HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-21, Page 5THE exam brocatt) Published esel7 Thursday Siorning 4 the Moe. MAIN -STREET, EXETER. -By the ADVOOATE Pl4131.1SiSIN9 OQMPANY WellISIS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Que Dollar per annum it paid hi, advance. $1-$0 if not sopeld. Atsclaroct!..!. 74P. -to Pas. .113•Xtsf,11..co,„.. tleese. No paper ellsoontiningl until :wive:rages see peel. Adverilsonleme species:1 will be srsenslissi :Jute forbel at eliarged eiakerdiugly. lebereinseoent made tor trauselent advertisements iuserted Roston; periods, Esery deseription of JOB. KtiNTOSO tureedeus in the finest style. mid et smodereterste.s. Cheques, money orders, &Q.. tor advertieing. eab.5crilai99.9, de, 89 be =de pxalie • 4 Obas, II. Sanders, HATTOR SAP Plicee, FrOtessional VAN a. elEINS3L-SN, islISSS, DR. A. R. IONS. NAN, iels•s1s, D.O.S.. Meer gradeese otri, Tomato Veiverissv. DENTISTS, Teeth en:ttestell1,71,142nit any pale. or may hell save Ort;v1A laseL•, we:4 elite etslis street, Esetzer. 4icnansoN eels% urts. PENITIST - Herne Grelleete Tonseternivessite aitit Rapt Coliesteeliteatel Sergeone et teitario.Also Pest Oradeete et eineegatislieet et Presthstle. Dretiseety selets beset:able mewls:el: .Allineesson, Oat end Veleoelte Plea:Sow% %sh• e neatest reannerpeseihie. A perteetly lismillese asetlietieturdrerrahatetsettnrilen of teeth, O&M one CI= sMtth of Cerlieg One, &Net 11- T. P. M.I.A11.01114N.M1E Carat? et rieteeiatts ar. few settecrei atel Amaritettr. 074:. respected. A widow and five D j,ahn vcsson. pmee 0,134 Resutemie. tau children moue hie demiSe. Hreeas Axe. L9'4•4'14"- SP2'131. ,''-t.tmlagst Wtmeinege Ang. 18. -(Special.) -W111 peel teeleeeeeseireneen. Ofeeeheers. 12.11 to 4 jobminas, 000 of P. Joun5on, w4ter F TUE Ottlaria. . Dash- .ent, Tte QJ TU1r.lisATKAL 1BItS NAIR A'STV..f.41(EN.T. 'moffr. Krukaazi MAIN NgArt gaspx BY A, 11444Stkele !mu ivoT egteeel0 'Me NAVA .e.f UPYIEW.- Ppe4 Attlee to Avelet One 'Virgin Wee $re by notberse sagoilioss og Gas at Sootbantnteta sieqeriseee Nalarstana' Woedelee, Fesex Cewity, Aug. la. A terrible railway eeeideet eeeurred ne here 004 11.90 last night, este1 eau' ed the death ef one yeung mati, named Jeelt Brow; and tem) young ladies pant- Seranms, who lived nea.r Essex. T1eey Vete walltitt...."' ort the double tracks emitt- ing east 'from Fasex. A westbound trtein was approaching them,. and -Oen, they stepped. off the westbound track to let the western pass they did nOt nOtige feet eaatern eeprees coming from the vest, which oversight coet them, their lives. Tie young people were well know and esecieI Southampton, Aug. 18. ---Shortly after ceetteele thie mornieg George Nehrgeng. ehinist iu the teeter). of the 8. eehtel Weed-tioreing tt Furniture Co.. t .with a fetal aecideut. He was - - g eeit et 199 genet's, whiele had eon - methylated isairits but which bed1een empty for menthe. The APO fortunate nuut was fitting on an iron late wet had been heated, when kt eimposed tint hot hen eareel the ae. cumilleted gas witbiu to ep1uae with g :report that was beard for lecke. The end of the tauk was driven out teed hurled some dietanee, striking itini ten the Jegs, end be was thrown a damn feet, Roth legs were broken in aeverei pave. lie lived until 2,30 teem* this afternoon. Decoeed Wee a member ot the local court of the W.F., fold was APIV, ralfliSlON CA NO. CAPJUSTRitS, L." tsta, Notarlev, Ceevesee.oete. Conseillesters- Selleiteralsr InitisessUanW, ers- Meese to leen at esseell WOO ilitellesn 0-12sess Maio slate, INetcr. L. R. eatitaso, L it ikrames 13", 01.ASSIAN. (Nr.seresr.,111-.1 Elle% k Maa. reassi Vanester. Salltiter. Netars Palle Con- er.Ete. 115:rele icana bor.