HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-17, Page 5fr
(Utter gi‘billOrratte
published every Thursday Morning' at the Qfffee,
.1/1411W-STRE4T. BXETBR.
Cue Dollar per annum it paid in advance, *1.50
if not so paid-
-14.41m'aiX4P5Jaa.0,' ,gaapla4ca.
No paper discontinued until all arrearnat'S are paid,
Advertisemeata without speed dirotiona witt be
published until forbid and shamed accordingly,
Liberal discount made for transelent advertisements
insened ler long periods-RaerF de...eslam of JOB
'PRINTING turneolout, In the finest atyle, and at
-moderate rates. CheRues, money orders, &e., for
advertising, atibseriptions,4M, l4:414e made payable
rreresslOna,1 -Cards.
aIt WINS -
II IiINS11AN I. l D S Pa 1311. A
MAN. LDS-. D.D.S.. Honor greduate of
i . "
;proem. rad117edity. pow
Teeth eatraziel withent oily pain. ar anY brit cllerls
022... tra Fatasan''s Illaalia weet s3le Main etret1.
DII. 11- ALTON ANDELIS'ON (15,11,R. 1.-14A
DeNTIST, --..
r Grant., 0117,41mm rahersyy awl Roy i
n A k",ni itt^44I'Al. SAI.V.01.44*, at innainn. Alin l'a•st
1,,Pialf2 I Cni 'ag,1s 'heel of Praia:et!' Itimisiery
Altai lnja-ratate %elation:1
Alltiiiimaina OM aril l'ulzmitte Plaivi snack lathe
mate.: manner pai.lble, a, irrievily harinte.s an-
aesiliella rated for pabilciara-traatlon of teeth.
• Val,. (ate avar tontli 414-'30.124A, Pres. t,lare. Exeter.
DDLT. P. Nbi.tfailif,IN, 51141IRP,11 iir Tug
ih ,111C:4:4" a Kny-7 , -4 .; aA:i S.:n.43'1414 33:431(1 A.
A0,7,41414,;t,n4.144:41A-.',.14 144 AM 4.44AinnO• 1-taiti,
iva..4, inai.
Iy.John p. w440444. G2Pon and R,T-Ialitaa'o„ t1au
tr4A-471,4 /LW, lanalai ann. Szvrall nizeutian
pt 4 14114.V.344. 411:1a!e:.L air., 1:,';'-',,,i to 4
p. ca.
. a
IY .1 a a. illiRRISTCIN, SoLlall,
1.1e.....m....42,, saannfaal""riars. 1
Mt 4'4."1, 44,...n. `,'4.41.1")'Aul h7:44411,C1,04:4%
'AA.. In 10, litaoinq
. ....
%lin ni 4 alal ay., , al .,---, -air in 1,0W1 t 4.1 itila4,, 1
11..;,., M., r,„;11.
"IWN. trta%-t 4, 112 ',',4 4 Ar.•'nn.',.,ArAin
Vr llia, troiat3r, o1 la tnia. -441,1 Nal Ili aiii,
ihal; amiall:ii .1 1 *,91 VV.2„, :N.;114., 4 tzgamiodv
4 V,.' at; 4 V4.1r44.. V -.' %.{.,1,',. S-4,,ei onanaavill
a ;
The Liolsons Bank
Pahl ine Capital....
Reserve Fund. • . • . • ..... RI 11 .9,1,111,000.
ila , t 4.4 V •VI
JAMES va.i.nrrr, Esti.
CI MINIMAL ln.1-NALl44lli,
i C a avc,,,1 rata 4.... la ata ther own
A. '. ,'''n. 4 n,741...ar at ay. :21 r 7 ,'n' : in nne 4',..04t• th 4'
MliTiiIi. DRAN-Cilee-
ee e , tote la %fat al a fr.,,,a TO a.i.a, 94 3' p.444; $.4
uril.a•.010 a.m. In 1 pan.
i,VII•tiallhallidliglillasillPtlitt musneted
TirratiNT RATIN alisuell fir money ea nepaAts
iteelpi., $mIt4,-,nault at alma.%
)1Vatia 3'..eaciana.„ :,+:, ri. ifratalsg,
Soli =itont. Ilairtn, .
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Ile-
modellmg our raill.
fii. SiAtEITZER .
