HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-17, Page 3STORIES OF TIIE ?EAR
.Se Ialteeeeting leeeidenta -ei the
NeaetiatieThe.Priet tothe
.Weate gad.
• Ilialmeatedity . Ono. of tbe meat • .
eeptional feeturee: .of tbis a:Nr..40°1141
war against the Boer liepablieslea
perhepof auy -etrogglo „Over record-
ed in the taigas of bistorye bas: been
Gm Wanner in which, tbe vatapdebed
elite- leas aceepted 141te verdict. of
battle, writes a enereepondetit of the
Landoo Eat/rests,'
llate, -them is it -possible for amre
boa the not jareodireel intellagenee
or farther to manitaio that the -
peace. of South, Airma, bee a:milt. to
feet Irma the bitternessof future
geoeratioae wben, the geoterotion
w!bielt )as :Walt Peen the one to. ea-
perieree the bit.tereass of a lost
cause has welcomed in ece cbeerful
and meaty et spirit the natal desceoe
pa-ma:tee of umbilici/est for which it
. bee eleen so much of its Wood ?
How umeh of this homey .event is
attributalble to tbe pereormlity
Lorci Kitchener is now becoming.
manifesto alid touchieg tlids 1 am
able to addene the .eatremely
t1ng testimony of an oilleer who
watt leaped in view touch evit.ta 'the
Beer leadero during their pourparlers
with the Coniniander-in-Chief.
Tbeeir were no ordinaey qualitiee
whielt stirred the pblegmatic end re-
tieent Deere; 1,0 a, display- of wild
enthusiasm in tbe oreeepee of the
/rime who had horee down their re-
eistatice in tile field, Stem foe ate he
had barea to them, hie- generous ond,
„ chivalroue bearieg in the hour .of his
iind trilampli everted a powerfu4 in-
fluencc. tapoi their ultimate deeision
to imve done with ever.
Tim °facer refereed to gebov•e had
Matey converatt leas with the Peer
leeelers ti4ar18g the period of the tote
oegothetione. treetereittila with Po We
ii1fele:reel. Who .eethileited wide.
Celan, col race reatdeet, ot many 01 their
atteatettas to get Vetter .torMs from
the- Coonnereletehondet,
tie:anal Pellarey aoieritted ese ef
interelewa, with I.tati Kiteleeteer
in which. imetie en eormet en-
deavor 'to obtain aix arreittice (balm
the preeerett-s of the iiegoliatioime
"I told Lima" d1Peloreat -thet
emosideecti it extreately unfair for
his aolinelite tO gollap aleolet the
Corallere7 after tray commeradoete while
I was bere to .dieemee the possibilitv
of a peaeefed understendiug With
Your PeoPlo- MY men were deprived
1*104 of their learner, and placed at an tilla
fair dieadvantaree-
"It wan uo good, though." tone.
tinned the Doer .general, "Kitchener
turne4 to me and replied- t
aleueral Delany, I am not;
awere that .anyone astied you te
Common soaps destroy the
clothes and render the
bands liable to eczema.
Asa the gellageaPar.
come in. You can go mat again to-
merrow. if yell liked "
Lord Kitchener. it seems, whenever
it. was neeeesary to matte it clear
Ceylon Tea Is the finest
Tea the world produces;
and is sold Orb! in lead
Black% Mixed and Green.
eaele tea 4ritlIcers try "Wade Green ten,
o spit their venom there will be at'
tended With as fatal results to their
objects and their agents aumeg the
that he held, the whip hand, never Boer Oghting men Who have sworn.
besitoted to do SO, but inyariebly allegiance to King Edward aS at the
employed a kindly and considerate heart of the empire itself.
manner, and never once In ecx doing Well wOuld it be if the world could
hurt the susceptibilities of his hewn ballo heard tho cheers which greeted
foes, or wounded the amour pro- Lord Kitchener's words to the Boers
pre. No one Is mere emphatic on at Vereelliging-tilot be was "glad
this subject than those who, on I to get so S13°457 gra314 S*1°'
many pouts found him quite ura
trending at Vereeniging and Pretoria. ONE r on 'Tun BOY.
