HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-8-14, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR, EXETER. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 02e ANDERS, EDITOR, Acerierfrefter0e.30.regteeft"ere Air Siteeree • • • • LOOK THIS LIST • American Teazle Cloths for wrappers, in black and colored goods. warranted faq colors, 17 yds for 81.00. Colored Wrapperettes, Araericau manufacture, very fan- cy patterns, full width, 10e. per yd. English Flarmellettes, double warp, pink and blue stripes were 12.1c, our cut price 10ets. English plain Shakers In pink intl cream, very wide. heavy weight, worth 10c,,our priee 8e. A bargain. Fancy 1i kers in blue, pink, cardnal groundi, with small spots and patterns were 10e., cut price Se. 3forrisi Flaunelletts,good values, fast colors, good widths, at 5o., 6!c, 8be., all cut prices. Double Fold Shaker Sheetings iu grey and cream 25e. yard, POPLESTONE it GARDENER Groceries it Specialty. Poet Office Block 1 firriE'r Idhehl. We tare nelitettea ',Ave% feeds feeil Iresttnent fint11 Alt villsae reopeete. lewert rates el lotercet. Die4SON Si. CA10.11016 ilerrieteractee Eet tel! laSONE'n WA'S. Jas. 1 Wive a tem aitiouitt of erivate t lean on sena viltage storeetice nt rateeofloterese le W. 431.4144Aff. Rilsrlater. 3111.11; Street Exeter EllNEST let‘tlifee DCA CtlaIrcir.d Icvinar:^e Agent Fario.s4mil ivnirzrael and Wm% lackts far eale. 1/.1r.ris [ID prts of 11,1.9ifcla aged tha NMI 1.1VENfill AtT. 15..11105,1-. Tate tr7417e Via! I have omilicit 0 • the fpente eornadivi'inars S--cuth Huron VI 114relIN-i•;9:10 k;A trer.ent tar Ili:tit Loma. In the villkqe et Cuter it, 113;;e, C.T.JCItICIII ageing :mute et Will 11.rvite rang he Male Cl the teeree 'I' .r ea Cr 1i,34irc Mc '<Mit (13,:," of Atainti. Pin!. Heenan MEOSto, IlZted CI Cuter titivCilt (Iv id AU;nst.I.S.11, ''f'%fark5 nen On FOE SALE. Tee ttiettreemet cliu,C,u; ter Kul. ur ter tale Dia! &Cubic hundred civil, lain in the tc,wnthip, of reeeltv.; Conreslotin 1, Ltcoloa Mad. The prtiratres are conveniently la:atilt to Exeter, and aro Gittoilied with good Imildhigi. lar6e orliant and Other conteuicnect. rffiiss 11,1113iso, IIav 04 I/OTEL PlIOPERTY an SALL.. Tho undersigned Is offering for &le that desirable Wet situated. nt lJeven, on the London 'toad, ThIS hotel is In good condition, and is 2 Wits south of Acker. ' s roa argc y tnae and for the right man thanees aro pent Or splendid busines!, Thero is a good stable in conneetiOnultio.1# wit, of land. Possession tarot Tais praptriy will be sold chop. For particulani, apply to Diciison Caubnco, Exeter, Out. IMPORTANT TO HOG RAISERS. Yon can save money, tinie feed by keeping ytiur pigs dry and clean. They mill thrive better , and keep healthy. Make the bog comfortable and he will put on flesh. You can do so with verylittle ' expense by erecting (Pedlees Patent). The Elevated Moveable Pigs Bed. Simple of construction, inake it yourselves. Send Stu0 in ret,istered letter for fano right certificate and plan of construction to Patent applied for. aOlIN PRIMER, Exeter, Onb VOTERS' LIST 1902. Municipality of theyownship tit Step- hen, Couuty of Huron. 41'1 Notice is hereby given that have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 8 of The Ontario Vote. -s' List Act, the copies required by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, 4:d all persons ap- pearing by the last revised Assessment 1.011 of the said Municipality, at Elections for members to the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that the said list Vidal:int posted et any office, in Cred- iton, on the 10th day of July A.D., 1002, and remains there for inspection. Electors Are caned upon to examine the said list rind if any =missions or other errors are found therein, to take in -mediate proceedings to have the said errors correeted accord- ing to law. Huge., Eagan, Township Clerk. Rodgerville. Branir; atte ANE1.11-1.Vhilt1 311.V. Ad - ant C4150 WilS cog:wed milking a eon' on Saturday IRA one ef the other cowe itt the yard erowded the one bite was mill:lug and In the rade-up Mrs. Caen was so iinfottunzito tie n litnhen at the ankle. She le, hitwever, doing. 