HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-10, Page 5AO $PIP
- gt-rrsifs- PAQ1,11"i per cwfl.., KQA1VX`. A W W,
Tpitus or WAS-CRIKID'S. anol cant get eith", Vity tQ splmkl iia;w Abe AA;p ................ 14 15
,llq.jj3r per illip ygoice, of it i
alm. it prkid in 4be
it net so rzld� I Ill . es� per 100 lbs ... 4901 5,00
ftttl$ J�Inuj$IoA Of cod-liyer oil Tgp, ictwi's AArip 1=0OWTOUX'; Live bog!S per cwt .... ti 50
IS 4WOSt rest in jt$elf 1 . T ro$5114140. Dressed Rogs_ ....... I W 700
ALAAVS A Vretorla, July 7�-Lord 91tchenee's ShOjrsS Per CWt ...... A ... 110
T4lQdlvz9ry to the troops,, dated Juno BrAn per cwt ......... 90,
sp�e!Ced dirorkions 141 W Loudo% July $,-At 10 o�clo*, tills A after extoll4W tbe, coaduct, of the
publasbed untll,forba =4 ch5rgo 4WOrAulgiv, morning, the following bulletin on Witmh soloIlen 14 the face , Of great r r
1AW4 OL,;-.vanli vukiie for CPAS-Aeat Kill
fherydes-edt 17,dhVArXs collahlon, was posted at i0o
ard� _jfl�S, 4A as
,�,ranNTI'Ne. tarnw�out in she rMest s
lngb:4% Palate.- 440,0'erolki liAd elusiv-0 antagonists" ezota
ebeques. mqoey or 41 D Alf 1111 IWO A10407 Y04-1 r a, I -r
etz., to be M4 Q P3 he zig, -w
Advent'; �'T. z 1444 nine houre :AAtursl late dis,
nols the Madly AU4 Ia. =%Ae spirl
z -lee pja��ed ill Alt r2alkS, 044 cQ1ac1%dQ6 4* 4
q And his pro,7res4 contipuea to bo'
gs)TT09 *nv, rROP IF Y= WANT TO unJsltw.uVtQoL The wound is dis- follow$:- flilling, out badly. I purchased A
ehare"4,g freel'y and is leaki painful to 11rh6 slie,,sazw would -be juctimplete, bottig or Apzei� ner vjvr, And
13uy or Sell a, Vi�rux 14
rese� �94rqd'lr Trevo, uking'. Dar— $0141erly 40
Wore no referenee, made to 0q
IF YOU WANT TO qualities 46-pjayeij 'rlirollejoitt tT%e Q314- jft$ ffijn� alp H
MAN". Ul)-&. 0-'W�R Hauer P4,1940 rvt
Aing, r4w"a P345ed 5 fxyQr?kQI0 4*7,, kF our quolvdam e les and the
Y wrrymg
Toreaw rug"Ait.- Ouy or Sell Town Property aad tbq v0boal Mort own out to- a niva"Re, sft' fierhaps your mother
IF YOU WA'XT TO a�ght was tbqat I& �U-jes�y Is still doing ou z siorreu er. a of ho,_510 W44
tal'ant any rjD, or 3m ?"A e-Teet's Val Tbe tmoi by the Wince of AVAIQ.% contend until the end exprgsse4 had bin
11 J. t - hair, but that is
X lay
Blorrow or Lend Noney Of the W�e tkat they Mq, hava in tbffi fq-
Kock, WZ,4 4"de )Wn ctrw. "re Wben
VQW, be refer Iture, ala 0 portivaity to serve iffj& bv no T009n why you must
�eoa to tho KA410 rogrg;�s at tke_ ingug'!
....... JgQ through life with half-
....... .... . IF VOU" WANT %V144% W3 X4�6t.VN force'V4
wftlw. 1.
Collectiom X"Ide gatavil in italivil quartera wi Indk4tilits T111"o stamcd hair. It you want
Toronto Vait;eTat$ =4 rovill IF Y017 NVAN!T that tile roysi, f4milF coa4dor's 04
Coll Ct S:4rgeVr;s, kit Oatar,,A. Ar,;* 110-141 Kio'."s Qaie most hopeful1r. , Wir, fCCd it
T rMatwit Tour We Insure(I King Eftard. *ilt %g eirowo,
(I.Vit mr Old ItlAwlen Aligasat 11 and Aqgaot V440144111i Staou with AyOs Hair Vigor,
Us. Ifta rvc�tvqy has been ap rapid imil X044%.V Wevifq, july T.
a MAW bv=UF�5 4%, IF MV NVANT TO f,�* and mako It rich, 4421&4x�
a"t L9 oxjun attg0b, 'IQ ry that die above de4A.4 Wad
ati4f, Tvrpoto St. Uvivrrvico VarUO,
4oine otherbrand
leavou ".1,4ed for
k)f such a grocer.