They were well aware they were Pr, dam Kerr. an inspector ot
asning more than they had any schools in Scotland. tells the folkoh-
right. to expect, and wheobere-lbw story: "An inspector in the
11 jected their demands with a sort of ',examieation a a. Onset in ectey
n genIaI1ty. 4te iarghed
OW the telling of theta afterwards,
For instance. Cbrietian De Wet
eetemed thorough ly to Miley dceerilo
ing how be toweled the num ef
Khartoum over the continua:lee
our occupation of be country with
a large militory force, which. he
proteeted. would be au undesirable
ellftrg0 oi t110 reS001Vcs of the
and a handietip to ito
eedy develemnent.
reetic observed thot one boy had not
anewered e, Lein& glieSti0111 Ponvet-
17. Wishing to diFetWee if the boy
was hopelessly stupid. he unintene
tiolioily "yet a -going a good Imegli"
-dust himeelf y woe of bis epee -
;ens. Tbe school was in a fishing
-Plageand the queetion was on it
euajeet with which he Taman:al the
boy Wee Mmillar,
4Suppo-e," the inepeetor Feld,
"there was .0 Falmon that weighed
10 poid WI it was to be Fold
-I tote pewee eaue aa Wed otaha at iht a pound, what wireal the sale
must stainlate for the witbdrawal ulcc 1»worth'?"
of the whole of your army at the T° th1.8 the haY at "ca repilea;
earliest, possible die after the signee,, "it wudna Le worth eatiug."
tine of oeoce. Kitehener'a only re-
ply was :
" 'Para be ebk1Ii."
fact Gaut Abe Boer leader
could tell a story of ON Mud and
laugh at It as a thoroughly good
agate, illaieeretive ot tae attempt egad
rapture to get over the reitleli
, enander-ineeliter. is ext-ellent evidenne '
of the epirit in width Peer , and
Bram rIU laneetorth live tog -Mier,
indeed. Kitetereate non
on eteeentiel 1601113119 1141F. teen one of
the Main caliees of the unhomaled
coloolration which *Le Doers are twee
er tired of eaarterelag for Me 14iitiFii
! leader.
"While Pe atet was with us. (bar -
NI the peeve etegetiations," ewe
my informant. "he tehond biniteif
most genial sportsman:, Smellier,
.11pleamell tim more than to Join in a
rougheartiatumble game of foottall
!with officers and men alike, and he
has thanue a tralliteatleate Orel.
"I bad sunny a talk with him
about the recent operations. and in
touching upon the subject of the
cattle drives, through the bloelibouse
eutanglements be Made a, etrange
statement which will give the coup
le grace to true romance lone atrio-
dated with Ws! Theme. Ire deelare4
that on neither occasion when be
was reported to have Imolai: through
in this ingeulous Wilton was he pre-
eeet-a tetatenient which, oe I told
him, was very comforting to me per-
sonally, as I at the time catupled
one of the blockhoueee thomehe rte
spousible for his eecape from cap-
"It Is may justice to the late
enemy, when so much feeling has
been aroused during the course of the
struggle by violations of tbe cus-
toms of civiliteed warfare, to leave
nothing unsaid which may possibly ,
tend to lee -sen the culpability of our
opponents in any resreet. Perhaps
nothing has given rise to So much
indignation as the :warder of Lieut.
Miers of tbe Somersets, who was in
command of a party of South Afri-
can Constabulary in the Orange
Free State. It will be remembered
that Lieut. Miers went out alone to
confer with some Boers who had ap-
proached his post, and was shot
dead within sight of his men.
'The murder of this splendid and
enthusiastic young officer was a, das-
tardly act, to which I Should not
have referred again at this juncture
had not certain circumstances come
to my knowledge which, while not in
any way excusing the COITUIliSSi011 of
the deed, show that the feeling of
to it had a
very legitimate origin.
exasperation leading
'The commando to which the mur-
derers belonged had been in treaty
for surrender, and were directed to
come in at nierspont. Instead,
however, if Miers being informed of
this arrangement, he was bit in
complete ignorance of what he should
havo been on the look -out for. Con-
sequently, on the approach of the
Boer commando at the time agreed
upon he set his men. in array and
gave it a particularly warm recep-
tion. The 'Boers retired with con-
siderable lossand furious at what
seemed to thein like a piece of de-
liberate treachery. It was in re-
venge for this that poor Miers- was
lured •to his death, a victim of a
piece of culpable negligence on the
part of some brillia.nt member of our
British staff.'
