HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-14, Page 5exam ;2kbroax
publiishW every Thursday Morning4 the Mee,
the ,
TERES'OF elCostutruox.
yaki tabtane eo
if lace so paid.
a "44 v.to;'., +;,27,`i .A.zseeleto
No yopttraliseiastinucitratiilaillarnamt;esarepc7,1„
it, nitnls n"..114tltt ist
• mr..11 'and clita,Tge4 aei'23:ding2!"..
1. innie, fur tirairielleat adveratsyments
insult 4 /lug yelled?. erv &snip:ion of JOII
"a-,,,4?- PRINTING tam -lour in rizof2inest sr,ilei and nt,
orteleriete rare?. chtlty.aits?, fiawly•
y QuitirS, ae-, ler
• fm9",..r-V.,Mffsf4r,f%.
Obas IL..Swatlers,
Profesal nal Cards.
nese, 1tcx9r
• Tit:4 ratrae-t,.Av1tt5.424 :IV pain, cAf attF
10krb,. west siii,et s
Fa le AS:Vali alatsteasoss eases. tepee.
Vox' nYi's lealTitN5ty. f:val
ti..m of glea:1140- Allia
Vete:mite Plateemede in she
oeateiit roaunespaisilde. A prrfeany blonde?? Atl,
ecettleta. neva ler painiesittirailian of solh,
IlKWO ere (leer *oath eft:en:Mee Mae, nem, fleeter
DTAIL T. P. 511:111/Ell OF THE
el7Nrac, irkyfi:Oxis and stngeess Oatarla.
Vityzleirt, Sargeen ntal 44'..wayte.ltr. uglre,
tropd. ttat,
te Jam P. Wik.-10. inre6n 1
QnesrsAve..VnxaOat- se
rate left:SR:1.41(d %eaten, Otilesiteura
al -
Ooloome aome to
Zome. For SQldio
• orcre Deso iption of
&eat Ewa.
e 'hThbeAtIMdU
wed little elan of fatigue.
dey moraing as he drove tom
gliam Palace to attend 5evvice at
Challti Royal. Ile haft celebrated
1 ovulation by Making a, preeent ef
he Oeborue estate to the British n
en. Whence wes me of the favorite
'deuces a Queen Vittoria, mid it lieu
et been altered iu the slightest degree
- her death uearly n eteen menthe
rpm.% Carrl•tzer,
tlfatt., linnityto
1/1Eve, Male elrevt,
14; tat Auctionerr
t am* Eisidirsex.
ebip et me. Salr.s pnnaptly
Ttna table. Wei arranged
h re.
The o sons Bank
(Chartered hi Podia...man:a)
Patti tip eapita1............$2,50U,000
Reserve Finset • .
.TAS. ELLIOTT, Oksn.tr. NANAOrlit.
team iteurg-I0 a.m. to 3 p,(4; Satotuldvs10 a.m.
to I pm,
getieral banking linsine ss transaetetl
Hoary rammed to good Fanners at lowest mks,
Savitigs Molt Deposits treat 61 and upwards roily.
• ed. luteret4 allouil at inghestrinvent rates.
Dalisas D, Heston,
• Solliiters. Manage
e are ering excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
Peon. After:
Toba'a Pliositodino,
The great Bnglish Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in. Canada. Only rah-.
able medicine discovered. Sta
packages guaranteed to cure all
torms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
dr excess, Mental Worry, Excessive uSe of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt '
-of price, one package $1, 51x, $5, Owit/p/taSS,
irtZ to124 cure. Pamphlets free to any address. i
The 'Wood Company. Windsor, Ont.
'..Woods Phosphodine is sold in Feteter
by- J. . Browning -sold 0. Lutz
'' Real Estate Excliallge4
The Sale, Puroh(tse and Exchange of
Village and farpa lanSls and properties
negotiated :it -reasonable rates of coto-
For Sake
Several Valuable Farms in HAY,
IVRAY; also Three yer y desivable-Re-
sulenee properties in Exeter.
