very little
expense by erectieg (Pedler's Patent). The Elevated
Moveable Pigs Bed. Shnple of construction, make
it yourselves. Send $2.00 in registered letter for
farm right certificate and plan of eonstructiOn to
Patent applied for. Jolts Estuma, Exeter, OM;
In the Supreme Conrt of the North-
West Territories,Northern Alber-
ta, judicial District. In the mat-
ter of the estate of Isaac Harvey,
Notice is hereby given that 'pursuant to
the order of the Honorable Mr. Justice Scott
dated the 17 tit day of August, AD , 1902, that
all persons having tilaims against the estate
of the said Isaac Harvey, late of Valmont, in
the District of Alberta and formerly of Exe-
ter, in the Province of Ontarioovht) died on
1..or about the ard doer of Apra A.D., len, are
requestea to sena by post, prepaid or to de-
liver to Martin animals, executor, or to
Messre. Taylor & Boyle'Solicitors for the
Executor, all of Edm on ton, Alberta, North
West Territories, on or before the
18t Day of 0Otober, A.D., 1902
their christian names and surnames, ad-
dresses and. descriptions, the full particulars
of their Claims, a statement of, their ac-
counts and then fiture of the security (if any)
hold by them, duly verified by Statutory
Declaration, and that after the said day
the said Executor will proceed to distrib-
ute the assets of the said. deceased among the
;parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to snob. clairee of which he shall have no-
Dated this Ilth day of August, 1902.
• Solicitors for the Executor.
In the metter of George A. Merrier,
of the Village of Exeter, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Hotel -keeper, Insol-
Notice is hereby gives that the said '
George A. Merner, carrying on. business as a
hotel -keeper at the said Village'of Exeter
has naede an assignment under R. S. 0.
1897, Chap. 147, of all his estate, credits and
effeets to Jonathan J. Merner, of the 'Village
of Da.Shwood. in the County of Huron, for
the general benefit of his creditors. A meet-
ing of cireditors will. he held at the office of
the said Assiguee in the Village of Dashwood ;
on Friday, e
5th day of September, 1902
at the hour of one o'cloclt in, the afternoon
to receive a statement of affairs, appoint "
specters and for the ordering ot the affairs 1
of the estate generally. Creditors are re-
quested to file their claims with the Assignee 4
with proofs and particulars as required by
the said Act on or before the day of such I
meeting % And notice is inrther given that
after the 5th day of September, 1902, the
Assignee will proceed to d istribute the as-
sets of the estate arnongst the parties en-
titled thereto, having regard only to the
claimof which notice saall then have been
given, ancl that he will not be liabl.e for the
assets or any part thereof so chstributed
to any person or persons of whose claim
he shall noI then have had notice.
Dated at Dash odd. this 19th day of August
R. 3. D. COOICE, J. J. MenNen,
Solicitor for the Assignee. Assignee
-loped le offering tor rent or.. for
Oturelred aere tam blow owlohip
cilavesslon t. Loa:flog Hold.
nvealently leaated te Exeter,.
(moil While^ Mtge crehard
Ihtv la O.
Mr. Chasaroluos and wife, of Chicago,
are visiting friends here, the guests of
Mr. and Mrs, James johns. -Rev, Jas.
Foote, who is visiting friends here,
will leave in a few days for Montreal
to attend the McGill College. We be-
speak for him a prosperous ranee. He
hits been a resident of Manitoba for the
past four tanws.-Mr. S. O. Rottiwell,
who has been carrying on a boot and
shoe business here, during the past
eight yhars, has bought out a business
in 00131e, and left for that place last
week. We bop6 Ms ventare may
prove remunerative. He will be much
missed here as he WAS a good citizen
and an excellent workman.
Mr. jack Tilly left as week for the
West. -Bert Bodgins, of Woodstock
and sister, Miss Myrtle, of Toronto.
are home on a visit.---Geo.Walker and
wife, of Des 'Moines, Iown, awe here
visiting Mrs. Sinallacombe,-Mr, W.
Thompson left last week for the Pa
cific coast where he intends loenting.
