HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-21, Page 8Stock Taking Inducements. We propose taking stock Shortly and, we alSo propose to give Ick bargain in every suit or garment nut out by us before we i stort the lob, 1 eeera waertea. I regalar value $7.00, cleariue int ss1.95 ' _Exeter Tand Gianni Bend, a large oil-, lodgings in private bouse; either one Lost Oucioth. ; 9 , On bursclov, Aug. Intb, between t Wanted. by young lady, board and Harvesters and 1 A full prioted dinner set, 07' pieees, , cloth. By retuning to Exeter Grisei or two rooms, Apply Box 43, Awe°. t at Steware's. Tureish Scalp Food is the best reel_ mill Ander will be suitably rewarded, CT E Office. Exeter. k‘dy sold for itchine of the scalp, pre- Neese ot Renew 'Notes. Yisit to t140 House 'gnat:age, maturen Wing a herdituarninre, preurh returned nrom nfon„1 While in Clinton on nioeday last the stering color of grey hair.. Price 50 day, where be bad been takiug i editor of the AnrocATE, accompanied cents. Sold by O. Lutz, Exeter. tieut, Annie Ilinoiston, a the Tionse bY Reece Levet, Messre, 13. Carling Our customers pay. the never bad as proflaRe:fugseil, etobitsb eb eller 2tuile inn :zee oofithtba.: sEtt,w0aliut.ixstaiteci, ret avrilsir :tut! 0As`i flouse of Refuge for live years. worthY institution. the Roose of Re - good a dour before. A few bakings will be sere to convince you of the truthof it. IlenvnT Pnos. Messr& lIandfordiUott shinned 011oice Goods. hove e to Wionipeg N'Ved- nesdev. They were accompanied by Mr. John Cann, We have some.of the choleest, not fashionable an ep-toedate eciods to be.haii, thus geeing yon . • "a goo4 teleetien eboose from. 'Remember When we say we are gob nn t give bargains we wenn that7 but they will only last until stock tink- les*, le over, so leave your measure now. Prep in end get our prices -and be convinced: of Wbat. we sane, W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. lovereigo int of OR rnu OFF4CE, TORONTO Capital anthorized ... „ $2.0110.0010n It is stated, on good authority that the matter of a new hymn book for the Methodist ehurete of Canaelie will otne of the important matters is etessed at the General Conference at Winuipeg. The reason assigned for the change is that a. large number of the presenG hymns are Seldom used. emits at Stewart's. finee. The nenial tuariager. Man D„ Threshers' Supplies. The wise and prudentemin, be be a farmer or what he may, never leaves the thinge requires till the last minute. Neglect bee put many a man in a tight piaci*. Now don't be caught napping, if you want anything in the line of harvesting or threshing supplies we have it. Here are a few specialsi— rQ' eteseultees, Fi;ncli extended 0.• hearty weleome to 13i/icier Twine 33nader Gloves The followiug tip is for those who the pertynend wbile somewhat uneer are ;yowled by -those over troublesome the weather allowed them through tiae Brass Valves Cheeks creatnres coiled moseuitoes; Throw. a bnitclioc, and grouuds, To say the leaSte piece oj1iun the size a 0. marble into the whcite premises were nomad to be in oneks nien1 a bowl of water and wet the bands and clase condition, and every. visitor exposed parts with in ;Not a moscon cannot help being struck with the Qauge masses Gauge giass rubbers' to win touch von. Etc. -tpm er, cool enienc a name nunousent Illness everywhere to be found, The I ees, :ewe erected e very large main4ether Belting all sizes from one to 6 inches wide ly eVerY SeAlSe alld show a relllarkable, Messrs. Weeltes Bros., Oranite deal- grounds and gardenS are models in Threshing Gloves a, new stock Engineers FaolduR, ment in the Rodgervilte cemetery to Yield °f. errYthll'g gr°1"' 41.41°11g.' - • • • n • • „ tbe memory of the late Mre. Then the number of inmates from this sec.. Rubber above the groand and weighs too t and jolin , a` Asbestos Russell, It is n rock Anisbeil ob tion we met Mesad srs Thomas Ste 'taps ta valises, teleseopes and design, standi6 19 feet, d inechlses doe and Mark Clarie, shoemakers of Exeter both former Special 33abbI e't tla — and a half tons. 