Farto Wonted.
We have purchasers fer good favoi
and in the vicinity of Exeter, ot. who
The King will probably take au
opportunity of paying a vieit of
speetion to the estate which be Is
hong to the nation. It had been gen-
rally expected Mat Osborne would
have'been awed. to Princes* Henry et
Battenberg, whe is Governor of the ,Iele
f Wight, on which the property is
ituated, and the Xing' gift to hie pee•
le consequently COMO cm a great so.e.
Other coronations at Westminster
Abbey rimy have been snore jubilant and
joyoute but nftlio ean ever be testae 0,1-
feeting Oast was Saturday's ceremonial.
It was neither a interment of lo,yalty
nor a revel of Imperial pageantry, but a
touching thanksgiving eerviea with
'hearts heating behind the vestmenta and
coronation robes, and with a homely fer-
'or nnderneeth the grandeurs of the
ritual. When Queen Vitoria was
crowned there was the glamor of rom-
ance and felryland, with a girlish little
figure appealing with a potent fascina-
tion to ments imaginations. and Inspiring
hope and a revival of loyalty, and there
were apontaneous, unrestrained out-
bursts of enthusiasm within and with-
out the Abbey. The King to -day com-
manded sympathy rather than homage,
for helad Ineuhgrievously stricken, and
was himself anus, aud the spectators in
the Abbey, e astened and sobered by
their recent experience, communed with
their own hearts and were still. With
all its splendor and symmetry, it was
a unique and sumptuous fellation, on -
netted with color, rehearsedwith pains-
taking care and perfect in stage man-
agement. It was an intensely human
eerviee, embodying "Bobbie" Burns*
gospel that "a inim's a man for at
that." The King will neer be itt closer
touch with his subjects than he was
when enthroned in solitary majesty, for,
in the words of the anthem, "he had
been strong and played the team"
The Princes and Princesses connected
by blood with the royal house started
from the palace half an hour in advance
of the icing, and Queen. There were
thirty-three of them, hi eight carriages.
The second procession flashed througn
Whitehall a. quarter of an hour after
the first. There Wore three, carriages,
two with red and gold liveries, under
the escort of tufo troops of the Horse
Guards. TWO of the vehicles conveyed
the Peinee of Wales'. equerries. officials
and the Princess, bedchamber -woman.
and in the third 'wore the Prince ma
Princess. of Wales themselves. The
Princess' long Court mantle of purple
Velvet Was the most beautiful one yet
seen. It was trimmed with wide bands
of gold, and the minever cape was fas-
tened on her shoulders with hooks of
gold. Underneath was her dre s of white
satin. embroidered in shades, of gold and
jewelled with diamends and pearls. There
was a tremendous outbarst of cheeriog
when the Prince's carriage passed. ElA
popularity in England has matcrially in-
creased since his journey around the
empire, in which his 'strength of cliarac-
ter and his veidatile talents were dis-
closed. .
The King's procession was heralded
by a prolonged undertone of joyous ap-
plause all along the Mall. Lord Knollys,
a new recruit for the Peerage, but a
Veteran in the King's service, was in
one of the first carriages, and Lord Wol-
seley and Admiral Seymotnr were in an-
other. Lord Pembroke and the Dowager
Countess Lytton Were with the Duchees
of `Bueeleugh, and Miss ICnollys, one of
the Queen's devoted friends. was with
Viscount Churchill. Aides-de-camp re-
presentirg the volunteers, yeomanry, the
militia and the Indian regular and naval
forces were followed, by Lord Kitchener,
Oenerel Gaselee, Sir Edward Seymour
and Lord Roberts, with the headquar-
ters staff. This Was the most picturestne
fent re of the procession, the efroets
color being exceedingly rich and veried.
The Indian aids wore uniforms of eecl
itrul white, 'brown and gold and blue and
64,4. Twe ef flee meet lsezerelitiol eom.
