Exeter Advocate, 1902-7-24, Page 4b°40° b b`b ..bk • • „
' Pt:
(Exetgr brocate.,I,Entrance
1,7,144,3.1T. $earalees, gclitor and Proit
TITU1SDA.34 *TOO' 4, 1.902:
An editor of the Halifax Chronicle
end leader a the Repeel movement in
Nova Seotitna Liberalproposal,which,
earried iota effect, would have meant
the hanillug, over of Nova SeOtift to the
Amerleans„ arel the destruction a the
Canadian Union, Him, W. S.
wrOte the following paragraphs in Feb.
mune., ltO37:
rene'T Forcogr
"That the Liberals of Nova Scotia
are irc,'11101 have their beloved prov-
!nee reniened to ite bappy status, -mid
their trsele set free by a commercial
treetywfti on Amy:lean neigithars,
cAar ife.tt and natuial customers.'
yon go to the pell toelay
that y, will be valka upon to vote
your reach -beloved province ;Ant a tire
tanion ioto the preepersins arid gland --
ens fi eedona or vote for sealing her
deatit o.rid a life of eteentil eleivery."
Imagine a. nem who geve exprosion
$neh sentiments endeavoring to
speat for Canadiansi Bait :the Mehl -
Zee, mere in the eolinuns of hie
newepaper and on the public platform,
He referred to Catiediens in the meet
uncomplimentary terms, and told the
people ef hie province to beware of tile
hCanneks," on whom he bestowed the
prai-e that one niiglie feel dispoetel to
give to a sochil onteaet. Qh
mg! what a change $7,090, a year and
power !lave wrought in you' anti-Ca-
tiedieu and pro -American avowals of
1887. Witt; Mr. ; .; the pee-
epertive succeeeor of Sit° W.Ifrid 1.ra8r-
'ler, the above (looted fkbsurditie are
'antlered infinitely more forceful,
44..P4464.4.4144 PIPPP,P1P44.~1.44%
One a the giants of the earth died
1109Vital other day.
Lersie Williams was lee mune, nod he
attained the immense height of $ feet
"ilinehee, Ile weighed fe,13 pounds wheil
en geed liezdth. A riug that ViUInrns
had worn on a finger of his left hand ir4
50 large Met a silver half dollar eau
easily he pessed throngh a. He died
of tumor of the brain at the, age of the
Some men think they aro insured till
they have oeseision to resort to the
eourte. ond then they discover that
/hinge are not what they seem. Ac-
cordion to the decision of Mr. Justiee
Street in the snit of the Doherty Organ,
f v. the Milers' and Ma n nittet nem. s
Insuranee Co., a policy is not in force
111 the premium has been actually paid
even though the pollee, had been Walled,.
This hes caused eonsiderable voniment
ht the daily press. "It may strike
3011,M"eommente the IIIIMilton Tunes,
"'that it is not quiet just that the com-
pany which would have had a. valid
elide' for the premiums, mad which by
fee melon in issuing the policies showed
That it was wining to honor the credit
af the insured, should thee escape re-
sponsibilty. but that appears to be the
laissionary Scheme of Ailsa Craig
and Carlisle Presbyterians.
The Presbytery, of London, pet at
Alloa Crug on Monday peening of
this week, when Rev. .L IL Bruce, 13,
A., Termite,, was ordained to the min-
istry and designated as a miseiouary
'to Bonen China. Rev. Dr. McTavish,
of Toronan was :present in behalf of
the foreign mission eommittee. • Mr.
Bruce took a tugh standing in his
evademic course, beteg a graduate of
remit() University and Knox College.
1Ie has for some time been assiStant
to.,Rev. Dr. McTavish. in Central
Church. The reason a the ordina-
tion being held in Ailsa Craig lies in
the fact that the joint congregation of
that piece and Carlisle (Rev. W. H.
tieddee, pastor) has recently decided
to contribute S500 annually for five
years toward the support of one of
the missionary, candidates who had
offend for service. The foreign mis-
sion committee was highly .pleased
with this proposition, considering the
strength of the congregation, and at
once allotted the above named gentle-
man. In the raising of this fend. no
eauvas was made, but instead sub -
Examination East
We give below the names of thesue-
cessful candidates who WrOte OD ttle
Entrance Examination in the Inepec.
toritteo .Eost Remo oia Jape 215 24
aorl 27.
es;, those w obta / or over u
moor are araeged in two art"
leSS than 007,', are pieced in the Pass
Class; those who obtained •BON or over
in the Honor class.
