HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-14, Page 8Stock
We propose taking week
shortly end we also propose to
give a bargain in every sett or
garment put out by us before we,
tart the job.
Choice Goods.
"We have some a the choices
most fashionable and up•toalate
geoces to be had, thus glen one you
a good seleetion to choose from.
When we say we tare gt'oion to
"lye bargains we mean Matbut
ey will only last until stoek tan -
a is over, so leave your measure
$1.00 for 7 yards pore wool double
fold, navy blue, and waleserge dress
goods. The biegeet dress goods bar-
onial ever offered in Exeter, at Stew -
a i
e. t
Cousidera le new wheat has been
marketed and while some of it is in
Ifirst class coudieion much, of it has
We believe almost everybody with-
in reach. uses Star Fiona:, but if yoo
have not tried it do so and, be evinc-
ed that it is the best flour on the mar-
' het. Rant -net Bnos.
Miss Matthews, of Toronto. who is
isiting her sister, Mrs. S. Fitton, fav-
ored the congregation of James street
church with a, beautiful solo on Saualaii-
Saturcla,y, the day set apart for
Coronation. was not generally obeerve
ed in the town. the day bemg very
unfavorable to our business men. At
about twelve o'clock, however, a large
number gathered in front of Mr. Ai
Walters' sime shop, ilVar Office) anti
„1 sarier, Inetily "God Save the King," fol.
i lowed by three rmising cheeet.
i We notice among those who wrote
i et the repent public school Leaving
i Exams. that Miss 'Witanifred Carling
Drop to Ltott se la , piiees ri li': deughter of Mr. T. hi. Carling. was the
one passing, with honors na In -
he convinced of whe e say. seertor Tom's dtvision obtaileitve 75
g per treet. Mies therlin'g is- a bright
pagan and lets mole vapid progress in
TNT n -i A ivr A -Kr # her st Oka-. She ieito lie eorogreitada,ted
V V • J. ii upon her tweet anon:able success.
igarsaaga Iowa, 'IThera.. ailed in Lanark, on Anintet tith
George ihandolph. son of Rev, thine:an
na itirs. Batchanan on Wednesday of
veeloiat the age of 0 years. The
ins were brought here hy train on
in ay :anal the funeral took place from,
ii residence of his grandparents, Mr.
ii Mrs. Chas, Perkins, Williant
opt. on Friday afternoon at two
clock. to the Exeter cemetery.
While two young men from our towu
were out hlonalay night to a near -by
village pairaeg their respects to enine
lady friends the young inert of tile vil-
lage. who, evidently. alki not take
kindly to their nuesions put up a lob
on the Exeter boys by placing the
r nit wheele of titeir rig on tho hind
air end the hind 011e$ on the front.
i beys drove liome withoet noticing
iireeeinee and the town boys are
now enjoyhtg a laugh at their own es,
efts the populatiou of the great eitiee
entretriale the problem of how ft(4 secure
for evertillativ the privileges of the
:vast• which does not expend, has he -
'i ome a acorn laud more vexing one.
lir. Sylvester Baxten -who was inti-
etelly roineerned Avith seetaring Bos-
on's magilifieFilt system of publie
metes, eatraributes to the Costriopali-
ree for Angtiet an ilinstanted melee
%%let eannot fail to attract tbie atten-
ion not only of legislators but also of
lee 'gawp et large to whout this sub -
rice le a verv close one.
hlesere. Bewalen and MeDonell re -
:tweed last week front the (ma Coun-
• try bringing with them Mini of the fin-
est entire horses and three mares that
has ever been brought to Exeter,
; They intend showlog them at tile
1 leadiug exhibitions in Ontario. The
,i Globe of Saturday epealiingof the
*shipment ways: —"The Province of
Dr. Tennent shipped a horse to Intarilofbas lour feVereal ahrtempautte.eitpoti
S081OiII Bffia of CaRalo
Capital authorized. 52,no0,030.00
Capital .... .S1,390,0000
Beet,.ral Baati:eg aere-, tresevtet; sees et
etsearel terreves eel,
Wes et laterrti alto.wit -tsr.Wle At eve
Atetexese reeisaae rase:.
