Exeter Advocate, 1902-7-24, Page 1404 • 'FIFTEENTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1902i C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. eessaesit- ea- so- ete siketlesessettoefeheisenealikieteshe his -ea --h- iefikle* HOT WEATHER PICKLES. Crosse oes Blatiltwell's Chow Chow and Mixe4 Pickles, petent tops, at 35cts per bottle. Heaton's Eeglish Mixed Pienles and Chon- Chow, petent stopper, at 20ete. and 25cW. per bottle. William's Comp:mend Prepared Moistard,ground ane prepared front the finest quality laerbs and spicee, at Wets per bottle, William's Fancy Mixed, Peale Onions and Waldorf Chow Chow, Eng- lish spiced, patent tops, at 25cts. Williams Sweet Mixed, English spiced and Pearl Onions at leets, Crest Brand Tomato Ketchup, extra fine, absolutely pure and coutalus Canada Melding Co's Diamond Britoil mixed plekles-best Canadian with the Pure Feed Lama ouledIficts per loathe no salleylic acid or artificial coloring and is guaranteed to -comply bratu4-2 bottles for 2.5e. Prepared Meats and,Oanned Goods, Lunch Beef, Spring Cldelien, Toiritev, Duch, Finnan Middies, Pork and WADS. Kippered Herring, 'Herring in Tomato Sauce, Cot- tage, Ideal and Haul Loa, Salmon, Herring, Sarilinee. Buy our Faaey Bleculio and Ingezaolt chef -5e. POPLESTONE & GARDENER. 4 Groceries a Specialty. poet °Mee Block itewir le^ lers. Nrgrmarlil"%FlPlantryar ear era'. tahese este ear itirONEY TO LOAN. /TX We have unlimited privates Okuda for in. testa:lent upon lama or village prorerty, at lowest rates of hateree4 DIottSott & CAVAN% Barristers.etex. Exeter. TO140,X.V. M. — Ilia" a large ant aoot of private foods to loan 914.igreta and village properties at low rates of Interest. F. 'W. OLavitabt. Vanities. Main Street Exeter NA= TO RENT OE Re SALL ----,-., Itt traltrs1;mcell ts elettaa ts.r teat Pr tea =ate that dr saalle tsunami a at tam iligitourA5r, sa. Ila„Y. be:64:144 0, Caneeselen I, Lemlun Reed. Tew prenare are ezaatuantlF !mated to Evian-; 41*. fillzPlioal witb Eaoal talk:4m brae er. bard Wad alas seasosien..ve. ar., ANV4MeVireu,vego. liav P.O. ACM FoltSALE The arateratarast birder:Ira tar sate that dr-inra, toiltru, rant eauatvslia the tursasIsip of tArpMrs. tcksa tot %van, 4. UK- laud la all elrarvil. well itrainal. well torcdar.51 In an yea Host g.sast nate oteultivattan. Tarry is ra the nrtenitt:1 41 large flee brick heave teal lewn, and Mho* buildinge, cm) a good Young erstani. Thta le a Orsta.tass farm (ualaill Ile rota reuse:ably. Tema to suit Faarbatrr. appll. Pa nazis Tarmac. eredkan East. P.O. ----- --- -- }rel. PROPERTY Folt SALE. -- Tim undersigned 190:Ming for Kale that tleeiralde heel situated at Devest. en Ilw Leaden Read. Tills hotel Is 1n goal cenditisn, and is 1 railer temtb of Euler. 'This read is largely tratillol and for the right. Ural ebanmi. ere weal kr a splemliil huslurse. , There 19 a grad stable In erinnvtion aIso, li acres et land. Peasesslon given humediaerly. This property will be trld eltrap, For eatticillars, aleph to Plereate & CARUSO. Exeter. Ont. -- IMPORTANT TO II0Gr4 RAISERS. _ You can save money, time and ked by 1: aping your pigs dty and dean. They will thrive better A.a.11........1.•..,10..* '101..t.n iiti. hi... ..e......en.....I.1. •VISAI he will ilut on a sh. You an de o with a very little expense by erecting (Pe.diees Patent). The Elevated Movealderigs Bed. Simple of tonstruction, make It yourselves. Scud $2.1.0 in negistered letter for farm right certificate and phin of i.-mustruction to Patent applied for. Jens Peetam, Exeter. Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of John Dewe late of the townsbip of Usborne, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased. Pursuant to Chapter 120 of the Revised. Statues of Ontario 1892, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of John Dew, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron yeotnan, wdi ho ed on or about the lath day _of June, A.D. 1202; are on or before the First day of August, A.D„,1902 to send by post, prepaid, to Messrs. Dickson Szaarling, Exeter, solicitors for Mary Ant Dew and J1slin Hunter, the Executors of the Last lYill and Testament of the said deceas- ed their christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of *their claims, a statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the seeurites (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to mush claims of which notice shall have been given as aboye re- qtaired, and the said Executors will not, be liable for the said assets or any part thereof; to any person or persons of whose olaina or claims notice shall not have been reoeived at the time of disteibution. Dated at Exeter thisJth day of July, A. D.; 1902. Mary Ann Dew, John Hunter, DICICSON&OARLING1 their Solicitors. NJTICE TO CREDITORS. Of Richard Charles Cetil. Trealiaine,, late of the Village ef Exeter, in the County of Huron Electrician, Deceased. Pursuant to ()banter 129 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario.. 1897, notice is hereby given that all creditore, and others having claims againstthe estate, of Richard Charles Cecil Treneaine, late of the Village of Exe- ter, in the °aunty of Huron, Electrician, who died on or about the 25th day of June, tA.D., 1902, are on or before the First Day of August, A .D.,7902 to send by post, prepaid to Messrs. Dickson & Carling, Exeter, Mat., Solicitors for Wil- liam Oldright, M.D., the sole executor of the last will and testament of the said deceased their ebristian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their no - counts and the nature of the security (if any) held by them; hnd. that after the said day the said Executor will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only tCtsuch claims of whieh notice shall have been given as above required; and the said Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person dr persons of whose claim or claims notice shall 13 ot ave been reeeiVed at the time of such distribution. Datecl at Exeter, this 5th day of „Jun e, 1902. Williain Olclright, M.D. DICILSON & CARLINO,1 his Solioitor s BUNM ELL1ttIT Real Eine:ewe' lesurelre Agent rootss mut %Rive reolgenki 1,613.44 end son e vase:mile 'cram sircrat sarelarsa ttoltix-s isr IN245 In tte Nele;heets1 Er r raw. VOTERS LIST 1902, mmieffolity of the Village of Exetet 110 Nesisseb tratla given that 4, tare trantrarmial Cr ahliwtrell t^-rs the Kre,q4i aaaiutsl%21 tl?-go.n 5 et Tiw °gad, tiller; Lea. Act, the est lie revert,' by the eattlanZeleie be en Itranuaitte4 er draserra et INV liM111311e lesileZ3111, taki art. of all etreinl ap. rtat;sa 11,1444 Atlirs,41Zra9i Ell 4 aidmonalratt.F. at eretifiat. rpr =007141%, o not tz-0411:-.4ive *bay oral at :Munpal Etelbhi, and tine Itx dahl Es wav Ors% areted ca toy efilTe. at The Teals HA CUScir, .1:n0ml:1914v ellely. Vas& and reetans %Imre ter Irispretien. Ego: tate are caged up. en toermainette sae iin and d any a:glibness," fia othvr er(Pr. are V:erilil therila. to ledie Itarnollgt, tweet adice'e el 'muet, the rail 131'074 rotrtr tra tait le) law: Om. H. Wait" (kik. Fuca at Estate. thil Mg; slay et Ss.4. tart. St. Joseph. A large shipment of timbee and iron arrived here on Saturday morning last for the dock and now a gooa force a men are at work putting it in place. - Mr. F. O'Brien, wife and family:, of Beueetield, visited friends in this vtein- ity the latter part of last week and the fore part of this week' -The recent heavy mhos bave played havoc with the crops in tbis section, especially oats and barley. Grand Bend Cottages are rapidly filling up at the resorts here. -Ma Ross, who has been ' at the Soo, for the past few months, is home again. ---Mie Smith is on the sick list. -Mr. Bert Holhof Ailsa Craig, spent Thursday here. DEA.T1I :MRS. HAMILTCM-It is our sad duty this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. Riehard Hamilton. She had been sick off and on for the past few months, but a few days ago she was stticken with another and more severe attack and death chained her at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. De- ceased was beloved by all. She leaves to mourn her demisea loving husband, two children, father and mother, four