HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-14, Page 6ferele" clerk who gots from saloon to ea- a matter of obetlieuce. eonceraing r -al 11°11st:1144d* 1144 fa/kV 14. the 54 4‘8 ar set of shelves). neatlY Pointe and bake until eet. and yell brow'm
lebere is as much 8* 44.44.5i1. ' loon tele bgg out gospel tracts otot ' the I out on e gel,. zg . ft - ' Nine end queen IeOrnellal1Y. but of, C4 a (kale. These shelves were Al ed. Thin is a hearty dish for thosi
le tween 10;04 'W110 makes laie 1,41d[pg in prayer wheie, tile pieierie, valet:tee"). tee) eorefeike 4.1 41.4'6 is, all, others whet Ure actually /41 tile safe place for jare of frtlit. beneitimo.5f4oecalperfeneepreeittiQl.;,„To each mrp eftlyowl
14 .4 be' s. eitse; tend ore who Ceites tor atIll elites biro to peoeo Ahe it,1t-e-13-
1014 sidert ate there le i*tween the tatoes c(turoge to be a goerel fiehero' 211, Coln( thou With us altd we
1.400, W110 44i4441.t9 40 inatik• a 4411.41.441. Inglis!, it 1. 41,4.6 (4)1444 14*. to imoutrra, Will kin 44114e41 goat!. for the 1.0r61 bath
"voil llle InCln W110 forms for recrett- out into tile deep aed to lie edown espoleen goad et.tteernitig F-4 1.01
;ion lt, ie the 41faft.reeee 14•11WE en tho el,o.peli 14 4444 end leo-owe tielters of Titus fetid Mieees to ilobele, the sott
eli end 1' 1444 It is the 4.44(1 4.4.4'C4 n-,,ert. when tete laurriveree of pers4 ere-. of 1.4,.4 tel cgr Ittooti. or Jethro, the
en Ink" 49 11 who sets eall in tion are etreolog lte roekle enal'As father of fetireeteals. MO 44S wife
R1;' biug emotet-t Ntethe i (Le. ii18; iii. 1). ThLord fool
r'l ato ien e ring,* be' trillY spoken good ConcertduNeve
One riFtlie for Sport, and the Other for
the Souls of Men.
dent,:r0 erc.?::.17:4z Act, rt Att lollop:Ice steersuleu can haraly see the prow
eP:441a. 04 iTer 0e4.47bem34'11'Nkee nae- of the boat fromate stern. Yes,
leo leseemeote et 4tertievAete. Otteeai Cite eree lisherrnau'e he wbetbea
earat cee We. ea Viett.= eetar, et WAWA% 4to it
is fatted on Lake G alike or off the
A despatch from chteago ;otos enaeles of Sentient& or iu tile New
Rev. Frank De Witt Talmeree oreodoo fontanelle' tog.s. is a life of over -
I•44 from the following, teat whelming (tangier. Mate infest lee
UW tete "Followawl I ettit the matt who woadd follow
make ,you fisheaa or men?' S' PERILOUS AN A VOC.ATION.
Are yeea ilelterrear. ? "Oh, eate,"; So the gospel feeterstteo. too. ;tuna
eee t answer; "I have teen a fiebera be arare meee They latest he as
15 shiniogs o month. but 1 can af-
ford to give it up fer Christ." Like
the South Sea, islauder. leave you
SCh .VoNne for Christ that ylan IWO
ready tO Mr-lee/late- your life to the
master's eervice regardlese of mown-
eratiou, so that ;you eney become one
of hie fishers of owe?
of Leeson. Meta 11-13 aod It may be imagieed that enelt exniH
:20-444, tel olden TeOt. Ps- rent Men AS Sir Frau_cis art'eVe% Si'
xxxl.. Ibrals Laking, Sir TboMae Barlow.
..• „ 0. *lieu, ape the °them Will carry ofi. bee
lowoney occorcoog to tho command_ !nem fees nit paeonent for then Sete berme, Tine eetraoce to the ee ar
111 -eat of the Lord by the bard of viees to the King- The Assuolbtion wits from the winter kitchen. Open -
and acted aceordiugey they proeper-
ed, but whea they forgot Him, they
failed. It is so with tio. mos,
Lea 0.1u with you alwteye." tont
when We believe this ead tems re-
alize His preseuee, (Tor the 0111Y way'
to re be Matthing in the Spiritual
life is to believe it) and oount on
Mint we bave loy and peace and vile,
tory,but wheo forget Ilie presenee
we feil.
Not OoMpertSated Money, Ant
in 'Tonere.
A DAY IN A 0-e'llereAR,
Are there any houseltpers W114
W01.11(1-1104 b0 willies., to exhibit their
eellarS? My motrier's ee110,r WAS
ilerer OA exhibitiem end have no
reeollection of any etnopmay ever
Seeinee it. But if it hail been 00 eX::
bibitQLcempetieg for a, prize for
cleenlinesee. and orderliness. it would
have won it. writes Mrs. Farley.