05 well 09 coialti experted, hut win he some time Itetote site will have the cite of the 10100'4 member, - Mr. Mamie eilSet WiD0 144e41 iteell, S9 See* 11011117 1111 (10111 4111 Ottalek of appendi- eitite is rapidly reetivering. rsborxte 3Ir. Eli Deelarditte, who Is engaged with Mr. Word of the Oth COIWW.58i011, unfortunately got hie !MIDI Cittight in a hay.forh pulley Lindy:tit it so badly Ina rigled that it NI several WWI: - es to dives the wound. The hand is badly trod up nod it will he some LIMP 1)Pfore Will bittria the use of it again. -trimmed met Aug 2nd. All tho metnbers were preeent. The minutes of July meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeve. Accounts amounting to Slade were paesed and orders issneti payment,--et'ottnell then atlienrind to mixt Sept. Oth, at one o'clock. F. 3,1inte.ov, Cierk. McGillivray Council Council met pursuant to odjourn- inent in Town Ball. Aug. 4. Present, J. D. Drummond, Reeve; A. 11. Hod- gins, D. Dorman, T. MeGtegor and W. AittNVE011, Councillors. 'Minutes of last meeting read, approved of and sign- ed. Rodginse-llawson-that orders be drawn on treasurer for accounts amounting in all to $203.45, McGee- gor-Mawson, that in reference to the communication received from the Can- ada Company, re the draining of cer- tain lots on the:28th and Anx Sauble concessions and the opening up of the roads adjacent thereto, this Council do not consider it advisable to spend any *honey npon those roads until suell tune as the public travel upon said roads will justify such expenditure. -- Carried. Mawson-McGregor -that this council adjourn to meet. again in the Town Hall, on the first Monday in September, at one o'clock p.m. Wit. FRASER, Clerk. Parkhill Rev. Mr. McGregor, of Gravenhurst, has accepted a, call as pastor of the Baptist church, and will enter upon his duties on Sept 7.-Anstin VanAl- stine has passed his examinations very successfully in British Colunibiaand is now principal of the public school in Teeters. B.O.-James pruickshanks,of Arcadia, Neb., an old.pioneer resident of East Williams, is visiting friends in and around town, after an absence of thirty yearastParkhill High School has been doing such good. work and the attendance is increasing so rapidly that the board is considering the ad- visability of engaging a fourth teach- er. -On Monday evening, after the la- crosse match, Trooper Thos. C. Foun- tain was presented on the High School grounds, bjr Mr. T. L. Rogers, on be - Dated at Crediton, this 10th day of July, 1002. half of the citizens, with a gold watch VOTERS' LIST 1902, Municipality of the Village of Exeter. W hereby given that 1- have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 8 of The Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by the said eeetion to be so transmitted or delivered of the List niade pursuant to said ack of all persons ap- pearing by the last revised,. Assessment Roll of the said Municipality, at Elections for members to the Legislative Assercibly and at Municipal Elections, and that the saki list was first posted at my office, at The Town Hall, Exeter, on theMst day of July, 1002, and remains there or inspection. Electors are called up- on to examine the saidlist and if any ommissione or other errors are found therin, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected accord- ing to laly, Gro. 11. B1981:2T, Cleric. Dated at Exeter, this 21s6 day of July, 1402, Mr. Alex Stewart, who was in De- troit consulting a Specialist regarding ;the falling out of bis hair' in patches, returned home on Saturday, minus the rest of his crop bat with prospects for a new supply. Mr. Seldon Bissett, of the 5th Regi- ment of Canadian Mounttd Rifles, is ' at present visiting friends and rela- tives here. Mr. )3issett has resided in Manitoba, for the past eleven years, Ile enlisted at Winnipeg, but arrived it) South Africe after the the cessation of hostilitie.s. He will rettlrn tO the West in a few weeks. and chain. ---Rev. C. H. Irving, pastor of Flint Baptist eh nrch, Bay