sisters and six brothez s. The sorrowing friends and relatives have the sympa- thy of ths community in their sad be- reavement. The funeral took place ite two o'clock Tuesday to Grand. Bend cemetery. Heusall Mrs F. Rae is visiting in Denfield and Lambton county. -Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of St. Louis, Missouri, spent it few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore. -Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brint- nell, of Macedonia, Mich., are spending a few days with Mr. Brintnell's par- ents. --Mr. L. Harold, G.T.R. agents here, has been transferred to Wing - ham station. Mr. Harold has been here quite a number of years and will be missed by his moony friends. His successor here is Mr. Smith, of Whar- ton. We welcome hen here. -Miss acrgie Buchanan is home from London le - visiting her parents. -Miss Ethel Mur- dock is spending a few days in Zurich this week. -The alitses Mustard, of Gladstone, Man., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. John McGregor. -Mr. John Kemp, mason, has One to Manitoba. -G. J. Sutherland, agent for Mrs. Pope, has sold the stock of furniture and furnishings of the late Mr. Pope's estate to Mr. W'ells' of London, who intends carrying on the merchant tai- lor business in the premises recently occupied by...Mr. Pope. Mr. Wells comes highly recommended. -Mrs. W. G. Johnston was in Clinton last week. -Miss Grant, who has been spending a few weeks at the manse here, has re- turned to her home in Thornyburst.- Quite a number from here took in the circus at London Thursday. -Mrs. H. Worsley, of Chicago, accompanied by her little daughter, ie spending a few days in town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Sas. Carlisle. -The cement walk contractors have finished their work here and gone to Port Colborne. -Mrs. Perry has returned .to her home in Whitby, after a pleasant visit here with Mrs. Billings. -Mr. A. Dent pass- ed through town last week on his way to his summer cottage at Grand Bend. -Miss Nicholl, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. Urquhart, for a number of weeks, hasireturned to her home in London. -Mr. J. E. McDonald, who recently underwent an operation in the hospital at Clinton for sonae in- ward tronble, is doing as well as can be expected.He is expected home in the course of a few days. COhbehh . Rev. Fletcher,of Themes Road, occu- pied the pulpit in the Presbyterian ; church on Sunday WO was bighly ap- preciated.-Mrs.Thibadeau and family,. svho bave been spending soine tune with fends in Guelph, have returned bonie.-The merchants of Grand Bend, Shipka, Greenwat. and Corbett, are making arraugements to close their places of lousiness at 6 o'clock on Mon- day and Friday evenings. -Mr. and Mrs. John English, who have been to New Ontario.% foe the poet two months, have returned home again. They de- cided they would rather live in OK Contariodeowever. Their friends wel- come them back. --31r. H. Pearce, of Parkhill, has eimpleteil the job of painting Mr. Corbetde attire, which adds greatly to the appearance of the village and is a credit to Mr. Pearce. Clandeb‘ye, :urs, Madmen and fondle. are Wild' ing the simmer 4 Grand tiend.-Mrs. Brown spent a few days in Clinton last week. -Most of the fairgoers around here aro busy haying, while some lave started at their wheat. --A mintier froin here toe* In the circus at London Thursilaye-Mr. John Cartier left Thurs. (ley for Qu'Appelle. N.W.T., where he hae secure:I a position. We wish him success -Mrs. Windeon who hots been spending the past couple of weees with friends here, manned to her borne in Roid Axe. Mich., last week, -.-Rev Mr. Megalith). of Myth. was in the village last weete-Mise Edith Sutton. of New York, is vieiting at her home! h. -Mrs. tt)r.i Jones, is visiting her perente in Ln. --Mr. Boyd of De- troit, eptint a few days in town during the e Mr. tlecarie Andrews has gone to Detroit, evhere he has seetwed a position. --31r. Jas. Curtin. of Sand- wich, is home for his holidays.-31rs. Deacon has returned from tioderieh, where she was vielthig friends.