`ijai�e tile groeer onaerstana
thdt "g-011 want.
Exeter Star Floup
It wutains� the fluest of
wbeat,all the superfliaissta=4
and otherdetrimental elements
are ellull"ate4. -Vuays at"�k
. tud 't
- bo $tire yonget i . For,,Zale
by the ArA A
Hlgftst Mavrkel: Vrivps Paid 'for
whimt 4#4 904,rso GrAlst.
Rarvey Bros,
successori to J. colible44; & S013.
Two Secoud-band
uright PIANOS
flo to tUe 014 Country OT % @I � Arta Reavy.
CK * L . I � in , " A044i.4 Ir - - -1 PIAND
valent of the, fact, bR6 vet Imen lizadg.1101v- eelre;l us) Ahe strivt iv�iriiet tbs.% 811131. "-- A vloile� ALI *"AS -L&
111V ATA"N LINE ever. Vie P3j;eA_n_t_ hwo%h th@ Wvgtrl Wmei'. I- g ow spripa 601,, It I-QuX 405 MV One Squiare
alzil the verenvolly at lVestiduster Abbey VAUwt 9 Vo,
P ty Tme
DW T. P. 5VLA1r(-qti1q. MV -1989A OF THIR CASH 'PAID FOR F-1711.14 will be ramb curtalled frotag, tbo origlual #9314 us QrA 44� Ur And we will expre-;�l FWSATX OEM]?
sargeoos oatulo, yollAwtvio.
012m. V15h- Plata. Their Westlea '%,hill drive froin 1i r pr, 9 tpad% 'R11130 at,=, to
k�ef to the Abuey
"bam CMC W.- XIPW9111991941
CA at the uRdersigaed im"41vim ld
the X111 to Whitehall AnD New F -anos aL
jo!,.l 0. wilsql. 0.25- nd rw�Ai�,eo *r'j" I rwn%�e to the Ab!vy, tlte sawo route ai ('been* 3144;offf.
Q , WaUqa JOHN SPACWRAN. tab -pp All tbm orvaing, of the 11"Aruainvut. DASEWOOD
Dr. I L11 jqly 7ytifrf4a comty clpfea 1 V,4
0,TM sto
(imce over H. 8pacLan"'We ReFIODR to a que'tion In the lloaso� bovrs, wero bqlrd�
-it A�,.
of N .1 - 144 -A.% , iL
V441401�113 ON the" rwajevt. '311- N1VX0iVqUQ4 ot WaV1 lull, 211" STORE, Mways in 01K.
Exi, of tho voto"a"d-1va 20,3udi. Me fir,�,t vom- 'FURNITURE
nd--�,:Iuiaer of, 'Wark-a. A. Ati mi IDOU�ft% 1 Y041 JWO
-41, V%w� vpr.,;� S01jel. eafal h. wai vao 1",10 to remove '4t"D e�
SON 4; VAill't-4 1
N11-CM101% .14 VA44tv, NW4.
- - -x I'l t'.=1 0% 4� 1 1 992 tlxln.ao,�- it was LQW.�4 tUr would 6410 lie r1t Our exiattlenve ill t1w Sk.,wing Xx-
a, 1, � I Is I win offer ;it
M-1 1, , . :r4Ajt4W4 f�zr tax, w4kh vglq 2RE"'lili, Ilo Oil
�505n!-w I VV. 4
kx_t�v� !Ux.aww"-1, " i2lr Cal Very clo-v p 5t1grL Coll-
FW�:A� - , *U%vp A",� , -riece
Ast's of teectcur
W. MAW NN. f6m U1211 M 4T 61.114, bit Afoullmril SM0 stavu. We hi jstovk, t4le hv,�t
- I*al" -it tlao 40ar
, _41, 4 9014%pa-�, juOy T-,"Qrq Wear Gunn Ws'a obines t1az it ket pahoW,, and
Jr. m -'r%4 V, avrx.e�r. Nnv Partur saftes, Bedroom suites�
we rulp. �5 VT Lq- teld at vntlte. Or*') 00aves. =140 s'ell 0"casr tor 444% NevX.--ii and Re -
'310 Pogo oftemd Sping Utttresses, Bed -
for ?-410 at IM, east oqtt ob-am"kir ta-dor.
w0jor"I KVXC4 OuT so go lAtIMIMFO.
