Exeter Advocate, 1902-7-24, Page 3A LIF. PERIL,
She Sneered FIVILIE Headache
Dizziness ead Night Sweets ---
Her Feuds Feared She Was
G edit& late C ous map -
tering eeAvenir eereaue, Que.
Among the thousanas et young
girls woo blees iteliame Vine
Ville ber sly cerrying them
tbrougli that most periloue period of
their livee wben thee etc') from girl -
heed lade the broader cabin. 01 WQ-
Maohoo0. there iS none more ee-
__titusiorsiee. thee Ades, Gabrielle
Thomas, a youngI4dy enewn
most. of the rerrieetro ot St. -Jerome,
gee-. Am/ greerthr tiSte4itiled hy
her eequaintancea 'La g ret or of
teAtenir du Nora, Mies Thomas
epee "From the time I wars foerteee
until 1 was eighteen yeersi et age my
health waa tery ead1 was very
weak.' had no appetite and coula
do no tort. At eight 1 perspireti
greatly end frequently elept hot
little- 1 segiered from heedeches,
diezineso and comet seercery mow
about without !Avower% breatblase,
and I finelly reached a maze when
Th y friends, feared 1WAS goer% into
couton 1 waa 'eerier the drartil
of doctore, buttheir treatment did
not, he me. I then teicd eeveral
advertieed medicines, but, with the
eanie poor results arid I had come
to think I could not ket better. thei
day I read in a newspaper the
etateinent of a yomer girl who
eyniptcene tore utmost identical with
wy own, she wee cured by tho taw
of Dr. Willianie* Pink Ville. 1 then
decided to try this medicine and
have reason to Were the day I did
so. 1 had only rated the pilla, few
woke when I began to got better.
end itt a, couple of wonting every
e,ymptora of soy trouble bad (heap -
peered and 1 wao aa strong end
twaltby as any girl of my ego. 1
blase sinoti always enjoyed the best
of health, and 1 deal be glad indeed
if wy experience provea helpful to
eorne oilier suffering girl."
Tee haat Mere of Lealtit :or both
Mita and wenein he in the timely
MO of Dr. Wilnattee" Pink Pilate
staid) act as a Lena *011ie, gild Sap.
pW now blood to etifteliled ayst,eneta
They have oared mew thoueands of
Woke Of aneemear "decline," con-
eumption4 pains in the hack. ROM-
deinasnion of epirite. heart
palpitation. indigeetion, rhcantatiern,
sciatim, St. Vitus' deuce and Tar-
tlet paralysis, But eubetitutes
aere thould be a/Voided if you value your
r health ; so that the full name "Dr.
W Miami' Pink Pills for Pale Peo-
ple" is on every box. Sold by ell
dealers or aent post paid at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50,
by (Warming The Dr, Williams"
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
winces ot Ruenos Ayrea, Santa Fe,
Mitre Rios end Cordoba- One
Viet Argentina holebusiness rels,e
tione with the rest of the world
maiely through the ports of Rewires
Are s and Rosario.
The proviucee Ile:arose 't9 these:two
petits were the firet Q attrant ita-
migratioti, the first to be developed
end will Always benaerest to. the
best home atte foreign markets. But
this cause tor tbe coaceetration of
wheat and maize yeising in the east
will tend to decreage in importance
vitt). the extosion of transportetion
facilities. to *he west, now far Wk.
vanced„ mot toe
A more permanent cense, bowever,
will altveys keep the greet area of
wheat raising in the east, Omagh
many other perte of the comitry, if
irrigatee, are well adapted for the
crop. Wheat is gnome even 10 rAt-
agonia by woes of irrigatiote but
throughout this part of Argentina,
as well ao tbe northweet, and wet
of the country, the principal obstacle
witeet imitator is the illentheieecy
of the raiefall.
Mr. Xaerger hoe given a great
deal Qi study to the extent ot coma,.
try in which wheat may be grown to
perfection without the aid ot irrt
gation. In the naturally well wa-
tered ;region bo extreets that wheat
ceiture will twee it geeatest,
1et andcontribute the belle
of ArgeniineSe sales of breadetuile
to the rest of the world- Tim Voile
elataleDS he hate reached are bawd
upQ4 his-peroona,1 investigatione
series of meteorological °Wove-
tiona extentling over mow years.
