HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-31, Page 8Stock
I>� ce.elr],tS.
We propose taking stock
shortly atnd we also propose to
give a bargain in every suit or
garment put ont• by us before we
start the job.
Choice Goods.
We have some of the choicest,
most fashionable :and up-toelate
goods to be had thus giving you
a good seleetion to choose from,
When we say we are going to
give bargains we mean • that, but
they will only last until stock tate•
ing is over, so leave your measure
Drop in and get our prices an
he convinced of what we say..
rchent Tailor,
Soveiii 1id1it( 01 I81iEia
Capital authorized— , . , 0110,00iSiu3
Capital Stibecril'led, , ..... $1,300,000.00
Oemsrai latnkira furl legis traunoted; hu gas of
$nail and u ,:card+ re -ONO en ,tepoAta. kti;be;:
rues et ietee - sal i i *i le io: -, grade and r...es
tl°rrce ar,.,1 : rca,,e.oa ^,c
Special attt}eution giver tri farnaeas
sale notes,
Denies availelee in :all par €af the
world bought wed e.'ki.
F, W.GLS' DA. M. F. E. EARN.
:>,+licitnt: -Manager.
isteinene (eon' eZ•ZCZ'...1V4WOM 'n
Those;,';r nicht i lets and Sae.
mil .1ine are e;ausing r€rsider:itiie
excitement at Stewart's.
No piper meet week.
Evteryboal, lies more or lees-Tnt�rstiy
Blank nate and receipt foetus at tbty
. ,dvueate.
Adversity gives a main a chance to
prove his well h.
Work is the beet cure for the bines'
and an empty pocket book.
Alivaye be charitable to ignorance,
it does not know any better,
For pr'onriaury note and xeceipt
forms call at the Advocate office.
Before plying the wltip imagine
yourself in the place of the horse.
'Yon can't judge the bottom of a
marl's socks by the appearance of the
Don't look for the ADVOCATE nett
week as we will take our annual boli
The Exeter grist mill will be shut
down the early part of next week for
A plan's autograph looks best on .a
check provided he has a good bank
To marry a person when you love
another is siurply storing up misery
for yourself
Remember the Janlee street Sunday
School picnic to beheld at Grand Bend
on August lith•
Harrry Huston has accepted a posi-
tion as junior in the new branch of the
Sovereign Bank.
Free Press, (Wednesday): "An in-
valid was passed by:tbe city to Exeter
yesterday morning."
It is no disgrace to be poor but it is
awfully inconvenient during the wat-
ermelon and ice.cream season.
"Money does not always make a
man happy but it is better to be un-
happy with money than without it.
Mr. Ed. Jones, Exeter North, has
purchased a new traction engine, get-
ting it home from London Saturday. i
A number of noble sports took in
the base -ball match c at Lura
the team of that place and London
Word hes been received of the death
of Mr. Hugh Pringle, of near Staffa,
father of Miss Pringle, of the Exeter
Public School staff.
Our customers say they never had as
good a flour before. A fete bakings
will be sure to convince yon of the
truth of it. HARVEY BRos,
One crying need of this age is moth-
ers who are willing to lire at home
with their children and devote their
time and talent to training them.
At the regular meeting of Court I.
O. F., No. 123, held on Friday night,
Bibs. D. M.i11 and Samuel. Martin were
appointed delegates to attend the
High Court to be held in Winds
August 12th.or on
We believe almost everybody with-
in ;reach uses Stair Four, but if you
have not tried it do se and be convinc-
ed that
onvinc-ed.that it is the heat fic.uv on the mar-
ket. B 'RVEY
,� Bads.
At request of several of their
friends Des._ Orme & Or -me, of Lucan,
have opened up a branch office in Cen-
tralia, and will be available for calls
at all times—day and night-- from
their office, Taman.
Mr, Wm. Jones, while mixing mor-
tar one day last week had, the misfor-
tune to get a ,dazantity of lime in one
of his eyes, with very painful results,
and as a consequence was compelled
to lay off ,work several days.
$2,00,$2.50 and $3.00 three special
bargains in good iron covered
runts. Seeh
them at Stewart's.