'E:nigbten' af MLsegnwd Peerles$. Ma.oblue Artie cup Greese, or Oil On Monday evenine last while air. pewee by weed wee dewing borne Rev. James flannon. D. D., raid Rev. oar nigli ochao* mrartment. Cylinder Oil beppy and contented and satisaed wt eir T n us. Inn glimville, aneenn TbeC1141rcbo- ak HAWKINS & SON front town. his Isoree took fright P- -Maiott. of the XiPPC,n Cinenit. That High School wornes far es Jen, near Devon and ran away. Both oce exchanged Pipits on Sunoayn-nRenn !, or Leaving can be and is successfully 13 eepeets were thrown out wan ceesid- MillYard aritt Rer• Button* Wel) taught in the ExeterPublicSchnol,bas SuenenSorS to BiShO& SOLI, erable forte, btit luckily snetta,-ined Centralia Orel** 441.501 "changed ail been again demonstrated by the result, Solidified, Oil, slight iojuries, while the cart wae bad.. ties last Stintley.--Ilev. J. V41-, Ten Eyck tbe recent examinatione, Nine WA the vaeancv in the Trivitt Memorial' WbILeEon„ -wawa and tworaner . Januar Leaning were successful and of his givsey friends were driving this .1.hurell her° filled Mr. one of these whoobtainen Part A condneted servieee in St. Marys, while I of the eleven candidates for Pnrt T. ly damaged, side of f. entralia, on Tuestley, a big aylor I, Junior matriculation standlog. Out bOrse, whiele they bad received in a navnte-nerrettnnenreien. of the nine who Wl'Ote for Pert IL jun- tratie nt Mooresville. dropped down An excursion nude e the auspices of loe Leaning eigbt were nuecensful. o. on the road and in a few mientee gave L. 0. L No.794, Wiogliam, wilt be run proportion unequalled by any Bigh up the ghost. Sbrewd as they may front Iniocardine to Sarnia, and Detroit 1 School in the country. Our echool has be in their horse dealings! line all lath- on Saturday Pea% Aeg, 23rd. On reacb.lalsogained the farther diatinction of ere they get Dipped ocensionally, bag Sarnia the Teshrneo. the meet up.lhaving the only two candidates who The voters* lists of the various muni. to -date boat plYing tintween Sarnia !obtained honors in the connty. The eipalities have been tinted and hong and Detroit. will_., be in waitinS and rublin $elnini Unard nre 3114°us to at. t D t it t th ford ever ficilit.y to those sttulents Capital 6ubscrilied— .....S1.$00, . up for Inspection. t is the duty of conceY Passengeno 0 e no . a e '. Exgrztt BRANCH °eery wan that is Teemed to vote to low rate of liOnse wand trip. A ge4d who ProPose. attending here and a Savings, Department Wants to have a vote. It is his own larges,t lady,..son t.te train. Thia fare nedere,e soilhat r. e echool will be now air n we equipped for tbis depart - Everyone nns been showing LOY. fault if bis name is omitted when . the frolu Pere will he JeSre ment of work. Wbat our Board have ALTY to the KLNG and now is MI op. roll hasAnally passed. the Judge af 'i Bogus2,1*, iinderGalien GO do they have done. are portune time to show LOYALTY to was not on the roll 'before. This le a, Merchants will do well to examine tloiun, and doubtless aim to do foe the yourself by opening' a, SAVINOS personal matter and not to be left. to all two dollar bMs they take In toe future and that is to keep our Publi BANK account in tne nonnKREION another to do for you. See that your some time, as there is a Counterfeit in Sebool in the front rank in every de - BANK at EXETER, or CLINTO:4% name is on• circulation that would dazzle a child's partment of work covered. ' In tbi see that his name is on, the list it he brooch will lie given AS aeprize to the inereaShig the atparatue for teachin where highest rates of interest etv Mr. E. J. Spackatan. of town. one of eye. Several have alreedn been passed most worthy aim they may rest as. peild on depeeits of Si mad epwards, tbe most, indent, and enthusiastic 'Odd' in Ottawa, and the pollee have one in.surveil they have the full enaorsement NOTES dvnennuted atveanonattle rates. DRAFYS BOCOIIT and SOLD. SPECIALnttention given to farmere and eattlemeres husineess, A Ggrener. BANKING lIctilNESS TIZAN- BARTUD, F. W.61.ADMAM, F. E. Kakfil, Selleitor. 111 LOCAL DOINGS. t 4u Bid ine: is freiMently doe to bad habits. 