HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-31, Page 7LORI} SALISBURr8 GAUD, THE PRITtrz gnusTgA OF ERMA:Sinn .Also Something About non. Balfour, the New the Mideter- The Right Mon, Arthur Talbot °Rscoigkie Cecil, Navvies *of Sells - bury, eldest surviving son of the sec- lefarquis of Salisbury by hie first. wife, the daegbter and beir at Bendier Gasectipine„ Esq., WM bOra at Hatfield to 1830. Ile Wee elect- ed member of Porlinment for Stone !fled in 1852- He rePreeented that e, bough in the Conservative doter, le a ffatileld Tiouse and on Pure soap r You've heard the words, ln Sunligbt Soap you have the fa.ot. NUM 4.0tgerth lEurMUCES XXPX14414 -egtate$;.- - IS much. itatereeted, nilellinstrY and the wholerange eaTeritueutiel.. physics. and has spent much of his time in bis private lab,: oratory. Lord Salisbure; was suceessful writer an Political affairs, at sieeeribed uis as paper man.Uespone on. Mardi 2, eh the rieresIty a giving in. 'eased ottention to the study of est until his Succession to the Marquisate On the death of his fa- ther, APril 12. 1969. -ribile in the Lowev House he was Uncityg. es Lord Robert Meal. until the decease of his elder brother an dome -14„ 186a, when be assumed the courtesy titte of ViScOulat CraPborae., Ile took a, part in ail pnblic measuree that tested the Inetabiielied China. OD tite leading leolltical questmes, Medicine, at a ateetiog in aid of the Ile was a frequent contributor to the flu° °I. 11-1.!° 11c(14111r° Infuln" edenteedy ago °thee -•le received Ulster delegates riodicals. Vit, Hatfield nit May of that e•efor. Ire Be WAS appointed Secretary of Jr"i•velled in Ulster later- lie deliee stoto for Indio, in July. 1806. in !eyed a remarkable inaugural ad. Lord rerhy's third ofialluistration.Arcss att ;.; meeting of tile British ife re:nailed on March J. 19 4, cause of a difference of opinion &tout the reform bill. fie WAS cleated. Chancellor sot the University of tese font aS SliceesSOr to tile late MIA a Derby, Non. 12, ISO') Itt1271 and 1972 he WAS AO arbitrator in the complicated affoirs of the Ln - dun, Vlle:feu and Dover Railway Company. /le mu; appointed FieeretarF of Sties. for India again when Dieraeli Asnodedion et Oitford. over which he presided. in August, 1S94. Ile in. sisted in his address on tho necessary tations to scientific speculetion. Lord Salisbary matTiOd. in 1857, Georgiano, Carolinte daughter of Pa* Von. Alderson, of the Eeehequer Court. who died a. few years ago. THE NEW VREAUElt. The Right Ifon. Atelier J. Ilan our. Ihtt. tete, tie w Premier, is the on Ceylon Tea is the fines Tea the world produces, and is sold only in kali packets. lack, Mixed and Green. tez milker& rry 444lada" Greta telie UstEEN FOOD Atli) ROOT =ITS 01T VOONOIWICAL RQB-Ic rA.O.D1,17,7T1.011. The Farmer Nay .1$14,10 F9Xage IlatItS, filo Phiel Item, of Ms Pig. Veed. In tho past. some oblections have been raised by the paeikers re the use of forage plants and roots for perk proeluctioa, but the light recent, experiments would seem% It boy was engwit in nocturnal show their Ware or obleet slit 1'$e"Ilog a short tittle ego. and I groundless ; in fact, the qooI itt- 1",°?, 473'',41-ve4 03.7 the owner of the faience of a considerable propor lona u" . 