'neve' Afee• T 00e G PhOS108ine 9
4 '
, rhe Great English, Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all '
druggiats in Canada. Only re1i- ;
.._ , able medicine discovered. Rix 1
' e. .. packages guaranteed to cure all ,
[arms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse '
Dr excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of Tca. 1
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt 1
)f price, one package $1, six, $5. One will ,please„
0;2(411 cure. Pamphlets free to any address. '
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter
iy S . W. • Browning and 0. Lutz
pal , Estate Exchange 1
The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of
Village and farm lands and prOpertie-s
negotiated at reasonable .rates of oom-
1 mission,
For Sale.
Several Valuable Farms in HAY,
IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re-
sidence properties in Exeter,
Farms Wanted.
We have purchasers for good farm
and in the vicinity- of Exeter, or who
will Exchange.
Will. Bawdtil,David Mill,
Valuator. Manager.
OFFICES: Dickson & Catling's New
Block, Exeter.
aUcl people agree that Scott' a 44111.1-*
Sialit acad.-liver oil is the beSt thing
to take for "don't feel well and
don't know why," especially babieS
--they like it-inen and women
don't mind but babies actually
enjoy it
speo, ran rare saarxe AND Ter re.
aeon4 UQWNsLmonratritligisto.rolONTO,
Iota Bog Ittto Agony
13uy or Seli a Farm
• 13ny or Sell Town 1)roperty
• W YOU W.4::iT TO
BOrr OW Or Lelia Noney
yor wANT
Collections 31oll
Tour Life, lusure
• fio to the Old Cot
Call a the thillersigned
Oifioe 0Vti ILSpaeknoin's Uuthvtn.
0,311,4 Plows, Loud 11°11(1,8.
lfarrows skc , eke., now .rit
ing •on.
Exorstbing to 110•
JULY 1 1802
-ne kiviAd.a, urea ,niant Landed at
New York.'
Wheat. .... - ..... . 78 79 0 001 I I -H
Mialk44,4 Plata
• New York, July 14. -Among the pas- 'Barley 52
MINISTER Wi," PRESENTS A POIt sengers whO arrived to 4a °a the ate/Malt oats „ „, 43
er Pretoria. firm Vernanla, were oric _
hUndred and eight Boers, who were
• British pisonera of wax at Bormada. Potatoes, per 40
Isrilish Ana Ca47;ninn IAIVe $
Up47e0 Txox. RAILWAYS AND I:ORR+. Tx0de-oWILea4, la Rosier,.
ItoroutOU:t4.(1L,Ywk::e-CP,15ei"negM' 4o4rtAt7cit.
There were no receipts or gra kt4 au the
Wa,stington, July ie expected swteregtair attotoeto9t:yiehamvouryng, as farmer*
that Minister AIN will Bot leaVe Wa,sh- There were stx Ivatis ot old haY lwous:4 I
in,,,ton for his new post in Chiae for I. which som at $13 to $1,5 per toa for t
DalethY. loads of nese hay sold at SIA
M ,
SCUWeekS, kliS successor, Limey Clieu per ten.
Tung, is ROW attached to ihe Vielble Sappily.
special Embassy to tile coronation of July 1.1.'e4 juiy 19.01 July 19,113
King, Edward VII., headEd Frinee gotra4t..7 214%. Q4C1,,000 1-gArfi1011
(bun, a son of i'1712104 (1 in, wbo is the 'w1t44 41,4;21Aulo 7.421.990 7 J44.000
head of the Chinese Board of Foreignweeu.e°tIe'rj,,reellelf•les:494721),j15504,e0ools
Affairs, aud the Embassy., expected to 4 ,Y444' ago.
