HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-31, Page 5A P
(Utter brorate)
poi/fished every Thureday Morning at the Office.
4,X4INeSTIW=', "-en, EXETER.
Quo Dollerpor =tune if paidfl advance, $1.50
if not so paid.
eseemeext4-ne=.e, Tar 02:‘ .73-2.02;71.ta,
No paper discontinued until all arreerages are peid,
Adverdeements without vecifted directions will be
. published until torbk1 And charged accordingly.
Libma disemeet made fer trecseicnt atbeetheemeats
inserted for long periode. Beery description of JOB
PleINTINU turned out in the aneet styleand At
moderate rates. Cheques, money orciere,'ere., for
advertieiug, subseriptione, ete., to be IMO payable
Obas.n. Sanders,
e'rofeseionai Cards.
I. nixsuAN. & Pn. A. R. KINS-
MAN, 14.D.S„ D.D.S„ Honor graduate a
Toreeto Univerism,
ei'ltbeekt any pelt). or any bad effects
Mark, west side Main semet,
Teem cure.%
Oiveie F311.
Honor Graduate of Toronto L'rolversity and Royal
Cidlege of Dental !inn:eons of 0:aterio. ALIO Peg
Graduate et ehIerea tiehool of Prosthetic. Poraistere
(with hottoetble mention.)
Alloanknun,Oold and VnIPorsite PP/14.a made in th
fleetest manner possible. A perlertly barmIrs on
oestbetio used for painless eXtraction of teeth.
Oke one door south ot Carling tiros. etere, Setter,
"I have used Ayer's HairVigor
for thirty years. It is elegant for
a hair dressing and for keeping the
hair from splitting at the ends," -
A, Orttenenfe 'der, Grantfork, 111.
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair-
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Ayer's Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop H.
WO 77 WIC .411db/21312.,
f your druggist cannot, stmply you,
eu one douar mod floe nad express
ea a bottle. Be sure and_gire the name
or your ueorest express ollice. Address.
J. CATER CO„ Lowell, Blass.
47, - 'n*SITZE'r"1- 74,A,
11111tt 417
Buy or Sell a,
-5,70T: WANT TO
y or Sell Tow
Borrow or Lend, on
fl?'Ot,' WANT
(oUeiiom I
You Life I
Go to the 0141 Count/.
Caii at the Undersigned
JOHN SPAclottri,
Oflleo 0 4t' H. Spackman's Hardware.
.44,7 (Arikge of PhyoM",itta and Stilereme :untaria, •
Physielati, Sureeea and Meow:hear. ()Mee, Bash -
W0211. Ont.
Joltn 1). Wilson, Office and Ilt",i-lenee, tOs
Qateni Are., J.,#andou On, $pr -Pd attention
paid 10 dltintel ecrouten. O hri, to 4
CARLI,NO. 11A11111
Notar,:es# 4 auveyzorir,.nrd`,141131%
Vr,`-'1•%5 Rant. t 1e.l„%ler.ev t
1". 1Creo eve 0111, MAI 41004 'Meter, °
1. pt. i'Antaso.
V W. 41141,1h17CW, (f,41v,T.1•14%1,1 174431 4 (;1311•
144;31.).11aufowv„ saisitor. Neuss robro esn.
veyanerr. Et. 1Rmey AO loon at lowed rates of
rr Ddiv# Mull; street, fNeter.
DROWN. Win,telso. Awtionee
for er.# Conntle-# ot Perth and lliddiesm,
foz the township of Vsborne. Sales promptly
attended mud terms reasonable. Sales arranged
it Pest tee, Winobelsta.
The Molsons Bank
teharteri.4 by Parliament, Isen
mad Moe, 'Montreal.
'Paid nil Capital ..
Reserve. Fund. .....
.T.A.S. ELLIOTT, Gitxgitat, ',AIANAGErt.
trfav It:time-10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 1,0 a.m.
to Ip.rit.„
.1.generai attk int; business transacted
Aloney ativaneed to goadVanners at lowest rates.
