HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-31, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR.
DAY, JULY 31, 1902.
OrKAN.Ar Ar..:-0,!416r4i4r,Ar-14 efts. „eett atet snt- elteeternteee* .4rm•
For summer is the sensible, kind of wear.
There is a heap of Foot comfort for those
who we our Low Shoes. There can be
lace barder when our quality or Foot Wear
is offered at the prices below:
Ladies' Oxfoulta flexible soles, kid toe -cap, dongola upper, at WA
sixes 3 to 6.
Ladiee' toe elipper, strapped, setin tie with famey bled; buckle at
SIM and. $1.25, sizes 3 to 5,
Ladies' Oeforde, black kid with medium)) flexible soles. lad hie -caps.
$1.35, elette 3, to Cite
lettliesTrilby I:ow Shoes, bleacher styles. patent toe cape. kid shape
mul ti $h50, sizes tite to ro
See our Ite:tvy so4eit4oefoids at nee,
311sees Low shoes, sizes 11 to 13, et $1,tei toad $1,15.
Children's Slippers in three different etyles.
Peetless Shoes correct in style, mate price, quality from $7 .
311ss Mary McGregor; of Detroit, is
visiting her uncle, 51aJohn McGregor.
-Miss E. Howard returned to her
home in Exeter, after a few days' visit
with her friend, Mitzs Alice Wit$011.-
Miss 1.4. Bohn left be' e last week to
visit friends in Aurora. M. and Spok-
ane. Wash.-W.J. Wdson Ce, start-
ed their qui), closing last Mandy and
intend to elose Monday and PridaY
nights at six o'clotle and Wednesday
veninge at 8 o'cloele, They will &so
close on all holidays excgpt, for half an
hour morniug and eventng to attend
o the mail. -The Canada, Compane's
lands hare been flooded, damaging a
great many news of crop.
. „
011icebeign to4
Teleetone e syranneeitlnn nie; main cr-Tv--. teesee
Wm. Hinetable is on the sick list and
older the doctotr'a eare. Goo.
Welelter its Making mid selling home-
nade bread and buns to the
She mattes an excellent artiele and
those who tiny bread eitould give her
ell. --Mi'. and M. NV. R. Tan who
Ave been visiting here for serer&
are left for their imme in Toledo,
Ohne 31undaya -Mrs. Ce Wilson. 21i'.
J. 7tr. Howard, of Exeter. and 31ra I
Lamm. of Killarnete Mane, visited at
Mee lanu„ Down's litSt
Feirhell has about. recovered from ;
evereattaek of uteasles.-Mr. Anthem
Hicks, wino has been in Manitoba for
OUIP tinue returned home Friday, -
3,1n, liskst011 hit'i hie new s:tw Will
neatly completed and reedy for the
machinery, It will he. match larger t
and none saitatble in every way than
t he old onie The Lieton shappee eel, -
bud 44 hunker loom Inge 441 Motol3F.,
eries aSpeeialty. post °eke Mock
MONQ 1.0.kt:
1,Volievountielit0 trivate fettle fo
vg$tment, won thlral or village reaper
loweet rates of tutetest.
flartlater3. ete,. Exete
fl large amennt
in term alga vaterse
net:titter. roe. Exeter
E.TIVSE,s'e EL1.14,11rT .
neal Esialercirge leediraien Agent
Carzt,stAgiiiillage pfr..4•1117.es
irClicarral)le terntl, 04)4 est .ved:iee tate-sea,
tarlb el rano cl Naleel„a me the
far ttzt.c. • •
' AfireP, •
ft1ndsi t
t iv;
cis(o,t tacit -act v";,,er. tiras7F.
viz dna carats; 021;1 ;2 it .4 r•4,-1 make t
Nur:nips ltaei n
Nr8, Co4„
To LIFNT tilt DM Sala
nadersigged ciferiti-g fee mat al fir ,-11
0411 deS,ralle hotelier! wt.., Mtlit'l...71E1114k,
Ilas, Wing 1�.4%41ra-slim I. 1,02;hra1
tun/in,* ate cans entratle le.(ated to Exetcr. And
are sopplied catty gas4 totildlop, large orchard dud
; r
;•,:-''1 fls
Vie nallers"„gted iv olefin,: tline sale that IINkalde
lootere farm situated in the township of Crlevir.fd,
tiling lot %Con. 4. The lard iv all sleanal, we II
dvatiol, well fenced and in on es:Anent good mate
of cultivation. There is on the premises a large
line brick louse, shied harn. awl other
and a good young orchard. iv a firs:otos
tam and lte aDil reasonably. Terms to suit
pltreliaser. Apply to
creliton klast, P.(
The u ndersigned offeting for tale that desirable
fltIsituated at. Devon, 01111i0 London Road. This
hotel is In goal conclitiOn, and Is •:* miles south of
Exeter. This mad Its largely tra( oiled and for the
right man thancesare good for a splendid 11111IMSS.
