HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-17, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JULY 17, 1902. C. 11, SANDERS, EDITOR. Hie,l,fteeelereeBeeeeeefett -ea Oa >ea -.0.e.rileele-ee-- e'aeoteelteerIe HOT WEATHER PICKLES. osse Blitekwell's Ohow Chosaand Mixed Pickles, patent tops, at 35ete per bottle. atott's IiInglish Mixed Picales and Chow Chow, patent stopper, at Vets and Teets per bottle Componnd Prepared Mustaviagroinal and Metered Irene the Ones t quality herbs and spices, at Wets pee battle. William's Fancy Mixtel, Peierl Onions and Waldorf Chow Chow, Eng• lish spiced, patent tops, at Zeta. Williams Sweet Mixed, English spiced and Pearl Coions iLI3ets. Crest Brand Tomato Ketchup, extra fine, absolutely pure and contains 110 SalieYlie aed or artifal coloring end s guarauteed to comply with the Pure Ford Laws, only:13ets per bottle, Canada, Pickling Coal Diamond Brand mixed pieldes-best Comedian brand -2 bottles for 250. pared Moat $ &DA Calmed Goods. . eh Beef, Spring Chicken, Turkey, Duel:. Finnan Hatidies, perk gt and Beam, Kippered Herring, Herring in Tomato Sauce, Cot. tap, Viand Hem Loaf, Sit101011. fletZng,Sartlinea, y oter Fancy Blecuite and Ingersoll cheese. POPLESTONE & CARDE NE IN a Specialty. Dash,wood Miss FiossieP, Snell has seccessful. ly passed her examinations at. Alma College and ale,n at. the Torouto Con- eervatory of Muie. obtaining bottom in Theery andeliarioonv.-Mr, 0. W. Snell, of I3oston, Masa. formerler of this ploce, sailed for Londou and Paris on tile steamer Friesland, An -lexicon Line, on Saturday last, Centralia The Weather the past few days bas en excellent for haying.-*. Jas. dford raised his trim on Ftiday a large number of the stalwarts hag in attendanee.- 31ree Jas. Hand- ord and daughter. Maggieaand son Flank, left ou Monday to visit Mends in different parts ef Manitoba. 33rinsley. Mihs soot renwma home outlay eveiting.-ae, number from lese parts. took in the Excursion to Onflerielf On SattnalaY. U epore good time, -We are glad to hear of the success of Miss Violet Weir4 who pees - ed. her filet form eXaMillati011 On Inns. with honore.--31r. Suttotee, hilbV letl, on Satorcley, July 12th, and WAS irariP4 nSt. 31itresceutetersoBrinsley, On Monday. Post Office Block ate . •c.r.ar,cirwir O2Y TO et04;ais ealegital p .vitte en lame or Sinago sty M of Interest. 1.)4CRSini Oaltratint Ilarristers.etc., EXOtor 140 ]argo anaGnali9i rriviktG Cantle to tea awl village rrotertirs at low eS *crest. F. Oeetonax. nereleter. Nein Street Beet EnNEAT Ilcol Estoteor,almatanocAgott Fa Rd vilbaepreptalics Umtata and said itnable tentts.. MAVrad darning hi-1sta tor talc. lands in oil parto et 31apitoba, awl the Nonlawe for cafe. FAD. 0 RENT On F011$. *Oa , The Undersigued IsoTerhg foT ut or for Dot dealrable hundred aPrc farm fit alio to•GIAle, (+1 llay, n;LtU Conce6'olon 1. London Wail. The prtanins are mute:lit:41y boated to Eacter. and ore aupplled tvith good buildings, /aro or, hard and ether cOnvenienets. ANTInINT IteLLAND, Ilav P. 0. IMPORTANT TO HOG RAISERS Y44147;41 saVrWant:V. -1:014, 0041 11.4.‘Ail If beteg: 1,4s *Jr nee Tiaf IlitaM brtler 4r4 keep lo*thy. Mate the tog cQuilkiloble and rot ea ittete Yon fon doa.a with a ver.V rage expr;ar ettirt tag ieetieee Barra I. The Lir...A.A.:A ateve..11,1c t.Sin4;:c of ATroTtvtif.a.), Inaba t-of.1.4.10 rig7ttened letter Vs. fano (.01.4.?att, awl gat. c16.''