HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-14, Page 4•
Serfasses,Editer and Pro
y the Wa DIf.:0 AT wiyrur,(w.-Ai, exeepah)g- ,. Itchtn of
,ly sad
and stidden. death took place ;It r -
T i 18,Tittiler".". oil e„IiredsiesdaY of last week ; Dietres.s by day end night--
wuen Jellies israzikliu !eerie, son of i Thare the co/ulnae-It of those echo
Robt, Davis„ of this. place, was sudden--; are f t, e to as to be Afflicted
ly etriken flown and pissed awav in a ^ "i un °T 1.1 a
eery few tfoure. The deceased Wee at- ! With Eczema or Salt Rheum -end out -
i tfeektel about retie o'clock teat moon,- " ward applications do not eure.
...rest, :bleier .Io
1.:RS7s30.•'• Y, Aug. 14, II) 0 Rvpresprogit
•'0713.3 All 0 COMMES1V nr»n Regiment on
th Cnifediau Corountien
te leave eseeti ;laid b..ore tin. l'ait• , Cotaluf.lezt. g lug with, eevere pains in the stomach. 1 They can't.
,e :ties Secretary Di the Trasury in -1
feleating fcanee in the !mine tee ion ef -,; _..... igeirlit4seviclofgrc%),01:.,tsvseuntdeitentiationtcloglrsdrtitlii ! The source of the trouble is 111 the
tiottv-ry Int- eat,. ri,a,-..1 Ktnt'.-2., 1....,:. .N.... ..,. i eleeets tee emus. evening. lie was a „ blood-reek.e that, pnre and ti
,s ffeal-
Thursday, June 5111. popular yooltlg Mall .14.i..4. '9') "cear$ ol Ir' burning itching ee--- disease will
which the, ea-4,-tas ly„ye !wen roldm•kk .
•.:te hot ween .,P,,,•:,,hr .a.:.:LI .,,,,,ai,• r.tikfa,...
C.T.tnidlau t'4;rouz.t.Eott conting- 5 '4•1".1..35/d 4A1 IL.021 esigeged us the lazt- : disarpesr„
4 an)! nt le -vie, feerelfee A. lieentirot -i-i' teeeeeete,"er 'et Winthrop. Iiile dealb ; ../ was ta • t
keel web an 1 chine on mY
Tee London Seise. el Bevra 1,:z., a,.,•,, ta..algine: 1;., 7.1..,... 1,` rrenoan the Regd., V:995. Kfte tattkal)1,,F 1113.411arneil 19V OW CatAlli- F., ems yeest, pewee yeicy cris4tmeante. ./
0''...'`'4' /".''''7 ' C.,,.'111 L';:t.'t t:;.,•'4 t'irt't tt0'... 7 ..1.!“.1',1, 1)14Utn• ':, IP"'ItY• The fenereil teat:Once from me:hafted it was eatt rheum end beueeet a
ee e e•ees ee e,,,,, ee eee ,e- oe,, • ..e1 ,, ere, •,,,,,e,e; e 'ES;Vt.': tq tla.., i..N.^.7...z. Ibt.,...le o., I......11s....x.,..; ar3 2. a • y
-alt. i:04... ' '-`.'..1.' . _ l''"W" "I' "'... Z..4:21'4; 121q4a ,'.Vs.:V., 10.9,A1 e,"!.1",tlaa2a. i'aqilltg .,-• ..3 iitliga,' t961;nrAki* /,1,1.44, ia , utter X teetin teeing it X :it better and it
u:•.-:1°,:-. frontlet.. vim- ,, 1:re'''''''',.'4':'. ' was aet inn before X wee rilred. MVO
BZ.Ilsseldate trete: bee eue shim, eiseaee elm.," etr.e„
t".1:,•,...z: 'SW 14 .,-....:115.: '70:.• tidt1;,. 11.T..t..i:t. ,,:,:.r.,„ a „1-,' t,.;".,: -, , i,;,,,:,.-„,.., 2.1:.,,t, 1,1,N.,,,11
E. Alre.tp, Cove 20-P4 Md.
•.,.., .,,.. a t`A„,',-.4., 1, t 1, :-..%!,...tal„,. d' 0/„I 1,.c.- ,: II:.:.:-• I.-"ItztiK is; ae RN,lii.'li,lr..,:„ -1 l'i: Ntqi- :f0aa'S sar-w-arilla
.1 n‘i t af • 40Paean. f4 To- ', pl,.;!..-cd with. ...Mt,. Cileasott tila uTs kirk- II ride the bleell Of tell irgultitics and
fr ,an
ei-ting of: . s
Canna"! Paeitie 47.ilz,%ty
;dividend 2 pt ealPt. tent
ena:t• ior tile ir ended
Dit,r etr?"„ for tlee,satuo. pri.a tva-;
• 4'4 PIA. t'...‘ZIaltt:ar.,,Y
411,1 lig' ainitunen by a horse, while euree U etslPtions.