'n'nus unnoticed 9Y the y011Og a green feed or roots in the ration irdiddd". !deceit e. large stuffeil dog at 1 of a pig an scarcely bo elf -el -estimate the foot of the tree. and retired to 'ti... It. hes long been known that w4,1„1,th tint result of his strategY• Min milk. hao 0, most borceadal in.. 4 Ale boy, about to deeeesid, observ...1 fluence upon the thrift of the pork- ed °lc, doff. and then tbe fun come and quality of the pork, even '1744' lie WbiStled, COANed, Iv Ica me omouot foli forms, only ti, threatened. but unavailingly. the aide a mileage ticket, so that very °Reit a, person will melee a telP oao• slight expose hnv1u n the house the means a traveling without at the time paying out any money. It is estimeted thet there are used Of NeW YOrli; Ventrel mileage books alone from seven to ten million milee per month. Notwitlestending that the courts have decided that the net of the Legislature of New York obliging railroads to. iseue ndleage tieffets s untninstitlitional. the !dew York Ventral still contrive ties to eel/ there uuder the same lib- eral conditions as before- PerhaPn this is one of the reasons for the teadyitiet'ease in the etesseager ic of the New York Central and • leased lines. People appreciate low mike for et and liberal arrangemente un which the low r ates can be l. They They dislike lied tape and ant to avoid. it as much as they can. The direct, straight -forward two -cent per mile mileage ticket suits titem exactly, and practically evererody on the Central has ope.- From tise Buffalo ecauleterefel- - CHASED BY A STUFFED ONE. fallall Part of the ration. Green. food Inn1 L"'ver flowillg. and Madl, ytic- Ad 'MOW Stilts A, latge bleilKtife celdinff, the bleu -dahlia settled bO capable of suppleineutieg the fieWs-iu view of the tremendous ex- YettlEilefi to office in 1974, Ile date g late edit'. James Maitland Dal- daemon ift tele eat/odium, bacon, ite. special ambaesador to the Sub" four, of Whit tinglialue. and Lady 41ustry..._41utui Inadequate supply of Mile Porte wheat ltessia 014904sefl Blanche nery Harriet, daughter ofteats ete,deefentse ine use in pig Turhey in Servisto affairs. and he eecond hlarquis of fiatisbury, Tha farmer whos.e condi- minister pleuipoteclistre at the con- feressce of Constentlitople. In this couference he as le leader. Ile had au snit -Pence of tlio Sutton JAL 11, -1,gi±, and prezwal upon him the two and was born on July 1818, ell-, loos, pertalt May gO even further ucated at Eton, and set Trinity Cond than to Ivo toto40 ithotto an a to it to estre isimeelf front the dog. lege, Cambridge flff, A. 1873, Hon- eaddieefeenfre focid. He spay oven 'which hitd Cbased isilat quite a dis- Indliteloirgio Vial, St, And"' dean dined dbe chief iteat Of hies pig totIcsN It ten't isealthy now for !, tune's 18144 mai Coinlortilge• 1g.reep , 0. to pass the night in the tree. After sonle hours had eiapeed, wearliy enougla to the lad, morning dawned. and the proprietor of the tree coming front the house asited. how IZIP CaWit% to be in the tree. to which the boy onswered that he took netaf- le Extra. Fine Stook $35Q nO Or 360 SItZep PER ItteX4 Ti Nr$0:4 $031 0V9. Lima TTO. WISER TITAN ME LOOKED. TIsere are losses wItich people sa- fer unconscloosly, lic that saistairis ed by the geologist Who Wren f Seatelt gillie to carry his bag o efierimene neross the etiontitninte "It was a ;heavy teed, nod Asst netlike; but sones." said, Dosuild. relating his experiences to a friend, "and I wee. not fool etiougis to •drag tho pebblete a guisi ten miles- I just emptied the bag before. .I led it at tIii e,tjrfl 1 last mule to. and the gentleman wiis, just as pleased." tiL- Northrop Sa Lynala CQ. ate •the proptieteee of Oa Thomfon Itelectrie Oil, whiten le sow being sold M faustaenee quantitiee throe:gleam the Dinnitillet, It is .weleonseti by the sufferaug My:mit ererywbere teals emotions of delight, termite k Inusieltee pain met instant •reilef. Tide speellie for alnesest "every ill that desk heir t e" fs seilastd by the Sufferer Al$ mom precious thee gold. le is the elixir at We to ussety , sweetest frame. To tlie twitter it. hi- Mole. poisealde. owl k be in eteiry how. 44I ,7*1 It 4, to SOF tal Need sog to 4 potpie on niacin the powees intended is a 11.114., for East 1,041iliii4 andliaise-el , _„.1 teat nate to iinfirriaAilal Min tbat If they shine wee litriwAte, seetetary to tia, Ett71;12:ucii1:17,i4a4 414°11410 Ir't:41141,4111011,44/01'111"47 'were lait neceptiet the nolhadsailderei Maripaie of Soliebetre. when Scene tate ifeetitig' spiltlnnpk intlalellte tory of fit;ite for Affairs, Ao 1,,1 teethe, rim, en. fatsey, ltilisedni employee on speedo! litlib3.Hvalick,4 gee en. or.,;1144.itislaw,. itiii-iriosiou,. 