Exeter Advocate, 1902-7-24, Page 6_JUIN. THE •SUFFERI• Cannot Help Tiaein8e1ves, •ing: -Would thet we all might get Our hererts in touch with Chriet, that we might conseerate oul• lives el, for the mighty workof spreading the gospel end for gathering io a harvest of never -dying souls! This is no idle hope I offer to ytm. The sacred word if arey Christian sower egoeth forth bearing precious Feed he shell coffee again with rejoicing., bringing- his elteavee witla tem at the eertlity and heavento harvest home, • God for Matt, 2,0; sit, Q. 18; 7Qeut. emcee 8, etc, He is the God of all grace, and He will not forsake His people for His great So t111.1t we limy plead, ."Thougli our iniquities testi- Every Man Desire8 to Help Thoe Who emphatically says that "geseml ecreidieg to AO ttc, P41 -)40)t)470% beet able. by the Power o the lioly gre;trAe.. tt* 7nv 0104 Theesamet gee- (Attest, to lead to eme-atton, tie ran_ afateail\TatIVZ•tag,%94.4re's" wnrd c't Oat love is very: sweet. It ,is as sweet as the atxdation which A despatch from Chicago s.a.)-$ L. Moody used to seower I -- ! v. Flaink Pe Witt Talmage P„rFae,h1 little old woman, popularly called, tet frame the follOwing text- = -1--salut„Itotiter Cook, whose prayers evert: exeati. 0. "lie that Seeth ttil“E the meaos of giviug to Mr. Moody a, weeeeth. bearing I:reek:es need. sebwilitIspt filled life -a little old wonian aegless come egain with. rejo,lhiug. a pea laps eou hatte stever !weed rieelleS ast uf,xe'r, a women witlen tee eetee,a me%st every home is adorned with. Chrisn o tiaworld teelit to low tai t eeert /don rictures. lf upon one t coo" of eeee of the room we see the weeyWard'. Tim ear Irony. boy gathering all tegeteer .and tale- h • le LAS Iitth ing- joaarnee into e, far country. !t•3 as sweet os the arcs so,. 11 the other side we want to setalrit!!"' the 8n11411Y school svl= 1-e1ial:i4z prooigai hefoa weeegites to his teacher because eomed home bY a forgg father. teco:ber bos led hire to Cheise. If upoo one side a the room we '1$ as sweet as the look of groti hens a picture of "the twght. 40,1.1On '4v1)Iett the 41:4-111%; Men tures upeo tee other side we want to eve the who, has pannted him to the c picture of the tiatee, earl to divine perdest. It 1 SO this aeonting the sermon which t:t-er'""'t a'S. the 4°11°171'4'44 Iv144-114 a r I preach from the Ore Hendred ettad',,Netfrk,:°' Tweagyeeireth Itealsen o; David is a.Iralci"s eel:140:0d not a eampaaaea oaat,aealo oc, ooe eeee34._,:ff out the *..04. II teure which e441iVered 1114111 the teen -us. that eeevollen to tile CW•414 Net aleo f sem:tell to the fiesh ehail of lee aeob IA40 eeiritlsal caree„ witeette see seep teerrapoteue. at has a cam.,:,cim able lie pet oer• ontee.-t eiaveen on account th" 1d of lovalele (Inlet re %hid contraset, 'The text is et-- Another Preeleate sheaf which r.. --ted to prove that tl:o Christian ,;Itittlihred by Z4 1iaristiast reape setter has right to eeeect his Vet' sbeof of couttiltuttett nod s ele•eel harvest Velds to be et:tee-kat liagrateee to lite lets -oily io that bites with goblet* siteateee ofmany 10`; LA` in 10111.11 he has 1411 11 1441 Weesinge, to expert has seed to 1risag,11ne Cod. If a tame 42.tee ens izei forth 40111e thirty, some sixty; wet 'with tlie poor on the ireete, selee 144844ired fol. •it is tf.e. en,% :zed tie- raeerilag, ie neve., f4 /ere of a. Christian woriew gatheriog ,E4O'leele /tow geed aed iw tfae lee siteaets of his Min:Kt lose. •ft• leg thud has been to laina. If a t le the sytaleil of reward, the syllable . thee. ziot vieit the site. tetaa weal a„reeteett hope omit joy., It is1:4'11Tr 'there V0411011 f11 ereeter text Seettaase& W4Leer rhea." to tiaet won iatvialiol, lee 11514111141MA 144414gS of 10.0./0,0n iv.- ptily oppierienee the bleeeieee'' e4 Er SUNDAY SCHOOL ,-anzaaa.TIMAL 14FSSQL j'IMY of the Leeson, zee., a. name's Sake"' (I Sam. sii, 22; Jer, fy agalnse us, do Thou it for Thy xtv, 7). GYPSY READ MG'S 0111 &Lig' exTa TETA SOIMIIXON" WIT4L OrgT C attaS t 34 an Euption, and to Pesceoded From ciweat P-eers, be.e is its. ing in Toronto a Kvials,0." Wili3 mete that in 18.98 ehe 1-35. tfeleen Weset. held the lenul of It'ing Edward. and (Add leen that his mother would soon tep, elake ee goes, which died thee he wcauld be King, that he not eggs and mak in evelog chic -kens do not have ea ire-. go before us. eould taken seriously ill, butoemobinatioe muse to eoueed lel menee lot of feathers. Zi9e64519Mtt trehri. of by it/et this use: of le iling wa paar4 li 11 sdet Pillowr intesded for summer use tellik eonunon kitchen er ele t ling. n 0 ..