Special zatteution given to faranere
Fate notes.
Dieefts availel,le heaRp,
worild h onglat tleold.
E. W. GLAD3lA,M, F.E.
Solicato Morregeor.
4 rt
ProM47 Hot*;, aria z'eipt
towns call at the Adveeate office..
Mr. 'Chris. Laker. Exeter North. has
been appointed a County eonstable.
If you want to he healthy, wealthy
and wise use Harvey Moe. :Awe Flour.
Rev. ittatiott. et Xiamen, will preach
itt James street eleingh next Sundey
pritateal dinner set, 07 pleves.
'able:gee% eltiariug ;at eit.h:
vat tie.
8h8 rflrzns
a mom t e a§s o
wino= to take put in the meet in
that to(tn. mane of its flocks. herds and homes,
reartwhich has been brought about
Poverty is bad enough when Ilinu I by the public spirit displayed by the
es down, Mit it is a great ileat worse .tock and horse breeders of the •Prov -
'when be is up. ince in 'whiting the very best of
eeders of to
Britain as a day of thankegiving brday who are evidently
Monday was celebrated thronghout reeding annuals. Among the horse
for the King's recovery. determined to keep up the Provincial
A braneh cif the Sovereign Bank of
Canada has been opened in Clinton,
making fifteen branche.sin all.
The Rev. j. W. Ten Eyck preached
Coronation sea vices in the Trivia
Memorial church on Sunday last
The appearance of the Town Hall
has been much improved by a fresh
coat of paint both in and ont side.
There are too many men in this
country who have the appearance of
gentlemen and the qualities of it cur. '
Mr, Thos. Bisiett, Sr., has erectedd a
verandah to his dwelling, thus improv -
tug the appearance of the premises.
One difference between a gun barrel
and a whiskey barrel is that one kills
with a bang and the other with a hung.
Trying to bea goodfellowwithout the
friends to bank it up is in the same line
with the discovery of perpetual motion
—never has yet been solved.
Miss Mabel Brook, Exeter North,has
accepted a position as bookkeeper
with Messrs. T. Hawkins & Son. She
will commence duties Sept 2nd.
Our customers say they never had as
good a fionr before. A few bakings
will be sure to convince yon •of the
truth of it. HARVEY BROS.
D. V. Rev. W. E. Taylor, M. A., of
St. Marys, will take services and preach
in Trivia Meinorial church on Sunday
next, August 17th. The Rev. J. W.
Ten Eyck will Ell the vacancy in St.
Mr. Chas Box, of the 4th concession
of Stephen, met with a painful ac-
cident one slay last week. In some
manner the blade of a scythe came in
contact with his knee, cutting a pain-
ful gash that required several stitches
to close.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet redeived the
sa,d uews on Monday et the death of
their son-in-law, Mr. Win. Egan, of
Detroit, who died after a short illness
on Sunday. Mrs. Sweet and her two
daughters. Misses Sarah and Maggie
left Monday to attend the funeral.
record in this respeet is the firm of
Bawden k 'McDonnell, of Exeter. One
learns from aii itern In The Portland
Eventing Express that the Dominion
Liner Irishman on its recent arrival in
port had on hoard twelve of the finest
horsee seen there, consisting of Olydes,
Shires and Hackneys, all intended for
breeding pnrposes and bound. for
Exeter. Such a consignment must
prove of great value in the district
around Exeter and in the Province
generally, and the firm are to be eon -
vat elated on their enterprise."
For Sale.
The undersigned has the following
articles for sale—chenp: 2 second-hand
buggies; 1 second-hand wagon; 1 gang
plow; 1 spade harrow; 2 new buggies;
2 new gang plows; 1 cultivator; 1 sew-
ing machine. IV. G. BissErr, Exeter.
Broke His Collar Bone.