411.01,111 the eorountion ceremony in Aug. • elimeoge Ixadevtv•
last, Prinee Clain is. to ifottiria to China tittle Pa,ilo, ).Y., July 11,-0a
the dairy ,
by the 1nit4e1 States* and the officiale rarazta°4 aalail int ebeese ;Tele ",
e the .Chinese Legation, ar a rive pteiny. j,:it'Lr'4',-;,xe,:tt et, palter. ct i
to say wl.ether Raw will Ai ,71.tnitTrtir:1114,t,"1:11,11PY1-„e. ao4
ta4-e up his vIlitit'S at the Legation en hie ' ":•• 444 44. -7 -lase 'we're lact 4agr^
nirra t4e vtitt '1 t.', c.ro to ' :7..fr,p4,4,•,...rc IIDle of Thule
China 'with Wince Chun ond ret esaieter cti t„it?.. .aIt'lltealitze'411tale:4:411:11r5
ate. Lee ee e Fee toe tell„teSehs tata, latia:,1 ri , wpm: •
living over SA Z•' i11lAvi,pt and 4:4 nt:oc. inato•r,
.0 baelaad etentrivee. snejki r1 :•,:".; tl''S Pt
-oh t'.....ites1 4'4401144%. 'Ufa. ;
HaY, per boa 80 700
Flour, pet -cwt., roller.,.. 1 00 2 00
14 10
een to Caine, raga that the tirot and I cattle diorliete.
eeey +I
ii - rut,. states eat
is NI, a, u5 spealc.ing to.day ot his re.
ra.a..si, eirgeift Iii'l'al +of atinft was it Iltiail• 1' '2. 2 -rini*Ilhaa v.iitha 4'44
I.Eil seaajeettaeot, so as to rilleve the , at;
--.11-utry a the great aad inereasiog lair- ', 141. , ?a-..::: 19'.'4'Itil *.411
'----°21?1'2'tt l'3118t*P '414'
n calmed by the payment of foreign '
Ma -Areal I.Ive Stook. ;;,,If4yaolAuer 4d; VoigLisut acuai tzlitoo1 wilimi II Pelydraoui
1 AlgatitMi in high-priced gold. while :II. D'
iill ; III,' 014 eurrent moray. Next ,; aleete i.e. Jy 4,1.--Tliere wez.nr ult#40 -44., a liottie. De sure audzive the emu()
la era: r. tie- coma ry. he said. was % Itt'441:41 Pe'".;r' 4."144'^ tfL"'" ‘"cs' 044 7‘"tr g.VEITZfit4'14 4t114 ¶.
thr4 ' tithing ; nemely, rdneetien, rail. ;',Igt.h.4,I*.?za.1;`,74a.e.,11ell'‘;!!,''.*,-/':',.eqtil.„fili.:4,,.:tn,i,,IL,,c
r* 44n;, PIO 544.11-13Ft'e', 3.14.411, V444441,7, Chi' .') PreWl17 LI Claw', ti.1110,i'lr:•: grnt '1:/taZ In ertt" 7
AA4 ,..tralItia alaa, old rem the inli".e irriCted th' °" 4 ' ",'- 1,,, rail'Aidnil with so4ree. 4 A P.A.IIMER'S F.IT.A.T. FALL
5sixotes Mid Earopoi Roil *haat-a should be les,:,:, te.:„e„- aeia ;.;,2 a-lii4ttf6.,,inr ligazti - IN, Ake; 54-hn. „Tab; 12,-Bildiert Jelin,
«1 t4 in tf p4 /e1r.lr eduettion, V44. 1.4ar.a.• k ., ,...A. .14 ha aeltve %Keane, eta stoat. a prominent farrapr living nenr
Is .11-4.,,. a ,st,-„m- ivroo In 44Lim'ar. 21 -.):: 2 il : "4" ttsr laar11'2, gA1...4 Ana 1124n here IggTV"i Med Than 441." cveliiitig. Itv
,,,e1,4 i‘y bus;
71r.g omin into cu,,;.;', ,trao.,41_,,,, Z,, ,.1=,;?,1 tc,-;:, 404, f,:,,,,,, .45,744:,,,,1444 Ealing Irma 15 began in 411,40444v 04r. 28
on41 111,4:4•41,---, ''411474 14' levee n,aial 4a4,1ttli - 2 t nt Alain "ill^ 91 ,1:41i,`,, an* 50;11,1 ,4140 444 445,7 nom' '44449' l'aria• no mcn-
eller teem of allealtivate Tile '.:kliatins ' ctqa4t1'11 ' :' "'4 fg4441 e'lri.'" 1" 4"""' 443T' -'14's 44 Ma%
t,l' 4;1 In 4 intimate hew the beprase. ',i, rag4.1614'z,- r-,, '.„1„.•0i:', 44 s45' er,.t,,,gt .r..._ -.W.-
Wein '4 i't• eit"Sirk.41 were to he lecounlitt '! use; iee' i ‘ ter a'0. viza'n'i.4 ti.'etafi'a -,iita, at 1)noWNII'D 'wurtli.4 11AT1IING.
