HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-21, Page 1EBB FIFTEENTH YEAR. atteetteateateettereetttecatteataratese_ ent -"teasen 41 G IAmerican Teazle Cloths for wrappers, in black and I colored goods; warranted It colors, 17 yds for $1.00, t Colored Wrapperettes, American manufacture, very fan-, 1 cy patterns, full width, 10e. per yd. Enwgelrishe iF2liaenns "oeulrleetutets,pdroincebileoue,ta? pink and blue stripes English plain Shakers m pink and cream, very wide, heavy weight, worth 10c„ our price 8c. A bargain. Fancy Shakers m , blue, pink, cardnal grounds, with small spots and patterns were 10c,, cut price 8c. . wrrie Flannelletts,good values, fast colors, good widths, IR at 5c,, Oic, Sic., all cut prices. 1 , POPLESTONE 84 CARDENER. Double Fold Shaker Slaeetings in grey and cream 25e, yard. . LOOK AT 0 . THIS LIST . Grand Bend. . nEArra op w.A.RE OLIVER.-ThiS week. it becomee our sal 4ots- to ro- IF cord the death of Ware Oliver, Jr" 1 who died, at his home on Thursday night last, after a prolonged illness frnv°anlit c°14°Ierelejr1 r'q,Liii:ci)Iniiiesii:nl\ciatisi3g1171;"rueg- spected by all who kuew him. The funeral took place ender the anspices of the Maccabee's Society on Saturday and was largely atterided. The be - reared parents and friends have the syiripathy of all in their bereavement. eeries a, Specialty, Poet, Office Block Ni"fifrairjr lor^ NC' "Ror• Bwro litrierittY TO LOANS Au. Wolievenellentee private tirade for voiltzuout twee farrn yilltwo rrOportyk at toweet xateiiet tutereet. DIVEsON CAnitifi• ExOter. /1410NEIT TO LOAN. Ilasivesrs !Argo Junotnat r "vat* Cando to loon 011 !nun said rropertles itt mw reteserbateren. F. W. GLAP34.01. Dards ter. 1(111t1 Street Exeter ERNEST ELLIOTT flcd Eslatoand icssranrc Agent. Farad; mad properties bought awl told ou reasonable tonna.• Several [or sate. Lauds in all parts of Manitoba and the .Nenh-wc5t tor. roc. `N .141WOR loWESSE --- Take notice that 1 hat,e epplied to the Liptrisr, ConAnlysioners tor Routh Ituron for pernwart to transfer my Hotel Licentte in the village of Zxeter to William l'aite. Any olajection against trawler of said ll'ense must be mule to the License laspeetor on or before the 07th ilay of August, 101f2. (lemon Slum% Dated ef Exeter tigi dar of Ano19(11 FARM TO nen on 0ISM. Theundersignol is offeriire, Nr rent or for Pale that desirable banditti nem Una In the township. of Uy, tieing Lot?, Concession 1, London Read. The pr m sesare coincidently located to Etter. and are supplied with goad buildings, large orchard and other convenient:es, A.N1110.ST UV P. 0. HOTEL, PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable hotel situated at Devon, on the London ROad. ThiS ,hotel Is in good condition, and is * miles south of Exeter. This road Is largely travelled and for the light man chances arc gobil for a splendid bialitess. There Is a good stable in connection also, it acres of /and. Possession given immediately. This property will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to Incssox dr. ChnL1XO, Exeter, Out. IMPORTAJNT TO HOC+ RAISERS. You can save money, time and feed by keeping your pigs dry and clean. They thrive better and keep healthy, Itake the hog comfortable and lie will put on flesh. You can do so with a very little expense by erecting (Pedler's Patent). The Elevated 'Moveable Pigs /led. Simple of construction, make it yourselves, Send V...00 in registered letter for farm right certificate and plan of construction to Patent applied for. JOuxPtiowin, Exeter, Ont. VOTERS' LIST 1902. Municipality of the Township of Step- ., r hen, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that X have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned In section of The Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap- pearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality, at Elections for members to the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that the said list was first 'posted at my office, in Cred- iton, on the 19611 day of July A.D., 1902, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the Said list and if any onunissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected accord- ing to law. . Molar Diana, Township Clerk. Mated at Crediton, this lOth day of July, 1.002. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Supreme Court of the North- West TerTitories, Northern Alber- ta, Judicial District. In the /nat- ter of the estate of Isaac Harvey, deceased. Notice is hereby given that'pursuan t to the order of the honorable Mr. Justice Scott dated thel.1 th day of August, £D 0.902, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Isaac Harvey, late of Velmant, in the District of Alberta and formerly of Exe- ter, in the Province a Ontario, who died on or about the ard day of April. AD, 1902, are requested to send by post, prepaid or to de- liver to Martin Runnals, executor, or to Messrs. Taylor & Boyle, Solicitors for the Egeorttor, all of Edmonton, Alberta, North West Territories, on or -before the 1 st Dcty of October A D 1902 iheir christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claitns, a staterpent of their ac- ,.. counts and the nature of the sec 't • held by them, duly verified. havri al a'tnv) ., . pleVar.?.tion, and that after the Statutory oayrY ute tsba:dassEeLecouftior will proceed to distrib- ute entitled sott,h'w:rhseteoll having regard only a deccased aro ()mg the tiocesu. ch claim t i h he shall hAve no- trated this nth day of August, 1932. TAY1.0n8r BOyLE, ' Solicitors .for the Executor. Bayne id Mr.G.W. Holman was itttending the High Court I. O. F. at Windsor last week. This is the twelfth 11. V. Meet. ing that 31r. Holman has been a delta gate to. Fire is a vettbean Forester -- Mr. Arthur Peek. of Cleveland, Ohio. nd Mr, Edmond Peek, of Toronte, are visiting their mother here at present. RENtENED. -Mr, 0. W. Holman, who has been principal of owe school during the past live years. has tendered his resignation to accept the principalship of F,gnionville sehool at an increased salary. Mr. Holman enters upon his new duties at once and his faintly will move to thele new home early in the fall months, Mrs Henry Eberhardt has been engaged as principal of the Public School for the balance of the ;real. ChiseThurst A (now CALL.-- Joseph Coutts had quite an expeeience on Friday after- noon. Ile hal purchased a sworn) of 11PCS from Tillman Brintnell who was driving into his place to set it up. When goivis thriNgh the gate the 'what blew the hive against the wheel, and jarred the liive as to allow the bees to escape. They first made for Truman and the horse, stinging them severely, Truman juinned out and held the ani- mal as long as be could, but the pain set it wild and it got away. As it was passing Trianon threw the hive out of he rig rind ran for his life. Coutts who was about four rods away was so badly stung that he fell to the ground from the effects of the poison. Mr. Brintnelf with other members of bis family with the aid of pails of water succeeded in getting the bees away from the old gentleman who was carried to the house and placed in bed. He suffered much during the night and Dr. Ferguson was called In and be is now out of danger, though his face and neck were literally dotted with stings. Liman Mr. Fred Smith was made tbe recip- ient of a silver mounted briar pipe, a pearnbandled pocket knife, and one hundred "Jap" cigars, prior to his leaving for Calgary. --Mr. S. W. Gib- son has returned from Wiedsor, where he went as delegate to the High Court of