HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-21, Page 4Oxtter 200acatel teas. H, Sanders.Bditor au1 Op TRURsDAY, Aug.?, 1, liAr) THE F4RIER D FREE TR ADE, \he the Liberal govei nment came into power, we were to have many things that ere evidently still on the road. We were to leave Free Trade— the freest measure o Fri:e Ttale—and the fannee was to be the beneficiary pallier, whieh if we were inelinee to bevisiooary, might almost lead ins fitteece f:ztenze loofa after them- eelvve. At eny rate anything needed by the farmer was to go on the free liet. The time for aetion, uot with- etandiug toverm he gnent's promisee, has eeident;Ar ly not rived yet. In look.: ing over the list a articles trausferred to the free lies since 1SfP7, we do eat tried. to stop them, but it was of no , Notes By the Way. Cheer upon cheer went op from " the thousands of people who had gath- As Seen by Sergt. Major John T. Westcott, ROPre*ente4 tile 33ra Huron Regiment on he tCatta(liais Coronation contiogent . Letter No, It is now Tuesday, Julie- lOtli and the eootingent b oet oo the Atlantic on tbe steamer PtIkitilann During the day we etiair -several icebergs m aU sizes end shapes. seine low ;eta some etatelleg. nbove the Witt as laege, s d- d ter sizewelling.' The Bugle Bend rendered e few. selections during tO the that ander its benign hi- the day: but. the majority of those on board ore either sea gel; or feeling that wan stednotentiebrua a incondition to enjoy usie H eny kind, The all- fex Gaerison 13and etso played several times during tbe efterneon and daring evening they always played at offieers mese. :3Iany of the contingent ere ating hard tack or sea buscuite and very few going down the -eteerage their meals. Stet gulls are ninnerotis tine bessweee in it ewe, that the fitenier , andut neart"boat. III the' even- ed on the (bee to welcome us. We bad to remo ain n boardall night, the ' Winds played and the scathes sang, and told yarns, all being pleased to bave landed. The cargo was nuloaded and the c'infusion it made was impossible to sleep. June 17th—at Alexandria dock, Liverpool. Arose at 5 a.m. and took a thorough search' through the boat in search of my kit bag but was nusucessful in finding it The Eittil Tower eau be seen at Liverpool from the dock, If You Aro Conscious of Falling Strength and Energy This Month; Make Use of Paine's beiery Compound lees any use for, The records show plia,tireeattetjosntelr;:e.r.„4i?rg ire ba bed-' of ertieles lea betel t sea sickness e;esassisj:ii4!):. 411 7, new foun 1 end Chas. W tfrahz;nt of =Used. from paying clat,y, so that there was certainly a chance to gip i Siun Hughes' regiment, Lind - shell ziever fltnee,-et ham for his an odd and end for the tiller of the ess tnwaid me, A. R. Rinn. 0 eoil. The fainter i„vho has waited for the flk anti myself lied the misfortene the day of Free Teeth., must lie really tutw isitinve.'". kie had the ood luek iti st l ; restless. It is time for him to olien veiltn keeninmine bot nettle his eyes to tie* eineayeases o---------------------a,garch thratagh the steam - whole governmeut pence'. . June Iltb, we met several lerne neeneneenee., and email vessels on utir route 017in day. Wes are now peering or Race GREAT ILEALTII STRENGTa GIVER. Other Medieftie Can, A ford orG narantee 8 ugh Happy Results. SOM.'S AND COUNR,V7'S and the ueeen is ne swot nten anti women, young aii4 old; of what the cnnadisenee olnebiatt, w eeveral whales and pchpoieee dine t-orery iank in life, freely adrni that has to say abont Henry Ellin: and tit e 1. mg our trip to -day. IV conld see they are more conscious of overnmed Machinete--"Die Art nod Wniieta intgewfhnudiand !eland which to 'ose nervone etrength In the hot, weather weleher die :if:whine Herrn tlenrrin. -' dI1 : than at any other seaeon, fur jeneit Herrn tenpillidet, mad winde we sse until we rim 01 Ireland. On ed, Nine's Celery Compound Words toile madam. Die Machiue Oeht die with the mail front Rimouski. The remedy can ogee with honesty,. it obetleanot nserva. Peafowl,* wolf.time it took to deliver the mail into vigorously cleanses the woad and reg- , ee tiee Dentsenein aber as ist neine Liebe the Parisian was one hour. It is ewe- wines the n3017 nireontiou, it verloren, wir lieben die ,Maechine mot prieing to see the, amount, of Inuit strengthens and encourages the it Rue Weeen eh nicht trunke. beekete and mail liege fine neye and enables them to fdter from rali. the old sad. We P3ss Bleti Rork, the blood all waeteaud morbid matters; , This place loeke like* white brick it secumet strong, then nerves, gives Any Person who has Wile 1111" dwelling, alter harlug been natant sweet mid catbird eleep to the nem - down side 'Wee veindY seekingan. 