% ratea a In. r effiNeeleinteirret. Exeter. (AU. Wirviirlera, v 1 Imotteerer lung) Cr:antics el Perth anti Milllcess. t toattestalp et Volterrte. Saks promptly asi tuna reasanabIe. Saks arrataged eke. Wiritheises. The Maisons Bank (CharttrA b,) Parliament, ISS5 Wad Oillre, Montreal, Paid up Capital..... ....... Reserve -SAS. ELLIOTT, CIENERM. JgANAGER. -EXETER BRANCH 0:1Po haurd:-10 a.m. to 3 pant Satoulavs 10 a.m. to 1 pan. A general Ivan kin g business transacted atom aovailml to goad Farmers at lowest rates. ng i Dank Deposits from a and upwards Welt. ttl. bang allOWed tlt highest current rates. IlictstoN t estaaS,I. N. D. Iltsinos, Soli &tors. Manager. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. tsmooatmmtxsoottchioccoccacc-cco e are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. 14. SlAtEITZEP? Po'"''e• AstY". Worn Plooploalne, ne Great Enghsh 1?emezly. Sold and recommended by all druggiste in Canada. Onl reli- able medicine discovered. St ••packages guaranteed to mire all forms of Sexual Weakness. all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excesstve, use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt •of price, one package $1, six, One wittpiease, atZwIll cure. Pamphlets free to ar.y address. The 'Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Woods Phospbodine is sold inExeter by J. W. Browning and 0. Lutz Druggists. EXETER • • Real Estate Exchange. The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farm lands and prOperties negotiated at reasonable rates of Com- mission, ' For Sale. ' Several Valuable Farms in HAY, ' 'OSBORNE, STEPHEN and MeGILL- WRAY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms Wanted. • • We have purchasers for good farm and in. the vicinity:of Exeter, or who will EXchange. • APPLY TO • Wm. Bawden 'David M.11, • Valaator. Mane is Or. • or,P ICES: Dickson. & Oarling's New Block, Exeter, treet, wee killed in the Ceenadian North- rn yerdt. Ktnteeton. Aug. 190-elSpeelal.)-The bone driven by Mr. John Smith ran way stear &Mee throwing out the driver, who was %Intently killed, The del wait eged 46Feet% and leaves a wife and nine ettildrem fle Wa5 one of the best guidee on the Rideeu an in tbe huk emigre'. DESTROYED BY i VOLUM ACTIVE EFILPTION IN ISLAND OD TOEISIIINA, JAPAN. SO Persona IludoubtetlIT I Illedp. Emmen All Drotroyed-Eruetion Cerlinuoi-Deniterotto For Veserlo to Approselt the Comet. Yokohama, Aug. 18. -The little Island of Torishima was overwhelmed by a volcanic eruption between August 15 and 15, and all the inhabitant', numbering 150 persons, were undoubted. ly killed. The bland is covered with Volcanic debris, and ell the housea on It have disappeared. The eruption is still proceeding, and is accompanied by sub - marl= eruptions in the vicinity, which make it dangerous for vessels to ap- proach the island. Torishinut is one of a chain of islands extending between the Bonin Islands and Hondo, thb biggest island of Japan. POLITICS AT THE CAPE. orlinment Mooting To -morrow Pm. dir PeuIInr CreumstnnceN. New York, Aug. 1O. -The Cape Town • correspondent of The London Times, in a, despatch to The 'New York Times, points out the peeuliar circumstances un- der which the Parliament of Cape Col- ony will meet on Wednesday. Mr. Chamberlain, when refusing the suppres- sion of the constitution, advised that Parliament be convened early for the purpose oPpassing indemnity nets and the budget, which Sir John Gordon Sprigg, the Premier, assured Mr. Chatn- lierlain he could effect. As the Premier cannot rely on the support of more than ten of his own followers, it seems he must depend on the Afrikander Bond for support, which cannot be had for noth- ing. Sir John appears to ignore his own party, which has indicated that other legislation is necessary for the welfare of the country. He apparently desires a short seseion. Timidly or wrongly, says the corre- spondent, Premier Spri,gg is believed to be inordinately keen of retaining office. His present attitude, when nearly his whole party is in revolt, and the serviees of the Bond have been enlisted for the perpose of scouring a majority, lends color to this report. SAVED BIC TRE ARIADNE. , A. Steamer Beading Straight For Shore Warned by the Cruiser. St. John's, Nfld., Aug. 10. -The British first-class cruiser Ariadne (flagship