;eons of441 it'ore e ;OA y)A-lit
APPLY TO Moe and scaelet .arad peoe, it,oth
4;evrci1s(1.? turbans. Lerd Nii-cliencr and
Bawhn, David Lord Reborte hared. the coil/Relearn of
- the spectators in en equal measure and
Valuator. lgann-gPr• etteh eeemed fadiarieet to tie stir ho
• •
was makieg. 'Ube King's inaailhalmen
OFFlinTliS: Dickson- & CarlitieS w arn'd detac1a1jen1 Ow YeSur ell of the
In ter.
*lb,nard were f °Wes' Ly a half LI n.tere
equerries end the Fringe Chatles of Don -
m4re, 4w. 4,imurv fweeeeih.eseiseele, were aseisted by page e aud surinereled by
abeeeetwith escorts formed ftinetionariest The Yarioem symbolic eere
eolmial and Indien eavelry aud Renee
Behitel therm towering high abeve the
betide of the soldiers linleas the
as the gorgeous chariot oe Ge..rge 1,
dIW! , by eight creaeacolored horaes.
with inegniacerit IJpl trapplogs, And
aecompauted by twenty .postmis aed
. footmen $earlet Brutes. Tie new
latelau in the royal mew e would have
1,eee. O more eoidortable equipage for
th,, convalescent Monarch, but the
e-eviels of sighte:ecrcs would kaymo:
-1 it if they bad 1,4 'glimpse of the
ned eer of Siete. with, its lioleS
t the corm rs. the tritons blowing
4 qz.elii with peed faees wed the crown
by gilded youths, waned with
Fire. sword and- the Ingignia, of
iglithood. The ehariot was eesplend-
• with reglielinere agol was fr shly op-
' soot in red aml the synahalion
•oe p qm tr. es, brae lane eut .tO
i• pert the roof, wag sedted to the
eetera peue(.... The Otik,e of
itty7gl:t nett Frinec Arthur rade on
!' tither elle of the ranciaar„ sweeelree
g1.1 -.s peach, and acconapanywag t wer
the variosts fortettonariee vire were f,
paet in the „Wiles: preeeAstea.
The Ring and Queen could not,
1? fl seen from the etarde, hitt there
was a veritable whirlwind of applause
when they paeied. RIO) Was la white,
Qtteen helloes a eleek with a Molt
lediat collar. When the gilded
e 3bin=appe30,3 over the top of
Ildteliall the eretatore eettled (Iowa
vItat they supp,;svil would b n in -
of an hour awl a lude befere the
himphal return, after the coreitatieu
It waF, ftilly three heure befeee the royd-1
liveries were seen again. While the
erewile were waitieg patiently FOMO
in RCM' the Al.Ley stetted the 113>
al anthem, and it W4 S taken tio by
swarm of onlookers after another,
until aU Whitehall an with U. From
top to the hoetom the anthem was
opeeted, tirst on oue eide, thee on the
Iother. All along the litie the enidiers
ihnig off their itelletete and joined in
the diem. mid 'Tod SONOthliin"
waa eang again axed agala by the en.
thutectstie crowds. This was Melon as
umique a tribute to the ipopillerity of
the Kivx after his reeteration to health,
aa wee the homeie paid, alineet
ultaneetuely, u Westudeister Abbey by
the privileged wItuessee of the toroua-
The empty Aldiey slowly filled with
6pctiatorti from 7 oteloek until 9.30. and
there waa an emceeing byplay. The
great titled ladles, with thor Mug,
trailing erbium nage and their ear-
onete in their halide, were conducted
by the Gold Stieks to atr.pc,nclteo chaira
in the south transept. Peers, etanhasecie
dom. colonial Premiers. Privy Council-
lor% Judges and litindreda of the lead-
ers of fashion In Court dr.es, made thelr
entrances end were taken to the allotted
etalle or seats, 1,1Th3le the great pereon-
ogee were paesing througlothe choir gal-
lery or findiug. places in the upper aed-
leries there wee the buzz of an•mated
conversation 43 on a Wagner night at
Covent Garden, Thousands of opera
lessee •were in uso. ana the names of
be early or late eomers Were on every
lip, and the costumes and jewels were
critic -4y exemined. When the seats
were filled the tones of color in the Ab-
bey had been charged by fresh blends.