The eastern limit of Argentiea
wheat eulture without irrigatien, he
believe, wilt be the frontier be-
tween Argentina and Alogitay witice
it will follow 'ea far Borth ass the
point wbere the boundary between
the Provinces of Entre Rios and
Corrientes touches the -Uruguay Riv-
The northern boweelary of metre -
gated wheat will follow the line ot
moan aneuel protpitatioa of ono
Pieter to the won till it mote the
mutual 'bedew= et 21 degrees: tbe
western boundary will mei south-
east Womb the Previnco et Cott
doha to Villa Mercedea in tbe
vino of Slot the southern lim-
it will be a lino coneectieg Villa
Alercedee with the Atlantic owes ilia-
teince meth of the dty of Bedew
The great. wheat area will Uwe in
dude the whole Eutre Rios, 'nearly
ali of Santa, re, a bit of Corriento,
the eatiern part of Cordoba and 'the
northern part of Buenos reelleti.
All of tido in laud adapted for
rt wheat. Act:carding to the Wolfe-
' Mons of Mr. leaerger, the territory
comprised within these limits em-
braces en area of
157,000,000 ACRES.
1$98, when Sir Willlant Coolies
ido gloomy forecast of a
world etarving for Mee of wbeate
our own area devoted to that cereal
was ouly 4.44ono,oa0 acres, a little
more then one-fourth of the terri-
tory which, according to the au-
thority we ere (pieties', may be de-
voted to wheat In Argentina under
the most favoratle climatic condi-
Deducting a fourth of .this area as
needed, for pasturage and for other
crops required by the farming pope-
lation, there rould still remain
about four tinalell a9 large an area
of wheat land as We at preeent aro
giving to wheat culture; and we are
oroducing about oncefoerth of the
world's erop and far tame than any
other country.
But we are giving about nine
times as much land to the culture of
as is now sown with that
grain In Argentina. That entintry
raises only about 9,5,000,0110 bush-
els a year. It is able to export. a
great deal only becalm° the popula-
tion of the republic Is small.
The thne has not yet come to in-
clude Argentina. among tbe great
granaries of the world. The come -
try has not, sufficient labor, as yet.
to develop its 'wheat growing inter-
ests rapidly; and cattle and sheep
raising in this favored region and
maize culture are under some dr-
cumstanCes moreprofitable than
The point which Mr. ICaerger
makes is that When the world really
needs Argentina, Wheat that country
can raise at least twenty-four -times
as much of the grain as she is now
producing. The day of great things
in the Argentina Wheat trade is in
the future.
Argentina Now Only Grows al
Small Part of the Crop She
Can Produce.
Om of tho criticisms made four
years ago upon Sir William
Crookes's prediction of a world fam-
ine in Wheat at a date not later
than 1031 pointed out the unwiedom
of fixing a date for such a caleenitet
if it were ever to come, because our
knowledge of the world's capacity
for wheat production is still Very
imperfect. Mis address had not
been published a niOnth before his
statement of facts and statistioal
probabilities was sharply challenged
by commercial experts.
Sir William held that the capacity
of Canada had been greatly overes-
timated; but facts were brought for-
• ward to show that the eastern part
• of Athabasca for 125 miles west of
its casters boundary was an exten-
sion to the north of the same soil
that has preaminently adapted Man-
itoba. for wheat raising and • that
Out climatic conditions favored the
extension of wheat culture into Ath-
abasca as soon as the land was
needed. Events have since confirm-
ed the aceoraey of these. statement.
Sir William also said that an ex -
a, aggerated view was held as to the
capacity of Australia. It was
shown, however, by the highest Bri-
tish authorities in the gralu trade
that 50,000,000 acres of suitable
lands for wheat were still unculti-
vated in Queensland alone. A very
large area in Queensland, Whieh un-
til now has been used only for pas -
teres, is being turned into farms,
mado fertile by irrigation, with
wheat as one of
Sir William also took a gloomy
view of the ability of South Amer-
ica to suply muclt wheat to the
bread eaters of the world. It is the
,purpose to give her the results of
the latest inquiries on this subject.