of Vice -Admiral A. D. Douglas). saved es large ocean steainer,. supposed to be a Montreal liner, filled with passengers, 'from going ashore on Cape 'lace during a dense fog yesterday. The steamer was heading direct for the coast when the warship signalled her danger. RIOT.8...11.01e0 smnixtuns. , . One Man Was Killed,' Although but One Shot Was Fired. Tamaqua, Pa., Aug. 18. a clash between strikers and deputies at Nesque- honing, .Carbon County, .in the Panther .Creek :Valley; early this eyeliner., 'one shot was fired and ,one man waskilled, and the paadaes at once separated. The man that fired the shot was arrested and the town is quiet. • V; C. Andrews, Sentence. Detroit, .ting. 18, -Judge Murphy to -day sentenced Frank C. -4.ndrews, who was found guilty on Saturday of having mis- applied and misseppro.priated funds of the wrecked City Savings Bank. to iittteu Years at- hard labor In JacicsOn Prfson, He had previously reused to grant Andrews ball pending the settienient of the bill of ex. ceptiges, eeleicli his attorneys will Me, , • her' Were Not Vittingiy ciothect Foe S00% 0, cerernOny-Me.Fiseiter. PXOtinrate41-41enne4 by Their Re., ception at Covres.,s31r., Atontrosta Whtto Their Spolxestortn. I 7.ron1on Aug 18 - Late in the after- - neon the Veer Geaerale,,, Balm, Detect', end, Pelerey, left their hetet feud pro. , eee4ea tei the doeite to embark en thte : eteemee.Pateeler, Wand for Retterdem. spite a elle eeereey of their move.: wilts, A large „crowd awaited the eeale anti elwered theedeparting v1eltere.1 3ferttagoliThite, the ..ex-Ceneul-Geeeral , k* London .-ef the Treesveal, hue iseued , a etatement felatborie4 .by the Doer Gen. crate,. as follower. - "rue „Generals are preeeeding to the: eontineut for the purpose ..ot geeeting 4tr, Kreger and 'Mr, Step). mat ettendei leg. the feueral ef Geneeal Lucas Meyer. 1i:reek Foga *anthem is to return 'to joogginti at an eerly (date,. for the trane. seems of. haeteees. betthey • here net 4,440 ete erey 0...e.eal programme. During, t tenera aye. teelt- the retipleute of teeny ittet!'." 'titlenii and kind, messages a welcome, ett they fulty appreeiate . The fep4rt that .tbe &visite* of the Geterele- net to eieit the navel review watt due to the udineitee of Mr, Fiedler poi• time. Their. rol eeason for &- AMIN; the havitatien on Saturday wee that they did not consider thee attire , quite eititable for a eareetottioue. vieit, and -the rieceeearily eitert ROW eonveyed to them did not he them the time for the neeeeeary preparations. - Rnt they Were glad of the opportunity et payiug their respects to the Ring on the follow,. big day, after they inut made the lime- eaey .parehattes, add thee are gratified at .the hind Manner in hicithey mot. received by his Mejeety." •esptain Gleodeuell, wive eerved on neva% 5t.a.fr theenglitent the. wer, will start immediately for Amid= In order to prepare the Way ter tbe. vielt of the Generals. He eaSre that altegethee about 410. Americaus and 50•5 Triehmen were with the Boer force% New York, Aug, 1.8.-eltr, W. T. Stead. m ?pal cable to Tho Journal, *aye! that in eenvereetleit with the Boer Gem. ergi. after their return from Cowes yes - t day h learned that they were tenth leased that the Ring !peke of tho neon not as the Qaeen, but simply ge "wife." TELEGRAPH unnvrrnts. Mr. Samuel Sloan, *LP., et Goderieb, dead. The Y.M.C.A. World's Congress opens toelay at Chrititiania. United State; ca.pltalists will build a $500,000 hotel in Vs intilpeg. Fowlde grain elevator and 2,000 hue- hols of grain were burned at Campbell - lord, Mr. S. P. lIanunford, formerly ale( engineer of the Grand Trunk, died at Montreal. Several large herds of cattle are com- ing into Alberta and Assiniboia from the United States. Mr. ,A. N. C. Treadgold, head of the Yukon syndieate, is in Montreal on his way to Ottawa, Alfred Bradshaw, a six-year-old was fatally burned at the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital while playing with matches. Goodale Bros. of Hamilton have