.0;514W.ti:917 tc3 * TioN011.w. &IN PttaE11. F.xvter.Ont' ••••=. FARM FOR SALE NOINStagMIN The underaigned le offering for sale that Ilesirald larinere farm eituated in the township of Stephen, being Lot 9,Con. 4. The loud is nit cleared. welt welt fenced and in an excellent good state otcultnation. Tiara is on the preiniirs a large fine brie% home, good barn, and other litilldingN enda good young orchard. This is a first-class Armand will be sold reasonably. Team to atilt lairelowc. Apply to Film Tartan, Credlten Eat, P.O. HOTEL, PROPERTY !0R SAU. The undersigned is offering for Elle that desirable hotel situated at Devon, on tho London Road, This hotel is in good condition and is 2/ inits Eolith of Exeter. This rood is Iariely travelled and for the right man chances are good for a Splendid L11011019. 'There is a good stable in connection also, 31 acres of land. Possession given Immediately. This property will be sold cheap. For particulars, .apply to DICKSON & CARLING, 'Neter, Out. 140TICE TO CREDITORS. McGillivray TIL---AnOther of the old d' this township has passed away e person of M. James Sutton, in eitel year a his oge, whieh sad vent mewed on Monday. The ton - ere' took piece fi ow his late reeidence, Lot 211, Con. teon Tuesday to SteTatnes meter)r followed by a large eoucourse of old acquaintanees and friends. The bereaved have the sympathy of the community. WErtaitie-Another floppy event euvred on Friday, when unother of our young men took unto himself a wife, the Interesting perties being Mr. Roger Gilbert foul .3lies Ella The ceremony wos iwrforined by the Rev. la W. Diehl :it the rectory, Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert's roomy friends here on in wishing them a long, hippy wattled life. Ray ()mien Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment on Monday, July 7th. A. peti- tion of John Duncan and others, ask- ing to have road opposite lots 5 to 10 in the 4th and 5 concessions opened up, wits laid before the commit, as the pe- tition stated that the road should be opened in order to drain the laud. The council was of opinion that the parties interested should take other steps to have thew land drained. Mr. 1. V. Of Sohn Dew,lateof the township a Bachand was grantedperrnission to Usborne, in the County a Hui Huron, lay down water pipes n St. Joseph. yeoman, deceased. The following accounts were ordered Pursuant to Chapter 12.9 of the Revised. to be paid; -John Paton, grading CIL, Statues of Ontario 1697, notice is 'hereby $3; S. Spencer, stattlte labor, 1900-01, given that creditors and others Laving $11; Do.. rep. ctn.., O.R., 75a; W. Ben - claims against the estate ofJolut Dew, late of the Township of 'Osborne. in the County der, bridge, cons. 4 and 5, part pay - of Huron, yeoman, who died on or about ment, $7; J. Foster, cid. and grading, the 13th day _Of June, A.D. 1006, are ot or - ' before the I con, .L0* $5.ou; P. Hartman, cu]. con. 10 e ' and 11, $2.50; II. Magel, working gra- First day of August, A.D 19uz: der $21; Thos. Turnbull, 3 ceder, $3.80; to send by rt. prepaid., to Messre. Dickson +Dion Registrar,registering Th. -i-., Devr and ohn Dew, the Executors. of the .... %v_ Last Will and Testament otthe said deceas- bury,..fees re Stelck vs. Towhship, 85; ed their ohristian names and surnames, ad- F. W. Farncomb, part payment re dresses and descriptions, the full particulars Walper award, $5.95; Jobn Thirsk, & Carling, utter, solicitors for AlarY Ann !Marriages nud Deaths, $14; J. G. Stan- ef .their olaims, a statement 0 their an- th• d• ee. es B. d t11 ior tgi_n , , ,t outtep. counts and the nature of e secuu0, rites (if , any) hold by them, and that after the etnyert L. n., $2; W. Hannan, drain day last