A. book recently published in Leip-
zig, entitled "Landwirtschaft 'und
• Kolonisation im Spaeischen, Axner-
. ika," hs already 'been accepted by
the leading authorities as of 'the
first importance for all who wish to
get a clear idea of the ee0110elie
geography of Argentina. Its auth-
or, 3.C. Kaerger, has lived in Argen-
tina for year. In view of the large
German inanigratAon into that ro-
• aublic, he was commissioned by corn-
peteat German authorities to make
a special study of certain economic
questions; and his book is the re-
sult of these investigations.
Only ohe-sixtieth part of the sur-
face of Argentina, Mr. Raerger says,
is 11.01V under the plough. In our
country, it may be interesting to
sa,y by way of comparison, about a
fotn•th of all the land_ in the humid
regions is now being thief"
There are two predominant rea-
sons why the great fields of wheat
ead an well as the flocks and
herds of Argentina; are now almost
edtil ely confined to the, eastern Vro-
A positive CureTor Hot Wheathex
In the hoe weather the little one
stiffer from bowel troubles, are ner-
vous, weak, sleepless and irritable.
risheir vitality is lewer now than at
•any other season. Prompt action at
this time often saves a valuable lit-
tle life.. Baby's Own Tablets is the
best Medicine in the world for little
ones at this time. They speedily re -
here, promptly cure, and give sound,
refreshing sleep. The Tablets should
be in every 'home where there are
!MR: ones during the hot Weather
months. Mrs. P. .Ferguson, 1.05
Mansfield street, Montreal, says
"1 have foetid ]3abys Own Tablets
the best medicine 1 have ever used
for children. My baby Was attacked
Withdysentery •and Was hot and,
feverish. I gave him the tablets and
they promptly eared him.. 'Before
this he had been rather delicate but
since using the Tablets, be has been
much better in every: way. I cau
sincerely recommend the Tablets to.
all. mothers With children." -
Baby's OWn. Tablets are guaranteed
,to be absolutely free trent opiates
and harmful drugs. • Children . take
them readily, and crushed to a pow-
der they cart he given to: the: youage
est infant With-'periect safety. Thetr,
are sold, at all drug stores or will be:
sent poet paid at .25 cents a box by.
writing direct' to: the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.', or
Schenectady, N.Y.
The: Czar's 1;14', to Fiance
teet that. country '8600000.
e -
Breathing Disease,
lefeetioue diseagee are breathed
into the system from those affeeted
With dieease or from bee emelie; yet
bow many weeteit breathe deny the
Offensive steam from goxeraon soap*
made from rancid fa% and keep their
Uncle for bottleIn ecia edetiolee,
MI the clothing twrie Seth soap see*
le Worn ;Met the teeder shin, No
wander' eleeeee and eeSertla are
preolent 'Users, of Sunlight Soap
aseldetagoa liereelmew the difference
between that and tee pure, heelltits
ful seven from the yeeeatieh 004
end Pure edible its in *Wight
The "vaccination shield" is a new
surgical eppliaece which promises to
take off much et the curse of the
Jenner treatment, The Man who
erst hit the idea, made _quo for hia
owu arm out Of a piece of gauze
end strips of poreus plaster- The
plaster almost drew bis arm oft at
the shoulder, bat that gee -o him the
idea. Me decided that the strips of
porous plaster had nothing to do
with it, and made a. shield with
strips of Adhesive plaster ettathed.
Then he got it patented, and otherS
Salne into tile market in time to get
slice of the motley with their alit,
rent •
inventions. Some sbields areI
nee bire cages, others like baseball
masks of wire, mid still other e eft •'eACcura°
wire gauze or celieleid with perforard i"----
• twee but all are for the :same per
pore. As they cost little to make,
and retail at from 10 to O5 oats
eacie eke pronts are enormous, lent,
theeks to the inventor ot little
things, the Problens of that vacchati-
I n math Is solved.
"None knew thee but to love theer
None named thee but to pxp...Me."
fellow was not thinking o
ii' 4 when
Pereettal wed Felitiol Oceerereecee
• That WM Interest
A farmer of County Antrim die
On the 5t1i ult., at the age of 1.(qi
A woman hes been found murdered
In bee own hove; near Giencar,
'with Kerry-
Alex- 4 - Laird es CO, hale lee
augurated 0 sew eervice of steateiere
between Ardrotienn and Portreste
The Lord Mayor 01 eerie states
'eleileitely that tbe Xing WM it
Ireland and the 1hlbItloa in the
The Limerick gshermen who netted
a. taloot reseal sturgeon in the Shan-
eiril the other day vent it to the
The coronation was to have been
celebrated in Belfast by giving, 400'
cripples a fortnight's holiday at the
"Davy," the well known Itioge-
town lIarbor newseendor, paid hie
twenty-eighth annual -visit to Epsom
on Derby day.