There .were two kitchens is my old
eleees. neettrtd enough, considering thee, lug a door frone the latter. one faced
eo tho there mouth of toe mot lat.430 of these men ever tekee lens a OPAL of comfortable ntairspellet/-
Plan en nee- life- As Izatte. lealoort, courageous as it one r ,y h ' tharl 44100 tor the simplest °Pero, ed a, rothee dark, shade of yellow,
fether of attgling. wed to sae" who, to become gospel Osherow/a, gret day Of the rest mooth of the tion- 81r VrederKie Treeee leas 011 400 inunecelatelly clean, 011 the
;eat flee eeteereee. nee room Were down their lives. for eiall'ist• .5'.41.04101 .),Ver the tobereacle was en. income of 430.000 e'eate front Ids right side, even with the top stela
1 • "e - --th ust be as brave as the lea eelgol and accepted by God end ProkssioO. and val;e nt the .44 r.0'. Was a 19ofn, narrow shelf. AS Clean
egg, three or four tablessocues
cretoo, salt, pepper and 4 grating of
utineg, with minced onion pr pars -
leer as desired, or O Pinch of powder-
ed bevies. Drop by spoonfuls into
boiliug fat or oil, atal fry o, delicate
browo. Good with cold meot Ar
Lot Kedgeree.- To eaell cUP of Po-'
tato acid, oneemlf eup or tnore finely
mineee eoeeed solemn_ or other
fish, and one or two finely -chopped
hard-boiled eggs. Season hignly
With 1Vorcestershire sauce. leetehup
or currie powder mid efIci cream or
drawo butter to make it like a, VerY
thick SWIM. 13011 ten, minutes and
serve 00 404st. This is an excellent
and quicely maele lunelteon or sup-
per dish.
Potato Put -To oue cup riced pee
tato take half a soda craceter rolled .
PRO,. two welleheaten eeees end one '
cup rich milk. Season with eta,
white pepper luta celery solt. Ilea
well. and pour WO 4 hot buttered
peeeing dish, Bake in a rather
brisk oven till set. about .14 nein-
utes. Left overse of boiled or fried
16 e iove ter the rod and- tte reetl. 45 role Feta' ,. 1P1451.11 irleo fin ord Nr t via1Its GlorY treN N'IN, 4 'vl 1
• All . 11. , a . It al M a a a - 0 a .. ,, A a onion. tingly minced, improve Ole
e little toy. natty wad ,alwany a .4 450 te,:tdSter to the sick. tand tie.. dying 34)- Non:. Se1st gay days later tee' Yet an a thg5e gnat sursqou5 ""i god of ate necrow sietelt watt a ehortettlieb.
' "e41 i " W r -
I have been Data for sehool because wunt to Molol4t5„ the Leper istend olt,,eloatki likoktd. alea tieve; Zourneyed froM1 le‘l'Ille' t a 4° 114e 1 ° 4 111' 131° hIc°114 °4°' "Iciwilv4 aCrQss t119 l'etata a114 Cheese'''''' Oue m111111
1 leitered on elze wee eaieer the ie., peeiae. lieed eintsola 1 eteeme a Sinai to the telieletteest; of Iterate in l'aDa"e _41'1,4 ill the otee-eletime give stairway and within easy reach of ['elm grated cheese. prelerably leormee
t=114tdow eff 'the old woothet lehigo to hoer met died. Thee!' luest ite as the order de -U4 in this recipter, up ineaterees of peones- eVorth of tete eteirs, These two shelves wereleao or peeepe„ eo eeeh generous cup
case a eretotiell int toed for a itoces. breve es timt teoltettien. ortec owl, Whether it NN -us ow eobeepaego nnel Wee* outside for the eimple homer- most, eoptvettient pleces for enemy oe rime poloto_ For Ibis onuoult
NOV 0144 I 04n 1:1414w49 4 14:A0 t0 gn nittt efeemle tit'ell sings end proye ler' itat ereetion or the prieetn000 4143. n41641 41144 16 gli,041 liieln 46 "phy- titioge hi ceststont denteatil, At the inn two wen -he -atm eggs wai A large
tetcle to 'the Seeee where 1 nos on tie :-ateet comer ostatial the seo1;s air' etteriff,ces, or the foteeree eee'., els huts in ordlnare" ettd "to tho foot of the stairs W46 Abe main , cup rich milk, Spaeon with volt,
. ,. ,
Sorg. 1 late to tette o. Ilaseet end nod teeletoe a T.x.,,,,or,to.c., toorough tee wildeinese neohoof tees .$40.14,V.01.51.., -a ' * _. a - -, . - . , - a - - a 1140 ...... - ... , ,- -a. ., . a nutmeg 444 c..4:„.,exwe pepper or