*ifeads, Couelles, Lolluges, on hand.
UP 1;
415101 1 t4eTO V�11% Q tjjAU for labo IWS*.
4AWR TWUNTY A10014'Any RUXUIV-4 [A114114'. &,);;t 1C DOI 010V Oftes Me tradlas; Tables, Chairs of all descrij)- suvotmusla, missia BOGUS# Hymtl
DroWN, IVA-1 "gow at dilellulug godoeg, Theve wore Roe
NU AT ON600DIR. HALU ibo is Books, Etc., I&OPI: iti, stoult.
fj_. Oltr;14 tip. I M iRloiry, SNIC at Is, kers,
M .v, 10:1 e BLEUT101 IrlEff 8. SUTPA'A :404DI UNG W kim� -wits 31achints always
p; . for A kinds of
tip lit"Jo-tva ", We 46111 lhl� agarktit twqlay. tions,
$40 4raiied 040. Gaol 1:4 Ivia a: tbroe cities 51je IKr Oil Falley Reekers. Curtain CIALLAND SEE 1-084 IT WIL14 1�.VY
North Woutworth and Norm portik WAS P4011 I'M 9904 VQ111Rd. V0111=40 04ttZe
�_` � 1 *old at ftww 2a to 4o. and tho gaimem glald I Poles and Trimmings, y0r.
- OLEARING SALE of I'llows, 1,14V Xfttooft t.914auro ta 0p 1*0410 twill;g" i it) ae per M for lean QoWA atia S, MARTIN
bard -If -U1,601 NuMk Vahv$ were r1*441ful Shades, Mouldings, 311IT01-81
ILA T a 'p-11 Alva Most. Still lowes a IV lint agme, at 140 twit 1A Ty
I ne j;Wa" vang iVW.1$ - m& IVW.13 Wil ot frolli, $S to' 49) farb. V010111911 WAIN -VU01V WKkNv. jit,
Harrows, &e.,, (Ve., now go. fold at Mul PAO to $3 eagh. shippea -s, ToNvel Rollers, &x.,
1 0 for pool lar;T'Sheop. allit 11nel;
11101 011. 711ront", July 8 -Three more the Gkbord vald from 3c to 4%e. Lamb$
V,�At b.4%j Picture Frawills it ripecialty
Paid Ill) capit3l ..... elf -lion prou"Ita Were, filed at, ft"M to eath. 219 EW JE IgES
_01301(m. korvwt,we 40PI
Iteserve PuitA. ...... -0 91 It Haby wag,
lic'.11 00'e. maylital, 13-urything to be elearc�d Off Ink4"30 113H yefterday, tile j; orr tbr 4%4zi. oftual ji1r,% a ad tit ftoM UM
'I to V C"141, 011% 0111S, RO&1119 1101$01 Ole,
flolnWr Of livott'Alt now in, Itil to twcv�r. I rudortoul"g. li I I
jmmns BLLIOTT, by proWsts rewived Sv.�tvrfty Werc, na%t outfoxo, cattla 111orice* ort- A
t.�atjt Durfato, ju4, 4.- 1 eavr IA, large .Ina won As',
front, Addington, agitlust J. ' S. Hold � =0 Itcail. govd but0iortil and shipti%flit el, in rt. IN line. Ill titaw of need
on,mit'sa. W.NNomon. rdsto 11
JULY 1, 1902 lirrovitel-44 0,�Slnst J. $. (;aUjL0Vj.jt.T Anqj findfS f3tCzd$ to Strong; fair to miadjulp,
0 lug to 1ze I ower.* Prime ateors. $T.W to (10 not, fail to call. Nve have moved into our, nely pre
S 13* oboto;4I 1.110) to 2,400 11) M
t9 ;,-At gartavrs an thdr tran Ventre Mincoo, o&.aiuA'U Davidion, tile �qprf, $T to The allove Stoel, is bought frow tile nilses opposite tlwCentral Hotel ana
jj:'.'ZjI 1111V tji 'jOdd. 441.23 to 46.45, 91100 lolding, Of Caluftd% are jjo�v open for husine."s. Our pre.
14r rk"t. sWr FIRST COME , fcnaertwo Conservativeo and the latter
ioo to 1 V1.13 to S0.50; fair to 1; tivisps are modern and ire give. you
,Izo law andbiinght at the closest price.