A Cork paper recently contained
Ulla timely remareable announce-
ment :e -"There were 4,2 wet days
registered in tho pat
In one village in county Demi
there are thirteen howto, eleven ot
them being public bousea the police
barracks and a creamery -
Two tarceetarice at g Meal breech
of the United Irish League were sew,
teeced on appeal in Sligo to Mx
-oats' impasonnient forintitnida-
tta ul totorned for Tun
yrOne County
the of AberCara was on the
WWII by a majority of 245 votes
over lea oppouent, aNationallet.
A member of the Greenoek branch
of tiie Veined Irish ,League who join-
ed the local volunteers hue been esti,
ed to eeplain Ids 'eluded, to the tie -
Ono in every twenty-nine of the
• Wexford population is a pauper,
Medea an Irish newspaper, comment-
ing on the omit rettorliS for that
Waterford possesses the only tofl
bridge in baleful. After 10S years'
agitation a incitement is on foot for
the construction of a free bridge
over the dew Suir.
Mr. la W. Pomeroy, the sculptor,
has received tl:o commission for the'
statue of the lute Lord Bulletin, to I
be erected at Belfast. It will he
completed in two years.
Vile revival of the Dublin ehipe
building would seem to be an accom-
plished feet. Tile old yards Mitch
bad Wien into dilapidation, have
been refitted with. all modern emin-
ences and plaut.
Arthur O'Neil set fire to his ,
notherha house at lialinghbeg, Colle-
y Down, when his mother and sis-
ter tore sleeping upstairs. For this
fiendish out he was semoneed at the ,
Downpatriek Quarter fresions to five
years' penal servitude.
A sentence of no weeks' imprison-
ment under the Crimes Act upon
Mr. David Sheehy, aut ex-Xrish M.P. ,
was last week confirmed. The pris-'1
oner ofusect an offer to reverse the
demo if be would enter into bail
to be of good behavior tor twelve
• months.
During the last month some thou -
suites of Canadian publientions hate
been inneed to th e tarn:era of ire -
land. The interest taken in Canada
is becoming very much greater, as so
much is being made of the big Mimi-
grat ion now going • on b om the
States into the Dominion.
Fair-haired people are said to be
becoming less numerous than for-
merly. The ancient Mebrews were a
fair-haired rare, now they are, with
few exceptions, dark. So it, is in a.
lesser degree with the Irish, among
whom, 150 years ago, a dark-haired
person was almost unknown.
An Iristatan went into a public -
house in Sligo ttud called for a glass
of whiskey and water. 'laving tast-
ed it he said :—"Which did you put
in first, the whiskey or the water ?"
"The whiskey, of course," the publi-
can, replied. "Ah, web !" says Pat,
"may -be Oi'll come to it by-and-
by !"
Germans are boasting that there
is nowhere in tlie world a building
similar to the one which was re-
cently erected in Dresden. In this
novel building owl.° it an immense
furnace, from which heat is siipplied
to several public beildings in Dres-
den, including the Royal Castle, the
Royal Opera Rouse; and the police
headquarters. The heat is conveyed
t� these buildings through pipes,
auti in some instances the distance
.is so great that the furnace has
oeen popularly dabbed "the long
distance heating apparatus. " This
plan Of heating large buildings is
said to work admirably, and ar-
rangemeats are now being niade to
establish simuia furnaees in ether
large cities of Germany.
"Have you noticed," said one,
"how fond people are of floral meta-
Phors when they are speaking of a
woman? 1 -ler cheeks are 'roses,' her
lips are 'cherry,' her hands are
'lily' hands, her mouth is 'a rose-
bud,' her complexion is 'like a
peach.' " "You've forgotten one,"
said the eynica• "What's that?"