been , awarded the eontract for the construe -I Oen of the H., G. B. extension from 1 Beson.,ville to Vineland. The Saskatchewan Valley Land Com- pany hese sold a 5(3),000-aere tract be- tween Regina and Prince Albert, acquir- ed only few weeks ago. Sir Edmund Barton, the Australian Premier, and Sir John Forrest, Minister, for Defence, sail from England to -mor- row on their way to Canada. air. C. F. Hanson, an old railway em- ployee, who took charge of the first en- gine that passed over the London & Port Stanley Railway, died at London. The W. C. Edwards Company has pur- chased from, the Arthur Hill Company of Michigan a big timber limit in the Temiskaming region. The purchase price is in the neighborhood of $300,000. The Scotch machinists at the Kingston Locomotive Works have received notice of expulsion from the union from New York. They say the headquarters of their society is in England and their Secretary there knew the circumstances before they left. Railwayofficials expect that several thousand men will leave Toronto for the west on the annual harvester& excur- sions, which are to be run on Wednelf- 'day; Thursday and Friday of this week. Reports trom agents in vinious parts of Ontario indicate hat the excurs.ons will be liberally patr: niged. The .Conserea.ive party's local legal advisers think they have reasons why the Liberal petition against the election of T. G. Carseallen in Lennox should be set aside. Accordingly, application to that effect will be made on Thursday before Mr. justice Osier. Messrs. Bristol & Cowthra will act in the matter, and in the meanthne they will. not dis- close the grounds of their attempt. The Toronto School Board Sub-com- .mittee on Teachers met yesterday after- noon ,and accepted the following resigna- tions :-Miss F. :H. Butterworth, Duke Street; Miss L. V. Drayten, Leslie Street; Miss. J. D. :McKenzie, Cotting- ham Street;, Miss ,McComb,, Park School; Miss Pearl Blecker, Bolton Ave - nun; Miss A. M. Lemon, Clinton Street; Miss A. A. Watson, .Elizabeth Street. The .Corresponding Secretaryof the National Council of Women of Canada has received the following from Major Maude : "Madame,--2.-At the request oi the Secretary of, State for the Colonies, the Governor-General desires rue to con - to the Natioeal Council of Women of Canada the shmere thanks •of her Majesty the Queen and HLs Royal High- ness. the PrincA of Wales for the expres- sion of their sympathy with his Majesty in his serious illness. 1 have the honor to be, J. S. Maude, Major, Governor. SA eneeers Seeeetaree" THE WO1t1tat's comoElteg• EXETtN MAR E EDN'ESDAY "aaof prirata l'irttla the coiontes Easily in First Place. Washingten, Aug. 18. -The State De- artmeut made public to -day a report from Euited States Consul Winter at .Annabetg, dated July 19, showing the' ecentneree et the world fee 1991, accord- . g to Germee StAti$iiRS., The total ims porte and expoets trade a at eountrie; givena epproeimately4,13,800„00,9,- 000. Greet Britain, nith her 'colonies, heads theelist, with the greet total of ermeny p Sits eecond with 82,618,009,990, and the VIAlted States third with S118,200,00li. Wheat. ..... ............ 78 70 , Oats Barley • ........ " '" • • • '751 Peas. 70 71 Potetoes, pelag 4 iU LlaYper tOn . .. DO A uo Peotir, per ewt., r1ke 1 65 2 00 rerge er... 14 Hides, tter 100 lbs 4 00 ive hog, per ewt;a • Dressed 7 00 7 00 Shorts per ewt 1 10 ; Bran per ewt neady 7,Q0%0QO,QQ0.G ttm fight COUSUraption, with Scott's gmuision ()lead -liver 4, is ion THE MARKET REPORT& rt4sbauit(ina Live Stoe Wheat Is 1.owe. AlOndity Evening, Avg, IS. Toronto SI. Lawrence Market. Where were SOO bushels 'of groin receivee Oil pie street esorlset to -day. seet-Vi.as eteadeOi') hesitele or :stet sepiter, et V3s; per linsliet endiae rto of feed Us-Weretrsetee4obytt,s1;10..) b1414.141,3 0 ad seTang 4Wgi.- s �e whit 40to imshetf,01 tWx et 47re se 40e. stee-wee :seders see teede of sew Keniina AD, igtp ;TA pf-.1. ton awl twO leads er Si1,7 euS. per ten, Tbe Vtellote Soppily. Atitg.1$,VSIAtig30.