„----- R PItalaOWS. ;tele e weeea. Oa the poich may be covered witie OZWWW0,6•06/00, wbieb a sinirde design ia work'ed 9We o darning stditelies with beevy linen eual, wviApHou, DIst /Es. floes. It is surpritaing how hand-. ' eOme these pillowa •are„ when -the jaalsed Cast'tf..--Three cups oe rich, simple material is treated in thie Milk. Nur eggo lightly beaten. .-4.-e' Way and they leueder Well. in, pft,x4 of het water and balo: in'rone, flocks in 110/land to fill all the I clip engem' (scent), few gratue FAIL' A writer iu the gleitosnist says M•ttlitt in A intetered bakiog dish,. that the Itotteewife would have to sPrinkte with ontatege Place dish, keep a Zack of gees e like the roan - slow overt until (win. which Amy he 4.1ounge pillowe she would like rand reatibaY detertilined by introducing te` suggests the followitoe substitutes: is,nife through elestard; if holfol Tito feathers of young chickens comes olet clean ensterd is sufficient- 1 that appear on the table are Poet tie baked. While baking, ...are must. it you reject thoee with hard sterns. he taken that water surromallug IthileY oeoele do not 1 -mole the (life wise custard will Whey. We must titers, The only trouble is that I beking dish does not boil, other- ference between tbela and goose fea- 0414:14";ri stiofiii:igkl‘thgt:tift:eiec 146:00fliceiocuemiti•acptit,..,eco::c:41.7ii:V:gili 1:1471r1.,112(cei 1 :Lb): 014113.11,1,,:i.ceolwevii)eltli4.)4t1117,11ell.r1;oavt11:. 101111143411:4\STudesurtstalt411404%.,Tioxse4T.I.....iislr:17sb;011:11e0,0410t will etia01:.?IviwiRluilel:yabt:sr tallogru7e7slypii: the Warne September sunshine you ' es a studer, lack of space Will neeeete- tbe wi't'l'en w‘34K1 b% hemn ler the boiling water over ste. levet table,- low, Teem ee. nothing so teee. 011,41 t;'''"t" verses 10 ht-', printed as the lesson, restarat41" 10 cuntplete 1lealtne tate litulltizee our comments to the c1)11"Mma="4".1 oi *1.10 PrsiTile,74 MO tePeoliS English. breolikst. tea in a fragleatat as a gray linen pillow. ente tea pot; let, It infuse for a, II/omelet broldered in a hop deeign, and fill- oVds 1-41, 1101-115. Sonte one hes :slid thet- 1 1.'"utlY 't,, , hms144'er,ere,P°31.'" or 14WQ,4 then draw off (there fellould ed with the soft bells; or a dull aurae, iroet etenaste 01Vied en a444'i grYiPs3r at 4)000" en' be water enough to generously cove green One to tuatch the color of the 6' ,..a,s, eoelatsively ItPon (=Ned elthee for ea?.- L'4"il 1" a 141'4" vasa"t 11"-4i icl es Wald to this add a from.- of Jo,- vines, and finished with cord and or for the neceseities. of tht• t"" wes1 end of the eit.lee Aniatea rumi and thret,, pint' i of boil- tuesels. The taseets shonid riepro a:- attire- path we are el:uglily eaybee, Thee' AM 4101 late gldpsates of Pollute "Mg water; infuse for AVe munieles clime the Nip belle, Bine neeellee are lasue,--rp. potoo. os gods.."' Thi$ is ekii4d loe eteT.P-111OF 4C44.441- rhe equalling. anti evrve in glaieses- had/ fell of fine for the heavier pert% ettehions. 'le to re reeeetion et Goal. 'them reople klaUllge, howling eb114lret) We're &Jo crairbed ice. .49i, thin Mire ot lenton and ee. are red ciover tops, though vont, hes net eeen Moeos oer heerd /teen writ- 'llee lr.`ore". file leen 1144W0i. tile ganall a preiierved strawfrerry is add- tbe latter are libel, to gst I 7 lari :t for „eatrel r‘vi.....