There is a good btable bt eonnection atm, 11 aeres of
laud. Possession given immediately. This proptety
will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to
Ihetcsox 4 Clatlan,
Exeter, Oat.
You tee save money, time and feed by keeping
yerur pigs (Iry and clean. They will thrive better
and keep healthy. Make the hog comfortable and
he will put on flesh. You ean do so with a very little
emense by erecting (Pedler's Patent). The Elevated
Moveable Pigs Bed. Simple of construction, make
it yourselves. Send VAX) in registered letter for
farm right certificate and plan of construction to
Patent applied for. Join; PEDLER, Exeter, Oat'
Municipality a the Township of Step-
hen, County of Huron.
' Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or
delivered to the persons mentioned in section 8 of
Te Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by
the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of
thelist, inside pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap-
pearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the
said Municipality, at Elections for members to the
Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections. and
that the saathst was first posted at my office, in Cred-
iton, on the 10th day of Jilly A. 1)., 1902., and remains
there for inspection. Electors aro called upon to
examine the said list and if any ominissions or
other errors are found therein, to take immediate
proceedings to have the said errors corrected accord -
'n to law
Dated at Crediton, this 19th day of July, 1002.
Of Richard Charles Cecil Tremaine,
late of the Village of Exeter, in
-the County of Huron„Electrician,
• Deceased.
Pdrauant to Chapter 120 of the Revised
Statutes a Ontario, 18974,.notioe is _hereby
given that all creditors and others having
claims again stthe estate of Blob ard Charles
Cecil Tremaine, late of the Village of Exe-
ter, in the County of Huron, Electrician, who
died on or about the 25t1I day of June,
102, are on or before the
FirstDay of August 14 D„,7902
to send by post, prepaid. to Messrg. Dickson
lk Carling, Exeter, Ont., Solicitors for Wil-
liam Oldright, M.D, the sole executor of the
last will and testam ent of the Said deceased
Their christian names and surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions, the full particulars
of their claims, a statement of their ac-
counts ancl the na ture of the security (if any)
held by them; and that after the said day
-the said Executor will proceed to distrib-
ute the assets of the said deceased am °lig the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only.
to such claims of. which notice s_hall have
texTegiven as a noye required and the said
Executor will not be liable -for the said
assets or any part thereof to any person or
-persons of whose claim or claims notice
shall not have beenreceived at the time of
such distribution.
Dated at Exeter, this Lith day of June, 1902.
William Oldright. M.D.
Diem sots (it CanLINq,.
his Solicitors
• 1,-4.4•S."..,'••.•;,; • .
VOTERS' 1431'1902.
lity of the \lave of Exeter;
Nel:'*tto bile* er
"'..arrcied si; the
$ 1V27, Wee.f4.1
. *14wrivot
k 3 aa.terivral.",c..t.:, ir:A[.4 4 tliOp,
rc t .a ,01
..":33. 103.zatw32,:4'q, , z$7, rmtmiwtrs
4.r1 T.:4`144;1;,all arx 4117,z1=',, QTM
$ r.,71reAttlx..
s arp Ana
0.7„4 i474F •4•1z71 -44,...i,;4; A
.aea ie rale- ieinea
„4; teee
31r. and 3h e. 31eWanne, who have
heen fa lend-. in Clandeboye for
se paet few ve vitae have retairneth---
. thee Pylane hate Item engagrd
melt in the Tnelagentith sehind, in the
tie4 of Mise 31. J. Mott -Non, who hes
veigniel.-The farmers in thie seetion
;ire getting Olt elonly with their hey,
on aceount of so much Mr.John
Rieke, prineipel of the Burford public
sellout, at:New:tided by ltiS 111141
familyeare spending the holidays here,
the ettlests of Mra mothere-We
are sorry to report the illness of Mrs.
James Davey and Mi. John Taylor.
Their uany friends wish Mein aspeedy
SAD ACCIDENZ-A Sad ana destrese.
ing accident oecorred hi mir midst last,
week to little DMA, youngeet daugh-
ter of 31r.Donald Hrintneleh The child-
ren were playing atemml. when the
her was exhaustingpw steam from
the engine. notteing the children
close, he stepped =omit the engine,
when be heard a cvy and was horrified
to see the little totaled fallen into the
hot Water. Dr. Ferguson, of Hensel%
W.D. summoned. The little sufferer
lingered along until the next daymben
her Heavenly Father released her pain
and the young spirit took its flight to
Him who gave it. The bereaved par-
ents have the sincere sympathy of tbe
community in this their sad hour of
trial and sorrow. The funeral took
place Thursday and was largely at-
! tended.