Id Thie in achtte inetalice' room that is 1001111 100%4 tted
Ivell oat into the river which !lows end alto aeneerates the deea Alleys., deep attd. leo etep was teem except' 19 4:^-141/5 14 "P'010.. 00411 ill others na It, had a kallooth. hard Coatellt liook rika. adding mineed parsley end
through the I anee' wheee Me fetltee lettoaely unprotected. To eeett out, as titel couneentled or guided by the lull„v", 41(Iti.a.t\W tlii theY aro a_.1111 w,11S Ughted bY a• `3'el:"-Ilvci wIll". °Wen if liked. Beat on thoroughle
le belled one toy to eime to my souls for Chriet. Teey bola. to et- Oiler of doted eeel ere_ oil tee pare 01,0MM 54 fa 4 tiinea to te at the 4.40W M 514.441ner, Cta am side was Nom 4 forte pour into 4 but but
Lenii. the black bass elle tee -oleic( 4-3 bailee t,s tine ,otoieng '14i *'U.14144 of M9ses until lento it lens shoot laTit ao4 Call of 010 talenthers of the 411 open cloeet (or I might designate eered diehi, ease with cracker erteeeee
o eetvee Pc 5P less then end sitiolog as Om stairs, At Um
tfotaandsPe1ttit ikelfe leeteg Terme,
tuotoSs ote banes. of Nevelegtoole ,1444194,4 ll iree.ired if lee is ever t4;i'tls 14.4. KN. (1-$. 1V081.dr144.4
49 44 5,, tee dollars tei leteee et 1 ottairte a calk., of 1601. eeeetaiolki. °"1 will." begitiniog teed
444 mitt tiv !seen et EU) 11.1 *14.4444.4 ifeed 1. 141:14444 1*I1444 "L
ie.1.9.1444 olhotet :re o. coact- tea a tilietagit 110.00 IMO 1l AnV 14.14. .1 teeeliee444.ev4.11 th" 1'7°7(41 uf 1144 I-°431^ "241
14 c14**)T4r' 311 86 4:14%43+04-Z4C 444 "2 441.4 411.1 ch... opeto te. el ;after' 4-.4.4-184 reepect 44t1ti41 14r. 14494.41444449(18
17kQn ilthe is 40ittly 44) 1545; etat„1,,,d tto t't 11%0 rewor.l. forseole ael.
eeei leeteeif with Istetell as their Bead -
ter Eviler Clod (liele, et. et -eel,
fee Neel lie ;eel unto Ilint. I will
;444a 4'C'.s'IS hie eneeeseseee hue lotto 44.1,0,1,1„,;.1 - • • llgot eet but will eleptart. to namo
020144itiee4 04 .1,040 4. atatc . 4
httecii for rteuember,, a tree. gembel leieoPerevot Wei and tO 44.4.4 1J446114541
leASTIMR. ieter ra'eetitially ore wise) re, ittel Tide 444,9 what lettouti afterweeti
Noy; the 4W0 leroteseve. Fatter toed ele;r4 14y the Iholly 'Voniitleeigett l'ind 01'11414 40 t10, for
Andrew. 10 whew; elitist settee toe (4 '184044 1Q;01 Cerlet 144414 1h gild :tot vey to them. Count with
te'°,rtilc 141Y lteN4 41P00 tete &hetes of Yell igae"0 been en1441144444.0011,SIK° 01441 will do eeolt meted, lisekelt
ogler' 44' .4(44444' were reesti With Ootl. 441444 '4. voncit span ;,-4sar, SAW Ito such prospect as opeeeel Igo
'rite:: were uot diletterati. Thee; flitl 111,•ddli to the Ittind of Maces. wed on for ats
iet go tett into the ettentry for 41 411 the uterey teeet in your own liana', ttPivarethec5 went Ike fell teat 1144.
few ihtllai witi, a itteldreti 44411e1 pole if y0)11 W010101 1100,41 &eight ter riorist Ile hotter 011 141411 ihis 00;0
to el4-te441 01481101°4i witrflt of fish t the * '111°' 811101 1°'4. '4'11°1°1 11°e°14e" 11 14. 111111e1411' 141 111"nY
1, they IN t(' 'r l'f ees Iseeosite fl,htl• Of Alen. 404(1 lead her 1 leVers to e.steent eke approach of
iereeteen, eritey belteeilect to what it.; 'children into epirituttl lives sinless ehriet. greeter riches teleti vletble
teerettfr, the breveet Oasts of Ince on 'elle. herself hos eepeeloteeti treatetres id' this world. vet 40:X9
eartiteetho lielteritten. DIVINE NSPI it Al'ittN. 4 It ills r.tntlerings now. with eter-
ital glory hereafter. it4 the 4414'0
3114'5.464.11440 for the Christian.
az. 1,,eave us not. I ;tray thee,
forastauelt as thou knor.es1 how WO
aro to eneatup in the wilderness taut
mayest be to Its iststeatl of
twee. ('05)0 witlt net atel wel it looks es if. for tile moment.
