HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-14, Page 7TWO NEN OF THE KONEET LOItD lalTCH lehTER AND EON. .FOSERE clIAEBERLAIN. The FirStI the Ideal Feeemon the Secoad Is the Vriexal Pt' the COlouieS. Lord, Nitchener hes the peeuliae gift Of making other Plea work as hard as he works himself, and ef getting' out of them that tirelees. •eager vigilanee which is Ms secciat end nereonal chaeacteristie„ says the Leaden" Spectator. He is. in 'truth, the ideal fOrenten. It is the busie nese of the forenean to see that the vi..1010 of the Allen under hine do their - Work. and not merely the willing' Men. duet, os sidle:xi driver of e fon-hand is always watching bis team. awl eeeing that they are all 'puiIig that the ttecit.s of all of thane are pressed to the collor. and that non e of the traces are eloolt. eo the foreanao of the worhs sees t it that the whole of the gavg are teasY. lo neither ease mast the idler allow ea to trot slyly alougaide the reel 'Milers, eontent with pre- tending. but only preteeeling, to do sbore. Lord Kitchener. neither VgYPt or in South Afrieo. ol- lowed -those present shirkings. Eie W4 e niwoye on the lookont for the @lack' trace and 'wee collar, No %me quito num lune. hut somehow Other he alwaye fouuti out whethe the men under hint were idling or worldng. PO the most insignilicant Sebaltera had an uneasy feeliug thot there woo an eye upoo him, and that even the remvatest opener of the whit was not lonely enough or foegotten enough to hide his supinewees. No fleulet, In epite of their feers, plenty Of Melt did litallag0 to cameo worn- ing energelicelly ae they ought to have worked4 but, they enatched at beet a fearful joy, and were al - Steen castiag an uneasy glance at. the' Impertal foreman at Pretoria,. 'the loafers and elorkers felt eure that sooner or later he would be dOW11 Olt theta and force them to , keep the tracee tight. As we baro said. LordKitcbener, ifi a great Imperial wet:. But. ! that being ea, the important thing,t from the natioutd point of view, te to use him, for appropriate woriee-to get out of libix the work ho does Ate aro tar to apt, as a. nation. to 1 net our great Men to inappropriat4!! worie. aud no to etude- sufficiently ' what is the right "billet" for the particular man. Our national fai1. mg is carelessuees about detail and About organization generally. and rere aro far too much inclined to think that, when we Ilanproved a Man to he good at Otte particular job, he , will nereesaalle• be good at all jobs. ! For instal:Cc. there is a story that. When the Canadian reheliion took place an the "thirties," and Par - Moment was greatly perturbed as to bow to put an end to tbe disaffee- tion, it WaS gravety proposed to fiend out the then Speaker of the 'louse ,Of Commons. He bad, proved an irornense success in managing the Itouse of Commons in the last Mire - termed and in the first, reformed Par- iletnent, and members aceuStomed to obey lunt could not Coneeive that his 'word and look would not. produce artier as quickly in British North America as they did io"Westmins- ter. No one. they feltcould possi- bly resist the Speaker's decisions, Throughout our admioistration we have the same tendency to hold that a man wbo bee done well in one cave poeity will be sure to do well in another. No doubt occasionally the pltrn answers admirably, but it is also very apt to lead to putting the Yound men in the square holes. We sincerely trust that it evil] be a:Void- ed in Lord Kitchener's ease and that he will take the trouble to use his great gifts to the best purpose. It IS -clear to us that the use to which Lord Eitebener abated ultimately be put is to be commander -In -chief. PRIMO') Ole TEM* COLONIES. Though we, by no means, agree with all Mr. Chataberlaitt's believing that it is sometiraes di- rected too entirely towards a dis- covery or retention of Inarkets, and that the project cd tut Tomerial Zell- verein, .in partiCtdar, is a mistake, we cannot doubt that his disappear- ance from the scene, even for a. time, would have been a heavy blow both to the Cabinet and the Empire. As regards the latter point, there is, in fact, no serious controversy. Front every side the vast body of British colonies and dependencies send up evidence