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Call and see us at our new
We have greatly enlarged our
stock of
f7VeCCIS, Juitinys. easiertbu barrels to handle.
The farmers who have used Eneltslt
CneWngs., antings atc Steele Food pronounce it the
- eheapest and most eatisfactory sto
11 i. haTe -now seme tooa they leave ever used, We have
seems of the highest testimonials from
natty and up-to-date lines the best stock raisers in this section
Say Boys! deit't yen want some-
hing real niee in a sat front shirt
fox., these hot ave. Stewarthoe
otne daisies from 50e. to Shei.
epresenta.tie of the London Sate
sapaeilla Co, gave open air concerts
me Huron etreet north of the Mansion
Houee on Thoreday anaynts,
Owing te the unruly conduct a num-
ber a the boys they decampea rather
sooner amp they tutentled.
It is said that many apple "owes
will pick their apples in trays wilding
about two-thitels a a bushel. The fruit
will keep better packed in this way
and is in greater demand by city neer-
ehauts because the trays are patch
to choose frvba. We .can tie the country. Sold by C. Lutz, Exe-
satisfy the most cfitieal. ter.
Duriug the severe electrical storm
on Monday afternoon last Messrs J.
ENLEMBER THE ST N.ND H. Hyrideaan and Seal Adair he'd a
narrow eecape. They were puttine
tep hay fork teidr. s in MJohn elepent
aid's coocession 15.
w wben lightnin strack the rods and
e ot sastanue severe shoeite, Lack -
W TAMA h '
Ince ooweeer, Ito eerious damage was
Meet Tailor, done.
. ..•
Ladieet owing oue of
,fittest mows o .ianey leee hosiery
the trade. The hot weather is eau
'0 • a big +demand for these goer% 50
1 early and pt a geed. choke.
yon r favor. J. A.Stewart,
rwb keeps many a
Bankln t d ceipt •forms t
Shingles for sal Jame Willis
Exeter Lumber "'Pima.
Who woubln't take a street water. tniinv ein55„... or on oily clas$ sew%
FreStuently vetivers find it hard to
keep we et hand. mad the food steffere
f0r Want of it A common clay tiow-
ier pet may he made good use of in
keeping the butter ma atla Cm
Place the pot over the plate of hotter
and wrap around it a. cloth wet in
cold water, sprinkle water over the
ont eide of the eloth os It becomes dry.
will remain cool and sweet if
reated in the -atne way,
Every farmer and fruit “r0Wer
thould make it a point to grow some-
thing specially good for exhibition at
faU id's. If you have good horses,
attle, or animals of any description.
select one or two and 'train or build
them up for show purposes. Do the
une with your fruit or vegetables, A
.y little extra, time or laltorepent
Brieg your girl ea and get her it -
ted to a pair of those patent strap
slipper, with fancy buckle. We have
some beauties, J. A. Stewart,
Couazit Preacecliags
Council met pewsuant to adjouro-
ruent at Town Hall,July 4. All pres-
ent. exeept Coencillor Davis, who is
confined to the house through illness.
Minutes of preemies meeting read and
confirmed. Mnir--Wood—that a rate
of 12 eent,s per foot frontage tax for
streetwatermeo pnrpoees be levied end
that the Clerk serve the necessary no-
vices oe the parties interested.—Car-
ried. 'Wood—Harding—that the fol.
lowing accounts linpassed and orders
drawn on Treaserer for eating—Tee-
ermine & SneU account to July 1st,
$81.10; T. Ifartnoll, balance an drain,
$32,e0: White & Sen, balanee of IPOI
ceonut, $9.50; Thos. Werry,rent pool-
ing; booth, re Ontario elections, $4;
Q. Bobier, 4o,, al; T. Hartnoll, don al;
Wel.Heateansewer pipes,etc., Sio.00;
Miss gemp. at salary. 25; W. At-
kinsola labor, $1; W. Parsons
J. W. Creech. de„ 75c.; S, hand -
ford, du., $3.75; G. IL Biseett, part sal-
ary, ado.—Carried. Mu1'—Woe d —
that the Council, place a tapir on Au -
drew street, opposite wimp,' leather
yard for the pteitectiee of school and
adloinino Property; size of tank 1248
x10 feet. --Carried. Muir--Harcling—
that council adjoura to meet at call of
G. H. Bteegrr, Clerk.
1t fl. Octeatcd.