1.1111.1Kfr: Two illittupOSALS sine of loreis Beaconsfield anti Salle- toefog„ drops „defected!, for %doe Or. ti woro that titer" ttoullgit he id inixed"ibillY'S tc1) 141144° '1.14"e" 1878; P" V.4 1 shell coistione ney itertiarke to Fritrideli said international efoulaisiee istial President of the Local (toy- i 404 a9 oro eion of rupervision ouil that the firet , eriinielet Itoard. OW. Ifielii. to Jan- STILL SEASOldAIILId. stilleoisitneeit tit the governor:I 'Should. mil% 18.144 il"(1,, „Seee_rettir, f_oc 116:"Sidett: goteenagteefietted 1110 erap Is bet, , V 'S '' feral. SI IiiiYa issii, to Maren. 4NNe. A sreeim juotim, am, (mamma Chief Secretary for Irlenad with a "' 4441418'vd 141 Pig6 '1 4*. 41 ; si ',4 'OUT. 'Tlirl'olVtlise Lido .1 FOR YOB 71 LJJILJJJ1; Shop AS4Staililte,-,-Certaluiv, mud- ! ain; what size do you taher* NEST WORDS Or' ADVICEI: lariseesiag Lady tells shoes a text ..306 41teetteetta.dellidetdeletedeettedistitentrit /mom oNE Nom imeaWS. 1,01;`nes 1."-Z (Mee Ileadl fee* t p • a 4 triail nailer p hoop to any home. it. dnielei ;and cleans I, al VaNauti Conned Avo.a autoornSeritt 1111 eabilid Irmo November. (1°Iier" ivad a"er t'aublft Aigl""aa Y1514118. 1414 SPeas A the same time (treat 18. About 1111 lklUSS14914014.5 alld I 18146. to AIIMISt, 189g. an" the Wel for this purpose will give very Strung Rlairi Counsel, to Be' omit, tut icatutio t, oiristiaan wereideatit or md, It smith. mtd /tate !good resume'. So far as our ezeperie SuFerting Sisters -Tells Them Trysail. /he prormitogo lasted two tour succeeded hint it leader of tho nieinia go, the pork so produced is -- - Own Bxperience as Vroof. The average tempera -tare ritain has risen nearly 1 of good quality. Nl --------iant July gl,„.-.0-7,po. gives within the pact half 110tillfS mut were opened by Itildhat k House of Commons and Loi'd rashit. With ono dissentient veice .of the Treasury, After the (*ellen al the crods IltVti here feefeyolto veto toiod foteay se Jo/platy is, /law mos, vow 4114,, S COUltell tutaulmous 1802 ha Weallltb. leader of the far fav 113611143.1g Pt"' rare (01° warnoe' 111011 it Waii. @ally statute agrA. The prinel Mies Emily Liddell of flee place for the firet time Would find it. bard to believe that 0111Y a, few InalitlIS ago elie was un ° Mee Liddell suffered with Female WealitteSS and. Ilacnaelle. Datil for months W49. SO ill as to be unable to attend to her hon 'hold duties, tlie Slightest taSk binng too much for palatability, as the Isles eat it , Good Thing to Ea fame ZfrillOolo klMlutt0.4 rhy entail*. An meet and in LIORY'S Natural Flavor Food Products sire L. S. ccrerawcat 144pecteo. ie '',45 devetteeltee Q :$. 114,714.3 -ler any Ur,* glielfoe gent and want. etiae, simply me etyaell tbi cne u,:sain. An 41441441g Unmet hi Paste le ambient, 4,4 WM %NEU WO, MAW Write for osr face Vszo4itt, "Watt Ira 1.tal:e Clizod inhen liege diesdeilieetledaddlnli***4-4444. NO Inn Ehroszetiwii-4V.hticAS inn eel= Vehuncr. sawaie an Atte /rote tactoit.lielseaihrentesrmiviimoil anceorith tireeblefln Sande Ilene. 701,3aNnelaffra. 10141 4Pczncla $1 tor-Jike.vc1414:enTe ree rp.s.aios, (Ito II yrairanads Pt? WWI. fraussexunito, Nehru, Tees, V. . -. IWile--"Vere's 4 letter from the posal of the powers. irhe confer- Commons. and as such ledScotts asking us to spend a week ence held its last sitting Jan. 20, poon againet the Home Bide for i quiet; growths Cill ils Wide range. aS i MInard's Liniment Is the best i, with own.