44 i•4.,,„ 4'Z-t.tmloft. EVN t •
ont,r 1;elng rezaly, iP.".4%, Alt weett nettl sett -wiles teCtele 4 St. 'Mary's Boman Cathy. e Church
Pk.nu..4Ne...1 ;i erttte:41 '"?=141- eeount Forest was deetroyed by fire
z.ou,41 t.44 Noutlay,,
R , R'.. •• • ... A
.. , ti \ CI. ',.R.,,7it'ae--, I', hozak% • r. I-4st eivedleeex
iserettend efeefesil wars te,..o,, He. , , -
i 4.;:a.tt1 a4t,a.117,-.'L- anal ; 1.2.7-41 1.1"ctri‘t=t1 et teener -al pliaree teeene;, ••• • •
Sesee. it: k ' i "• B)...n.ara,s for dio=-,. t. Af‘er te...1 the. g',Dittg, to Mr. Gas, but bad been w.itlt It ONLY A. MASK.
Z.7,,I.....1 , v -t urr.C:.z.:`"- ' f 'tja"'"' .' nt:' "Z..' ''''1,Ft.'fli. on the Been for at, ',F,Mr labil a. 1.0411f. He v.,-..p.,it,r,t t
.:. „ , ` . :-.O.fo•;,',1..k..ill, riz.unL1/41 ‘- '2<!-4;17"2 -I. Zsulttni,gitt'Clps;1,4:11.!;,1147: sul:=7;enitltIOLTIIIT thit;e4t; distil' illiili , T. '''':
Lee -ea o. '; ,
egere ...:nt,1 ,Ii.. v 1 -iy. : ft•k)Igt-t r;'.:....,7.1v i. ..,,,,eseee, whese is. a t,..:a:14.34. elle ekes hem in ht,,,,,0,4 4.,..,p,,„.t !, ,:siow, notwithstanding touch cont000r ,
,13 ' 1 'r,..--.--'tt -...- ',: - - 4-:
IttlaVqt:,, 'OW z t ", ".4."4 ' £..-.^.,-; ":. • `. 4 h Is to I,,• ....Q.4A q,. hv Mr. Get as WE.111 ofe tiv tele peeple ,Iiifoe. thee" Pre little IF any stronger than 1
lie. .474ie.a. : tWi',,t ctizoe -;. 11'N'atea , Ot t It t°' home and lw Ic.-01 tntleeal ute..kti!. ‘t 44. • • t. -
t OW ONO, aelP.Ia.t,t1;"; Ut1,1, 1a.a.litia a% oe ti.o.!', Itbl:s'i•l41 by 4111 11117i$ 3e4for.olgitarte,9.4,, .,, ne :t1:triiieritaul Indies them look healthier. ,
shat,..tate, 1, ,at „ir,t.,,, .m.;,mala. ,,,N4.,..4.4., If RtIg..1.:4 titoti liti,.t.,N. mi, elento13"; 0 the.' bat it is Olily it DMA. They arc still
-,,,,.---- ttervon% costly Urea. upeet by helloes.
• any et the eolnesis the ofreee • Limy elom:lt cemetery,
•', %tila'..fit''.1:t1 1111:11t,41.Ftellanetalt derA9^.3; BrinsIt4y, ond they do not eat nor sleep well.
relehat they need le what tonee the
i :or. In llie c.veming, .4‘,itne 'at' the oat. il
'; rh ; Meer et Tfivelle po k, Quebec. liervee, perfeets digestion, creates ap '
effe, ;Edell 11, 11 ,e, %lc fk, .4, ec. . et - - tt -, . ‘ - . , . ___t. 4 -- . - -. . ---- , .. _ ,thnt, is wads sarsaparilla_ ptIplis
, Frio.re „bn e rah ,Irc-o at 5 a.nt. and Miss annein spent last Weft VISA* b . • .