Foresters. -Miss Mary Tracy, of Detroit, is visiting her 'nether, Mrs. Tracy. -Mr. Se C. Taylor returned on 'Wednesday from a few days' visit at Ingersoll and Toronto -Mr. W. S. Braunton was in Termite last week IIS delegate to the Oddfellows Grand Encamprnena-Mr. R. S. McNamee is able to be around again and to re- sume work. Some two weeks ago he stepped on a nail and in a few hours WaS suffering agony, blood taoison hav- ing begim its deadly work in earnest. A.corDZNT. --On Friday as Mrs. T. Dauneey. of Mole 'Lodge, was driv- ing here, the horse got frightened and began to rear, and she jetting alarmed at the animals actions j.nmped from the rig and had the misfortune to alight in such a manner as to brenk one of her legs. • At latest reports she was getting along nicely. Dashwood Miss Alma. Eidt and Mr. john Brown, ivho underwent surgical operations at the hospital in London some time ago, have returned home. They are both doing as well as can be expected. -- Miss Clara Eifet•t is home from Detroit. -Our thresbermen are all busy at work. trying to dispose of their seasons work. ---Mr. Jonas Hartleib had his oats threshed on Saturday which was a very good yield.--Sehool opened on Monday. -Mrs. (Rev.) Eifert left on Thursday for a visit to relatives and friends in the state of Arkansas. -Miss Ella Rennie has returned to her home in Zurich, after a pleasant visit with friends here, --Miss Lizzie Minnie, of Zurich; is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ed. Paulin.- Master John/ley Rout- ledge is suffering from an attack of pnenmonia.-Mrs. Norsworthy has ad- ded a• new kitchen to her residence. - Rev. Morlock, after a. pleasant visit with friends in Morristown and vicin- ity, has returned home. -Miss Brun- ner, of Seaforth, is visiting at her bonze here. -While hauling in grain for Mr. L. Dietrich last week, Mr. Mar- diS Gabel had the misfortune to fall from the load and break hisstrin at the elbow. --Mrs. D. Dirsteiti And daup,hter Lulu, of 'Sebewaing, Mich., returned home Wednesday, after spending a mobth \Vial, friends in Dashwood :oad v lei ni ty. Centralia A- large nnnaber from here intend gus lug on the Harvest Excursien to the 1Vest ',coda)" (Thurs.) Among the num- her are Joshua Hunt -able, Miss TOM" Walter Baynham and mr. owl Mrs. Arthur Hedflen,---A horse belonging to Dr. Orme, jr., while etanding oat - side the oillee on Saturday took fright and ran away. The rig it was attached to collided with, a post in front of Mr, (thrill's store owl wrapped it, off like pipestern. The horSe eilettped injtiry Jolt the rig Wits badly damaged, --Mr. Bleb. Dieken's little girl fell out of a rig on Friday last awl was run oven. but Inekily she eticaped with blight ins jury. ORS, ORME 0 ORME, Centralia. Mee betas Ws. ro. to.* za, Tel evintninnimien wIth ruin 445V •B•mnrn..--weBlapinge-,-• e,eersvar • Or a enwas Miss Mande IN'llson. of Parkhill, vis- ited Mends in this vicinity last week. -Mrs. W. J. Wilson. who has been Vieiting her ems, in London for the past week, returned home Monday arcompanied by Mr. W. 4. Wilson. W110 bad also been in the (city over Sunday.--litiss P. H. Tufts, accompan- ied by her sister. of Kirkton, seturned Friday to reb111110 het' duties in the eehool here.- Miss ElUrtlik McPherson is visiting Mends Greenwity.-Mr. W. Vanderburg. of London, visited friends here last week. Jody Sdth, at 3r. E. parsonage, Spotone. Wash., by Res', A. R. Ismael t, Miss Elizabeth Rohn. of Greenway, Ont., to Mr. W. D. Rice - son. of Troy, blab°. 'rho bride W38 gowned in white organdie arid carried a bouquet of white roses, enranations and smiling. After the ceremony the bride and groom and friends returned to Hotel Peclicord where a dainty din- ner was served. The following clay the happy couple left for Troy. Idaho, where they will jointure reskle. )31111814iiy. Miss Martin left here Monday, after a few weeks' visitwith her friend, Miss Seeli.