- Thisband--414vs seo. land. (di Its long FtIKUOU, its it, MO 511.3.ing nn thy, rojecit pt the pro. VeilliiPrVative party M the Hoorn of 'minis in Ito fevor are •--(li itu and immediately afterward Lord Ireland Bill. In April, 1890, he re- grEnNs u mos Salisbury left ,for lengland. Ile was appointed Secretary of State for Voreign Affairs in .the place! of the Earl of Derby April 11, 1878. Ile wrote a once a mem-. orable despatch in which Ile enunci- ated the policy Of the governumnt with motel to the Eastern ques- tion. Ile and the Earl of Beacons- field were soon afterwards the repre- sentatives of Great Br.tain at, the Congress Of Berlin. On their re - Urn to Leution the most, enthoslastie reception greetUd them at Charing Cross, July Id, I 4 . The Queen hivieded the Idurgais rew's University. in lsovesuber, Salisbury witit the Order of the Oar- 1,886; was Keeper of the Privy Neal, ter. Ile reeeived the freedom of the Xrelitudt 1887; eltetneellor of the the eity of London and a grand banfalet der of $t, Patrick, 1887: Vice -Pest - at the thousion Mousse. Ile Went out dent of the Committee of Council on Of office With his party after the de- Veducation for Scotland; Chairman of feat eustained in the general tier,- the Commission on Iti-Metallism, tion of April, 1880. 1881; elected F.R.S. 1888; member At, a meeting of Conservative peers of the Senate of London University. beta on. May 9, 1881, after the death of Lord Beaconsfield, the Mate quis of Salisbury was elected to lead the party in the Mouse of Lords. Since then Isis career bas beett identified with that of the Con- servative party. Me opposed, but ateepted. TIIE IRISH 'LAND ACT, presented his uncle. Lord Sunshine', at the great Orange detoonstraAlen at Belfast. After the elections of 1892, Mr. Balfour was leader of the OpposItiOn until June, 1895, wheu on the re- turn of the Unionist, party to power be again became leader of the House and First Lord er the 't'reasury, pos- itions which he has :duce Mr. Balfour Sat for Hertford. from Feb- ruary, 1874, to November, 1883, a.nd since then be bas sat for the enfitern division of fdancliester. He was elected Lord Rector of St, And - of 1881, criticized adversely with • much vigor Mr. Gladstone's Egyp- tian policy; carried the rejection of the County Franchise Bill in 1881; and. represented the Conservatives at the conference between opposing leaders which led to the framing of the Redistribution Bill of 1885, Mr. Gladstone having been defeated on June 9 of that year on a, budget rote, and having resigned, Lori". Sale isbury took °face as Premier. ' The principal events of his short tenure of office were the annexation of Burmah, and the re -opening, of the Eastern question by the revolution in Eastern Roumelia, and the Servo - Luigi -ulna war, England supporting Prince Alexander by her drion.dly' neutrality.. After the geneeal elec- tion of November, 1885, Lord Salis- bury was turned out. on the a'cldress at the elid of January. Ile oppos- ed Mr. Gladstone's home rale and after the second general elec- tion, in 1886, became once more Premier. When the late Lord Randolph Churchill's resignation led to the re- construction of the •cabinet, Lord Salisbury took the 'Foreign Oflice in the place of 'Lord Tddesleigh, tosign- ed. in May, 1888, Lord Salisbury introduhed a bill into the House of Lords for the reform of that assem- bly and the creatioe of life peers. The ciey of Glasgow presentedeits freedom to 'him .on May 20, mid- m July the German Emperor arid the Prince Of Naplee visited him, and were entertained •at Haffielde'ETouse. Tine GENERAL ELECTION • of 1802 caused Lord Salisbury to go, out of office, though his government: did not ecteally resign till they „had, been.