City (west) and assistant editor of the Detroit Christian Herald, visited his sister, Mrs. H. Cathro, for a' few days last week. -Miss Christina Smith, a former resident of McGillivray, left on Saturday with two assistants for Da.w- son City, where she has taken il, posi- tion as superintendent ore hospital at a substantial salary. She is expected to be absent about two ‘years. --On Tuesday Mr. John Donohue, of the Royal Hotel, here, was up before Po- lice Magistrate Mel'a,vish, at the in- stance of License Inspector Alexander Smith, for selling liquor during pro- hibited -hours, on Saturday evening. He was fined $20 and costs, being $25.70 in all. -The many friends here of Mr. Thos. Bertram, of West 'Wil- liams, were pained to learn of the sal drowning accident which befel hirn in the Saiible, near Ark on a. •He and his brother, James, and a young lad had gone in to bathe. After calling to his brother, who was a considerable dis- tance farther up the river, he suddenly sank ni about five feet of water, and when the body was recovered life had fled. -Mr. W. II. Jackson and family are spending a month at the Bend, ac- companied by Mrs. L. S. Jaynes, of Kansas City, ,Missouti, and Mrs. S. E. Jackson, of-Arkona. -Miss Annie Nicol is visiting in Buikclell, Muskoka. ilayneld, Zarielt i FARIt5;01,,D„---TirefittlAtire4 0 cm fa nu daAy%,vat.m„-A:os*l.,1,sb.4ctacCI:elromalle:ewtite4t4ggeo,n NyFrbiol 441Am') 0s1:13°4702citliNecto-i?. neeeelttebteeTeddheesst itillogislasXosliTtilentge 117:;..1.171/41.1.a.Mite'tltiles:ties:.:---::14)1:'11;11":17.1411517:flieMtiii...4teed::::::11::*sk,litl, rT4:471!:r°1:tio;9111A'atniieteoehoo:f.: Js been principal of the $ebeel since bappeueti for years took place in the . Ma, Geo. Zinonernutn and two truestr.sntsoiniebsi:e tetw$it Tar.3---text,,,s.trn: Linviesrcroazi,,datlxio.::1 wyrubeer ttssl'ieerx. !I file$TIcalt°wcet:•51s.4ttis 133111:11'46:1:11.11:13rde`e 111.1.''''irteF"''te°1!11.141`bleeeisni:uakili:lorl Mfa."rrabaetli: °till: who went out in the last contingent to cellent Youogt meth Fred Burnett and h turned front a pleae,ane visit with South Africa, Iniye returned home Ateline teineee, ee teederich township„friends tat Dashwood. -Mhts Lille Joint. I P3141"t'er _bets " 1,,,,,_ e'atgif" looking .hale anti 'warty after their e11010 tO 011 in:timely dealt throtigh ',,ston, who has been visiting in Detroit: °veal: tiripe-While practicing on the tirowoing. They, in company with a, for the pest fear weeksreturned home .Vallillalialt. MU grounds on Monday night. George young lad named Meleeeneor Goderich. y.l.lest weeke-The Young People's Alli- I,. The harvest ie being se:So:isle rleheye Finau bad the misfortune to fall tend repaired to the rie-er tO eiejoy a cool Lance held their inuniel picnic. at the h ed I.iy the many eletwere. The eats are dislocate bis shoulder. Twe, Recess!. plunge la wheat is known ;ifs the deep K Bend on Tovsiihly. -MIS. J. Smith, of F, verv tateeeled and tettexi, down and will tates George tahing asrest front the florira:;:a% tili-:1'ile-'1'7`11,5:„'-'rl tl'ir' o'°1,11it:e!rtneneIelveee: jit;;;!;(6)410° e,E):1-1:44ii;:e.c„ iB4itttrelitaTionheLiiiii'tt.i-r-r1:. ' Vietle-ettrgt.?.egbilliilileteliallial'efiPtilinefleTtvi:4srgiseted'-: eeleall fields. Tema 1 -lie Owes 1-.tvery ead etul whieh is eeiel to be ;bout ee feet tend, enee revel nee eneetae- nee ;eels_ , elle 3 lee/ of .11,14,,,„.at ss from 34.i. 1, ..., . ntedity tereurred in this dungeon Frt, deep. Arth :Tee:write it. seenise swan it to Tavistatek and awhile.- Mies Ethel ,,.. bushels nee acre. Bariev is an escep. 4 •by moreinne when Danean me:Opine, aeraes it with tenet:like hitt Feed Bate Mindeel; and Mr. Norinen Candi, ef . tioiedly iteevy ran.T.- 4...); Brown, lett: wohkoosso one respeetele eteteen nett in enakteee the attempt saulle and Iien`ifir1. Stfe101 Sanday in toweeedilte ' is wng in the eity gee works at visdeedn .v1::!yoenaiitn.1)1e . I fan. 4 sett-al...1431: ite:eh ,..te illsi le shoapd. hs*U cee oro 4P3inc:?.1 sr‘V.une Et hs ,t: , iT.17:$11Satzl ,71; (v.t3e3triketliT1 tlet.1:11.'e :iz13flt'::t7v":4ibt'etli.neiir4V-- ti4vliterillii"Iiis fitTirill'41713'-irsh-4'fitivEt1;7s 4f.