Mrs, Joseph Case has been quite ill
for some days but is now recovering.
-Miss Edith Brown has returned to
her home in Exeter, after a pleasant
visit with her brother here. -Mr Lain -
brook, of Theenesville, spent Wednes-
tiny in town. -Miss Hannah Ortwein,
after an extended visit with friends in
Port Wayne, Indiana has returned
home again. -Miss Lodie Moir has re-
turned from Kincardine where she
was visiting friends. -Miss Edna Nee -
lands is visiting friends in Toronto,
Georgetown and London. --Mrs. (Dr.)
Kidd, and sister, Miss Hamilton, of
Brooklyn, N. Y. are the guests of
their sister, Mrs. Babcock. -Miss Fern
Grant, who bus been the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Henderson, for wine thne,
has returned to her home in Beecher.
-Mrs. Fred. 3IcDonell and children,
wbo have been on a month's visit to
friends and relatives in Detroit, have
returned home. -The Rev. J. S. Hen-
derson exchanged pulpits with Rev.
Mr. Shaw, of Egmondville, on Sunday
morning last. --There was no service
in the Methodist church on Sunday,
owing to the Quarterly service being
held at Bethesda. -Among those who
took professional certificates at the
Normal School, London, we notice the
name of our young townsman, Arthur
McAllister. -Messrs. P. Lamont and J.
Caughlan each shipped three car loads
of cattle from here Wednesday. -The
Anglican church Sunday School Con-
vention and Reui-Decanal meeting for
the County of Huron, was held at Grod-
erich Thursday, A number from here
were in attenclauce. -The W.A.M.A.
of St. -Panl's church met at Mrs. Kais-
ers' Thursday. They purpose sending
off their annual bale of clothing this
week. -Messrs. Dayman and Mr.-Kenap
have gone on a trip to Manitoba. -An
effort is being made toresuscitate our
band. We hope the members will be -
successful. -The farmers are experien-
cing much trouble in this vicinity in
securing their hay crop, which is a
good yield, on account of so much
McMahon, of Brooklyn, N.
Y,, has been visiting relatives in town
during the week. He was accompan-
ied here by his mother, who has been
visiting friends in Brooklyn. -Dr. F.
A. Sellery has returned from Kincar-
dine, where he was visiting his par-
ents, -Miss Runaball, of London, was
in town last week.
Miss' Xi!: Seen lis iiliog friende
war Lorie rm. visithyr
felendsitt this eleinity.-Mies &MIRO*
(Minn t friendeittPat
naimber sif yomig people event a
deeeent thne ant the lee cream Party
ot 31r. and 31rs. Lewis",,-311*,5CS
Raehel and Lizzie Gilliert were the
guests of .31r. and Mre. J. Lewis last
tinntlay.-3fr. and 3tre. A. Taylor pass -
t hrotigh here 1:tst 1 -ti nday.-Mr. and
Ire. F. Mont and Phi:then etarten for
their home. in Rat Pot tap last Wed-
nesday. -A number of young people
epentit pleaeant time Tuesday evening
at Mr. and 31re. A.
quarterly meeting service of the Meth-
odist eivenit, will beheld in Mar's Hill
church. at &Insley. on Sunday, An-
guet 3rd. The eet vice will be maim:t-
ea Ity the Rm.. S. Knott, --no farmers
proepeets are pretty gloomy this year,
beeanse of the gi eat almndanee of rain
anti electrie SWAIM& - -We are pleased
to bear that Miss Violet A. Weie has
passed her primery examination in
musie, at the London Conservatory of
Unsie,and reeeived her certificate with
first *lass honor&
Miss Guthrie, of Merton, WAS the
guest of Miss Mara for a few does due -
mg the week. -Me. Ed. McLean is
home for bis vacation.- Mr..B.Interett,
of Brantford, was the guest of Mr.