25e. in advance for the ADVOCATE to Jan. let. 1503. An automobile passed thronigh town Slieurday afternoon going north. fellows m vtVestern Ontario, was last thorpossession. Thema:Anon isabout week eleeted Orand Patriarcli of the as poor as they could mane them, but Grand Encampment. That he Was in the darn the bill could be palmed off worthy of the honor tbat bas been easily. The lettering is fairlo goad, bentowed upon him and that be will bat the engraving is poor, while the MI the °Mee both with credit to him- paper is undoubtedly the wont ever self and to the honorable body Which been in a, connteifelt. The paper is represents, goeS without, saying. Mr. very thin, and the ink is very fah% so 8Packtuao One (,4 the oldest Odd- people sbould be careful in receiving :Wows in town and bas mud. thew bills. The police are working on fested a deep interest in the orner, the matter. ..) epees 1,Ve extend with his warty friends con- . The Ontario Statutes provide for the a cutting of noxious weeds on both high - Some people get along without seine the matter as individuals and pledge position in An "change says "A Preaeher In It is the dutv of every municipality to town Sunday and Monday. neighboring town on a recent Sunday ways ;Ind:occupied or nnoecupiedlands. evening caned the citizens down good If owners ofsech lands refuse or neglet and hard for late trading on Saturday to have such weeds cut or destroyed nights which compels the delivery boys before gain to seed, then it becomes the duty of the council to have melt Mrs. I V. Crocker spent a few days as well ns clerks :Ind merchants to work lip to inisluight and often ou into the uonnous weeds cut, and provision 14illSo in London last week, Sabbath to get their orders all deliver- made for collecting the cost of suck Miss Polly Weish,of tondothis visit- t.a. The reverend geutleman is on the work, and in default of pityment the ing her Temente here. right tisnek and while there is undoubt- cost, Is to ba placed against the proper- edie. alittle ehange for the better along Miss Hunter, of Brantford, is the ty together with the tax rates; further- guest of mrs„ A. 3. Ford. Waiter eltdr has taken a . this line during the past year there is more tine occupant of the laml who ie- ' . the MoIsons 13 ink here as imnor. stallroomfornmproveleene abetrouble fuses or neglects to cut down or de. -.1. . Salter, - D . • M ' Geo of London snent If you want to be nealthy. wealthy can be remed ied with very little bother stroy these noxious weeds is liable to a Sunday athis home bere. and wise use Harvey Bros. Star Flour. if everyeitizen will take an interest in tine of from $5 to $20 for each offence. Mr. Albert Cline, of Galt, was in Noxious needs. 0 wet -Illations, of our citizen% „ ' PERSONAL woe Miss Wookis visiting Mends la De - twin Mrs. F. j. Knight epeut Friday in London. Mrs. R. McNabb is the gest of Mrs. Wm. Ford. atm P. Lang is visiting friends 1 Guelph and Elora. Miss Lyda Trevethiele is visiting friends in Crediton. AT SPACKNANS • For 35ets. per yard Fancy silks in waist lengths, regalar price was from 81.00 to 81.50 per yard. your choice of any of them for 35e. per yard. Only 18 . ends to see. Come early. For 1,0cts. per yard 10 pieces Amerean mercer silks. 32 inches wide, all new goods, a little tete in meeting, the best weaving eolered geode in the 111RP- ket,regular 15e, goods, on sale while they last for only 10c. nee yard. For 25cts. per yard 1 20 pieces all wool pktin dress goods, proper material for girls early fall skirts and dresses. These are not peer goads, mo better ean lie bad in the regular way at lees than 50 to Inn per yard, all on sale NOW at XiCtS, per yard. E. J. SPACKMAN. Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing. * 'est as long us they have a. few dol- themselves to do their buying earl Or MISS Thompson. of Montreal, is the ars. Premier Rees is expected to return from the Oki Country on Saturday next. A douetion party might be a how- ling success to the man who is out of dough. carry their pnrchase home themse ves. It is a. Wiling thing for each of us to do, but it means a great deal to the merchant end his assistauts." ›.7ewspa er subscribers often Wonder why a pu Usher keeps on sending a a er when the snliscriptinn is expired. aceounts be passed and orders drawn on treasurer for same:—Geo. Cindmore, labor $3,48; Thos. Flynn, do., $5.00; T. 1,Velsh. do., $3.12; Wm. Atkinson, do., $2.25; W. Parsons, do., $1.50; S. Hand- feed, do., $1.00; T. Hartnoll, dn., $2.06; Municipal World, stationers-, e3.08; W. S. Bissett, expenses sending Cun- ningham, hack to London $1.65; W. S. Bissett, expenses of Council to London debt it has been enstomary ler Publish. to inspect culvert, 35.10; P. ng ers to continue sendithe paper after street watering, $80.00. Carried. Wood the thne has expired. The city weekliqs —Harding—that the Clerk notify Mr. and dailies do not generally' follow this E. North, of London, that the Council enforce these provisions. Council. Proceedings. guest of Mrs. O. W. Huston, .Council met _pursuant to odjourn- Miss Ida Cottle left on Wednesday ment Town Hall, August 150. Ab. to visit her annt in Stofferdville. sent Councillor Davis. Minutes of . previous meeting read and confirmed. 