1844 41-1944 49 3491 tiaceere of 1..ailo It') 114&''t1 heeely it letter -abet eiee14I"9'-' 9il44l444.14 :ler creole; in 14" 44. tete fully liletole
1494 4.*1 441441. eeleseti Fee 400 Isie after NW' oteloteetuO174 4.4404
e.-,elele...atee tee wilt: oleo ellen:es tee. ;end itot rood like titie; """tle- detql
00 a. TrOT.% QV etteeiseny 544144. 44341411 Tf..tply„ i is 44944444IfOr ',.4,-'4'211 110 11.0
h° 1'410 them theathug thow twig' Sundey echool leather 4'01:1001,
4.441'E4141 and said; "Come. Ware Yolar lead his ela448 the feet of ehrist
um end follow ult. GIN* tilt :emu' :unies's he lihneelt hoe firat been bele-
worh 14 4.1.441418131, 1.4 11 and I will etieee the Bow svelte *the mine
4.111.11 1.081 how ;cull maY F0"', ister 7.e.annot Unix' preach Christ
stele!: and bravery und termite:7m. uniees he has first taken Christ .1n7
':40A4 arid ten! make yen fisieers of . .to lon own beam wee life, peter
itieteeitold. Poe istetanee. a l'oeel ereeet ees. g ..
tivanery weed. if ill, has 1110 Innen-, Of Varioue Made end mouy other
ion of Sir let.ederielt Treees if her goed %bings.
ease requires it, teo. too. haft tho In the centre of this room there
wife of the sub -dean of the ettapele was 4 substantial "swing ehelf"
royal. the wife of the captain of the, (painted like the side shelves). on
corps of ,gentlemen 44 orms. the „which (I still eeo them) were tsig this two eggs and epaugh cram te
master of the looteehola. 040 "eon= platters of oldefashiotted pink and mho a.eeteer, tee corn aud
troller; in fact. guy nielliher of the' blue ware. On nnt of these ellatec tato aro both Moist, use less ercant.
Ninge5 establishment mizir Fend for tw them were rolls of freelt. eweet.lif thee. mom in proPortion. Prete
tie) greetese pliersiciaret and eurgeonegolden butter. me best that could from ee epoaet iato fat 41444
be 31enet:4W. auti they are obliged to., made. On another there were fry a deep brown,
attend them free +of cherge. the fee rolls of sausages or slices of den- smelt Now feeekeeeleree eehee
Place for the ROW laid eggs. the sugar. 0140 ecant, teeepoon salt
"est deeerilivel-
opelelerotions„ leor lustorev. Sir beef. or fowls, etv. one tablespoon vinegar. a well -beat
told Andrew' Lueatise goseel itsiteruhlt efeeee was forgettiug God tool !Its
.14014 1i.S1104'S in lir. grikat 41'On• . because, they eleeeeeleee had tir,.t.
elol Fee of lemiettity eked will „ten the eguetore, fate, anti obeeee
Vou glnp01 fitheiliran."' hin voice when he sold: -.Follow
Tee tree gotpte tehermon 11.4 4 one 18144, aud I Will 1001.0" eon teeters
purposed man, whose life is t14.,4Ue04.- mem"
=a 10 11444 elegle olden of PavingBut tbe true goepel sishernteu 144
emits. EliVry eportsmee 4:001tii %Ina niwoyS Wurithig Mader the eltister'e
t IP an impostibility for a, '441.444* ss'- ' pee. whetlwr Christ's ewe is visible
. chopped fine1 add one cup pee
1444(4. Ofte epeon ouiou juice or getter
a onion. volt, aril white pepper, a
grating of nutmeg and 4 114410 vere
finely minced parsley. Beat inlet
cloud and ilis unerring guidance. So
netalgte is man even al his best.
We think of Simon Peter one Mo-
ment confessing that Jesus wan the
Chriet, the Son of the living God,
lull the next acting as Satan's
monthplece to tempt lite Lord
igily himself and tura front
14'.114 1114114101 in their hoporariettell:Chelle tt411., "1-10,5 Awn also Wee flat1 dregelfig foikoest tatepool
Of emerge. them lase cometreetttinglifreelely boiled ham, the cold roseet peede of renewal), a. tittle papaw,
leredericie haS JIINSt Veen mode al On the cool. clean floor .1-7.0- cgg. butter the $100 or a bazennt,
leeronet, It hos eget WM nothing., !dialed place. there were etet-eral C01, 1-7,0 4 bit a walk, or meet leaf 101
Iiis ecal and attention cod Coed liars, Tbe eintrientS of lateete flavoring. ronfAing it Noma ele
have earned it for isim, Ile ims not11, varien. hut wee would often tind dressing is cooked, Ileat this 10170
140(1 to giee delett.Olat "for Wile OM of them. tender. 050441 trete in9eueo ge cep tem in boiling water
fiefertiug Object" in order to attaittlillteritate layere with [toed elder alai etir until it thickens. nold Ot
hie nigh rank. Then, t00. the rfiere vincogar, i.411441 *5.4(6 oue would faud or cream until it is the coneisteace
fat of being attached to the Xing's among the plated beets. a few' hard of thin eream. teslug more vitsvgar 1.