-311s.s Steele,. of Ridgetown, is spending a few days with Mende bete, Hay 1)E4T11 013` hins. Mc-GRP:tele-This 'Week it becomes our siul duty to re- cord the death of auother of our °West ' and most highly respected reeidents ifl the person of Mrs.'Margaret itleGregor relict oC the late leonald McGregor, who passed to her reward very sud. denly and unexpectedly at the home of her eon -in -Law, Mr. Geo. Todd, con- cession 3, a.t an early hmir SaturdaY morning. Deceased had been in her usual health until Frklay night, when she took a fit of oemghing and go- ing to hal thet erellirle; She never rose alive, olvieg sometime during the night apparently without a struggle, und with im one to witness the dosing homes of her existence. It is supposed. the deceased, during the incessant fit of coughing bmist a blood vessel and as i result death ensiled. The deceits - ed lade was highly respectee as a friend and neighbor and although she had reeebed the Ranted term ot Weber dettliSe will be deeply mourned. She leaves to survive her two daughters, folre. Toad, with whom deceased and Margeret. Her remains were intererd in their lest restime place on Monday, the funeral being largely at- te.nded. Tnekersmith. Dixon,: TUE Wiisr.--31t. Henry Car- ter receiree a telegram from Wash - linen, Dakota. a few days ago, an. noolucing the death of his eldeet son, lone giving no partienlars. Ile at once telegrephed 10 emetic.' son there, aeking thet the lowly be for- warded home for boirlal and eimphr got the reply tha4 t 'hotly cannobe t forwarda nor ean funeral be delayed. Whether cleceased met his delth by dohs nilt t011t5i34 Wttoe inelhaes to the 1releortte Mr. Thos. Clarke, of the llth Cote, is another of the many faro:ere who here hold oecasion to rejoice of lave The reason is easily explained. 31r. Thos. Swale, the veteran well diegen sank it well for 31r. Clarke, the like of which few farmers can boast of. Wit- ter was stencil at 43 feet and in less than thirty minutes there was tisk- teen feet nine inelres of weter in the well, and it was still raising. Mr. Smile deserves it utedel for his sneeess in well digging. Zurielt Miss lda Well has Maraca home, after a pleasant visit with friends in Berlin and other eastern noints.-Miss Clara Buchanan, Of LOndOn5 is spend - her vacation at her home !levee -Mies - es Tillie Smith and Clara Foster spent a few days during the week with friends in Beeline -Miss Tenn, Holtz - mann, 42 11110018, Is visiting her uncle, Mr. 0. Holtzinann.-Mrs. Adam Faust and children left last week for it visit to Cavalier, N. Dakota. -Dr. and Mrs. Campbell have returned and are now settled down to the stern realities of tuarried Wm. Brown, of the Goshen line, is assisting 31r. 3. Dennis, at shoemaking in Wooditann-Mr. C. A. Stickels and wife, of Detroit, are visiting the latter's parents. Mr. and 31rs. Henry Greb, and other friends in town. -Mrs. George Baker. of Brus- sels, who has been visiting friends here for some time, left last week for Nortb Dakota. where she will spend the suns- iner.-The regular meeting of the W. (1.T.U., was held Monday evening at home of Mrs. P. Bender, -Mr. E. Bos- senberry has sold bis pacer, Sydney Pointer, for the sum of $300. -Mrs. Wismer has returned to her bome in Ayr, after it pleitsant visit with friends here. -Mr. John Torrance, of Egmond- ville, spent Wednesday in town. ---Mr. P. Sipple was in Stratford and other points down east during the week. - Misses Edna and Rosie Surerus,of Pig- eon, Mich., are visiting their annaMes. Holtzmann.