To turn to pleasanter matters, one
is better able to -understand Mr.
Kruger's decision to return no more
to South Africa .When eine learns the
things that are being said of him
and his "doctor" by the men Who
are now singing ' `God Save the
King" and ``Rule Britannia." He is
well advised to avoid an encoueter
with those whom he so basely desert-
ed in thbir hour of need.
It is said that he and his Hollainl-
er doctor are hoping, in alliance
with German haters of England, to
initiate a new agitation against
Bri lash rule in South Africa. "The
Hollander it as a burgher well
said, ` `o verestimates his power • and
influence. 13y none is he more hated
and despised than py the Duteh of
the late republics, whom he robbed."
• It will he well for the Germans
Called One Day and Pound the
Patient Ironing and Learned
That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
Had Succeeded Where Other
Medicines Had railed.
The sufferer from St. Vitus* dame,
even in a mild form, is much to be
pitied, but when the diSCASO JISSUM011
an aggravated form the patient is
usually as lielplesa as an infant, and
has to be watched with as much
care. St. Vitus' dance is a disease
of the nerves and must be treated
through them, and for this purpose
there Is no other medicine in the
world acts so speedily as Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, Proof of this
Statement is found in the cure of
Mies Louise turfman, whose home
Is at Pouelter's Mills, Ont., who was
cured by these pills after two doc-
tors had failed to benefit her in the
least. The young lady's mother tells
the story of her daughter's illness as
follows :-"I do not think it possible
anyone could be afflicted with
more severe form of St. Vitus' dance
than that which attacked my daugh-
ter Louise. Her arms and legs
would twitch and jerke her ince was
.drawn and finally her left side be -
Came numb as though paralyzed.
elneo doctors attended her, but their
treatment not only did not help her
but she grew steadily worse. Her
tongue became swollen, her speech
thick and indistinct, and she could
neither sit still nor stand still. She
could not hold anything in her hand
and it was necessary to watch her
all the Ulna as we feared she would
injure herself. The doctor who at-
tended her told me she would never
get better, and it was then that I
'decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. After she had taken two boxes
we could see an improvement in her
condition. Her appetite improved,
she could sleep better and the spasms
were less severe. l'razn that on there
was a marked improvement in her
condition, and one day the doctor
who had said she could not get bet-
ter called while passing and- Lound
her ironing --something she had not
been able to do for months. I told
him it was Dr. Williams' rink Pills
that was curing her and he said,
"Well, 7 am surpaised, but continue
the pills, they will cure her." She
used in all eight or ten boxes, and
, is now as healthy a girl as you will
find anywhere, and she has not since
had a syinptom of the trouble."
If you are weak or ailing ; if your
DerlkeS are tired and jaded, or your
blood is out of condition, you will
be wise to use Dr. Williams' 7 ink
Pills which are an unfailing cure for
all blood and nerve troubles. But
Lo sure you get the genuine, v. ith
the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale Peoale" on the wra
per around ee ery box. Sold by all
medicine dealers or sent post paid at
50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 to realize at once that for the ere_
by writing diveot to the Br- sent they are a discredited race in
Medichie Co., Broelcaille, Ont, south africa, and that. any atttcheete.
A torn with meitches 4144 a thor-
ough etaraidarteradeoarerair appeer-,,
Allee oat on a lounge in UR lifdt0 Aral ;
tellie4 to a group Of
"Yon may toll: about your liorri-1
tying eeperiaucee," be raid. °but a
while ago. when I was travelling.
was awatiancell frop. a sorrel sleep In
the Middle of the Melia by the Cry
*IliPr 1 jumpeal up and forerte0
iny soern full of animate. I ruelaeil to I
the Asiudow, 'oohed out.and eaw
that the hotel was one VASS
1111112111. Tiler: I elimted up on to,
tbe defect my eyes, and
"Mold" brolte in a. sympathetic
byetarteler, "that is wily you carry
there crutches, I suppose?"
