HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-21, Page 2on t Experiment with otht r and inferior ands, USE EDIJY'S ante TZERI$L�E TAX IT IIAS ON .4i3TSTIt3T-.IA. Ceylon Tea is the fines; Tea the world proddoeag and is sold .only in lead packets.: Black, Mixed and Green. hp= tea drinkers try KSattade Greco tea, ing. Asall of these are live Indus- tries at present, the interest mani- fested ixm the meetings was ,great, 'rhe attendance _throughout was good, fully 2,000 people being brought in contact with the lectur- ers. who Were not slow to take ad- vantage of every opportunity to inie part lessons of practical value, Al- ready the influence of this public lis cession of agricultural questions is Shown in en increased interest in ev erything which awakes for the ad- vancement of the calling. The de - Mond for pure-bred stock for breed- leg purposes, which has more than doubled dewing the past year, 1uay be cited as one instance of a benefit already derived from the Institutes,. tatoaies for several bad Dues, it coon it may also be shown that :an ad only be accounted folly to PLeservh oother lint has taken penes along in the trine honored Course Of indul' ander lines. The peoplerealize this. gently endux In several :bald seasons and are anxious s that more educe, s� y g •- tfouai meetings slmould be held. for the sake of the good one which During the month of July a ser must cone att. Iasi. especially after ins of laid -summer lectures were an ob;eet lesson before us. that az .given before the Institutes by Prof: I drought can last eight "ears nand H, 11. Dean and -'.►1r. D. Drummond, j threaten the pastoral industry with representing the Dominion Depart - actual extinction. meat of Agriculture, besides sevctrn l WATER CONSERVATION. local speakers, With one or two ex- Anisti aalia is at the present (imam . ceptians where the advertising fail= utterly unequipped to fact' any con -:ed. tinned period of drought„ She needs, Yeelle ' WERE A GRAND SUCCESS, 1 and vital is her need, the adoption The farmers turned out well and 'and prosecution by those wino gov- ^ manifested a. deep interest in the ern her of a coumprehensive policy of meetings. Twenty-seven Institutes water conservation. If one-thous,is were visited, and an afternoon and aeuri tea pest•" epi bar waste filafad wan- ev*iaiiag meeting 1 e el :tt cancer. 'The tees which . x'oar thou ryas% to sa a ai crag, iatteunalanso after- lm�P river. streauu, amid creel; after e4.. ` Hoon inta'eougs wan between all and eay considerable rainstorm were coni �sm� while len Somme instances there a served, the could snap her •imgers at were over 1..00 people present. ',1"he even au eight years` drought and re- l illustrated lectures on dairy cattle gard with copmploeeiaey evemv wiueh formed the chief feature of encroachment of the tyrant, these meetings, were entirely new to This work.though costly. can be our formers brace were very well ro- i �i ;ter upply afforded by rivers, creeks, effected, it is the duty of Austru'r:ceivs.d,' The average attendance at A prtufessor of them cif elle Onive:rsH- t j nand streams. The vast majority at elm's rulers to ecnbrere lue l£trash.. but s the evening meetings was fully IOU ties is fennicau for his (absent-xuind- ;;the Moller water coaur es have a1- ,-and it is the rerolleee:..n of inseam - pin these' too, as marled interest 'was'ednees. IIe recently wilt into a ready .dried up. and elan then largest ,ruble duties which u ttsaliaa s rail- , toen, and free discussion indulged a barber's shopto et his hair eta i, VIE'11 rivers now present the spectacle st# crs have eltirIaed in the Plast that Ian- € until in aan • instances itwas ',leaking gm • . Imo. many an am,l, ng to seat in the chair late re- chaln.s of beg -holes --having cetiFed to ,pets ane to the suggestion—it is the 11 o'clock befo€o the meeting could marked; As it is quite told in run, Without water verN fen names , interest of Australia's