-111r. Gilbert, who bas been on au extented visit to friends and rela- tives in and around this vicinity,start- ed last week for his home in West Branch, Mich. --Messrs. Morgan and Wilson took charge of the services on Stonily at Mars' Hill church. Mr. Wilson gave a splendid discourse on the snbject, "How to keep in touch with Christ," which was listened to s with great interest by the whole eon- gregation.-Mr. A. Martin took up his position as teacher of Brinsley school ; en Monday. -Miss English, of Gode- rich, is visiting friends around here - Miss Ellwood, of Lucan, was the guest of Mrs. Sohn Lewis this week. -We are pleased, to hear that Miss Mabel t Gilbert has passed her examination, Part II. Junior Leaving, with honors. -Miss Lizzie &ell is visiting friends near Lucan.-Misses Lily and Mabel , Gilbert spent hist week yisiting friends on the seventh. -The many friends of el Mr. Lester Lewis will regret to hear that he is about to take his departure for the Northwest, where he will spend. a the harvesting season. -Miss Eva Cor- bett is going to attend the business college at Sarnia. -Miss Elsie Brown d is visiting and around here. Zurich Miss Mina Doan returned Saturday 8 from a visit to friends at Toronto.- ? Miss Andrews returned Saturday to t resume her duties as teacher of the Zurich Public School. -Miss Marion Petrie, of London, is visiting Miss Ethel Williams for a few days. -Miss Lizzie Rennie, who has been visiting I her sister, Mrs. Paulin, of Dashwood, 0 arrived home Sunday evening. -Mos. P Henry Faust and children, who have been visiting relatives in town for the L past few weeks, retnrned to, their home in Caro Tuesday. -Miss Tillie Well left Monday for Toronto, after a pleasant visit with her parents here. -Mrs. C. Fritz spent Monday in Dashwood. - Mr. Andy Hess is engaged with Mr. Hartleib.-Mr. Harry Weber is visit- ing his parents at New Dundee. -Mr. Jocob G-ascho. of Hopedale, Ill., is the guest of his wine ts, Goshen line. - Mrs. Henry P. Weber is. spending a few days with her husband at Pigeon, Mich. --Messrs. P. Sipple and Louis Weber are visiting friends in Water- 3, loo. --Mr. C. L. Shoemacher has pur- s chased a two-year old colt from Mr. it Horton, of Tuckerstnith.-Mrs. b Finkbeiner, of Milverton, is visiting rn her parents, Mrs. D. S. Faust and oth- n .er friends. -Mr. Harry Deichert and u family have returned to their home in t New Haven, Mich. -Mr. George E. f Buchanan has returned to his home h in Sudbury, after a pleasant visit With to his parents here. -Mr. John Deichert, E Jr., is on the sick list. -Miss Lizzie Eil- e her, of Crediton, is spencliug a few i days here with her brother, Chris.-- s Miss A.rnelia Axt has returned to Lon- a don, after a short visit here with her s parents. • a Eippen of anttnottnno their, parenhe, for e few weeke,-, Da dealers, who eemitly nutehaeed the ; !Results The Messrs. flay, of Listowel. gra-o tifillfitt WHO; and Mts. Risers left for Sarnia last A B grain house :it the station, are pow Senior Leaving Parts Quo and lwr4)1re theY left for thv IS""thWest- tpliottnti in 'liztateltirotongtharitetiletolrvoeillgi hogroeing% : TWo, •Tillijoi- ,part 4.rewo, ..reart , t13,,,,vee,ft,:ehmpzilainito,deg.:7,111.i'l::(uilrib4.1:irtes7s:it:tre-e fu,r' the fall trade.-grs, •••!foKiver* of TVA 434 11Q11°I.X4tri°4 .5fetheiliet if:burets as a, token of their - Saturday. to visit the De$ relarive$, 4.- tintott, spent a few clays here during the weele-Afies Mt:Donald, of Stmt. 'nee followirig examination results zraireeecebittiierzeihf;ttplee shIst:eie. es "wreendweriseg ford. is the guest of 31n and Mr-. R. have been. handed out by t be, Edtice- thou s ueees,f3. wherever they may go. Eigie, near here.