• 'Ifer Longue, -It's a 'ssarlet, run -
Der.' "
Bk5k Rad This Ran
oner tsr a Long Time, In
7,•ast Re Round a CtlY0 Thallgb
• Given, Vp .by the Doctors.
Wapance, Ont., July 14.---(Spe-
al)-elhe docters tole Simon Wer-
ner that they could (le ocean% for
himlie had tried many itiedielnee
Ana treatmetita with tia good r‘'
Ile waft a. helpics,s cripple with
Janie back, Mail for a lima time his
wife bed to lift bini in aid out of
lied, the pain M bia back was Ito
very more -
In tele extremity a friend's a4.
vee eaved leen. This man had eel -
food with baekache bitneele but heti
been CoMpletely cured by Dadd'e
Kidney Ville, time when he heard
that. Mae Warner was irro bed be went
to hie home tied ,recommeneed thie
medicine to him,
Mr, Werner and his good wife were
at evert itolineel to be foinewhat
doubtful, lnit here was the /evidence
thet, Vieetra Kidney Pills do cure
Lanus Beek right beano their eer,v,
eyes in the person of the luau who
had been cured. Surely it met be
So after some deliberation they
decided to try, rend Pow they
are very muck pleased that they did
fo„ for in a. mitort time Mr. War-
ner's bacliaelie had vantsbeel. Ile
grew gradually stronger end better
and at present enjoys Om best all-
round good health he has bad for
utny years.
'Sher* is not a trace of tante heck
remaining not a single etirnptione
and the kelplete man who used to
he a burden to blown and bis wife
is now reamer awl a comfort to his
faithful telpnutte. Ugays:
"We have used in all about. twen-
t‘tellte boxes of lauld's Kidney Pills,
wrol given some away to our neigh -
.1 find that when they use E
box they thenteelves are about as
strong in their recoMilleadations as
we are.
4'1 on certainly highly reeommend
Dodd's Kidney Pilla an 11, f Aire cure
for Lame Bak, for they cured me.
and I' never heard of a 'worse ease."
nalier—"Now. remember, I bite()
forbidden you to go out with Young
Tompkins; don't let me catch you
together again.," Baughter--"No,
papa; we'll try not to."
When waWiing greasy dishes or pots
and pans, Lever's Dry Soap (a, pow-
der) will remote the grease with
the greatest ease.
veer lines. but hey deseribe t
ra Pinot Stook
zoo or $60 eize$
$3 5€10
Every Stick
A Match
Every Match
A Lighter
To sow an acre, three bushels of
barley are necessary, or tato builds
of beans ; but of oats four bushels.
Orr Saxer Years.
As OLD atrIt War,Vrettso RrEtaust, Nrs
WineleteaSentletyS.yritto haa beta nactl for ever eizty
years by millions of anothars for their children while
t cothiny, 'with perfect mixes,. It, coathea the child,
toileshe ttEmma, allays all pain, cares wind collo, and
lathe best remedy for i)iarrhai 19 p eaten. to the
lam e. Sold by tlttutgitts in every part of the wer'ii.
Twontr-lice coats aboule. Its value Is imeticullible.
'3e aura mud ask for Winstsw's Seath.nif brup,
=A tate nuntheatitintL
"Life insurance people are queer."
"Are they?" Yes. First they
convince you that you may die with-
in a Week in order to get you to
apply for a policy, and then they
must convince themselves that you
will live fifty years before they will
issue it:'
The great lain healer is found in that
eacellent medicine sold as Pickle's Anti
Consumptive Syrup. It soothes and di-
ininishes the sensibility of the membrane
of the throat and air passages, anti is a
sovereign remedy for all coughs, colds,
hoarseness, pain or soreness in Ihe chest,
bronchitis, etc. It has cured many when
supposed, to be Inc advanced in consump-
Mouut liuwenzorie, in Equatorial
Africa, has. 25 square miles of
1111011'S LIMN! me Dest Hair ReS10101.
During the nineteenth century : the
World's average yearly' production of
Copper was 81,000 tons. '
There is -nothing equal to. Mother
GravesSWorm Exterminator for aeStroy.
ing worms. No article of its kind has
given such satisfaction. .