°01 Mg, Wheat „ „eetemeiet ee.770.4"ten 49.761.9,:e1 seven beteeeket 4,71O3,01,0 ifl.q/41.041) WIN 0.4#7,010) !lye teteemee elle* reS.teel 413. ;;:1-1,14:AZI.N4r age atter dirte-e4.414-Stel517417!. Tlts' 24.r44'"Wd 1 cattlss filarbeta, 1.01,elon, Aug, ZS:4July Caluidlan cattle ogend; trade eiuw, tnittie 041. bleep Irade fele, bd. TesoL Aug- 1-.5.-.'--C4VP4 0;0444 421coN Montreal UN* Stock. moutreal. Aug. 13.-Tbere were about CO head of betebere" tattle. 360 settle suid s WU :sheep end lesittie onereti at the Eget rfuil Abattoir to-daY, Tbe butchers; were ma straitened bought Creels. but the tutees contlatio very tow owl ou.gattNtactor,v to the drotto, Atm et the beet Cattle were sold at it6644 41Fie to 4,,ie Per lb, and from tient down to .414',;:i. for pretty ewe wee, tetnt. moo cettle were very bard to sell tied tieee rrattged fro to `21,,e Slie per ft, with *MI tAinettat te411 3,14e to 2e .per 10. teuelivrable tweeter will leave to be held er ter smother ,te.erlitet, Mr. Ititehot of tioneite street bonellt a very doe veal. tailL weinfalag 211 lbe, dor $*2. er niftiest Cc per the ether CtliWt* 8.04 nt from ;2 to 110 WI. in from ac Wee per and *mho trtm Pic Ca -43.0 per lb, The general ct good Itunta woe Ft WAIL 40 per lb, ot tone selit at from Te to lea per in else -uod cots, weighed oft the cari. Root Utattolo Cottle Market. in advame. It threatens, youcan resist ; and you =ay overcon4e it. Don't 13e afraid; be brave. Blit Wide ; don't waste time, *ChM RVIIR TAFV 1A641"4 ARM TAT VIR• 1 ' aaarr aovette, posmissa, vsasento„ pe. Ong 4tAni r; A eieeyeee,old eau of Mr.tio-lrerit-R-eid of ( ellingweed, vras Wand drowned in the mill pond STOP$ THE coron motwoRlis OFF THE COW. 1.T.O1icke lnr7,nsesu '4ia fitx, 3 l'aire .1•04 PV, Vg2 Cer9, Another ease of $141311Fri+X has de reloped in Ottawa. James Routh. of Ottawa, was see - etude, and probeltly fatally injured fTtfatleisnwd.:1147.en illtAliwiga'411ewrrultekkthsgt"ronek'it hsetziluf.. 01$11 Strittlitit'd CORSOSSioit Of the skull W 4$ frac tined by the fall and TO OCHE A COLO IN ONE PAX Take Laxative Brame Oluine Tab lete. All drtiggis-„,s refund the moue:, it fails to cure. 2.1e. E. W. Urove 'signature is on melt box. An unknown mou Was timid cut to pieces by a train on the U. T.R. trac1. about two miles west of Bothwell, There is it lockout at the Dentinlon Organ COMpallY'S WOO*: at Bowman. AllOilt 223 linen MI" Oil% Ten thousand agents and office em. loyees will losethear positions entomb he amalgamation of harmiter com- panies in the Xltited States. Eost itaNitIO, Aug. Itt-Cattleeeteeelpte. ,409; steady to strong; prime steers, 51.75 , to 59.25: chalet 1.201i to 1.500 lbs. V to li &Tett); 114,010tolltsa.00S40, to 141.76: 4ttio.114.71tird4to*kg12032, $56..421; ttoatr$5t0.7:00; deb. ortlterobteolf0723. ;5511.4745t tt 00 atr. fa to 141.75; liegt tat come ;Lee to 16.23; foie to good, /3 to 44.2$: eaunert. 11.49 to 12.30; export buns, S4.60 to *3 ; butchers'. 141.00 to a4.25: bologna, $0 to 13.75; fresh coca stud spring steady; yard to choler; S15 to nit _rnedlont to rood, Lid to 4:11: (emulate el8.att to a25; Mockers nod feeders strone,_10 higher; feeders. $1.60 to $5;,ntlockers. ea.75 to 14.30; stock heifers, $5.t,a to 14t.73; Teem cattle, fair to good, 1.3.e3 to $4.03;. Veele-Recelpte, 1031) head; arena': 26e higher: tops, $7.74 to pis fele to goad. *0.73 to on 57.25; comm10 1 ght. WO to 13.50; grass valve;, 13.00 to 14, Hogs- Iteecipte, 32,000 head; fairly active; stearin closing steady to tannic; heavy. 11.20 to 57.25; mixed. 57.05 to $7.15; Yorkers. 30.00 to $7; light do. 13.00 to 110.03; Mae, ta.00 to *4; roughs, 15.25 to 13.73; stags. 4. 73 to $5.25; grassers. $0.00 to MOO. Sheep and lamhs-Reitelpts, 10.00S head: alteep dull ; Iambs strong; top lambs, $5.75 to 50.23; fair to good, $5.30 to 50.05; culla to com- mon, 54.23 to 3; yeurlIngts. 54.30 to S4,73; wethers, 31.21 to 54.30; sheep, top mixed, 53.75 to 51; air to good, 33.30 to 48,03; culls to oilmen, 52.25 to 55.25. Chleago Live Stoek. Chlengo, !,ug. 14.