old IL. the %IOM'S Canadian
owtted by Mr. John Sweets, of
Ingham formerly a Iteeter. Was
eated in a race at Windsor on Tues.
by Ilan Patch, the American pac-
. Den Patch was rectignized as the
undisputed eltampion of hie class last
61 91;1411e1
hut onee during the campaten. at
Memphiedurigg the final meeting of
the year, but Harold H. was not in
shape to do himself justice that day.
d the lodiena pacer bad an easy joio
hint in the rear. For all hie
y Dan Fetch, Harold is rk first
horse. Before Ins rave
with cb last year he worked two
beets in edit and 2,048 over the Lreiting-
ten track, and he did this without
hopplee. which be always wears when
toeing, and in which he took his mark
of 2,t4 over the Terre Ifaute "four
corneted" traele a couple of week.;
previous to the Lesington perform -
mice. Harold H. was $old at the
Windser track Mouday morning to
McLaren Bros,. of 'Whouipeg, It win
be a Foliage of eatisfeetion to tbe fol.
10Wera of Ceti:Wien hernees bovsee. and
Harold 11. in pettlettlertonow that
the wonderful itorse witieh has math.
so great a name for himself and Canada
s to be kept in the country.
wartz, the former owner of the hotre
deellues to melee public the terms of
the &de, but it is saki to he well onto
he five figure mark. While Harold
1 was being raced over the Grand
tit last year, a gentleman in 'Aleut-
'renn.. math' 31r. Swartz an offer
•000 for the horse.
inv. eontraet this 5ea5Pn? narier
zes ;e Ian% wll irepay you 41 Iran-
Tiii4lItagest rontrk in the world is the u il,,,,,a fohl, Every farmer oleic,* grow.
warn for nupeovetneta.
ler thoeld enure from ten to twenty
Mr,. I. Artoetteunt, Huron street, ie. dollars a Year from three or tour eerie -
hexing hie kketten eauged. oties, :date the exhibit firstechtes mod
The Royal Templere niche -ticked at ',Olt' 'atteretl'4434c.P will ble. te'04 . It itlee.
1 &mettles can Miiereast4the het they win
Grand Wad yestenlay iWed.i I
A (10 tli if their efforts to have a goad en -
Don't iregin tre enieke eigaretts rinuu hibition art, apprmata make. an
you will nevt.r have to quit it. earnest effort title year. and let the
For prontleery note end IhneiPt ' Enter fall fair be at the head of the
terms cell at the Ativueate office. list. To make it 0 snerees you rauet
Remorse le itatehtel from the egg of begin now to prepare for it.
pleasureineulxated by a weak mind. no Wanted.
About the hest rowed)* fer theme- , Mod smart boy wanteti to lear
tient is to thee*. the Lord that it is net printing. etpply at this office, .
Organ to Rost.
41. Orst-elass piano -ease organ,
octave, to rent. Apply at this Mike
*ideates For *ale.
We have just received a earload
B. C. shingles tide week and expect
three more carloads this month.
Jas. Mlle, Exeter.
emit Vaults*.
In Stephen. on Friday, July 4th.
blue serge *token Owner can hay
same hy calling at the AnvOseeern of-
fiee aud paying for this notice.
A Median reputation is like nbroken
utse. U 'au be mended but the emelt
still Aows.
That ebarity begins at home is of.
ten so diseouroged that it nevkr get8
any farther.
A number from here attended CI
Baron oia thfiss' 'meeting at Seafottb,
on Saturday.
The Trivitt Xenaorial church San-
dal, sehool will [dome at Grend Bend
toeley, tThureday.
The Letter Day Saint preachers are
still holding forth in their larr.,,e ten t
north of tire TOkra Hall.
We have noticed malty good dairy
aetieles in the papers but the best we
have ever yet seen on milk, is cream.
Who Mesta, who does not want
the best tionr. Ask for the, "Old Re-
liable" Exeter Star.
fleneorr Boos,
A crank is nlways trying to under-
stand something that he can't prove,
or prove something he can't under-
Widows most always marry the
second time for money. Love, like
lightning. seldom strikes twice in the
same place.
Messre. Handfeed & Elliott shipped
a carload or horses to Winnipeg, on
Saturday. Mr. Percy Cann accom-
panied the load.