'Wood—Harding—that the following Mr. B. S. O'Neil has improved the \Vhon a subscription is paid to a certain appearance of his hank by o,plateglass . time, and time expires and the paper is front. stopped, it looks as if the editor doubt- ed. the Mr. J. G. Stanbuey is having his law integrity of the subscriber, and offices remodelled and otherwise nine cases itif ten the subscriber will int - give the editor a calling down for insin- There are people proved. tinittherthanting that his credit wee not nniod. velea never miss an R opportunity to talk but seldom say a neighbor'cast any teffection against s honesty to pay a sruall anything. lese Foot Ease for tender, tired, ach- nkor sweeten feet. sold by C. Lutz. Price 25 cents. Hog cholera prevails in Middlesex. Mr. Frank Chantler, near London, lost seventeen hogs. Rural schools commenced on Mon- day, while city, tow.a and village schools will not open until Sept. 2nd. If the time ever comes when people Call know just what other people think of them there will be quite a lot of embarrassnuent. Asa, general tonic for the system • and to enrich the blood, nothing will maid Bland's Laxative Blood and Nerve Tonic Pills, 100 pills in each bottle. Sold by C. Lutz. Price 50e. The brickwork of the new liaisons Bank has been completed and. the car- penter work is being rapidly peshed to a finish. Tt will, however, be some time yet before it will be ready for oc- cupancy. A large number will leave on the Harvest Excursion for the West to -day (Thursday.) Among the number are Thos. Sanders, Ed. Sanders, John Snell Herb Ford, Wes. Snell, John Moore, Charles Long, Frank Triebner. The Ladies Aid Society of the James street enure), gave a social on. Mr. S. Fitton's lawn Wednesday night of last week. A very pleasant time was spent by all. The band was in attenda,nce and enlivened theproceediegs. Whenever we see a person changing the spelling of his name to Browne, 131acke, Whyte, Bleue, etc.'we always think his ancestors have been sheep thieves or have done something else that their claildree are ashamed of. rule as their subscribers are at it dist accepts his offer for sufficient 45 -inch tame and. do not know their financial sewer pipe for sewer on Ann street. standing. Oneshould deemit an honor Carried. Harding--Muir--that the to know that his credit is not doubted 'Reeve and. Treasurer be authorized to when the publisher continues to send borrow the sum of one thousands dol - the paper. Should the subscriber desire tars to meet current expenses, and to have his paper discontinued be that a By-law be prepared authorizing should inform the publisher and remit said loan. Carried. 'Wood—Harding— Mr, F. Hunt, after a few weeks' to date, if any is owing. that Council adjourn to meet at call of pleasant visit with relatives here, re - The Stratford. Herald of last week Reeve. Carried. GEo. IL Bisserr, Clerk. tamed to London Monday. hits the nail square on the head in tbe Misses Clara and Annie McInnes, of We believe almost everybody with- in reach uses Star Flour, but if you have not tried it do so and be convinc- ed that it is the best flour on the mar- ket. 1-1AfcirEY Enos. 31.00 for 7 yards pure wool double fold, navy blue, and waleserge dress goods. The biegest dress goods bar- gain ever offered in Exeter, at Stew- art's. - At considerable expense the mana- ger of the Opera House, Mr. W; C. Huston, has secured the services of the Livingston -Wylie Co., to give an entertainment here on Fair night, Tuesday, Sept. 2e. This is a splendid comp lily and should be greeted with it good house. Particulars later. The Misses Hall. of Parkhill, are vie- iting their aunt, Mrs, A. Sheere. Enos Onnlinore spent afew days with friends in Seaforth during the week. Mr. John Ammer and son, Roy, re- named from their Western trip on Saturday. Rev. W. M. and Mrs. 