Savings Rank Deposits from F.+1. Mal upwards reeely.
ed. interest allowed. at highest current rates.
Dien:eel; & ('entiwo, N.1). Dream:,
Solkiters. Munger.
We are giving excellent
• 'satisfaction since Re-
modelling our 'mill,
174fillt' 417611 Wood's 151106151.0a111011
Tee Great Bnglish 1?emedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada, .Only reli-
able medicine discovered. 8r.'s:
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness,all-effects-of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive useltif To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt'
a price, one paokage,$1, six, $5. OneeeitiPleelee,
420E1 mere. Pamphlets free to any address.
Tho Woull Company, Witrasers Ont.
Woods Phosphedi 1( is sac:1i».
• by J. kV. •'• ErPN'eni n atyr. Itez.
ate- Excnall
The Saley`.Purcha6e and IfiXelieCoge'6f
Village and. farna landei-and peoPeities,
ne.goletitted tit reasonable i.4es 0±ebnee,i
For Sale.
Several Valu able . Farms in FtAy,
ESBORNE, STEPHEN :And mo0.11:17
IVB 4Y also Three vei,7 desirable Be
sislence properties in Exeter.
Farms Wanted.
'We have Plirchasers .for good ain
and in the viciuity of Exeter, or who
will Exchange.
13aWdell, DaVid
Valuat,or. Manager,
OF,FIGES: Dickson & Oarling's New
Block, Exeter. '
Poo Moult Attention Paid to Opinion
of CoutinentaI Catteetries - The
%-lfaexteo of Coa,1T,..eye 0.9.1C
Glasgow, July 28.-Riehard J. Seddon.
_Premier of New. Zealand, . said i0
epeeeli here to -day that the eoloole3
ikave already proved that they :ove the
motherland by sending their one t
fight kri $OUtit AFriea. They wished to
go further and give the mether country
rade preference over other natms, but
too muelt attention was paid -o what
,ontincntal countries might thi s. What
the cnionies and Great Britain should
do was to join in co:moon cause to
meet American competition. "Should
tins 1:.e. d. .;te the futura need not be
eared." said .11r. Seddon, "ince
workmen and manufaietarere
were unequallea In the wnole world."
All the colonial Pt -mufti's, with the ex.
eptisn of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Prime
of Crausla, who is in London,
were eirea a great ovation bre to -day-
. Parikm, the Prime ..linister of tit
twealth a Australia. in sae of
• i•..peeehes he aeaver,1 in the
re ot the day, warned Ids hearers
Bitish notpire was largo
non and that Britons now ought tO
oat: to eonselidation rather titan to ac.
qtii4tiou. Hon. Geo, W. Roes, Premier
If Ontario, deduct] in a speesh visa
fhe war Routh Afriea was prolonged
tbe exttet it had been bosauso tiv-ro
fon tnaops, in the field
Steumern Would Cost 1/,4.
4.0twon Eaelt-allic A.ilatte. Elder -
et and Other LzwnAro
Now .31efee1veer Teendorne
Lotal.m. July 23.---Tlie ,\il-iu and the
W.( rd !caw ter St-aan 14 eveeetaniee,
' intly, also the Vurtss-a Line anal sta,•-
cral etlors, have tends -TA for the pro-
pnioil feet Atl Mlle eet vire li, t r..ecti I'tull-
la, mei Griat liritala. The collodion
el:Ct; Railway's offer would entail an
taw of :2Zsalt0 090, each 1as3ensrer
steamer costing .1030,01110. The freight
vessels would cost on an average, 809,-
dild wit. Insurance eireles retlArd the
proposal to make chows the -simmer
pert as a mistake, owing to the dangers
eareunt?red in navigating the St. Law.
mice River. They think that the year
round the Halifax service would have
every ehance of StleCeSi. A high Cana.