Alex. 'Maas, last week. ---Ur. Harry
Wahusley returned from his holiday
trip Wed nesday.--Mr. Maellhargey,
of Toronto, was calling on friends here
last week. -Mrs. P. A. Stewart is vis-
iting her parents at Kincardine. -Rev
IL A. Thomas and family spent a few
days in WalIageburg last week, visit-
ing Ur. Thomas' mother, who is dan-
gerously ill. --Messrs. W. E. Stanley,
T. Coursey and James Stanley have
gone to Muskoka on it business trip. -
Ur. F. A. Stewart is spending few
days in Toronto. -Mrs. Richard
who has been confined to the Victoria
Hospital, London, for some time, died
there on July 19, at the age of 37 years
18 days. The remains were brooght
here and the funeral took place from
her late residence on Tuesday to West -
minister cemetery. -During the thure
der storm which passed.over this sec-
tion on Wednesday evening the barns
of Mr. jarnes Kelly, on the 10th con.
of Biddulph, were destroyed by light-
Mrs. MacLeodhas sold. her fine resi-
dence on Broadway street, to V. Ratz,
ex-M.P., and will erect a residence on
Main street, smith, on the lot purchas-
ed from Mr. Simon McLeod. -Miss
Myrtle Vandeburg is spending her va-
cation in London. -Mrs. A. C. Ready
and children are visiting friends in St,
Marys. -Mr. Arch. Smith was a judge
of butter and cheese at the Winnipeg
exhibition held in that city last week.
-Dr. D. C. -Wilson and Mr. Jas. Mc-
Kinley have gone on it pleasure trip
up the lakes. -Mr. James York has re-
turned from Paris owing to ill health.
-Miss Jessie Tyrrell has gone to De-
troit to spend a month, -Miss Paul
Manes left last week for Kingsville,
where she will spend her holidays.
HOME AGAIN. -Trooper. S. Cameron,
of the second C.M.R., returned home
from South Africa Friday evening.
Although the hour was late and the
time of his arrival short, nearly the
whole town met him at the station,
and escorted. him to the town hall,
where after an address of welcome
from the Mayor and council, speeches,
etc., Mayor McLeod presented bite]
with an address and gold watch on be-
half of the citizens.
day morning Mrs, James Finegan; de-
parted this life after an illness of about
four mouths, at the age of 73 years.
The deceased was held in much esteem
by her friends. She has been a resi-
dent of Parkhill for. 24 years, and 17
yeats ago was married to her now be-
reaved and sorrowing husband, who
has much syriapathy in his loneliness.
The funeral took place Tuesday to the
liornisli cemetery and was largely at-
itz.:.s!liie.z.:31i..12,1i4,poltli:2._4111,1.111i,,zi114,ga iiit.L1,„. ; i„.„ i,te,,14g,t1,,141,11: ,,,t.',,,,tur. tir!Ittti,171:1‘,1v:.o ;toy!!! 1,31.411ii .1' Ii1;11`4;11144,11 1.1411 14ttelItt, it:ill i(!,311,11:51bittt.,, i fl:.2,
1 jozt,4(Tivirii,,...t.i,,c,:11.,rliv414gv vii_edls,t.v.„41.11_,„Lli.,:,,,11,,,.. , :,1,,,i, elp jilti411_,Iszala_i10.412.3a1,,t111.11:.1,1111.415217.g.414..1.1,4ti44_412.:4,t; , 10140.-11;.4.17t41.11?,4,11:r.iilliltrlit7e1441.itevoilIte.414'lli.: iirt.
r 1 It
1 Wiggint-.. of Giderieli, fon inner teitelier Vaeter, titaben line, het wet -le -Mire. ' had tInt tine' :14 r7e.0 :40 hie feet in 4 -ea
In our peLiie eeinitii. epent a few daye; Dennis Det•etein end thingliter. t,f Se- dt'r tgr' eeve himself, lint managed te
' last week int the villenea, the guest 4 tf 4( beweilitt. Mialte, ate elmotlirate a few t'l'aUl 431' law tiuel; no liie. limile inei'
1 .31re. I.V.W. Ken% --Vivi-en:in Borland lidays with 31re. If. te Doan, and tither : malee Mei ally vat:white he a bides
and wife. a lauldon, aim vieiting rola- friende.--The beery radii: of lae: .0,144; , hirefille10.
tires in lids vieiiiity. "Sandy" has a
large 11111lI141.1• fd friends, epee ami we
Z1116".1. geilliti!'::.+44Pite. VitilielitililigS iiI)Porrap31: kn' ael nt s- '
Miss Lucy Couch, of Mitchell, is the
guest of Mrs. 3. C. Hell.-Frite Finks
beiner inteede going ont West next
week. ---Alis If. Backingleaut is taking
(I. Jones aril
family will holiday at Grand Bend
next week, -31r. Ed. Clarke intends
taking a trip to Detroit iu the near fie Date„eare, of Chicago, are at preeent
ture,--The farmers are carrying: long visiting id, Mrs. D's temente, tilt. and
faces these days -too much rain fee. 31rs. Hourett.-Mr. Ben Charrette, our
harvesting is the clease.-31r. Ed. and pepniar thresher, has engaged Mr. Fel.