$1.19. felt Tone choice of a4 swell civic Holiday:
lctt,of parasols; re irlar value was In accordance with the request of a
$1,50 and 1,7o at �tew. s
� tZ G
If you want'to be healthy, wealthy
and wise use Harvey Bros. Star Eloer.
lir: John Grigg has opened a branch
store in the premises recently vacated.
by 111r. W. W. Taman,
The Epworth League of the James
street church held an ice cream social
on the ohttrch lawn Tuesday night,
Mr. W. G. Bissett intends running a
'bras to Grand Bend, Saturday night,
at 7.30, and returning Sunday night at
the sani.e hour. For particulars see
A black knot inspector says now is
the time for every fruit mau to loot,
after black knot, It will be found in
its green stage; that is, knot which is
composed of innumerable minute
plants is yet green and bas not reached
The branch of the new Sovereign
Bank here opened its doors for Wet-
ness for the first time on Tuesday.
The interior, while yet not completed,
presents a beautiful appearance, being
fitted up in the most modern, up-to-
date style,
. valuable cow belonging to Jit,
Henry Jones, London Road, South,
while resting under a. tree in the pas-
field during the storm on Satin. -
day, was struck by lightning and l*i11-
ed instantly. The tree was also struck
and badly shattered,
Tlie Free Press; "Mr. G. Zlvieker
left a comparatively new Gendroal
bicycle in front of Ward's jewellery
store Monday, mid when he returned
to look 1 01,. forit only a disreputable old
wheel was to be seen. In his absence
a thief bad made the exchange,
After praying for forty years for a
aahy, a New Jersey couple placed a
a small want ad, in the newspaper,
and that same night a bouncing baby.
boy was left on their doorstep. Pray
er is all right if you aro not in attune-,
but for quick returns use printer's
We ate requested to remind our
readers that all legal papers, deeds,
policies or insurance, etc , as well as
photographs, are now charged letter -
postage, namely cents for each ounce
or fraction thereof. If instatiieiently
stamped the postage will be doubled,
n.uuely rents for each ounce.
On Sunday afternoon last the smoke.
start. on Messrs, Ross & Taylor's plan-
ing factory took atunable and was bad-
ly damaged. It is supposed that a cow
t'antaein Contact with one ne o f the .te su
con wires and caused the trouble.
Visit considerable difficulty it was
rni:ed and .got in place again Monday.
.1.t a meeting of the Masonic Exom'-
cion Committee, held, en Thureduy
night, it was unanimously decided
that no eexeairsinn be run this year,
owing to othererraangetuents cotillion
ing and the committee not being able
to make satisfactory arrangements for
the comfort and accommodaation of the
number of the business men of town
the Reeve has proclaimed Friday,a;tlg.
Sth, ' Holiday. G , a s� Crvices o clay. Itis expected
that reduced fare tickets wilt be issued
at this station for that date.
For Sale.
The undersigned has the following
articles for sale—cheap; 2 second-hand
buggies; 1 second-hand trigon; l .,ing
� g �
plow; 1 spade harrow; 2 necv buggies;
2 new gang plows;1 euitivatote 1 sew-
ing machine.
W. G. Bissnene Exeter.
Ozer Annual Holiday.
According to custom, long establish-
ed among country newspapers and ob-
served by the ADyoc.ATR for the past
fifteen years, we will take our annual
holiday next week, consequently there
will be no paper published. The omee,
however, will lie kept open for the,
transaction of business and, the delin-
quent wanting to pay -up will have no
trouble in securing the customary re-
Departmental Examination Results.
The results of the pant I, junior leav-
ing, or public school leaving, examine -
tions held at various centres through-
out the Province will be sent directly
to the public school inspectors and
high school principals concerned. The
exact date of their issues cannot yet
be determined, but it is expected that
the Educational Council will hestble to
make the announcement c,uir in Aug-
ust. The Bart II, junior leaaving and ;
pass iii trieulation, and the ember leave
bag tout honor matriculations: results
will be announced in the usual tray,
A burse belonging to :tir,'l{olrt.Rob-
inson, of Wi:rchelsea, and driveu lay
his soar Leslie, while left standing in
Menses. Ross & Taylor's lumber yard
nn Saturday last, took fright at the
steatu issuing from stn exhaust pipe,
and ran away. Leaving the yard it
ran -down William, street, scattering
parts of the wagon to which it was at -
arched pt°unliscunusly along its course.