F I . than nettle oflicial informed me that
should the Government demand a higher
Jspeed than twenty knots al hour, tho
StLawrence route would be abandon.
Gang Plows, Land :Rollers,
Harrows, &c. th., now go-
ing on.
Exerytbing to be cleared off
JULY 1, 1902
Any Amount of Wrought and
- Cast Iron Wanted.
Hard coal is $8 a ton in New York.
An important strike of gas and oil is
reported in Remney Township.
Mr. John B. Earle of Brockville, a
deaf mute, was killed on the railway
near Deseropto.
Laxative Brom egitinine TabletF,oUreg a Mad hi one
day. o Cure No Pw. nriee 25 cents.
Mrs. John Creilly was killed by
lightning at her home in High Park,
Toronto. .
Norman Heid Tororith lack- Was
deoweed *lino attempting to swim
ttcros Mimito Creek.
The ' Deliegous Flavor and Great
NirtritivePronerties of .
i:Excellent Diet
a n (1 Con -
It Gan be Serd in a variety
of Ways.
malt Breakfast. Food has • 'become
famous aS 141 11 rticlo of diet for invalids,
conva 1e co1itS,aLld or 4111 who suiree
-frorn.. week degesemo. Its concentrated
untri Li v e propeeties nee, well known to
physici,ins. Malt Breakfast Food quiets
and strengthens the irritated and weak
stomach, and in a short time will ban-
ish the most obstinate dyspepsia. No
other food so quickly enriches the
,blo 0 d and 1/11lICIS 11 1) the shattered sys-
tem. This delicious health food for
the strong ancl weak is sold 1.)v every
A Farmer Hosing Por Water Strikes
Ons -Ills Blown Out of the
Ground -An Inneoun Liquid Din-
clastrumd-Pureltaelne; Optlons.
Vankleek Hill, Ont., July 20. -There
is umeh e.xeitentent in Caledonia Tem). -
ship, a few miles from here, over the
supposed finding of gushing oil and gas
Wens. The discovery has been made
on the farm of Mr. D. Continure. Be
was boring for water when his drill Was
thrown out of the ground by the force
of gas, a match was applied to the gas
a,nd it burned very brilliantly for 38
hours and went out. Shure that time
a Week oily and very heavy smelling,
liquid is being discharged from the pipe;
it burns when ignited. Mr. J. Can-
ninglunn of Ottawa has men on the
ground and is endeavoring to secure Op -
lions on 'various farms in the vicinity
of which the discovery was made. The
farmers believe .they have a good thing.
Sir Alfafed Jones Alarmed at the
C.P.R. Tender.
London,July 28. -Sir • Alfred L.
Jones, President of•the.Liverpoor Cham-
ber of Connnerce, and head- of the firm
of 1: .ter, Dempster & Company, said to-
day that if the offer of the Canadian
Peleific Railway Company to establish
and. operate a fast weekly passenger
steamship service between Canada and
'England was accepted by the Govern-
ment. the. Liverieol lines f steamers
\VOW d. be expos' 'I, to competition which
would render iz impossible for them to
carry on a Iteeative trade.
Vad5, Laurier' held -a reeeptiOn at the
Hotel Cer'11,,
liart ;1ff r.ake shocks were experience d
in Califoenia and South Dakota.
The Soufriere volcano in St. Vincent
has been slightly in eruption nein.
A party of three hundred Bernardo
boys and girls arrived in 'Canada pis
week. • •
Manitoba Govermnent intervention
has .no erre *et OD the Canadian NO1'4110711
. .
Slr Oliver Mov,,a± lift5. almost eutire-
1ee01e1 ed from the slight illness of
10511 wee1.
r,eatlis from eliolera in Manchuria
from July 15 to July. 23 numbered 100
Rtissians uid 270 Chinese.