' t 1 t 1 4,' 13'4 U'''-'eL; • . . ',i rietlua, Ana livIlie,3,0e.ep reirea14411g, And
. - 1 ,:,11 4 ,t,.t.ry ,,,,,,,, .,.,,!f al 14.,,,,,..k, ' ;.ita-r 3 1474t,i)1111.34, 1111tg ilieildtS 10 .Iitrid annued Beineleere- Lad teachers generally w•fil find the,
s int; larsine,,s heti' fitar 4 eVett; tw,,nt..- s fAst• Tile 1n44.1c-' s'll'i"9,s4 ''."`.. 14. 1"/';"111* WI-. It kg -14 all P5''''4.5e111.41'1441t till° 'sinning I Oder put 44 the rikeati011 lieSti SW*.
li-ee reeee,a hi, ,htiri ana iti,v,;,,. ifig:,s 13491-.41.,1.:1-‘?',..oidt,,"n, Pc°14.14110:,` fF.14T,ill 4,21',,, W. ,W, Mem 10•9t reel3F• Liserveol by this great medicine which,
IN it.34,,or,,,,, 1,,, ..mr. ww. Kyle... 0..104. •4,...e.o,t anti out^.....•r nc.re s:•rvo.o., --miLS'itle$..„44 44X, 04 4,,,oftwon,, averted ae i „.„ „,„„ ,,,,,,ew, ebnitas up the whole sys.
I) zitza k., I tioy„,i with him ter prated kn tlte efi,rt•ieseen. _The tiatleys Brinsley on Ton*sdaY.---There was a "7
, Own limo otigd,' 0-1G4,41 loramt3P•UttY tlirg.e athlete:we at .11ar'e LIM church
3: hi number. under taw leedereldp. of on Sunday, Augnst Siel, it beteg tee e
Se, Marys; Puling rut ele -' tic storui IllerlAe. mcajor NwiR, 00;40144 evening feitereerie• meeting' service. Lev. eo. Note, aieft, AMA ons„ WiinSe ne
Tousedify armee-ten IiIghtu-, g waltitm, at d^..14,.- and plry.,:d. :,,.. few viipees tot , Knotpreached :t splendid sermon.- a km 1hea at St, Mlle ,1,`,5,, Out., died
the inliaemcotfart4lvv ‘af 14 wii Nto;,,, theiir nntiching In, I will speak airout .5.5es-loVatstat., of London. is visitiin. n- enteric fever Sontb Africa.
. . .
wellies Noire nerris.arted a tate in tbe,; them to inv fetute leolers. Direeat it. (Teo. Lewm—Alr. and :itri. while, Remy scam a Lindsay was
Plien cats- The P"Init ne'lMeellien , ner I.,,..ing‘' (IVO eve tteln WA outr ntqlEili q0. 134,1% of Parlddll was the guest ef 1 handling sk Zotarostv Willett it CINploilvti.
Of het:tete of eend aed otlier tire elee pecatle. This 1322e141 eon4iSttl4 a Itcoled !Mr. and Mr. T. (Albert ou SnlitIlly.-
pli3Incee„, kept for ends ree eineegeney, 'eoesteee,pleatofse.pialdineeteeffee,,itreed MSS Martin, ot Levan, was' the K13te5
prevented whet mighe have been a nue butter. In theafterineut I visited of Miee MeV SVeli bet wean -Misses
serious iseetfteeteeriere 'The du'i'lZiog . the Mr et` Qatelnor ;nal Wei; in tbe nese:me 33444 1le13e(1 LS ePOntlif9g gl
tansf° Of 4141), 1,0iInghilirtIP, in tho U'es4 eight's litaviiag fast obt-tlued leave of few weellee at Niegara Felle„--The
wane, W4-19 eke streets and eons -Nene jil seestetiee from my effleere. 'There -4 of Kee lot of Masons from Exeter Inre
ably aavavea. ,., the sublime; Avent ha a bay =tali Farad- arrived at', Iltr, John Lewis' again and
— II ed for rel* tew at Quebec ity fienvial are hard at work tts usuat-Mr. J.