creditors. pre -')we brought to e, close. leeol', !lean, this room, perhaps I hard better keep � � I continue to work and numbers sent and prospective (if tete; Wish as was expected, has doro ea;cefent ply hat cin. whit l ." `�l'e� C'o intoaiwealth ,,,e,ct. »'ec,3p'4'4I'latve tfre:ady MUM etnvsn. turning ;to preFerre that asset anon winch vsotit It ,s-•eemne to ane that we aro' em you cut ice' bah..., by Cm,rcurastaanees of Ala= adrift their worktaen to swell the the return of their capital advaneed ;;veru fortunate in eecurnng Iola ser - p ,-lin Nature. nonce, t of the eiteemn^-Ployecm. lgumnibere and to be advanced znaht depends).'nine juFt at this time, as then dairy - The ., eeee a>;ioatm t'caierea a ceeeth brava ee;are. r;sarlting nay by day, to see that it is done, kg Wetness has not been growing t:a rtasm *al a A ne reee nt Winter lieu- .. But not anuli on tine country alis! 1.1,, ea4rnest advice to Fan>alielt cape i remelt a . a ce t >,� Im. t la sof lake. and y fe,cl sure that we dlc.aQ•ped fiy e seta eetia oce sat tlieee- : triers loos Reng Brought set hie 3tetlit is and i o:esters is ar follows; mai have a revival o£ tha industry *none oath r p:.nehot n• 40 to aital1 r. seal.. The great centres of ;nopnla :1Y hen Alum r its or rano of her Si tee, n u-ev-er he has gone, air. Drum - n;!. -4,-,,d in tee inetone of the tontine° tio'1n. the 'larger bland towns 4= 11 traarticulOrHy the Fahteen States, :ell- mond. taxa bee given excellent walls lit! ard--"Miss Lovelvl£ z and I g �s p eat, zeins ti %%biter San the Loudonnee 'cornual ta,!tics. the eatantels of 1proae1hes the English rearleet milting feet ion. Pile lheople were veiny :acv- lead quite a anima disc scion about Mali. the Statee, hove Gait reluctantly salla-• et far a. loran. refuse to lend unless sub- oa•;nd inpnes e4 With his wore., in i matrimony last evening." Sciaeea em i a -r E•i' alt C'e•,3.5 �l�ind" Iarou Hit laoa'i !°.iklr^al to lois SW ay. The e tubers tial . stanolone gamairaihtees ore elven that live skeet, and in other lines. We , —"Ansi who got rho better od it ?" g tl Extra Fine Shot 300 or 300 Oizth The D4 WSO P 0011:1 t1SSION co., Limited, TORONTO, OUR RANDS. ��£ig' I�diAdar€f cc Headlight °° 't Eo ietin sae Anests go Kion. fibs Comet" c+A m; A 1eCeR t► lei PIM DAT, vivs ??xeaao Quachie 'ideate. :Ali slued the Meley t It fate to ave e+'em ei¢amettr ae cel Pa amen bei. 7Fse. ' °yrt L. 'a'qry g ; tua4411le ill institutions', time great pay- , the maaone+s mown Sear win. be oat ,Harul4 list to taw 'loth ge tlenaien A •'�Vm l 'Ai ai14 ailHa�M.`'t tA'MI.dY�"•N"�ti'ELL �`A.� CR A S � � P R ort�o t v tlnr4ati h u His+ length iamiei lora'! and wool exporting 1.ne a e least p;artiaallti expended in 'life- again. The impressions creatte 1 b leaa•aa� tl of t6 t ➢�nfe1 linnet more ar- nacerciiaut 3irnirs of every clesa"m'o➢+teoll. guarding that industry which is these meetings has been veiny faas I' eiettHearly� Ina t➢•e rEastern suttee and even tlu taller distributing rem ; our prineipnl Fe tlt'ity foe the ted- etrable :and I ant confident that the Ili .w»sr stall 410,44411w,, and, no ton healers #maze been Obliged to Clr-' varire, Suc11 ;uta attitamtle III niore ltastinnes hero have been much WI gri net been mmaanifeeted that t r upon a Nstern cif retreenthnac.mit, . than Justitesd 113- P 1.St, awl etiistinf; strt'tgtheued as a result. '1 hat the • t their lives re'(• trsa is wielded with clerc;acing >i,mtaiala>,, cs who have spur r ;ir s ccrcetrostances. Moreover, if you re- cHiase of the present year Neill wit- ;n p Is v .; . in the ,;t•rvice of such establishments solve upon IL you win have arca amt- muss a considerable growth in the Y < w4,onrcwv.r, he i,. as mmua mi amt➢hg Theo 'via/45 "t his own 4.vg ein,uro two being discharged in increasing: doubted right to IN% therefore eon -„Institute system is already assured. 