Charles Clarke spent Sundey in St. Talbot, of Drysdale, as engineer for
St. Josepb. Goderiell tp: White uploading hay
.A large ItlIttlber of tvorlemen are DOW • F1;14,11Y '',IY, ,ifie14- natTowlY Mellott
busily engaged building the govern- wtlat.PatiXo 11°„,ree lic,eo a severe if tiOt
merit dock here, tvhich will be found f°tal 413°,174 "le 4)47 fork bY SOMe
_f:a. :ipetztoi:e1::.dt._fo;117:::tigalto: i cbtenua:alcuotibetteae:8poltz:iti:tna;:gehthchaillEchetelpegno:::::i
a gFeat eonvenience evhen completed. ,line?,B5 ,f,et1 and nue of the forks peat..
Saturday last. Perhaps he ha,, emu, the toe. Had be been struck on the
nee to record the death of 31re. Brea -
nan, wife a 31r. Peter Brennan,of tine
5t11. eon. Deceased lead been ailing l'r
the coming season. -31r. J. G. McLean einne tune, and her death was not un -
left tni Saturday last for Chatham to 1 ri),,,, iezit,ig„,,,,,,,,:ne,,,,,.,...sT:ta.ttt,,, iol.,,,,,,,,:er,...
v ,s,, his family.
0 yeene ago she eett hal bete with her
;, husband. Hee husband and Civo WWI
7 survive Iter.
The wet weather has hirulered the
Tuckersmit b.
The pattienders surrounding the eed
death zu ::•;orth Dakota on Jade 12t14.
of William, son of Mr,. Heaney Carter,
haw ityan receive& was beet mate , farmers in cutting the grain and tinnale St• MarYs: Dontliar wet wah
AO it l'IV4 r halt ;Intl it :14g lleeinfuipg Its ',bare bad t;; 11Se Me cradle as tlie Mud eelrere tweident FridaY afternoon.
mate I, e !nee to it Its rientning the 115 On wet to use the binilete-Daring ' saUeudiPg 10 14 Yoong
hr. it iedaeel ane eteeee hint no the r.1 the heavy thunderstot co which pa -teed Vree"s (1444 *!t 4C riEuldenlY Insiz-
iPa%, This anew him into the stream °vet' this section Net Weilitealey ,eti tan with ite bind feet end caught,
and the REE riqu vzkyrit a him imn the , night the lightning struek on the left dwelt. His face ate
wheel where lie rereived euch terrible 1"11°°e Post anti deolegtel ;11111. other% '1,"*111 0,‘ Flaw was bediy' etil. The.'
howies I, i4 oeke Head a few 'entre. coahae se t in wo lta4Itty hod to stitch it, len both Odell
names of the loved tinee in the old „ MinalaY :light. between Dashwocti Peter V eon ciC MK,
11* He 15',14:3 co:v.11mi V; 09P laht. no the, new posts, - t-hmh --------------------------------------°°P tligtiller.
110111e` here were On hie lip.;1,vhen death ' end Grand Dena readted in a the the Peter 'Jeans of thin town met with 34
Faroe. Tip, rqn.„„), Owls t *TOPS SIAIld111F, 0.0. reit% have to , rerY Paha& atteident on. Thureday
washlawn, sen8 ono of tho hirge„t I shake up a little better next tune boys last week. For 541Mik time aet Lew
CVer eefla ill that part of the state. the 404 brodi 111° 11° 1,1110 way fir 110111 working on the G. T. t as
deceased voting luau being highly thy, utiter---4et George 1C1141)4448Jost , HUM ;Ma Wilt* mulling our or Toronto.
thought 44. This. be wrote home some , a °HP'', '7,3"iyaan stile teeelt of ()n Thiereday while at worit in Toronta
time e ea would be hie het veer in the s°""°'°" 11.11S' g°11(1 11111184 right arm nue 4. 0112141 by two thaw-
1Viii11` rade:Wed this all vent te a" was Pot ebeeed ley Mr. Kellerman • beside ou the ears awe tette badly, emask_
last winter ea, whine ite. pail), It grand , ed. 1 he ;was I emoved to tin- Butengtee
lag to this seetion to 111114111. agfipi*.-Mp„ a. McLaren is here spiolit. 57 lleepital itild the arm witS illlIplk-
i iitiri 1 a IfItIvii174401.iitisly48.1.,----t 3,11.11$1,7SiirtitilltioltitnIgtIt4 p14(t4,144initIa)781:1'01.R1114.)441],thOtO; day while Air
•ivi'llY. 10- A .. , : 4::.11,.. 4151,44 .'; 1,1:11,4111A•titij4S and Tittlr'1137 Ci,f. eist ., tt, Fitz.414111.,,14s 0. 4. loading hog.