„ and. gor, --k ,l. vet -mills. with the Owlet% ed to each. Me ;imitate our ltus- a ehort time. After all nothing lo is i't•;°1 puling 11 11 plottibv to oLey„ eery slel''ken 1114 Mel 1"vd• 'Ilin'els• "'en' not Ofitii friends by adding a tattu,asehino better for pillows anti mattreesee r le *lereal; off, the golden earriega * 0 * hl 44 will reef" e" t:::?,, 1: to. tArlilt1SOLA0V00 Said 11140 11:11a. "4 th0 v"..""14`11 'all° 4:4 3lrnti 04" 4 lhe:plil'e 10 each gioes. ripened corn. Throw away all 414ere. ,Lp es; (144 e1.. watt s. ;and 111 IMO .1, k herr- 141111 11 feW 611114`3 oi lemon then, the eatit stoner itit$14 of well Ivory er %PI With Coffee Saistst ceerg7 dash pleeete Mel iise only the vitil•o'euti hehag 'them otato nte. A TAI.K Willi Tille W011VeN. One tableepoon granulated gelatin„ fete whito ones that will be Ira Wien Aloeve Villa alp into the -My maine is; de pate; Lee- front olleellnaller 01111) 41-44/41 water. tellIP abundant 111 tile fall: sPread in n tced '' mount to he ;dotal with Clod. Le 1,10;1 peeire Dyke. Brighten." !from three ;zed a half .eups creant, cool airy place to dry, and tie up Selo to the elders, "'Aaron and Iliir are Tho Flicolivi• w;ia o vrooloo of per.loneeriarter ClIirt tienitled. em-io. and in paper hogs until wanted. Theta tiee 1,--ith x0:4,.•• opil Ite refeimi tho, poo- halm thief e , vi 1*41 time: tulle. beae-.10. "a('-"drd cop lialvdered 5"gar.' Vr°- :i7on cm' Inalw (111Y "'mai)" or 1'111°1" :141e to thee; us eonnetioeta iti hie reebraneee ard wee twee, eter five:vete Seat: the gelatin in cold woe- with a mind at ease 011 the t48e5- e.,,i,,,,,, Avilm ,,,,,,i,,, mm,,,, 5 miwth 4.0„h04041 ,,n,, ,,f glw, da:,4i. of pimp, :.103.„ diseolved lu entided cream. the), of filling, lean 10.. s1e•-0.:An. vital Mitusen 41,13,s ll.".,14 of the Lovi ,,g. the Nue. of 4 44.0 4 141131n into 41 1111111 ond add sugar. ...., ilrY 'idol ir..51e0l4 of nod (i,N.. iv, lti; eel, days of the leeeletala poineese, for 1, Set howl in pan of cracked bee and SMALL lettliTIT COM.11 !NATIONS, 1614 tr:li: b414',, 1;101.t.'s l.& -14;g ebeent, he. Bee heis „wee an .Kgetnion Viet of turall-119,,tir "t9"i1111"Y 411141 111"thre Ii.e:4111S 11A491ArrY and Currant Crestea.-- ver It Lae' l'holtiest. Pis'alhe mit of hie It nerve, 1 111.1 from the 0144 mold. 1 to ,I. 1110=icie, then 0111 0110 fold in the Cover one ounce gelatine with one fit 434414 heart chit; veil whin- (der.. -1 leave come eo .1e4 of elle Kees '. w111111I100 rrealee miffing it if thirds- cup cold water. arid let. etand until 1;411..:iee- or lt qp fee ahem ----------------------- lP .-- .:-..- ''' 'Mja", 1111, Ho bee tto 1.-.-Orill of wore - hit, A:..iNi 1:„. " If the gelatiat Inlet tire 4141.:leene ton soft.. *thee add another nip boiling 6 unieli tial 44 b over 8111t WilliCr. and wetcr. and stir until tito gelatine II lie ' lend ant' Ideas 1. 1141.4,4111.4.-. 115.111 104114.1411 14 1 17 314" line op •„ eblip alai eteree with eleeeo teepee, tie oVer ow -third cup currant juice- llas ,64.tron lte-4 hie reeeetit 7 Ste 114111.4, "re. I 4441 c'''11448 446' 149 alal45.,"e's 45e41:11itilillit) 411' 8 cum tenoned 441:14 il ranee, point. Then strafe. P14411 Stolid ll ee ..L,itay Lae lost freetog ea (z„e, pee f„ :aft.r.1 hit. 4ory.well. 111114.0."- -1-11111104 Mel oesellairal cup sugar. threeetptartere ;PAO' lo cool. Add coneellalf cull ui lie ie. ee esze i I,. tee reee em4, leered oi the beterviewer. elare gypsy , of o. taidospeotifill arrow reed. One- Powdered sugar to one Pint sweet, 1D:eir WM496 the fetdd to loate vie 0" crow. Pall iii.""cii594 Ill"' 1.4'4' (4.1 111'0 11/14-0 141141 4144414 gp1411 let stand arid uhisk all together MAU it 1'4 114 „MOIL 11'.Aly 44%01dd beep teeeeetel filen lbc 11,111111l ono 1110 reel 444 2.140 1131014 i 10Z.11137 sniamitese Miro the ingreol. quite stiff. Taint it kiln a veetted- eae pis 1140011 11 11110 liking worde of tie. els' gii414. ."rbi,4. in die thee of life. !toes and poor over tee hot nos. mold. aud paeh 131 tee until etia en. '4 A of tig, bluer Foil 44.4.1,4,Air, N.:4.1dt 11„ 111414',5d.i perhaee hineeele /Jut:x/404;s ,![„ei vex I et 41 Mr1-144-4 i.,t i,iteg, 1,.4...u.14, curist4ata sivixec 4414:"ei:15.ihi sterVilier;1104 •411411 11 444e1.1 y .40:1 6414 realizet4oe 111TO ro ,t levt.,,opat 444, hals 1,4,4 4,, Neyineee 0-7448"4. *4 -TIL 41, 111;1X 1111M43114 111.43.1-9 isa the 1F.-- .W4t4?""'I g4 .424 ;414"4""- 4.44 4'1; .0"0.01.41 1-431.441`. 11)/-1001S11 seherh inenner'ted 'I‘Urge 44. 