111" consumed by are and left standing ont tired and brain -weary. In a word, inenennal wlao could tell him woe" in the water. The re:WM they call it paine's Celery Compound is a true same termer resides and encounterizig re; s; T. ; aR141144. as ereause it is a rest for the summer Mover and heantlohunden within,. more hospitatle than a 8°S- Miele. In taking stock of the passein Ralston. ot Nixon, :Onto eayei Pelgeite4las';111Inkraillogrettallin° ilegichwibliaeaP.Yiles= uw,le,,,"„bs4leVialki,1"1#4:1141041! 511A-titje 41tifigfliq see*°4eIret is saittitItTka 01*a:1'er:441'V upeeri)1stigtt made its appearance in this locality. Seavral of the contingea could be caused by ebronie dvspepsie, aud I That le the custom a calling the WM, iteaal“ "Plog to EaraPe" as titer lay could not sleep at° night. %Isis condi. by some distinctive name, melt as in their haniumeke, several of ns bar- tion of sleeplessness brought on darn, "The Maples," ete., etc.1 and havingthg faswd since Meenlay with no pros- unh I was attended by four of the this name and that of the PrelMet" peets of an appetite the balance of our best doctors, and took a great general-- neatly painted on a sign board at the pawner, and those who were able to ty of medicine, but all failed to do me entrance.gate. This has long been the eat were thaittg, innumerable coin. any good. I thought I would try yoor m etistoEugland and might very plaints against the victuals served and Paine's Celery Compound. After I well be:generally adopted by us-Ontar- the style in which it was served. As bad used four bottles the nervousnees b Reformer. Catena. her eerfoign zigt des ens keine aelie 50;1 miles. Cape Rece is the lest land , When sneh condition is experiene. eerie. politteehell Lehell ein Sumner tht> steamer Rhona came snit advantages and results that uo other WORFZMAN FATALLY INJURED. Hastings, Ont, Aug. 15---Shoon Burshaer, an employe of Welsh 4 Co's tauriery, while engaged in starting a, large wheel this afternoon, was acci- dentally caugbt in the bele of the same and tbrown with such force that his epinal minim% was severed. He may possibly live a- day or two, bat cannot recover. FATALLY INJURED BY A BULL. Athens, Ont, Amt. 10. ---The death of Jennie Donnelly, a prominent farmer, at Seely'y Bey, occurred yesterday as the e.ettits ef injuries reeetved by be - mg at tacked by a bull on his farm Met Friday. His baek was badly injured and his limbs paralyzed. He would have been killed outright at the time but for the timely arrival of a neigh- bor. DROWNING AT PORT t IARLING. Port Carling, Aug. n. A sad drowning matured Yesterday after- noon 4 Stewart Lake, in the town- ship of Siedera, about twelve miles from here. The Yietins was a young man. Mr. Gem Craig the student zu tharge, of the Baptistilission at Foote's Bay, and whose home is near Dresden, Ont Some canoeraces Were being run and in some way Stewintfell out of his canoe and sank before assistauce could reach hhn. The body, which was in abont twenty feet of water. was recov- ered in about an hour anl two physi- cians did all possible to restore eon- eciousness, but without avail. The body was taken to Gravenhnrst to -day, ac- companied by Prof. N. S. McKechnie, of 'Woodstock, who will take it to the father's home, near Dresden. WANTED. 'We would like to ask through the columns of your paper, if there is any person who has used, Green's Ang- eust Flower for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Liver troubles that hes not been cured—we also mean their results, snch as sour stomache, fermentation of food, habitual costive - nese, nervous dyspepsia, headaches. despondent feeling, sleeplessness—in fact any trouble connected with the stomache or liver? This medicine has been sold for many years in all civiliz- ed countries, and we wish to corres- pond with yon and send you one of our hooks free of cost. If you never tried August Flower, try one bottle first. We have never known of its failing. If so, something more serious is the inatter with you. Ask your old- est druggist. Sold by O. LUTZ. • TURNED ON THE GAS AND DIED Napenee, Aug. 19.