Mr. Rich. Terry met with a painful
accident on Saturday morning last
which will lay him off duty for a time.
He wits in the act of catching a horse
in the pasture field and when about to
put the halter around the animal's
neck it jerked back and in some man-
ner threw him, with such force as to
break his collar bone.
Heron model school.
The Model Schools at Clinton and
Goderich will open on Tuesday, Sept.
2nd, at 9 o'clock a. in. The Board of
Examiners will meet at Seaforth on
Saturday, August 23rd. All those
wishing to attend the Model School
are requested to notify the Public
School Inspectors before the date of
ineeting‘ Applicants will please state'
which Model School they prefer at-
1 G• B°Y oworillit:idnart. boy wanted to leen).
printing, Appl,y at this office,
Rag Lost.
Lost ebout two weeks ago a carriage
rug. Finder will confer a favor by
leaving stone at this oftlee.
Lost- haat non
On .A.rin street, Saturday, OM Wet.,
a belt pin. Finder will confer a favor
by leaviug, Sainte at this office.
emerentlee wanted.
An iapprentice wanted, to learn the
miteng, from le to 17 years of age,
with good education.
Apply to Harvey Bros.
Two very interesting and exciting
games of basehill was played here on
Friday last, Civic Holiday. The lint
game took place in the attereoon be-
tween Lueau and Eeeter, resulting in
a defeat for the home team by a score
of le to 5,and, the latter to theevening
between °reclaim and Exeter, the
home team confin.se. out TictorioUS by
it score of 14 to 2. Batteries (IA game)
Liman. Gibson. and Horne; F,xetee
Balmoral McMartin. (2nd game) Exe-
ter,31eFal and Horne; Crediton,leow.
nano and 3IcEwen. A targe Unteiber
of apeetators were present on betla °c-
Reath et Mrs- (Dr.) WillotialtliY-
MrS. Willoughby. wife of Rev. Dr,
'Willoughby, went to visit her son. Dr.
J. H. WIlloughlay, of Saskatoon. N. W.
To a few days ago, Her health has
been awing for some tame anal she and
her family hoped the change and kind
care of her son, the Da, might restore
her to health. She reeched her destie
natiOn je eefety, accompanied by her
daughter, Mr.% (Da) Watson. She
sank rapitileeboweveriand lter husband
eceived 8 telegram on Monday iuurn-
ng she had passed away peeve -
fully on Sunday. August lled. Hee
matey Mende Will be shocked anal
grieved by -her sudden departure. lier
soni the Dr., is coming with her re-
mains to Toronto. She %rill he bawled
in the Necropolle, Friday afterneeit,
the arrival of the 2.45 train from
the North West.—(o.
neseieu Dints ter September.
The ultra -fashionable coat for
Autumn will be shaped ou loose Otte
ting lines aud in thtee querter length.
The fron-frou effect at the loweai edge
it ntaarh.ed characteristic of Uwe new.
«L skirts. The "Gibson" style e'ellitainS
'wielder shirt waists as well as in
jankets. Next in populority to Mack
fan. evening gowns ("toile white in Var.
loilS Shades; character is given alle
white coieteelleS by the use of lace.
Loosenneshed fabrics are favored for
early Autumn tailor gowns. Foggoti-
ing is used with good effect iu gowns
of all kinds. The popularity of ping
pong has made the way easy for it new
shirt blouse especially designed for de-
votees of the game. The fiat. tuna Misses Lillie and Amy Lomas, of
down collar is a feature, with a tie Hamilton, are the guests of Mr. and
embroidered with miniature rackets Mrs. Saxon Fit ton.
and halls and knotted in foutain-hand
style. Sheath skirts have lost none
of their popadarity. Norfolk eiteeta
are especially becoming to little boys
and art, thoroughly stylish.—From the
Delineator for eleptetnber.
The James street Methodist Sunday
School picknicked at Grand. Bend on
Wednesday last,reporting"an excellent
time notwithstanding the rather nn-
fitvorable weather. The Presbyterian
Stinday school h td a similar outing on
Frinay and spent a pleasant day.