-Misa Winnie Tolton tent Department; ie ou a visit to friende in aklgoten.- lu tbe ematric aee of heater . ---RevRatan attended the ulatioa eeeerei or m,„,, DamnA father at Tay, ,. and Mrs. Miss Mind etnwford, of Thingarinen, tbe expression: in brackets ;deer a cell- i$tacii, last Friday. we sincerely sym, was the guest of Me. and Mes, .1010a didate's name indicates theenhjectand ethiee with theznt Ea the hiss they MeNevin dewing the week. ---1 ite many elites of honors obtained._ „ , , ere Sostained.--'173e Ithesen Kate and to leern that the Improvement from ftneulsof Mrs.Veoper.sts, will be sortY irtIburperiejtitstililarle:vailingenitaiLcastne:JeA' '.313fieet:tisdaja!ealtindarsi. olt. DesiAtoatelt.Eletomthe_ the effeets of her accident some sveekh_ e additional snbSect in which the condi- g Nit.. Ft.intir; smith of Lumina wa* ja 11g1P le not Se hopeful en wos expecteit date has eaisegil. ii -the village laet Sunday. Novae attrae- iota instead of on improvement the' Certificates aoa btatmoots or :narks, te ank„miss mental -4m ef trusting is rather to t111 worse and *be will beeent in Ebiagt 4 week, Candi- i pet:vivo, is the goest cf her cumin, very /OW. All it or kind and spite*. dates will obtain these from the lower- miss nada Andrmnia._ our skiewalks thelic hands could do is being done for ter High Sehool principal at the con- !ere eeeerefeg, et ins.a.,...1 we(e t he town. tier ronifort.-Mrs. Frank Mann, at- treat which thewr y ete, but..n no (We' Iii it nOt about three amnething woe tended khe funeral of her step-tnether*, will they he sent to theeainlidetee from eenee_Tbe misses 411,4,,rtiin wuerth leas. Wtheoe, at Ingersoll last week. the depestmeut. 'ARM SOLD., --111/1'. Rat, McCartney. Appeale roust be sent to the Deputy 4ned tlealTayl?„InwkhleVeziethrelvenhitv7 seri(e,tuIelieelt of'Moosejaw, N.W.T., has disposed of Minister ef Lgueation not later'ceenred situatimn,..__m4r. John swat, MR fUriii on the Mill road, Turn:email Sept. Int Before making au alVell zer'n new dwelling is mpidlv marine' to Mr. 11, Little. o..f the smne place. the endidate should coneolt with hie eereple05043,111d win .5.0011 ho•readv fo'; The farm Con_taink. A , O -M1`4),' and use pipet/IA price paid wee #4,Citil. ocenparicy.-5fr. Herbert K. Either Senior leaviciv'gr,INPTT; 1.-Hatuilton- after a pleasant visit with friends. - returned from Indy, Mob., Saturday Ronson Pert 11.- -Anderson. Mackenhith Our baiter has been out threshing the pArt 11., Matriculation.- -Batton, past week and is now nursing his eeve 711111er spent it few days in To- - :1 . lit4laSt Wetlitir_ot2InUdni.erte.°'''MP• a,11,„d Part IL, tutor le4ving--Anoew. ,' the rexer than the fork, hands. He thinks it lietter to handltr airs. "nit', Oi, senouon, png., are V4roio, ceeeeeoe. v limey. peeve. pewee; . A inifIs refale°45tri„t410170. thae gl.te,t,t)$ 'd 111,.,P Hart, jorrott, John% Alannint Minch. round AV bout s ala -*' " ^"."4;1°81**' -''''''*4 ....•*e'"'*e Mostord. F. MeEtveri, A. .1cEiven, Fulton Is MA:4410g the utillitlei'V'Pen• MacliTabb, Megiieen, Onimette, 11. Per- S. Marys: Mee, Cluthridge. chop. 11/811 at Lo1111011 111111 Toronto.---Nire 111't UT. tA, porter, Rehm, &mere, elan ,i pee theeed of ow 44 her twitnits what pleesed to state that MMcD Mr. J. B,on. font, cutting kindling Saturday. ell 'snottily ering from his re. EE.Waralii. cent illness.-Dimean Mehlwen left St. 3t:-.: While MisTs Gregory. of ast eete fere e. ;thorn ../... where nSetuior leaving. Part 1.-112'ml:ell, ho had- heen cottage,' in =whine . esneeemain. flainiltore Keys, F. j. 1-w. paw to sea ,tng yin south Afrie3.m. relicts, L. S'. Lawrence. Smith. White. Frank ,McCangliy has taken possession 134" I1-641ve1411"64. 