5 e1 ' uriaubers day by day. The inhabit- Sidered merciful in the truest sense. Six new organizations have been atoll lee ruined, f n4itie=. tel ,l en "nee S vim,. however islttr'rIa they detest tone of most inland Venlig have cal-, if mercy. as Shakespeare declared. 'completed thus far this year, and it 1 hie ll i. e l ti' dee "meeach to purchat:ee water for donneb- "bee'. es. him that gives aattd him thaat' is probable that more will be added elm 1 a liths yoke are la p c, to e I mese,. tem him tlu theme dee hoe 'tie purposes. Briehanse is in time tame yltefore it closes. With an lncreas- threes ot at water famine, and feydn, ringlet years ono lar tramped that hey—the premier city of the ("runt E. n kcarcarly Dunt' vvoriit's ?;ing membership and n. lively inter- 1 l est u zdfested in the work by its Iluggaard--"Tho matter isn't closed yet, but I'm hoping it will result in ai tie. The Public should hear in nhlnd tbaat Dr. Thomas' Ecleotrle 011 bas nothing In common with the impure, deteriorating class ot so•called medicinal oils. It Is eminently pure gaud really eilleaclaus•- reliesiug pain end lameness, ethl,uens at the lalnts and muscles, stud serener hurts, beat; ee. being an excellone speeiilo for elictpnatlatn, coughs and branchial cew- 1°lainte. Newt t --"Yee, old (;ontiniaan'S three ss • t - mm -``431 hn' .. '" members the k armmmers" Institutes +s- this sae' and instituted his cell clt' (ij IITT s r. minion. whoes, purpose is HOW altr1 511- sulnidy IV gravltatienn rem rining inti I temxi rlmautld soon become a factor in ba, a tato n lace. Int. I rvo of them, ,their reservoirs. The avrt•age. an at least, ought to be in gaol.” conea m mate:3. . allot. a'ilnfnil inr, forty -leaven years. 'THEIR GROWING POPULARITY! tyovjiic �'css of ugrnculittre in tells Brawn—' home redeeming quality lie,#ityl" IIK'i�P1t ;G '1*f II.. etas t een 40.828 inclines. but the to Live Stock Conunissiouer. � '"Yes; hr's airoautly there+," fjtarvi9f. With mill: and homey. never- 'ending Yluety ;11, was nal a 8'366 Sketch of the Work Which Has theletn r=eel-simpftartiri . rich, :tad 'inet+r'i. laroeperoul. It it. inns an imupuvem U E. OP A 'VJ It.3TY. iahcel, i:ebt-ridden country. and its ! The crisis, set•➢ons as it is --and it ahsti n sp;arsley populated interior is the most severe that the tontine las been decimated of its human in -dent or any siu> le «state+ has ever lunedfante. arid turned into a r un- teen required to ontend with. and ponied, avateriers, and barren des- !notwithstanding the fact that Aus- e:rt, - :trona must :im:ev�ta11y face for years During ens dreadful reign ping :to compo the dire effects of the un - Drought has already el thned from .precedented droughts which have cul-: ing and improving similar systems, New South Wales more than 20,0©0.. minated� `n this same crisis—will, in their respective provinces. Train - 000 f�beep. from Quecnslaud 7.000.- maevt•mtheless. prove a blessing in di:v ed .speakers have been sent, to assist; in the work in other provinces. and the best available lien in these pro- vinces have been pressed into ser- vice, not only in their own province, IN T$E DOMINION. jp F, tie. HODSON. about the third one. eh ?" 11?owitt-- nugtralia was then a loud, u not ,taal rainfall during the six months Been .A,ccorapiished in Prince Edward Island. In view of the great success of the Farmers' Institute as a, means of Education In Qatario, the Dominion Department of Agriculture bus en- deavored to ca -operate with the var- ious local departments in establish - OM, and from Victoria 2.000,000, as guire if the Lonunonwealth and. the %:x•11 as countless numbers r)f cattle. 'States take to heart the lesson that 'fete export of wool has shrunk from it teaches. And doubly will it £11,0t10,000 in 1801 to less than prove a blessing if it induces Aus- t 7.000,000 in 1901. 