"My father," said. the small boa,
to a friend who, wascalling on his
ireither, great ' men.
knows what Inc it is :wit:heat even
looking at his Watch." "What, de
you Mean, Tommy?" queried :the
ege, when I holler. out ail'
ask hiin What time it is in the
morning,. he always says it's 'Time
to got up.' An' , when 1 ask him
whattinie it is in tae avenin,' lie
always says, 'Time to go to .bed,
TohnoY,' oh, 1 toi you my father
is•"a great man.
444 -14.1444 -1 -1.4444+4 -
Lord Ranged Gower Idle a good
etiory of little Priuce Edward which
suggeate that he posteseee eoine of
his grand/father's well-known tsct.
Some arm (Sir Stit(ford Northeate,
it is said) was rather boring him
and his brother by a Meg story, ero
that at the end PritiCa George be-
gan to ShoW ',signs uf wearipets.
Prince Edward (be Was only four
years old at the time)) trarimil to him
authoritatively at the conclueicue
Inteh .
.. Mara ewtehee in
werke awe Iron,
°brief oleo, oast
especially sitliallle
aciasistto taw -
put, up lo neat Oiling
bosokeacerloti Opiate
each has oeuttiolitif
about llbio PA1004—.
three boo, la 4 peek
Far Salo by
AU !frit gla
Row's This!
We after Oa? Battered Deem reward fer
PT Oise Ar Catarrh that eauerat L.e ewe
y liall'a Catarrh thee,
Ft I. Cilk:Nlile4 CO3„, Tined; 0,
We, tho
wisIersineJ bays kown it, X.
Cheney toe tbe net le MOM avid hellfire
him perfectly honorable/ In all Matinees
treirsactlea. and Munclailly able to amp
tot aay okillpirtione made by thelr Ana.
WEST fs Tit Ut..X.Wholoalo Drugplato„
FIN WIteletele Bromine. Toledo, 0.
Catarrh Cure Is tidies intents:4.
acting directly -epee the bleed arid aractluii
aorta/sea of the oyatem. irestiraornets Seat
free. Price 734.1 per bottle. S/al ty all drugBaUm -
Family Pine aro the bete
"now Can you tell a bad egg?"
'11 you have anytbing to tell a bad
egg. break It geatly."
An End to Billow( Iteadache.--Itilioue
lama whielt la cairal by excessive bile in
the stomach, hint a marked effect upon
tbe nerves, and often matillests itself by
severe headache. This is the most dia
tossing licadeche ono can bare. There
are hatiktehes from old, from fever, and
front other -anises, but the most 'noel -
ming of nil is the billetts beatembe. Pare
melee's Vegetable Pills will cure hacure
it almost itatmetliately. it will disappear
an soon as the Pills operate. Timm le
nothing, surer In the treatineut of bilious
"Mamma, I 'know the gentleman's
name that called to see Aunt Elile
leet eight ---and nobody told MO eith-
er." "Well, then, wlutt Is it, Bob-
bie?" "Why, George Dontf
heard ber say *George Dont' in the
parlor four or five times running.
Thitt's what his mane isi"
To CORE A cams ty ONE DAL
Talus Laxative Brame Quluitte Tablets. A..l.
druggists refund the looney if it fails to our..
E. W. armed signstare 41, on *sob to*. 2fts
Dicke—olet, were you a cooder
barn me when you were ao little as
me?" Pa—"Yes, indeed, Dieky. I
was (throesa. very good boy; but
somehow or other 1 had a great
many serious and painful near:tiler-
standings with VittrelltSt."
Minard's Liniment for lihumatism,
Mr, Slimpurse (after a, decided re-
fusal) --"X know what the matter
is. It's because I'm poor. You
would inarry inc if I were
Miss Gailie (thoughtfully)—"Per-
haps so, but you would have to be
very, very rich."
Totally Deaf.—Mrs, S. E. Crandell, Port
Perry, writes; "I contracted a severe cold
last winter, which resulted in my becOm-
ingtotally deaf in one ear and partially
so iti the other. After trying various
remedies, end consulting several doctors,
without obtaining any relief, I was ad-
vised to try Dr: Thomas' Eclectrie Oil. I
warmed the Oil and poured it little of it
n to my eel., and before one-half the bot-
tle was used my hearing was completely
restored: I have heard of ether climes of
.deatness beiug cured by the use of this
While the average birth rate for all
Europe 18 32 per 1,000, that of
Austria is now 42 per 1,000.