of profound confidence in their present manager, confidence not horn, we think, wholly of the recent explosion of Imperial feeling, though that has greatly contributed to but of a sense that in Mr. Chamber- lain they have a Secretary of the Wellies who really studies them, consults their feelings and devotes his whole capacity and attention to making them prosperous. That has not been the unbroken record of the heads of the department One or two have Men lazy men, inclined to let the permanent staff go their own Way, so long as they suggested noth- ing original; one or two have beea absorbed in other branches of poli- ties, end many have been convinced that the less the coloniee were inter- fered with, the more rapid, and, So ,to speak, , natural, their progress would be. They thought of them as trees, always growing, and forgot that even trees, especially tropical trees,need clearances. Inclifferefice was the charge always brought by colonists against the •Mother Coun- try, and indifference was not only injurious to the interests, but stung the pride, of the white Colonists, • WhO, that they possess con- tinents, wish to be recognized as men with an amazing future. Mr. Chamberlain lkas never, made that mi.'s -take. He has valued the col- onies,' and has taken great trouble to show that he valued them, and, ci'S he is an able man of brtsineas, as well aS a great. politician, the trou- ble he had taken has produced ef- fective results. His despatches, and still morehis speeches, have seeth- ed , -the pride of, the colonists, .and have so modified the general' opin- ion, especially in Canada end Aus- tralia, that all thought of quitting the Empire has died away, and they have forwarded most valuable rein- forcementa to the British arades in the field, with an enthusiasm which was entirely genuine- No clonbt Chanitherlain Was fortunate in the incidents of the war. whicti stir- red the patriotism of race as no Previette ineiclent had stirred it; hut still it is true that, wilco he took officethe great colonies were in a eriticieing mood, and that now they are sending men to die in de- fence of the Empire. That is a very great ehenge to have discerned as poesible, and to have promoted MO* cesefully,, hate Probably doetbled the immediate defensive power jt Great Britain, besides luetifyieg hope that in years to eenne she may bn serrounded and supported by ring of econtittelItS inbobited by peo- ples AS pewerful as her own. TIE LIM OF TIM FIJIANS CUSTOZIS ANTI NAletletERS OF TWO PEOPLE, e.14t $4111e teexCeale4 t Coronation that Was to Be, There lS strenge settee of uure- alitle in coming. in present fathion. to the loud ofthe CoPoileals, and the Air of peece- an serenity which broods over the beautiful harbor and tOW11 affords a striking contrast, to the couditiens that ono has imeginel ed after reading ripen bistory.1 erriteo Sydney Dickiuson, in Sclentie AMerienn, 'The fOrMer things, lIeweVPr., have paesetl away. and the stranger may pow wander pretty freely over the ise Janda, witheut fortifying himself with elen Woo that Sydney.smith targed upon his departing miesionary friente--"that he would disagree with the oleo who at hire." As we approach the shore. a flotile Of boats puts out to meet us eaten:or:ma patio of cocoanut logs hollowed out, pointed at each end. anti rendered atablo by wide outrig- gere. Natives. clad only in loin elotbs, or seine. Of galled) or snowy tappa cloth, paddle these craft rap'. idly toward us, and (swarm aboard to eell their cargoes of twit and ellrioseesoulewhat to the consterna- tion of our lady passengera, who precipitately fly to the colain at eight of thoeo brawny savages; hut. soon return, for it is not in feminine breasts to resist the fascluations of THE BARGAIN COUNTER. The Fijians are a Stalwart race: very tall and mu:molar, for the most part, their skins soft as velvet front anointings of cocoanut oil, their countenances strong and in most cases Pleeaing, rather than forbid- ding. A thing that at once /n. presses the visitor is tite varied and striking manner in which both Uten and women -the former especially - Arrange their hair. Here a man is seen wilco° pato seems covered with a, thick coating of whitewash; there another, whose