it was pre.emlnently a wbite corona-
tion, except in the south transept, where
the crimson robes of the Peeresses re-
tained a marked alleendsucy, The Peer?
scarlet robeswhen se,:n from the trl.
forium. where I at, were toned down
by the obit° fur. The Klug's gallery, on
their right, was tenanted by lade. M
white satin aria lace, and the Airy Coun-
cil gallery was another harmony in
white, with a few tottelica of pink. light
blue and amber, enriched With gold lace
and embroideries. '
The absence of special diplomatic em-
hassies deprived the coronation in a
large measure of its international char-
tteter, although Prince and Princes
Mary were in the choirlmany Price
cosecs in thex, royal boand the regular
embassies were fully represented. The
roll of the British Empire, however,
might have been called in the Abbey.
The Indian Princess in splendid cos-
tumes, were present. and all of the
self-governing commonwealths and near-
ly all of the Crown colonies were repre-
sented by Premiers, Ministers or Gover-
nors. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in pictur-
esque blue mantle and decorations of
gold,sat with Premiers Barton and Sed
i -
don n the thoir, and elese at hand were
Messrs. Fielding, Paterson, Mulock, Bor-
den, Ross and other Canadian Ministers
and Provincial Premiers. Lady Laurier
was richly dressed in white, and there
were mony other Canadian women in
prominent seats.
The most beautifol and artistic fee-
tUTO of the King's procession was the
Queen's retinue. Her dress was tif un-
exampled nutgnifieerme and the perfec-
tion of taste. It Was of cloth of gold,
veiled with ivory white tulle and orna-
mented with gold embroideries, and
over it was a robe and train of velvet,
lined with ermine. The tulle overdress
was embroidered with roses, thistles and
shamrocks, and there was a "'high
collar of old lace, edged with gold. The
miderclress was a most beautiful example
of Indian embroidery: from Delhi. The
train was bor: e by the Duchess of Due -
clench and &feet bearers and pages, and
the Queen was supported by two Bishops,
and followed by eight Ladies of the Bed -
'chamber and intriels df honor in white
olresses, with einbroideries of gold and
trains of cloth of gold: Two maids of
honor were in silver, with trains of sil-
ver tissue. • The artistic beauty of this
eeteele could hardly have been excel-
lccTi.he King's persenality was. more it'd,
portant than his gorgeous robes, and
everyone watched instinctively his face
and bearing for evidence that he would
be able to endure the prolonged fatigue
of the ceeemony. He Was pale, but , he
walked with firmness and vigor. He was
himself again, told with -meaeured tread
and stately dignity he passed iiii,o the
theatre. When the service- began he
showed signs of nervoosness and rest-
lessness quite onlike his usual compos -
re, fidgeting with his robes and nun ng
his hands constantly, but he regained
his self-eentrol and confidence in the
'eonrse of the first half hotu•,
ilioesee aro ot ineeeseareisea actlelertee wheat
tn feeronetion oaths were edminietered
ehe'tee.ciliblekoe cif Ca,titeirbtlry , bet tee
Kine'e voice eoldel n t b 1 -1 71,
function of anoierl'irig was accompanied
by the oiorious an thorn "Zaclol:, Ole
Pr/OM.," Ring leenecif was invisible
erCeopt from the royal 1 ' _ ,
ers of flee pall of elotli of ("old le reie
?o e4,13.91,q_at" PeeeeloSt
vices of nwesteture were less nnPri.'ssivo
thou the eoronation itself ane the on-
thronization. These were the meprelne
Moments in the complex ritual, whieb
had dragged, awing to the infirmities of
the Arehbishop of Canterbury and the
Dear( of "Westminster, each of whom, reev-
ed with difneulty And ineeertainty,
The tnunpets sounded awl the Abbey
reng with aeclamatioos when the King
vats crowned. ill a few seconds the
salutieor$ gone tt'vre heard out -Side awl
tbe spectatdrs knew that the tidiags of
the coronation had *tie to every
Isis naval station and fleet throughout
the erovire.