c!re,t1,17, on
4., ..,.1 .,,,,, A N %le:, f•ineev4;yen ; w114,"
, I 144. h144e1011 1110 haul at met veltatuely ean
li tani,' 1,•;;0001P4., 111404 being utztngted by 4
Valli31111 T. England, l'ilonditte'e - eses - -----
tele :v41(74041 te the Falls het 1V4.411. Ur* 11"‘TY Elligtiklit4•9'. 44 iil'af's i$ tho 4'ail t0i' it fiVoliti tied wet- beeking
popular nieveltotit. Atte:tiled the tiro." Zurleit train. Ile had tweasion to pass arteinC
Yell hat e a depreeeing elfeet fax- ; Clinteen :qr. J. W. Newconthe bee
mers of t hie eeetion,a tineaber of n hem ' iteeepted an tefer if 0 ga0.41 t kin at
ate not, yet done hayitig. Springrgrein. Winnipeg and exiee tea ttt have lef,:.;
mote eepeeiatly and else flax, ate teeny " for Met tete- in the coulee of a few
for a few weekeeeeratquet and horse. • t leaned tot anti wa.1 make tiaee. iett owitee te the dittoes of 1,10;
01,, vivant, „imies 14.,4114.1. vos.:,;•• J. Pi eller% Ill' the lettetitt and Lae
or the tett 04. Old anti 4. 44)4)4, :lire tithe residence wae et enek. by light alillg flair. i purelnetts3egar.t.ke. k.iiitit,-,:thitsurrittil.i.s. WAIF,. . „Til,nsvi:
ing an „t„,i,,, 1„ici,„,st in tin, g„,„,), and q mg the storm. Ott Welltat'Stlity Pi:PllitIrT, nese
they will emu challenge the neighbor. bite the damage WitS slight. The light- l *Nim1 i. ie a bright %,..ttuitg IntsinerS6 In=
lug towit,i, -Mr. Walter (leek, one lug rolloccvd a, Private teiephotte line !and We art. pleased tonnow that bi.twiE
eenieetionen hns bad the int erior of , eitnneeting Mr. Pi lit'te'eti IA MSS With 5 vemain a citizen of Clinton. Mr. 11414-
111'. store repainted, thereby giving it ,.. his Amp. '4 1(1 piet tires were keatek. , byway may tenttinne ttt parry on the
4. very rt.clA and tin -to -date appearenee. 'I41 off the Wall. at, ids etore.--,311a. Net t:t 7 tailoring tar be testy teal:Ale lit another
_..gr. e„he we Boner left tee may. 1 Wtni, whit bee etnitph.te'd the 111111111‘11`V 11110 Id 1111411t'SS.
311e14e 3Icaudity. after it short visit with season itt Rodney. has returned lionie. eitinetet weal mote here ;been 4
relathes in town. -51r. Jacob Heist She was 4""e0loPallivd 113. Miss Adi. eetione aceident happened to 31te IL
1)5. 14444) having consider:tide trouble Miele wh° wil.1,1%;11,VitInidttittrosit;'srit'rtelftt;Z 15nI lpiliit 'ill ioTilvii::11)df &Will,: !zit illitt;::::*1thlurartt
ri141111347lintgbIlli1191.3tritittile/OerlI4liOelftnlsx6tttinuTs sttillee. (1311S0$170,3rrel''Isue.e8nIArisiiing friends mid rei- '. hil7, hay. Me. Melirfro was inanaeing
eeedol in giving a numbre, tile coup de ntires bere for tile Pat,: it'w weeks. re- ". the hay fink, wben It unexpectly tfroi-'
grave, but while in the net of shooting• tuvued to their home in Pigeon. 3fiele, . ped, striking him on the righe side of
one the other day, lee nufortunatelee 1 ioltsdaY.-51re, BeorY Ii".1)&11I°V1 W1111' tbe throat. one of the pronge luilieting
killid it chicken instead. Jae. has to has bee° vieiting ber daughter. 3Its,
ttie:.as!i.ave.ry ligh,gash. andljusit missing teh
:1gtettgeaiofte4singeeomhisStit(.1,0rLilaltlg;1ill Ieltlledit°ltjssAtai..11itIloNls,tieetytn
great deal of damage to the Blake, IS ViSaing Miss 1.4f111511I11111e11'. ' ferieg eonsiderable fiesta loss of blooiL
crops. -`11e brick and file elude have1 31r. Sam Geleer epeTi4ittySkt)In.idottiv 1)1111504,101111 lie all right, but it Was on uncones
The wound was 4'14W11 11(1 and he Will
been obliged to stop. work. for a few itont-31iss Maud
weeke; as the water is standing in the Mich., and 311ss Olive Feint, of Dinh- eereoey eiese eau,
wood, were visiting friends be town
clay bends to the depth of five feet, Clinton; Mr. Hiram 11111 had a very
Our oldest settlers eitunot remeinber a hist week.---31essrs. John Deichert and:, eiose 1I111 7111f1 I1111111114'- 1141 experience
time when tbe rivar has risen to suchr3ToC.Iredi" the other day. While driving his hortee
M. rman Buclianan visaed
it height, as it now is. ton on Sitaday.-The 'regular meeting got its tail over the line, and in trying
Cent) or Ttettens.--I desire to take of the W. c.T.u. will be held 3londay tn get the line out, the horse became
evening at the hottitt of.31rs. E. Zell
this opportnnity to convey my heart- -IP?" unmanageable and one line dropped.