aforesaid the said Executors will I across road, con. 14, $2.15; W. Cole - proceed to distribute the assets of the Said ' man work con. 3 and 4, $8.25; I:T. Lip - deceased am 011g the parties entitled thereto. I 1 having regard only to such claims of which iphardt, eqnaliziug Police Village of notice shall have been given as above re- I Dashwood, $2. Council will meet Quired, and the said Exeontors will not be i in Monday, August 4, V. school liable for tho said assets or any part thereof, again to any person. or _persons of whose chum' or , boards should have their requisitions claims notice shall not have. been received for school funds sent to the clerk. at the time of distribution. FRED HRss, Clerk. Dated at Exeter this 7th day of July. A. D., 1902. Mary Ann Dew, John Bunter, Meats ON & CARLING', th eir Solicitors. Luean. Miss Alice Petty, of Hensel!, spent a few days in town during the week, NOTICE TO CREDITORS the guest of Miss Edyth Hawkshaw.- . • Mr. Percy Abbott, of Stoney Plain, Alta., Of Richard Charles Cecil Tremaine, is spending a few weeks in this late of the Village of Exetervicinity with relatives end friends.- , in Sergt. P. C. , the County of Huron, Electrician, Ward, a (Thiene°who Deceased , has been granted a, month's Furlo . ugh I from duty; ie the guest of his mother, Pursuant to Chapter 129 of the Revised . Statutes of Ontario, 1897$ notice is hereby. M. Ward, here. -Mrs. (Dr.) Camp - even that all creditors and others having , bell, acconTanied by her daughter, of claims againatthe estate ofRichard. Charles New York, is the guest of her parents, ,Cecil Trona eine, late of the Village of Exe- „nA e rs. AV. E . anley.-Mr. St -eriutheCounty of Huron, Eleotrician who ei e died on or about the 65th day of June, , Harry Wellesley, teller at the Mer - leo, are oe or before the chants' Bank, here, left Thursday on a FirstDay of Auaust 11 0.1 7902 two weeks' visit with his parents at Wiarton.-Mr. J. W. Orme had the to send by poet, prepaid. to Mesirs. Dickson misfortune to lose a horse last week.- . Exeter,. Ont., Solicitors for Wit-- liam Oldright, M.D., tho sole executor of the The High School Board have reengag. last wilt and testament of the said deceased: their christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full xatrtioulars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts and. the n attire of the security (if any) held by them; and that after the said day 'the said Exeoutor will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard, only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required; and the said Executor will not be liable for the said assetS or any part thereof to anyperson or persons of whose claim or claims notibe shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. Dated at Exeter, this 5th day of June, 1932. Wilitam Oldright, M.D. McKeon & Caaruse, his Solicitors The five-year-old son of Mr. F. A. McDiarmid, boirrister, of Lindsay, nar- rowly escaped drowning at Sturgeon .Peint Thursday Morning. While play- ing on a boat house phitform he fell into the lake. He was rescued by Mr. G. II. Hopkins. ed the present staff. This is a step in the right direction, is they are all cap- able and fully qualified for their du- ties. -Miss M. Hartford, of London, spent a few days in town during the week; the guest of Mrs. R. Horne. - Mr. E. A.Fox, of Seafortle was in town Iasi, week, the guest of Mr. L. Fox. - Mr. John Farrell has beautified the front of his drug store by re painting it. --Mr. F. H. Neil, of the Maple Ave- nue Stock Par111,18 shaking 'hands evith his many friends here on his return from San Francisco and the Western States. -The following have assumed.' office at Lucan Lodge, No. 70, for the current year: -N. G., C. W. Hawkshaw; V. G., E. Carter, B. A.; F. S., W. E. Stanley; R. S. W. Mc - Dimond; Treas., Dr. Hossock; Werden, J. Maleheno'Come W. le. Harvey; R. S. N. G., H. Gibson; 1.0., W. J. Bra un - ton; (). G., 11. Collins. Grand Bend (lite a number attended the 12th in o erith and all report, a good titue.