Only half sif., the 1,170,000' men
over 21 years old who live in Lon-
don are on the register of voters. e
Minard's Liniment Cures' LaGrippe,
"I don't believe whippings do
children any good," said Mrs. Wig-
gins. "Why, I whipped Johnny at
the photographer's three times be-
cause he wouldn't look pleasaiit, and
he still looked as cross and dis-
agreeable as ever ,
, 0111TMEPIT)
Endersod by best English'sriedical journals.
Supplied to British soldiers in South Africa.
For all Throat and Gland Troubles, Lumps,
Abscesses, Old Sores, Ulcers, Felons, Skin
Diseases, Eczema, Pimples, Stiff Joints.
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises,
Piles, Cuts, Sere Feet, Pleurisy. •
Solo by Druggists, 25c. T.y it once,
caorr,wita await t
crfrae4tifss/sfsb//4441..4a.a fat 4
1.14acy3. cSitsliststesaaiso.p
bit% must he done wibir
theee boys of waive at college."
ebisirnesi a. said old eitiern. "Tharie
wilder thee. March hetes mad in hot
water all the time," "Oh, well,
they've enter% eet, mud you laltULt
MnIke "Mate allow-
!'atoceri, man ? Tbatra trbaCe terpieg
I We poor,"
lielittiore boats and siaore owe cern*
nollowaVii Cern Curets the artieleto ume
Get a lenge az ouce and cure your cares
The best paid eon -commissioned
officer tee world is it chief gunner
in the U.S. navy wee gets $1,80a
The quality standard from ocean to
ocean. Your money back if not
Rote it Laflamme., Agents, Montreal
Ireland Is still steadily losing
population. The decrease last year
was 31.4:4, entirely accounted tor
by emigration.
Reps Ike Causal
mad iserbs ell' the Cold.
ranee lirerat•Quizalne Tablets cure a eeld
ono day. urea. No ray. Price *Scents,
The Prussian praetor book enjoins
that the whole of the service, in-
cluding the sermon snail not take up
more than -au hour.
Minard's Liniment is the best,
She—"Why, Charlie, triad a pile
of letters 1 Illlietsolotixe I sup -
pore?" lle—"Not at my time of
life, dear. Billies overdue."
To Those ot .e.oleneery Oecupetion.—
Men trim follow sedentary occupations,
which deprive them of fresh air and exar-
else, are inore prone to disorders of she
liver mud kidneys than those who lead
active, outdoor lives. The former will
find in Parrraelee's Vegetable Pills a re-
storative without question the most effi-
enchms on the market. They are easile
procurable, ettAil7 taken. act expeditions
ly, and they are surprisingly cheap con
sidering their excellence.
"My wife is going to fix •Ip our
house as a summer resort." "How
will she do it?" "Get some heed
bcds- and cut the table down to
half -rations."
Messrs. C. C. Richards is Co.
Dear Sirs ,—While in the country
last summer I was tia.dly bitten by
mosquitoes—so badly that I thought1
I would be disfigured for a couple of
weeks. I was advised to try your
Liniment to allay the irritation,
and did so. The effect was more
than 1 expected—a few applications
completely curing the irritation, pre-
venting the bites from becoming
sore. IfINARInif LINIMENT is also
a good article to lceep off the mose
Yours truly,
Harbor Grace, Nffd., Jan. 8, 1898,
Mistress --"I understand you stood
for it whole hour in the doorway
last night, talking to the policeman,
Biddy." -Biddy — ''Shure you
wouldn't have me shtand there for
an hour and say nothin/ ma'am?"
Chicago & North-Western R'y from
Chicago, August 2 to 10. The new
Overland Limited, the luxurious ev-
ery -day train, leaves Chicago 8.00
t.m. Only three days en roete. Un-
rivaled scenery. Variable routes. New
Drawing Room Sleeping Cars and
Cornpartmeat Cars, Observation
Cars (with telephone). All meals in
Dining CaTS. Buffet Library Cars
(with barber). Electric lighted
throughout. Two other fast trains
10.00 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. daily.
.The best of everything. Daily and
personally conducted tourist car ex-
cursions to California, Oregon and
Washington.. Apply to your nearest
ticket agent or address 11. IL ;Ben-
nett, 2 East King St., Teroate„