-deteated M the CommonS.• Adn ter the defeat of the lloeebery -ad- miuistratioe - Lord Salisbury aain become Premier, on. jime 29,1895, 'and hie govertmeet was euntained ' at the last general ,elections in Octo- ber. :1.900. Lord 'Salisbury held the portfolio of Foreign Secretary in the cabinet for minty years, in which he was sticeeeded by the present hold- er, Alm Martens ,of Lansdowne. - ' Lord Salisbury, apart; from pone ,Thet fare is SW. If they'd make it j two weeks. or pay the. fare one way. The Proprietoo-“But We won% teo come do it., be sown A9 late as September gut have cuOugh Wort: to keep anothe still do fairly NMI. f-1 it9 evideti loan busy. ' "rhe Applicant -"Oh. 61"6/137' Itn6 (6) as g°1311 eilete‘ her in her weakened eontlition. upon the quality of the haeon. WO', She WWI terribly run down. and diming as it does, ahnoet invariably. nothing seemed to do her any good go"' 6r1" e4re""T• Rape nui-Y be. or afford ner the slightest relief till expected to be lit for 'pasturage from she tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. From 6 to 8 weclis fc°In ant° 4`!"f sowing. the very beginning they seemed to It '81ninkt 11° s°w° in rows about' 21 help her, and although at first the inches apart, since 'whoa co growu it . lug rovement was slow she perse- gives the greidef 1 return pee item wired and gradually grew stronger, N. egemble Pills will at the saMe time and is W4 adapted tor pa:41101M. to -da' It should be sown fairly thickly II than she has everIs In knowil . . Iti ceanse t befo' re.lhe blooda , rid the blotcbes and , eruptions will 'disappear without leaving the ruirss say three Pounds of ma Miss Liddell Is very grateful far' antMice. Pee acre' An aere iiiaY 1)° Itxlweted her remarkable deliveranceand data mho, that, ,uhitt wont in I You twee not cough ad night and turb your friends i..tliere is no occasion for steady job."' you runnitig.the rat: of contracting in- fiammation of the hoar; er consumption. A Clear, Healthy Skiu.-Eruptions of while you eau get Ilielchrs AtitoCon- the skIn and the blotches WIJOR blemish stitaptiye Syrup. This Inedieine cures beauty are tbe mink Of imPlire blood coughs, colds, inflammation of the lump caused by unhealthy notion of the Liver soul all throat and elseet troubles. It pro lied Kidneys, In correcting this 1111-I MOMS a internal easr 0:qm:oration, which 'IQ/LIMY TICTIOlt and teetering, the orlans minediately relieves the throat and lunge to their normal COndit1011, Patine ee'S from siseldnildennu 14) caccY fc°111 ..1-41 10 4° lugs strougly reconunentis Dodds ICidney. "Olt, 1 MIA manta' anyone through a. Setuitili, depending on the pies to op, hoe lady aequaintauces please." said he, smillug, and mi- ser -iron and the condition of the who need help. She bas given for ing Ids nutstache couceitedly.ou 11 crop when the pigs are turned in. Publication a very strong letter of fieVer Marry, then," said Madge, the Vetcheee-Vetches oleo are valuable recommendation in wbich she says : tease. "for there are none the 1 you as forage for swine, and may be. un- "I would most heartily and con-lcould please. you see." der exceptional conditions sown' scientiously advise all young women 1888; the iroodoul of the city of lat,ct in the season. F.MIecIal4r Is troubled with Female Weakness in London WaS conferred on hint la, tion,true of the IlnicY Vetch. which tory'form, to try the remedy that 1888; and be was elected a member &News has the Peoullar quality ofr cured me after everything else bad of the Conmattee on Town Moldings, Procedure of the House of CoMMOUS, etc. Ile is the author of a. "Defenee of Philosophic Doubt,' published in 1870, the volume of 'Golf' in the Badmintott series, and a Yolittne of 'Essays and Addresses.' 