-eliss Ethel :Murdock, of Hensel!, is visiting friends in town. -A nomber from here took in the cir- cus at London on Thursday. -Mrs. E. Schuelke and her sister, of Michigan, are hey° epending a few days with friends and relatives. -Miss Addie Witwer is visiting friends in New Hamburg. LliCan Mrs. S. A. Doupe is visiting her par- ents in Toronto. --Reeve J. R. McComb left last week for Strathcona. Alba. His many friends wish him a pleasant time and hope the change may restore him to his usual good healtle-Mr. B. Aubry was in town this week purchas- ing horses. EXAMS. -Below will be found the results of the East Middlesex entrance examinations. Out of 114 who wrote at Lucan 81 passed. The successful ones are: - Girls -Evelyn Aikens, 693; Annie Bernard, 646; May Black; 595; Avis Brownlee, 650; May B. Browelee, 622; Ada B. Coursey, 579; Gertie Down, 555; Lizzie Elliott, 622; Jennie Foreman, 637, Gladys Freeborn, 627; Rees Gibson, 703; Mildred Gillis, 697; Celia Grace 615; Annie Ginfoyl, 638; Edna Hackett, 754; Flossie Hodgins, 561; Ethel Hodgins, 640; Florence Hodgins, 741; Mabel Hus- band, 607; Mabel Isaac, 609; Gladys Lipsett, 586; Nora Kensela, 702; Vera Kestle, 667; Mary Knight, 621; Maria Kimble, 697; Mane A. Magee, 608; May Marshal, 587; Belle Martin, 725; Cora McAnclless, 697; E. T. McLaughlin, 570; Rose McLeod, 627; Maggie McRoberts, 562; Christina Mortin, 628; Flossie Nell, 673; Lola O'Neil, 550; Maggie O'Neil, '737; Addie Parkinson, 637; Maud Preston, 704; A.gzaes Richards, '755; Laura Robinson, 644; Maggie Rob- inson, 737; Rebecca Robson, 559; Maud Ryan, 685; Rachel Ryder, 555; Lillie Sprowl, 639; Gertrude White, 670. Boys -Percy Armitage, 599; David Ashworth, 608; Ernal Bice, 622; John Blackwell 581; Thos. Creighton, 608; Albert Dobbs, 615; Wesley Ginfoyl, 687; Earl Hackett, 624; Bert Henry, 582; Milton Henry,567; Harold Hodgins, 743; Garnet Hodgins, 568; Lyall Hodgins, 722; Pa trick Lanaphier,550 ; Wm. Magee, 674; Hector Millson, 621; Oscar Morley, 592; Chris McCarthy, 687; E, McDougall, 644; Ignatius McIlhargey, 550; Eldon McRoberts, 553; Minar O'Neil 607, Bruce Paterson; 706; Thos. Prest, 659; Geo. Pulleybank, 741; John. Reeve, 721; Wm. Reeve, 615; Floyd Rowell, 653; Victor Sanders, 743; Clarence Stanley, 787. Wm St John 705. Wrn Tweddle. 603; Wm. Wssrd, 720; Roy Westman, occident or natural causes 3Ir. Cat ter )eHC21, q.- ;ICC , cause he had heard from him only a few days previously, when he was tip- parently in the best of spirit.s and also spoke of coming home and taking up his resideire here. Deemed had been in Dakota for eight years and bail done exceptionnily well there. Vp to it short time ago Le had been ranebing, but selling out he tonk e situation on the dyer boat, and on the lst of July was promoted is. the position of fleet mate. He leaves it wife and one ehild. DIMS!! OF .11R. Enweitnan-Anoth. er of the old residents of this township has _passed from this life in the person M Of a Unita &Werth!, who died on Monday enduing, having readied the age of 70 pars. Ile was born la the paeish of i ienottu Vorfarshire, Scut. land, in 183th He wine to Canada in 18513; coming directly to the Comity of Huron, a lid for the first year of his res. Menet. here was in the employ of the /ate Mr. James Dickson. He then pur- aimed lot 18, con. 7, and resided there until the time of his death. He rent- ed his farm about twenty years ago, and ION since livcd retired. He was it strong, rugged, man and a bard worker and was of a quiet, retiring disposition and never inurried. His mother and sister, who resided with him, died some years ago. He was a kind, oblig- ing neighbor, and was always ready to give assistance wbere it was requir- ed. He will he much missed in the community where he had so long lived and where he WaS so highly respected. He was a Presbyterian in religion and a Liberal in politics. The funeral took place to the Egmondville cemetery on Tuesday. • 'Varna Mrs. Purdy and Mies Winnie Me - Naughton nave returued from it pleas4, ant coat with filends to Hamilton and other places. They were accompanied .; in these days of marvellous oehieve. inane bet Miss tillerritt. t ilaaillitott.: moots men :have almost ceased to be k • who will visit here for volute, thue.--; surprised, no matter what strange Mit3i newee Hamner, of Toronto. visit... noteelty nine appaia and 'Vet WP. have • ed friends in and around here .during, inst learned .ot li sensutional feat of the week.- 31r. Wm. MeNaugbton. (Chum:in skill and dming thoit compels Chatham. is the gue.st ,of his brother,. universal • wonder and admiration Reeve mg:Naughton, here. -Mr. I, 71. wherever it may he seen. It is called Rathwell, .of Detroit, is speatillig his ' the Cycle Dante. and was originated vacation under the mulatto' roof.