• 110111ratly Maley. WhO ilibpeelmel the Trevetliteke4 store is talkiog on 4 SEMI
west Huts p. s, Leaving, t,,,,,,?,. ri,„,,i,„,,,,, a., itt tt ochre I sing brilliant apperyance of lattl.
i I id tht Pailatment bungs which iht raakes a big improventrnt.-
Examination, ;1.7.'1'.'Vera'a'',21:7,'417lio'niutlat; . so dame valuer says. -31r. Mor -
ding bells are ringing in this vie-
-- _ Catholic eitotreh of ancient structure W119.42241 Me. Jones are the guests of
tag eandattes who %vele ' which was unlit in the ye:Ir las. Af. „Nir. Waiter $tokes for a few clay. -We
red in the pithlieselutols have sale. I, ter baying bad 1313 1218113ot a restaurant had a very heavy rain in this vicinity
- •pae P
ssed thllblk Sehool 1 tools the ferry foe Levis and hired a on Tuesdaynnany of tbefarmerfealsike
in item part 1 junineLeavin4 He. cats to take me to 1114' (MUT grounds, a clover was sPelled-
nation. t Their vertilleates anitxtleo • distance of two miles from Levis wad.
remiss of the unsuccessful eaticli- i In the evetiing 1 Wing to the Ohl Port sutras.
t4'5 htwe heert-z--pot to thetearhers of " upon t he mountains. about a mile from
' sehool: where We were cainping. This Fort is
' ' eli Collegiate Institute.- Chrie- . isleent fifty feet high, built of stone ond
tabel i dereon, Arline reeevere, May, foetus a Wangle, aboitt tele yards long.
Bissett, Eaton; Craig. Alma Daneey, with deep trenches at, the bottom, or linlenteOet-In Detroit, on August 0,
Mimes* Deltitt.Ilelen Deyetiale Arthne , Willies places :nut raised at the top
Oeliale, Loretta. Griffin. Jetta *elenfler-1 with earth, eo that sneetators (villa
San, M3ggitr. Leigh, eitittel Thurlow, it look over the tree tops and see exeross
Gordon E. Wightmen. Ise:fee-In litirpley, on Jody 2314 to
4 the itiver if the enemy were in sight. lift, anti :tbs. Wes.Isaae, a daughter.
Exeter P. S.,-.Witatifred Carling, This told fort must have cost the Do-
e honors: Wee Cobbleeliek, Deily Dirk- minion a large amount of money. Af.
con. Lillian Ellicott, John T. (larilluer, ter seeing tbe fort, 1 toll: a stroll to DlIATLIS
Winona Iloweril, Victoria eliners, 'd St. Joseph and passed the big etone `teetisee-In London, on August 1th,
eIiiey E. Person% Arthur Woods. II betiding. the Nonnery, where some William .T. Clark, aged fie pmts.
Dungannou P. el. -E. W. Durnin, • fifty little girle, dreeeed in white with
IIelena Moran John It Young. 1 long white veils. we're staying. I was
evierulia P.S.-Fiveile leaser. Clin- 'nfortned that theee girls were taking
eon. etogertlf, 431We P, Witelsor. I zee White veil. There were els° some
lieneall P.S.-Oliver Jewel t. ' 1 fifty boys wearieg black ease long
Ashlield schools, No. 1.-Myrtl froek coats and green sashes tied
eineale. 'found their waists, ranching the
No, 2.-Caseie Finn. etreets of' St. Jossede nutter the coin-
efee, 4.-Mnrgaret, Pinlayson, Eliee and of two priests. Saturday, June
ria%ymiti. nioee at 3.30 41.131.allii after me 41132*.
No. IL -Olive Foster, il toilet went to St. Joecoph and had a
No. 12.-Mav Ileyd. W. C. eleGregon eve, the *est of whieli was five cents. Mr. Balfour oa Illustration.
Rederiek elVC-a_nnirtl. a're Were lIVO barber :Amps there elatemattomarat
No. 13..-Elireabeth lintlietfold. aud both bathers were nativee. 1 ehen "There are books," said ler. Arthur
No. 10.- Robt. J. Recite, etvorned to camp. Breakfast being , Balfour, at the dinner given to Sir
Colborne schools, No. 1, Netta E eerved eafsh soldier bad to clean his ,1
Tyndall, elothing, leattonstete., prior to our tak- - ZOE. Tenntel in London the other even -
No. ;3. -Pearl -Whitney. ,Ing In which the text isa. mere otiose
ing voyage ton the steamer, Parisian. 1 ene almost inenecessere aprendage to
No. 0.--liarry 'Williams. Some of the soldiers leeng warned that
Gaderiell Ton•nship selecole, N.43* . as nut. a good thing to go on boaid eau
', the teluetratIons. There are other boolcs,
Helen Drysdale. with a full stomach did not partake of larger In number, in which the II.