The reports of Part I. of the Junior
Examination have been issued and the
certificates sent to the teachers. We
learn with satisfaction that nine out
of the eleven candidates from the Ex-
eter Public School have succeeded in
getting the required number of marks.
Mr. Anderson deserves a great deal, of
credit for the passing of such a large
per cent, when we consider the short-
ness of time time he has had to devote
to the work. The reports for Part 11.
have not yet been issued.
Snaps in valises, telescopes
run ks at Stewart's.
Died in London.
The remains of Mr. Wm. 3, Clarke,
of London, a former highly respected
resident of Exeter, were brought here
from that city, Saturday morning and
interred in the Exeter cemetery, the
funeral taking place from Mr. W. C.
Huston's undertaking rooms at 2.30
o'clock the Sanie day. Deceased was
born in Ireland sixty three years ago
and when twelve years of age he came
to Canada with his parents, settling
in London,where he lived many years,
afterwards moving to to Exeteiewlaere
be was engaged in business for some
time, but later returned to London
and continued to reside in that city up
to the time of his death. The Free
Press of Friday says:—"Mr. Clarke
had been ill for a year, first suffering
from appendicitis, from which a com-
plication arose. The deceased was a
successful dry goods merchant here
for a considerable period, but of late
years had lived retired. He was an
ardent Conservative and a member of
the First Methodist church. Mr.
Clarke is survived by his wife and
son, William at home, Mrs. Muir,
of 128 Horton street, and Mrs. Steph-
enson of Constance, are sisters. The
late N. J. Clarke, of Butte City, Cal.,
was a brother.
gust of Mrs. D. Johns ior several rvesters and
Mr, jaelesonA Clinton, was visiting
friends in and around Exeter the past
Mr. jos, Seelor attended the Photo.
praphers' Conventlou at Buffalo last
M. JiaerY, of Toronto was the ua
MO S. Martha isatteecling
Grand Lodge meeting at Wiudsor this
Dr. Silk. of London, spent a few
days with friends io town during the
Miss Freeland, of Tioucloo, is the
guest of the 3lisses McCallum at Grapd
reshers' Supplies.
The wise and prudent mao, he he a farmer or what he may, never
leaves the things he requires till the last minute. Neglect has pet
many a man la a tight pinch. Now don't be caught pepping, if you
want anything in the line of harvestiog or threshing supplies we
ha,ye it. Here are a few speeialse--
Binder Twine Binder Gloves,
Brass Valves, 'Checks,
Cocks, Etc,
Mrs. McKinley, awl family.of Cleve- Gauge Olasses Gauge glass rubbers,
land, Ohio. is visiting her mother, Airs.
Piper. Tyoming., Leather Belting, all sizes from one to 6 inches wide,
miss mime westiand, a
is the guest of her aunt, Mrs, IV, G, 'Threshing Gloves, a new stook, Engineers Packing,
Cylinder Oa, -
Artie oup Greese, or
Solidified Oil.
The Misses Mortimore, of London, Rubber,
Stephen, ial Babbit Metal
Mrs. Win, Hale, who underwent an
Peerless Maobine Oil
operation it few was N
ks ego. has ee- I
The Misses Ide and Mabel Newton,
of Windsorspent it few days in tow;
last week.
Miss Alice Wood, who has spent the
pest six weeke at hfitellell, has return. -
ed to town.
Mrs. J. IL Snider told son, Britton,
of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest of Ur&
S. Sanders,
Miss Rattle Holloway, cit Clinton. is
spending it week- with her cousin, Miss
Vera Rowe,
Mrs. HOwell and daughter, Grace,
visited at the home of lifr. 'Won Creedh
last weelo
Mr, Jos. Smith. of Detvoit, is spew"-
lion.d, South.
David iiieCord and sister Edith, a
near 'Merton, spent Sunday in tow
with friends,
and Mrs. David Mill and (bombe
ten Amtle, visited in Detroit during
the past week.