'Martin left last week for a sojourn up the efusk.o- ka Lakes. Mr. mid son. Ma.rvlin, of Sim- coe. are visiting at his daughter's,Mrs. L. D. Vincent. Miss Jeffery, of Toronto, spent a few days here the past week, the guest of the Misses Totals. Mr. Albert McCallum and wife of Columbus, Ohio, are visiting relatives and Wends in town. Mrs. Steele, who hes been the guest of Miss Mortiock, returned to her home in Port Stanley Friday. following and its remarks apply with Dicd witthipm. Toronto, are spending a few days with equal force to this and other towns as The following clipped from the Ory- friends in and. around. town. well as Stratford: Sometimes we see or hearStratfordcharged with being slow, and occasionally the charge is heard from Stratford people though usually from those whonever did and are never likely to do much to quicken anybody's pulse. They just talk and hit on that as a change from the weather. They are usually profitless citizens anyway. Cornwall, England, in 1839 and when Give us the citizen who is always ready to speak well of his town and. about six years of age his parents mov- ed to Darlington, Durham Co., Ont. In 1860 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ann Osborne, of Darlington, and after a few years time they made their home in Exeter, Ont., where the family resided until they settled in lelanitaba, in 1880. Brother Werry was converted to God when about sixteen years of age and united with the Bible Christian church. and since the union With the Methodist church he has ever done what he could for Cerist and the brotherhood of numanity. As class leader, Sunday School superintendant, Recording Steward and Trustee he has faithfully served the church of his choice and has been a living witness of the Goepel he lived and loved. He was a kind obliging neighbor:, a devot- ed husband and anindulgent parent. For some months past it became ap- parent that death had claimed him for his own, In hope of continued life he went to the hospital and underwent a very serious operation; but such was not the father's will, for after suffering intensely for ten days with great pa- tience. his liberated spirit took its flight, to the realms of eternal day there to meet his beloved wife who preceded him some :three years. He leaves a family of four sons and five daughters to mourn their loss and car- ry on the blessed work in which he was so much interested. On Friday his remains were followed by a large procession from the station to Pilot tal City (Mane Courier, refers to the Mr. W. R. Moncur returned from death of a former well-kuown resident Grand Bend Friday, having taken two of Usborne:—By the death of Mr. Wm. weeks' holidays at ebat place. Werry on Wednesday' An. 6th, in Mr. A'. Q. Behier left Wednesday the General tinseled. Winnipeg, God for New York and other places, corn - took to the home of heaven .a faithful biting business with pleasure. member of the Crystal City Methodist church. Wm. Werry was born ill Misses Gussie and Addie Holland re- turned from their visit to friends in St. Marys and London, Monday. not cry it down; the kind. of. man who can tell real success and prosperity from the frothy, noisy article that is put forth for success by so many towns in Uncle Sam's domains, whose sole pursoit is money and pleasure. Save us always from the kind of prosperity that is attended by streets fall of sa- Ioons, the gambling dens, the yellow journal, atel the discordant American Sunday with its excursions and bands and nauseating exhibitions. Leb us bold fast by the good British character- istics of solidity of character, thought- fulness, reverence for higher things, and intelligent preference for the in- triesic,--even if some do call us sober and give us empty taunts for the ab- sence of things their ignorance make them overvalue. Boy Wanted. Good smart boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. Lost—Bolt Pitt. On Ann street, Saturday, 9th inst., a belt pin. Finder will confer a favor by leaving same at this office. Apprentice Wanted. An apprentice wanted to learn the milling, from 15 to 17 years of age, with good education. Apply to Harvey Bros. Girl Nsianteil. Good general servant. No laundry work. Good wages. Apply to Mrs, toliTu TAKING Now is the time to beautify your hom.es by selecting some of our handsome Furniture. Do you want a nice edroom sett for Sideboard ..