heeseehold In a prowesional capacity 'boiled eget; peeled but left, whole. eeetfete, mom e level potetoee
man. There 440 -.till many snots in white onione with tito heats. In 401- ft, fork and mix wielt *Lent
Toss them Wiley witl
i worth a great deal to a medical •Sonietiatee Ofie would fini small deep welt.
world who. eV0,n if stricken with
. dread o. malady las appentlicitie,
would not lee content until they had
to King's doetgare to 10011 after
titetra., In title way the fees lost by
attendance 1110011 l'Oy4114Y are amide
up later on by the requiremento of
doting eubjeets who wish to he in
the fathion
ter jar there Watt 141pleebUttel, 11 rparestey ono 3,,roino,
°there likened Miro feet. or twat) over them the wenn dreeeing ant
cheelte. or tripe. or all of Iheee. 1111111,05s until uniformly mowed too
"e 11144' An. were *11°1e red It/Ina- ii.e0lored. Set anew to cool. Sero
tees. that had been Pickled when on neatly nrr4Mged )404:4115 011 DNS 0
just beginning to tern red and haelettuce or cress, with thin elicee o
ripened in tito jar. Short etenie, radish ass garnish. This is a pleas
were left on these 4401 tile 'vinegar ant, and novel feria of potato salad
over them Was only inotlerately Four. „ aua falmil ay many to be much Mort
'with the tomatoes, also whole all- eliced potatoes.
Ilits of horeeradish were) mingled digestible than that inade Witt
spice. told over 0,11. Were seine horse. eamasaaavaa
radielt leaves. These would keep
Alleged Predictions About Eug from !mason to sierra, unlieferaelytlite.170
Edward. were ali eaten. W e WelS
be the eaSe.
It IN 11°t ereditnhio to the Intel- There never was en unwholesome
ligence of the British people that odor in the cellar. On the con -
they should attach so nutelt import-
ance to the elleged predietions of
Witches, aetrologeru. Italnareadors
and other charlatans eouconting the
11VON itud deaths of sovereigns.
'01 !letterman to think of tut:alarm; 31(0 him or no. After Peter and Anti- There is not It jot or tittle of ere-
±1;ze but his fish tit the time of aieb- 'rew became Christ's !lettermen he cross (Matt. xvi., 16, ...4. dible evidence Unit any seer or seme-
n, And it shall be, if thou go less at any time foretold le'ing Ed -
'. lie cannot plan about bueitsees .ilee,,r 1411 *114441) ' one night when
be_ with us, $ea, It shall be, that what' ward's present 4.141411 .4)441444. or the post-
" ett1•1241 to lds line. lie 44.41441481.4 tlice. brethren. with John the
tytgoodness the" Lord shall- do un
to 118 ponement Of his CoronationIt is
ed a book and watch his 'bitlie loyalwho ‚41414(4. alsoa fisherman, ",e,t,„,ea',ee„"-„)ii„,' quite certain that all such foreetsts
annot (14141411un -of he woods and tod some of the othethveiples
eoll at the same time . When a real were tossing about on Lake Galilee ereeeet 41040 talks 11.103•13 correetly, are pure guessitee, And to what-
i;slieralan fishese he coucentratts hie they thought they were going to be for we are fully uutliorized to offer ever extent they are borne out; by
?Mire attention mom eis felting end d. owned, but Christ. was watching all thc riches of Giod'S grace and actual occurrences, it simPly proves
teciudes every other thought front ,their etruggles, awl in. ihe fourth glory to 0.11 W110 Will avel:pt. 114111
lis ln'ain. Beeauee hehing is so ..wetch of the night. or just about through Jesus Christ, but we are
'aseinating end absorbiug,. tome of ,: &doe; in the morning, J0' -.US 1041.4. Wit, authorized to sect: either help
the greatest men of the world base ' seen 'mediate; toward them on the or goidance front those who are not
Omni their recreation in the sport.levaves of Lake Galilee. And after Ms. lt will help us to remember
The true gos-pel fisherman is a the crucifixion, when Peter mut his
nave man. We have been taught to brethren went back to their old two -
'ward the :soldier as among the . cation of fibbing, Jesus again ap-
erovest of men. True, it needs al petered unto them. by the shores of
eroe heart to stand unblanehed 1 Lake Galilee and told them to cast
amid a, storm 01 shot and shell and their nets upon the other side of the
to walk up to the cannon's mouth !beat. The true gospel fishermen
around I can feel that Christ, is aiwnys ready
when the bullets are falling
like hail pattering upon the Pave-' to help him. that Christ will always
meets. But the soldier never has to
lSCC great dangers continuously like
!hose the fisherman has to meet. I
eeppose that ttrnong all the different
teasees of men there is not one
among which the destruction of life
proportionately ls so great as
among the men who make the har-
vest of the sea their avocation or
life work. .