6t4V,* 11 11 of the Ceninteretellfutel. -31r, Hannon ton, Ihrtrv. le S. Lawretilve- wirn bee been in the etupby or V. J. Milky for some time in the betilM de. part meet. 11419 returned tta his hume in St. Thomas. Ile lias eeenred a fine pas Mien with a Hamilton ilien as fore, man in the fitting tlepartment.-Wm. Ni5Sinta I. was returning home front towsi ou Tavel:1y her hotse twill; fa 4r,ht and ran away on the Stratford Road. There wine a couple of other ladies in the buggy tand Mee, mad Miti Gregory Pert II.- Mall loolotioo•-Erowniug* were thrown out. sirlaining enver-e J. 11, Dieksoln Ae L Diektly• Duman' 1 laulSes. The rig wan badly demaged, son. Gardiner, Weights Richardson. , nt.Py`,1110/117,u'itelen,woroltZlilutrasItitlye„1,„%lint,,t.., 1 thtellintett41111of \V'1 -''i" i;'1:117:1211.tWa laret115"14Prt: maim In, of (Imago. is visiting rem. meTagi_all, see!. belays., lorr;mee, Willie-ail:tee Del. -creed was me e4ilest LonTien MeLt.ari, Ne3lichael. ibler.P. Henry Volland. which oreurred Oil 1 Urea herte -Mt: Lorne Scott has ace W4114-0Frel daughter of the !ale John Mennen. eepted a situation ht the Sovetelge 61/1/EInclr• Shelled Wen fir deelining health for Gladstone, Mon., who hove been visit- 1 Part II.-elsrk, Gregory. his iluties.--The Misses 3.1ustard, of I ward, F. W. Edward. Miller, Newton. ..,1' Bank et Clinton and has entered upon Senior leaving, Ant L -W. G. Ed- ;014.,:guiti..5-1,!sstS.:11.14;841ii:ip:iii:s5t4141e:tc,tlentii ing Mende in mid around. UQIISail left 1 Pilvt IT, Matticohltion--earrie, Mae- .eli,,.“-isrkat4oltin:Ie41%.‘iers. nieinift:Trn for tieltvo'nonod re. heir home last week.-Alie R. K ; an Malan- , Twiteliell, of Kincardine, spent tt, for , Part II, junior leaving. -Allison, eeiveil gt severe inktry in the stomach, days itel'e last week. , Bailie, Beau, Bi.ydges, Colborne. Dint- a few days ego Whiell might prove ser. Aecionrsz-.As little josie Medd, lo , je rls ni, (I. Jeaniston, Knox, MB. iota,. While in the act of driving * e anu was precipitated to the Ninon), day ofternoen she missed her footing ' NS. 0"0% clolnuill.t4 rellttnnonagNieltirIVs al 4::r411111111+$1! tillt716141';':111,"1,Watrieptl:144"tkrbsollpri: ?lin ;In eB''.' t,t,,,,,Tit:111,14,1411;a:reiinki f tss,:littitlF tue:iFicillae,11:41f:triv4tleet WESI111.1:11. triking and injuring him severely. fracturing him lat artu clasp to the el. Ansley, 4k. 13. BMW% W.O. Beaton, Clinton: Last Sunday night, as Imw. Dr. 3fardiarmid reduced the ( vier, lleniT, Hogg, Musgrove, Geo. Marshall. bakibr for J. Mk Clay. fracture and the ehild is getting along Walsh. was apinnothing the bake shop at the nicely. ustorun, P....S. rear of the store he was confronted WEDDED. -On TueRdity afternoon a Part II. junior leaving.- Russell with filer lads rnakieg their exit quiet wedeing took piece at the resi- Previte. Herbert Gregory, thonorke, thisingh the cellar window loaded denee of Mr. Rolm Bonthron, when Mabel Jennison, Anna Martin, Cora down with bottles of eat drinks from his eldest daughter, Miss Edith, was McPherson, Lillian Robinson, Fled stilliitt‘;11rned. glItIvetottiiikeitihaerdknituogtItite,,bliiiikuet .Martin, commercial traveller, of Lon- Part II, Junior. Matriculation.--Col- united in marriage to Mr. .Taines lic- Sweet, Edith Taylor. ;ownilinnirditibstitntigghnietvietiratoseteloonatb:;ffelnikeee fin. two of them, they were let off. on. Charles McGuire. cif London, inau Menem., imported tbe groom, while Miss Sloan, Thirt IL Junior Matricidation.--Lily of the same cite assisted the bride Hartleib, A. Cleo. letwilen, H. L. 'It's- Clinton: Mr. and Mrs. James Con Re J. S. Henderson performed the ton (pbysicsk nell, of Goderiela township and M • ()Poiret thirty guests. The bride 1'. 