We don't see bow a woman is able
to tell whether or not her hat is on
straight. The pesky things are built
crooked on purpose.
Allan's Worm Powders are the mild-
est, most pleasant and most effectual
worm remedy in the market. Sold
by C. Lutz, Exeter.
If the average girl knew which side
of her bread was buttered she would
shorten her matrimonial career bp
prolonging her courtship.
A men's most profitable accomplish-
ments is a disposition to cultivate
politeuess. It costs nothing, makes
hosts of friends and fat purses.
Mrs. as. Stewart, Huron street,
while attending to her household duties
bad the misfortune of scalding her
arm quite severely on Friday last.
Main street Methodist church ser-
Viees II a.m., "Vessels of honor and dis-
honor; at 7 p. m., Immortality of soul,
or conscious existence after death."
You realize undoubtedly the impor-
tance of having a flour that can be
depended upon at all times, Exeter
Star Flour will fill the bill every time.
11.a.u.vgx- BROS.
Mr. Wm. Page and family have
moved to Bervie where Mr. Page has
been engaged as butter -maker at Mr.
A. Q. Bobier's branch butter factory.
We beg to return thanks to a very
thoughtful and generous friend for
two lucious boxes of strawberries.
Will some person please pass the
M is bad form for a girl to turn and
look ata man on the street; but a girl
of this town only turns and looks at a
fellow to see if he is looking to see ff
she is looking.
Increased rates in the Chosen Friends
took effect July 1st; some members
choose to pay the same amount. but
take reduced insurance; better to be
safe in any case.
Fo'r restoring grey hair to its natur-
al color, to relieve dandruff, itc ness
of the sealp, and to prevent falling of
the hair, use Turkish Scalp Food. Sold
by C. Luez, Exeter.
You should, rernember when order-
ing pastry flour to ask for Ila.rvey's
"Princess" brand it is the hest and by
far the most economical pastry flour
on the market. For sale at the mill.
The following, was omitted from t
Exeter school report last week. Room
5.—From Se, IIL to Jr. IV.—Passed
'th honoree—C. Long, NV. Bissett,
H. Powell, J. Trott. The others will
find It encouragingto know that the
one who passed lowest made 001,
IL E. WAratteere teacher.
Miss Toni hereby informs her pat -
ems that sbe has removed to the
rooms over Me. Glailman's law °dice
(formerly occupied by Dr. Anderson)
where she is prepared so do all kinds
of dress -making, hemstitching and
fine work a speciality. An apprentice
Masottle Excavator;
The Committee appointed to make
arrangements for the annual Masonic
excursion met on Monday night and
decided that Kincardine would be the
objective point, the date to be annonne-
ed later. However, it will likely be
run about the 10th or middle of Aug-
ust. The rate from Exeter will be $1.20.
Particulars will be annotInced as soon
as completed.
Alt Extra Man.
The foremen on the L. H. & B. have
received orders to put on an extra man,
making four men to each section. The
company is becoming extravagant, or
is it that the roadbed has been so long
skimped that it is really getting into
bad condition. It is eight years since
the foreman had three aseistants even
for the summer months. There is now
a difficulty in securing help at the
wages the company is offering.—Clito
ton News -Record.
The Etttamer Eitrs comptexitua.
"A good complexion is not to be had
for the asking," says Priscilla Wake-
field in the.August Delineator, in an-
swer to a girl who complains that all
complexions do not take kindly to the
sun's rays. "The first requisites fax a
clear skin are fresh air, exercise, regu-
lar bathing, careful diet and plently of
sleep. Eat fruit and vegetable, drink
milk, and take a generous quantity of
water between meals and before retir-
ing, two glasses each time. Avoid can -
diet, pastry, pickles, hot bread, tea and
coffee. Take a bath every day and
rub the body well with a rough towel.
Wash the face carefully and never with
very cold water. Wipe with a soft
towel, rubbing up and not down. If
very tired or oVerheatecl, wash the
face with water almost hot and con-
taining a little glycerine. A lather of
castile soap rubbed in well will remove
dust and prespiration from the pores
of the Skin. The soap must be rinsed
thoroughly. A good remedy for sun-
burn is to bath the face with a mixture
of sliced cucumber soaked in milk. A
mixture of lemon juice, pure borax
and powdered sugar is excellent for
freckles, or a combination of sour
cream and finely grated horse radish.