Over 12,000 members are in attendance
.at uhe' sixth triennial festival of German
sineine societies opened at Gra/.
e e
Reports that Mr. Chambeelain is seri-
ously- ill are' with met e ti V ely denied.' Tire
ia able • to attend to his duties at the
Colonial Office.
The monument at Ottawa for the sol-
diers who fell in South Africa will be
unveiled on Aug. 11, ou which day that
0441 11 ill elso celebrate the eoronetion.
Windsor Church, Will Hold Special
Ser l tees This Weelt,
wind$er, July Father Helms
er of St, Alphensue Church, Windeor,
will hold three special servi,ea this
week, at which prayers will be offered
for the eessatien of rah!. A large part
of the St. Alphonsue eongregation CCMsits of farmerS. Who report that their
erOpS 'MVa nir rady beeu seriously dam-
agel and wit 40011 be compleksly de.
rayed. la rained 28 days last month,
d Juiy thus far numbers only Ave dry
up from any sickness, ma -matter
what sort, begin with a. little
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
It is food, and more than
food: it helps you digest what-
ever food you can bear
t3.4,4 ron wax; w,m.ept. Aii1A7F41° *T.
&cm 4. @owe c, ekee.esee 'etoste$70.
5oc. cad St -cc; ell drn4ists.,
TW aLtit sawr.....9rotrrat. A Great Man and a Child.
NI, heat and rrovasious Uusier-Wit.o
Prill#,14 Cattle Market,
Tuesde.y, July 24
Toronto St. 1.nwrenee Market.
Oralu r0e. ;pis were o:dy two loads or
eat Qn a etreet 2,Wlikt this moral:lg.
They eold at ;to, per but -bel.
there was uo 4,4 lany offeriug. 'New
ba Y iele at t-elo $1e. ter ten, tee Iceele
The Visuge Snooze.
enie nee July .1,-9„ 'Oel July 80, TO
„. teetteeeeeea 40.3001,
11,2e7,, 111.(eneeserd
j‘.4.45 5S7,14l0
.1Z1110g . • . A 0 5V41/10'0
a ire rte. • • 14.70.0;,-0 bile ie. tlae puet
, yews eie 1414
13.711131 Cottie Markets.
JulF 'U....Red Stater. cattle,
„11, t4; can:a:tan emits, 744 to
st sts tt,f.
1.4i4 July aninadlitit cattle. Td.44 weLr.
liontreal Live Stoat.
Mutat:kid. Jur 1.7.--°771h9f1,14-TiAPre were
lJ ht -..;t4 ;,13.•,...14.1i' cat UV. 4;01
calve, anti .7-Ast .latabs vaert .1 for
sale at the East Enig Airatoir to -day. The
ball Ler-4 v. -ere tad tofE fA'
well 14v41-„,vd n; tio. .11.h ;‘,' WIVIak's "V 14.1
etatir. awl us the 1,11 were
then on lost Ter, •.!'es, 1:1;104ls trVAPA VzOS
u. Znatot isar.:st soar or ,t4e
411itZt, oi eWT.:4'1.1030W DWI
tlt• Pir 1ty 1.itnoll tattle
sold ai fl 4,h; ;:r*,' .0 tio.11 tlae coalmen
1A -.1t^ to wss per valves
V.mi te.: to
4.A f4VZ3 tie to a tintto
ver tv.e li;elea rey letlyv dv-
tmmt :47;4E74 °"°•'..1 at frota 4a.,41
W 44 ;‘.4 1'41 lau3s cs,;,14 at
ito,as ;. :,• 7,t4s ta. wele ea.