--rattle-iteeelpts, 21,- 000. meowing 2,6041 treeene and &ore west- ering xi rime steers steady; miters Me to 23C lower; good to prime steers. §1.00 to 59; poor to medium.. 54.23 Iii. $7.00; stockers end , 2,0 0.1, coos, S ,So.to .. 0.73; heifer, 52.64152.641s. to 86: camera, 81.3*) to 80.30; bolls. 52.25 to 55.25; calves, 82;0 to 57; Texas fed steers, 83 to $0: western stem. 54.30 to .50.40. limps -Receipts. .31.- 000; steady; mixed and Marken'. $0.25 ep roiroii earl% $6 10 .66.60; "light. $0.25 to 50.00; hulk of sales. 50.50 to 50.76. Sheep -Receipts. 35,000; lower; lambs, envied steady; others lower; good to choice weth- ers. 53.70 to 54.231 fair to choke mitred, (*1.00 to 52.75; native lambs, 33.50 to SI/30. Montreal Grain rind Produce. liontre.al, Aug. 15.-tiraitt-The market keeps very quiet, as bids for new grain ars considered too low. Tifere was a small ild:. mond for old oats for local consuraption at about steady prises. We quotes -No, 2 11anItobst white, -101,Sc to 47e; No. 2 Ontario, 46'.e ±0 47e; No. 3 Ontario and "affinitoba feed oats, 43e ex -store. Flour-Xhere Is a fair demand at steady prices. We quote:-alaultobn spring wheat patents, 54.10 • to 54.20; Manitoba strong bakers'. 53.70 to 53.90; Winter wheat pa- tents, 53.00 to 54.10; straight rollers, $3.00 to 0.70; ao in bags, *1.75 to 51.80, and ex- tras, S1.00 to $1.00. Mertl-il'he dernautl le chiefly of a light Jobbing thunder at 54.03 to 0.10 per bar- rel and at 52.45 to S2..50 per ling. Peed -The tone of the market is steady. Ontario bran hi bulk sold at 515 to e10 per ton, and Manitoba bran in bags at e17 per ton; shorts,e24 for Ontario and 523 for Man- itoba In hags. Clapese-The market is quiet but firm. Finest Ontinio colored, Olysc to 9%c; finest Ontar10 white, Elsie to 0%c; finest twil- 1 ships colored, 9e to 0%0; finest town- ships, white, in e to 9%e; finest Quebec colored, OSSe to %c; finest Quebec white, 9%e• to 91/2c. Butter -There Is not much demand and prices are easy. Fancy townships cream- ery, 18%c to Me; finest townships cream- ery, 18%c to 1014e; finest Quebec creamery, 18%c to 19c; imest Ontarto creamery, 180 to 18elc; finest creamery, 17%c to 18c; dairy butter, 15%c to 100. • Eggs -There is an improved export de- mand and as receipts are only moderate the market is very true We euetete-Seleetee, 18c to 18%e; candled stock, 1t1/,e to 16e, in a Jobbing way,and straight receipts at 14%e to lea, and No. 2 at 13c to 14e in round lots. Leading Wheal Markets. Closing previous day. Closing to -day. Cash. Sept. Cash. Sept. . Chicago , . . .. .. 70 .. 00% New York ..... .. 73% .. 73% Toledo , ,.. .... 71% 71% 71% 713,4 Minneapolis- ... 65% .. 6614 .. Milwaukee, 2 -nor .. .. 70% (33)4Detroit, 2 red .. 71% 71% 71 • is St. Louis 63 63% (12)4 Cell DuMth --------71 .. 74% .. ood to choice heave St1.73 ti 57.07; British Markets. London, Aug. 18.--Close,-W1ieat, on pat. sage .quiet ancs steady. maine, on passage firm but.not 'active, •Country mlirhets-lIug- ilsb dull, .Fronch , Paris. Aug. Jess -Wheat; firm; Augnst 220, NOTern b or and r0ehruary ,201 40e. Flout firm; Augn8t 301 F)c, NOvember and Feb:Du- aty, 201 56e 0-1,1), A llg. 18 -No. 2 red 'winter, 16.1.' Loudon, .41,1F. 18.-ciose--Sinte Lone min let.martcet---wheat, foreign steody at an :en Villle0 of 3d, English nominally unchanged;' maize, American nothing doing, Danubian Orin at an advance or 3d; flour, American beti;oF chnhand at full rate, EugliAl firm !Irv" rather dear. • DRANK CARBOLIC ACM. Athens, Ang.10.