—About 3,30 this afternoon, W. Coffey, a man of about 65 or 70 years of age, was found dead in his room in the Paisley House.- It is clearly a case of suicide by ga s, Which 3ia,c1 been turned on, There was no oc- casion to nse eas, there beieg an elec- tric light in the room which was ging all night. The Mall is a 00111HlerCiLl trdVeller, blIt it is not as yet known wha filen lie represented. In five or six pees in a book awl on the inside of a newspaper he wrote, "No.121Stu- eirt •street, Kingston, is my home." • which shows that he premeditated the rash an,. Deceased came to the Pais- lev House last Friday ited went away, earning back ,Sa.tlirday, baying been ther , ever since. He had no baggage ,ar g r. Fre lied been clead a long thee when found, for myself T had no appetite to go down the steerage to sample them, having stayed on deck or in the smokn Ing room. or on the table below the deck. Wednesday, jam Ilth, made the acquaintances of James McCor- mack and 3. X. McPherson, a the llth field bettery, Guelph. The latter Was troubled with seasickness the same as neoself, but the former bad been on the battle field in Sonth Africa. He claimed to have had a much better time on his South African voyage than on this trip. We bave two horses OD board. The grey horse Prince. the property of Lt. Col. Pen lett. This borer is a years old, and is the same that the Duke of York (now the Prince of 'Wales) rode when on he. tour through Canada last fall. The other was a beautiful bay front Stan- ley Barracks, Toronto. 'Whilst being seasick to -day one of our number, a some- about 50 years of ago, was 1Y - and dyspepsia left me, and I have done more work since than for years past. I now e0joy excellent health and con- sider myself completely curecl." Around. About Us, Hullett: The Dodsworth farm, on the Base Line, has been vented to Mt Edinenson,nI Groderich township,' Inc five years at about $123 a tonueIt contains ti5 acres and is a, good farm but bus been somewhat neglected. Clinton: The Standard elevator, which bas been run Inc several years by Holmes 4 Smith, has been leased by Mr. D. Urquhart, of Hensall, who takes possession on September 1st. We understand Mr. Tom Sinalleombe will have charge of the elevator. Winghtum On Monday, Ernest Button and Robert McDonogh were out dridviug with Wm. Button's team of ponies, when sometbing went mg on hie bask in a vetr sick cantle.' wrong with the wbifiletreen which non, 1 asued him how he felt. He anewered "I would give all I possess 111 only had an Acre of land to stand on." This soldier WAS sick all the way goiug and coining. Ile beat my re- cord a trifle, June Ilith.oceau gettin pretty choppy and nearly all on boar feeling seasick. We are now 1300 mites from Quebec mid it° land in sight. I managed to crawl down to haninteek and after being aesisted into it by my friend Graham. I soon went to dreamland. tune 13th, it is raining a lane. I bad. no breakfast but 1 managed to go down to dinner and ate a little pea soup, but the wait- er meeting with a misfortune, upset the balance of my meal, consequently I was compelled to go on deck much sooner than I wanted to. The fog whittle blew several times during the day. The Parisian travelled 347 miles "during the last 24 hours. In the even- ing a concert was given in the cabin. June letlethe soldiers are having some sports on board, tug-of-war and other gatnes being; on the list. The Parisian sailed 361 miles the last 21 hours the fastest during our trip across. We are now near the Ivish Channel, got acquainted with Morris Coffey, a cou- sin of Mrs. James Richardson, of Exe- ter, and Serge of the 27th Lamhton Regiment. We met a large sfreighe boat which passed within a Mile of us. Inpent the night in the smoking room, being too sick to go below. We received our pay from the Captain. I might mention that considerable gam- bling was going on in the boat, one soldier loosing his pay, le, in a few minutes. June 15th, the ocean is rough and choppy, am feeling tough, having cast up accounts twice before 7 a.rmancl was kept in that route uneil 7 p.m. I consider this my worst day of sickness dnrieg ney journey going across. In the eveningI managed to eat orange which ray friend Graham broughtine. Beer was issued to the soldiers nearly every day. Those not wishing it was given an orange instead. My friend Grahain looking after my in- teitest during my absence a t every -issue This has been a yery cold day and roughest yet, water coaling me deck on both sides of the boat. June 10th, The Isle of Men is in sight and we are now near the Ivish Coast. The Steam - at Moville, Ireland, with the mail. een getting pretty tired of boat •life. The Isle of IVIAI1 loOks like a black cloud in the sky. There was a, drizzly rain el day. Many a tinae daring the day wished myself home, or lauded in matisna. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa- slog-land. At 5 p.m. tv e landed i n Liv -f rilla and this medicine has entirely cured nool clock. This Post has thirteen me' I have no hesitation in saying it saved „nes of dock., As we neared the dock my life." M. J. McDoxsan, Tren• ton, Ont. p, hip lint -Tale and kept it up for one -Hood's Sarsailarilla .lie whistles on the steamers hooted II continuously, Y011 00111C1 seer- Removes the cause of rheurnatism—no ,cly heal- yourself speak. The eepeoes outward application can. • Take i1. frightened the horses so that thev ran away. The buggy was upset and tbe young men thrown out after being (hugged entne distance in the top, Er- nest escaping with a slight eut on the forehead and some braises; Robert Meleontigh had his right arm htut and is unable to use it The 'horses ran several miles before they 'vere caught, and the vehicle was completely broken up. Goderioh: John Alorrison MeLeod betterknown Its Dr. McLeod, passed LI) tht:great beyond early last Priday morning, and the report of his death WAS a, great shock to the community, as but few people knew he was serions- ly ill. The doctor was one of the best known men in Huron and Bruce, and by reputation WAS known through Western Ontario and in inany parts of the Western States, where for a qteerter of a century his medicines 1)11(1 been freely used. Latterly deceased• had been losing in strength, and he sent Inc his nephew, Mr. David Mc- Kinley, from Glasgow, and for the past eight months that relative reliev- ed him of many ditties connected with his ever growing business. John Mor- rision McLeod died in harness, for on the day preceeding his death, be re- ceived a letter from a lady in Bruce county informing him of her hus- bands serious illness, and so intereSt- ed was be in the case, that he, against the wishes of his attendants, proceed- ed to the laboratory with the remark, "If I can save a live I will, I may be dead Ito -morrow." He prepared the necessary medicine, and from that time until death came, but a few Ileum after, his own life ebbed peacefully away. Aching joints In the fingers, toes, arms, and other parts of the body, are joints that are inflemed and swollen by rheumatism— that acid condition of the blood which affects the muscles also. Sufferers dread to move, especially after sitting or lying long, and their condition is commonly worse he wet weather. " "I suffered dreadfully from rheumatism, but have been bornieetny cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, fer which I am deeply grate- ful." Miss FRANCES SMITH, Prescott, Ont. "I had an attack of the grip which lett rae weak and helpless and suffering from rheu- Lost eel 7 "My hair came out by the hand- e; al, and the gray hairs began to 7 creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair %%row. .; and it stopped the hair from rota- ,1 ine out and restored the co:-."-- .Mrs.M. Gray, No, Salem, *ass, z. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara- flan as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use I: t: such satisfaction, The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and rnme glossy. And you feel" so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara- ion. oho Wan A nee rtor dreggist casino. supp ear.. ma as one dotter wad we will"patia-as pa a /NA tie, go Ati,r0 nd_givo tbe .r.a.me Of per nearest expou-etn-ce. atoldresS* J.C. ..4).7g4 cl),. :Ursa% Taus F111111r BOAT BURNED. 