Mr, Wm. Moneurrettarited to Guelph
Tiweday night after a short visit at
his home here.
Miss Vera Hawkshaw left Tuesday
morning to attend the millinery open
ingest London.
Miss Bella Hastings, accompanied
hee her nieee, is visiting her brother
;W.A. Hastings,
Herman Prioriafter it week's holiday
at Grated Bend and London, retuned
Monday evening.
Mr. A. E. Hodgert is on an extended
business trip this week through Prince
Edward county. ,
are the guests of Alen, "Wen. Dunsford, s c
hag Ids holidays at his home. London
Mrs. W. C. Ruston is visiting friends
in Goderich.
The Misses Johns are visiting friends
in St. Marys.
Miss Static, of Parkhill, is visiting at
Mr. Chits. Gidley's.
Mr. Wan. Westaway, ot Toronto, is
visiting in town.
Miss Kestle, of Mt. Forest, is visiting
Mrs. Frank Wood,
Mrs. Chas. Wilson is conflated to her
bed through. illness.
Mr. Frauk Hunt, of Landon, is visit-
ing his parents here.
Miss Edythe Rollins, of Detroit, is
visitingat Dr. Rollins'.
Dr. L. L. Follick, of St. Marys, is
visiting his parents here.
tIrs. Richard Bissett and daughter
Ila, are visiting in town.
Miss May Gregory, of Tornnto, is
visiting her parents here,
Misses Charlotte and Louise Sweet
are sojom•ing at Grand Bend.
Miss E. Willis, of Duluth, is visiting
ber eunt, Mrs. Jas. Willls.
Miss May Bailey, of London, is the
guest of Miss Violet Treble.
Miss Olive Sussex, of London, is the
guest of Miss May Sanders.
Misses Rose Harton and Via White
spent Sunday at St. Marys.
Miss Louise Carling visited friends
in Hensell dering the week.
Miss 011ie McLaughlin, of London,
is visiting at her home here.
Mrs. J. V. Crocker spent a few days
with her brother in Brussels.
Mrs. Wm. Levett spent a few days
in Parkhill during the week.
Miss M. Bawden, of London, is the
guest of Miss Pollie Bawden.
.Mrs. Trevethick and son Fred are
visiting friends in Strathroy.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes, of Lan-
don, visited in town last week.
Miss Lily Robinson, who has been
visiting in Parkhill, has returned.
Miss Lyde Oke, of Seaforth, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Wm. Higgins.
Miss Susie Weekes, of Guelph, is vis-
iting, at her home for a few weeks,,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Willis spent Sun-
day with their son Frank at Forest.
Miss Minnie Taylor, of London, is
spending holidays at her home here.
Mr. Harvey Dignan of St. Thomas,
spent Sunday with his parents here.
Aquilla Sheere, of the Seaforth Sun
staff, spent Sunday at his home here,
Miss Lizzie Taylor, of Stratford, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. 'Thrums.
Mr. J. E. Toni and evife, of Goderich,
yisited friends in town Thursday last.
Miss B. Quick, of Loedon, is the
guest of Mrs. W. H. Dearing,Stephene
The Misses GUssie and Addle Hol-
land are visiting friends in Si. Marys.
Mr. D. Crittenden, of Blyth, spent
it few days in town 'during the week.
Mrs. Elliott and daughter, Violet, of
Mitchell, are visiting at Dr. Ander-
Miss Naismith,'of Milverton, accorce
adied by Miss Anderson, of Glasgow,
Scotland, spent a few days here last
week the guests of Mrs. A. E. Hod-
Mrs. A. J. MhTatish, who has been
visiting relatives here, has returned to
her home in London.
Alamein F.vans has returned from
several weeks' visit with his sieter,Mes.
L Barnes, of London.
Mrs. L. II. Dickson and Miss 5, Me.
Douai are visitiog their sister Mrs. ea.
E. Bennett in London.
"Mrs. Moody, et Exeter, Ontario is
visiting with her melts R. Downie."