Rose water and elder -flower water are
beneficial in softening the skin."
At Stewart's you can get a very
Don't yon think it a bargain?
nice 7 -,piece glass fruit set or a good
size granite kettle with one pound
of Art Baking Powder for 50 cents.
Mrs, liana, of Galt, is visiting
, Mrs. W. Huston.
Nr. W. ii.•Leyitt mein Woodetock,-
le business Tuesday,. • • • r.
•• -• Mee. j..0. En2ei.7 and ehildren, of
Towne), are guests of at's. J. A. Stew-
--are, •
- Alre. E. H. Fish and ' daughter, Au-
nie..speut a fd.W. days • with friends lu
Loudon last with • friends in London
last week. , . ' • . . . ,
. Mee.. (DA) Welle.of Los AngOesigal.,
who le euroute to the. Sanitarian at
Preston, Is yxstlang her niece, l‘Irs. A,.
R. Bobler..•
Miss Edith Sander* 'left Tuesday
morning en a six weeks' vieit with her
brother. Harm and Other • friends in'
Denver. Col,
Mrs. E. A. Bennett and, daughter,
.Greta.are, visiting. frientle and reitee
tives to town. Mr. Bennett ideo vent
Sunday here, • . - ', • .'
Miss Annie. Greenway, who " has
been the guest of her, aunt, Mrs. (Dr.)
Rollins left Monday ,for her homein 1
Crystateity, Mau, - •
Miss Minnie Wynn WAS . taken and.
denly ill last week and in now coo -
Sued to her bed eufferingfrone a eeve
ere throat trouble. -
Mr..-philip Johnston,: of London,
eat Sunday with his sister, Mrs. P. -
J'rayne. lie Was acemnpanted by his
o little daughters. -
Miss Eva Carling left on .-Saturday
to spend two weeks with her friend.
MisS Lula.Tory at their manner cot-.
;age, Port Stanley,' .
Thos. Newten, who has teen
visiting friends here for the past two
• weeks, left NV'edneetlay peeping to
vts4 'friends in London. -
Mien Emill no Howardoi f ter spending
the millinery season in Clifford, return-
ed to her home here Monday evening
to spend the hOlidays, .
Mrs. IL Chamberlain,. of WindSoe,
vho ts in «,t very i0W state of health,
ismtering nom lung trouble, is visit -
log her Sister, Alm. Thos. •Creech.
\Void was received here last 'week
i that Mr. Orie Powell, Who left here a
ii few weeks ago to accept a poSition in
Pigeon. Mich., is very ill at that place.
NV, johns returned last week
:om a yisit in 2tlichigeo.
r. 'Wm. Utterkshaw attended the
races at 'Windsor Tuesday.
Miss Lottie Hyntlman, of Toronto,
is home *pending berholidays.
Mrs. Halls, of Galt, is the gnest of
bersister, Mr. W. B. finest -on.
Miss Mabel rollick, of $t :\buys,
pent Sunday at her home here.
Miss Wiggins. of Goderich, is visit-
ing friends m town and vicinity.
Miss RegivaDavis, of Undone, is vis-
iting at her home, Exeter North,
Mrs. Charles Senior, of Toronto, is
visiting at Mr. Jos. Seniors, town.
Mrs. Reginald Elliott and family, of
Norwich, are visiting relatives here.
Al.r. Fred Gould, of Senforth, is
spending holidays at his home here.
Mr. Ed. Crocker, of Toronto, is
spending holidays at bis home here.
Miss Templeton, of Toronto, is the
guest of her eonsin, Miss Charlotte
Mrs. Wm. Ralkwill. William street,
is at present quite ill and confined to
Earl, son of Mr. T. Smith, is still
living but the end is expected any
Mr, Jos. Davis is still confined to his
home with very little change in his
Miss Nettie Elliotbt of Mitchell, spent
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.)
Miss Pearl Rollins has returned
home,after a pleasant visit with friend's
in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Edy, of London, spent
Sunday here the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Drew.
Mrs. Huston, Sr., and little grand-
son, Miller, are visiting friends in
Miss Vera Snell returned to Sarnia,
Thursday after spending it few days at
her borne here.
Mr. Frank Snell after spending a few,
clays at his home here returned to S.t.
Marys Monday. .