-.7ennie Bailie, an Euglish living with John SIcalach- ens, near Syndhorst, committed sui- cide Sunday by taking carbolic acid. She had told some Wends a few days before ending her life that she was tired of living. ANOTHER ELECTION PROTEST ENTERED. Toronto, Aug. 13. -The forty-ninth Ontario election protest has been filed at Milton. The notice was received here to -day. Halton Conservatives claim the seat for Dr. Nixon. Mr. Barber's (Liberal) majority was only sixteen. There are the usual charges. Has Fate Denied You a Pleasure That Thousands Now Enjoy? IfYou Are Not 'Using Malt Breakfast Food. You Are Missing Many Ad- • vantages And True Enjoyments, Procure a Package From Your Grocer and Test It At Home ' 11, up to the, present, fate has denied you the opportunity of testa* pure, delicious and health -giving 1VIa1t Breaks fast Food, go to -day to your Grocer and procure a package of this •popular tweak fast cereal food. Its palitte-tick- ling, appetizing and energizing proper- ties will make it a dish that you ean- not afford to miss at the rnovning meal. Its many good qualities are thorough- ly appreciated by young and old who •have made it their choice. As eco- nomical as commOn oatmeal, and 'vest- ly more nutritious. Gle O TO T 'XEIEII BOILER 011118 FOR PURE MANITOBA E FAMILY FLOIJfl • &Star) BEST PASTRY (Princess) WHEATLET (Breakfast Food) A good supply of Millfeed nd Chop alwayFi on hand. Give our Flour and Feed trial and be convinced that it is all right Roller and Plate grinders in use to suit eustpmers. vey ros. obbledick Two Seco] t 1441 PIANOS AND' One Square PIANO POR SALE 01-1BAF New Pianos and Organs Always in Stook SEWINO MACH NHS. Oar experieriee in the Sewing Ma- chine Business at yeagiutralie. tee el' cur goads. . . We carry in ;took th.e. best Ma- chines that the market (awls and sell GtO easy terms, Needles and Re- pairs for all kinds of Maehints always um hand. . S11013 MUSIC HOOltS., Hymn Hoehn. Etc., kept in Stook. AND SEP. Vs, IT WILL PAY YOU. S MARTIN ETER EARING SALE of Plows; Gang Plows, Land Rollers, IffinTows, &c., &e., now go- ing on. Exerything to be eb;ared off by JULY 1, 1902 FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. Any Amount of -Wrought ana Cast Iron Wanted. JAS. IVIUMRAY. op) Cook's Cotton Root Compouna es successfully nsed monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask yotar druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Tao no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, 51 per boa; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, 53 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two iscent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. orkios. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. • No. 1 and Nn.2 ere sold in Exeter by C. Lutz and J. W. Browning, Drug- gists. DASHWOOD FURNITURE STORE. You are invited to cell end inspect my large assortment of Purnittire and furnishings which I will offer at very close prices. My stock con- sists of the following- , Parlor suites, Bedroom suites Spring Mattresses, Bed- steads, Couches, Lounges, Tables, Chairs of all descrip- tion, Sideboards, Rockers, Fancy Rockers, Curtain Poles and Trimmings, Shades, Mouldings, Mirrors, Pilow Sham Holders, Hat Racks, Towel Rollers, &o. , Picture Framing a specialty Baby Carriages,Go-carts,Express wag, - ons, Carts, Rocking horses, etc. Utiderttaiitit. I Catty a large and well assort- eclstockin this line. In time of need do not fail to call. The above stock is bought froin the leading Mania fa ctureis of Canada and bought at the closest prices and 01112 expenses ere low there- • foi e we can sell it at prices which will sunrise you. Give as n call • befoi,e purchasing elecwhere. McIsaac. CANADIAN 'PACIFIC 104000 • FARM _ _ _ Laborers' LABORERS 'os ons Eur_____ WANTED 6ECONO CLAW gill be run to statOnis oreC.F. • la aleeitoira mid AsolmbeSv, N %att. Sautlewest end North - Olt et wiiiniptir co far tt,t IlOOSEJAWFESIEVAN. and YOEKTON I/ On „September Ist AVM Ataallig la Ontario on the Main Line Toronto to Sarnia tool North. execpt North el Taranto and CAtiltleil Jet, Onestay tiektta to Whiniptg only will be sold with a etrtilleate extcsdiraz the trip before September 1041*, without aibEticaal rest:tooth( r points in Manitoba and atisinlbela wt above. lt lambasts-40)1pp as tam laborer* at Winni- peg, provided swat farm lattertrs will work not hos titan to davit tit liancsilez and produce • etnitiCalte to that effort, they ow be neturno to original starting point nt tlintO, on or before SCA% Mrdi.1301, TielielA liGt gotsi ea "imperial Limited." r further pan ionlars lid le 10 a __t railway agent, It. H. It OTMAN, Asst. antelPass. Art,. Toro to. maumeems. DRANK CARBOLIC ACM. Athens, Ang.10.