15 obtained Part I Junior Matriculation d tB 0 nteresting ceremony in the presence The following public school piles e the ay eld Road raihiety crossm . Tis lall with hi 1 ' 1. s automob le approach handsomely attwed and was filiirried standing on reline School Leaving Pa- at the same time Tuesday from owe miler a bell made of beautiful flowers. pers:- Neither sii.w the other The happy couple left, on the afternoon Melvin Stoneman, Garnet Webber, Silt et i 1'1 jtett 1%814 on the track and its rain for Port Stanley . followed by the best wishes of their friends. Asla. Cameron, Murdock Whiddon, Milton Edighoffer, Barbara Chesney, rodrsdee,701.7:pele.lztigtrz„.eteniestiedatt! PrieszsztTonn-Lonis Harold, who ohn Kitchen, E. J. Swan. Eliza Rob- Connell out on the road. 3Irs. Connell bison,Brown, John Cathcart, was badly shaken up and the buggy- . e A. McKenzie, D. H. McDonald, and harness were also smashed some - Roderick McDonald Lillie McLean, It, Sidney Gardiner, Manue Allie Anna Kilpatrick, John R. MeCrestie, remalus 01' Glenn, Asher Gray, Geo. Jefferson, tbWe OThnoTzuesdtstr.dableeir eiodu. Warren Sproul, Luella, Treleaven, est son of David and Elizabeth Bell, Mary J. West, Ruby Gibson, Letitia Britannia road, were interred in Mait- Graham, Luella Tichborne, Della liar- land cemetery, Rev. Dr. Daniel con- rison, Hattie Barker, Ella Goldthorpe, ducting the services. The deceased Edgar Woods, Josie Campbell, Herbert was nineteen years ;ma four rionths of Sheriff, Katie Marshall. On 3Iatricu- age, mid was the fourth in the family-. uch pleasant association. At nine Blake. rs and regretting his severence from latit'll the latter part of Marc!,, when he was papers -John Bamford, Jessie He bad been working in Stratford till 'clock in Miller's hall, a representa- In addition to the names given last taken ill and was obliged to come week the following passed the public home. He recovered after severe' weeks, but about the first of Slily had ive gathering of citizens and business nen assembled for a like purpose. Rev. school leaving exa,minetion:- second attack of his malady, Ilene hair. Geo. McEwen, M.P., read an . S. Henderson was called to the EAsT w.A,WANOSH. matism and dropsy, which ten:dilated No. 6. -Raymond Redmond, fatally on Sunday. PPropriate address.- It, in suitable No, 8.-A1ena Pearen, Willie Mc- angnage, expressed the sincere regret Lean. Blenshard: An old and highly re- f the citizens of Hensel at the de- No. 10.-Allie Toll. spected resident of this place in the arture of one who had so closely No. 11. -Elgin Currie, Cora G. Currie. person of Mr. James Brine died at his den tified himself with all that cond need -Union No. 11. -Edith Jenkins. home On east Alitcbell Road on Mon- o the best interests of the -place. At day,Angnst 11, at the advanced age of conclusion of the address he was re- No. 14. -Albert Patterson. 89 years. His wife, who is 81 years of quested to acceptem behalf of the citi- zens and business men, a cabinet of No. 9. -Lorne Cantelon. sterling silverwear and the engrossed address accompanying it. Mr. Harold made a very suitable reply. DELTIC OP MR. DAViD PIKE.- On Monday our villagers were much sur- prised and shocked to learn of the death of Mr. David Pike, which must have occurred some time during Sat- urday night or Sabbath morning, for vhen he was found in his room on Ionday forenoon, his body showed igns of death having occurred quite number of hours previously. He had een living alone for a number of onthaand was last seen on Saturday ight. His absence WrtS not discovered ntil Monday forenoon, when some of he neighbors, not seeing him around, orced their way into his room a nd found ins dead, having no doubt slept away. eceased was born near Old ondon, ngland, and while quite young had nlisted, and was one of the veterans n the Crimean War and was the' pos- essox• of several medals. Old Davey, s he was familiarly known, was pos- essed of some very good qualities, nd had seen a great deal of life. Hasa ng lived m Ilensall for so many years e was known far and wide as a quiet noffensive man, most neat and order - y. He had no relations in this conn - es. While he yeas not certain of his ge he must have attained nearly the our score mark, and was on the pen - ion list at his death. The remains were laid to rest in the Rodgerville emetery on Monday. was recently promoted from this sta.