across the Atlantic and after we
had. been out a coimle of days from
intro the alMosphere Was charged
with the appetizing *went, of good
thing& one step oto, to toe left or 100 eilleients ateording to the stand.
*present a POT01144-010 MIA Well
Equipped .A.reny.
first return of the Bee
1,1811, voliertteer force sbotved 140e
thin room and One Was in a 44.01011 Call W1116' obtained in those days,
hall lighted tt, window_ len one Ort$ Yeart3 later -eon NOVeMter 1.
side of this hall were bins for pe. 1,901 --the milliner of ellielents had
tatOes. and a. Variety of Vegetables, grOW0 to 281.002, Or 862 More thoat
Seth as pumpkin% squashes. cab- deal," the 1801 OW.
earryinte the eomparieon further.
lieges, curvets, °Wens, beets," "Cier-
pee the eStablialantent Of the forte, lued
ollna potatoes," as the sweet
tatoes were then called. On the op- grown front 211,061 in 18(11 to
posite sole of toe ball oats toe loop, 342,003 in 1901, and the enrolled
tacI Barrels of themi Spiteenburgs,
for apples. Oh, those applesi strength from 101,230 to 2$8,170.
Then, while in 1961 practically .1.0
per Cent. of the, force WAS non -effi-
cient. last year the figure had fallen
to a fraettion oVer 2 per cent.
Dttring the war period the enrolled
strength increased by 59,622, and,
the ellicients by 57,141, the ditterence
between the two figures being due to
the difficulties erwountered in train-
ing a larger body of Men tool in
some degree to tbe greater demands
made upon the force.
Last year 23,167 ofticers were
claSSed prolleient in their duties.
Of theso 7,574 were comeuissioned
officers. in all, the force contained
9,560 commissioned eaters on No-
vernber 1, 1901, out of o. total es-
tablishment of 11,193. No less
thaa 26 lieutenant -colonels, 63 ma-
jors, 267 captains, and 1,440 lieu- 'a
tenants are "wanting" to com-
plete establishment; while in. the
bon -combatant branches 53 (pewter -
masters, 155 surgeons and 14, veter-
inary officers are
Of enrolled volunteers there were
93,489 between the ages of 10 and
20, and of the 2SS,476 men on the
strength -no less than 125,380 had
two years' service ar under, while
veterans of twenty years' service and
over numbered 9,060.
that out of the thousands of long-% greeninga russets, pound -sweets,
in the year one now and then is,
daY '4 etc. From the ntaitt cellar going
range speculations made every
bound to be correct. , straight ahead from the foot of the
Those who are familiar with the!stairs, a door opened into what mo -
that JeseaS Said cOneerning His own. poptel15. superstitions current in 1, ther called the eellar-kitcben. This
. .
I'he glory which Thou gayest Me Il Great Britain for the last forty 1 rooM was large and bght, having
hate given theitt," and "as Thou 1 ;years concerning Xing vdvard kuuw three windows mid a glass topped
art outside stair -
has emit Me into the World, evett so that mOSt of them hove been 101'00.d:ill wd°0.°Y.I.'011ea'stdoinnge. th
'world" (John xvii, 22, 28). See common popular prophecies in Eng-,eny old home, , without being, int -
bet (Woofs, VarY1 No One ceUld enter „the eellar in
have I also sent them into the "knocked out t
23, would never be King at all, and thatt With two things, vie., that
also John xvi, 15: I Cor. iii. 21- land thirty years ago were that hel, pressed
t38. And they departed front the Victoria. would be the last Britishlita.:11.3negrrde77, a wiSe and generous
mount of the Lord three days' sovereign. The late Charles 13rttd- and that mother Was
jOurney, and the ark of the covenent la,ugh publicly made Loth these I the soul of cleanliness, orderliness
of the Loed went before thent in the dictions-and both of tberrt hPalv.e-ei and hospitality„ also, that both of
. , them. looked well to the way of .the
come to his rescue evhen the Wal.0114
of trouble begin to roll too bigh and
the mists are settling too thickly
around the gospel lifeboat.
Christ's ,eare for the g,ospel fisher-
men is a, constant and teeder care.
In the Scoech fishing villages the
mothers and wives and daughters
illustrate by a beautiful custom
which prevails among them their
care for their sons and husbands and
brothers who have gone off to lish.