-Mrs. (pr,) Ferguson is visiting friends
in Barrie. -Messrs. Robert Crawford,
Percy Reynolds and Frank Reith left
Thursday for Winnipeg. -Mrs. G. N.
Babcock is visiting friends in Toronto
and Port James White
and daughter, :Mrs. McLeod, is spend-
ing a few days at Port Stanley. -Miss
Mary McEwen is attending the Millin-
ery openings at London, prior to re-
suming her position at Owen Sound.-
McMorin, who has been visiting
friends here for some time, returned
to his home in Chicago last week. -
Rev. F. E. Malott preached in the Dun-
das Centre church on Sunday, and J.
W. Ortwein took Rev. Mallet's work
here. -Messrs. Ike and Harry Jackson
aaid Charlie Middleton have gone to
Manitoba. John Horton and daugh-
ter, and Mrs. T. Dayman and Miss
Sarah Low have also gone out West. -
Mrs. Shirray and daughter, Miss Aggie
left Wednesday for Goderieh. -Mrs.
C. E. McDonald and children are visit-
ing in Forest. -Miss Edith McEwen
has gone to Molesworth to resume her
position as teacher. -John Caldwell
left last week to spend a few months
with relatiyes in California. His health
has been very poor of late and he goes
to the garden land in hopes to improve
it. -Joe Blaney has accepted n situa-
tion at the Commercial hotel as bar
tender. -A. Brandt has pnrchasecl Mr.
Harry Welsh's fine residence and will
move into it shortly. -Dr. Blackell is
now proprietor of the Centennial. -
Miss Jennie Moir, who has been spend-
ing. several months here with her
grandmother, Mrs. James Moir, has
returned to her home in South Riyer.
Her father has disposed of his saw mill
there and the family intend coming to
this section to keside in the fall. -Mr.
Smille, accompanied by his daughter,
Miss Mary, attended the funeral of bis
nephew, James Gray, at Toronto, who
had been taking a medical course. with
every prospect of success. He had
been ailing for some time with linig
trouble and his death was not unex-
pected. -Mrs. Richited Jones left here
last week to join her husband in the
West. -Mr. Edward Sheffer has taken
pOSiti011 at the Commercial hotel
here. -Mr. Nicholas, accompanied by
his granddaughter, Mrs. Lortis Clark,
left last week for Souris, Man. -The
Misses Welsh have returned to London
after a pleasant visit with friends here.
-Miss Ruth Hooper, of Exeter, spent
t few days here witla her father, dur-
no. the week. -Mrs. Harry Ingram
and children; are visiting 'friends in
Lucknow.-Mrs Mercer and daughter
save returned to their home in Co -
Ina? hiayille, Mich., after a pleaSallt
171S1t with friends. -J. Jarrot has re-
sumed to Courtright, aftl-ins-srlm
iis vacation here. -,T. D
wife, of Leamington, and MI'S. G. A.
Ainslie, of Comber, were guests of Rev.
Dr. and Mrs. Medd, during the week.
Mrs. John McArthur bit Thursday
or a visit to friends in Dakota. -VVill
Kemp was in Exeter Wednesday on
brain ess.-Messrs. Herb Blatchford
ind Robert Stewart left Thursday for
he West. --Mrs, Toohey. of Beitish
Columbia, was the guest of Mrs. W.
Moore last week.
Rev. and Mrs. McLennan, who have
been on an extended visit to friends in
Manitoba and the Northwest, have re-
turned borne. They enjoyed the trip
ery mucb.-Mr, David Balfour. of
Gladstone, Man., is visiting bis broth-
er, 3fr. john Balfour. --Mrs. A.ndrew
Bell is visiting ber son and daughter
In Boston. -Mr. Wm. Thomson, of the
London road, left last week on a, four
months' visit to friends in Manitoba.
Dakota, mid the Northwest Torritoriest
after which he proposes taking a trip
through the const. -Miss Annie Mtn' -
ray left last week for Pinkerton,Bruce
county-, to take charge of a, school. -
Bev, Mr. McLennou preached el me-
morial service in refereuce to the life
of the late Mrs. Cooper. -Miss M. Mc-
Gregor, who has been successful in
passing her Normal school examina-
tion, has taken up her duties at No.