4ren Lee, ee seeee heee 10.113 si-414,44 MIA lrele 41 Ltdr:t. ,r1,. all":444thei le 1 ITcee is et **i *t4 eo*,ine it41orn leveee wi4b 1144^ rrereve,e. 41iMeeett eeery hereon 43%441 to leelp rotreeteptloit geele tees 4„eo. /Lelia 440.ne.ehee_ i,t th pv• ifze:ta r i144114VA ridiliefd tee tee eeCeMer eratelicre 41 !either Is VoZ.,tt?, 41t 14,341 lag 141-, 4.14ildiren and es wi1i4 et Crimp ;toil try,.girs 10 *ILI,. /449 '41404 11. id 11304i 10:0,, toot ty .4144 4441 i 4t3 fo 41, Leer, a91 alp 44444 down, to (Via TN' ties meg ,,-‘1 410 alit,. ammo laeavia valve tl:e cry, "Three P., a ''1"1 :f440- ba` 14:0* 10.140,? jai re E41• drowsier: .1! Lotil, ! Iendt '1""` ubs."4,,W of hdere lanre la mot- somebody 444/ 144344416('44 ee'd-':gi ertoldet .1'911T(.41M1141 11y:J him T.. ,” 1340 '4'16044 Welt 4t, 1,141.114(1n 11143440($34. Ab, a tail wriug t heir - 1).01fit1S., Theo *14*' "reel 1a14‘ M4vco''." wto era a l et 1 sate am met the owl felted ;,4`04 4110414 the trembled eeis mese Ieell at tee oafe, 44' if ite 4-444',.1'.9 114111%41111X. 94111144 be PION 4.41 110i11, near. Dear or 4414' SIS' Pr,j4 l'IPPX1Pg 1011^',11Vi 44 eilewe he ettinuteere will ire° the Flirt "9": 14rWt11;P, 119 111`. 434441 1100/ t 440.01 %1-10.i'. powerel etrolee thee- will *.`"'s " groti)))410 to God mid beetle aveitt.i the wows. 'Ile 33 teee esoileattecnt with ;13401 the unavestioue hatter tee liel,N SP/1 41 1 le tne 1 termite, bends will roil him upon a Another preview( ehr whith bort Q). '1100 1 OW dite1.51. wt eercervel by the (lore:jet( rower, 04.4 2'him. 40111 t100 %VoW4 4.111 It441-.. the 4.,V1111 re di 'et - 111 ',to, 4� 1,ay gods. 11 Ittr.400, 0.1; 11,4=4.1., bkw told hew in ls110, then Cool before atittima 17041110. "1"rurn dif;solivod. Ade te.3 thee, two, ti Vsieut ;a Pe, whet ;a bletertoeee, !Ile Chat eneleelee the thumb Nins hada coeee seageee 000 ;A:4.4 4.1dagif liWee,teat to tae•te. end Stir it Ovid TaaS Ma" l eoht teee‘ op out 04 14-- 0.1 Beetitat she hr141 1 Ite 4q1loduatro into a ritot 11444411, thirds cup raspberry Jules% anal a lit. wlo4qa,bilaor to tee 131,13Dg thee 041141 4114480 1,110 no retie lthe 4*. C443-4( Vein vleil111 or tido s 054 on, two- the ere until 11 reaale3 the boiling ee•le v414o wee troullalle Wid11."114' 3144114" 4'401 :101' Eid4 101c1 411ratIl• 44-41aead 44 44 44 irtilAd her 4 Inger eloper tto bur, ta..ol malts), half te.eetelone bravo, ;Heald froth. Add this to the fruit juice. ox. 4,41.1pc s of Coetitee, away froon do. leereel the eke wee rentaitireielehtti t,-4spoio44141 eale end ono and rich cream. aril 'Whip 40 a stir ;ale; God. Through blot who ehoeld 42" 124. halli 4d 4 12" ‘Kl424. 1 - how 'titre, width eas leen strained. Cool; °ugh to turn out. Turn into a 111144440a • 4 4 a watt of more 41. 101..14, the inflame mod the thergeol gime- Imo the mate tvelonition to health owl re- eintilitliee itzi os cei. 20). cne':" „ , Ilk :4. Alva when "won F11W it boiit 4324 lulow*" =4.9' P€Inthua"1° Imre Tee.-rour cups weter, two be° Soi this Mu rot celed in the reel' 010 "4011 1104 iter hand mail'', ries 111111 11110.11111t C1111 ellPiTy Jee„3,033331 owl „,orit, of ;us lerleee...; 1,0er 11.4111 lier hand, lictelly4.4„vtee rfopor,, o tevroji by bone • dee uzlitzells moil add brandy slowly. Set•ve het ;around IVOry cream. Or Va114141 mane of .4444 allter lee'oro it- .4/11°I thP 0444 Wil9 z.'"Iwrsa.elifee, Seger. four cups pitted chew Amen; lewd (I N)ue. teel. Hat real " ,111' 1)1"-‘0411 "lg..- bee water and sugar togeth44414*. er ten tit Tiok en the krom of the *Sea 10431e' •.' 41 14'.° 111111111e141 ptt the dowriee. reserving '11 from laterimeng to end. owl No Ft; 1 MI. ;, would tower nuerry. I the of Clae-1 • lull the hake: (week the pits ;end add lee; re thing' like it al the cherchte 1 1z1 11;rold' ltilER le • ;mai utitoeg the rent 10 of th0t1 toila.1 even told Lot el Itoherts and Hob through strainer 081 Kilda hod; to syrup and boil ten unnutee, 14011 is a sidril, and thee' Mel wore livened Didier of the Boer Ater and Neel. through double abeeecelotb; ship Thin ;ins trteee. Pet illeu ete eggs hard. vet in halves lengthwise. renleiV0 01141, 8181 rub them through Melee add mixed mustard, snit and a few graille of enyenne. chopped parsley t, ;Atonal. :demi lorl,", foal sii441 feelte of the seed pi:tut:Nig will ses'er il'3' .444( U01 4* 4 . , 14i114 P,Iil.'" Anal 'Men at lest the sui- tile al.. hew ;.s the waled latee. As o„ . . . oe ill* 411'1111i and row up 10 play. **I ;deo made a prediction con - he 3 See I Core x. 7, anal it would be corning Mr Cearge Sitwell when A teen to lead the whole chapter. Is reading his hand in Ieutdoti. end ece s have einee learned through reltativee • I Mt in saw grandmother told the %allots). hi, 01 di ill truth fJelasi ie. 24 1. it. um1 told kw, too. thot Alp tvoult 7340 Vottir, sat *h.