- large mutiber intend taking in the ;violet Stretford. rueetlaY.,-Mr. and re. Brenneaund 3113,and N.Rossen- rry spent 44 few days visiting Mende and ;wound Windeor.-Campere riving daily and the cottages evill emit) he filled, - -Mie D, Sanders spent Sundae here the guest of ein, IL Gill, -The Iiinglish eteireh Sunder school of Exeter, held their aumud picnic here on Thareday. quite a large crowd attending. ---Mr. I, Diseuedine. who hes been working in P. Frank for the pest few months, returned flume last week, -Mr. 1. Armetrong, of Exeter spent Monday here. Hippen Rev. Mr, Brandt, French Minions -ley of Pointe A nx Tremidee ethoul. Mont - reel, oecupied the pulpit in St. Ane drew's chitreh, on Sunday. Mr•Brandt beanbag through the congvegations of the Presbytery, giving the people an outline of the work in .the lower Proviecea-Farmers are busy with the haying: The men) is good and all that it is requed now is the good weather in order to get the crop safely stored in the barn.---Mr.and AiraAlex. Johnston and Mrs. Smith, of St. Louis, Mich., are guestof the ladies' mother, Mrs. Witadell, also at the home of Mr. Grant. -Mr. G1t3gg has nearly recover- ed from his illness. -Ren. and Mrs. Manual) left Tnesday for their holi- day trip to friends in :Manitoba and other parts. •=•••....•••e•••••.1.01amanc. St. eToseph Mr, S. Rennie had the misfortune to lose a horse one day recently. -Our brickyards are now running full swing nal first class brick and tile itre being turned ont at both yards. -Mr. Pecor, of Chicago, paid a flying visit to our town last week. Hope he will raise the wind. -N. Coutirie spent Thurs- day night of last week at his home here. N. M. is vow quite a stranger here as he spends ver" little time in and around 'St. Joe." -Mr. S. Rennie started his brick and tile yard last week, evhich he recently purchased from the LTeyrock estate and has now a full force ot men at work there. --Mr. E. Becignen), who has been in Mont- real for the past week returned home on Friday evening last. -G. Rosseau, who has been in Quebec City, returned here on Saturday last. Zurich Mr. C.L. Shoemaker was in Blyth last week. -Mr. Adam Fassokl, of De- troit, spend a few days here during the week. -Mrs. Joseph Wiszner, of Ayr, is visiting her son, Mr. J. ILWis- mer, here. -Mr. Wm. H. Smith, who has been visiting friends here for the past few days, has returned to his home in Detroit. -Mr. Jos. Schwartz- entuber, who has been in Michigan for the past few months, has returned home. KILLED, BY LIGHTNING. -On *Mon- day afternoon during the progress of a severe thunder storm, Mr. "Wm. Kyle, of the Parr Line, bad a span of work- ing horses killed by lightning. The horses had just been put in the stable by Mr. Kyle and he had jast left the barn with the aboveresult. The hors- es were insured in the Hibbert Fire Insurance Company, and we hope the loss will be satisfactorily adjusted. Zion (Too late ,for last week) The weather is wet and haying is progressing slowly. -.Part of W.13rock's neve silo fell eight the other day while under construction. -A lumber