"No; not cm:sally. The fact is I
slipped on a bit of oraoge peel tbe
other day. That night my room
wee on the ground floor."
A rainister recently preathea
sermon, and Illustrated his point by
sayinge-"You know you plant roses
in Um sunshine. and heliotrope and
geraniums, but if you want your
fuel:sate to goea you must keep them
In o. shady nook." After the ser-
mon a womon came up to bbn, her
face beaming with pleasure. "011, X
0111. SO grateful for that sermon."
she void, clasping his bend and shak-
ing It warmly. Ms heart glowed
for a momente-only tor a moment,
though. "Yes," she went on, fer-
vently. "T never knew before what
was the matter with my fuchsias."
COMO as a Message of Hope to all
Tired and. Woeried Mothers.
In homes where Baby's Own Tab.
lets axe used cross and fretful child-
ren are unknown. The little Ones are
cross because * they are ailing and
these Tablets are the best medicine
in the world for stomach, bowel and
teething troubles. They will make
your baby well told keep it well, and
they are guaranteed to contain no
ingredients that can barna the small-,
est, weakest infant, Mothers every-
where give these Tablets the highest
praise. Mrs. R. MoMitster, Cooks-
town, Ont., says :-"My baby was
much troubled with constipation and
• indigestion, and was very restless
and peevish at nights. I gave her
Baby's Own Tablets and she is now
regular and rests well. I also find
that the Tablets are a great help
during the teething period."
Children take these Tablets just as
readily as candy and crushed to a
powder they can be given to the
youngest, feeblest infant with none
but good results. Sold by all deal-
ers, or sent post ;aid at 25 cents it
box by writing direct to the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Broc.kville,
Out., or Schenectady, N.Y.
".Are you aware of the fact," re-
marked Miss Cutting, "that I am a
mind reader?" ''Nevali suspected
it, weally," answered young Soft-
leigh. "Would you -am -object to
weeding my mind, doncher know?"
"Certainly not she replied. "13ring
it with you the next time. you call."
The qualitystandard from ocean to
ocean. Your money back if not
• satisfactory.
Rose & Laflamme, Agents, Montreal
Monkey Brand Soap removes all
stains, rust, dirt or tarnishr-buti
won't wash clothes. •
Minard's Linimeut Cures LaGrippe,
Oh, the flying -machine some day will
And through the ether roam,
But on its collapse,
The horse, perhaps,
Will be asked to date- it home.
re mix A COLD 1'11 ossr r. tot
Take Laxdzivo Brom o Quini i,e Tablets A.1
clezegats rL•itInd the Inn:.,* kr 4101,1 to Cltrk!.
E. W. arevenerezeneare, is ea oech beX.Ina
At a small SCPaita gathering recent-
ly the talle upou that sell:awl:at
welieworn topic, mothers-in-law, One
of the, party, Mr. who is bipa-
self uot the most amiable of ruen,
indulged in a good deal of Olean
eareasm at the expense of the lodiee
In question.
"Nevertheless, gentlemen," he con-
cludea, with, a self -approving
"You will scarcely believe it. but
the fact is 1 lived Ove years Oa the
house with ney mother-in-law and we
oever bad a siugle quarrel. What do
you think of that?"
"I think,'" said a dry old Scots-
man who was preserit-"I think tht.
lt speaks vera wee l tor yer nOther-
italaw. ma main- and :-- subsid-
ed. Odd gmieral laughter.
be Story of Eliza, H. Varoey, at
Blot:anneal, •Oot.--Sperit Matey
Years imea Seevice. of Sai'atly
Seerillee to the laeor ,ap,4
alioistered to Their Pleyeical
- • Well aa Spiritual Waote.
loomaeld, Opt., riulY Toa(SPvCicl)
--Our .ecurenamity boasts of having
within it one of the most devoted -
'Christian woreen that. ever toiled i:
tbe world's
()weed and • blea4ed by God, thi
seleseerifieieg beceine and Ler Moe
hand, • -eineo deceeeeri, event, many
years of 'fait idol pentoral work in
dieerenteparta of the coal:wet.