lustration Is an impertinent Intrusion
Nu, :I. -Edith Bothwell. the noonday meal'. I, among their
No.5.-Colin Canipbell, Edith Sparks number, took. the athlete In the af- upon the Detention Of the reader, dis-
tracting his Mind frond the literarY
Edith Stogaill. ternoon orders came that everything
No. te-Percy G. E..eys. had to be ready to be teken on the masterpiece with which he is con-
cerned, and intruding alien and un -
No. 10. -Grace Murdock, Elizabeth F ‘ atSt Joseph at 3 p.n*. to 2134'
ItleGregor. token to Quebec and on the arrival of ii sympathetic ideas to disturb the our -
the Allitia Line Steamer to be trans- rent of his thoughts. Those books are
ferred on it. Tbis task occupied all loilumb:rookusin. But there is a third class
the afternoon and that too in a dreech- Which the illustration and
ing rain. At 8.30 win, all the c.ontit!g- 1 the text are so Intimately connected,
in. In which the marriage between the two
and So complete, that yoU
nt Was on the steamer, which.,
open. 10 so happy
eluding passengers.nambered 123
ple, the eroveruer-General and Lady
Minto being among the member; there
were also on board 25,000 bushels of
wheat and 3,000 boxes of cheese for
Liverpool. That night the steamer
sailed. out on the St. Lawrence and
anchored until early morn. Sunday,
June 8th. I awoke from my slumbers
in the hamtnoc.k in the steerage de-
partment, this being the part of the
steamer allotted to the soldiers. We
had to lie in hammocks which hung
up near the ceiling of the boat, over
the tables, and bad to go down two
Mly a i ,.. us were soon in the throes of that un-
pleasant condition which lightens a
flights of stairs to our meals. Most of
mares load and makes him think the
easiest way out of it is to die, but one
is on board a large vessel and has to
stay with the tortures, or rather the
tovtures step with him. ,This being
Sunday a shorb Church service is held
at 10 a.m. The Westininister Abbey
choir being on board contributed to
the service most admirably. In the
afternoon it rained hard and the St,
Lawrence became very rough. We
had for our dinner, bread and butter,
soup, meat, potatoes, plum pudding
and an orange each for dessert, twelve
soldiers Sitting at each table. The
hammocks were made of linen, so.-
.'pended by new tar ropes, the smell of
The mattress works at Dondas were
o completely destroyed by dre Wednes-
„ ay.
The election if Mr. T. Carscalleo. ,
Censervittive, in Lennox has been pro-
Application has been •made by the
Southwestern Traction Company for
the privilege a molting a street. rail-
way system in London, Out.
Harry Timer, the desperado -
terrorized Vi:'shington State since
June a last, -thot and killed himself af-
erbeing wooa nded by posse of eltinns:
The Lerd Mioyor London present -
red tie> eity"Q coronation gilt to the
King. K44,CiV`, towaIg
rds the nspitaV
fund, she cutarilqdions included
010 Peeify donfitione from the pmereet
dieti wet Z* of the city,•
S1'13138 131113; 4;i Vn13 -
11324, 813
the fat nit
t • t'4, get r4
Of his tialgi,3 ora “Ilot
it t .,,oant. a saw wl
lie was wiating,
'WADDELL-At Victoria Hospital.
don, on Attgust 1st, to Iter. W.
and 3irs. Waddell. a son.
to Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Harrison, 1313
).v14 -In Winthrop, On Angnst Oth,
James Franklin Davis, 11ge4122 years,
Smooths and 1.0 days. •
BreitANAX--In Lanark. on August 0,
George Randolph, son of Rev. Dims
Van end Mrs. Buchanan, aged 0 years.
Winnortinnv.----In Saskatoon, of N.
4)8 Ariguet 3, Mrs. (flee.) Wile
loughby, -formerly of Exeter.
No. le -Freeborn Johnston, Donald
1.7sliorne 80110018. -Na. 10,-Cl13fford
Wawanosh schools, No. a -Wm. 3.
No. 4. -Lillian S. Clark.
No. 13. -Ida Davidson.
No. 10.-D. W. Paterson.