10, Hay. -Mrs. james &nine, is visit-
ing her son and daughter at latinbton.
SAD DEATEL-It our Sad duty this
week to mention the calling away of
another of the honored pioneers of this
vicinity, in the person of Mrs. Wen.
Cooper, Sr., who passed to her peace-
ful rest on Saturday morning last,
having lived to be in her 00th year.
She was a woman greatly respected by
all who had the pleasure of her ac-
quaintance. She, with her husband,
who pre -deceased her several- years
were among those who established St.
An.lrew's church. The large attend-
ance at her funeral on Monday testi-
fied to the high appreciation in which
she was held.
Miss Beatrice Steinbach, who was
on the Sarnia -Detroit excursion lest
Saturday was the lucky winner of the
beautiful gold brooch awarded to the
tersest lady on the train. Avoirdu-
pass connts.-Dr.Haist and Mr.Brown
of Creditort, was in Zurich Sunday.
-Miss Josie Elbert is on a visit to r
friends iq Chesley.-Mr. Edmund Sip- e
ple, of Lancing, Mich., is visiting his
parents in town. -Miss Lovina 'Deieh. t
ert is visiting at Chesley and Neustadt t
for a few weeks. -Master Harold John. v
ston, of Clinton, wa.s the guest of his P
uncle, Mr. Thomas Johnson, during t
the week. -Mr. Ed. Seam has return-
ed from b
New Hamburg, after a pleas-
ant visit with friends there. -The boys i
are trying to arrange football and base- t
ball matches for Labor Day. -Mr.
Merner is getting his evaporator in
shape for a big season's work. --Misses
Polly and Fanny Geiger, of Michigan,
are visiting their parents here. -Miss
Klein, of Buffalo and Miss Reiner, of
Stratford, are the guests of the Misses
Johnson. -A munber of our citizens
took in the excursion to Sarnia and
Detroit on Saturday. -Miss Morning-
star, who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. J. D. Merner, for the past few
weeks, left for her borne in Detroit
Saturday. -Miss Katie Truemner, of
Detroit, is visiting her mother and
other friends here. -Mr. and Mrs.Fred
Hess, Sr., are visiting friends in South
Bend, Ind. -Miss Clara Buchanan was
successful in obtaining first class hon-
ors, in English, French and German at
the recent Matrieulation Examination
at the London Collegiate. --Mr. Wm.
Battler, of the Babylon Line, is suffer-
ing from a large carabancle on his arm.
-Mrs, John Schafer, Sr., has returned
from a visit to Wellesley, accompanied
by her niece, Miss Ida Mickus, who in-
tends visiting her for a while. -Messrs.
F. W. Hess and Win. O'Brien left on
the excursion Thursday for Ma nitobe.
Mr, Chas. B. Latta, of London, spent
a few days in town during the
Mr. Frank St. Clair, Mich., spent a
few days in town last week, the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. M. Zeller.
St. Josepb.
Miss Flo McLeod, who has been
speudiogthe holidays visiting hr par
ents at leintain has Ill 11 and i
egein wielding the rod in No. 11 S. S
C. H. Wilson, of Petronewho
has been visiting friezels here during
the reist week, Nee retnrried borne. -
Mr, J. 3fe2iflhIii as in Goderich on
businees this week. -Mr. L. Geffere
dispoeed of his house and lot to Mr. J.
(Jeffery recenthn This must 1110411
besinees jack.-\Vorkenen are now ens
gagyd. eompleting the Biesouette block
whicle when completed will make a
13rinsleT. •
I Mies Ellwood, of Lueao, was the
s guest of elle. Ellwood this week. --
s :Mies ehtetori, -PA Allen Craig, le eieltine
. Weeds in *hes. parts, -MIs LaUra
McAlpine is the guest of the Misses
LIIY ii114.1 fltbel, Gilbert tbis week. -
Idles May Harris bas been in ?anthill
for the past rewweeke.--Mrs. Edwards:
3fiss Carrie Dearing, who has been
on a visitato her sister, Mrs. We
feaite, at Grind Bend. hae rettiened
Inime.--Mies Rose Denying spent a fen
slays at Grand Bend, while Mies Char -
late Ilearing is spending a few days
there now. -The Misses Minnie. Edna
mul 7.1fortimore. who have been
ou a :it here, the goes' of Mr$.