- • irr the worliaranions king of irizard- ells:e Mamie Wind lett last week for ous .ex.ploote. The act is perfprated or, ; Die Soo. whereelm intends renialoiligi's the Smallest racing track. ever COOL- -.judge Doyle presided at the court strneted and (Inc bralt at an angle of 'held here on Tneeday. and heard the 74 degrees. In this .strionge strueture appeals .of some twenty retepoteers two 111011 twel women on bieyeles who objected to the paying for the perform feats so marvellous that they "Logan Drain" in the sonth part of defy description. One cAn scarcely Stanley. The drain is eetinieted to imagine the terrine speed .that must cost over $2.000., and include\ tho he ettained .by these daring riders or straightening and eleaning of pint of such a track. tro set at naught eons - the letyliele river. Same of the settlers h pletely the law of gravitation. We thought they were assessed too high, " are gind to know that the 1114)10 tif while others didn't want the diein at ; eVestern theit,Ill'k4 are soon tolemo tike „5111. Thi.4.1ozolge heard a greatdealof pleasnre of seemg this ,imparalled Fen- ' evidence, heinding three etlglitfalreelaition. The Dirertnrs of the Weavrb and reserved hie deeision. In neat of Fair Aeeoeiation have fortnuately esna.4 W. prouthoot atme:tred for ; been successful in seeming the attrae. the applicants; E. L. Dickin.son Undo- 1 thin for the thousands who will visit I rieli for the township, and J. O. Stan- London from September reth i miry. Faeter, for the parties who the date of the great exhibition. mint the drain. But this is. 'not all the progison int the "Western" of 1902 goes far isaysind anything ever :Mei:opted in .the aunt Hee. It hat: alwaye been the leader itt tbese departnieets, but this year will surpass itself hi .the beauty, varie- ty and thrilling magnifietewe of its program. A glanee at the Hit euffieee to prove that the management have spared neither trouble now expense to give their friends the mote unique, ill - Ili as eel that the 1e11141118 be sent to strnetive and amusing entereditments of the person with whom he hoarded, Parkhill. The hodY noised 11e eluitite liver offered to the people of this pro - and before the rehitives took posses- . sion it was 'found that the description of the young num% age. appeoranee. ete., did not correspond with those of &ones Perguaot; inul it, became evident Mit 11 mistake had been made. The coffin wan in consequence, not opened and was taken Intek to Detroit, -The pulpit oftinitaules'Preebyterian church was occupied toy Rev. W. M. Martin, B.D., of B8eter.-31r. Jefferson bas re- turned from Ansa Craig, where he bas been .engagetl, in laving eement walks, llo ors and building a large stable. -Carl Stephenson, of •the Canadian Bank of Commarce, here, has been transferred to the London branch, and his place here is filled by L. IL Ina- ram.--Thecooperage by-law, which was voted upon Monday, WtIS defeated. The vote was 117 in favor of a beeloor and 48 ngainst. As there 'were 315 names on the list, 189 votes, at least, were requirea to carry the by -law --- Miss 'M. Larkin is visiting in Detroit. Shipka 3li8s Annie Keough, of Detroit, is epeueling a few days here, under the parental 1e0o2.-31rs. Janaes -Mitchel and family moved to Michigan last week. Their noway friends wish them every happinees in their new bonne... - Mies Bridget Ityan is. we are sorry to report, confined to her bed through , and under the care of Dr.Ansos. of Exeter. --A number from these parts to;,l:. in the:emus at London Tharolay. -The farmers around here are nearly through. beeline:anti the souttal of the binder will soon be heard. The Western Fair Kippen Mr. Beverly, Ketchen conducted the services in St. Andrews church on Sun- day. He will take charge of the ser- vices for the coming three Sabbaths in the absence of the pastor, Rev. M. C. McLennan, who is on a holiday trip to Manitoba. Mr. Ketchen is a clever student and the congregation of