- felled Ate return for htvalifast end Melastintsine %nee a goed swatimer. --Mee; Illeet Vi. Mliria 414 I)41roDt. 1ti Uri" 1,0:00 /VAS heviehfiug berM ••," ' t . ,. . . . then made hesene fhtte111t1t4 14 reeene otos.; her nitrite. Nilo Cittie. Iiillieet- . W A. Taitralettle T. literate -newt Itteight itial eitheeeded to le:hitting to the ser. Miss' ,lettile lieee is sideituig frheitis nt e gine, been. lent ete,,,e, e.e. eenneetty. feee Fred Dernett, hut could not itrineee !Iwamoto mid .sieligirg;rait4%--1s, elm it bar' t iv. �6 1-i Gets leigin tee„ him eefely to land Itut eientred the of Creton, is viehltig her enitsiii,Miss ' vets iti our villeere lie -e wise- --- a Wen. Nora, eit.b. - Mrs.Steint.let1. M-,• Amy ' her from here intend goitre. to Mu nitolet Steliiinevit send Mee, Deldwin, rail:riled , on lilt. harvest eNelif Si011iti. from"retie tii,p 1.04 3114t11,111ta111;14 1titextilts; 46 sir. jorntler,,,,14:,,,i1,54;11.317.: 7Ifir. veterto the etwaittitee efforts were made to Detroit and will reeetio wine.' tintiem thresher, ie mit again with the eatue eeentie the body of the other young Mr. John Idey eloda 44 the nalwn 1100. men sis hot. ever ttiul is reedy to do MIA whieb1 it appeave had ledged un- 4 hos ilieptietel of his dviver to Sit, Klima i te„, eery neet uut.i.,.___Mit35t,t* <lava. der a put IrIT the shelving bank deep 41f Senforth, the twiet. laStig poid war, lemon olus mice iintimee vibited down in the wetter and was releiteed $1S0. -Mee !toxic, Ether ill ViSitfl ilig at ,', Mn. veti„na„. ceeeiten. elf' settee), , after inneh liflieulty iind then the Cretlittdes-Mr. 3. thlitotre hg's Pureh“letslt.-31r. anti Dire, Wee. Stewerd mournful preeesslon wenday ed its wlased a uew driver from Matt:se-Miss' event e; etaday and Suntlity at, the Hay ilomtell through the fields and by the road to li 1 l'ceiller ft l' . ...* like.- eente an enetting runaway iv= the sorrow etrieken home where nide. with friends in friiiiiiett, has retitinitel ' 4..or: to here ono erenime last %reeve, Council cart on !ifoudwi. August, 4. eeribablee pitiable seen ee were witness. 1throw, her trip cco Torontoemml,.:5 x0,41. I wha aro nittiatly 0:540.re, of the 13diei., „oute.--itlise Tillie VC ell has returned 1 melee fittinevi .10;14 Ewa The Aware, All preeent, The Engineer'e report. ed, re. Zurich drain, north, was leid before gie ifiretlier le delting har stedrer. Mr:1S of eser holm en:raged in 4 Flie111111IF the council. After consitleteititel it itensaW John NitteiDiolite. - Mtser .ftgerirer. oh ,, tetnee taeo, idteder the citeeitustent.ett was MiellVd. ltita. te Iitt, •engineer for 311,Fie etenneet oreweet mete mute Wind`wr. i,' IN" Raest or dee irlr'''IP'4. ' we do not renteet mere then one itatal certain cheeses. Tito Clerk was in- 31e. ap-tvi niv,:i. dee. Zettle. -Mies 'Mona h t le , , Te et 1 - - structed tit driblet the emit of Permit' PettY 4te 1"'illf';Iq'''''atIng 44 tLe 111.414 thbl a. tin. astteesituent of tho Lest Firatieli week.--.31iee Jennie eiretelfer.ofToritnth lt„itteatAl:14,110T,, ca,alt.6:4,4P411,41r: , leeneaniortli meet title on leieseleick :North, ood $10te frtam the gefe,e,:sulont , is visiting, fiais ittl taiwn.-Mrs. he tete..v. enee„. e.ti nt„ „ pi,tlis buggy Wo6 Itii1.131F titslai:115i114 of the EAst mild West Iseanenessantee ,I liturnitt and elailtiteen iiiiellt Lk ft'107 till",-gv 4 0.71 ,Ei41 '-''' - 7. " , "'"""""" '' ''."'""" *44 ""'" '''' ,', by Le:See terareli evade down in the. ;Intl not ley), ally asst,,,,,$.1m,n4t 014 wfvst, at the Drauch iiiMiR.., "h4t 1, w1eeW,, r"*o.t s''l''I'rf'AnS.iio-i -.P-, evtet"eAnntie I-Tealaehhleurm 111V-3 1.dth illitoatl4"""t14', •. hwis eir neelte. 4lit 'V" With Ler perents lholor,P,,---Mi ,:kfrie I 1141Ve tgiVC19 F.tk`alt ra.44, the eurreent year; 1 hts't Il'eel; 44n"lev4'''"ree, ...14t0 tt: ,r;""13 1 flees eral Melviera Attlingter of feee'ilh 1 Grand Bend ate, 1 140 tome; townelop Ian .. ° ct v.