* *4 to cat and never eee the 1.011 of it, fen e 0/forroS MS t':. i':-1 o1011 10,014444. tit we 14;;.4 0 1o44,00 ,f,olid. 04,0 44 ed pr .oite regularly. this seettites•ra will, Feely iainuted will prothiee nut le. heeral everywhere. "Maul: tloe. ....‘ertle. And them. in teeir turn le he 1.,.. seeed l Ife will heti ! He will :.produie ream, ;e.t.d.- more el re • 1" . en 314*'3 eople 4 hrictratz's eerie* inert -eve -does 11 t camel about the seeceers to ('4 4, e4411.<1` 1,4 the ra 444's Nit Wil1 1141411 41 .83*444. 1114141 611411 wet, them if thee ter miod to tong 1444 Ala. W(111/I 1.iM 44444. IMO, the bruee fellows m.o. II wit it 1...1'.' 111., 4411111 xi meever, "Well. we :tie piettV er.11 eeat; here heen lielael up wid _ 1! re. "ea er, en: velem...lee, but it titles neon.tuins ate4 the valleet. ha l teaiter muds as torte 41‘• we leen emended ita the *41 '.4- evideagr e...,ael loite-ael Item me we eel, ea feet. lila:" • lee 1 130 meet preeitels teems' leo New. as joy ie notbeog more or :peed by the eeareeien eueeer 1,1 ;toe than the pie:Avant a inetiene pro- reaper ie the ,o**. (-*1 1.0403,,,,,,t109 .1 lo dIar .ti III t1W beiet t 1/41,.." 'at. grO11434 .i.. ' ilii 1110 ba, 11 J-S1S WM! 41 r05.1111, fro I hoe of any deeire. as we have .4411 I he difee ent Clarietitan 4:hinting 1.1eown in ra fawner to the piteeical '.. ellell he gathered at la. I.. „into tl man, that tile desire to Itelp t hoto. grail:tries 011 /1041U 11. It urett Pis 194 4i4'4 .1 re heiplies is implanted in '11 , , nenos: ni /nen etui wo- .1°1. 4114411St every hea,rt, what greater -seen and children may be saved, tor ddl jey could tome to the Chi istian ,A5:114 titer they ere rich or poor. black reeeee than the realization that he- or wiaito. Jew or gentile. Pratt -stunt ‘...lne bee, bees: made instremenial in theater Catholic. tOey shall all find room .l'n • et:acing of a solo ? what earthis SOY .' for themselves in beeven. All wbo ter eau he compared to the holy evultra- ^ will accept Chriet mei throw then,- i 8 tieta that comes to ire When We 1(44/:-. 14.41708 01 nu his praetor' and love can 'rev iee that by prayers and pIeadiegs we ec 1 a • - . a t. o the gospel seed ,Tht‘e hasp been 'able to bring a sinner oi•-iight hesitate to teo t the breoel ef I '1,' fere to face with ChriSt ? \That 4 life upon the troubled sea of :Au if.sin grea1041 joy than to realize Abet Our 1 4 g 1 1340 gespel invitation was 44 hasnible efforts have been blessed to i to be in any way ciretnimcribeti. But nlel l'IIE SAVING OP A. SCIEL it is not. The ineltation is Po wide ' width will Ii`ve..on and on through that it takes in all who ere seedy nas the coming ages,- and on through to be cleansed of sin. The invite- xxv" eternities-, on and on until the hist 44011 hi' 110 Wide that the welcome , 3 "4 ettof the lights of the stars shall be comes from every direction. -The .141414 1,1411ried out and time shall be no Spirit -and' She bride say, Conte. :1-1,''e• longer ? And iet, him that heareth .eny conie. .1 Af0 So, on accouut of this transcend- And let him that is athirst come. i the eet joy, we find that soul saving has And whosoever will let lihn take the ,shl become a passion with some men. water of life freely." That surely is bea just as a mechanic's wife, who hes a broad enough invitation for all. on 1. a little back yard, digs and plants And what a harvest home that will for and hoes and hovers over her g a v... be when all the gospel. sheaves shall :33- deus because she loves flowers and be gathered into the granaries of gl'ell never tires of her beds filled with heaven; the rejoicing will be every- A pansies and sweet peas and egerane where. Some of is have see,» the thot hues and narcissus and nasturtiums, ' noted picture• of the painter Seifert, xxidr so the true Christian loves rnen and called hein women in order to win thena to ”TIIII HARVESTERS' RE'rUetele" des Christ. Ah, there Is no joy on earth We have seen there the joyful looks J.,1at like the %rapturous joy of soul SAN,- upon the