from here spent the lst of July at Eliniville and Grand Bend and report a is time. -Miss Eliza Lingard. s home from London on the sick list. We hope she will soon be better. -Miss Ida and. Pearlie Bern are,in Loudon. --Miss M. and Mrs. S. Horne go to Port Hope to visit their sister. -Mr. J. Kyle was seen around last week. -Miss Jennie Briniacombe and her mother are the guests of P. Herne-Pearline Batten, of London, is visiting under the parental roof. -Mr. and Mrs. Coates, of London, are visiting at their d anghter's Mrs. H. Towl.-Miss Whitlock, of Lumley, is the guest of F. Hern.-Rev. McDon- ald, our young minieter for the coming year, delivered a fine address on Sun- day evening. -Miss Mary Bern has re- signed her position as organist in the church, having taken up her abode in Eliinville. We hope we will soon have it new organist and choir. The talent is plentiful. Wittelielsea Easson, of Stratford, visited his brother Geo. on Sunday. -Mt. Geo. It$S011 and her three sons took in the clowns at Siantromi o Ttie.eday.-Miss Wiggins, of Goderich, a fernier teacher of our sehool, is the guest of Miss Ella Robinson. -Ma Chaaelarlie, of Loudon, is pending a few days with his einiSins here.- Messrs. Ed. and 0. Clarke Were the guests of the Misses. FiukLeiner at Crediton on Sunday. - Ma Isaac Laments raised a, piece to his bean on Wedne.eday of last week. Mr. C. will have n firsaclaes barn heu finished. tsborne High School Entrance Examin-1 aliens The following- is the list of candidates passed by the board of examiners for Vest Huron, together with the inarlei, °Teta:hied by each. The total number 3equired toImes is 530 marks. The number of eandidates wrieing was 300 end of these 231 bave paseed. The following are the highest meats obtained in each eulieecti Readhig-Lizeie Milltr Drawing -Lena Harland ..... Writing - Leella Ronatt . ... 4 Dietation-3Iary Millie, Nina Mate Mean OF MRS. CANN.--Very gen shall eland deepivegret is expressed at the Literature -Pearl Hillier 130 ea,ih ni Maty Ault Ellie. beloved wife aarithinetic-rred Hooper, Gieetos of Thos, Cann, who dieti fa the fetidly / Hill, Eimer Lawson, Fred Treve- residenee, Lot 23 Com 0, ou Thorsday UticlaDonaldClarlaVet neEeeerr 11 lava at the age of 89 yeavs, 0 months / Grammar -Lena, Harland ond 13 days. The deceased ha e not Geography -Samuel 0 been enjoying the hest et health of late Composition -Ni ea Marshall. years, lout her condition remained un- History -Ezra Oestreicher 8.7 chauged until abont sox. weeks ago, when site mete styli ken tlown awl suttee - lug from internal tumor...her case soon aseitmed it serioue nature. Gradually lint surely site sant' and all that mein - cal -kill mild do iteeisted by careful nureing, tile stroke of death could not be avertea and peacefnlly mid almost. imperceptibly she passed to the loime of her Saveitir. MM. Cann was a daughter of Mr, v. Ems, a wimp. ton and was of gentle, amiable and kindly elisposition, a, good wife and kind mother and a trite friend. She tool: an active interest in matters pertitiniug to the eltureh and op to the time of her illness N‘116 choir lead- er and organist in Bethany and Be- thest.14311urchea As te ruiesicumi,h • had few elitude and. her services at all church gatheringe will he very much missed. She leaves to mourn her demise a tworrowing hostel Ml, a son ond daughter all of Whom have tlw sincerest sympathy of the community. The funeral took piece to the Exeter cemetery- on Satonelay mid vas largely ;Mended. Jenuie Douglas. . . . O. Olive Gray... ..... 