The certifieates of successfol candi-
(wee awe she ratre.ks of those that fan- Huron Regiment. at Rings Edward
ed Were mailed sOnte days ago. V11, erownioe io London, Eogiand,
sRA.FoRTH have been tj'the trouble of keeping
Boys Henors.-Rolit. Daviesi Keith Exeter, -.may eerth, mien toan,ns,
1.4t. • .."k-4
Notes By the Way.
AS ScPon by Sett. Mayor John T
Wescott, Who Represeoted the
, Sard Boreal Wegjtiiiit oia
the Cantelinie oronation
Having been requested by a timelier
of one citizene to write to yon r video
able paper,. giving au account a thy
telp with tbe Couedian Coronation
Contingent, being chosen as one of
their number to repeeseut the 3314
a diary of the trip from the time 1 left
Fear, iyerson R. Heidi y.Pred cLood July 1;3th. There has been eousider-
Bobo eitaa.R.Papst.Eirthe .atile comment in the peess regarding
T.PSat:'s1.--enEsc'rrin'eel3t1.011oexe,1TIo‘tir131‘rmiellm and others are quite to the contrary.
our treatilient. SOMe things are bele
I may say there has been many cone
taints as to the meals served ne at
vis, Qnebee, The Government Paid
e contractor 33e cents a maxi isich
meal, and the Allan Line Steamship
Company Wii$ paid the same rate for
fornishing our meals oo the wean voya
%), ellen , Alex. IN ilson. age. The biggest klek was against the
Hon ors-Ciertrude Abe)), MaLold Government awl the Allan Line Stea
Dickson, Lonnie GilleePle, Ekite ship Co. for the meals supplied US and
Gottseliallo:bennie Horoiltam, ettOthel,13 the steerage passa,„ore, we having been
M. Henry, AlPtired Jones. Etotn ,fttrie, sent to Liverpool and back as end-
H9ral Fhcharth3laggie sPain, Pen' ar`^ grams and having to Sleep in ham -
wire. meeks in the. eleerage departineut aS
rass-Verda, Best, Calll hell, -; ; ;
W. .1, Brownlee, Melon Dodds:, Jos,
Dorsey, Walter Hawthorne, Elgin
Jones, Geo, Kale, John R. Meekay,
Albert McIntosh. Wria McIntosh.
Chester MeMann, Wm, Morrison, Niel
Murry. Walter Murray, John parcel),
Earle S wet, John J. R. Spioat,Fiank
Edith Bright, tliedys Conetalde. azel ive you alt present a ein „nee -
Darranee, Hazel Eleoat,Tereea Lvnelo commence hem the thin we imidel
Mabel Yorteson, Elba Malaaffr, 'Ethel at Quebec and after thatliate ontil our
tet•t&t:et t .1p.