On rear ing Ann street it turned the
corner sharply and fell on its side, but
soon regaainedrts feet and finally wound
up at theComrnercial House shed. The
brute sustained several brnices while
the wagon was a total wreck, and the
harness was considerably broken, • ,
Couueit Proceediugs,
Council riser pursuant to adjourn -
rent at Town HalloTtnn Oth. Abseil". •
Councillor Davis, Minutes of preen
tons meeting reed and confirmed.
Muir°—battling—that the resignation
of Mr. Creech as street coennilssaoner,
etc be a e e
cc pt d Cart led, Wood --
M. Brown o pis
Mrs. R. B.
Taylor, of Brewster.
Mrs J. I3. Greive spent a few clays
in London this week,
Mr, Amos, of McGillivray, is visiting
his brother,, Dr. ,Autos.
Mie A. E. Smith spent Saturd
and Sunday be Hensel',
Mfrs. (Dr.). Lutz is visiting her son,
F. H. Laren at Gananogne,
illr, and;ilirs. John Chappel, ofMitch=
ell, spent Sundayy in town.
Mr. Those ,Powell, of Winghatnl, is
the guest of lift, Jos. Davis,
Miss Edith Elliott, of Toronto, is
home spending her holidays.
Mr; Charles ' Vestaaway, of Brant-
ford, spent Sunday in town.
Master Orville Martin, of Seaforth,
is visiting at lir. Hugh Qke's,
Miss Lillie Hill, of London, le the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Brewer.
Miss Olive Treble is visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs R. Hoskins,of Elution,
Mr. T. B. Carling's family willicnic
at Grand Bend today (Thursday).
Mr, Jos. Davis is slowly i:nrprovtng
and is now able to take short drives,
Mitchell Axvocate; Mrs. Geo. Vivi-
an and family are visiting in Exeter.
Miss May Ari>astrong and brother.
George, are visiting friends in Paris.
Mr. W. O. Ruston attended the fun-
eral of his cousin in Petrolia Tatosday.
Misses i". Drinkwaterr and N. Wale
tere are visiting friends in Wingliene
Mies Rose Sutton. of I?etroit, is home
a*pendingher holid a :s with Ler moth-
..l'rs, Chas.
r leftTae t
y1 silts for
a noeth':: visit with friends in 1 "itad-
MMrs. Fisher and (laughter, of O.hic.ae
go, is the guest of Mrs. (DM.) Audeze-
Mrs. John Piekell left Saturday fol'
London, where she will visit for souse
Miss Polite Bawden and Master Fred
Pawden visited friends in Lucian last
Mrs, John May. of Loudon Road,
smith, is recovering frim iter recent
Master Morley and Edna. Verity, of
Brantford,:art• visiting at Mr. ilol*.
Pielear d's.
Miss Atkinson, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
is tbe guest of leer aunt, ;Miss Nate
:9lrs.J.agn. who eras the wrest of
rrIV. Elliott,hale lei twined
' l
her home
Mr. A. Slicer, 'who has been In crys-
tal City for seine months, reetiwued
home Monday..
Miss Jennie Friend. of London, la
Muir—that M W J A'
t lssett be a t•
pointed street eeornanissinuer and ettIa-
er duties heretofore perfumed by lir.
Creech, salary to be pro rato of $115e
Clerk per year, and the (-lark prerpar'e a. I;)°,
acy confirming said appointment,
duties to commence on Monday, July
..nth. -Carried, MuireWoodethat coun-
cil adjourn to meet Friday,:August Jet.
at 7.30 o'clock p. tzi..Car't'ied.
Ono. H. BIsenT , Clerk.
Damaging Rains.