Mrs. E. Elliott and daughter, Olive,
left Friday to -visit friends in a.tibiarn,
Iowa, for a few weeks.
Mr. J. 0. Inwood after 'a few days'
visit with friends here, returned to his
home in London last week.
Messrs. Geo. Vosper, and Frank
Sweet, of Toronto, spent Sunday at
their respective homes here.
1re, Donald McKay and daughter,
tt Tecumseh. Neb., who have been
risit at Mr. Duncan MeKay's, Be.
ter North, left this week to visit in
.. and Mrs Geo, Willie, after a
;pleasant honeymoon trip up the Ins.
i eolet Lekee, returned home Monday
night and will now :wite down to th
stet a realities of life.
' Miss Walt -end of our Public Sehool
staff, accompanied by her niece, Geral -
13. Atkineom left this morning for
Owen Sound where elw intend e spend-
ing etveral weeke with her sister and
other relatives.
Mr.I.R.Carling left yeeterthey (Wed.
morning via Owen Sound for Winni-
peg. and other points in Southern
eniteha where he will combint$ bust-
IleiS with pieasnre. Mr. NV, J.Carling
will follow in a few days and join his
at Port Arthur.
31ftSM. B. S. O'Neil avel R. S. Lang
have returned from their holiday trip.
iMr. O'Neil arriving home on Saturday
and Mr. R. S. Long yesterday (Wed.)
the latter heving remained with his
father at Winnipeg a, few days.
They visited many points of Interest
(bring their absence and report an
exeeedingly pleasant trip.
Rev. Mallott and wife, of Hippen,
spent Tuesday in town, the guests of
Mrs. Mallott's fa ther, Rev. Dr. Hannon.
3/rim Ella Halls, teacher at Winchel-
sia, is spending her vacation with her
mother, Mts. Halls, Andrew street.
Mr, Wm. Jamieson, who has been
visiting his son, Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P.,
at Durham, returned homelast week.
Messrs. Lorne Cann and Russell'
Southcott returned to Detroit Monday
after a two weeks' visit at their homes
Mrs. Frank Gleed, who has been vis-
iting friends here, the guest of Mr, D.
Richards, left Monday for her home in
farmer is often suspicious or what he buys
in the hardware line. Ile has suffered from false
Statemelate, perhaps arid is a good fJeal like the
urnt child, which dreads the fire: The most un-
sophisticated can buy at our store with as limb,
conBdence and safety as an ezpert.
What do you want now for Hay. Season?
IS it aay Forks, Mower Knife SeOtiODS, Rivets,
Soythes, Snatlas or Scythe Stones, If so we have
them all and that too of the very best quality.
GRANITE WARE'ASk t0 see our new stook of
a German Granite Ware.
Successors to IL Bishop & ou.
2$c. and 80e. co
muslins, reduced
clearing price of 10c,,
these goods will not belong
on sale, Come early.
All silk millinery ribbons,
n a yariety of colors, goods
worth front 25e. to 50e. per
yard, your choice of any ot
them, for 15c. Come early,
Ruck towels 18x84 in.,
hemmed ends, heavy Irish
troods we sell them for 10e
ri 3
each. Conte early.
' ENITLE11B., weather hats are in •ortier jus
ROW, we have a big range to select fret+, a -nice light
*eight, linen goods your choice, for Me.
ead t ere for the Celebrated
atidford Ready Made Clothing.
Aronna About Us.
Clinton: While loadingloattle at the
station Thursday T. Mason bad, the
misfortune to have his leg injured.
St. Marys: Littkx 'Willie Morrison,
the seven-year-old son of Mr. George
Morrison, while playing abont the Is-
land Flats Friday, fell iuto the mill
ewe. The little fellow was nearly
&vowel, when Herbert Smith, whn
AWLS nearby beard his cries, and rush-
ing to the spot 'plunged in and rescued
the drowning buy. Young Smith is
only a small boy himself, and his brave
and prompt action is worthy of praise.
St. Marys: A quiet house wedding
took place at the residence of the
bride's mother, on Dominion Day,
when Miss Jessie Laidlaw was united
in marriage to Mr.E. W. White, both
of this town. The ceremony was per-
formed by the Rev. A. Grant. The
bride was assisted by Miss Agnes
Thompson, and H.C. White, of Grant-
on, supported the groom. The bride
was given away by her brother, Mr.