St. Andrew's church are fortunate in hav- ing him with them. -Miss Lily- White- man, who has been studying music in Detroit for some months, has return- ed home again. -Mr. Wm. McMordie, of London, spent a few days in the vin Inge during the week. -Rev. and Mrs. McLennan and children, Misses Cooper and Mr. John Cameron left last week for Manitoba. We wish them it pleas - trip and a safe return. -The Misses Mustard, of Gladstone, Man., are visit- ing friends in this vicinity. -Miss May Mellis, of Stratford, is spending a few weeks at her home here. -Mr. Robert Kettle, of London, visited his old friend Mr. John Whiteman, for a few days during the week. -Mr. George Taylor disposed of 51 head of cattle last sweek to Cackling Bros.'of Londou.-Mrs. Richard Sonilie, of Cleveland, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. James Srailie, of this plece.-The farmers are busy in this section with their hay and wheat. ACCIDENTS. -Mrs. Wm. 1300per, sr., an old and much esteemed resident of our village met with a serious accident afelv days. ago. While she was at- tending the • oversight of soraework out of doors, she fell, dislocating the hip joint. The accident ,will necessi- tate her keeping her bed for some time which will be very trying on her, con- sidering her advanced age, she being in her 80th year. Mre, Cooper has the sympathy of the community and the hope of all is that she will soon be re- stmed to her usual and wonted health. Shafer, 'while performing her domestic work had the misfortune to let e kettle of hut.water fall on one of her feet, scalding it very severely, which caused her much pain for some time. -We also mention Mrs. Gilbert Dick, while coming down stairs missed her footing and fell to the bottom of the stales. Further than a shaking up and a few slight, scratches no serious injury resu1ted.-31r. 11 'Mellis met with an accident the other evening. While Whose the harness off his horse in the stable suffered an unpleasant squeeze by the horse pressing hitt) against 4 stall, which resulted'. in the fracturing ,of three ribs. This Will keep Mr. '11.feilis confined .to his home for scene days. - Parkhill Miss D.Rogers left last week for Chi, cago, where elle has accepted a posi- tion in the Lekeelde Hospital its Or 12ursee---31r. Pat Ferguson received a telegram .froin Detroit, last weekestat- ing that his son, James, was dead and asking as to the disposal of the body. Another sensationai marvel who bas thrilled thousands in the States Will be at the Exhibition in the person of Professor Hutebison,. the Human Bomb. Ile takes ot tremendous flight in his immense balloon and makes a parachute drop by being projeeted from it boom, suspended at the lower portion of the floating gas bag. Rosa Naynon and her wonderful flock of 63 trained tropical birds should win unstinted admiration frows lovers of ornithologieal study. These birds are mostly Cockatoos and Me.- eftWS and sbow phenominal intelli- gence. The trieks tbey do Are the re - stilt of long months of patient train- ing and illustrate in a remarkable way the result of eonscientious effort. The marvelous MOOOPedeSi Or one- leeged ncrobats, Manning and Du Crow will peesent their high elass horizontal bar act, wbieh. has Biwa vaudeville houses in all parts of the continent. The feats which these men perform FaMLoisnsd,Dotnlndabirillitir telYiespweelletka.-feMwedssalyas. the most enthusiastic praise and won- t each with it. limb missing,,,bave excited Fred Turner and John McKone have den, gone to Sarnia, where they intend re- Among the other acrobatic special- maining.