1 Lloes 314,Wa1o Cattle Marteet.
t f ; : :-_,7 a i -le:ile., ,,'•:',",'' 1, '
i*eze ;lei -,, -
7.;.1: ;;
a ; ; i ite 11.204 te;
4I.,it ,;ei latat t::,;:f.„1: O 1.;414vtir;
i $3.11,4 4..te, ',i,;.ie; 'I''',,, ;4'''' 4 .31t!) 11144tV4.1441111
:4- VI '..r.:' -':;:g7; Ifi,7.,1;11:11:::04. :-..:1•10'" -tto :3' .1*..d ..74:1,.:::
ant. t:stwa raid eptiegere st46:11tie:
'' L ' %. `,:.';1'14.:4;,411iT.-...91ev'41...4114;49,14i.i&. 4.ii;
. . ,,1 go : , :,:=' `I-'1') TO t'a; IT ilV ‘.
Otil.e., I.V MK 4liagy1,4 1,ie,..,..,*,1 tt, ellk,1%'4'. t1,51
• Ea 1.4' '; le:i Iii,8111 It. IN 0. t....,_ ti.,t Z'Ail: z.t.01,:Lovet
$11.rol to 31.it.11; :lir 0.ftere, 43,73
et 71,$. )„,..;1r.1541,teo811.41,11er4.1„;;ilisi.o..!Lti.4,:s1.,;71tic3W. );111.7,t -
45,s: tlteady: teps, fiT to . ,,, I i ;44,1 ,!,
Pir ...“ tO O11).17,ig gillgiUott tO ligtkta 1:17 t .
RtiOc..i valree. $3.,e1 to $I. lio.g4--Itieeoltitz;.
12.M,1 hFltdi active at;#1, tie to Itle itlaiart;
al, . ,,...,. 4 (A 41. 21/ 311
Yeti:, ',es, $7,90 to ',-;S: light . do, ST.ill to
. o . ), #
1 ,ZII! f'*: Plgtl. $7,03 to .3,4; roughs, 311.73 to
I•t=fitA!ttAfiler; 41;17.i10,4'1::!!;,1?' ,IretecliAT 11111:;:;
lile binite;: 'ia-tu'lm, ;,,-'11.1.',5 to P.31).30;..fglir to
i good. 33.75 to 30; culls .to rout:glint, $1.50
GO O•rdlt Yearlitigii. $4.70 to $5.25.
Chicago Live Stock.
i! Chicago, July 29.--(!attle-Recelpts. M -
ON), Illehlatalr Vali, Texans: steady to
, strong; good to primaSteers,,V.S5 to 0.70;
poor to medium. S4.:,1) to ..,•1.00; tittleLl°114
soul feeders, e2.:110 to Smilo1 TeX4S Lcd
eteers. $3.25 to $5.70. Iroga-Itecelpts to-
day, LUDO; steady to Lieber; mixed and
butelters, $7.20 to $S1 good to eholee horney,
$7.75 tie .seei 05e rough heavy, $720to $7.0;
tight, $0.ua to Veen bulk of stiles, $1.,40 to
n 0 ellt
I ere, $e to 4.10; fair to elide° mixed, izee,e'D
; to 31.
Montreal Grain null Produce.
Montreal, .Tuly 23.-Gra1n-Butf1ness, both
' lewdly and for export Is rather quiet. Sales
of ear lots of No. 2 white Manitoba at 4.0110
10 4a1.4e. INO. 2 Ontario at 4St5o to 40e. No. 3
at 4St.le to 4Slie and Manitoba feed oats at
tje ex -store.
edli:10,V-Tig n;titi.;itt 1tobquiet and nnehang.
tents, e4 o.%-;-
.1$.70 to $4; winter wheat patent, 53.1111 to
e4.10; straight rollers, $3.00 to $3.70; do In
• bags. $1.50 to $1.80, and extra *Lee to
Meal -The chief demand is for small lets
at $4.95 to $5.10 per barrel anal at $2.40 to
$e.00 per bag.
Feed -The market is quiet and unehang-
ed. Sales of Ontario bran were made at
$15 to $15.50 per ton and Manitoba in begs
at $10 to .917 per ton. Shorts firm, *with
sales of Ontario at $24 per ton and Mani-
toba in -bags tet $23 per ton.