w. 0 -Miss Ella Rennie is visiting her sts- from Mr. Hill's hands. The horse bolt -
Mit thanks to my many fviends, n
so noblyassisted me at the fire, which t„sr, Mfe. I.'atulin, ,..of pae.beatot!.--,e3liss ed no the sidewalk, and threw Mr..
occurred on my premises, last Satur- 011 n()eulq anu•Inel.1, tt' jils.' Ct./PP' 1-1411 out, who fell squarely on his head,
of Clinton, are holidaying at the Bend. but fortunately be escaped with no
day night, the 26th inst. .
Finn. -Last Saturday night, about
11 p.m., while a heavy storm was in
ptogress. a lightning bolt struck the
bank barn, owned by Mr. Edward
Sweitzer, north of this village. Both
barn and contents were burned and
very little was saved. The neighbors
and people of the village worked hero-
ically and saved the dwelliug and oth-
er out buildings. Barn and contents
were insured in the Hay Township In-
surance Co. for $500, which will hard-
ly cover the loss of the barn. Mr.
Sweitzer just purchased the farm from
his father a year ago and this loss will
be a great draw -back to him.
SCHOOL REPORT. -The following pu-
pils, who wrote at the midsummer pro-
motion examinations were successful.
Names in order of merit. IV. to V. --
Melinda Trick, Ezra Oestreicher, Wes-
ley BrowneWilbea Wray,Olivia Holtz -
Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. -Joseph
Finkbeiner, Pearl Hohmann, Myrtle
Hirtzel, Brnce Kienzel, Arthur Holtz -
mann, Lula Young, Alma Hill, Idella
Brown, Sr. III. to Jr. IV. -Madeleine
Bertrand, Wallie Hill, Idella Fahner,
Gertrude Short, Bessie Wray. Jr.III.
to Sr. III.-Lanra, Haist,Garnet Sweit-
zer, Frank Fin kbeiner, Eddie Winer,
Clara. Rau, Fred Maneenus, Norman
Winer, Bella Hill. Sr. II. to Jr. HT. -
Ida Ewald, Mabel Feltner, Irvine Fah-
ner. Inter. II. to Sr. IL-Adeleine
Finkbeiner, Roland Either, Lillian Gan
ser,Reta Kienzle,Mildred Brovvn,Etbel
Wray, Elvin McIVIIIrray, Rebecca Sims.
3 r.1I. to Inter. IL -Division II. --Hilda
Shenk, Gladys Redden, Edith Mang -
nus. Harry Trick, Charlie Finkbeiner,
.Charlie Anderson, Sylvester Wuertb,
Clarissa, Hill, Roy Fahner,Clara Holtz -
mann, Minnie Finkbeiner. Jr. II. to
Inter. IL -Division L -Pearl Geiser,
Edith Hill, Wm. Oestreichete Ernest
Appleton, Carry Wein, Ivan Hirtzel,
Pearl Heist, George Beaver, Harvey
Hill. Sr. Part'IL to Jr. Ir.-Emmery
Vahner, Charlie Gower, Everett Heist.
Jr. Part II. to Sr. Part IL -Elsie Gei-
ser, Matilda Oestreicher, Harry Mang -
nus. Sr. Part 1. to Jr. Part II. -Gert-
rude Either, Maitland Wray, Roy Hed.-
den, Wellington Elitist, Willie Motz.