Elizabeth 11.- Varney, relict of the
late hei.i Verney, le now 73 years
of ege,; ante livieg in Oulet retiree
mane large . She is at member of the
Statiety of the Ohl Orthodox, Vriencis
aud lkis eimple oeceetelotang eociety
never -.bad a 111Q10 humble or Mole.
worthy Member, -
It is of her work among the Deula,
Imboro our OWT6 Gaoacien nertla
west teen she loveti mast to eaeak.
and 14-4v3AF
and livid are her recollect -
tions etti Gate poeullar ever*.
One .of the greatest dinieulties this
.devotarawenzan had to contend with
was dieezee taming Ler poor reople.
But eler had coneed laereelf with a
remedy that was as 1441.fidilliig as her
own • eleariateedlodths iiitluey
were llae weapons elet need to drive
out sirlitatate, •
Sorae acorn before elm bed tried
and proven Pm value ofthis great
me4leate in her ow:: alga whet:
theerateeed with Dropsy and etaffering
vita Rheumatism. They bad com-
pletely restored her, and when she
found that, the prevailing trouble
among the Potailiabor• people was
Kidney- Difr...e.e and Propny she knew
that Pooldai Kidney Pills would be
her must yid:table aid in ber good
She tells of ono poor young wo-
man Among thin people who was'
suaerieg se severely with the Drorsy
that elie 1V418 terribly bloated alt
over and confined to ber bed. Tbe
Lady allesiouary left it few of Dedd's
Kidney Pills and immediately rent
for three more boxes.
R10 W(10 rewarded for her efforts
by the complete recovery of the
young W0111011.
Dead's Kidney Ville have received
tbis worthy woman's most, emphatio
eioloreation. .
Before a recruit can be said to
have jolted the British army his
name must be entered sty -two
times, and that of his superior ofa- •
cer twenty-nine times, in tate docu-
ments, required by the War Cake.
A Cure for Itheurnatisna-The intrusion
of uric acid into the blood vessels is a
fruitful al,use of theumatie pains. This
irregularity is owing to it deranged and
el:heathy condition of the liver. Any
one subject to this painful affeetion will
findd a remedy in Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills. Their action upon the kidneys is
pronounced it id most beneficial, and by
restoring healthy action, they correct Im-
purities in the blood.
A statistician gives the number of
newspapers in the world at 83,000.
About one-sixth of these have the
largest circulation on earth.
Mioard's linimant for Rheumatism,
'The Archbishop of Canterbury
takes rank as the first peer of the
ituurti's Homo me beit RE Restorer.
In the past 12 years, 306 trains
have been robbed in the United
States. Sixteen were held up last
He Has Tried la -MrJohn Anderson,
"Unless, writes: venture to say few, if
any, have received greater benefit from
the use of Dr. Themes' Eclectric 011, than
I have. I have used tt regularly for over
ten years, and have recommended it to
all sufferers I knew of, and they also.
foiled it of great virtue in cases of severe
bronchitis and incipient consumption."
There are °720 different photos in
existence of the German Emperor,
and over 300 of King Edward VII,
For Orr Sixty Tears.
As OLD Alm Wonr,-Tarno REMEDY. - Mrs.
wieshnes eooth leg eattp has been used for over -sixty
you by millions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect E11.0003S. I ootho tke
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures witid.tolic, and
io the host mealy for Diarrhoea.. Is p:oo,tant to the
tome. Sold by dynggi.ta in every part of the med.
wenty.iive ecnts a bottle. Its value is incalculable.
:Se sure s,nd ask for Airs. Wing:eves Soothing Syrup,
=at Lake niutiteLitind.
"Speaking of pretty
the cynical • bachelor,
beauty may be a jaw
women," said
' 'a thing of
for ever."
Lee- mud'
The Dawson Commission CO! /MITE%
egn handie yon' POTATEIT (alive or dresseh), 3TRArtahlta1r-4*
Areenh, TOM kilns, ether Fruits, lle'OETABeeS Or Pilflatie4 to goeci aileanteelnle
Shipping tag.., stampa pads sepplIed. Corre5pon4 Once invited..
Every Mk --
A !Well
Every Metah-
A Lighter
Pagsk. E. B. Ed d y
the world, mule from
geft oriel efeee aria
twa4limmelle 4I4
puttee in neat riltilen
. etatue00 as
MatchMatches •••••7
es ra,„ Sale lea
AU First Glee*
Old Lady iocr's boy):
' you know (hat it is very
rude to whistle when dealing with
a lady?" Boy: -That's what the
guvaior told me to do, MUM."