1:-;? o'clock to- day. while the steamer Omar P. eon- , ger was lying at the wharf in Black :Ivo-. fire originated in some manner and before the Pant Munn firemen or the lire extioguisheron the boats could be got into play the handsome fmr,r boat was a seething Ni0FS of !hones. , One of the other boats belonging to the Ferry Company was just milling into • the wharf at Port Huron at the time and severa1 passengers abOalal the haat ootieed a email blaze ieening from the Cengen The alarm was ineued once but the fire broke forth with ter. rifle force and enveloped the steamer. The upper works of the Conger have been destroyed and she is in about the seine coudition as when destroyed liy fire a little over a year ago- The loss m the Clanger will be a severe blow to the Ferry Company, as she had only eeently been rebuilt, aud refitted throughout. Ginnton: Dr. Cluule,s A. Lang kft on Settuday for Toronto en raw Inc England via the steamship Leto Me. gentle, He purposes taking speelaliet coulees and degrees in London, Wil- ber& and Vienna, Dr. Lang, is all honor graduate of Toronto Medical School. Clinton: After a long soiree ing -from pulmonary trouble, Mr. Joe. Chidlen, passed away 00 Saturday last nt the age Ora yearn. The demised was hi h. ly respected and at the tiine of death was Worshiptul Master of the :Masonic Lodge of that place, tinder which auspices the funeral was eon, ducted on Monday. A large number of brethren were present from differ. ent plums to attend the funeral. Fall Fairs Toro to Loudon Exeter 'Zurich Seaforth Wingham Goderieh St Mere% Hirkton Myth Sept. 1-13 "12-20 oang " 21.2.1 25em " 25-20 Sept. 30 Oct. 1 to. Oct. 2-3 a' 04 wur.m. A Great Man and a Child. ZS' his reminiscences of Horace Greeley in the "Youth's( Corapan- • loner' eerier; of Becollections of Oaraotts Editors, Noah Brooks says that Greeley could bear a great sorrow or a groat disappotnt. zrient with the fortitude of a stoic, but a trifling anitoyanee Would provoke hint to an outburst of wrath that was Simply childish. The death Of his little boy, his *WY and idolized eon, Was to him an awful blow. No xnan can know- -what agony the stricken father silently endured, his grief coining the drops Of his hearts blood. But a typographical blunder, especially if it were in one a Ws own writings, drove him int° spasms; then his maledictions on the offending typesetter and proofreader were something blood -curdling to hear. One morning he went swiftly down to the "Tribune" office to find the com- positor who had made a bad error in setting the types for one of his editor- ial articles in the paper. Bounding upstairs into the composing -room, with blue fire in his eyes and shaking the paper folded across the page to shOw the offence, he shrieked, "Show me the man: Show me the nian that did this!" The error had already been made a topit of discussion in the Office, and, the culprit, a very old man who had been with Mr. Greeley on the New Yorker" ; and on the "Tribune" ever after, oarne out from behind his case and tremu- lously pleaded. guilty. The editor, standing there in the full height and strength of his manhood, looked down upon the little old xnan with a startled air, and then, turning away,. invited anybody in the office to, kick him (Greeley) downstairs. Of his education, Mr. Greeley said It "was picked up by the way." It is na- tural that one who knew him should Wonder what naannee of man he might have been if he had been trained and disciplined in an institution of learn- ing. He might have been a very much greater man, thinks Mr. Brooks; and then, too, his raw resources might not have, been so strong and abundant un- der a scholastie rule. When he was a lad of nine years he Was offered free tuition in the academy at Exeter, New Hampshire. His par- ents declined the offer, partly through pride, Mr. Greeley thought, although nominally because his mother was un- willing to 'part with him at that tender age. Later in life, speaking of this faiMre to secure an acadeniic course of instruction, he said: • "I suppose I ought to be sorry, but I am not much." Mr. Greeley affected contempt for college-educated men, and was aocus- toned to say, with great emphasis, "Of all cattle, the moat useless in „a news- paper office is a pollege-lared man!" This seemed to be an affectation In- tended to justify his own lackof solidi- arship, , as if he were the shining ex- ample of what a great editor cold be without special training.. As a matte - of fact, adds Mr. Brooks, during injr term- of service on the "Tribuee" " majority of the men on the