1898; meg-, cloptiedie artieles on musket sob- jects, and various magazine articles. Mr. Balfour is an enthusiastic golf- er and cyclist. He Was captain of the 'Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews in 1804. and president of the National Cyclists' *Union. BA.13Y,S OWN TABLETS. Iteep Little Ones Well During the Hoe Weather Months. If you want to keep your little ones hearty, rosy and full of life dur- ing the hot weather give them Baby's Own Tablets the moment they show signs of being out of or- der in any way. ands medicine cures all forms of. stomach and bowel troubles, which caxey off so many little ones during the summer moaths, and is the best thing in the world for sleeplessness, nervouseess, irritation when teeth- ing, etc. It is just the medicine for hot weather troubles; first, because, it selways does good; and, second, because it can never do any harm- uaran teed free*from opiates,. NI'S. W. E. Bassani, Kingston, Ont., saYs: •-,"1 began using Babyie Own Tab- lets when my , little girl was about three months old. At that time she had iudigestien badly; she was vomiting andhad diarrhoea,con- stantly and although she had an ap- parently ravenous appetite her food did, her no good a.nd she was „eery thin. Nothing helped her ,until we begangivine her' Deby'S Own Tab- lets butaaft7et giving- her thee the vomiting and diarrhoea ceased and she penult' lo improve almost at ...once.' I have since tiend (the Tablets for other, troubles ,and hate found them aln that cen be deeired-they are :the best medicine' 1 have ever Used for a &Minn' These Tstblete are readily taken by all ellildteti, and can be given' to the sna all est, weakest infant by cruehing them to a powder, Sold at &lig stores or you can get them pest paid at 25 cents a box ny, writing direct is to tee. Dr. ,Williame' MOclicine Co tics, hid> liad varied ieterestts. Brock -;J10, .)l.., or Schenectady,, timeelf 'n,ri electrician, and dies ap- N.y. plied his knowledge to pi•a,ctical pure • growing up again after hexing Wen, failed, and that remedy is Dodd's cut off and eaten down. Kidney Pills. Oats -Probably no green crop will ' "For months at a time X was so give a better return in pork than. low tied weak that I foetid it im- oats. They may be sown late or possible to attend to my household early itt the season at the rate of 3 duties, my back 'used to ache some - or 6 Imehels to the acre and the thine dreadful. Now I feel strong pigs turned on about a mouth after, and better than X ever did. and they germinate. The fault ot this Dodd's Kidney Pills did it all. They ceop is that it lasts only a short, are worth their weight in gold to time, as it does not seem to be able any young wonitot suffering as I to recover when oace eaten down. used to suner. e ib. Artichokes. - Aw nother crop of "They built inc up wonderfully and Miners Liniment for eumatism great value for pork produetion is cannot speak too higbly of the artichoke. It should be sown Kidney Pills as a medicinfor sick Dodd's For Ortr Sixty Tears. Ay Om Ann AVnta.-Tainn ilmnsfer. whisker's FoothineSsrep has been wed for OTOr Id:4y seen by minions of MailetS fnr their chlidren whit with perfect, eurzezia. It, tootlre the WI to:atone the gust., alhois all redo, corm mod tone, on lotho boAreino,ty for Diorrhass,14 n'esouit to the ms o. hell by 41.