7 7. Bessie Barnby. ..... -067 Dolena Nellie Hickey 760 Mary McMinn 551 9. Ernest Blake • .558 Bailey eetotbees 701 Vot'thy Kilpatrick 52 12. Ellen Priicherd 680 13. Ethel MeLean 610 Samuel Sherwood Elmore Pbillips ..... 098 Swan George .... 15. John Matheetou. . Fanny MeNenzie...... 10. Orville Durnio.... Edwin Kilpat rick 731 May Culhen 720 'cozeioireeee No. 1, Boggs Lea 711 MuLeoil Ida 6.90 Walter :Vona M., „ Oke Biel M.- ..... -701 Beadle. John Loot: Benson j. „ egie :daring Roy- .. . . .635 Olie Leo .. . .. „„726 Breen 3lity003 Malloy Evelyn. . . ... Modloy Norman A .015 351 .....005 •. Physiology anol Temperance -Daisy Dining 3 Total -Nina Marshall ... 864 3101.11:If C, .tlnfly Mannings Benjamin,. -003 r3 Bissett Eva I..... ..... ...... „ . ,. ,813 5, ale:demos Lillie. ..... . • .020 Bigsett Mantle A 702 i Taylot• Edna, 677 Cameron Eva 31 0.41 ' Glithlon Melvillte,-......teke Creley 3lerion. 779 McManus Hamilton. -562 Fraser Lillian •• .. • • • • •• • ••• • 4 4 I lion Elizabeth Harland. Lelia i51 701 402 , 4 4 4 000Eitieft TOWNSHIP . 57$ No°1:11e.ilet 113:1;tg.,1:i:t.t,0 ' See. No, L -Hillier Pearl, 811i. Sallie Lewis Catharine B 642 eid Irene, 012: Hillier Ilarr,y Go 030„ KnOx Blauchee ........ . .. 64; No. 2 -Proust. Mabel, 071% '$.711111 31-0. 13.1araltall MIMI. 1,171 1" NI f ' i K1 . i - a ,711.11111; 1.1; 1 11 Tel; ,I !Ill lt 111:%, ' MI LI:a R. 31eVietor Lily ......... .. . ...... - 0741 deeePilovi; Wi'sly'F.„644 M . , Noble Susie-. ... ... • . .„572 ' .eo. 011 -"es AmIsii. 7e3i Roi3.1 Edwin* P 11 k M h 1 042 I at" •••••“,•••••%• • ••• "a • :37o. Aronie, 603. Tretzdfoat Jennie D 337 RAY Res. es Pt4erat... • ... • ..... .. ... ;1 Ks. Nei"a.siads.,. ','•aiouilts Et tit M 010 eae,: Smith Ltdn B . • • • • • ...... • No. 6. -John Brielterien, 77 Straltun Katharine G. ... . 755 No. etteeeiejea 'eleyougraii Strang jeSale ............ 7onthrun, 507, No. 1L -Beanie Repo. 577, No. Le -Amy Daween. 752. Sul hex I,md ...... Tretheway Walt . . . ... . .. . 5511 Tweedy Muriel 005 Tweedy Lulu. P... 679 Wyllie Bella, M . 673 ;titan Evan. . . ... . 577 Anderson Bence'T tiMi Bean Sionnel Brydges Cantelon Crediton J. O. STA:WM H. A., tionnerly CAW Rtanhtufl barrister. Solicibra-, Notary. tkratey Area Minn • le i'. Oat. The Missee .31aey atia Tillie Fink- beiner, of London, are visiting Linde parents here, for a few weeks. --Alt's, Jacob Eilber and Miss Carrie Feist haye vetitrued houweafter a very pleas- ant visit with friends in Mountrotest. -The goune of crogeet is becoming quite popular. Some of 011V merchants tire excallent layers. -Mr. Aaron Ice - hunt of Grate Bend, is pulling stumps vitb his stumping ma. Woe, for Mr. Matthew Finkbeinete The machine pulls. the largest sttimps with peat twee and is a deckled improvement to the way our fathers used to clean their hied, yenta ago. -Our farmers have had considerable dillitultet in storing their bay, owing to the wet weather.-Wheet mai flax will he ripe 111 gt week,. and thenmw it eans ork from sunrise to sunseee-We are glad to state that Miss Lilly Huston is slowly recoverieg from her illness and we all hope she will make elopid pro- gress from now on. -Mr. Ed. Crocker, of Toronto, was in the village Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Wul. Eilber and son, of Newmarket, O., and Miss Lizzie Leilber, of Detroit, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eilber.