Dunsford, returned to tbeir borne in
London, Sit ttirtlity, accompanied by
MISS Florence Dunsford.-Measra, Wee
laearime and Sam Sainlera find the
.Mieseti Qiiick, spent Sundey et the
Bend, eeporting a pleasaut time.
was renewing friends tn this vicinity
last Sunday-tr. Jack • Slater s. re-
newing friends bt .this Isiah y.--Thresh-
lug is all the go in these parts at this'
EU lisgreen
Mrs. Rob. ,icAllister is on the sic
list. We hope ate will eosin recover--
Win. Gram. has returned from Deck-
s• ervillse Miele, where he has been vieit-
ing his daughter for Some tivace-Mrs.
. z Douglas is vhig tier parents here.
I3lisa Ethel Hill has returned from
visa to 'Walton.- Miss J. Smith. it
Exeter, is visiting Mends here.
WenenNO.--One of those events
which calm merriment and happiness
took place place at the reselence of Mr,
rnoseesday. it neing the marriage of bis
ph fluilson, Parr Ulm on Wed -
u sixth daughter, Miss .Annie. to Mr.
i jaws, Logan. fornierlv of the Parr
Line, ht now of Alonsejaw, Man.
Ouly the immediate Needs were pres-
ente Mr. and Mrs. Logan left Thurs-
day for their future home in Moose-
• Sew, andel the best wishes of their
• many Needs. The presents to the
bride were meny and beautiful.
OM ad Bend.
who has been the guest of
Mrs. ismer, has returned Iname to
Detroit, --The Messes, Harvey and Ad-
dington Bossenberry. lirtm Der,
Bannon Gill. and Sillie (Ireton all left
for the 'West Thor:ably.- Mr. Shan is
fill SI011eNo its a girl. -Mr. Sam Pedlar
avid Belt Holt. of Craig, spent Sunday
here. -A sail boat from Windsor rnriv,
etl here with tome passengers Sunday.
Peati Levitt spent, a few days
in Exeter lost week. -There was a etw.
lollop held in Brellittees hall Thurs-
day rughta-Mr. Jaek Slater, who has
been conducting the barber shop here,
has left for his home. -Mr. Wolper is
the alek list.
Gertie Down is visiting friends
PRETTY WEDDING.,- A. pretty home
wedding took place on the 20th inst.,
it, the residence of Mr. and Mes. Wm.
Down, when their eldest daughter,
Olive Grace, WaS united in matrimony
to Mr. John Trotban, of London. A,
beantifid win profusely decorated
with 'flowers. had been erected on the
spaeltranlawn. under whieh the cere-
mony twit. platie; Whitt> the residence
was handsomely deem:dot' with gold-
en rod, mertle ecreen. Precisely at 130
o'clock pan, the guests to the number
of 30 repaire'd to the lawn to witness
the ceremony. Immediately the groom
took his place under tbe arch the bride
appeaved leaning on the anal of her
father. The ceeemorty was performed
by the Rev. A. L. Hutton in his usual
happy manner. Tbe bride was becom-
ingly attired. in a costume of white or-
gandie, trimmed with vallenceine lace
and carrying a shower bouquet of
white carnations, while the brides-
maid was attired in blue organdie
trimmed in like manner. The groom
was assisted by his brother, Mr. Chas.
Trothan, of Loudon, while the bride.
Was accompanied by her sister, Miss
Freeda Down. Immediately niter tbe
ceremony all repaired to the dining
room, where the tables groaned be-
neath it bounhfuhspread of cold fowl
and other delicacies to which all did
ample justice. When all had satisfied
the inner man the wedding party left
ataidse a shower of rice for the station
where they took the train for London.