The editor cannot cull at your home The continued heavy, rains are calls -
to inquire if their is any newts. If yogi ing no little anxiety th vouglrout the
know of any hand it in. �� a want all country in Western Ontario. The
the news there is, but no one main can crops generally are in great danger of
get it all. Just as anxious to xnetltion absolute deetratctioti :and a continua
company or visits its to mention those tion of snelepluvi l aveether will soon
sof your neighbors but probably your settle the platter. The heavy down-
«e w tgt them. Hand in y ourlteuen pie of what has prevailed for weeks, it
t -
fives n
:, 5 more assistance in pour on Saturday was only a fair sane -
'raining nearly every day. There is
The two sides of a person's face are also grave reason to believe that tbe
never alike:thenose isseldom :straight; root and potato crop will suffer, from
the eyes are nut of line in two cases the fact haat so much wet will produce
out of five, and one eye is stronger rotting and farmers say that potatoes
than the other in seven persons out of on low land are already on the way to
ten, The right ear is ,also, as a rule, decay, Oats in this vicinity have been
higher titan the left aurch likewise the flattened to a level with the ground,
shoulder. Only one person in fifteen and only under favorable ciretunstauc-
bas perfect eyes, the largest percent- es will produce balfacrop. The wheat
age of defects prevailing among fair-. is ready for the binder, while that,that
haired people. In 51 cases out of 100 has already been cut,is growing in the
the left leg is shorter than the right. head. The river was never known to
The hones of am average human male be so high at this.time of the year as
skeleton weigh 20 pounds; those of a itis at the present.
woman are six pounds lighter,
visiting Ler co►asins, Misses Ethel and
Ida .t,rnlstvoug,
Hiss L. Johns returned home Tues-
day evening from a pleasant visit with
friends in P n ic,
:Miss Olive WVestcott is visiting
friends near lsippen, the guest of the
Misses I)instlale.
Mrs, Edwin 'harmed and children, of
Brautfnrtl, are the guests of Mrs.
Alex MeP, hersou,
Men D. Spicer and dnngliter,
of Brantford, are visiting friends in
and around town.
Mr. Veil- V tnsyck, of London, is
spending a few days with friends in
acrd around town.
Mr. H. Pickard, who bas been at-
tending school at Brantford, is bonne
for his holiday,
Mrs. D. Rozel has sutflciently recov-
ered from her illness as to be able to
he out around again,
Miss Mabel Jennison and Mr. S. Tay-
lor, of St. Joseph, spent Sunday even-
ing with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. P. 5. Armstrong, of
St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mr,
Ind Mrs. A. Holland.
Mr. John Taylor, of Pontiac, Mich.,
s spending at few holidays with friends
n and around Exeter.
Mrs. Okes and two little daughters(
of Chicago, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Gregory.
Mr. Czar Rollins left Monday for
Detroit, where he has taken a position
n a large engraving house.
Miss Della Crocker, who has been
the guest of the Misses. Johns, re-
urned to St. Marys Monday.
Mrs. E. Sanders, after a few weeks'
isit with friends and relatives here.
eft Tuesday morning for Guelph.;
Mr. and Airs. Jas. Walters, after a
pleasant visit with friends in Toronto
and the Soo, returned home Friday.
Hick's Forecasts for August,.
A member of the government who The 3rd and 4th of August aro cen-
was asked whether a holiday would tial days of reactionary storm disturb -
he proclaimed on the occasion of , the
coronation said he did not think so. ernes. On and touching these days
The evident wish of the Royal family the temperature will rise to a climaxseemed to be to leaven semi -private of warmth, ending in threateningceremony and probably the better clouds, with thunder, light rains and
plan here would be not to declare a heavy bluster in rnaet sections, On
holiday. No official advices have as the 5th earth passes between the Sun i
yet been received on the subject. Lat-and the great world Jupiter. These
er.-The Government bas decided to facts will necessitate excessively warm
weather, and if violent electrical t
enation say) a public holiday tions will be most natural. It is ques-
A spec- storms do not result seismic pertarba-
ial number of the Canadian Gazette
will be issued, containing the procla-
whether normal reactions to
mation. cooler weather will follow the storm
period, or whether general and heavy
proclaim Saturday, August 9th, (cor-
The Buffalo moth has made its ap- rains will attend these storms, during
pearanee here and like maner other much of August. We believe that very
places threatens to do serious damage. warn' weather, with light precipitin
They are about the size of a slim grain tion—even hurtful drought are in store
of wheat, a very dark brown in color for most parts of the country, until
and of a hairy nature; travels very the latter part of the month, especial -
swiftly for its size and: proves very de- ly. The Vulcan storm period central
structive to carpets and woollen goods on the 9th, covering the 7th to 12th,
in general. They are usually found on will be marked by changes in the ther-
the edges of the carpet and once they urometer and barometer, commonto
get astart are very prolific. We would the storm periods, and the culmina -
advise every'* housewife to examine tion into storm', with more or less pre-
their carpets,particularly in rooms not cipitatiou, may be expected on and
much used and ferret out the little pest, touching the 9th, 10th and 11th. This
if there be any, and thus avoid serious period may be watched with interest,
consequences later, as it may indicate one way or another,
Mr. Jas. Creech, of whom mention much that may be in store for us for
was made last week as being about to weeks to come. We world like much
resign the position of constable, street to be mistaken, but we fear that, in
commissioner, tax collector, etc., has the main, warm and dry will prevail.