-Miss Maud Robinson is on ties Nvill be those of the Osnatoe, three of the cleverest artists in tbe athletic world; add the four Bard Bros., fam- ous for the astonishmente they have brought to speLl-bonnd audiences, with. their backward and forward somer- saults, cut aways, doubles and twis- ters; rind then there will be on hand. the four imitable Mans, with their amusing eccentricities and novelties. They are unrivalled comedians, singers and dancers, in an act never withessed by the Canadian public. The great Gay and his wife are the most mysterious wondee workers and magicians appearing on any platform. Gay can remove any pair of handcuffs fastened upon him, almost instantan- eously, in a manner entirely inexplic- able, but his greatest turn is the won- derful trunk mystery, it trick of magic so bewildering that it stands in a class by itself. Chrissie Morrison Jones, Canada's greatest lady Cornet Virtuoso, will ap- pear every afternoon and evening in numbers demanding a maximum of technical skill. The Fireworks dis- play has been planned along lines cal-: cleated to produce the greatest luxury of color ever Seen in Western Ontario, and. is it feature of the show note can afford to miss. Other special attrac- tions are being. arra.nged for Mad each stands pre-eminent in its class, but thoseaccorcled brief mention will initi- ate. intending visitors into souse, at least, of the secrets of theTaises prom- ised success. Every department of the Exhibition is being strengthened and improved anthin each case a distinct advance over previous years has been scored. Although the Western Fair of 1902 is confidently -expected to excel its illus- trations predecessors in the weelth of exhibits, the excellence of special pro- grams and consuming interest to visi- tors from all parts of the province, and indeed to add to theaccumulated glory heaped up by this Exhibition during the past years. a. visit to friends in Woodstock. -Moss Mary Gray left last week on it two - months' visit to relatives at Moosejave and other points in the Northwest. - Mrs. J. W. Simpson and child are vis- iting friends in Niagara Falls -Mr. P. Lindsay is visiting friends in Mont- real. -Wm. Martin, after a .pleasant visit with his parents here, left Satur- day for Philadelphia, to resume his duties. -Miss Mary McKinnon,of Port- age la Prairie, is home on a visit to her mother, Mrs. McKinnon. Crediton J. G. STANBURY, B. A., (formerly Collins & Stankary) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, conveyancer. Money to Loan -Exeter, Ont. Flax pulling has begun, and our far- mers are hard at work harvesting the grain. -Miss Raeder, of Hamilton, is visiting her parenrs for a few weeks. -We are pleased to learn that all the pupils of our Public school who tried the recent Entrance Examinations, were successful. Miss Melinda Trick receiving the highest number of marks and Master Ezra Oestreicher received the highest marks on history. Mr. Bluett is to be congratulated for his excellent work with the pupils. -Mr. Thomas Wind, of Detroit, is visiting bis parents here for a number of weeks. -Mrs. Chas. Wolf has had the stage re -painted, which gives it an up- to-date appearance. -Mr. Sohn W. Eilber, of elebly, Mich., is visiting his brother Mr. Samuel Either this week. --The recent rains have greatly hinder- ed our farmers in gettieg in their hay. -Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, of London, were the guests of gr. and Iles. John Wind Tuesday. -Mrs. G. F. Swartz, of Port Elgin, and Mrs. Henry Cress, of Ashland, Wis., were renewing old ac- quaintances iu the village last week. - Is it not about time our village trus- tees repaired tlae sidewalks? It has really become dangerous and we may expect to hear of some serious acci- dent happening our citizens which may turn out to be an expensive one for us. Bnereteey PARTY, -Last Wednes- day evening about 30 young people of this village were assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mist, IIEss. -In Zurich, on July 16, to Mr. the occasion being a birthday party of tneir daughter, Miss Clara. The guests were treated to ice cream and lemon- adeiand a very pleasant time was spent by all. Miss Mast was the recipient of a number of handsome presents. BIRTHS. and Mrs. W. G. Hess, a daughter. Kuanz-In Exeter, on July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz, a son. DE AT HS Mrs. Charlotte Goodman died in the MCGREGOR. Hay, on July 19t12., Hamilton House of Refuge at the re- Margaret McGregor, relect of the markable a.ge,of tbout 110 years. late Donald McGregor, aged 82 years,