Cheese -The market is emiet but very
firm. At the wharf this morniug 4.000 box-
es or so of B'rench snakes were sold at Me
ruling; finest Ontario colored, 10c to 30gc;
finest Ontario white. OY.,,ec to 10e; finest
townships colored, 07ee to 1001 finest town-
ships white, 0314c to Delm; finest Quebec col-
ored, lege to Me; finest Quebec white,.(No.
Ilutter-The market Is about steady.
About 500 packages of Quebec naakes sold
at the wharf at 10rAc this forenoon. Pur-
chases mule in the townships Saturday
cannot sell at less than 204e to make any
preilt. Nevertheless no one would pay more
than 2014c in this market, unlesee under very
exceptionnl circumstances. Fancy town-
ships crefurery, 20e to 201/4c; finest town-
ships creamery, 107ee to 20e; finest Quebec
creamery, 191,1c to 20e: finest Ontario eream-
erY, 10140 to 1104e; fine creamery, 10e. to
1011e; dairy butter, 16c to 10eic.
Egge-There is a steady demand and as
supedles ave fight prices are very firm.
Sales of straight reeeipte were made nt 15e
to 15yee and No. 2 stock at 18e to 13lee.
Provisliehs--The (Lemma for most lines 13
only fair, but prices 1100 steadyall rennet.
We quotef-IIcavy Cnea)1ian short cut mess
pork, $24 eilOeto 825e' Canadvdiatiort Out back
Dark 41-23'50 to 'S24' IPoit Canada short mit'
clear .Perk,-, $2:3 250 to 124:: Thist kettle 1ard7
20-10 prille,7121eln to 121/ec;extea pure lard,
tn 20-11e pads; Ile to. 114eo; choice eefizied
compound laril-0,efle to 0110; Dostr's Head
brand., in eieete -1v.000 pal s 2.02feeetti $2.10,
and, Globe at $1.30 to 41.00; 20-11) tin pails
eleci per lb less; hams 120. to 14e and bacon
14e to 15c eer lb.
Leading Wheat Markets. . .
„Closing previous day. Closing 10-11 v.
Cash. Sept. Cash. Sept.
Chicago' 74; 71
New York .. 7014 ..75%
Toledo .... 72% 7314
Minn. No. 1 hard .. 79 .. 70
Milwaukee, 2 not- 78 7114 78 70%
Detroit, 2 red .. 731/, 7814 73 731/2
St. Louis CT% 6711'2 031,4 069(1,
Dulutb 771A , , 77%
British mstrieete.
London, :Jule 28. - Cloee-Wheat on pas -
Sage quiet and steady; maize on passage,
rather firmer. Wheat-Euglish century..
markete of yesterday quiet but steady ;
French counter markets quiet.
Pelee, July 28,--Cloee-Wheate-Tone quiet
at 241 10e for Stile . and 201 35e fer Sep-
tember and December. Elour-Quict at 2ee
550 foie July and 27f 5c for September and
Antwerp, .July •28, No..2 red winter,
London, Jelly al. -Close -Mark Laue Mei-
er market: Wheat, foreign quiet but.sleady
and English nominally unchanged. Maiee--
Amorlean, nothing doing; Danubian firm
flue rather dee rel., i o ur-Arn erNa. qe I et,
with 1111011 bueiness; English firni"and
I N his reminiscences of Horace
Greeley in the "Tenth's aompo.n,-
* ion's" series of Recollecttons of
Fontana Editors, lloat Proolcs
says that Greeley could bear
Ereat Sorrow or a great disappoint -
, meet with the fortitude of it. stoic. but.
a tridiag annoyance would provoke
hint to on outburat ef wrath that was
simply childish. The death ot his little
, UV. his otay and idolized son, was to
• him au awful blow. No man can know
.,, What ag0237 the str2e1en father ellerAtly
endured, his'arle.T colvaIng the elrotas of
zlw heart's 'oleed- Lite a typeerephical
blonder, espeeleAly le 11 were in one of
Me own wrng's, drove 'table Leto
epaelltel then his inni2.,411etions en the
, ortending typesetter and proofreader
were something blood.corelling to hear.