When the fogs settle down tipon the
New York harbor I saw two men coast and the lighthouses can no
pointing to a dark cloud ahead, el longer be seen, the womengo out
heard one of them say: "We nee and
going to have a bad night. That is SIT UEPON TUROCKS.
the Newfoundland fog bank." Soon Wheu the returning fishermen begin
tile thick mists began to settle to approach the shores and while
around us. All that night the yet unseen, -they start a fisher's
gloomy fog horn blew. I said to song, The loved ones waiting upo11
the commaoder . of the Cunarder : the rocks listen until they hear the
"Captain why do you bloty that familiar notes waited thraugh the
terrific. fog horn ? Surely the
danger of ebllision with a, passenger
' steamer le comParatively
"Ah,'' answered the captain, "we
are blowitg the fog horn chiefly to
warn. the fishermen. All about these
ivaeers are hundreds of little fishing
smacks. The fishermen come here
three daya' journey to eearch oitt a been falstfied. As for a le s
resting place for theiti. manne and its alleged prophecy of
'MS Wil. infinitely better than the the leleg's preseet Meese, it has
God had led them out and would
could Moses forget or seem to that lOreeaSts, wottec e , , y t, The delicate leaf of tea sbould riev-
disagiTeable that happened in the er touch Metal. 144 should be kept
beautiful and all sufficient the in paper, wood, glass or porcelain
surely lead them all the way ? Raw .royal family, year niter year for
mise in Ex. x-xiii, 20, "Behold,
pro- half a century. Queea Victoria's
1 death was prophesied to occur many' cup; fill the latter with. boiling we -
send an aegel before thee to keep et.inies before it did. but when it I ter, cover it with a porcelain sauc-
er, and let it stand tbree minutes.
the place which I hate prepared." Then, if you decide to be, only ' an
thee in. the way and bring thee into1 finally happened, as it WaS 1301111d tO1
(do, one of these' loosely phrased pre -I epicure, drink only 1,135 -upper lo.yer
31. And the cloud of the Lord was ,dietions was immedialely hauled. out . of the golden liquid, throw the rest
out of the cam4*. ins a. xvontlerful example of divina-: mg novo. Never use sugar. ' Do
rinse tbe cup and begin draW-
-upon them by day when theo 'went ' of at almanac, Zadkiel's or Moore's,lawaY,
of the Lord's presence with them,' King F.tlwardes recovery, corolla -1 not use milk. It ruins the flavor of
The cloud was the vi 11)144 symboljetion.
and He by it was their guide, the tea, and the combination injures
light,. their shield, their oracle,
their .-Lion and prolonged reigning- are to
I be hoped for if for no other reason . - . ., ,
I above all things do not boil tea,.
the stomach.
xili el xxv 3.9 20 24.-28, Nem.' -a • " •
11 ck to superstiliouS silliness The heat drives off the perfuete,
their avenger, their covering (te, than that it will give a great set- , , , .
fog. Then the mothers and \levee f spoils the flavor, and exteacts the
ioall they needed for all their jour- tannin, the astriegent principle. If
15-03. -e -.1 • • . ' • • • . """----4-"--"- ,''''''
begin to sing and the fishermen I
, A 'BOY JUMPER. the boiling be done in El. ti11,0r Iron
pot, the tannin actabks the me a
e t 1
and daughters and sweethearts also ' -, • - , , , 0- me • 14), in fact.
eyes or the wisdom. of lIoba.b. now regularly printed ;het such Vague
. ,
hearing the voices of their lovedi aetsa
ones, know which waY to steer. So i-15. And it came to pase when the be,en. staggered recently by thel
Athletic experts have in England
when the gospel fishermen in times, ark set forward thet IVE °see seid , phenomena! jumpieg of Joe Dacha', aniitlevnetsa.ltleest tthieielitgeuaidstbalina.712.-.except in
a tightly closed pot: Standing
changes it from a delicious, whole -
of trouble call to Christ he always I Rise tea Lord, ' and Jet Thine, cte-o 3r., a boy 11 years old and weigh -
answers their call. And the Sae- ernies be seat,tered and let them that ing just forty-two pounds. The snme beverege into art ill -tasting
and anchor. They stay it -math in ior's voice sounding clear amid the hate Theo flee before Thee. 1 youth is the only eon of 3 oe , e
embodied Otis. in at least two of the S .the boy made his first appearance In summer,
liqui . .e , er ma te rt in
sip the tea. boiling hot,
be one -purposed Chrietians, ready I Jericho fell down. Wheii 1 lie people jump. Standing on the same brick
July' and bitter
ripe leaf, and bears the same ,i'ela-
tion to the real article that the
and month out until they catch voices of the loved ones who have David, by the Spirit, afterware professional trick jumper. On small gunntities and xnake it often.
their ct-ergo, and scores and scores of eerie beyond, will ultimately guide
these poor follows are run down the gospel fishermen from the trou-1 Pealans Oxvih, 1, 2; motai, ei. fn- et -tlie DmIley Cricket Club Iowa with a slice of previously peeled
every year. We want to warn them, bled eea Qf life into the great 'harbor Josh. i i3 , 18. the ark is called "'the. teines toe rnexaent sporte. Wearing lemon -or, nicer still, of orange
4' 1 the Lord,I eir of cloge he began the dav'e • • t - . a . • -
if possible, that we ere comeng of eternal peace, . ate 0 , he Lord of all a pa - . - . wahoe the rind -floating La it .