senit t ree sig to the council, On the lath, lath and 16th ,a reaction.
taking immediate effect. As to storm conditions will be noticeable
afore stated the town has lost a good the barometer will fall, warmth will
man, and while we have to regret tbat increase, cloudiness will ensue, and
his services could not be retained, we rains, according to the. abundance or
are pleased to learn that the vacancy, lightness prevailing in the Mars eriod.
has been filled by' an equally compe-will visit many parts in transit from
tent man,: and that the affairs of the west to east. Change to cooler, should
own will be thoroughlylooked after normally appear with the rising bar-
gees without saying. The council met ometerfollowing these perturbations.
on Saturday night and appointed Mr. The reactionary storms on and about.
Wes. Bissett and he has already coin the 26th to 28th, et the centre of the
menced the duties that devolve.: upon Mercury period, and near. the Moo
him. It is not so much a matter of
physical strength and activity that an
officer of the kind requires, but he
should possess tack and discretion and
above all be a` man whose char-
acter will commend respect. An of-
ficial, whose duty itis to enforce law
should be an exempliary citizen, him-
self as otherwise he Neill bring law in-
to contempt. We congratulate the
council in their choice.
Boy Wanted.
Good smart boywanted to learn
printing. Apply at this office.
Apprentice Wanted.
An apprentice wanted to learn the
milling,from 15
to 17
:with eed education. yearsage,
Apply to Harvey Bros.
last quarter,' north declination 'and
perigee, will possibly be fraught with
violence: and danger, especially along
the south coasts. We enter' a regular
storm period as we pass otit of August.
the crisis of which will fall in the first
three days of September.
*ewe SaD'fl'hi ass iV`1h.13'S! O
gam.. l
Mr. Frank Treble left last week for
Miss Nellie Quance is- home spending
heresti tt
a ii
c .
friends in town.
Miss Daley, of Seafot'tb, is visiting
Mr. Wm. Pickell, of Stratford, and
his brother,. Charles, of Grand Valley,
have been visiting at their home here..
Mr. M. J. Welsh, who has been vis-
vas r ' and
Thx'es er -
e wiseand prudent until, be he a fanner* or what he may, never
leaves elie things he requires Gall the hast minute. Negleet has put
many a man in a, tight pinch. Now dont be caught napping, if u:
went anything in the line of harvesting or threshing supplies
have it. Here are a few specials;,— we
Binder Gloves,
G u
a gglass rubbers
Feather Belting, all sizes from one to 6 inches wide,
Threshing Gloves, a new stock, Engineers Paclkii
Binder Twine
Brass. Valves,
Gauge Glasses
peci l t abbit Metal, Cylinder Oil
} Y ,
eerless Machine Cil, Artie cup Grease+, o
Soltclifted Oil.
successor's to - f , BishopcG Son
.... .
$'1,(1R i
Enbroidet°y or lace trimmed, fatter'
wtIS $1,2 to 52.21, buttoned
WHITE l; oa
WAISTS. fieri#t. Any of then for 51,00.
Fine or rustic straw Sailors, Air
FOR LADIES'srltita' blaicl:
SAILOR , and bine, price was Wets.
HATS. to 91.00. our el9aiice now for lr.
alit all colors, fine or rustic strew.