faces of the,men and the "'In illg i It is one of the most precious .women who have been working, in rieS'S elleaves ever garnered by the Chris- the fields. Perhaps . -we ourselves Part thin worker. My brother, if you have lived in the couatre. We have sin ha•ve not this pass/on for savieg • shared in the joy of the laborers r"Gi0 sonls you have not yet been blessed . en e last sheaf of wheat has with the holiest joy of which the hu- been. taken to the thrashing floore man heart can conceive. but the joy of earthly harvest home e Another precious aheaf that, is gar- is nothing compared to the heaven - 44(11011 ,by the Christian reaper is the ly joy when all the gospel sheaves gratitude of . those whose immortal shall be gathered into the heavenly , . • souls he has been. able, by the granaries. .power of the Holy Spirit, to win to Now, as, the gospel sower who Christ. No , true Obristian has a, casts his bread upon the water shall right to swerve one, inch from. the reap such glorious harvests, shall wo path of rectitude in order to Will not redouble mar energies and plant the approbation of his fellow men. as many good seeds, as we can for He should be willing to, do his fell Christ? Shall nete not do as much duty under all conctitions. No mat- good as we can in the few years ter what obstacles' may confront that remain. for as? Shall we not him, he should be willing to draw tha,n.k God that he has given to us the plumb line of 'Principle and go an opportunity to work and to live rat raight ahead whether he is praised for- him? Shall we not find our joy or blamed, loved or hated, honored and reward in sowing . and in scat - or despised.' . tering our gospel seed over the field timo Dut when a deristian worker can of sere . in stcattering our good xiiie soW lhe good seed and not only ga- deeds' over the great troubled sea of 34e eher for Clieiet e harvest of immor- humanity? , gob ted sottIs, but gather also, the grati- Illotalel that we all rnig-lit be will- Se, tilde and love of these whom Ile has -in- :Fe go forth to this gesp.el ,plante xxiti , not on Ihe eatne If • a 11.! 'IttilTfileittlifire14:414-1.7eslift)eultrlitligillitelleitu:;)(1.51417114; of his It itilletIt'ulratilretivitiTiolilitilViLeedelineltel eil‘ti,e1 14 bo0entallowdtlIVaiseittiligeileleeleiti.ifolvIltietrk:181„' Cht let eine, to eat mad ;Wink end true." tic% .4: . I aim d or amestel el .1 is the 'ellutly people laugh at fortune It'llcs a "I" IP" k• neet, two 1.00fim the I.oral, 44 11110, telling?" (owned the inlet viewer. Beet mid Cheese Butter Stand- ee, Feeekleg to Mows, cans the )'484l411( "Yes. I ettow they do. Yet you 1,,vei,(1.1ev'-"1" three lolled bee" lo ' 'll'oes' Peen* which he hinueld, would 1.e surprieed if .1 were to tell ''"'w fine, add one-half cup pecan. ., out of legypt. unit rays, •erieee. you of the immy iii.eilicifono mime uteall; finely chopped; moisten elig•lite a. 'Moe tautied teside quiekly out of the ed. Not long ago a, woman tame olY„1,,,v3t1,,,1 3;;;',",,,nch„,,(1,,rie,,s'oll.:g;„1/,,Vo°rRett,„tOo, 1:1 .4t,e,ay which I vonunanded them." to see me, and .1 predicted that slie ,-.11(„'"e",be-n n'ti"0';10 Wo";.'1" 01 ii7ii_IfTWil- s-p-r%"e-iiii a Ciller were not neting like the pro- would die ehortly, and warped, her ple of Clod: they Were 1101. ill MR to prepare. Thot woman won killed eireles of thinly sliced white bread ue. 11,t1rAnt..i.l. 1:::(7.e. Peilleexia.141.;$:41,goghttietehttlit; 13011144. of Toronto in less than 24 number of circles with the beet mix - with the cheese butter and equal it 11.c df4dttlY the wIfole nation, motet.) eteypsies who are fortune "tellers titre: lay one on top of the other, et few drops of onion juice. Moisten ercedee for, the people as the are born and not made. Do yon rd's oeople and is hearti. 