-The 12th of July passed off very quietly'. Our lodge went to Goderich that day and report having had a pleasaub time. - Our town boys went to. Exeter last Wednesday evening and played the Exeterites a game of baseball, result - leg in a tie of 7-7. But last Friday night the Exeter boys played a. re- turn match which resulted in a score of S549 in favor of the visitors. Our boys have not lost heart and would like to trym theanother game,, pro- vided the enan who rides the jigger" and Ike, play against them. -Jr. Frank Smith, of London, was in town last Tuesday. -Miss Mary Ellen Brown left for Ann ArboaMichefor a monthis visit, after which she will take a course in the Northwestern College, at Naperville, III. We wish Miss Brown every snceess in her studies. -During the high wind on Monday evening, Mr. Eckard Wilhelm was struck down by a large barn door while helping his son-in-law, Mr. Ezra Heist, on the farm. He received a hard blow on his hip, and had to be carried into the house. We hope he will soon recover. A number from here attended the fun- eral of Earl, youngest son of Mr. and Isreal Smith, of Exeter, on Mon- day. The moarning ones have the sympathy of this vicinity in their sad bereavement. -Last Sunday was the annual Children's Day Festival and was a grana success. In the morning Rev. G. D. Damm preached an appro- priate sermon'to the young people and in the afternoon and evening excellent programes were given by the scholars of the Sunday school. In the after- noon Rev. Morlock„ of Dashwood„ ad- dressed the children and topic as his topic "The Hand," showing what good it do, net only forourselves but for our fellowmen. The Rev, Yaeger, of Zurich, spoke on the force of habit and took as his example the Tope. In the evening the Rev. Gentleman gave an interesting address on the different stages of the heart,in a spiritual sense. A festal chorus of seventy voices sang beautifully.. We feel sure that with the talent the pupils of the Sunday school possess' the Evangelical church will have a choir hard to beat in a few years, , . Seaforth: What miglet have•been a serious accident, happened to Mr. Jae cob McGee, the genial ex -mayor, of Egmondville, on Monday. While en- gaged in putting away some hay in the barn, he slipped and fell off a platform with the result that the hip joint was dislocated, but fortunately no bones were broken. Considering his anyanc- ed age, he is now doing as well as call be expected. .807 4 • • Olt ...... 4 STANLEY. S.S. No. 3.-C1rea Riehardson, 767; Sam.Bat es, 660; Charles RothweiVin No. 4,-Harl Delegate-, 609, No. 5. --Jane Lamont, 550; Wm. 05.1. „ ....... „oetNo 7,-Iferbert Workman, 082. Duff Robert ee. ....... 4711 No. tteelleta Keeie, 652, Dt11111 Maitlanda ....... 600 No. 14•'"eatelvio Adair, 052. Farr Ceell ........ ............ .. . 508 STEPHEN. Moir Andrew.. • • -.a • • • ....... • 55$ • S. No 1 -Edna MeNaughton, 023; Mcereatii Albeit Li 5.2 Roselle Wilson, 552; Warren Mitchell, Mcleity Donald 577 1 eegaWin Mitcht.311, 696; Mem) (allies, Rounball Norman D' 001 Sallows Bueben J........ 014 Saunders Walter - Snell S. taunt 748 Strang IL Preston. ..... ..... Todd Lorne .. - . ... . ....„ .088 Trethewey John A Washiegtou iiarrv O..- -.580 Worsen. John E 773 OODERICH SRPERATE SCHOOL Hood .. ............... • 4 • e052 .710 ,813 .2395 .813 Dean OrlitUtio.- ......„.......... Dean John" . ...... .. .. - :Miele, William ... . .. Page .Tolin. .14 L. a • Fr 4 a 11-• 4 ...... Rxerrna P.S. Browning Hazel, ........... ....... 809 Dove Edna lel 733 Elliott Lottie..., .. . .... ... .. ... -506 rollick Edna 691 Wayne Veuetta M 761 04 14171yurrndynutsireaAr3T.e.11a........... ..... . m Rowe Vera 0 Saunders Vera 0. - . Quance May Wood Alma, 3.1 Armstrong George O'Neil Irene.. - ............. ...,16s704.157 Snell May ... . 