'These IIguree tralin.'s English creditors (who still but in others as well. I3v sending will be better appreciated on eon- rush fatuously to supply Australian able and observant men from one. sideration of the fact that the Pas- Governments 'with money for Any province to another in this way we' toral industry is the very basis not ' unrl every purpose for which they d hope to get together a thoroughly omtghlg, only of the prosperity, but sof the require it) to enquire into and tori- capable corps of Institute workers, fbrancial existence of the £.ommmnon- trot the expenditure of the vast familiar with the agricultural situ - we i1tim. .witms which they place at the conn- ation and requirements in all. parts Lust wear the exports of pastoral try`s disposal. la1oduc,ts amounted to S:S ls. per Australia's greatest asset -- imiiteed of Canada. J. i1lc sfiilan, of Char heard of the entire population, while her only appreciable asset is her Prof.lottetown, P. E. I., Superintendent the value of all other commodities pastoral industry, in which term 1 Farmers' .. of Iarntems Institutes, etc., has pre - put together, including even coal and include agriculture. Now, ]%.ing lysed a sketch of the work already silver, amounted merely to £.3 18s, Droughts eight years reign has accomplished in Prince Edward Is - per head of the population, Since conclusively proved to the intelli- land', which may be of interest and then the ruinous progress of King gence of every unprejudiced observer benefit to those interested in agricul- Drouglat has proceeded at a 'pace so that the continuing vtaiue of this as- tural education in other Provinces. rapid that the pastoral industry, 'set depends absolutely upon Austra- According 1.o Prof, 1fo11er pr: upon which the country's very life, lie's ability to contest} ber dread ••The organization of Farmers' In - as has been shown, depends, is now sovereigns supremacy. Bed seasons stitutes in Prince Edward Island was actually threatened with extinction. are normal seasons; and, however first undertaken in .Tune, 1001. At FAMINE PRICES true it may be that one good season that time the Icon. Benjamin Rog - The feta millions of sheep and oth- ers, Commissioner of Agriculture, er stock stili living in Australia are assisted by the writer and two ex- being fed with fodder, at enormous perienced Institute woricers supplied cost, for grass there is none; and of by the Department of Agriculture at that same fodder there is at the pre- Ottawa, held meetings of farmers in sent time not more than four weeks' different sections of the province, for supply within the confines of the the purpose of discussing the advan- Commonwealth. Moreover, thous- tapes of the Institute system. As ands of sheep are dying daily of a result of these meetings the or - thirst and starvation, and- thousands ganization of twenty Institutes was more are being slaughtered by their completed despairing owners for the sake ofm' BEFORE THE END OF TIM ttheir hides. YEAR. Many great station -holders and The Farmers' Institute system of squatters of erstwhile princely for- Prince Edward Island is two -fold in tune have already given up the its aims: It seeks to combine the struggle. for want of funds. Mil- do educational features of the Ontario lions- of acres of once magnificent system with the .facilities for deal - grazing land have been a.baiidoned, ing in live stock . afforded,: by the old Vast numbers of lambs are being Agricultural Societies'' p1 an, Each killed every day to save the ewes, organization is a Farmers' Institute white the prospects of the forthcom- and Agricultural Society, combined, ing lambing are desperate in tele ex A G.overmnent grant 'of $50 is paid treine. Within a month, - unless annually to each society.; .which has lti. . hug DE 'Drought abdicates in the mean - HOT WEAT'q'R AILMENTS, Nora -Little Ones Die During Hot Weather Months Than at Any Other Season.m It is a Ia.entable fact that thous- ands of little ones die from hot weather ailments, whose lives might be spared if mothers had at hand the proper remedy to administer promptly. Hot weather ailments come suddenly, and