Mahaffy, Violet Petrie ot Petr
Vera Ross, Hozel Wools., Bella Smith, not permit in this fetter. I shiall
Annie Somerville, Marcie Sproat, doom, bowever, to write week y, gee,
bel R. Scot t, A unieWalsti, Kate Walsh. ing yo o my trip and the rations we
The Seeforth c'ollegiete Iustitute leer in enie After leaving home 1
Boerd's Schap:ship for ?upils writing t re t d the
4 o, my- teem
won by Chas. R. Papst, who had .778 Austin Chisholm, of Goderich, a South
African hero, and I, who were the two
chosen to represent the 38rd Regiment
at the Coronation, left for Toronto,
e arrived there ebout noon end
00 e ram or er on
from the Seaforth Pub) e School erns next morning ae ir1 )ii'
marks out of a possible 3100,, Broce
Waugh. stood next with IV marts,
Amain. seholateltip for outside condi-
dates writiug at, Seaforth was won by
Boht. Davis, of s.s. No. 4, lituhell, staved, in that city until about 10 pane
Staffa W1310 bud 34 marls, tile whhn wewerejoindeldsthavcsto.ldTiebr:Qfroneielne,Isl
highest at the Seafortle Centre. over the western
BRCSSELS Own Rifles, Beigle Baud and the 4S'th
Boys„ Honore -Archie AT, campbeu, Nigulander Band. of Toronto, playing
Emereon Denten, aorenee H, Ham, while the traiu steamed out front 1. -"n -
John :neonate)* Athol ekQuoa.rie, ion Depot, for -Montreal, arriving,. in
VIliford Pugh, Harvey Skeltou, Leslie that city at seven riatt. tbe following
morning. I spent a very comfortelde
Pass -Thos. Biellise Robert Merano night in tile Colonist sleeper, having
prank Davidson, reoger Deednete, had for my chum. Alr. William Potts,
woo Fate-0;11;1mo, winie Rum- of Dorchester, a Cotporal A. Coin -
mason Hobo Houngson, Wea, Lome Party, London Hussars. We left
Itolit McDonald, dorm Mooney, Steno :iforaneal at ten 11.111., atter having
sedoett. licinson „Taylor, Harvey breakfast at the BUtiSell House, toting
I ming.
Girls, Honors-0mile CaumbelhEllis
Ifaneuld, Maude Jeckson, 41.unie L.
ZifeQuarrie. Pearl Sherpe,Berthe. ROSS,
Argo Ross.
rat.S-Jeurtie Armstrong, Emma
Barron. Edith, Blake. Elsie nary
Dark, 5lithel Davidson, Ethel Denuo
passage on the Intereolonial train for
Levitt Quebec, meiving St. Joseph,
Quebec 2.30 pew., where We were sta-
tioned until Saturday. Jane 7th, the
night we took the steamer, Parisian,
at Qnebee, for Liverpool. On our wav
from Montreal to Quebeo I met some
former friends whom I bed met ae
Woolsley Barracks, London, and at
eon, Lula Dunford, Mamie McAllister,
Vera McDonald, Emily Mason, Allsou earling's Ih'ithls In Previous eamPs-
Scott, Bit die Shannou, Anna Richard- Among them were Private Merrime.
son, Mary Ross, Lillian R. Situpeon, of London Barracks, and Quarter Mat-
ter Ross, of the 27th Latubton Reset.,
Florence Thompson.
of Sarnia; also Douidd OfcLean, of the
HoYs, lionors.-Alex. Findley, Al- 26Ditthelitilsoegn,t'o'fAthlle6a32nedireset luiTEhir
viu Gallagher, Joseph Greer, Albert L. May 31st, a beautiful morning,
Heibien, Geo. Lane, Clayton Lowry. looking.out of the train I find the grain
IASS-HarrY Calder, JAS. C Dane, just springing from the groutad. We
Thos, Kirkby, Leonard C. McKelvie, are in a French settled district. The
Wm. Nickel. farms are small and dwellingslikewise
Girls Honors -Florence Elliott, Ise- with scarcely any outbuildings. We'
bella 'Art one. notice some farmers plowing, others
Pass -Nellie Black, Edna, Edgar, Miter drawing wood with one ox carts, with
Hinder, Phoebe E. Lit wrence, Annie two long poles extending in front and
Law. Mao, Martin, MIMI Mullhol- rear of the wheels and on them piled
the load of White birtch timber, this
particular kind of wood being very
plentiful in the district. At Montreal
depot there were about 5,000 peopde
to see os take train for Levis,
which is situated just across the St.
Lawrence River from the City of Que-
bec, one of the finest cities in Canada.
At Montreal we were joined by soldiers
from Manitoba, the Northwest Mount-
ed. police aud soldiers from Vancovee,
Victoria and other places British
Columbia. At Levis We found all
French speaking people. After leav-
ing the train at St. Joseph we bad to
march to the camp grounds, a dis-
tance of two miles, up hill, over rocks,
ete.,a, very rough route for a soldier to
march. Arriving at the camp grounds
Boys,Honors--John W.Button,Hugh at 5 p.m. we found our tents erected
Brewer,Lennie Cantelon.Geo, Duncan, ready for use. I was located in a tent
Douglas Goodwin, Walter Holmes, with E. M. Ross, of Sarnia 27ih Been.;
David Hall, Willie Manning, Harry E. Davidson, Wiarton 32nd Reg'te C.