about, beet ealhal a:f,elatiN4 to the feet i 11.'1" .$...2 '' 'I') n Eltl'"'"'"r $4 "e4^ -4:'gril4
q;:lt L,' L',17,1I-Ali 4s id 11,,rz'a thc adv.,cate ' 441.'la" rintit.'N Fall-, Jolly 11,-W555..nore.,5
. , -1i. cizol •1! ,...... ••-,•• 144, t . lks:. 740 fiao,znur; a fq,:. , , ,": ,
°:44 441411":,,Ita:tur.441iitli4nyt i::, '1,14,?00:11A; fiattv4:454tai 1 6:144444;Fli;e4,1;;f! ",,,-...",,,t,4;1rEA', i,-",412.11.:11,tra4 610 14 1111110TaitP31114t6;h441Pletititlitu;',7114tliPP1.1,72'0-.:
4'4,W54aRerr ant in 1
iv, 44e'41il" rt atiop..„
44 45'v44', 4V' rMr. Wu inIt44.s 4.4 wato 1,1 Duet Ilugulo Cattle Marli.'et. this morning. Ire W:4.-3 il plialr aaWililla•
Ma tn, '41 0;61 OAseerice for u
pm. ,,,
4 Ai 8 hp 0,40141 .4;0 4411,1, on *iii, 04 5%414. q F.a--t V its,„ .In;a° 1111,--eilitla,•,--Pleta tip. MOP 00111 it i'itlialiiptlit 1140 P411,1141411 Par-
:41114On tlitM D.
It •
Rides, per 100 lbs ... 4 90 0 00
lio,g,s. per cwt.
Dressed liogs. -........ 7 00 7 00
Shorts per cwt. - . 110:
Walt percwt....
"MOMa yor Ago my hair was
coming out eery fast, ,so honght
. a hottic or Aye's Ham Vigor. - I
gione4 the kiting and ra4ft
halurow eery rapidly,p4:11 new it
is 4n -inches m length. -Mrs. A. .
Boylston, Atchison, Kans.
There's another hti
than that of the SUM
air hunger, for instal)
Hungry hair needs food
ds hair vigor -Ave
his is why we. say that
Ayer's Hair Vigor elway-
restore$ color, and makes
the hair grow long an
cavy. 31.0 a Wit:. All dr....zIas.
• .e
ilion- 0 tit 111.4446-V4136M III '.' 14aeri IL- , 0, t....i,v4 vizi o; $7-13; vInZVO
Ma native o nitro. Tide lattor work '`, ilash. to a; ,,, II' sto'an a $(1.78 llo $17: tnir ill
' .
t r ", , ga-.rf..-I-T .40l;'Sai':„e•!, 'e
t.t714Z-t4t.Al7ne1,N4 A*3•o 344. - VitA ta,.•s4e4`4.
,h,oelt. ewNV4OM a N•s* li Wi'ELS-,wal le 4444444 Mr. NS WV '5051. ' and" 14r'.i tIrm-t
t isda'L4444'44rt: 44.' i'c f hii 414%3l roan- , 4'45(44.'44*. 4. 41k;7tbr01i1e80 a v0,444nn cs'4''44.4441s'4''44.444147,try. 1144m vi :, as hae hefere hint at V1 *i, 0. ;JI ,4,7'$44845 fornt 5141;445l'4 ainaltS PW-
nhot 1ieevn'e na,t.4re'cether*114'444'e 'reetniieren at eLt544i'tiFTolg-,in er tethe 51414:14-1riag414'. 11414444. ;ve/344
al.leieistathtt. , 'ea"„eacr,1%11:1‘r''ee, xmat4rq of all jewels, 1544:11511, F. 4.15,4a
11.. bv1."..4--`41,1:4-. heve anedtion tv du ' arta re te a 7, n At ,n444. la rsir,ing Ur grail; rained in the b5,5•4•9aav, p.iro itr I qi. 44t14Mi4
ir there is mat thee ter aunty things." , to .:
ra;06,7.; ttee.,:se, i et life im %err (gime, met dal! ee ',' ,, ",,'^ `"-';4 ''.44.411ra2.5to7t;"Ivr%`'.: 44,:l'i e tilt: 111“.1141ti: .1311114‘,1374.ttI,114,111..,
•'' ' 1"° """"Oth 0" if -5 wenr,nt Nl. 11 r;,,,li 1141' Ihnilth tts 1.uft
; Z' 144' a.. -..a.ur -. ewer,. en t,, 43,;;;44 a envetve „Intl. 4114'I 4 i li t 144111 .1. 111.