locks. radiating in awry direction front his skull as if they were electrified, could hardly be inserted in a bushel bushet. The former state is but a prelim- inary to the second. The :tattoos plaster their hair with a. kind of paste made of powdered coral Mixed With water, which, after hardening and then being broken up, stiffens the hale and 'Mooches It from its Mir Oiled black to cdd shades of red and dull yellow -thus producing strange effects in conibinal ion with the dark brown skins of the people. Each form of head dreSeing has itS Meaning -the chiefs wear one. foul- ous warriors another, niert of court- Sel a third, yet, 411 with variations at. the caprice of individuals, which give picturesqueness to a native gathering. Married men are dig- tinguislied from baelielors by the cut of the hair; the latter of little ac- count in Fiji, and, by the way, are barbered to announce to a. scornful population their independent. and de- graded condition. Both sexes are attired in the airy and simple manner which residence In n, climate where the sun is hot and the rainfall from 8 to 12 feet a year would naturally suggest. THE AVERAGE FEMALE DRESS consists simply of a fringe of cocoa- nut husk of hibiscus fibre dyed black told hanging from the waist to the BAB-ZPS OWN TABLETS. For Weak and Sickly Claildeen During the Feet Weather. Thousands of children die during the hot weather months, because summer complaints and stomach troubles come suddenly, and mothers do not have the means at hand to promptly check and cure them. In homes where Baby's Own Tablets are used these' precious little lives can be s,aved, and no homes where there are infants and young children should be without thein. Bals3c's Own Tablets will promptly cure all stomach and bowel trou- bles., and are a great relief to teeth- ing children. The Tablets are •sold under a positive guarantee that they Contain neither opiate nor harmful drug. Crushed to a powder they ca,n be given with absolute safety to a new born babe. Mrs. R. Fergu- son; 105 Mansfield street, -Mon- treal, says :-"I have used Baby's Own 'Iaublets and have found them the best medicine I have ever given my children. My baby has always been small and delioate and suffered SO inach Last summer with his teeth that I did not think he would live, Then he was attacked with dysentry, a feverish skin and cough. As the doctor's medicine did not help him, I sent for Baby's Own Tablets and they did him a won- derful amount of good, amid lie is now getting on spleniclidly. I gladly give my experience for the benefit Of other mothers." if your druggist, does not keep these Tablets they will be sent by mad post paid at 25 cents a box by writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Medi eine Co., Brookville, Ont., or Schenectady, " N.Y. What frayed your linen? Not Sunlight Soap No, indeed! elves movement and shifting color to the scene. The patives are a cleanly folk, mild spend much time in the water of the islaud streams or in the sea within the coral reefs, where the sand is of dazzling whiteness and the water shows every Shade of the °1341.. tur4P4„awl sapphr. ...„40ise Tole COLONEL'S NAelle". A dondined young lieutenant. whenever he dimmed to be placed in RZDVIPES authority as officer of the day, in-- variebly involved himself la eonte difficulty. It was his CUStOlat to pass unneceesarily in front of the guard -house at leoet a. dozen times doily. 'This neceesitated the titre-, ing out of the guard every 'time he Made his appearonce. in order to render the customary salute. The soidiers -sem cordially lotted hint, and bestowed upon hint Ole sobri- quet of "Johnnyecome-lately," Ile was not long in discovering this, and. becoming highly incensed. Juni:ger:UM a series of petty an- noyances to the men. which malted in the counning of nearly two- thirds of the latter in the guard- honeto await trial by court -mar - "atTe colonel was "%slid" diseav XXIPZNSE -Ors for ehe Ortezee, sat, 23.1 knees. This adapts itself to eirery MoVeMeIlt of the weorer, and is at once a, sensible and decent cost,umet Tappet cloth is a. characteristic pro- duct of Fiji, and is made from the inner bark Of the papereultulberrY tree, which is macerated in water, and the pulp beateu out upon