Porter, Roy Rndaway, Frank Rogees, W. Graham, of the 4511 Reet., Lind -
Norman She Win. Swan, Harold Ten- say, and N. D. Calverley, °riffle 35th
Reg't After a refreshing wash we
got ready for supper, being the first
meal at Levis. The bill of fare was
pork and beans, bread and butter and
banaual for desert. Being tired and
land, Blanche Sanderson, Emma, Zun-
Boys, Honors -Thos. IL Gibson.
Paso -John Bell, Avon 13, Elliott,
Edwin Oedoke, Horace L. C. Gregg,
Edgar 0. Hargrave, Roy M.- Lambkin,
Chas. W. McLaughlin.
Girls, Honors -Mildred J. E. Gotta-
, Olen Janet Wininfrid Hunter, Georg-
ette McCurdy, Orval NorMan McKee.
Pass-Nortna (ook, Mabel C.Dobson,
Melissa S. T. Edwards, Maggie Helena
Faust, Esther Emma Hynamen, Ber-
tha Irene Johnston, Carrie Edith Mar-
titi, Muriel L.C.Spinks, Georgena Wig-
Pass -Stanley Amess, Gordon Amess
Bert- Johnston, Russel Neal, _Nelson
Taylor, Oliver Welsh, Hugh McGregor.
Girls, Honors -Clara Biggm, Isabel
Biggart„ Helen Doherty, Lillie Govier, hungry all pertook of a hearty meal.
Verna Hiles, Olive Holland, Esther After tea each -Mae was supplied with
Jamieson, Lillian Lawrence, Lizzie astraw tick, to be filled with straw,
Mountain, Maud McGregor, Roselle one rubber rue, and three blankets.
_Miller, Mary McNevin, Lavine, Mc- Levis and St. 3-oseph, Quebec,.
Comt, Maud Pinning, Myrtle Phillips, each other and are separated by a, toll
scription cards were issued to the Vera, RofeerS, Susie Sloman, Evejye gate. These ere ancient places with
members, with a short explanation buildings on one side of the street.
of the proposed plan, which had pre- where rocks are overhanging the
viously been submitted fromthe 1)81- buildings at the rear. There are
pit with the approval of the joint ses- very beautiful churches and Nunery
Tipledy, Afarguerite Wea,therson, Lu-
ella, Walkinshaw.
Pass -ALB. Aikenhead, kgnes Gray,
Pearl Hanley, Clara Lindsay, Bessie
McEwen, Flossie Perdue, Bella Ross,
Eva Bicker, Wintie Tolton, Della
Walker. .
sion. These cards were returned, with
the above result. The pastor asked
the people from the start to make the
effort a matter of prayer, believing
that apart from the direct result, the
congregation would receive a spiritual
benefit. This fund will not represent
the total missionary eivings of the
congeegation, being for a special ob-
ject. It is intekesting to note also that
the neighboring congregation of Nairn
and Beechwood (Rev. Jos. Elliot, pas-
tor) has for some years been contribu-
ting a. substantial portion of the salary
of Elev. J. A Slimmon, also of the
Ronan staff. Their last payment for
this purpose was over $450. This plan
of individual congregational support
for the foreign missionary appears to
be steadily gaining throughout the
Christian church, and bids fair to
prove a great impetus towards the
more rapid spread of the Christian
faith, amongst the people who have
heretofore lived and died in ignorance
of its saving truths.
When Norris & Rovve's circtts uot to
Pollingwood on Sunday morning the
trains were nnloaded and the men
started putting up tents.Sorne of the
townspeople objectS
ed to unday work,
and the management whefi notified
ordered the men to stop,
Laxative DI-orn-Qtnne Tribletq,ctlt ei al cold in on
day. No Cline Ico ty., Priee 25 scab
1.7°1 9,
LROUTINTWO: Get the Most
1. Out of our Foo
A TER:MELD TRAGEDY ON THE Yell don't arid can't if your etoreach
RIVR ELBE. 0 is weak. A weak stomach does not di -
Igest all that is ordioarily taken into it.