'The registers for 1003 have been sent
to the teachers. The literature selec-
tions, the list of authorized Text
Books, program of studies, etc., for
next term will be fcani11 on pages 3 and
4 of the cover. The results for Part I
Junior Matriculation have not yet
been received.
"I had a very severe sickness
that took off all my hair. I pur-
chased a bottle of Ayers Hair 13
Vigor and it -brought all my hair ti
back again,"
*W. D. Quinn, Marseilles,
One thing is certain,—
Ayer's Hair Vigor makes
e hair grow. This is
'because it is a hair food.
It feeds the hair and the
hair grows2 that's all there
is to •it. It stops falling
.f the hair, too, and al-
wys color to .
131.139 a hitle. Alf druggists.
131 „fora droggist cannot Supply Son,
old us one dollar and We Will express
you a bott,le. Bo sure and give the table
of your nonrest empress oThrt. Addrerf'l
J,C 11 ltkR tolrell,Idasq,
cannot conceive ,the text adequateIS?
without the illustrations any more that
you could conceive the illustratione tat -
elucidated by the text. Our guest of
this evening is one of the happy crea-
tors of this kind of illustration. There
are books known to all of Us in which
It would be as IniposSible to forget the
Illustrator as it 18 Impossible -and 41
hope It win. be long impossible -to for-
get the author." Of course, the book
was "Mice in Wonderland."
Stage Asides.
Penny Kemble onCe gave a most
amusing thstance of the extent to
whioht "stage whispering" may he car-
ried on unknown to the audienee.
Was in a Well-known theater, and
"nomeo and Sallet" was the play.
Romeo Was at the words (stage ver
sion, not Shakespeare's), "Quick let me
snatch thee to thy Romeo's aroas,"
when he pounced upon her, and lifting
her up bodily staggered down the
Stage. ,
"Let me go," she whispered, "you've
got me up horribly; let me down," but
ala In vain. The climax came at the
passage, "Tear not my heart -strings
thus; they break, they crack, jullet"
(still the stage version),when—
juliet (to corpse)-Arn smothering
whiob was the cause of so much sea
, Y •
•;.ickness. During onr nine days' jour- Corpse --Not at all; but could you, do
ley across the Atlantic, I missed 30 you think, he so kind as to put my
e:saiS out of '4. After havi-ng pot
wig on again for me? -it is falling off.
miserable Afternoon we all return to I1413et, ,,,,,,,ozt)„,.„4 01,4 ss&s,itta
Mr respective hammocks before the not; (but 1,11 throw MY veg Olte'r
,4013nd of the bugle call "Lights out."
Ihis tells of my voyage to June 1(}th.)
It. You ta.ve broh.-en the 'vial, have
Corpe-No, indeed.,
Over 800 people were thrown into the jullet-""Where'2 th daggr?
ver at Isle Grosbois,.near elontreel• Corpse—'Ponsoul,"1 den't know'
>7, ho n rst, 131 who..„...f. Alt .4.I1 these "asides" went on tulknown
, .
(313(1 to tile )11 ,Vely crisis ca
the traps dy,
• nd blew off part of his Anger.
Seafortht Theenterprising tieva o.
RiebaniKon& Melon's, who have been
doing a large Aloe trade here for a
end 'BMW VV:dr% are retiring from
tatsiness. '
Frank Lt.:inn-tn. about eight .1."e4111*
clay afte4':14m1* while 0.131113114 414Il,V11 13131!
Llt 41041;.8,, IIIS bt41y 213133S 13t.(.41313..•.rfool 1324
about termite' nenntee., but tee (-worts
of two 443tekn'33 WoV. unsuccessful in re: -
wing. life„
ROA ree sweet
!MAI* trV3tall
t113. S
011, 4L",
* gee 4tal•P
r sc.it atid
net trtere
ICI 19 Char.
evei. Teo
reetee tees
am, .0%.3
Dr, S. 3, Hopielus, of Port Qo11iorne,
efropped (lead.
A sa11 aceident happened at Port
Sandfield, :Monday, when effsE, Bush,
Ulltisay, was inetantly killed. It
appears that the brulge at the cut
was beiug svoeug to allow' the eteamee
Islauder to pikes through, when Mr.
Bush, who n•us on the approach,
tempted to jump across the af-
ter it had swung a, few feet. lie evi-
&Betide- miscalculated the dietenee,
struek the railing and fell to the wharf
beneath, a distance(4 thirty feet, bend
• plied with either the
Rod or Wood.