I One morning he went svelftIP 40WIl
, ptQestIt#:;7WrittU14T4=len tiallIttlaCdeOtou. fibne4d tebrc'ror°1311.
• Eetting the types for one of WS'. editor-
, WI artlelea in •the paper, Pounding
4 upstatrs into the composing -room. with
blue fire in his eYea and slialiing the
: paper folded across the peue to show
' the offence lie arielwi "Show me kite
' ratan! SICIOW MO the Malt that 414 tills:"
Tite error had already been made a
, topic et discussion In the of:Ice. and the
culprit, a vei:y old lenall 'The bad been
: with Mr. Greeley on the "New Toriter"
• and on the "Tribune" ever after. Cass
out from behind his CaFe anti trealn-
• lonely pleaded guilty. Tile editor,
standing ths,re in the full Wight and
strength of his raanhsod. Issltsi down
', unen the lita:e old rola with a startiei
oir. and then, turninrs away, Invited
; anyis,,Iy In the ot114 s to hista him
. (Grevley.) downstairs.
' Of his education, Mr. Cireeley sold it
• "was 14ell1ed up lie; the weer." 11. Is noe
tural thnt one who know hisa should
; wonder what Elflifillel Of 111111 be realfeeee
have been it he Ind bsen troir.ed and
'4,1isciplined in an Santinatiou of kart -4.-
10g; Ift; might, loo.ve lissel a ver,;,' much
greater raan. thinks Mr. Brooks; and
then, too, Ids raw' resmurism Ingot not
have been so troe- and abundant un-
der a. echoleetic rule.
When be was a lel et nine years he
as offered free tufa' n in the academi.=
at Exeter. New ilanipshirN His par-
' Ma declined the offer, partly through
pride, Mr. Greelcl thought, although
• nominally beeauo:-. his mother was nu-
' willins. to pan with him at that tender
no. Later in life, speaking of thia
failure to secure an acolentle coarse of
instruction, he said: "1 suppose 1
ought to bo sorry, hut X an not mush."
Mr, Greeley affected •contempt for
college-educated nien, and was at:cas-
tor:Ind to say, with great emplmsis, "Of
all cattle. the moot u,•0W,-.s.4 In, a news-
paper offtee is a college -bred man:"
: This eeemed to be an affectation In-
tended to lustify his own lack of schol-
arship, as if he were the shining ex-
ample of what a great editor could be
,i without special training. As a matter
4 of fact, adds Mr. Brooks, during my
term of service on the "Tribune" a
majority of tho men on the staff wore
college -bred mem
The soft coal miners of 11111311135 have
forworded the second sontribution
, $50,01)0 to aid the striking minets in
Pen nsvlvauia,
Paine's bele ry
Comp o und
It Purifies The Blood and Multi-
plies the Number of Vital Red
Corpuscles, Feeds the
Nerves and Tissues
and Gives True
Weak nerves,. exhausted tissue, poor
thin blood, impaired digestion and
eeleeplees nights, aceou let for much of
the present existing smnmer misery
14114 suffering.