-mai:Ana atorseeitioitt ate . Rend, are the gettrts of Mee Feed q t twee:atom Indy i tteUiti hiyally cello- te, fa.in nm,,, miwat ,,,,h0„1 mt,.. tentlett the wedding of 41 friend 4 1 t yr 1 :;.19 mills; znich ponce village rate. otinds to, weeh._113,,eta miter, form. 444,1,9. 5te-Mr. Fithd Rendeliet. who hie `iltrettel hew hF the li..A110111:::i MAI eit. Peen in the entititty of C. Ilinctleili iSe kentitere In ate efterteeen an inter - 2 mills; Daeltwood India.° villege rates,eeteY ve„etellemete' surgeolt hilt'. ie home Co. for tiolizt. amt. b3s gml.. tit fjrtrafa„ ' t Sting' Shot -hell rieitelt ;cut eleee I,e- 1 mill. School settes have been levied aInt 4,11u!iorr th,g'itni ''„frienal9drid, WI' 1f ez -cm.g.te E. Balehnican. Ilolnii.sttr.. twa en the tit arel Betel IWV.Ist ituti 3 aq follows: _.8.8. No. L.t. f.g140; No. 10. IttiVes.-,..attaa; %clog nut ittitt bivet. r ,,,,,,,.. „.ka soot No. 14; sw; r.s.s. ..,,,...,•41. 13. 8.._. Mihs. nose, r visiting faltputal in leats. r • - ,-r.,„. 0,r, -1,-.--fraZ a ine hone. I perked artartegetton freiti 11 he eampere. 'No. 3. S210; No. ti. feleet: No. le seem r: i burg. l'entt. -Wm. 3ittorek has sold hie ene"•-•'111' F. .r.* lit''''''' gElls klal'IM"illi 4.4 1.Aa,..4.3 read fable:In f.f41111t. the emote. 1 S.S. No. P. $17:1.0.1: No. 10. $.21.11 Nu. R. i tivueljtoll reeidcure iti Alt's. dolinnton. telt's 1"rungernentlor" Inaebine to 3Ite 'i etooet :.:.'i ht favor ' i th"11104:tte te31:14-'-' SION No. 4, $150; No. 12; WM; No. I. 9& tit. litiaisk 3Uwius for a good tigen es ii4:Ifit-,n. :4„ 44,,elitehu Tiswilehill. - - ', Mt:Wore (*liver ie et peetele in im.ry rett,11.Nt.01:7. IN5,0.$11.180:14140124Nt.o.2.1, (8.114:11!kh trt'lltshenZvitri, t5:4;enl:Yhililiiillutrdstiakeini A! Iv 1;; 'rwithullPh;i4.114-.1.1117c..4'. 1P111:3(111:1;11115641i114:1:*1611,f4114iegil'fY.,14.111/1i1 07451e1114pItt!t iletieltat,lo*n t)ief has returned to port stattiey„. , The ', nist:44114 in tail 14h 4. }Lamm GM nest ineetang ot the vi• .t .T.L. will lie L„ intent -4e leaving Alertly for the %%est. held in the elnireh on Mee 1S. -31r. ii =Mies VI Tt101 Lellit Vila, a few days and Mi-. 'Tares Dt`iPlIfIt and children , iti Beeter with Eriteele duriug the. of New !Leven, Mieho are visiting: week. friends here. t A NAnuow Esteem?. -What might DIED I'S nye WtesT.-Virord Wael re- , have been a hotel areitient turned tett celved here lost eveele that N'ielatalete i to ite an PS1`itillit Mileriellifo at the er waiting for ,iivOlc• tinie. ,Scareit wae made, witieh reeulted in the die - cowry of the bully hat/ging liy a rone, front the ceiling of his workehitp. Life had been entitle* for more than an hour when the body was found. De- ceased. whet TrUS 04 Fears Pr age. had been worried over money matters and it is thOkkght lit a fit of despoudency, took bis life. Besides his wife. he leavee a daughter. Mree Willie, of Iona - don. and two sone, Ed. of Winglutin and John, a London. The fauteuil on Saturday. Wati to Nairn cemetery. Wily Nate: in the water and then ran for aseeteaee. After attont eu. botw end a teat Dr. Wonile arrived on the seem bee life was eetirict and. le was advised to enteral! unrounts whith eall people will 'have the pleaetne 4)1 are due the Township throngh proceed- Wele4"Inir aS a eltizen in the lugs under the Ditehes mid Water- e0tyr6e et' f"w n'ePk9•-311s1 Annie courses Ad, on the collector% von, 7 Bea. is 1.10FIW fe1110 IMAM 011 0, Vitiit. /my vent. ado. In aecordonee with Ellis and have returned from said Act. The following amounts were the net h West, vli`le thq have been ordered to be pitithe-Trustees S.S. Nee. '"'YV "31 ;T.& • e. 'Juts 400D.,°11gliZIP11,3$11:Ptro7, itif31. leer bir 12, $3; Jonas liartleile !tolling ;lace Provincial election, $3; V. Bachand, do., $3; Tp. Clerk, postageeetc., $10.75. I. 1. johnston, floor for indigent :ASO; Thos. Welsch, lumber, $2i; Thomas Consit, bridge and diteh, eon. 4, 1001. 82L25. Council suljoawned to meet again at the call of the Reeve. FRED HESS, SP., Clerk. Miss Dix spent a few days with 'mean Mends in London dining the week. Mr. Brown, of Forest. was in town last week. --Miss May 3Icliernon, of London, is the guest of her friend, Miss Carrie Willis. -Miss Eva Collins has accepted a situation with Mr. Gil- fillan.