The Qaseents eoronation was short, Litt
't was a roost beautiful eervice. The
',lean was an artistie (Be as she knelt.
before the altar, surrounded by the
itt !ies ef the bedeharober, her maids of
JM aor i their Ifirt'ly robes and dresee,
TLe supreme moment eame with ehe
fanetion of anointing, when their four
eS Vie ritelter4Seq of at iriboreegle
ram!, Sutliertnut and Montrose
a canopy of etoth cf gold over her.
The Queen was as eratieful and eons-
peee I reeirg the seieem eezemoine as a
bride at a weddieg, alui Wag Moir,' rx-a-
-ad wheu she paueed on ter
be throne and made a eatirteey
tx' the Mare
Pon returniag he the pal.
raaired everywhere -White -
Id IL Mall, St. James street and
continuoue roars of tip-
phuoie and jai ful eliouta. One
oi the peettiest ilea -lents Was
tre reeeption o tIttla Vona, td
ftard. When he wee deeeriecl in Ibe
royal earriege he Wari greeted most
f'tanatt.h., and, gravely aceenowledged
every attention, saintiose his admirers
ith a dignity far heyon% his years.
TUC MARMOT nurowrs,
Wtteat Is Loaver-ttleittott Ltve Stoat
Airtyltets-aritfa Latest Oftatuttene,
Motttla)* Beteg, Auge 11.
Tor Atte St. .14%Wrersoe aitteleet.
The t any grant reevived ou tae weal street
Market toseley was ei leed of oats at Me.
Tea leads of etiox SAW At $114 te SIR Aid
a head ot old at 5Th. No straw offered; it
is tient), about $14) ea $31.
Tbe V.PtIble Sumply.
An.11,*02, Ang.WOI A -0833,V
Wheat .. ...21.773,690 23.219,0b0 AMAX*
Oets „ 441$5,000 13.203.090, 11.854000
Cate e. 1,010,000 4 445 iftsi 3,SW
flye 20T.000 '12400 e244
1311t1e7 .• • • SAW 3g,000 0.50.904
iruWeltzt decreaeed 309.00n bushels thitealtet
week; a year ago it deereeeed 2400.0w
giteeae 31374eSgete.
Mk% N.Y., Aug, Ia.-Total sales tealay,
0.319 boXes, ftt pc to Olfte.
/Witted% Cattle aterkets.
Loudon, Aug. IL -American cattle, 790;
Craindimi, Theit sheep, 04.
Liverpool, Aosn 110-Cattedista tatttle• 74
eheete thl; tattle firmer; slieeP blow.
'Atentreel Live Steetr.
Montreal, Aeg. 110 ---There were about 700
head of butchers' tattle', 70 calves and Odd
sheep and lambs offered for sale rit the Haat
Entl Abattoir Medea, The butt:Imre were
ontelo lerge numbers, and as cattle in good
condition were niece more nuatereng then
they have been tor a loug time the butchers
bought freely at rather lower prices than
they have been paying recently tor comity
good eteek. These eettle consisted of tat
cows, eotsrse but fat steers and small cattle
in prime eondition, which sold at from 4Yiu
to 50 per lb, There were only three really
prime beeves on the market, and they were
bought at 0%0 per lb. The common kinds
of pretty good cattle sold at front Wee to
deSe aud the ortiluat.y stock at from 211re to
3tee.per lb, While the lean beasts and 3121101
bulls were bouglit by canners at from 1V2e
to 2l4o per lin. Calves were In good derailed
mai sold at from $2 to ele eaelt. Sheep sold
at from Se to Ski,e Per lb and the bones at
from $240 to 54.23 oath, or /non -ie to
neer deSto per lb. Vat hogs sold at from
Otte to a little over 'fele per lb, weighed off
the ears.