The bride wore a travelling suit of
navy blue cloth. The wedding pres-
ents were numerous end costly, show-
ing the esteem in which the happy
paw was held.
Office hours 10 a. in: to p. m.
Telephone communication with maul office in Lucan.
.1. G. STANIETRY, E. A., (formerly Collins &
Stanbury) Barrister Solicitor Notary Donyeyancer
Money to Loan -Exeter, Ont.
We are pleased to see Mr. Gottleib
Brown on the streets again, after his
eceut illness. We all hope his recov-
ry will be in the near future. -The
fax mill started on Tuesday and now
he farmers are busy drawing fax to
he mill. This being a dry time and
my. dusty, the extra traffic is not ap-
remitted by the good house wife in
own. -Gypsies passed throngh town
Monday, with a 'somber of fine horses,
ut our town people are not very anx-
ous to trade, as they are afraid of
hese professional men. -Mr. Rapley,
of London, is the guest of Miss Emma
Lewis. -Miss Mercy Sweet left for De-
troit Friday, atter visiting her parents
for a few weeks.--Merner, eldest son
of Mr. Chas. Eilber it rapidly recover-
ing from a severe illness. The little
fellow has been very ill and we are all
glad that he has taken a change for
the better. -A number of telephone
lineman were in the village Monday.
-Mr. C. F. Isaac, of Brigden, Ill., was
in town Sunday. -Our farmers are
having an abundant harvest. Some
have been obliged to thresh their grain
in order to make room for their other
crop, which is still in the fields. -Mr.
and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins and daugh-
ter, Queenie, spent Sunday at the
Bend, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Hodgins, who are camping there. -
Dr. Ezra Haist and Mr. Samuel Brown
were in Zurich Sunday. -Messrs.
Louis Hirtzel, Mr. and Mrs.Longweid,
of Detroit, Mrs. Beaver, of Kilmariagle
Mich., Mrs. Winer, of 'Morriston and
Mrs. Beaver, of Tavistock, are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ifirtzel this
week. -Miss Sophia Brown has return-
ed to Ann Arbor Mich., after attend-
ing to her father'd urine his illness. -
Our public school trustees have done
a good act in having the weeds in the
school yard cut down. Our Village
trustees should now follow suit and
attend to the sidewalks.
most of the farmer's have fininhed
harvest and the old inflamer bas eom-
meneed.---aln Henry Stpiirea has been
in the sick listo-Mhts Liza 14ingar4
1148 returned t Loudon after a short
illness which laid her off work. -Sarah
Men has gone to London to work. -
Miss 'Emma Batten has gone to Iitler.
ton to visit ber eister.-Mra, I. Pen -
warden and Mrs. W, Smith have gone
ou a visit to Port Llurcm.-On Sunday ,
evening an address will be delivered
to the League and on Monday evening
a Bun end Honey 60elial Will he held
in the eburch. A choice prow= is
being prepared and the proceedings
evill be enlivened by the Woodliam
Orchestra.- Our church services have
been much improved by a new ebohe
with Mr, R. Taylor us leader. --Mr. W.
Westeott, of Exeter, is working for
P. R. Taylott-Miss ,Tessie and Chas.
Jacques have gone to Manitoba to ti.7
their fortunes.
Wing:bum: r. Gannett, sr., of the
'B line, AS sufferitatt from a broken
lar -none, mused by a fall front a Stile
me time ago; as he is eeveneedin
ears, the aeeident will be felt the
more, severely.
Clinton: Anotber accident happen.
ed at the organ fatiory. WeduetzdaY
afternoon, tbe imfortnnate heitig Herb
minder, lie Wats eavoing a board
on the rip saw, when it broke, throw-
ing him towerd the saw; putting out
his band to seve bimsein nnfortun-
ately came in contact with the saw.
whieh mit a deep wish ueross the ball
of the rigitt band. It. took several
itches to draw it together.