-Quite a number from here took in the excursion to Detroit on Monday and report, a good time. --Mr. Fred. Rawlings. is _spending his holidays with relatives in Norwich. -Mrs. M. Ryder and daughter. of WoIsely, Ass., are visiting friends here, -Mrs. A. Shipley and children. after 41, pleasant visit with friends in Ansa Craig have re- turned home. -Miss Lilly Braithwaite, of London, spent a few days in town during the week, the guest of Miss Pearl Mowbray. -Mr. Cecil Stanley re- turned from the Old Country a few days ago, where he was taking a spec- ial course in his profession. -Corona- tion services were conducted in Holy Trinity church on Sunday, the Rev. H. A. Thomas occupying the pnlpit- Mr. Percy Abbott, after spending his holidays with friends and relatives in this vicinity, has returned to Stoney Plaine Alta. to resume his duties as teacher. --dr. Fred Smith left Thurs- day morning for Calgary. N.W.T., where be has secured& good situation. His numerous friends here wish him every success.-Tnesday was observed here as Civic holiday. -Our baseball team drove to ExeterFriday and play ed the teiun of that place. The score stood 15-4 in favor of our boys. -Mr. Tom Collins has gone to Sarnia, to ac- cept a situation us operator. -Mr. Bert Anderson is assisting Mr. J.E. Schmidt as clerk: -Mr. Harry Atkinson has ac- cepted a situation in Parkhill ---Miss Laura Fox has returued from London where she was visiting friends. -Cook itt Son have raised a new smoke stack to their power house. -Miss Bella Neil, .of Orangeville, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Weill ngtob Bodgins. -Mr. W. R. Coursey, who has been. visiting rela- tives and friends here for the past two inontbs, left, Wednescley for his home in Medicine Hat, N.W.T.-Mr. A. M. Campbell, Manager of the Merchants' Bank, wife and daughter, left last week for - Toronto, * from which place they will go by boet.to Montreal. -Mrs. P. W. Bawden, of Ridgetownr is the guest of her sister, Miss I. Porte. -An Iudian from tb e Oneida reserve named David Doxte ter wite'talten to the Lon- don jail Thursday by. Constable' Mur- dock.. He appeared 'before Squire E. B. Smith Friday nicirning, charged with being drunk and was fined $5 and' costs. ACCIDENT.-Williarn, the 12 -year-old son of Mr. Geo. Hodgins, near bere, met with a very painful rt cci den t (at) Wednesday while driving the hay rake for Mr. Wm. NVarcl, by 1119 leg coming in contact with one of the teeth whieb cut it to the bone. The wound was dressed by Dr, Butting and be is eow 20 feresny moan ounteav School non h. pellewrt, for manY '4,1 1'18 fl' 11141441 .111 Preettetetien tenntiny sehooi please, of is teeovexing from her rezent tr4 I their picnic at the Bend Tuesday. T,lee 1:11r4ebi 1113 II" lit. ("wailer. N. D., R.a.ter laef Frioety. 'fhe take was too where he -ea re elleiet for the eereetet to use the row hinds on it and pest few years. The eatiee of deeth ine l'iltentrm. deo vats not known bot his brother, John, re- , guiding tine into theietatebotaite waters vetted a letter a tow days ago saving 141f44. itS WAS in the most inv- ite was ill. Mr. Detehert -had teen bulent part. the rowloek ltroke. A. proprietor of the Commercial hotel huge breaker then threw the boat in- here for evars and was widely known Wit trough. aleu sweeping away au friends will learn of his deatit with earritel him out ottethe lake. The Dr. throughout thieeeetion and his many loan, ThQ heavy river current then deep !egret - used his remaining oar to great MI- LS 0 eigtial and swain guiding the boat vantage. Sometimes waving it aloft urediton J. STANDI'llY. E. A,. tkrtot-tly i'll113114 Lawkily a young man, anion notletel the distvessed Sienteree retrieto tteieree tatattrateer. Money to trom-Esatr. thit, bOattiltin and set out epeedilv to his re - Mr. Frank Vale and Miss Tilson, of lief. Ile found the boat filled with Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. water and the Dr. in good spirits con - position. The "Walter Clark last week. -Rev. Getwge' sideriug his 1111*as:tut Finkbeinere of Milverton, occupied the De. is an excellent swimmer but the pulpit. in the Ev;tngelical church last coldnees of the water, on account of 'Sunday. -An Eilber picnic was held I the heaviT rains throws the swimmer at Grand Bend a week ago wanes. in the danger of receiving cramps. day. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bloomfield. They had some trouble in landing on of Brigden were in the village for a aecount of the heavy breakers. Some of his more intimate friends went into few days fast week renewing aequaint- ances.-31r. II. Holtzman, wife and hysterics wbile others maintained a. fatuity are camping at Grand Bend.- doleful silence. Mrs. Hudson, of Toronto. has been the guest of Mr, and Mrs. John G. Yoring last week. -Mrs. John Dyer has re- turned from St. Thomas, after a pleas- ant visit with relatives. -Rev. G. D. Damm has returned from Toronto, wbere he attended the Temperance Convention. A vigorous campaign has been organized to assist the tem- perance cause on the 4th of December next -Ping-pong has struck our town. It is a fine game. -Mr. Wm. B. Geiser has raised and enlarged his barn and has one of the finest barns in this dis- trict. The recent rains have done con- siderable damage to the crops and the farmers will now have to take a rest. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church had an ice cream social in. Bea- ver's Hall, last Monday, which was a success and helped to assist the ladies in their work. -Mr. E. Crompton and son, of Carlisle visited his daughter, airs. R. E. Walker last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wind have returned to Detroit after visiting their friends here for some time. -Miss Martha Eil- ber, of Buffalo, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eilber.- aster Edgar Siebert, of Plattsville, who is visiting his uncle, Mr. 8:Brown, had the misfortune to break his arni by falling from an apple tree one day last week. The little fellow is doing as well as can be expected. -Mr. Her- bert Eilber. is visiting his uncles in Ubly, Mich., for a few weeks. -Mr. Jacob Heist has gone to considerable trouble in preparing, a croquet lawn. He has made an excellent job and has become an expert croquet player. - Mrs. Chase and son4 of 1Nlagare, Falls, are the guests of Mrs. Mellite-Miss Lydia Fiekbeiner is visiting friends in Exeter this week. -The Misses Bert- rand, of Detroit, are visiting their parents foe a -few weeks. . ORANGE risr BUSINESS. -Dr, Ezra Heist, of Toronto, has purchased the medical practice and drug store from Dr. Rivers.and. took possession on 31s6 ult. Dr. Heist comes to us highly re- commended and we extend to him e hearty welcome. De. and Mrs. Rimers intend leaving shortly for the West, where they will visit friends and with a view of starting a practice there. We are sorry to lose the Dr. and his .wife as they have many friends here Methotitets are holding their picnic to- day alzurstlayel--Thos, Berry has Te• turned home from the Old Country, bringing With iincestallione of eXCOIICl/t quality Mid breetlinge-W. Stoneman, tar Toronto spent a few days at his home herk-Miss Clam Thompson, who is employed Asa wait- er at the Stag Island dining Intl, was taken to Sarnia hospital it few days Ago suffering :from appendicitis. 3liss TInnopson was a former resident here, and her many friends wish her a com- plete tecovery.-Mte Hoover, of Clin- ton, basplaced a handsome monument in the Lnion cemetery here, on the plot belonging to Win. Bell, sr. -11r. Ab. Arnold, wife and children, of Windsor, are on a visit to Mr. A's par- ents and other relatives. -Miss Dora Webber is home from. Buffalo visiting hereelrents.-Mr. Francis Coleman is recoving from his illness. -Saturday was observed here as a general holi- day, it being Coronation Day, while Tuesday was proclaimed as Civic holi- day and all the stores were closed. - Picnics are the order of the day. -Mrs. Wm. 1301; of Hanover, is visiting in town, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Bell. -Mr. Brandt, intends bringing his family here from New Haimberg as soon tis he can secure a dwelling. CRAZZGED Haems.