' x-rx•rr Tacit SAND HEN .AIt1)1DIAt..g" 48144 0 0il\410a%,, Cot& mat Dron4•15la Sil?e,•-
•.,.. tif-5.±:1 11‘',3°••=4:4 If , 11.040 1.! '41; 410WL - • • *
ItIPPI111r Tresselioalst4;14.44;thlt.ciin0 Is at a ' 9411.,2°''*1"'`-'11 t') h 1 '.1.1'4i116 "Y UK. 11.4111"Ie. UM' i'll 14.* L'''.
., m 7;44. ..$4.01, In $N; 117:int:Pr*. S'..75 tO Let, 1 ,itItee'stiO1111;4111 8,!, i Lip. It will la milt.
; ligig, da.,:$7,5010 sne„; 14,4.,, $7.11To to 07.„3: ' IT Ortvi.t consiumdiert ht its only stag -
:ago, July II,. The seemal Neuek of tgt4;0‘4 llt`41,,t,,,4.!, c;-";, ;Lileh air 144 ' es and 114°31 the Oirt,i'Ird burgs and
the fait*, Ion lleri' strike 'email to. /1 ;434,1:ainailli.j.ii'illTi-tir i,-Tifi7a01.iiii,a:14 '141ani•liiiii teil.es atul (hives the 41re:441
da.y. 11 it;1 i4a,0,410 mrn ime, and shirring '.; :$(,, .$0,;,„7:1-.a..reip;,(49.101.4,1iikla,.;f3 gt, to.,F:ii; 4114 iti..c..1,0 flout the sy.,:tete. It IS Ind 4
at 0. .t441!(;15114. AA a dielanee from Well 1(4.t$Lligd '.Wsvell5'I'0 'IsI,itiet!j:',Y,.h.\i'l.f...(.0';'' et7;414(41glis.".*4•1::114tiNi!In4Y45411 °-;:ittr'lleilnrialuvit1.1nri;i::
t V. .Ii .1&, Exeter.
cuhti:14.0.7'71..t.re Stock, -40,--
DASHED TO renix.
U.,•5 lama of 'Wrought and
'Cast Iron Wanted. • •
JAS. yiLl
Kincardine, July a -At three o'clock
his morning the harbor light situated
n the end of the north pier, WAS
traek by lightning and burned. 1,7p -
Yards of Wag:Mons of coal oil was in
he building, and the efforts of the
!milieu were unavailing. The steamer
ittsburg was unable to enter the hare
•tor during the pregress of the fire, and
ended her passengers by metals of the
awl boat.
Peterboro, July 0. --This morning a
sherman trawling in the Indian Riv-
e. at Keene, a village thirteen miles
vim here, caught the clothing of the
body of Miss Maggie English, a young
ady who had been missing since Sat-
irday night. Miss English, an orphan,
21 years of age, lived with her uncle,
Ir. Robt. N. English, a merchant. On
aturday after spending the evening
with a friend, she was escorted. home
y a yonng man with ivhom she was
eeping company. He left her safe
nd in good spirits. This was the last
Is fay as is known that was seen of her
dive. The young woman, it is said,
hewed no Signai of a suicidal intent,
int it is asserted by the, villagers that
lime is no deuht of her death being
Inc to suicide.
The Sight Of It Whets The
• Appetite.
alt Breakfast Food
Always a Welcome Dish At The
Morning Meal.
Many Use It Twice a Day
the Hot Weather.