Blenshard: anstraw stack on which
several men were at work, in the barn-
yerti of Mt. James Marshall, .3rd line,
one day lost week, fell over nod two
f the men were seriously hurt. Wm,
sins was thrown against tbe lawn
with great fonee., and his back was
urn lie was imconselons for an hour
audit was Mollght, that hie spine was
dislocated. John Drown had one rjh
broken and three ahem, cracked. Dr.
Feignson, of Kirbton, WitS summoned
to attend. the injured.
Wingham: Mrs. Ran Jobnstea
has eetfered, a great deal from the tn..
Its of a brOkell needle tbat penetrat.
t one ef her hands, wbile washing. e
few weeks ago. It was simposed tin4
naelle had been all extracted, bat
the band continued very painful,
there were symptoms of blood
)g, the baud was tent open and
r piece of the needle foun4.
still having the hand treated.
Oiling extended up the arta, and
was very painful indeed.
3,1itebell: A rather sudden death oe-
wred on Tuesday last. just on the out.
e 44' the North 'Ward. Thursday
o hist week. 4 drunkennman cnIled at
the !loose of Mr. ('bas. Greve and so
terrified ids daughter, Hatharine, by
threatening to take her away that she,
went into convulsions. from whieli she
ree(tVeyed. The young woman
was in her 2,1st year, and sinee the
death of her mother last, winter kept
house for her father. Her death is
peculiarly sad, end numb sympathy is
expressed for the lierea.ved parent.
Clinton: no many friends of Dr,
and Mrs. Blaekall had evidently made
up their minds tlint they would not ;d-
ime tbetn to depart from their midst
without some tangible recognition of
their long residence in town, and some
thing whereby they could look on with
pleasure at theie leaving. Monday
evening before their departure a few
of the "boys" that are fmniller with
Ids plaee of abode,at the War Mee,
met and with a spokesman and preeeu-
tor gave a very suitable addresS, And
wa$ then presented with a gold their'
and fob for tbe Dr. and it heavy gold
ring with 3 large opals and. ‘1 emeralds
embedded therein, for his good 'wife.
The Dr. replied very feceingly, express-.
Ing his regret as the hours drew nigh
Lor his leaving.
Goderich: Thursday the residence
of Win, Hinton, was the scene of a
pretty August wedding, the toutrac-
ting parties being lois only daughter,
Miss Lottie Rouse,and Fnederick John
Westlizice, photographer of Chatham.
The marriage ceremony was performed
by Rev. Mark Thurnbtill. The bride
was nttired in it dress of white organ-
die, trimmed with white watered silk,
with the usual bride's veil and orange
blossoms, and carried a. bouquet of
white roses. Her nudes. Miss Case, of
Aylmer, also wore white organdie.
with a pretty bertha of paint lace and
carried pink roses. The ring bearer,
Ethel Welch, of London, who wore
wbita muslin over pale blue silk, car-
ried a basket of flowers. The best man
was A. G. Westlake, brother of the
Goderich; The hmue of Mr. Rich.
Tichbourne, has again been visited by
the Death Angel, the summons this
time being to his wife, Mrs.Tichbourne.
who Thursday morning passed peace-
fully away, aged 57 years. The deceased.
lady had been ailing since last fall, but
until qnite recently had been able to
move around. She was the eldest
daughter of William and Jane Elliott,
and was bone in the old township. of
Goderich in 1815. In 1871 she married
and took up residence in Winghain
with her now bereft husband, and
some two years later moved to Gode-
rich, where the family has since resid-
ed. The deceased was the mother of
seven cbildren, three sons and one
daughter being left to mourn a loving
mother, and two daughters and one
son having crossed the river a few
years since.
St. Marys: A quiet and pretty wed-
ding took place at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Young, of 124 Shnter
street, Toronto, on Wednesday, 13th
August, at 2.30 p. whet) Miss Mab-
el Brodie Webster, of St. Marys, was
married to Mr. Jas. S. McEiving, son
of Mr. IL P. Ewing, S. P., of Palmer-
ston, by the Rev. A. Grant, of St.