-The Centennial hotel has changed hands, the purch- aser being Dr. Blackall, of Clinton, who tekes possession on Tuesday next. The purchaser is said to possess those quidities which go far towards making the suceesstul hotel keeper and we welcome him to our midst. DIED. -Mr. Walter Hanson, who underwent a surgical operation at the hands of Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, a few days ago for the removal of a tumor died from the effects on Saturday last. At first it was thought he would sur- vive the shock but his enfeebled consti- tution gave away and be gradually sank until death relieved him of his suf- ferings-. The deceased gentleman had been a long sfifferer and had riot -the operation been performed he would soon have Ricci:imbed to the effects of his trouble. He leaves his aged part- ner to niourn his dendie. Be was 76 years of age and his finteral took place on Monday last. • RETURNED Homn.--Tuesday even- ing of last week Dnncan McEwen, son of Wm. McErvent arrived home from South Africa after six months service in the C.M.R. fighting the Boers. As his arrival was unexpected there was no special welcome or demonstration, but his fellow citizens and old schoulnantes determined. in sorne wa,y to honor one who bad upheld the honor of his home and country on the field of battle. This took tangible form on Monday even- ing when .a representative gathering of our citizens filled the opera house. Rev. Mr. Doherty at the request of the committee occupied the chair and filled the position Most satisfactorily. After the completion 'one lengthy pro- granalehe McEwen was presented with a well -worded. address, aceompanied by a beautiful gold watch and chain. The address was reed by Rev. Doherty laid the presentation made by Messrs. A. Taylor and G.' Smallacombe. Mt. MaEwen thanked the donors end re- gretted that he was not a speaker but the unexpressed thought. was plainly doing as well as can be expected. ,discernable, 5.9 Clandeboye, Mrs. Ouellette, of Stoney Point, who - has for the past week been visiting here, has returned home. -Mr. John McWilliams, of Hensall, visited his parents during: the week. -111r. Olark, of igew York, is visiting friends here. Miss Marie MeIlhargey, of Hamilton, spent a week with her parents here. - The farmers are very busy around here hauling in their gram. The weather being so wet some of them met with a big loss. -Mr. R. Bice, has accepted a eituation as clerk in the general store here. Mr. Taylor, of Belleville, who has been clerking here, luta resigned. -It is reported that Mr. Richard Simpson is going to give up the blacksmith shop after the first of October. -Mr. James Pitman was in London last week. -Mr. Sandy Barrya of Tempest, Texas, is visiting his brother here. He has not been home for twenty years, and his many old friends were pleased to see him. -The many friends of Miss Ina, Bice will be pleasa,d to learn that the has fully re- covered from her recent accident. .rt,ccennerr.-On Tuesday last a large bull, owned by Mr. Louis O'Neil, Made a severe attack on a horse ridden' by his nephew, Alexander O'Neil, goring the horse seriously, throwing the rider - to the ground and shaking him cot- siderably. The horse ran to the barn- yard to his stable, and luckily for the - young man, the bull paying no further atteetion to him proceeded leisurely - after. - Intended for last week. 21CCIDENTALLYSHo8,---Wh1le Mr. Eh Bice was shooting in the yard on Sat- urday, his sister, Miss Ina, entered the building and was struck tear the hip With the ball, which passed through her leg and re-entered her body int which place it still reznains. It seeroe that while Mr. Bice was practising the shooting his supply of cartridges were exhausted aed during his absence for a fresh supply. WaS whet Miss Bice en -.1 tered the building. The accident al- though not thought very serious was ;t very close call and might quite easily resulted fatal. At last reports Misa Bice was improving nicely aud hee many friends hero, wish her a speedy and will be greatly missed. recovery.