It gets tired easily, and what it fails to
digest is wasted.
1 Among the Signs of e7wealt stomach
are uneasmees after eating Ate of ner-
„ eo_ ,
STATEMENT or TOP DISASTER ileanagoe, tir14 qta1Onea PeiCo'
have been troubled with deopepvie for
rears ana tried every remedy beard of
Hamburg, .Tider ele-Thea eteeeaship
Primus of Hamburg with 184
peseergers beard, was . cut
M. two. ...and sunk- by . the, tong
rrenee on the River Elbe at 12.30 aided;
tide moreieg. She ler as is ascertain.able,
aboet Aft,y pereons .avere drowned. Thir-
teen bediea.aiready ben been recovered,
The Primee was .exemrsion steamer
feoin Beextehode (Provieee of HanoVer,
prus.eien The, dieaster oeeurred betweeo.
Blaolwneee aud Nienetedten. Among the
easseugers weee the niembein of the Bit -
beck 'Male Cbowel .Speiety. At the time
Of the aeoldeat the Priiime was oroeeing,
the riser eheneel Tlea r 111.701101.4e50,
treat the emithera into- the uorthern
feitnewiet- Aecerillog to witnesene aboard
the Ranee, :the: laill'ettlent Was made: 00.
.precipitately. The Primu.s struck :the
tu engine -room mei the :ifeuee eu
deeroxed. to pu.ela her ashoee, but the tug:
rouoded Oen and the ehipe parted.
. he Priallia then sank. Ill the zeterval,
however, About fifty of her paveengees
were .ahle to reaelt the by Meant
Of repea .and holders. Seveuty more were
pieked no • by the tug's beide, while
The die/eater. crowed deep gtoom
Igany diadem. lest both thear pa.rente
The. Choral Society„ whith was Oa board
the meereion eteemer, consisted mainly
of worloneu. There were 119 foreign
Captain Petegeoe of the Primus SWAM
ashore and gave hinieelf up to the pelice.
Captain .S.44118 of the. Hausa :aleo :eur-
The PX1131116 Wall the oldeet boat on
the Elbe. She. Wita in Eurlaitd in.
184a. mid had never before met with AU
accident. The Ilarahurgehmericen Line,
which owes the tug Hansa, belied a
etatemeet to the effect that the *Tether
Ws fine, the Theeh WAS eldnineet and 04
both veseede were ateering -abeeletely
clear of each other. :Stiddenly the
Primus, when ebout 430 feet from the
Hansa, put her rudder bard aport ud
crooied tbe. heave of the latter. "This
,taistake,” continues the: atatenaent, "ren-
dered a collision unavoldeble. The only
posetble tato) for :the Ranee to take,
namely, he go fell speed eetern, was car-
ried out immedietely, but without avail.
Leas than a minute elapsed between the
time the Primus changed her courae and
the collieion. Beets were immediately:
Lowered . from the Renee, and ropes arid
1 dd . tiar v overboard.Fifty
•pOrtiORS were rescued by the boats.. At.
the setae. time the Rause tried to push.
the: Prim.us. ashore, but, beime of -deeper
draught, grounded heraelf before the
passenger boat, The Prinius floated
down etream. and sank 300 feet from the
at these places. One church still
stands which was erected in 1822. This
church is 15 feet.square, with'a small
tower running up the centre. There
Boys, Honors -Wm. Beatty, Bertie
are also eight cannons and a large
stone fort at- this place. From our
Marsh, Jos. Scott, Whitfield Sellers.