hard ground seitit beavy wooden mallets, meking a sort of vegetable felt fef varying thielmess-sorne as beavy as a. blanket, others as light and thin as gossamer. It is worn by women of condition. and used IP a native house in wail benglogs and 'decOrae eroig that some of the best soldteve coverings of beanie. Piles of lea's under his command were thus the cloth, spread upon the thlor, tong persecuted, and summoned the makte delightfully Cool and elastic lieutenant, loetis„ an4 %mon the rafters are plea- 1 "What do yon Mean,. sir."' ed bilge rolls of the finer textures. reeeeee. "by eettahog, tom ow co which by their number and total oimanila" yards represent the family wealth. Aurhe men are in a state of When a woman of means marries she time." tremblingly replied the lieu. despioys her Rocha position by wind- tenant. "And, besides, their impu- ing about hereelf fill the "teeriea" deuce bas reached Mail „a. beighe that. cloth Iter fondly Can inuster-so that they eau mo joimuy,.come,...)atele .to blide from the Fiji "Four Uwe- ray faces' "What?" fairly howled the irate otonel. "le it for that reason that u have hem pereecuting them? thy. air. I've been, man and boy. OVer fear owes in the SerViCe, and the naltle the best men know me by TO WALE OR RAISE 1,.s 'Old Boots." Get out of my pre - NDS TO EIS EE -0-13. once. and order every prisoner to releaeed." ADVICE TO BACH:El:OBS-FAWN:" to get the girl you. want, you may as well be wedded to 01.111011. 'an't refuge you and May be bad at all groceeS :Lead packets. Vie DANS°. xtra Fine 6teck SOO ne OW), OrMISSION OIL, Limited, T rER BOX. ONTO, R 41 - '41 u.spwam.. rtetitliSt mitehtein tba weilthetnlefrcnt qotr pae, atuf roeue eettatta X for cer.ttatio ese-- 3 net en to neet eetate exeeeerartevleefere eath f4ex volt:tee:to oe fuetteee m4tehrea- Iwo bons iito petit' 4.,r, HE WAS PARATZEllg A More Unfortunoee Case Ceul Sogreoly be Ite,agneed Than Ilnehaml and Father in This Wretehea Condition. Oshawa, Onto Aug. 7.,-(1leccial) -Tho experkrice Of nite. Joseph Brann, :au employee of the Oehaerai Malleable frau Worles..ehould be o. loosen to every- stele peraen. So.me lam yearte ago, ldr. Demme who is a hard wort:biginduotrious; and sober 111414 bean to feel stigmas and soreatess in the caivoi of -hle legs, Tide gradaolly inereas- Vor Over suer Term. oua reso weeeneveo Timm. Mrs Wing 1§1 l'eeettieefleree tee:ogle:I Or ever hoe eeerearmeuees et laconv. for tkoar cUdtaia 4.541 ,t44, e,,...c +.3 es4a, _en.bsi Leo %hos, ! aetzeal gazah ahax a Fatt p&in., clam artql. +Rua Iac,e...r.z7w4 far Mayans- 14 iess,ast to tile two. S-..1.4 t crnt„Vota vim pstz,1 at tbe sult 4,., Tweatr4vsicaals table, Its war fa t-exicalatili. Is *ea eee at far ttra. Vila 'ow eassLOA.-, fix;v4i fell Wit al,Ptar4,141. A very loquacious lady. caUlsg ova day to consult her physiciou, tallied on and ou witls tut% voluble, ity that the latter could not get in a word edgeways. (growing mom- od till ho had beet oil power in hie tient, he al, length told her to put limbs and arma, lie could not bow out her toegue. which eke did. Ile raised his aria o to hin hea.d. to woe' then read: "blow, please keep it his Dee, and for over tour months there till you have beard what. haVe got JO say to you." For Nine Yeereesala Earanel Bryan Theilferd, writes: 'Tor mine year* aufferei with taireretea sores on my leg: I expended over e104 to physicians, and tried every preparation I heard of er was recommended for sucla dhow, but could getuo meet 1 at lase Was recommended to give Dr. ThOlilatit Belectrie On a trial. he could not et: ral or walk alone a. :Anglo stop. All the doctors treated him and gave him up. Then he consulted a. ilowronnville doctor who told him he could do nothing for hint anti ad- visod hint to go to the hospital in Toronto whero they might be able to help him a little. fro tbo hospital ho went in Jonu- which hag resulted, after usiug eight boo ary, 1898, and remained under treat. tlee(uoin • it luternally and exteenally). ment for over four weeks. Twelve doctore told him he could not re- cover alai that nothing could be done for bine. Ire was getting woreo every daY, and when removed to his home in Ozhawa was like baby une.ble to move. Plie father -he -law, Ur. John Mb, had heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills and soggested that Mr. Brown try them. Ho did and he says : "I used altogether twelve boxee of Dodd's Kidney Pills and by the fleet of May I was able to start work again in the Oho% and I haws never been siok or off week a •day since. "I ant sure I owe my life, bealth and strength to that great' remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills." dred" resembles a cotton bale with her head sticking out of the middle, and has to be carried to the altar by half a dozen muscultu• male rein, Lives. At short intervals along the shore, and in the cleared spaces of the tro- pical jungle, are the hoxnes of the natives -some isolated. others col- lected into considerable villages, but all swarming with the brown child- ren of the sun. These houses are always wide open, and one can enter at will, the people and the visitor seeming to take an equal enjoyment in the curious appearance that each presents to the other. A FIJIAN HOUSE is perfectly adapted to the climate, an.d alTords protection alike against the torrid rays of the sun and the frequent tropical deluges of rain. It is 3nacle by driving stout posts into the ground, aCross which, aro laid beams fastened to the supports by ropes of cocoanut fibre, and from this framework rafters are run up to a central ridge -post. Roof and sides are covered with a thateh of grass and reeds, sometimes two or three feet thick, the whole structure being elevated on rough blocks of coral, thus affording freedom from the dampness of the ground. In ancient times the four corner „supports of chief's houses were set in holes wherein captured enemies had been buried Alive, while a chaste an.c1 agreeable decoration of the front would be a row of stones in- ditating the number of captives the chief had eaten during his career. Thus, the tales of Stones of a fam- ous chief, counted by a missionary in 1849, was S72 ---for which the chief apologized, saying there should have been more, but he lied been, in- dolent of late, and had neglected to post up his ledger. A coontry like Fiji, with its copi- olis rainfall, is naturally full pf wa- tercourses, and the mountainous character of the lance gives oppor- tunity for auseerous waterfalls, which are among the most charming features of the islands. Nothing can be more beautiful than these silvery cascades, set, as they are,ein a denee jougle of flowering trees, variegated shrubs and mottled crcrtons or in ravines where enormous orange -col- ored spiders swing in, webs that glit- ter like diamonds front the spray of the -lane, and where the flight of the "orange" and "rainbow" doves, and crimson and green parakeets, in a comp et* enre. I believe it is the best medicine in the world„ mid I write this to It's others know what it bas done tor Me." •••••••••••0. An old bachelor was introduced to t. beautiful widow of the same mono as himself. The introduction was In this wise: "Mr. Evans, permit we to introduce you to MM. Evans." "Mrs. Evans:" exclaimed the spirit- ed bachelor, "the very lady I have been in search of for the last forty oears!" M.I.L.•••••=••• Mloard's Liniment Cures Colds etc, •••••••••••••••• alleANS SUCCESS. There are very few selienade men but there are many advertising - made men. Timee who have the in- telligence to :-.e0 what advertising win do for them use the qualities which will make their advertieing their best servant and will never fail to get on in the world and reach the top of the ladder of suc- cess if they have persistence to keep on climbing. The Most Populer Pill. -The p111 is the most entailer of all forms of nuelielue, and of pills the most popular are Parme- lee's 'Vegetable Pills,becanse they do wioc; It is asserted tiler Can do, and ere not pot forward on any fictitious claims to ex -'e1. lence. They are compact and portable, they are mbar taken, they do not nattiea:•.e nor gripe, mid they give relief in the most stubborn cases. Excited Fisherman (to country hotel -keeper) --"There isn't a bit of &hi/3g about • beret Every brook has a sign warning people off. What do you mean by luring anglers here with the promise of fine fishing?" Hotel -Keeper --"I didn't say any- thing about fine fishing. If you read my