unless eromptly treated, a precious little life may be lost hi a few hours. Baby's Own Tablets epromptly check an cure diarrhoea, stomach troubles., cholera infantum and .other hot - weather -ail- ments. They also give relief to teething troubles, and prevent the ailments that come aiF this period. Every prudent mother should keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in ' the house at all times. No other medi- cine acts so promptly andso surely, and the Tablets lire guaranteed to contain no opiate or harmful rug. They always do< good and cannot possibly c o arm andcrushedto a powder you can give them to the -1i Foote, St. Thomas, Ont., says :— y baby was troubled with diar- rhoea and was very cross and rest- less; and got so little sleep I hardly knew what to do with her, , i got'a box of Baby's Own Tablets and after giving her some her < bowels became regular and she cowed sleep well. I think the Tablets a splendid medi- cine.'' You can get the Tablets at any drug store or b' . mail et,paid at 25 cents a `los bywritingto the Dr. Williams' Medicine cine :.o:' reck- ville, Ont., ee seheneutady, N.Y,, ing,,' hog iai1.ng. and chicken fatten - at least 50 members erii'olled, and time. the miserable 'remnant of Aus-'1 1 collects $40 per year id 'membership tralia's stock must be"fed on. fodder fees. A sum aiuounting to $1,000 such as hay, corn; chaff, :and Ino- d was expended in this way last year. 1 ewes imported from ' New Zealand, The total membership)" up to Decem- New Caledonia, anal the Mauritius,. l h ber. 31st, 1901, was 1,624, and. the. for by tlieii al.t home 'supplies will d amount "subscribed in, fees " was have been used up. The Common smallest, sickliest 'est infant Mrs. Geo. $911.50. The receipts of the - lnsti weatitli will then be confronted with tutes from all sources amounted to famine prices for meat and food of Di l l nearly $2,000. This money was' ex - every kind, and with hundreds of pended in the purchase of pure -bled thousands • of unemployed, " work stock and.: in defraying the expenses scarce and food dear, the winter has of lecturers: :Thirty-three meetings, also to be reckoned with: chiefly for the purpose of organize - THE TAT 1+ OF 'WOT1 tion were held during the first year. At the beginning of the first year a So much for the pastoral and ag- h regular series of Institute meetings •r• ,was arranged and carried out suc- u .r.Itural industrzes�. .Australia:'s' g' next best asset is her mining inclus- cessfully. Several speakers were try. Of this: nothing can be. record- y poet employed and various agricultural cel that is not eilarmin . and .calami- topics were, brought up for discus - 1 •ous, Nearly all Austral tau mines I3 1 Sion; chief: �az?4onbe wench wore, clazry- y r JL• rere': dependent upon, ;the natzxral, wa- Holl LITTLE ',IT.. 'TOW A DOVBTT"1'IL MAN WAS CONVINCED AND RESTORED • A Story That illustrates the Ad, vantage of Reading and Being Guided 'by Newspaper Advertise, meats. Lower Windsor, N.B., Aug. 11.— (Special)--"I vivant to .say that I believe that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the right medicine for ZZidney Trou- ble." This is the declaration of Me. T. H. Belyea, postmaster of this place, who for along time was the victim f severe casef this/painful Ylimayymeisar 1 They Drove Pimples Awity.—A face' covered with, pimples is unsightly. It tells of internal irregularities which should long since have been corrected.' Tho liver and the kidneys are not per. forming their functions In the healthywa • they should, and these pimples are to let you know that the 'blood protests. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will drive them all away, and will leave the skin clear and clean. Try the, and there will be another witness to their excel- lence. George -(nervously)-"l'd like over so muck to marry you, Nifty, but 1 don't know how to propose." lCitty ((Promptly and practically)—"That's all right, (Georgee. You're finished with me; nqw go to papa." In washing woollens and flannels. o a very a ere o Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) will be disease. found very satisfactory. Mr. I3elyea reads the newspapers and after leo had tried plasters, oils end liniments and all kinds of ex- ternal remedies as well as doctors' treatments, with no good results, he began reading the testimonials of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He says :— "This remedy was so highly re- oommended for Kidney Trouble that after reading some testimonials I concluded to try them' for a short time, but I must admit that having tried so many things and failed to obtain a cure, I had but ;little faith that •Dodd's Kidney Pills or any- thing else could or would help hie. "However, I did not use them long before I found out that they were all and more than was claimed for them. "I used to have very bad spells which of late years became so fre- quent and so severe that I was almost Iaid up: "I received more benefit' from Dodd's ICidney Pills than from any other medicine I have ever used and they certainly made a complete cure of my case: "I feel as well as ever I 'did and have not the slightest trace of the Kidney Trouble' that bothered me for so many •years." Mr. Belyea. is not the first skeptical man that ,has been : convinced by ex- perience of the medicinal value of Dodd's ICidney :Pills. It must make those poor horses dreadfully tired to go running round the race ,: track, said the sympathe- tic woruam '`No," replied the guilt- less man who bets, "the horses are all right. It's the man who went over there with a sure tip who is made tired.'' These two desirable quaiifications,pleas ant to the taste andat the same time ef- fectual, are to he found ih Mother{Grares' Worm Exterminator. Children like- it. Ascum—"Jabsley is awful vain; isn't he ?" Wander -"Well, rather. Why, he has fitted up -a phonograXh= his"r,00m to play 'See, the con- quering hero comes 1' when he opens' the door.„ 1 n'Cures • Colds Minor d s linime t etc, "Hello, Charley 1 what are you doing; moving ?" asked one young man of another whom he met with a big bag in his. hand. ''I've just commenced my vacation," "Your vacation ?" "Yes. I am vacating at the request of my landlady." Millard% liniment lures goruel In Cogs, He—"Did you know that Jimkins had been living a double life for the past six months ?" Site—"No 1 The horrid wretch." Her"Yes; he gave up single life when lie got mar- ried." The great demand for a pleasant, safe and reliable antidote for all affections of the throat and lungs is fully met with in Biekle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup. It is a purely Vegetable Compound and acts promptly and magically in subduing all coughs, colds, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that a chlld'wiil not refuse it, and it put at a price that will not exclude the poor from its betietiis. "Ile offered her his hand and for- tune." "Did she accept ?" "No; ,tire first was too large aiid , the second too `small 1" ' �t Cues Distemper, f�inard s li�imer ere p Papa—"Dear ince Mary, whatever are you doing oing. to do ;with all . these trunicseetwo, four, six, twelve of them? You 'Gan't 1111 more., than one.'A7ainiiia—"T 1,111 ow it, my dear, but we must make a decent ap- pearance!' IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP The quality atsnderd from Ocean' to ocean.. • Your mone bele it net eatai6o•tery, CIE & RLAFLA O�mfE, ' desats, Montieal;" "Are you -the defendant?" asked a pian in the Cape Town Police Court, speaking to an old Kaffir. "No, governor," was the reply, "I ain't clone nothing to be called names lil:e that.- Tse got as 'lawyer here who does the defensing•" ; '_`There who are • you' "I'se theentlem what g stn stole the chickens." s rrG�tt KS N REUS blxatsea % miea,a*.r ii*I.ae m',stcrYit�rku sa era Pskereer, tltop„w:etretrdiesrrtreo eoakas,meats..eS elervetrerwrt,,ali dsimesdaL.webl,ea aktrlrtr,. 