Alex. Laidlaw.
St. Marys: Mr. W.EL Bartlett, was
married on Thursday to Miss Mande
Prescott, of London. The marriage
took place at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Marshal Smith, London.
The ceremony was performed by the
Dec. G. W. Jackson. The bride was
assisted by her sister, Miss Gertrude
Now is the time to beautify your
homes by selecting some of our
handsome Furniture.
Do you want a nice
Bedroom sett for—. $10
Sideboard. .. 8
Cool Sweet Mattresses. – . 3
Bed, Springs - 2
Couches and Easy Chairs at easy prices.
Curtain poles and trimmings.
We have 'several sets of beautiful chairs just in.
Give us a call and if we have not got what you
want we will soon get it for you.
Wes. C. Huston,
'Farniture„ and undertaking rooms.
Gidley's Block, Exeter.
Prescott, of Chatham while ilfr.john Clinton: Dr. Blackall, who hung lip
Bartlett, supported tlie groom. Miss
Effie Parsons, cousin of the groom,
made a very pretty flower girl. They
will reside here.
St. Marys: On Saturday evening
Councillor Currie, wife and family.
went down town. Mrs. Currie and
her little.girl returned home soon af-
ter and had not been there long when
they heard creaking in an adjoining
bedroom. Mrs. Currie went to the
room whence the noise proceeded, hilt
as she entered it by one door, the in-
truder left it by another. .This he
slammed behind" him, rushed out into
the passage. opened the front door,
slamming it and got safely away. Un-
fortunately his face was not seen. The
burglar had begun to search the bureau
but nothing was taken. An investi-
gation revealed that he had placed
planks against the kitchen at the rear
and climbed over its roof th an upper
window, which he succeeded:in open-
Clinton: The sable warrior visited
mir hospital on Saturday morning and
carried off one of its patients, in the
person of Henry Smith, Seafortb. He
had been out at Bayfield,where be was
taken ill about a month ago. Having
rio immediate friends except a niece
Mrs. Albert Worth'of Etensall,
asked to be taken to the hospital. He
was admitted, but it was evident that
his stay on earth was drawing to a
close. He was very feeble, being over
80,years old. He suffered a great deal
-and as he was ferried across the river
that knows no return the relief to him
must have been great. The remains
were interred in Clinton cemetery on
Saturday. Rev. thinne conducted the
services at the grave. We understand
his estate, amounting to something
near $2,000 has been left to Clinton s
hisshingle here in 1885, has disposed
of his property here to his partner, Dr.
Ball, and purposes leaving town. It is
intimated that he thinks of embarking
in the hotel business.
Corbett: Miss M. Botterill, teacher
in -Union school, No. 17, was presented
with a lady's companion and lovely
bouquets, accompanied by a neatly
worded address, from the scholars of
that school, as a token of their apprec-
iation of her services.
Clinton: While shooting the other
day, Mr. -T. B. Rumball met with. an
accident but fortunately no injury.
The cartridge exploded and the pow-
der blackened his face and that was
all. The result might have been ser-
ious and he had cause for thankfulness
and was duly grateful.
Hay: Mr. Peter-Munn'of the 2nd
coneession, had the rnisfortune last
week to get his leg painfully bruised,
although no bones were broken, by
one of his horses falling on him, bruis-
ing his leg so that it is with great dif-
ficulty he has been able to walk abont
since then. He is now improving
nicely. -
Seaforth: Dr. Bethune, who has
been practicing here fax a number of
years, and who recently disposed of
bis practice to Dr. II. Ross, has decid-
ed to locate M Wingharm and left last
week to resume practice. The doctor
IS no stranger to the people of Wing -
ham, having practiced there some
years ago.
, 131anshard: Mrs. James Dinsuinre,
who has been a resident of this place
for over half a century, died at the
family residence, con. 10, on Wcdnes-
day, at the age of 78 years. The de-
ceased had been ill for some months,
and her death was not unexpected.
Besides her husband she leaves it fatn-
ily of five son s and two daughters.
011JllhLTO & PuRooN
Supplied with either the
Angle Iron, Round
Rod or Wood.
These are without a
doubt the best ma-
chines obtainable
at any price.
Was awarded the only
medal and diploma
given on Hay Forks
at the World's
Fair Chicago.
Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith shop.