• – • • Cool Sweet Mattresses. Bed Springs — • . — • Couches and Easy Chairs at easy prices. Curtain poles and trimmings We have several sets of beautiful chairs just in. Give us a call and, if we have not got what you want we will soon get it for you. Wes. C. Huston, Furniture and undertaking rooms. Gidley's Block-, Exeter. The Misses Pickard, of London, and the Misses Pickard, of Seaforth, are the guests of Mrs. James Pickard. Mr. W M. Martin,who has been pro- secuting his law studies in Toronto, returned to his home here last week. Mrs. and. Miss Gertie Braun, of Buf- falo, are visiting Mrs. Floyd and re- newing old acquaintances this week. Miss Olive Sussex, who has been the guest of Miss May Sanders, returned to her home in .London Wednesday evening. Mr. John McIntyre has been off duty for the past few days through illness, but we are pleased to note that he is recovering. Misses Edyth and Ruth Rollins left Friday morning to visit friends in Byron, prior to returning to their home in Detroit. Miss Winnifred Ball, of Godericla, former teacher of the public school here, is visiting friends in towu, the guest of Miss Kemp. Mr. F. W. Tom, of Toledo, : Ohio, after a visit with friend in Ottawa and other places is spending a few days with his pareinte here. Messrs. Ed. Christie, T. B. Carling, J. A. Stewart, W. H. Levett, I. It. Carling and C. IL Sanders attended the funeral of JOseph Chidley, at Clin- ton. on Monday afternoon,, being a • $10 • 8 • 3 • 2 AMOINIMMIIIMO•11.1•MIMMINNIM•1 Frank Bissett, of London was in town for a few days during the week. Mi., Sid Thomas, of Listowel, spent a few days in town last week with friends, Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson and family, also Mies May and Evelyn Gill, Miss Brown and 'Mrs. Elliott left Monday for a two weeks' outing at the Bend. Mr. R. N. Creech, who has been spending the holidays with his parents here, returned to resume his duties as teacher at Oriel, Saturday. Mrs. 0. II. Skilton and Miss Addie Alward, of St. Paul, Minn.,nd Miss Brant of Los Angeles California, are visiting at Mr. W. J. Angeles, Mrs. Rich. Bissett and son, Seldon, and. daughter, Ila, who have been on a two weeks' visit to friends and rela- tives, returned to London Monday, Mit. M. A. Harris, Huron Street, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sid. Dayis at Devon is confined to her bed and is iu a very low state of health. Mrs. Jas. Sweet, who was attenditig the funeral of her son-in-law, Mr.Wm. Egan, at Detroinreturned home Toes - day, accompanied by her daughters, Sarah and Mrs. Egan. Mr. Peter McDonell, who has been foreman over the Sutherland -Innes Works here left Wednesday night for Chatham:, where be will continue in the employ of the company. Mrs. Thos. Penhale, wine has been visiting relatives and. friends here for the past three months, the guest of Mrs. W. II. Penhale, left for her home in Medicine Hat, Assn., Wednesday. Mr. Jean Kessel, who has been .on the other side of the border in the in- terest of the Su therland-I n e is Go., ar- rived Monday ancl has again assumed charge of the Company's works here. Mr. S. D. Sparkman left Tuesday for Germany where he will further prosecute his studies in rnusie. tie was accompanied as far as New York by his patents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 011114,1,N ,TETir, 4.8( P G= FOR PROVAN'S PATENT CARRIERS FORKS AND SLINGS. Supplied with either the - Angle Iron, Round Rod or Wood. These are without a doubt the best ma- chin.es obtainable at any price. Was awarded the only -medal and diploma • given on Hay Forks at the 'World's Fair Chicago. Supplies at Russelrs Blacksmith shop. , EXETER, ONTARIO. , Mr. John Mallett, who has been tending bar at the Commercial House for sorne time, has resigned his pose tion andL leaves to -day for the West. Mr. W. J. Hawksbaw fins the vacan- cy at the Corti Mei clef. , Mr. N. Dyer IsItirdoii and sons, Dyer and George; Mr, Alex. Dyer and son, Charles and Mr. Thos. Fitton and randson Thos. Carling, left Wednes- ay to join Mr: John Muii. in spending several da 5 fishing at Port Frank. Pope, 88 Ridout street, London, Mound oenietery• • , Sjatckrnitn,