advertisement carefully you will see what I saki was, 'Fishing unapproachable.' " IIIPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP The clIcuoat.'Illty ahmtlahritiliffrc,),121,;oletei3T to oeehe. ROSE Ag?3'eti, v:° Iht/eal. "You are such a strange girl," said Charlie. "Really, 1 den't know what to make of you." Well, then., I'll tell you, Charlie," replied Ararnitta. "Make a wife of me." Charlie did so at the earliest oppor- tunity-. - $50.00 IlOUNDTRIP TO CALI- Fortici.A. Chicago & ^'North-Western R'y from Chicago, August 2 to 10. The, new Overland Limited, the luxurious ev- ery -day train, leaves Chicago 8.00 .m. Only three days en route. tin - rivaled scenery. Variable routes. New Drawing Room Sleepirig Gars and Compartment Cors, Observation Cars (with telephone). All meals in Dining Cars. Buffet Library Cars (with barber). Electric lighted throughout. Two other 'fast trains 10.00 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. daily. The best of everything. Daily and personally condnctecl tourist car ex- cursions to California, ,Oregon and Washington. Apply to yournearest ticket agent or .address B. H. Ben- nett, 2 East King St., Toronto, Nen. Sulphurewa °dories% Every Etick— A Match Every Match -- It Lighter ,rery YmkimitatM Eddy 1. ileadUgh: 'Parlour .11 ty.44-144144-74+44444 IS TVEA,KENING The amount of enemy eipenteed itt co:miens; is very et:wilder:Ale : itt- del, 011e of the patient statisticians for witich Germany is renowned bas calculated that a, patient who coughs once every quartet- of an hour for ten, hours expends energy equivalent to 250 unita of heat. wide% May Le trauslated as equivalent to the nour- ishment coutairicd la three eggs or two glasses of- nun:. in Nome; re- spiration the air le exnelied from the chest at the rate of four feet per wood. whereas in violent estqhing itt may oetain %decay of ZOO feet, oFr esofe fey PH Mat nines tem Ittte likeVer wiveMial U.orerwill be 44 univereol sutareain one terace,iy, fo; all idsro whleit lleh 14 114t.r.-0:he very aamre ef many catratiYee Mug stivi:i th.tt were gernie of other anal tiaortolltiy $-eated diecesee rowed ift the svslen: fVf die patient -wen would relieve ono :N. tes :urn would aggravate the other, We have.however. ati Qinuine Wine. witen obtain:dile in a Found uumiolterated elate, a remedy for inane and grew Wits Zito By Its gradual :tad judicione use, the fraileet eystems aro Zed into coavaleseepee and strength, by the ihnuence which Qat. nine exert,* onNature s own restorative% It relieves the drooping spirits of with wimp: a chrome sone of moritti dee pollee:my and lack of hams:, in life it a oteeaeh and, by too:guile:mg tha tweets, diepetee to foniut and refraelting sleep- huparts vigor to the action of the bleerl, which being stimulated, COUVrti thee:telt. auuthe vette:, stremethentug the lentithy animal funemons of ttio eyetein, tbeeoby ninkino- activity a mete:sere result, strengthening the frame, mei giving life to the digger:ire argent!. which naturally demand lucre:teed eulevtauee-result, proved appetite. Nortitrop te. hymaa of reroute, itave given to toe puolie emir superior tatettine Witte at the :mad tote end, ganged by the opinion of ectentens. this Vellie npproachee uearee; write:to:to: any in the market. All drue,gtsts still it, Dinks-"You're putting the boy, Dinny, early to work." .links - "Ws, he's a clover lad. for he's learnt everything ibe teacher knows." "He has" "The bas that. The teacher snid, can't hammer anythiug more into that head of hied " Minard's Unlined Cures Distemper, 4*, Brown -"Did you sao, sir, that I could lie as fast as a. horse can trot?" Fogg -"No. sir: I simply said that few horses could trot as fast as you can lie." Brown -"9111 I accept your apology. - .••••••••••4 sten% ate resagia lend werks off the Cal& taxa:Ve lirorno-Quinine TabletG core a area te one day. No arc. So ray. Pile° Mates. Paterfamilias--' 'And could you support my daughter, sir ?" Her Lover -"I have two strong arnia. Paterfamilias -"But can you sup- port her ?" Her Lover -"They of- ten have, sir." Minds Liniment Cures Epitheria Father -"See, Bobbie, what a number of beautiful pebbles there are here!" Bobbie (glancing about) - "Yes; and not a single window pane to smash!" ' TO CURE A COLD IN ONE ID LT. Take Laxative Brame Olinda° Tablets. .A,1 druggists refund tee money if it fails to cure. re W. Grovoe sigfia cure ie on each box. 250. The following toast was pronounc- ed at a firemen's dinner, and was re- ceive with great applause: "The 1cl:dies-their eyes kindle the only liana° against which there is no in- surance." Good Digestion Memel wait on Appa have the stomach We'll 1.s to have the nervous system well. 