1 I Taa r000l+4leer, rtaelix-4A crItue to tertnanitr eweit,.rreiteg.rrarit it t:,li.a =y,. omrhmn'iicto liPeett, '�, 11m». Oma;t4ta>AAIr,8i4T,TeIrtelereh.+ A. Juan will ctanfcss that he is like Other men, bet • he will never admit that he was ever anything lie;e any baby he ever tear%, Miaard's ,iraimed eras Diphtheria, T alkie g g the motion ofchart the u hon. its ads at seventeen lilies a second, to modern philosopher rays that if on tithe all your hat in the street to bow to a friend. you go seventeen xntiles - bareheaded without catehing Bold. fisenv tete Cit4I and vrernca off she Cala. lsau►llia Breese iueotao 'fabless cure A edlli. la Gad day. he Vara. No l'ay, rice 2lcent4 Mrs, Benham --"Don't you think I grow better looking as I grow old- er?" Benham ---."Yes, and it's really too bad, youcan't live as long as they did in Bible times: you might then become a veritable beauty." A lady writes s "I' was enabled to remove the corns, rontand branch. by the use of Rollaway'a Corn Cum" Others who have tried it have the saute experience. 1"riend--"i3ut if you mutat reduce your expenses. why don't non silo - charge your private secretary?" Ills Lordship—'Whatl And meet all those creditors personally? I should say certainly notl" For e'rrr St t T are. SIX'S,' e AN OLD ASD Watm.'T.nIsa RaiirDr. mtfmtr Window's SoeneeRSirup has btee used for over iethn years by eau loathersprda teething. with Prte potent auov'It soothesthe h settees tte iallays 1i n wi Celle OA boat remedy terDiarhmeasIs plasma te the Uwe, Sold by deua'saet, lee every batt of the world. Tweatya,o cerate a bottle. Its ,alae is incaloalablo, 38 suurrand mbst forieMrs. Ntrin,low'a Soothing' -Syrup, esed.ke A little girl was overheard talking to her doll, whose arm had comp oft, exposing the sawdust stuffing. "You dear, goo& obedient dolly. I knew I had told you to chew your food fine, but i didn't think you would chew it so fine as that." They Are Not Violent in Action.—Soma reasons, when they wish to cleanse the stomach, resort to Epsom and otberpurg ative salts. ')'hese are speedy in their so - Lion, but serve no permanent good. Their use produces incl ient chills, and if per. sistod in they ineuro the stomach. Tor do they act upon the intestines in a bene- ficial way. Parraxelee's Vegetable Pills answerall purposes in this respect, and have no superior. Willie (sat his lessons'—"Say, papa what's'- a fortification ?" Pttpa "A fortification, my son, is a large fort." Willie—"Then is a ratifica- tion a large rat ?" 1 bought a horse with a supposed- ly incurable ringbone for $30.00, cured him with $1.00 worth of MINARD'S LINIMENT, and sold him in four months for $85.00. Pro- fit on Liniment, $54.00. MOISE DEROSCE, Hotel Keeps~. St. Phillip's, Que., Nov, est, 1901. Passenger (who, bas been wai'tirig for two hours for train);—'!I say, boy,; what graveyard is pat over there, ?" "Well, that graveyard be- longs to e-longsrto the company, and every- body ;what's buried there - has died while Waiting for a .train." $100 Reward, $100. Thereadera of this paper eel be p'onsed to learn that thele is at least one dread•d disease that'eoience hke been able 'to care la' all its stages End' met is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro now known to the medical traterait r'a arrh been a eon• Ntitutlenal disease. requires a comtitt.utional treatment. Hall'. Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly on the .blood and mucous surfaces of tee system, thereby des• troying.'the' foundation of the disease, and giving the psttentetrength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in lio:ngg its work.faith .43 . The proprietors have so much fat Its centavo powers, that they offer One liun drei't Dollars for any easo that it fails to cure. S_nd for list of Aestlmonials. 601 Adidreb dv'e.Dr 1,Ftg. J.st CE75c.N.EY & CO., To:edo,tb. i ' Halle ramify'ramify'Pll_'1Ie oro the b:en