110 see those. kettles. those pans?" and am down from the zuount, breaks pointing to poliehed thiwaa'e, the ;tables, burns tire calf, grinds it gypsy etated that they had been in powder, scatters it uport the wit- the family for over 800 years. anti nutkes the people drink it,. ..,r suppose you know that if the 0. will go up unto the Lord, tang* dies your reputation as it re - adventure I shall make an atone- veneer of futures will be badly ehate a tar your ten. hus he puts hirneelf between the telsretd2answer to this the gypsy mere- ners and God as a mediator, con- ly stead, "My grandmother was born mg their sin and Reeking atone- on the Nile, and Nile gypsies see the 11, whieli implies judgment Upon. future so clearly they make few mis- See what is written of rhino- takee." making an atonement in Nnin, , 3 0-1 8. Ilememi er LeV. XVii. and that it is the bloot: that keth atonement for the eaul and Hine the prophet like unto sett (Dent. xviii, 18) who, takieg sinner's place and allowing all to be laid Upon Him, did by ring out erns in own body he tree make aeonement sullicient the sins of the whole world. t. sOinhi this people have einned a 11 sin is great, and even the ight Of foolishness is sin (Prove , 9), het 901110 sins 0,1'0 1110re 01M than others- The Loed (09 ITimself spoke of a sin that h never forgiveness at the same O that He spoke of, the forgive - of all manner of sins except this icular sin (1.1fark 28-30). alep. that eovertope all others is the ction of Christ, the Son of God Tins as the sin that causes eouls to perish (John iii, 16). , A rather smart and ouick-wieted 82. And if not, blot nee, e. Pray young lady said to a mashing gen- Thee, out of Thy book Which, , had been paying her 4 -Te to suffer in the r rilloitt 'woman Who hest written. marked attention. for some time back ; flertee, doayou know your stead, if necessary, in order to save head always reminds me of , from them, The some is soon. in Saturday to Monday." "Indeed '' sell the revisher "Wey 9'' The Paul on behalf of the seine people - Ivraci (Rom. :3). The reality is young lady, with v. trlerl'y twinkle in seen in ;testis Christ who was aetn- Irr , eye' said ‘I,Ice,ause it is the d See 8" 13ertie 1/1091, have ally made at cut;se foe them aud for weak ' ost, • Seen, foe ,he does not eall there arow. 33. Whosoever hath sinne'd against Me him will 1 blot out of My book. Mr. Smith - "I, can't see that it In Rev. inc, 12, and Mat. 16, wakes any difference what one's name we read of several book-, but what is. I would just as soon my name book is referred ete in our leseon )er- were Sntith as' anything else." Miss we may not know" in this' our Demure --"So would 3.. Oh, I eidiet of partial knowledge (I Con mean tnat ! mean--" But she 9, 42). did mean it, thr the engageneent 35. liehold mine angel all /Inn oti ced efore Thee. - a chapters. xxxi i, 2. 15, 11)(1 , 20, Ts " lxiii, 9, and thank QUITS. Two editors quarrelled, and one :referred to the other's early career in his paper, "As for our eoneemporary," he wrote, "what can we expect from a Man who was free years ago hawking from door• to door with a donkey, and an ill -conditioned ' beast at that ?" His rival did not deny it, but in his next isSue appeared the follow- ing 1 ---- 'Om• conteinporary• says that live years ago • we .were • 'hawking from door to door with.a, donkey, aod an ill -conditioned beast. at that.' He is quite "right. We were so oecupied. But we are surprised to find • the donkey •has such a good memory." • , . Ara" ii•on jaw is .no match for an • teentaal. jai!. • press edges together and serve. Ilacon Sandwiches.-Slire renue well -streaked bacon veey thin, chill it on a pie tin pieced on ice, then drop it in a. hissing hot frying pen; turn frequently until 41. golden brown and crisp. Spread one side thickly of narrow strips of bread, With minced el:Oaken anti butter worked to a paste, using the proportions of one part butter and two parts Chid: - en; season highly with salt, cayenne and finely chopped parsley. Lay a slice of crisp baeozt, on the other slice, and fold slices together, press- ing edges well. Sahnon Sandwiches. - Use one pound of salmon if fresh. Cook in s, s'aucepan with a sliced onion, a root of celery, half a teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar in water suf- ficient to cover. Cook very gently fifteen minutes, dram and remove all skin and bones; pound feeh to a Paste; add one-half cup of thick cream. Season highly with sail; and paprica. add leanon juice to t este an'd' a, slight grating of lemon rind. Spread between thin slices of white bread, cut in strips three -inches long and all inch and a fourth wide. Serve on plate piled log -cabin fash- ion. This .gives a pink centre to the sandwich. 