"Told yon to whistle?" "Yesan.
are said if we ever sold you auything
we'd have to AvIaletie for the
Sto tivA Cri gnaw
stncl woriis off the tend.
Zr Inaneageleine leb-aie cure (mad
ti 900 dap Ne ewe No lay. •Price ?Octave
afra. Jones; "Just think of it.
There ie •a policeman vieiting our
ugly old cook." Mr. Jones: **(treat
Scotllow hungry that poor unto
must licti"
AleSerS, C. C. Richards he Co.
Deer I -arse -While in the cowl
10.5t sailemer 1 was baldly bitten
mosquitoes -'-se tadly that I though
I would be disfigured for it couple 0
weeks. I was advised to try your
Liniment to allay the irritation.
and did so. The diet was more
than I expected -a, few apellcations
completely curing the irritation, pre-
venting the bites front becoming
sore. MINAIttate LINItitIENT Is also
a good article to acep off tiae MOS'.
Yours truly,
W. A. ONE.
Harbor Grace, Nfld., Jan. 8, 1808.
Fenno& 1111;#V1-1* 3 X=,
Nil litloimpo bii,r4=3,101.1, E.F
Si Ci ova Sw.00 V.Siosle Piall4t noilCed
r-A-7nzr. S%oEnwarn;-ct 40 npatmear
ic4,op. 5ahrs4,444:*rorit;r nmk*.nd
1,ZI*07 1.5 gon,o WO,. FttrueettroPL,
UV. =otakekffrio.trk•Iil tO,rvr• ii al
tz:tvf 0 ;itrAturczko,*01444,mr* RiCA
'01,43yrs, F.10,1:40001CateX. rcAtild
__. _
Tom: 'I don't thin% III ever go
op •enough courage •to ask you t
marry me. You know faint hear
never won fair holy." Belle (blush-
ing); "B -but I'm dark."
Do Not Delay. ---When, through debili-
tated digestive orgaus, poison. finds ite
way into the blood, the prime eonside.-
etion is to get the poison out es amidly
and at: thoroughly its poseible. Delay
may mean disaeten Parmelee's Veeee-
table Pills will be found it most valunble
and effective medicine to aesail the in-
truder with. They never hal. They ge
at once to the at of the trouble caul
work a permanent cure.
Tjis is nearly as many as all other
lines put together, and all fast,
through, express trains, the fare by
which ie the same as by other lines.
except by Empire State Express.
Mention the New York Contrite to
your ticleet agent when purchasing
e 001 ticaet.
Olive oil freezes at 36 degrees
above zero; water at 32; milk at.
30; blood at. 25; and liquid am-
monia at 46 below zero.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the gerlite of
smell and completely dersin.ge the whole system
when entering it through the Mucous surfacod,
Such articles ehould never be used except on
prescriptions from reptatble physicians, as the
damage they wind° Wen fold to the good you
can possibly died ve from them. Mena Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co., To-
ledo, O., contains no immure., end is taken in-
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and
Inne0114 surfaces of the syetem. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gonu
ine. It Is token internally,and mado in Toledo
Ohio, by F. .1. Cheney & Co. Testimonials
Sold by Druggists, price 750 per bottle.
Hairs Family Fills aro the best.
The vine does not grow above 2.-
300 feet above the sea. The oak
ceases at 8,850 feet, and the fir at
7,000 feet.
Why will you allow a. cough to lacerate
your throat and lungs and run the risk of
filling a consumptive's, grave, when, by
the tiinely use of Bickle s Anti -Consump-
tive Syrup the pain eau be allayed and the
danger avoided. This syrup Is pleasaue to
the taste, and unsurpassed for relieving'
healing and curing all affections of the
throat and lungs, cold, coughs, bron
ehitis, etc., etc.
869 novels were published in the
United States last year by 467 au-
thors. Only 50 of these wrote more
thau olie boot. 800 writers were
meta and 158 women.
Minard's Liniment Is the best,
Spain holds the record for cheap
working of her railways-. Only 48
per cent. of the gross earnings are
spent in management.