Bust, Buffalo Live Stock.
East MIMI°, Aug. 11. -Cattle-Receipts,
3,300 head; active, 15c to 25e higher on all
grades except bulls, which were dun and
lower; prune steers, SS to $8.25; chotco
1,200 to 1,300 pound steers, $6.75 to $7.25;
fair to good, $0 to $0.50; choice, 1,000 ta
1,150 pounds,$5.60 to $6; fair to good, $3.25
to $3.50; choice heifers 50.25 to 56.80: fair
to good, $5 to $0; light' to fair, ;;•3 to $4.50;
best fat cows, to $5.25; fair to good,
$3.75 to $4.50; ,canners to fair, SLOO to $3;
export bolts, 3;4.50 to $3; butchers' buna,
$3.50 to $4.23' Bologna bulls, 53 to $3.50;
cows mid springers, strong; good
choice, $50 to $55; common, $22 to e21;
feeders, $4.25 to $4.75; stocker $3.75 to
$4.40; stock heifers, $3.25 to $3!73. Yeats
—Ilecelpts, 823 head; quarter lower; top.s,
$7.25 to $7.50; fair to good, $0,30 to $e;
common to light, $5 to $6; grass. $3.50 to
$4. nags—Receipts, 3,600 head; 5e to 10e
lower oneilebt grades, 30e on others; heaVY,
ST.70 to $1.S0; mixed teetilum, $7.60 to
$7,70; Yorkers, $7.40 to $7.50;,light and pigs,
$7.40 to $7,50; roughs, $5.7o to $6; stags,
$5.25 to $5.75; grassers, $.,7.25 to 57.40. Sbeep
and lambs-Ileccipth0
, ,100 bead; sheep
steady'', lambs 2.5e higher; top lambs, $6.25
to $0.50; fair to good, $5.75 to 50; eons to
common, $4.75 to 55.25; yearlings, $4.75 to
$5.2.5; wethers, $4.05 to $4.75; sheep, top
:nixed, $4.25 to $1.50; fair .10 geed, $4 to
$$44.2t50; g4u.121.,t
.o common, $2.25 to $3.50; ewes,
Chicago Live Stook.
Chicago, Aug. 11.--Cattle-Recelp Is,
000, including 1,000 Texans and 3,000 west-
erns; choiee Steady and others steady to
Weak; good to prime steers, $8 to $8,.00
poor to medium, $4.50 to $7.50; stockers and
feeders, $2.50 to .55.28; cows, 51.50 to $5.75;
heifers, $2.50 to $1).2o; canners, $1.50 to
52.50; bulls, $2,25 to $5.40; calves, $2.50 to
$2.75; Texas fed steers, $3.25 to $5; west-
ernsteers, $4.75 to $6.9.5. Hogs-neceipts,
30,000; 20c to 20c lower; mixed and butch-
ers', $6,60 to $7.45; good to choice heavy,
$7.10 to $7.45* rough heavy, $6.50 to $7;
light, $6.50 to '$7,30; bulk of sales, 46.75 to
57.10. Sheep -Receipts, 17,000; sheep; 10c
to 15c higher; lambs, 15c to 25c higher;
good to choice wethers, 53.50 to $4.25;
Western sheep, $2.50 to $4.25; native lambs,
seeeo to $6.25; western 11mbs,$6.25 to top.
elosing Wheat Markets.
Closing preyious day. Closing to -day.
Cash. Sept. Cash. Sept.
Chicago 0714
New York , 72,1„4
Toledo 70% GS GS-
Miuneepolis . • ..