'Very delicate are the digestive organs. In some SO Sell - sitive are they that atinospheric changes affect them. "When they become disar- ranged no better remedy is procurabL, than Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They will assist the digestion so that the hearty eater will .suffer no inconvenience and will derive Blithe benefits of his food. "Is your Wife one of -those women who look at their husbands and say, 'I made a man of him'?" 'asked he impertinent friend. 'No," answer- ed Mr. Meektmi. "Henrietta is very unassuming. She merely Says she has done her best." 44, Lever's ninZ (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in tho. bath softens the water at the same time Vint it disinfects. T.N. U. NONUMBUfig: 11....ii.,...r.10.74tikitt4 in, Pe4r4or. stcratwanot eica 4 awaal.ltaaoal,Saiecucl-.4easraalkloi camocati.sav.,,t,:aea. 5ataat4.44arau rsiuniacoca:a4mt.rrit4*a VAT; *Pr:. 7- 41 tzell.qPAli5g.K4x.m7,41/34*,* raa4 Vallatoc,V4tar4441;Ciipia442444; /4-114141.1141C4TOS, Mail .14 . 4+144401-14, 408 , e - -,-1- . ' E 4* I. .• i ,I. ri 1 E• ',>, • - ........ tt ill BY .5 e, -LOAr e i .., 1 e!" , .. *a oral Flavar Foods. .y.t XnetlyrNItl‘t.tlieu tarifa epoutuu calm Yea cat uses at Oor -duo. :a tilos Itsva wa-cit slaw. rasalytosevra. 'Tau manoverlivap owl. a.reDr's owes easee lee °loontttia.. , LI BY, McNEUL & LW13Y,CWCAGO A tor car lieeleai'Slow Te Km= 10470Tama co Zar." it TrOl be ceat ree hes. ' gillata.A.6.4s...41%.........A.....si .11.,111111•1•1•1•1•11••••••••• Dianche--"Ind you part, owing to misunderstanding?" Rose -• *Goodness me, no! We uudootoo4 each other too well." cures ClIff,51 rn COM eritude-"Marian is trying to keep. Iter .engagement n, vecret." :Martha - "rove do you kuow?" elatide-"Site told me so." There is daneer in negieetina a cola Malty wbo havidied of cousumption dat.ed their tea -tildes from exposure, followed by a cold which settled an their lettega, !Led in ashen 'time they were beyond the skill of the best ptysicbin. Had they used Dickies' Anti-Cousnamtive Syrup. Wore it Was too late, .their lives would have bean sealed. Thiemedielne hag no equal for curing couolte, colds and all .affections of the throat and lungs. Wifr.-"In the game of lawn-tetmis, my • 'dear, what is the most diffieult 'thing to acquire?" Husband -"Tim 'lawn." HOW'S This We offer Otte Modred Dollars reward for any ease of Catarrh that cast:tot be cured by Etairs Catarrh t.‘tire. 5'. J. CIIIIINEY d: CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigited. have known F. J. Cheney fro- the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business tranSaction and financially able TO earr5 out any obligations made by their firm woor e. TIt iTAX.1Vholeitale Druggists Toledo, O. WALD1Ntl, KINNAN vIN Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Catarrh Cure le. taken internally, acting directly upon the blooti and mucous surfaces of the. system. Testimonials sent free. price 75e per bottle. 5s1d..1.4 all drag - gists. Ilall's Fam UT Pills are 1.1,e beet. Traveler (in Ireland): "Hi, pull her up, man; don't you see the mare is running away?" ' Paddy--IIould tight, • yer hemmer, For yer life don't touch the reins. Shure they're as rotten as pears. I'll turn her in- to the river at, the bridge belo,ar here. Shure that'll stop her." I bought a horse with a stupposcd- ly ringbone. for 380.00, ()urea him with 31,00 worth of INTINARD'S LIND.HDNT, or,d sold him in four months- for $85.00. Pro- fit on Liniment, 354. 0 0 . • • OISE; DIETIOS C Hotel' Heeper. St.' Phillip's, Que., Nov, 1St, 1901, Little Girl --"Fat her, what's my new birthday b o ok about?" Fet her --"It is called 'The Sleeping Beau- ty,' and is about a girl whc) slept, and Slept, and slept, and nobo dy could wake her." Li tile 0-ir!- 1rVas she a servant girl?"