I' 011 STRAW
a>oinitfaewy Inaide, AU going at the
HAT elecaring pr°Ace 1fie. each,
So.. 200 yards CORMsilk
t rr a. h s • Lice. gra , alb. l a
w.ae Ani
PER YARD ' white, linen. cream. Nue, Tonne
FOR ; price wasEee, to .1.., all at the one
LACE. price now ie. per yard.
Re.°ttluarters Yor tite Celebraated'W. 13, Sandford Ready 1
. Inde Clothing. '.
Now is the time beautify
homesby seleet�,�,�, ' g
some of our
handsome S e FL1rn1iure.
Do you want a nice
Bedroom sett for............. $10
Sideboard... , . , ........ .
Cool Sweet Mattresses. ....
Bed Springs ....
Couches and Easy Chairs at easy prices.
Curtain poles and trimmings.
We have several sets of beautiful chairs just in.
Give us a call and if we have notof what you
want we will soon get it for you. g
Furniture and undertaking rooms.
Gidley's Block, Exeter.
iting friends here, returned to his Mrs. W. Hodgson and her daughter,
Miss Blanch,
home in Kansas City, Mo., Saturday, of Toronto, is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Shosenburg and family,
of Loudon,are visiting the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hawkshaw.
Miss M. J. Drew, of Los.' Angeles,
Cal., arrived Monday morning and
will send the summer with her sis-
ter, lags. Frank Knight.
Mrs. Wm. Hale, who underwent an
operation last week, whereby she was
rendered very weak and in a low con-
dition, is slowly mending.
Mr. Thos. Handford, who' has been
acting in the capacity of judge at the
Winnipeg Agricultural Show on
horses, returned home Tuesday.
Miss Jessie McGregor, of Si en;
who has been visiting friends in St.
Joseph, visited friends in town this
week, the guest of Mrs. McAvoy.
London Free Press:—Mrs. Hent
Wasnidge and her son, Ernie, ; of this
city, have gone to visit friends in Exe-
ter, Dashwood and Grand Bend. '
Sandy Bawden and Percy Brown-
ing who left, here on Monday, the 21st
inst., with intentions of sailing for the
Old Country, have returned home.
On arriving at Montreal they proceed-
ed to take in the sights of the city and
during their absence the boat steamed
oitt, much to the disappointment' of
our young friends on their return: -
Mr. W. J. Carling, who has been on
a business and pleasure trip to the
North West, returned:, home Tuesday
morning. He reports the country in
a flourishing condition, with bright
prospects for an immense crop, there
being no more than the usual amount
of rain in that country. Mr.- L R.
Carling, who accompanied him is ex-
pected to follow shortly,
friends in and around Exeter, the UUuuL,
guest of Mrs. 5, Gidley.
Logan: While bunting for eggs in
the barn, a little son of Mr.. Wm. In-
gram, fell into the cellar, causing an
ugly cut to the right of one of his eyes.
Several stitches were required to bring
the broken flesh together.
Logan: Mr. Geo. Rose met with a
painful accident a few days ago. He
was assisting masons when•a chip from
a stone which was being broken lodg-
ed in one of his eyes. He was sent. to
Stratford hospital whore an operation
was performed, but it is feared that
tee sight of the eye will be destroyed.
Staffa: Mr. Hugh Pringle died on
Thursday at the age • of 80 years.' De-
ceased was in failing nealth for some
time and his death was ' expected at
any time. He leaves to mourn his• de-
mise a widow, five daughters and five
sons, His remains were interred in
the Egmondville cemetery Sunday.
Wiingham: Word has been'received
from. Sault Ste Marie of the accident
that happened to Fred Elliott, son of
James Elliott, brickmaker. It appears
that. Fred. was working nearthe en-
gine used to drive the machinery,
when he became entangled in it and
was wound around it in some way, so
that one leg was broken, his ';head
crushed and body lacerated. His many
friends here will regret to hear of the
accident, bttt will be pleased to hear -
that the injuries ies mty not prove fatal.'
A statue of Robert B3nrrts' will be
erected in Chicago,
Supplied with either the
Angle Iron, Round
Rod or Wood. ,--
These are without _
doubt the -best ma-
chines obtainable
at any ric
.p e•
Was awarded the only ,
medal and diploma -
given on Hay Forks
at the , World's
Fair Chicago.
Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith shop.