-uggige in every ant of tbo ttsos,d. Twenlylice cents ninn. ie. Its value fa imulcalahle. .311 SUM And nek for Wri. t'finslow's seaisier atiLtsilat nnottistkitul. She -"I have been suffering dread- fully lately with shooting pains ia my face," Ile-' You may have been using too much powder." la,te in the fall or very early in the 'women." The Vishney Canal, in Russia, s . , 3 Flabbus-"I should say so. She bas Mrs. A. -"Does iteour busbaud be- lieve in corporal punishment in the household?' Mrs. 11. -"Only to a certain point. always whipping the ,chiltiren, but be thinks the dust, should be got aut of -the talent by moral sustelon." MINErS 11111111001 the beg Hair iiesiorer. "Are you fond of fiction, darliug?" "Yes: but don't tell me I'm the on- ly girl you have ever loved!" •••. Not it Nauseating PilL-The excipient of a pill is the substance which enfolds the ingredients and makes up the pill mass. 'Inuit of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is so componiscled as to preserve their moisture, stud they can be carried into any latitude without i in pairing their scree at Many pills, in orderto keep therefrom -ad- hering, are rolled in powders., which prove nauseating to the taste, Parmelee's Verse titble Pills are so prepared that they are agreeable to the most delicate. Mrs. Billins-"Is your :sords wife . an economical young Woman?" Mrs. spring. They will do the hai'vesting Before marrying for inOliey the longest in. Europe. It is 1,434 miles long, and coeuects St. Petereel 'wining. The pigs may' be allowed to finduced Idm to let his beard grow. feed on it ia October aud the early o ns to be able to get along with - themselves. This is, a inost excellent should remember that rich things we burg with tbe 'Volga, and so with 8 - out neckties." crop for brood SOWS ia spring and the Caspian Sea. autumn. rapt to disagree with us. IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP Almost all varieties of juicer forage crops are suitable for pork produc- tion, the worts mentioned above be- ing probably THE BEST FOR. CANADA. The question as to the advisability of allowing pigs to gnaze, or shut- ting 111 a small pen and feeding them the green crops, does not seem to have been positively settled yet, for while greater daily gains may be ex- peCtekl where animals aro kept in close quarterS, there is always the item of extra labor for cutting and carrying the forage. :Another item of , some importance tothe, feeder is the ecanparative economy of whiter end summer feed- ing of pigs. According to various experiments .conducted here recently, pork May be drocluced abottt iTL per hundred pountle, live weight, less cost in summer than in winter. This .feeinks to be dut . to less cost of :green , feed, as well as to low temperature, which mast be over- come by food or by artincialdheat. J. H. di-USDA:LE, - • Agricalltmeet, - Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa -f, MILEAGE TICKETS. From Seven fo Ten Iliillion Miles IllOntb. by Patrons of New • ' York Central. • Mileage tickets are used very gen- ceally by, persone who travel at all regularly ro the State of New 'York. •rIlie liberal conditions under Which these conditions, have been issited en- due:0 tilmost eirery family Lo purchase . , Thete never was, and never will bs a univereanpauncen, in one remedy, for all ills to winch flesh is heir -the very nature of many curatives being such that were tee germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patiente-what would relieve one ill, in turn would aggravate the other. We have, 'however, ni Quinine Wine, when obtain able in a sound unadulterated state, a reel edy for 71111lly and gre vi one ills. By its .gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence and streagte, by the influence which Qui- nine exerts ouNature's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom ii chronic 511110 01 morbid des poncleacy awl lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by, tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sorted and refresline sleep -- imparts vigor to the aCtiOn of tlie blood, which being siiinuJnted, co u rses