Crystal City Comier.
Miss Flora Northcott, of London,
spent Retardate- and Sunday with het
parents, Exeter North.
Mrs,(Die) Kay and daughtersiBernice
and Mune, of Attica, Allah., visited at
R. N. Rowe's last week.
Miss A. E. Holmes, of Ayr, who has
been visiting Mrs. Charles Tom has
retnrned to her home.
Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. Kettle -
well, of Talbotville, are visiting their
aunt, Mrs. Wm. Harding.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ross have returned
home, :after a visit with their son,
Warren, in Pontiac, Mich.
Mrs. W. H. Twohy and daughter,
Miss Ada, are visiting at Mrs. W. H.
Mower's for a few weeks.
Mr. and. Mrs. Sohn 0. Gould and
child are visiting the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Etch. Gould.
Miss Mabel Brook left Tuesday for
St Thomas, where she will spend a
few weeks with her brother.
Miss Olive Hooper, who has been
visiting friends in Sarnia and Wyom-
ing. returned home Tuesday.
Successors to Ji Bishop & Son,
For 35cts. per yard
Faney silks in waist lengths, regular price was from 51,00 to Si.
per yard, Yeur choice of any of them for Mc. per yard. Only 1
ends to see. Come early,
For 1.0ots. per yard
10 pieces Aillereall mercer eilks, 32 i.ehes wide, all new goods, it
little late iu arriving, the best mashing colored goods in the mar-
kehregular 15e. gooals, on sale while they last for only 10e, per yard.
For 25cts. per yard
20 pieces all wool plaid dress goods, proper material for girls
(wily fall skirts aud dresses. Thew are not poor goodsno better
can he had he the regular way at less than 50 to Wee per yard, alt
on sale now at 25ets. per yard.
adquarters for the Celebrated W. Ei Sandford Ready Made Clothiug.
Now is the time to beautify your
homes by selecting some of our
handsome Furniture.
Do you want a nice
edroom sett for $10
Sideboard.. — 8
Cool Sweet Mattresses. 3
Bed Springs ... . . 2
Coucb.,f)s and Easy Chairs at easy prices.
• Curtain poles and trimmings.
We, have several sets of beautiful chairs just in.
Give us a call and if we have not got what you
want we will soon get it for you.
Wes. C. Huston,
Furniture and undertaking rooms.
Gidley's Block, Exeter.
Miss F. Elatter, after a few weeks'
holidays at her home, Exeter North,
returned to London Monday. Mr. T. A. Russell, of Toronto, and
Mr. W. J. Clarke, of Winnipeg, Man., his sister, Miss Violet Russell, of
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thatnes Road, are visiting friends in
Thomas Clarke, A.ndtew street. Halifax, N. S.
Miss Effie Treble left Saturday to Miss Ion.% Ball, who has been the
visit her sister, Mrs. Roger Crocker, guest of Miss Evelyn Carling the past
of 50 Shaftsbuier Ave., Toronto. .two weeks, left Tuesday for her home
Mr. C. White, of Toledo, Ohio, •and i in Brantford.
Mr. W. Brownlee, of Parkhill, spent Mr. and Mrs. Morris, of Pembroke,
Sunday with Mr. L. McTaggart.
Miss Millie Oke, who has been holi-
daying in London, Detroit and else-
where, returned home Saturday.
Miss Cora Manning, wbo has been
visitiug at Bownianville, Oshawa and
Toronto, returned home Tuesday.
fr Ncr. J. Baker. of St. Marys,
spent Sunday night with friends in
town,being on his way to Grand Bend.
Mrs. Hagan, who has been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay,
has returned to her home in Sowerby.
Miss Mabel Follick returned to St.
Marys, Monday after a pleasant visit
with friends at Grand Bend and Exeter.
Mr: Wm. Mitchell, who has been
confined to his home with an attack
of appendicitis, is able to be out again.