atone reader; if -you are unforteenate-
:ly *hollered ,anionget' the -sickly and
weak Mortals of to -day, it is new time
to awoke to a true reelization of your
danger. The weakening and: atln.(!ss,
iog ha& wea thee will only add to your,
Miseries 4f 'Too are careless and indif-
• 'e. is alesointo relief and n
tiye- cure for you io Paine's Celery
Coni1o11nd. this '1'ontler-workitIg
medicine is sneeesefUlly conquering
such troubles as Otns every (.1143-: It
is ti fact verified by fxble physicians
and thousendS of testimonials that
paine's Celery Compound makes new,
pure blood, builds up the n eveons sys-
tem, regnliites digestion, whets • the
appetite nucl gives Vigor and strength
to 'combat the discooTforte of .tho
ed terns Mrs. E. Creeinore,
Ont., Says: ,
"For years 1 have suffered from
constant•sick headache and nervous-
ness'; at:times 1 ha; e been sp..*•bad' that
hove lieen unable to sleep two belles
a night for weeks. I have tried many
tel o es 11110 doctpeed a :,gree t , deal,
bo t never received a 1luiuredLh part
'of the value from them that 1 obtained
fro m Pain e's. Celery Com pound,. After
using th roe bottles 1, Ce 0 eleep well,
iny headaches }Mee ceased, and I feel
healthier and fresher than I have been
for yea's.
• Nor) •
Eivalcfast Food)
A. good supply of !..ifillfeed
d Chop aiways clti hand.
Give our Flour azud Feed
trial and be convinced that
is, all right.
Roller and Plate gp
Harvey Eyes.
One &pa
FOR S.41.4CZ
New PiEuic nd
Always in Stock.
Our esipst itelliel* 4'14t- te.7eree .
11 Lnst teeeelmee 412, 4t 44 et1-
tee cf env ;Revile. .
reen t,yinI... :1, 4 :Zee
stipss that the laza T4',41n Nt.d
r,04 lee " %'1411
pairs for Ai Univ.., 44 .M;4-11hin2t- s;71360:173
.404 53)112441. • • • •
Slie*t MusJc. 'Music mots. 47tau
Boolis, Etc., hop 'ti steati.
•=1. C=CISA=0
We have moved 11005 low ea pre
zolt-es oppwite the Cent; al M4 -.Z 0M1:
IW rm. open for businr.-. t•I
are modern ond :4,v, you
modern and up-to-date t,;11` als and
made lu the most mudeva ,1
\Vo Personally .
Cut (3:troat1i1
Thats made up at this-
-as well as .fit lOolt after
all the details. • This I.: only one
reason wily our prisvs ars moder-
Gent's Furnishings . .
come anti see 110114 idir melt* plate
,of busineeSs Mai examine emir etaek
Gent's Furnishintes
Bert. Knight.
Cook's Cotton Soot Composna
Is successfully used monality by over
10,000Lad1es. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerotts, Price, No. 1,31 per
box :No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two S-cen t
responsible Drngosts In Canada.
The Cook Company Windsor, Ont,
tar os. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all
No. 1 and 2-a.2 ere sold in Meet er by
C. Lutz and J. W. lihowning, Drug-
YOu are invited -to Call nr.(1 inspect my
large assortment of I'm nirmasand
furnishings which L will offer at
very close prices. My stock con-
sists of the foRowingt-- •
Prior suites, Bedrooin suites,
Spring 111at tresses, •Bed-
• steads Couches Lounges,
Tables, Chairs of all descrip-
tions, Sideboards, 1-Zockers1
Fancy Rock-ers, Curtain
Poles and Trimmings,
Shades, Mouldings*, ltlirrors,
ilcysi. Sham i-i.oiders, flat
• ,Rartks, Towel Rollers, Jeo.,
Pu 4)110 Theuning 1 epeeinity
BiOl Cart•i h gee, Go- ca ets, FIpi005 wm
0118, Cates, Reekiee horses etc.
lin de rtaki g.
carry 41 large an 0 welt' n sset t-
ed stock. in this li e. In time. of,. 13 eed
de not fail to call. •
The above stock is .bon t fromelhe
leading Mailllfa et S 0± Canada
:ind bought at the closest priees
and one expenses are low there-
fore We can sell it at prices which
will surprise you. Give us a call
before purchasing elsewhere.
P IVIcisaac