Milwaukee, 2 nor 772/2 (394 75 , 67
Detroit, 2 red CD (OA 6.SiA ' OS14
St. Louis OM 02% CI% 61'ija
Duluth . 74 .. 733/3
British Markets.
London, Aug. n.-Close--Whent, on pas-
sage very Inactive. Maize, ou passage
46101 and steady. Country markets, Eng-
lish, holiday, French quiet.
Part% Aug. 11. -Close -Wheat steady: -Aus
gust 211 73c, November and February 201
20e. Flour steady; August 201 S5c, Noyein-
ber .1110 February '201 '20c.
London, Ang. 11.-Close-Mar1 Lane mil-
ler market -Wheat, foreign dull at a de-
cline of 3d, English less offering; 101070,
American nothing doing, , Danubian LI ?sly;
A'Aierieean (Inlet bit eteady, treateeh
pip and 15ttLL7e-arer.
cox d For Thilitooning,
Parrs,, Aug. 9.----Caltite, de la
, . ,
Vutl-g. s 1'M blilo on aseeot in th
eeero Olub No, a from St. Cloud, anj
anded safulv at °pesos. Real (-,rt tltia,jtstin,
lfesle; eoY eyed 075 kilomeeeee in
nineteen hounis. This is titti aerial- ea -
cord for 102.' • ",
cHANGAD BA.(;11 11,,,1Et-NEsuivy
Wistatt .... . . .. t ....... . 78 70
Peas ......... • - - - .. . . 70 71
PototOeS, per bag........ 45 50
00 7 00
Date „
Hay, per ton. .... .......
Flour, per ewt., eoller.... 1 05
..... . . ...
per IOU is 4 Ore
..er ire hogs, per mt. „
Peessed Lloge ..... 00
Shorts per ewt .....
Bran per cwt..............
2 00
14 t
5 50 t
7 tie.
1 10
are lean--unle.ss you ttr eanbe
nature --yon need =ore fat.
VOle may eat enough you art,
ioing theberiefit of it.
Soott's zuulsiou of cool -liver o4
will laelp you digest your food. 8114
bring you the pluzepnOss of health,
gspecially true of babies.
*iota ran ratc exAtety 494, SAX fir,,
ftetrIT 4 444rtig, coma iiiirg‘%se .
5eq. and PAN all druggists.
Dutavifle, Aug. 1L --While scene
W 2 pIttying around the Oh. tirit,-ep
tho v bridge this afternoon,
the'ix'nber, William Brunt,
3" ra, e of A. S. Brunt, barber
ilxstantly killed by the lever on
pavans striking hint On the
with terrific force.
one 01
aged 11
the itp,
silly sue
part ol
or pre.
out of
In out
will tell
and re-
Its de-
Another ridienione food lad has
learned by the most competent
Mee. They have dispelled the
tion that one kind of food is needed
brain, another for muselees afld
another for buttes. .A. correct diet
not only nourish a, particular
the body, hut it will sustain every
er part. Yet however good your
may he, its nutriment is destroyed
indigestion or dteepepsin. Yon
prepare for their nppearanee
vent, their corning by taking
doses of Greens' August Flower,
favorite medicine of the healthy
Ilona, A few doses aid digestion,
stimulatea the liver to healthy
rifles the blood, and Inake you
myna and vigorous. You eau
this reliable remedy at
0, LUTZ'S. Exeter.
A. cloudburst uncovered about
eoliths in a Madison. N. Jo eentaterte
and ninny of them were swept
the grave.%
Laxative Uromo-quinine Talticts.cures a cold
day. No Pure No PW.. Prie0 25 tents.
A great ninny wittle are dying
Kingston district of a disease
as milk fever, caused by overfeeding
on white clover and gross.
To clime A COLD Ea ONE Dkif
Take Laxative Irromo Quinine
lets. All druggises refund the
if it fails to cure. 23c. E. W.
signature is on each box.