Chicago & North-Western R'y from
Chicago, August 2 to 10. The new
Overland Limited, the 'incurious ev-
ery -day train, leaves Chicago 8.00
.m. Only three days en route. Tin -
rivaled scenery. Variable routes. New
Drawing Room Sleepipg Cars and
Compartment Cars, Observation
Cars (with telepbone). All meals in
Dining Cars. 13ufTet Library Cars
(with barber). Electric lighted
throughout. Two other fast trains
10.00 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. daily.
The best of everything. Daily and
personally conducted tourist car ex-
cursions to 'California, Oregon arid
Washington. Apply to your nearest
ticket agent or address B. II. Ben-
nett, 2 East King St., Toronto.
God Things to eat
Traaalleene feweasbythinic Mateo.
Wine alum flormiln,Alt toont* teal in
Natural Flavor
Food Products
wo U. it. OGvtramint Irmtcta4. Tleseheiceete.
to MK simtlr,•11§ot *esti much) 15 ersarlie to,
15 imin;at Woo of 2oureene5n1eue0.uo.p.itar
e,4 onto g cont. il.ea0p114131 MIX ilsOtt7A0,0191
nate*e Ion ta tato airod# si ityme tho **11.)atia..
50 vary best melds. Who 110 u
10 teale"ve to
tato oaat notate FAL," 1501 litt main thee. -
ant free. LItiby's Atlas ot tbr Woticlv Da&Ilta
for 10 oents;oltage.
00! CI rr.ovionmvi..
There are about 9,000 thore.vlans
and 18,000 Swedenborgirtne in the
United Kingdom.
There never was, and :lever will he
univermll panacea. In one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh heir -the very nature
ca many curatives beingesucla tlaat were
ae germs of other and differently seated
&eases' rowed in the system of the
patient-wbar would relieve one iU, in
turn would aggravate the other. We
bewever, in aninine Wine, evbert
obtainable in a sound tuanduitereted
elate, a remedy for many mid grevious il is.
By its gradual ned judielone use, the
frailest systetne are led into convalescence
nail strength, by the influence evbich Qui-
nine exeris onNaturele own restoratives.
It relieves the droopleg spirits of those
with Whom a Chronic state of morbid des
pendency and leek of intereet in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
dispases to sound and refra•ibins sleep -
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
winch being stimulated, :courses tbrough-
out the wins, streugthening the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs. which naturally
demand increased Substance -result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lymau of
foronto, havegiven to the pnblie their
superior Quinine "tVine tit the usual rare,
and, gauged by the opinion of ecientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists sell it.
Travellers on British railways lose
daily about 1,100 parcels.
New York Central's Express Ser-
vice Added To.
George II. Daniels, General Passen-
ger Agent of the New York Central
Road, talking yesterday of the com-
e any's fast train service, said that,
in addition to the new twenty -hour
train„ there are now four twenty-
four -hour trains to Chicago, and
two Eaupire Stetexeresses daily.
The Twentieth Century Limited,
twenty -hour train, leaves New York
every clay a.t .2.45 .in. and arrives
at Chicago the next mornieg at 9.45.
The Lake Shore Limited leaves New
York at 5.30 every afternoon, arriv-
ing in Chicago • the next afternoon
at 4.30. The Fast Mail, a fine
twenty -four-hour train, leaves New
Yoele at 8.45 a.m. every day, reach-
ing, Chicago the next morning at
7.50, by both the Lake Shore and
the -Michigan Central. The noonday
Chicago Linaited leaves New York at
1 p.m., reaching Chicago by the
Lake • Shore the • next moming at
11,50, a twenty -four-hour train,
really twenty-three hours and fifty
minutes. The Detroit and Chicago
Limited leaves* New York at 4 p.m.,
reaching Chicago the net rieternoon
a fourth twenty-foar-hour
This is nearly es many as all other
Note.a-The New York Central also
has 15 trams a clay between Neev
York and 13ultal 0 and Niagara Falls;
5 trains it day between New 'York
and St. Lotus and Cincinnati ;
trains a day beta-een New York aed
Mont/eel and by its Boston and Al-
bany division 4 ti a tins a day between
New York and Bertoe via Spring-