-.7ennie Bailie, an Euglish living with John SIcalach- ens, near Syndhorst, committed sui- cide Sunday by taking carbolic acid. She had told some Wends a few days before ending her life that she was tired of living. ANOTHER ELECTION PROTEST ENTERED. Toronto, Aug. 13. -The forty-ninth Ontario election protest has been filed at Milton. The notice was received here to -day. Halton Conservatives claim the seat for Dr. Nixon. Mr. Barber's (Liberal) majority was only sixteen. There are the usual charges. Has Fate Denied You a Pleasure That Thousands Now Enjoy? IfYou Are Not 'Using Malt Breakfast Food. You Are Missing Many Ad- • vantages And True Enjoyments, Procure a Package From Your Grocer and Test It At Home ' 11, up to the, present, fate has denied you the opportunity of testa* pure, delicious and health -giving 1VIa1t Breaks fast Food, go to -day to your Grocer and procure a package of this •popular tweak fast cereal food. Its palitte-tick- ling, appetizing and energizing proper- ties will make it a dish that you ean- not afford to miss at the rnovning meal. Its many good qualities are thorough- ly appreciated by young and old who •have made it their choice. As eco- nomical as commOn oatmeal, and 'vest- ly more nutritious. Gle O TO T 'XEIEII BOILER 011118 FOR PURE MANITOBA E FAMILY FLOIJfl • &Star) BEST PASTRY (Princess) WHEATLET (Breakfast Food) A good supply of Millfeed nd Chop alwayFi on hand. Give our Flour and Feed trial and be convinced that it is all right Roller and Plate grinders in use to suit eustpmers. vey ros. obbledick Two Seco] t 1441 PIANOS AND' One Square PIANO POR SALE 01-1BAF New Pianos and Organs Always in Stook SEWINO MACH NHS. Oar experieriee in the Sewing Ma- chine Business at yeagiutralie. tee el' cur goads. . . We carry in ;took th.e. best Ma- chines that the market (awls and sell GtO easy terms, Needles and Re- pairs for all kinds of Maehints always um hand. . S11013 MUSIC HOOltS., Hymn Hoehn. Etc., kept in Stook. AND SEP. Vs, IT WILL PAY YOU. S MARTIN ETER EARING SALE of Plows; Gang Plows, Land Rollers, IffinTows, &c., &e., now go- ing on. Exerything to be eb;ared off by JULY 1, 1902 FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. Any Amount of -Wrought ana Cast Iron Wanted. JAS. IVIUMRAY. op) Cook's Cotton Root Compouna es successfully nsed monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask yotar druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Tao no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, 51 per boa; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, 53 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two iscent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. orkios. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. • No. 1 and Nn.2 ere sold in Exeter by C. Lutz and J. W. Browning, Drug- gists. DASHWOOD FURNITURE STORE. You are invited to cell end inspect my large assortment of Purnittire and furnishings which I will offer at very close prices. My stock con- sists of the following- , Parlor suites, Bedroom suites Spring Mattresses, Bed- steads, Couches, Lounges, Tables, Chairs of all descrip- tion, Sideboards, Rockers, Fancy Rockers, Curtain Poles and Trimmings, Shades, Mouldings, Mirrors, Pilow Sham Holders, Hat Racks, Towel Rollers, &o. , Picture Framing a specialty Baby Carriages,Go-carts,Express wag, - ons, Carts, Rocking horses, etc. Utiderttaiitit. I Catty a large and well assort- eclstockin this line. In time of need do not fail to call. The above stock is bought froin the leading Mania fa ctureis of Canada and bought at the closest prices and 01112 expenses ere low there- • foi e we can sell it at prices which will sunrise you. Give as n call • befoi,e purchasing elecwhere. McIsaac.