Malt Breakfast Food is a blessiog to
thousands in the hot weather. Among-
st those who toil with brain muscle, a
large proportion have weak- and fail-
ing appetites, and were it not for a re-
lished dish of delicious Malt Breakfast
Food. the duties and labors of the day
could not he properly met. Malt
Breakfast Food whets the weary appe-
tite. It is t \Nola a welcomed dish at
tbe morniegmetiL mauy with great
advantage USC it fOr breakfast and sup-
per in the hot weather. Try it foe a
week end note our gain in strength.
Your Grocer recommends it -
v4ale le.tba t,17* fair 19 tagali124 tin" ont,CipiWa'S
WarAullse Were pit,,Reil tO Irk,ight to. unit couution, er ; lvs. ean get this relhtble
lit entering or leaving the sheds. •
• rt he 41e111 •ts were pollee, to prot eel
the Men 314 the warehoureS And to quell F 1
any road:. dibturbauces. (lamp bne.'n,a1.1.116; othesall;1011%;;; if#nd
31011.111110111!45•11 1414.44 .444 into the city to st.elh. $7.7o to $.S.131; ilor t44 inekliurn44,73
take tins nieces of the strikers longed no4 t"elti'z's at"' te("1"9 t°11 -,:t""
about the Warehoubes or in. their ears 4 e°"' $1'4° t° V;'7A; 1"16."..$2.30 14 0,40;
With searcely tittythi $2,8
.g to du. 3 - canners. $1.40 to $2.40; bulls. $2,814 to
tette.; 0 to $0.titt; Texas fed goers $4.
President Curran «1 the Freight Mind- $0:80; western steers, feeders, $5!36.
lar.-.' appuinted conunii tees tu vieit 11"P'-'1."1148* 01'4(1°: '114' to 4'1I. 1074411 ;
the various railroads. hut his proposi- mixed anal butluzs'. $7.26 to $14 good 4*)
claire heavy. $4.10 to $S.10; rough heary_,
tion 4140', further titan ever from the $7.23 to $7.00; light, 80.0o tO $7.70: Indlr
ideae of the railroad managers, and no 2o5.0s1,,:4irsv.iren.aisttroonr$7.4.905. Sheep-Itecelpts,
10e higher: lambs
110po was earreesed that a settlement wetters, $3.30 to
would be reached to -day, or even this I *4414g1fnlymt.
Week. The wholesale houses made prac- $1.1103 2J u‘ 45? 1 vte° erg
tieally no attempt to send out freight or .e2.eil to Sc.03.
to reecive it. Those big establishments Montreal Grain and Produce.
were all but Closed down.
Montreal, July 14.-Orala--There Is a good
demand for oats, aria, as supplies are de-
creasing, en advance In price Is likely, No.
2 Ontario sold at 4$1,,lc to 49c, No. 8 at
4Se to 484e and Manitoba teed oats at 481ie
ex s ore. One car of Ile sold at Oic
Tbo Ilunted Outlaw Again Outwits store. Barley is quoted at 374c to 5Slic.
Hits Pursuers. Buckwheat, 68c to
Flour -There Is a fair amount of business
Seattle, Wash., July 14. -The follow- at steady prices. We quote ..--erteeitoka
sp ine wheat patents, g-1 to 24.80° Manitoba
ing meesage received from Enumen- shr.01,7,t bakers', $3.70 Z.° $44 win'ter wheat
claw to -day: -"Word has been received patents, $8,90 to $4.10: straight rollers, $8,00
to $3.704 do in bags, 51.75 to $1.80, and ex -
S1 00 51.4345.
„ .
Moll -The market was quiet, with prices
unchanged at $4.90 per brl and at $2.8§ to
12.40 per bag in round lots, and at .5.3 to
ina jobbing way.
3.10 per brl, and et $2.40 to $2.46 per bag
Feed --The demand for bran has fallen
od, and AS supplies are increasing, prices
have an easier tendency. Ontario bran In
hulk sold at $13.50 to $11" per ton, and
Manitoba, in bags, at 516.00 to $17 per ten.
'Manitoba shorts continue firm at $23 per
ton, Including bags.
himself on the road to Buckley. He was ituette;.;;;Th.reerre fisrma good demand, and
in the woods, and while officers were Leacbto 3.0eSe; feest QueheesnsciotaclonloyDei
statioting, guards he ran a mile and finest Ontario, 9
I Vie to 19%c; fine creamery,
boarded a freight train on a grade, and _18cL4,heeetsoo_ltipncdusdhairbyjiluntetsesr, siArca ttho e1r6luci
proceeded to TaI .ter, where he is no nrlces are very firm In consequence ot the
doubt making for the Stampede Pass.