staff were college -bred men. DEATH OF MR. SAMUEL SLOAN, Goderich, Aug. IS,—A prominent resident of Goderich has been remov- ed in the person of ;Samuel Sloan,J.P., whose death occurred unexpectedly as 7.30 ontect Met evening trent heart failure. Mr. Sloan was born 14 years ago, at Shercock, County Coven, Tie - 1;1.0, and ealAr, to Canada when a young man. Vol. more than a quarter of a eentnry he -was engaged in the grain buying and exporting business itt this town, retired a few years ago after a very sueeeesful Ws:loess ca- ret% Mr. Sloan Was fOr 0 number of years a inoinber of the Town Couneil of Goderich, and for a long period and np to the time of his dealt be was one or ow License CoinniisSioners for West Huron, In religion be was 0 Metho- dist and a tueinher of the Masonic Or- der; in politics he bold stannehly in Libeni principle,4 He was:one of the most widly known men in this section and was universally esteemed, The funera1 will take place on Wednesday afternoon. ekes Sitort nd lett leads. cnid fer everything that runs ott wheels, Kverywhoc.4 ,1114401271XPE1t14U 0114 0. STRUCK BY FLYING DEBRIS. Windsor, Aug. 10.—George Bushey, au employ of the Saginaw Salt and Lumber Co., was perhaps fatally in- jured in an accident at tbe lomber anis at Sand.wich yesterday alt ernorm. The steam cylinder of the •engine ex- ploded and a -portion of the flying de- bris struck Bushey ou the bead, cans - ire, a frightful --,ash and rendering blot Ittie0t)SelOttS. He was rennwed to Ho- tel Dieu, where he is hovering bet ween life and drat b. lie is about Sayears of age and unmarried, -His boine is in ;Saginaw, Mich. sulk ^,,,,,,,a14aaaaaaaglaaaaata 'Or WANT TO 13o3,- or Sell a Farm F yor 1v4tyr TO - or Sell Towu 14r perty W -YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lead Noney IF '017 WANT Collections Made P Y01.7 WANT Tour Lille Jsuvet WANT TO Go to the Old eon BY ALLAN LINE CASH PAID FOR vuns I at MO Uilderatued HN SPACHM 11. Sp:tamales Hord WESTERN FAIR Sept . LONDON 1240, 19 A Medley of .Speetacular 31er1t, lIatchiscan the Human Bonth, In a thraling Hailoon Aereuelon and Parachute Drop. The marvellous epic, Haule. 'The Oenatos, in a SPORittOtt novelty'. The gicat Gay, the Hand - cult King. Tho °Wane, Continental Eceentrignes. Manning and Du Crow, famous Monopedes. ROSa. NaVliOn, with her with her tronpo of Trained Tropical Rh*. The Bard MIK; Ae*obatie Wonders. Chrissie M. Jones. Cornet Virtuoso. Mag. 'Myra Pyrotechnics and many other features. Special traiR service ortor all lines, Exhibits further ahead than the times. Grounds insidiously Watitifol. Bnildings irresistably IPrize Lists, Maps, Programmes mid information for the asking froni LIT. -COL W. M. GARTSHORE J. A. NELMS, President. Secretary:. 41111•110•01.,,J.T6-40- K & K K KKP. K K K K DON'T BE AN ASS. ell:jet:11yaror: abreuyptuarguacttpatutrasottsobthoe: ohronaesetVant ot reputation of the merchant. Year health of Morelmportance thatteither, yet you let quacks, medicalfakirs and other humbugs deceive you by their deceptive offers of something for matting. After being defrauded by these medical sharks yon tbinkall doctors are roguee, whereas, you alone reaSeessar ;trete blame. Why not erat demand from them evidences of their Ito:testy and responsibility as specialists. We naveteentocateit in Detcolt 25 years and can give best of bank references. READER Aro you a slctitta Bare you lost hope? Are yau contempla. tiog marriage? Bas your blood been diseased? Have you mar Weakness? Ottr Now Method Treatment will cure you. Virliat it has done for othens it will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you. write forati honest opinion free of charge Charm reasonable. BOOK; FREE, —"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), Oa Mae's= of Alen. arm" /tames used Without written eoneent. Private. No Medicine sent C. 0.D. No namee on boxes or onvolopoo. avorythiow confidential. Question List and cost of Treat. meat FREE. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, No. 148 811ELBT STREET. DETROIT, 241103. K et "Let the GOLD DUST twins do your work." This would be a cleaner, brighter every housekeeper used world if It Multiplies—your pleasures; bides—your efforts; Subtragds—from your cares; Adds -- to your life. , Made only by THE N. K. F'AIRBANK COMPANY, mama. New York, Boston, •Montreal, . 471