568 WEST WAWANOSEI 737 715. 573 595 _ I lock, Carling L T EDvyaenrsAd Chas 636 ew in. - ....... . ..... . , .711 Farmer Roy...... . . ... ... . ...... , .643 Hooper Fred 751 Horrell Herbert. 657 Jones George-. ... ...... . 610 McPherson Offit.... .......... ..... -614 Southcott Melvin .. . ....... „ 763 Trevethick Fred 781 HENSALL 1;. 8. No. -Weals Hill, 780; Yenta Es - eery., 733. 3,1o. it-Hotner Bagsbnevi 010; Asa Penhale, 693; Chas. S. Senders, Mt NO. 4. -.-Arthur Amy. 010; Freernme Matioek, 722. No. 6.-Ehrier Laweon„ 615, Edward Rate:, 010. • Separate school -Leo McCarthy, 553; Frank Ryan, 018; Junes Reeue 050. tesnioneate S.S. No. L -Isabella MeDougall, 742; Frauk Blatchford, 571i Reginald Case, 730; Albert Etherington, 740. No. 2. -Annie Gardiner, 742; Norman Passmore, 583; 'Bert Stt•wart, 040, No. 3 -Aetna Coupland, 559; Mary Mime, 723; Millet MeCurdy,613; Allan McCurdy, 614. No. 4 -Warren Hunter, 013; Thos. Quinton, 669; Cbarlotte 'Rook, 581; Hattie Handford, 581. No. G. --Ida Delbridge, OM; Gertie Miller, 503, May Jones, 748. No. 10.-Alina Earl, 012; Irene Whit - Urquhart Beatrice... . .... ....... Peart Frank.- . .... ... . . Youngblut Wesley..... ... .. • BuchananBurns................... Stoneman Curtis DUNGANNON P. S. Crawford , . • Saunby Willa Fairbairn Stuart. Fairbairn Kay. ST. HELENS P.- S. Miller Lizzie 833 Sheriff Bena. 736 Clark Donald 853 Phillips Myrtle. 744 Crawford Mary 621 leliller Start .780 HATFIELD P. S. Ronett Luella............ .772 Pollock Harold 590 Cameron Millie . 727 'CREDITON P. S. Holtzman Olivia. " Brown Wesley Wray Wilbert. Trick Melinda Oestreicher Ezra DASHWoOD P. S. Kellerman Ethel-. , .700 Wolper .Tillie. .. . ..... „ ........576 Miller Tillie 568 Routledge Archie .681 . 5s5 .690 .823 .575 ,615 688 730 617 693 714 668 826 775 ZURICH P. S. 11::selictChesterreda779 ... ..... 615 13 Williams Robert. ............ . _621 Steinbach Amy.. ...... _610 Sipple Otto 611 ASTIFIELD. S.S. No. 1.Alafnrencies lQauaiiv iide 2. N ati. 3. Eva Drannen...... Hector McKenzie S.S.No. 1. -Hattie Ityan,350; Gladys Pentland, 581. No. 2 -Mabel Wilson, 618. No. 3 -Betsy McAllister, 575; Mary Murry, 735; Sadie White, 633; Gregory Stuart, 055. Separate School -Katie Brophey601,. Brophey, 570; Michael Cummins. 585; Joseph Kinahan, 660; Ranselera Leddy, 659. EAST WAWANOSH. S. S. No. 16. -Minnie Carter, 606; Rena, Patterson, 621. TOCESESAIITH. S. S. No. 1. -Jennie Caldwell, 730; John Buchanan, 589. HD3BERT. S.S. No. 7. -John W. Boa, 645. hICOILLIVRA.Y. S.S. No. 5. -Alice Carruthers, 621; Edward Breen. • BIRTHS. DUCHARME.-At St. Joseph, on July 10, to Mr. and Wm. Ducharme, a daughter. LABEACT. --At St. Joseph, on July 3, to Mr, and Labeau, a daughter. 'PREETER. -In. Zurich, on July 7, to Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter, a son. MARRIAGES. GILBERT--VEITCH-At the rectory, Ailsa Craig, on July 4, by Rev. L.W. Diehl, Mr.Rodger Gilbert to Miss El len Veitch, both of McGillivray. DEATI1S SUTTON. -In McGillivray, on July 7, Tames Sutton, in his 33rd year. S3YHTEL -In Exeter, on July 12th, Earl. Benja,mine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Smith, aged 5 years and 3 .656 months. STEVENS.-In Exeter North, on July lith, Esther Stevens, relict of the late Wilhnun Stevens, aged 57 years, 6 months and 8 days. SWEET. -In Morden, Man., on July 13th Richard &Meet, formerly of Stephen, aged 76 years. , „ ‘71.3 CANN. Usborne on July 10, Mary .... 651 Atm Ellis, beloved wife of Thomas _me Caun, aged 39 years, 6 months, 18 clays, 630 AL.