This morning a posse with dogs made
a dash from-Kanaska to Buckley on a
false due.
here that Tracy fought a battle with
two deputies at the Palmer sehool house
last night. No particulars or names are
known," Tracy worked a neat genic on
the officers in order to get to Palmer.
Re was within a mile of that place yes-
terday morning when he- learned that
the officers were there. Ile then worked
back towards Emmienelaw, and showea
The annual rifle matches began at
Bisley. •
The elephant at the Toronto Zoo is
dead. •
Sir Joseph I. Little, Chief Justice of
Newfoundland, is dead.
Mr. Donald A. hair of Ekfrid Town-
ship wab lulled. by lightning.
The 113th amiiversary of the fall of
the Baztile was celabrated 1411 l'aris.
eoling in the country. We quote:-FIneat
Ontario, 9%o to Oeic; finest townships, 91A,c
to 9%c; finest Quebecs. 0%c to 91/20.
Eggs -The market Is quiet, but firm at
13%c to 14e for rouna lots of straight re-
ceipts; No. 2 seld at 121A,c to 13.
Provisions -There Is atallier eo'ood demand
for most lines at steady prices. We quote: -
Heavy Canadian short cut mess pork, 424.50
to 523; Canada short cut back pork, $23..ju
to 524; light Canada short cut clear poor,
$23.50 to $24; finest kettle lard, 20-145. pails,
1214c to 1214c; extra pure lard, in 20-145 pails,
11c to 1114c; choice rattled compound lard.,
I)%c to. 0%e; Boar's Read brand, in 20 -lb
wool PollS, $2.021,4 to 52.10, had Globe at
$1.80 to 51.90; 20-145 tin palls, 14c per lb
less; llama, 12e to 14c, and bacon, 14c to
15e per lb.'
Leading Wheat Markets.
Closing previous clay. Closing to -day.
Cash. Sept. Cash, Sept.
Charles Goodall, a young Englishman Chleago : . . .... .. 731. ...,
froth Collingwood, \\ as drowned whileNew Y-er' - • * .i.b
in the Detroit, River. Toledo . .. .... 77'91 70 76% 73
ii, N.Unneapo'lls .. . .. - 7114.. 70.4,
filwankee 2 nor 77 73y 77 7`.4%
ncreased from eight to ten cents for a
Dettolt. Louts 771/2 811/2 73%
The price of bread in Toronto is to be 8114
. 711, 71 1 704' 70%
large loaf, and four to the cents for Duluth .... 701A .. 7V ..
a small loaf. neitisit Markets.
The United States battleship Illinois
knoched a hole in her bottom inthehar-
bor at Chris*tnia, and will have to be
sent to Engl,Val for repairs.
The Toronto Board of Trade and the
City Council are taking steps to look
after the families of the live firemen
London, July 14. -,Close -Mark, Lane Mill -
killed on Thursday last. A motion was CL' market; 'Wheat, foreign stea0 at an
a dva nee of 3d ; , nominally' tmchang-
iatroduced the Council to grant 4,2,000 glisb
ed.; maize, Arnerican, nothiag doing Dent -
in the case of each single man and $5.,(100 Wan, firm, Flour-Amed can steady , at an ale eaae of each married elan Iltdrance of 3d; Eng1.1411 steady., .
London, July 14. -Close -Wheat on pas-
sage rather easier; maize on passage, ratti-
er firmer. Wheat -English country markets
of yesterday, steady; French country mar-
iterS, sten ay.
Parts, 'July 14.-Holtday.
17, f.
ptwerp, July 14. -No. 2 red winter,
Wallacellurg, Ont., July 0. --Harry
.1111.1111, son of Israel Milani, builder,
of this town, 'MIS killed by falling on
the dock at the Sydenham glass works
here this afternoon. He and some
others were bathing and diving from a
p10043 04 timber several feet above the
dock which supported the gangway
planks. By some means the timber
was shaken front its support, falling
on Milani, killing him instantly-.