PASS -Fred Armstrong, Roy TI camp grounds we can see, the Plains
-a--, of Abraham, the Falls of Montgomery
'Willie Buchanan, Clarence J. Cox, Ed- and the Dominion Cotton Mills
die Alason, Elvin Munro, Geo. Snell. across the St. Lawrence. This is, I
Girls, Honors -Martha Barr, Pea,r1 consider, some of Canada's finest scen-
ChelleW, Emma Clark,lieehael Patter: ery. There is always a number of large
so . tearoers in sight. -I have had a world.
but Jt'
got mastbing that gave me relief
auto I.took aiood's Sarsaparilla. 1 cannot
I Praise this medicine too bighly for the&,9acti
it bps dem me. 1 always take it in the
sprLng and i 11 and wooltI not be without
it." W. A. Xcersr, iaelleviue, (ant.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
eorengoiellsand tones the stomach and
the whole digestive system.
A Strong English Tram to Compete
at Ottawa.
Bieley Calrip, July 22. -The strong-
est team that ever represented Great
Britain -will leave here on August Oth to
compete for the Palma trophy at Ot-
tawa. The following is the team selette
ed to-dity:-Quertermaster-Sergt. Meld -
son of Ilythe; ColeSergt. Davies Wales; -*-
Lieut. Fletelier, Liverpool; Quai—7
terreast. 7=
Millet: During the thuuderstorie
oe Movalay afternoon, the barn of Mr.,
Gilbert dlehliehaeh on the 4th coriee:-
pion was struck by lightning, and the
building and Its contents were cow-
pletely blamed. The building was
strnek on the west side and the wind
blowing strongly from that dire -cams
at the time, the flemeespread over !be
whole buildiug so rapidly that nothing
meld he saved. The building contained I
ahead 24 tons of hay of this seaemee
crop. A wagon with a load of hey on
it, whieh had juet Wen driven into the
barn es the stiome mute an, was Men
burned as the fire spread eo rapidly it
could not beremoved.. There was an
insinsmee WOO on tue barn and con.
fent 4. Fortema'ely there was none tf
the farm stock in the building at thy
time, and Mr. Mehfieloiers toes, el -
though considerable. will not be ueata
IF' so heavy as if it had been his barn
on the adjoining farm,
Cholera is increasing China a ed
SteeleEentEtnts ad other pois-
onous things may assail you. ba your
Isrrlekstohlkivivuengabbatellde oafriciPeftWstavBise'
Painkiller in the house and yeti run no
risk. Directions on the wrapper.
A little daughter of Air, Wm. Sulli-
van of St. Catharines slipped MI a
float intoehe old Welland Canal and
was drowned.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggises refund the motley
sigi ftfAlisvi los courreZ. chbo
it 25e, 13, 'W. Groves'
A scaffold at the Canadian Northern
Railway's oew elevator at Port Arthur
gave war, allowing three men to fall 90
feet. Hervey and Illeekwood es eke lem.
ed and Johneton's leg was broken Die_
last -mooed may recover.
alms short roads.
cod. for evexytilin
*at =us on wUeeis,
Sold Everywhere.
This would be a cleaner, brighter world 1
every housekeeper used
It Multiplies—your pleasures; Blades —your
efforts; Subtracts—from your cares; Adds—
to your life.
Chicago, Row York. Boston, Montreal.
or-Sergt. Fraser, Banff ; Lieut. -Col.
Lamb, Lancashire; Sergt, Martin, Glas-
gow ; Lieut. Miller, Derby; Corp. Ora-
mundsen, Edinburgh ; Major Rieherdson,
Northumberland ; Sergt. Scott, Border
Rifles; Capt. Varley, Quartermaster-
Sergt. Walibrgford,
Agents of American Cotton-growe s
Trying to Buy.
London, July 22. -The Westminster
Gabette says that the directors of a num-
ber of spinning companies in the Ash-
ton and Stalybriclge districts of Lan-
cashire have been approached by agents
of American cotton growers with the
view of the sale of the former's pro-
perties. Meetings of the shareholders
of the ooncerns affected will be held at
an early date to consider the matter.
Britain's Reel. Danger in Trade With
South Africa.