Miss Horne, who recently under-
went an operation, has sufficiently re-
covered as to be able to be around
P. Bawden and little daughter,
Of Ridgetown, who have been visiting
Mrs. Jos. Bawden, returned home
Russell Frayne left Monday for Lon-
don, where he has entered the power-
house with the view of becoming an
Miss Lilly Torry, who has spent the
past two weeks here, the guest of Miss
Evelyn Carling, left Wednesday for
Port Stanley.
Mrs. Shosenburg, after a pleasant
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Ilawkshaw, returned to her
home in London Wednesday, accom-
panied by her three children and Miss
Jean Hawkshaw.
spent Monday and Tuesday in town,
the guests of the latter's brother, Mr.
L. H. Dickson.
Miss Florence Trieninner, of De-
troit and Gordon and Arthur Trietun-
ner, of Petrolea, are visiting at Mr.
John Mitchell's.
Mrs. S. J. English, of Hamilton, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hicks, of Glencoe,
visited their sister, Mrs. N. Keddy,dur-
ing the week.
Mrs. George Sniallacombe and Mrs.
Herman Kelly, after a month's visit
with friends in Glencoe, returned
home Tuesday.
. Mrs. Aitzel and Mrs. Payne, .of Sea -
forth, after a pleasant visit with Mr.
and Mrs. T. H. McCallum, returned
hoxne Saturday.
Mr. H. Hooper' aftev spending a
week's holidays athis home heve, re-
turned to his duties in the store at
Hensall Monday.
Misses Vera and Lillie Rowe return-
ed home on Tuesday, after t three
vveeks' visit with relatives in Brant.
ford and Clinton.
Messrs. Ed. Spackinan, Rube Sweet.
and Henry Lambrook are at present
attending the Grand Lodge of I.O.O.F.
m session at Toronto.
Miss Tweedy, who has been the guest
of Miss Lille Howard, returned to her
home in Goderich Wednesday accom-
panied by Miss Howard.
Mr. Win. Neil, of Walton, and Mr.
Frank Walton, of Toronto, who have
beenvisitingtheir cousin, Miss B. Rob-
inson, left Tuesday morning for Bay-
field to spend a few days prior to re-
turning ,to their respective homes.
(Toronto papers please copy.)
Mr. Wendel Holmes, of Toronto, his
sister arid Miss Bowers, of Blyth, spent
a few days here the past week, the
guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins.
Mrs. J. Brawn and daughter, who
have been visiting Mrs. Brawn's,
mother, Mrs. Floyd, returned to their
borne in Buffalo, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Verity and family
who visited friends here a few days
during the week, returned to their
home in Brautford, Monday.
Mr. R. N. Sweet left Tuesday for
Toronto, Mrs. Sweet and children ac-
conipanied him as far as London,
where she intends spending two weeks.
Mr. Lorne Cann, who has been en-
gaged in Detroit for some time has re-
turned home and accepted a position
as butcher with Mr. J. T. Manning.
1VIrs. Chas. Lindenfielcl, IVIisS A. Lin-
denfield and Chas. Lindenfield, of
Dashwood, and Mr. W. W. Tait, of
Newstadt, are the guests of Mrs. C. W.
Cann. -
Mr. David Miller, V.S. who has
been residing in Spokane, Wash., for
the past four years, is again in our .
midst shaking hands with his many
Mr. and MrseJnbn Gould and child.,
of London, visited relatives in town
this week. Mr. Gould returned on
Monday, while Mrs. Gould will re-
main for some thne.
Mr, and Mrs. John Sinall=e,
who have been on an extended visit
in different parts of England, return-
ed home last week looking much re-
freshed by their visit.
Mr. Jos Davis left on Monday eve -a
ing last for the Muskoka Sanitarium
at Gravenhiirst where he will receive
treatment. Mr. Dayis,has been in very
poor health for some time. Of late be
has been on the mend but his medical
attendants deemed it advisable that he
should have ,a„ change of air. His
brother, Mr. D. Davis accompanied
him. His many friends will wish for
him a speedy and complete recovery.