through- out the veins, strengthening the healthy animal fithetions of. the system, thereby making, activity a necessaryresale, serehadaenine,ehe frame, and giving life' toplte digestive ,org,ans,, which naturally detuancl. increased substance -result, im- proved appetite. Northrop & LyMaa of 'reroute; liave given to the. penile 'their superior Quinine Wine at the ueuel rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists., this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market. • All drivieists sell It. . Ireland's people commit feieer steall offences than (hose of iany oth- er country. Last y'ear -there wee 'a fel:tiler diminution of 10.2 pei• 'centn in minor offences. Minaret Liniment Curet, :LaGrIppe, Miss De Muir ---"Papa,' always gives rim ft, book as a birtleclay „gift." Miss Meanor--"What s fitte•litorary you teine'd The quality standard from ocean to ocean, Your money back if not satisfeetory. Rose 4&!: Laflamme, Agente, Montreal Mrs. 0.- 0.--"I wonder where in the • world the alarm clock has gone? I saw it on the table yesterday." Mr. 0. -"It NVaS there 3resterday, but I heard it going od this morning." Mrs. 0. -"Well, I hope • it hasn't gene where you told it to go." tA ST "KELAINLESSP:10 Endorsed by best English rnedIcisijournels. Suppliedte British soldiorsin south Africa. For all Throat and Gland Troubles, Lumps, Abscesses, Old Soros, Ulcers, Felons, Skin ,Diseases, Eczema, Pimples, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism, Lumbago Spralas Bruises . Piles, Cuts, Sore Foot, Pleurisy, Sold by Druggists, a5c. Try it Once. ,DobSon--"An unsigned poem is to me a symbol of modesty," Mobson -2nTeat's funny; it strikes me as an indication of cowardice tlow's This s‘i.orrer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured hy.lIall's Catarrh Cure. F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known 1+% 3. Cheney for the last 15 years,* and believe him perfee.tiy lionerable In all business transactionand ananelally able to carry out any Obligations' made by their elm, Wholesale Druggiess, Toledo, 0 ral, eest onterrh Care itaken i s nternaly, l gi‘s.i.sR.8,v.& TR i.j..„‘ x. wholesale Druggists, acting directly upon the blood and mucous free. price 73...‘ per bottle. Slid by n11 drug. surfaces of the pysteni. Testimonitos sent Toledo, 0, VALDINO, /;.INNAN & Hall's Family Pills aro the best.. Messrs. C. C. Richards ;SS Co. Dear Sirs, -While in the country last summer 1 was badly bitten by mosquitoes -so badly that I thoughts I would be disfigured for a. couple weeks. .1 was adviSed to try your Liaiment to allay the irritation, and did so. The effect, was more than I expected -a few applications completely curing the irritation, pre- venting the bites from becoming sore. MINARD'if LINIMENT is also qaugit000eds.article to deep off the mos- Yoers truly, W. A, OKE. Harbor Grace, Nfid., Jan. 8, 1898. Query-Wbea somebody wishes to blacken somebody else's cletracter by uttering clark Wilts fibout him, wouldn't he begin bit c•itrefully pitch - nig his voice? 50 . 00 . ROUND TRIP TO C ALT-. 1 OTINTA . Chicago & North-Western It'y from Chicago, 'August 2 to 10. The new Overland Limited, the luxurious ev- ery -day train, leaves Chicago 8,00 r..m. Only threeddays en route. tine rivaled scenery. Variable rout -es. New ,Drawing Room Sleeping filers and Compartment Cars, Observation Cars (with" telephone). All meals in Dining Cars. Bullet Library Cars; (with barber). Electric - lighted, throughout, Two other fast trains . 10.00 a.m.' and 1,1.80 p.m. daily. The hest of everything. Daily and personally conducted tourist Oar cx- cii‘sions. to paliiornia, Oregon and. • Washington. Apply to your nearest ticket a,ent or ciddress II. 11. Ben- ., lett, 2 latst King St., Toronto, ,y