- ion to be G.T.R. at Wingliam, came *re on Wednesday. to move his urniture and family to that place and while here the Carmel Sunday school nd the citizens took advantage of his presence to make him presentations. After the prayer meeting in the church Miss Murray read an appropriate ad- ress and a very handsome set of vorks handed Mr. Harold, who made I very feeling reply, thanking the don - Clinton: Word has been received h from Saltcoats, Assa., stating that Mr. i WM. Wier, who went out to that 1 country- a few months ago, has met t with a very sad occident. Mr, 1Vier a was blasting a stone- and the charge f not explodine. he returned to examine e it when it went off and he has lost the sight of one if not beth his eyesc Stanbury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer. way to settle, with his wife and two Money to Loan -Exeter, Ont. cihoilmdromoi,d :AA innnty. L hush inialets. day, after the summer holidays.. Our public school re -opened on Mon- fer he moved to London township where Claude Bluett, of this village, mMisrs. he lived for nearly 20 years. In 1873 McCallum, of Exeter, and Miss McBee, he purchased the Thonipson farm at of Forest are the staff of teachers ap- Shoebottotree Corners, and has there pointed for the coming terne-The since resided. Besides his wife Mr. Misses Clara and Tillie Wied left for Brine leaves a family of three sons and. Detroit last Thursday after a pleasant seven daughters. visit with their parents. -Mr. E. Simp- .0. ', ' son of Moresville was in the village meeeleeese ' , "'":..,' , 's- , last Sunday evening. -Mr. Wm. Eng- __ - ""•:, -- •, e: land,Klondike's post-master,reeeived a • . • - I severe kick on the leg while playing TROTHAN.--DowN.--At the residence foot -ball, a few days ago, but We are of thebride's parents, Biddulph, 'on „, glad to say that he is rapidly recover- Ang- -0, by the Rev- H.. Le Rotten, e • ing under the skilful treatmen-t of Dr. Mr. Sohn Trothan, to Miss Olive HaistG L -Mr. Garnet Baker of London, race, eldest daughter of - Mr. Wm. , has returned here again and is work' Down. ' ing for Mr. Ed. Kestle. harness maker, Nothing like the old town and friends visiting her for a few weeks.-- ciiipLE y- DEATH .3 Garnet. -Miss Wray, of Tilsonburg, is parents In Clinton, cm August 16, age, bas been very ill for several weeks, N oand but little hope is entertained for . 11. -Hattie Trick. her recovery. Mr. Brine had only been STANLEY, ill a few days before his death occurr- No. 1. -Jessie Calwill, Harold Innis, ed. He contracted a slight cold which Tena Rossdeveloped into pneumonia and he rap The Pond Mills cheese factory, near e., idly succumbed. He was it native of Loedon," OntDorsetshirEngland, but had been a ., was burned. . -411 resident of Western Ontario for near - Crediton ly 60 yearsFifty eight years ago he drove over the site of St. Marys ou his .1. G. STANBUBY, B. A., (formerly Collins & Our farmers are having considerable Joseph ov' hidieaged 32 years difficulty in cutting the oats es the re- • - cent storms have blown- it down a PoLLAND-In Clinton. on A.ugrISt1-303, great deal. -Messrs. Harry Dyer and Ann, Wife of Henry Felland, aged Ben Bertrand, of Detroit, are visiting 47 years. • ' .."Seeiseseeeesete. „