11 the canned' sal- mon is esed do not cook it, but re- othve -bones and skin Treat - the same as above and senSon a little higher: . Cucumber Sandwiche.s.-Chill cu- cumbers, peel and slice cros'swise very thin; nutrinate .with French dyessing; .let stand two hours. Cut entire t wheat brea.d in circles the same size as cucumber, and spread them with mayonnaise dres,sing. Sprinkle each slice of cucumber thickly with fieely chopped chives and lay a slice between two circles of bread; press edges together and serve. • , BOILING. WATER FOR STAINS. Ordinary fruit stains may be re- moved by pouring boiling water through them, t must actually be boiling, and really two persons sh.otils undertake the removal of the Stain. One should hold the cloth out rather smoothly over 44 besine and the other should pour slowly a pot of boiling water over aad through the stained part. Tea machinery has aecreasei. d thie time to and coffee stains may usually be got just over 10 minutete, glass dish and garnielt with line ripe raspberries and currants thoroughly chilled and the.ted with granulated rogar. ltaspherte,• and Currant Pountliugs. -Beat two eggs Very light it'Ith two level tublesPoons each butter and sugaze Add one-half pint milk. Sift two cups dour with two head tea- epoons hating powder and a Pluck of salt. Add the flour to the eggs and wile. mad teat to a smooth, thick batter. Hate ready one cup raspberries. and ontethird cup cur- rants, waehed. drained 81111 floured. Add theee to the hatter. Dram this better by the spoonful, a feW at a time, into a kettle of boiling, sale - eat water. Cover closely, and boil ten minutes, or a little longer. If the hatter eon; nol Se0111 1.111111:10111- ly thiek. ;old a little more dour. \then the dumplings are alone, servo at once with a sweet sauce. NIA.G ER. ralas POW Very Little of the Vast Force Now Being Used. The imutente plants belug ballt at Niagara Valls for the generation of electricity have raised the fear in many minds that all the water in the falls would soon he used for commercial purposes. Mr, .1. W. Langmuir, ehuirman of the Park Commission, is not, at all alarmed., and afUrms that beauty loeers need uot be discomfited. \then asked C0114. corning (hilt Matter he Fuld ;- "That is a question often felt to me, particulerly since the remaritable statement attributed to Lord Kelvin recently, that in tune all the water of the Palls would be uNed tor emu- Ineraial purposes, mei 4vhich 1 have no beSitation in saying is a very remote possibility indeed. The nutt- ier may be put in Oita way : The total water -power of the Fade. in - eluding the upper rapids, is stated to be equivalent to nearly six. mil- lions of horse -power, brom the best information 1 am able to obtain, the Aggregate mechanical power in use to -day in the cities ,of 'Toronto, Hamilton, London, St. Catharines, Woodstock, Galt and Berlin amounts to 404000 horse -power. Should one- half of this total he supplied from Niagara Falls, and an equal amount , be used locally by the works in 'electrolytic processes, and an egital amount be transmitted to the Ameri- can side for, use there. it would only amount to, say, 80,000 horse- power, so that it is very evident that a Consicle,rable• time must elapSe or some Still more decided develop - Ment in the use and clemaml for elec- tric power be made -before the effect on the Palls would be notiered." The Ontario Power Company, the new rival of the Canadian Niagara Power Company, has secured rights in Queen Victoria. Park at 'Niagara Falls, and will proceed to generate electricity there, 1(441 ng the eVelland River water. , The .company is to take water from the Welland River, and will lead it to the park, a distance of two miles. At the park an open canal Will carry it on to the • pen- stocks, by which it will be taken down the dile" to the power -house. Mr. J. W. Langmuir stated that the , company had obtained ' additiena,1 rights in the park to take water from the Niagara- River above the Dufferin Islands;, as an auxiliary to ' the Welland River privilege. In 1830 it took the labor of one man 3 hours and a militates to pro - (pee a bushel of 44,1, oe lkfo doe»