Nelson 'Hill, Beatrice Hedden. A 3
Class to A 4 Class. -Esther Heist, Ida
Brown, Ezra Ewald, Pearl Fahner,
Edith Anderson, Ella Anderson, Wel-
lington Rau.
Elsie McCallum, }
Isabella Dow, Teachers.
Claude 131tiett,
DEA.TI-I OF MRS. HEr.--efree (shristi-
im Hey of the Babylon line, who has
been ill with consumption for some
months passed away on Saturday and
was buried on Monday afternoon in
the Lutheran cemetery, the Rev. Mr.
Harold, of London, performing the
burial ceremony, in the absence of the
pastor, Rev. E. Selmelke. .Mrs. Hey
leaves it husband and a family of small
children to mourn her loss. We ex-
tend sympathy to the bereaved hus-
band and Motherless children in their
Around About US.
Clinton: A son of Mr. Trowhill had
the misfortune to receive a eevere gash
in his foot by stepping on a piece of
Goderich tp: While drawing in hay
Friday Stewart McDongall, of the Cut
Line, had the misfortune to fall off the
load, and in striking the ground his
arm was broken.
Mooresville: Mr. J. T. Simpson's
little boy, who was last week almost
at the point of death, has taken it turn
for the better and he is now on it fair
way to recovery.
other nnury beyond, a severe shalang
up. The loose driving line caught on
the hob of the wheel, and wound up
so quickly that the horse was brought
to astandstill before doing any dam-
age whatever.
Hayfield: Chris Howard met with an
accident a few days ago, while driving
to Clinton. The shaft came loose and
dropped on the horse's heels, Causing
the animal to bolt. Alr. Howard, with
Miss Mand Pollock and Miss Sohnsora
were tbrown out. Miss Pollock woe
severely shaken lap and Mr. Howard
sustained a severe scalp wound and
badly bruised face and arm, but Miss
Johnson escaped nninjured.
Goderich tp: The other dey a rig
was coining along the Hayfield road
from Bayfield, towards Clinton, anal
when just abont Loft's corner the horse
took frigbt and ran away, running in-
to it rig ahead of it, containing a little
boy and girl. The horse attached to
this one then ran away, also, clearing
the ditch, jumping a fence, and throw-
ing the occupants out, the boy being
cut across the back of the head, while
the girl, it is said, was hurt internally.,
Hullett: jos. Reynolds met with
an unpleasant accident on Friday. BIRTHS.
While unloading hay, the track broke,
allowing the pulley to fell, striking OaletetionaRe.and
dBensdoo, aorrniefeu,a July r
him on the head, rendering him • un-
conscious and making a nasty cut. daughter.
Ailsa Craig: Owing to the recent
heavy rains the employees at the mill
have been laid off work. The engine
P00111 was completely flooded out and
after trying in vain to pump it out
with the fire engine, they had to set
about malting a new drain.
Clinton: Two well -known -residents
of this place were -united in the holy
bonds of matrimony on Monday, the
contracting parties being Miss Harriett
Davis, daughter of Mr. George Davis,
and Mr. Harry Marsh. The ceremony
took place at Detroit where the young
couple are residing.
McKillop: Mrs. Win. Henderson, of
the 4th concession departed this life
on Thursday evening of last week.
Mrs. Henderson had reached the good
age of 74 years.. She had been in deli-
cate health for several months, but the FINEGAN. -.In Parkhill, on July; al
end came anexpectedly and very peace- Annie, beloved wife of Samos Fine -
fully at la.st. A short time before her d 3
death she was able to sit up in bed and gan, age7years.
converse with various members of her TESBEY-in St. Marys, on -Wednesday°
family who were at her bed side, and Sully 16, the infant son of Mr. and,
she went off as if in sleep. Mrs. A. E. Teskey,
BITELOCE.-In Greenway, on July. 20°
to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bullock, a son.
OurarrouE-In Seaforth, on July 16th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cudmore.a son.
HATS -It. Seaforth, on Jilly 23rd, te
Mr. and Mrs. R. SeHays, a son.
CuooKER-At 50 Shaftesbury A,venne,
Toronto, on July. 23rd, to Mr. and ,
Mrs. Roger & Crocker, a son.
LOCICHART.--In Kingston, to Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Lockhart, formerly a.
Exeter, a daughter.
Moin-In St. Marys, on Sattnelayt July
19, to Mr. and Mrs. James Moir, of
the Offlce Hotel, it son.
. weer es