Miss Amy Wilson, who mysteriously
disappeared from Lynden, has
working ns a farm hand near
That Its
hes used
home how
and she
It meets
old and
in the
She Will Tell You
lieiousness and
Appreciatedby Every
ber of Her Family,
It Maintains The
Young apc1
Ask any woman who
Breakfast Food iu her
and her fainily like it,
you that no other cereal
has ever given such genuine
factory' health results.
needs and conditions of
If there is it dyspeptic
the use of Malt Breakfast
banish the enemy dyspepsia
store perfect digestive
liciousness and energizing
known to millions.
• ,.• CAN^DIAN
stations in
at fi
Cm dri ell Jct.
will be run to stations anO.?.
R. in Manitoba and asoniboia,
West, South-west and North-
west of Winnipeg as tar es
and YORK -TON.
iOn miausT 215t from
on Mein Line Toronto, to Salina
mmept Nortb of Toronto and
1 --
One-way tickets to Winnipeg only will be
sold, with a certifieate extending the trip, before
August 10t, without additional cost, to other
points in Manitaita end Assn:Zola 5 abol-e. if
pnwhii4ers engage as farm lithorers at Wint-ii-
P4, Provided SUCII 11'ZI3 13bOra3 will work ;lot,
less Wan 30 days at herr sstinir, and produce'
eerritieate to that effect, they yiiit be returned
to original starting infint at 418.CO, en Or before
ITiekets not good oti "Imperial Limited."
Yfr furtber particulars and -tickets apigy to
111 751 railway agent.
.-aNOTiVi AN,
asst. tiert Passe. TOrOnto.,
• • 1
(Fireauast rood)
A good supply of ik illfe d
1 Chop always on band.
-e our Flour and Feed
and be convinced that
e and Plate grinders
suit (list °mem
1:1 arvey ros.
Simeeseors to J. Cob -lecliek 4i SOP.
One Square PIANO
New Pianos and
Always in Stook.
Our ehperience in the Sewing Ma -
bine Business 02 years t is a goatees-
ee our gooda,. . •
We carry in sloele the best Ma -
'nee that the market attends and
sell on easy terms. Needles sod Re-
pairs far uil kinds of Machines always
on hand. . • •
Sheet MuSic, Music Boas, Hymn
Boots, Etc., 'kept in *WU.
Gang Plows, Land Rollers,
Harrows, th., &e.., now go-
ing on.
Exerything to be cleared off
JULY 1, 1902
Any Amount of Wrought and
Cast Iron Wanted.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
posed. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
Is successfully used monthly by over
lopeoLadies-Sale,eilectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root C/M11-
imitations are dangerous. Price, No, 1, giver
bo; Ito. 2,10 degrees stronger, n per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 2-tetrt
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Out.
gaia-Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all
responsibleDrugglats in Canada.
No. 1 and No.2 are sold iri Exeter by
O. Lutz and J. W. Browning, Drug-
You are invited to call end inspect my
large assortment of Furniture and
fuenishings which I will olTer at
Very close prices. illy stock con-
, sists of the following: -
Parlor suites, Bedroom suites
Spring Mattresses, Bed-
steads, Couches Lounges,
Tables, Chairs of all descrip-
tions, Sideboards, Rockers,
Fancy Rockers, Curtain
Poles and Triminings,
Shades, louldings, Mirrors,
Pilow S h E1,111 Holders, Hat
Racks, Towel Rollers, &c.,
Picture Framing a specialty
Baby Carriages, 00-eaete,Express vag-
ous, Carts. Rockiug horses, ete.
I carry a large find well a ssort-
ed stock in this line. To time of need
do net fail to call.
The above stock. is bonen, front the
dooditt g Man ufactent ots oi GAM z,td
roul bough b ot, the closest prictis
fina env expenses are low thet 6 -
WO, cao sell it at prices which.
will Stirprise yoo. Give ns a eall
efore purchasing elsewhere.
McJ. 1.