IThese are withou
doubt the best ma-
chines obtainable
at any 13rice.
awarded the °ply
medal alld djplorea
givea ou Ray Forks
at the W Orld's
• Fair Chicago.
npPIk13 at Russell's Bleetemith shop.
What Can a Woman Do
For a Man.
Times of Suirerhlg and
Critical Illness Silo Gan
Honestly Recommend,
Paine's Celery
of Spectacular 3 t.
Prof. Hutchison. the Human Bomb, in a, thrilling Balloon
Ascension and Paraehute Drop. The marvellous Cycle Dazzle.
The Osuates. In a sensation novelty, The great Gay, the Hand -
eta King. Tho °titans, Continental Eccentricities. Manning
and Da Crow, famous Monopoles. Rosa rklY111011, With her
with her troupe of Trained Tropical Birds. The Bard Bros..
Aerobatie \Wilder& Chrissio Al. Jones. nutlet Virtuoso. 'Vag-
niticent Pyrotechnics anti many other features. Special train
SerViCe- (WET 131311 111314113.
Exhibits further ahead than the tittles. Grounds insidiously
beautiful. Buildings irresistably inviting.
Prize Lists, Maps. Programmes and informal icon fo
LT. -COL. W. M. GAUT:4110BH
the asking from
Woman's power for good in the
house eau never be truly. estimated.
In films of suffering end danger, her
kali:mention' experience are invalte
able; her smiles, words of cheer aud
comfort help to dispel gloom and sad-
nees. The faithful. discerning wife has
afull knowledge of the value of Paine's
Celery Compound as a banisher of °
disease; she bas bad a personal exper•e
ience with it; she has noted its wonder-
ful effects and cures; she has faith in
its virtues, and recommends it with full
confidence. Mr. S. 11. Brown, Port
Perry, Ont., says:
"I was tronbled with kidney cam -
plaint; the doctorscalled it, an enlaege-
ment of the neck of the bladder. Be
that as it may, I suffered the ruost in-
tense pain. I applied to nay physician
for relief with boot little encouragement
be thoeght the only way for me to ob-
tain relief was to submit to an opera-
tion. 1 -went home very much discour-
aged, and Was prevailed on by ivy wife
to try Paine's Celery Compound. I
did, but with very little faith th it,
purchased one bottle. but the results
were marvellous, as I received immed-
iate relief after taking.% The pain is
all gone, and my skin, instead of being
dry aud harsh as it used to be, is as
soft as velvet; in fact, I feel like a, new
Inane and uever felt better in my life
than I do at present." ,
Zzotor Doti Ztttt: Agiaoy
Buy or SOI a Farin
Buy or Sell Town Property.
Borrow or Lend Money
Collections Made
Tour Life -Insured
Go to the Old Country
Call at the Undersigntd
JOHN spAc Km AN,
;Office over H. Spackman's Hardware.
This would be a Cleaner, brighter world if
every housekeeper used
. It Multiplies—your pleasures; .Divides—your
efforts; Segfrilipmets—from your cares; Adds—
to your life.
Chicago. klew York, Boston, Montreal.
On account of its terrible effects, blood disease is called the king of ail disease.
It may be either hereditary or contracted; so while it May not be a crime to have
the discase,it Iwa crime to penult it to remain in the system. It may manifest
itself in the form of Serofulai Eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints,
itchiness of the skin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers in the mouth dr on the tongue,
sore throat, falling out of b.air, t4iscordered etomach, and a- getteral depression of
the system. If yoit have any of these symptoms don't neglect yourself. You hare
no time to lose. lieware of "0131 fogy" treatmeat-heware of Mineral poisons -
beware of Quacks and Valcirs. OUR, NSW WEVP111.00 TRISIATIVIIWIST
is guaranteed to cure this disease, never to return. Bank Bonds will protect you.
Our treatmeut is not injurious in any way, but reaches the very root of the disease
and eliminates all poison frora the }System. The Symptoms of disease gradnaily
disappear, The blood tecemes pure aud enrieltecle tixe whole system is cleansed
aud purified, and the patient feels prepared anew for the dnties and Um pleasures
of 1.45. CUltallS GriiiiI2ANTEZED OR NO PAY., 25 Years Au
Detroit. 250,0013e Cured.
nosolitdion Free. evestion Blank for Henn Treatment and Books Free.
eer. INItchigart land einerg337%
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