London, July 22. -The trade commis-
sion sent out to inquire into best methods
for promoting British trade in. South
Africa seems much impressed with the
great activity of the Americans. In its
first report sent home the commission
says America will be the greatest men-
ace to British!, trade, adding that the
Americaes are making a fine effort to
get hold of the market and are intro-
dueing their practice of specialization
and concentration with the same result
as so exemplified in other parts of the
Pass -Minnie Armour, Lily Carr, So'ood night's rest in my tent it is now -
Beatrice McBrien, Edna McDonald. e, •
Sundaymorning, June 1st. A wash
WINGIIA.M being in order we go to a 'small feesh
Boys, Honors --Harry Greene, eeee. water pond on the ground. BreakfaSt
is served then:en:1u being liver,potatoes,
ton Hart, Stanley Henning, Geo. Tees.
Pase_elem,y M. Bell. Austin camp, bread and better, milk and porridge.
bell, Albert Cole, Chester Dunkin Geo. Our meals were served on tables made
A. Elliott, Geo. Gregory, Carroll Bele, for the occasion, some 60 soldiers sit
Maitland Henry, Fred F. Homuth,
Adam Isbi s ter, Thos. Kelly, Peter Mutt'
Norman Park Fred Pu -n M , • M. Al-
fred Pasliff, Oran Rtissell, Wm. Scott,
Robt. Wheeler Leslie Youug.
' Honors -Bessie Aitken, Mild-
red Beenier, Harriet Campbell Gret.
Gerson, Ethel Davidson, Elva Dodd,
Ethel H. rerguson, Hattie Gannel,
Janisa E'errie, Maye S wa etz, Grace E.
eh teem .
Pass-Mineie Barber, Alice Coach
Lila E, Cook, Mabel Cenites, Olive R.
Ornikehank, ,Maggie Cureie, Lihljali
Deyell, Ethel Elliott, Della Mitchell,
tmg at each table, there being then at
camp 600 soldiers. I ask my readers
to bear with me foe a few weeks and I
will give you the bill of fare of every
meal of my trip, as there has been so
much kicking about the treatment the
soldiers received both in Canada- and
in Old London and you cap judge foi
yourselves whether there -should be
any kick coming or not. The hospital-
ity of Old London and Liverpool will
never be forgotten by me or any of the
n adian contingent whilst staying
there 16 days of our trip
Maud Nokes,.I3ella Th Powell, MA1.1.1',a- Ex -President Stevn is ill enteric;
ret Sbewart. fever.
Organize For Protection Against
the United. Irish League.
Dublin, July 22. -Irish landowners
have formed a combination, :with a capi-
tal of £100,000, to protect themselves
against the United Irish League. The
prospectus of the combination makes
complaint that the Government has fail-
- ed to afford ehe landowners adequate
assistance, and says that, therefore,
united ettort on their part is necessary.
Among the leading members of the
combination are Arthur Ilugh Smith
Barry and Lord Clonbroek.
. „
Cflad*au Arch, condemned.
London, July 22. -The Police Com-
missioner has condemned the Ganadi
coronation arch as an obstruction.
Ka<K Ket.K K7&PC: t3c1K'K6t
FAislIEY Doctors are alf right as general practitioners,
but they are not specialists. The sexual organs com-
prise the most intricate and important system in the
human body and regatta the most skillful treatment.
You might as well expect a blacksmith to repair Tour
watch, as a family physician to care Sexual complaints.
We home made a specialty of these diseases for oyer 33
years, have invested teas of thousands of dollars and have
every facility known to medical sdeuce to cure thent.
Every case is taken 'with a positive guarantee of
No Otero -No Pay.
BLOOD POISON-Whetiter inherited or acquired,
is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated front
the system 50 no danger of return. Hundreds of cases
cured by us es years ago and no return; best evidence of a
MIERVOIIS DEBILITY -and other complications,
such as emissions, drains in the urine varicocele, sexual
weakness, etc., are cured by our Nesirsaffethod Trent -
snout under a positive guarantee -NO CURE -NO PAY.
Consultation Free. Books Free._ Write for question blunt for
private Home Treatment. Zverything confidential.
r4 p
Farmers intending to purchase
anyumng in the ane of Machinery
should call and examine our dis-
play..in fact if they consult their
interests they can't afford to pass us.
We sell the Ideal Binder, Ideal r
Mower, Rakes, Windmills Etc Etc.
Show Rooms opposite Dr. Prowning's Drug Store,