Marys. The bride looked very charm-
ing in a hal:1(1E30rue travelling suit of
mole brown, trimmed with guipure
lace and taffetta silk, white silk bodice
trimmed with valenciennes lace. She
carried a beautiful bouquet of white
roses, and was given away by her fath-
er. She was the recipient of many
beautiful presents, among them being
it sunburst of diamonds and pearls
from the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs.
McEwing left on the steamer Toronto
for a trip down the St. Lawrence,
among the Thousand Islands and east-
ern cities.
Ansa. Craig
A. D. Stewart, V.S., left Thu day
for rt, trip to Westborne, elan. Ile ex-
pects to he abseut until Sept. 21 Dr.
Kerr, of Granton, will take charge of
his practice. -There was no service in
tbe Trinity church on Sunday, tittles
to the piestort Rev. Diehl, taking it trip
up the lakes as far as Sault St. Marie.
Mrs. Diehl accompanied him. -M NS A.
Overholt left ou Monday for Chicago,
where she will visit the various estab-
lishments and. study the new fall
sytles in dressinaking.-Mr.E.J. Cady,
of Detroit, is visiting friends here. -
Mr. A. Sutherland has returned from
Listowel, after a pleasant visit with
friends there. Wm. Bowman is visit-
ing his brother in Toronto. -'apt.
H. McKay and Sergeant F.W. Brown,
who have been in Ottawa for the past
six weeks, attending the Canadian
School of Musketry, returned home on
Thursday, ranch benefitted by their
trip. -Dr. Dewar, of Illinois is spend-
mg_44 few days in town. -Miss Fraser,
of Detroit, is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Alex. Laidlaw. -Mrs. St. Clair,
of New Orleans, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. T. Parker.
ACCIDENTS. -While working on the
sidewalks on Tuesday, Edwin Chap-
man had the misfortune to let a large
mallett fall on his foot, smashing his
great toe. He will be laid up for some
tiine.-A very painful accident befell
little Sean Laidlaw on Monday. By
some mischance she fell into a basin of
hot starch and was scalded very se-
verely. The doctor was called in and
was able to ease the sufferings of the
child to a great extent. She is pro-
gressing as well as can be expected.
Around About lis
Anderson: Mr, and Mrs, John Muir,
of Niagara,Falls, and their three child-
ren arrived a few days ago on a visit
to Mrs. Muir's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Stephens, of this place. A day
or two after their arrival their young-
est child, a girl, aged two years, be-
came ill and died last Saturday. The
remains were taken to Niagara Falls
for interment on Monday.
Settforth: Harvey Willis, three
years of age, who was visiting his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry, of
Brussels, was badly hurt Friday while
playing with some other boys. The
little lad was being drawn in a wagon,
when the vehicle upset, throwing the
little fellow out and dislocating his
collar bone. Dr. McNaughton was at
once summoned, and attended the little
Brussels: A very quiet wedding was
celebrated at the home of the bride's
parents, Turnberry street, on Wednes-
day evening, when Win. Thomson,
merchant, Thessalon, Algoma, and
Miss Eliza Helen, danehter of James
and Mrs. Oliver, of l3rrisselse were
united in marriage by Rev. T. Wesley
Cousins. Only the immediate rela-
tives were present. The bride wore a
most becoming travelling costume,
and was unattended.
Wingham: On SundayeveningSid
Dulmage and Carl Hele were standing
together, when Geo. Disney, who has
been driving lees here, passed by.
Young Dielmage simply remarked
"That's the boy that drives Beattie's
'bus," when Disney turned and struck
him, breaking his nose with the blow.
The case cattle up for trial on Monday,
and the offender was fined $10 and
eosts, $16 in all, or 30 days in gaol. A
relative paid the fine and Disney left
town the same day.
on August 21, by Rev-. W. Treleaven,
• assisted by Rev. Dr. Gifford, J. W.
Treleaven, of Almonte, to Miss Asa,
youngest daughter of Mr. John °rib-
bings, of Clinton.
BALKWILL.--In Exeter on Aug. 27, ,
Ada Jame Fanson, Celoved wife of,
Balkvvill, aged 33 years, 0
months and 3 days. Funeral 2 p.m.
on Friday.