An Ottawa Gentleman
"Lite Was a Burden to Me, and
No Living Mortal Could De-
scribe My Sufferings."
Three Bottles of
Panes Celery Compound
Wrought a Glorious and Hap-
py Cure that Astonished
• a Whole Community
In the ranks of sick and diseased
sufferers, many men and women have
become hopeless because of the failures
of physieians and their medicines.
We vvonld have all such dejected and
despairing mortals take coinfort this
very day. We would. impress upon
them the blessed truth that Paine's
Celery Compound is abundantly table
to save and cure. A multitode of peo-
ple saved from disease and death have
given strong and incontrovertible test-
imony that Paine's Celery Comphund
can save even at the eleventh hour.
Mr. P. Finter, Ottawa, Ont, tells of
his terrible condition, his failures with
physicianseand of his wonderful cure
by Paine's Celery Compound; he writes
"For four years 1 endured terrible
. . i
agony and misery owing to pains n
my head and, chest. Life was a burden
to me, and tio mortal could describe
my sufferings. I was treated by doc-
tors, arid used many patent inedicines,
but nothing gave me telief until I used
yonr Paine's Celery Compound. I
thank God for the day it was brought
to My notice in the Ottawa papers.
I have takeu three 'bottles of the medi-
cine, and to -clay 1 can truly say that I
feel like a now man. I will recommend
the remedy whenever I have the op-
portemity, as ibis the best. ever given
to sufferers." a
Breakfast Food
A good supply of Millfe d
and Chop always on hd.
Give our Flour and Feed
a trial- and be convinced that
it is all right,
Roller and Plate pinders
use to suit customers.
liarvey Bros.
stinri to J. Cobbleask& 4i144,
1.1. '1"111: fj
One Square P1
FOR.SALE 01-11.74,
New Pianosud
Always in Stce....
Oar envy:iv:4er in :14 St-eang Nine
Ivo et' rine gov414,. . .
C31117 154 464r i44
chitties fleet the* 84141441 1144 ;d'. (1841
Fey on easy teetne. Neariiee oval' De.
peere for all Linde Of Mitviehhei ellafsar$
on hand!. . • . .
Sheet :411te4o. :1411.51C Unailee. ISSerritt
Bools, Etc., liept ItiStecti.
'We 14541410111(1414441 441444 44144' 'Vr pre
tithes opposite the Control 4i.044,4 and
•are now 44414.51 for t 414143.
44414't'9 tite 44141 We ririve, you
modern and up-to-date g.•4 and
mole itt the most 1 t
1Xe Personally
. . Cut Every Garment
Tho.t s 114441143 113) at this estabiisbutent
-as well as fit it -and look after
all the details. This ib only one
reason why our prices are moden-
Gent's Furnishings . . .
Come and see us in our new plate
of business and examine our stock of
Gent's Purnishinvs
Bert. Knight.
itCookt Cotton 'Boot Conrpouna
is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Prioe,'No. 1, $1 per
box tNo. 2,10 degrees stroager,43 per box. No.
1 or 2,malledon receipt of price and two 3 -cent
stamps. The Cook Clorapany Windsor, Ont.
ilarlioS. land 2 soldand recommended by all
responsibleDruggiets in Canada.
No. land No.2 are sold in Exeter by
C. Lutz and I. W. Browning, Drug-
You are invited to call and iaspect 4117
large assortment of Furniture and
furnishings which I will offer at
very close prices. My stock con-
sists of the following: -
Parlor suites, Bedroom suites,
Spring Mattresses, Bed-
steads, Couches, Lounges,
Tables, Chairs of ail descrip-
tions, Sideboards, Rockers,
Fancy Rockers, Curtain
Poles and Trill= ingq,
Shades, Mouldings, Mirrors,
Pilow Sham Holders, Hat
Racks, Towel Rollers, dm,
Picture Framing a specitAlty
Baby Carriages,Go-carts,Express weg-
ons, Carts, Rocking horses, etc.
carry a large and well assort-
ed stock in this line. In time of need
do not fail to call.
Theabove stock is bonglit from the
leading Ma nufact ureis of Canada
• and bought at the Closest prices
• and onr expenses are low there-
fore we can sell it at prices which
will sueptise you. Give us a call
before pnrchitsing elsewhere.
P. • •
P lireisaac