Are you and I willing to 'become , the earth," told bef ore it ..1- or dark work by jumping ol I a le id,. an , Deware of green teal •It is the un -
gospel fishermen? Are i'e ready to' was dried up ana the walls of clearing 8 feet G inchee in one
to be fearlees, ready to be ' sPiritual- , relied up o e C. od, who dwelt between ead up wards he flew over four chairs green does to the repo peath. The
ly inspired, to' become Christ's °she! the chereadm, their enemies fled ,be- p I a cad. in line 0 nd twenty-four inehee green tea. of comnierce derives its
cl's cf
render ourselves, body, mind andl on the a.rk (which was only the syrn- twenty feat lauding, color from being c.ured; or rather
mete 'Are we ready to sur -1 fore them, bet when they reyed. up- high. in three jumps he cleared
soul, to the service of . ehe Lord? 1 bol of His .ee•esence) . then their en- the third jump.. Afterward he coy -
0".1. a l'3h'ir tr1 killed, 011 dirty eOpper pans, from
being flexed with 1000(18 418(1 shrubs,
When Dr. Nott, who for years labor- elnies, obtained the victory (4 Sam. ered forty foot ln 115e jumps. IT
; 61 from belies stained with indigo ' end.
ed emorig the Sottth See islanders,liv. 3, 11). then had a briok placed .011 end chrome yellow, from being colored
was one day asking a native to give l 36, AnWh
d en it ,1 ('(1 he Fold. and lumped over it Chair, 111.1 (9 on with verdigris, grass Mice or chlo-
his life up to the service of he ,Mas-; Retu.rn, . 0 T..ord, unto the muUy a brick pla,Ced in a similar position 1,0,h.o.
tea', the missi onury ex,*plai lied : ' 'I tho 1.1 E.( a 11 d 5 of ler eel. on the, other side and neVcr' even ".
elong." Go to aey of the -little
fishing townS along the rocky coast
of old Scotland. TIICTO you will
fincl women. who have lost fa.thers
d. brothers and husbands and
sons in. the awful dangers of a
fisherman's life. 4411114403' seaman ,will
tell you that the perils of n. sailor's
life ,ere coetparatively nothing if
there are only sixty fathoms of wa-
tt. un der the Fillip's keel But the
4-.(4.141.44418rar ely puts out to the
deep sea. 11e lona fish comparative-
ly near the f.311.01'..;.. ThCil storms
, I, •91111-1 Thus, Whet,lier 011 44) t 31 '51) r r n E,{irred se(ond stee POTATOF,S,
f ur eervicee ' ' rest the ereat 1:.= 1111 I V (11 1 C I '1 fee i, was el o den reel. 9 feet, 6
44111, inclifss ocer a cliaii% taking 011 41-0114 l'ota.te Cromiettas.--To ono cup
cold riCed potato use one beaten. shows he never
come up aud li1.)1'04'.C11 to the
frail craft upon. 111 Theml natiVe . Ivas..,-:igeho'c","(h, their ,
Laughter is a good healthy muscle
making, lUng-developing exerciSe and
it is as good for girls as for boys.
And humor can oe cultieated in a
girl's Mind without any ,abatementr-r „
of the nibdeety and charm of her
womanhood. Not the unpleasant
and constant frivolity evidenced in
smart speech or quickness of repar-
tee but the humor that looks at
the world with a twinkle in the eye
and sees its absurdities, its little-
ness and its fun. It should be- part
of every woman's mental equipment,
for women are called upon to bear
so many of life's small worries as -
well as its greater once. The bring-
ing up of children, the care of ser-
vants and the inany SOcial deties
that becalm a burden; all are made
easy and possible to put up with by
women with an unfailing sense of
the bright side of life. It is a 8441140t1at lasts through life, through its
many its disillusion, its tribe,-
latione, even its tragedies,. ,
Wife-"Wae that man ever a ear -
mer ? ' ' 1.1 ttsband-' 'No ." Wile -
'But he's always talking about thc
delights of living in the 000134403'."1-Tusband-" Exactly. That'e , what"'
111.11 'Lflat 41141 tee foes settle eo teljeley f,4.44tee1 cannot afford 440 give up xir time 16r iro,peytikn' as- they realieecl , thie 94. lericit.