The protest agAinst Dr., oW. $4 to *5; 11. ]a to Ural $3.23 to $4.1=;
_riXHTH,R BRANCH- � f, �t
j,,,,pp 1,11 I.ipeol;i has not 3!et been filQd t"A Alt cow$4 V to fiai; fair to 64*4 and, our eXpenSeS A110 IONV tlleX'P- modern And up-tod.1tte got -4,4 and
own, tvcrr Izvvtol dav tram 10 a -,al. to 4 li'an sat- FIRST SERVED. at ftoojo Itall, Otlwr protests filod to vanukrs to touirdoll, *2 to 0,* fore Ave can sell It at prices whith uinde In tile most InWeril tA Vie.
unlivii 16 Q.ta. u) I pall. and not vet repolved In Toronto aw 1 Q"OM bul"4, $5 to 0.59; butthers" $4 to will surprise you. Give Its It call
l $4.7.1q to MIN 011010 Wing- before. purchasing elseWhe"O.
I I f Ayr I I alld, 0-ainst John 31011tVith, Vp1l8erVatIV('1; MR 8trQ8gl'(VC81A VOWO, �ttl to f3 litkV lWild
Ally A11101 I t, 0 0 191 t �.P�irtlt Ilorth. avid It. A. Thoulpion, Llb� � lowr1q. good to-,tAtra nj�d MoallitrS Aftilf-t
cral, North Wentworth. !I LOatimon, lot-, to 2;�- lowen feeders. $4.1,15 to P. Mcisaac. Nve Personally
Cast Ron Wante'd. 'SI.,"'o to $4.23. V009-110-
QjjotVt4j DiOnt".6 �Wl Tile tuade liv 11r. -\Iad"," 11 colliv, Strong; tors, $4.10 to $55. fair Cut E very Grarnient
tit Twunfix NO be hk�"Tl 1;�Ifore '�fV' tol goollf $6.%% to eillu"'Oft to light' Llum oTIMM HVtt$ (11-41111T)s And (114r-
tjAS* *-j4o%pjqy 00 S;to$o.
U k�J4 fiov Ailach-unau at Opgoode Mll at 10.3 rh(pa collie suddenly. proulpth* give Thatsmadelipat Oils vqtalXsbment
it. 1; $8.125,
411-169. this inorning., -jij to a, dose of Perr8, Davie Pallikilizn, and and look after
to $7.pj. yo
� r s,.. -as well as fit it,-.
Till- folloNving aro the protests that 47.7o. light do. $7.30 to 1,' 3741. 1)19,4, $1.6 l) t1leplinSivill oinlinedintely., Abot- alltbedetails. This L,; ouly one
havc, tblis tar tom filed beie.- to# $7.741; roughs, $7-lu to $7.49; 4tagQ- $0 tle at )land U, Save hours of stiffering ire modt%r-
st-aforth. Anothtr (if the wort"Y'l j4%gajrpt slivep alul lanihs- 10-celpts. %4QU -tie prepareil. tn'
CRE DITON pionversof thib district baq depattvil 1111"11 (,Iark - %Vest jV4ellingpit, .1 jne,,;'ht%d; ,4prilig lambs and yearlings steadlv; ate.
this life. IW. Thilluns Govellillek, 5 - - vidri, - -o3 to A *
'K'Ier', flainilt-au, Ile buvvp i5c to 25e lower; lamb,;. $6-i 0.
Xorth Afain street, Seafarth, till Toes. full -to gofid. $7,.73 to $0.2;4: 4,111L� to volly DROWNED z.Vr HIDGETOWX.
Addington, Jas. Iteldi Froalen1w, J - IS awn. 'NI44 to $7; Yearlings, V-75 tO 1%545', Ridgetown, Atly 1 -John Franklin. Gent's Furnisbixigs .
day evening last. Mr. Govenlock had Galla-sier- (liezaarry. W. 1). Alclfod thorit. to 1,4.73; shtvll- toll nilsed.
,reaviveatin-goodageof si N -Pars tind LKIVE of Hgt-, .1 masall aliptentict-t
ROLLER MILLS4 soutri Huron. IIZ nr�'Wlhev- -, Xv4 Rain- to ��4, fair 1.4 Ll"4111. $3..-," to "A.75; L, 17,
10 months. Altbough 0111 goin If 11ton. H. lmrsmlloh , Waterloo, ;5 tulls to common. $2.25 to 'MZ3. working for Joseph E. Xitton, contrae- Come and see us in out- new place
tot, Itere, went bathing in. Creek 11ond of 1,11
Co*,_VC.C. around, he has not enjoyed gout AN't Ilia G
Ai'. Ak. KrAss, z4cuth . "ton, .1. 1'.' rain and rrodutc- sinessand examille our stocU. ef
health for 60114e Illouths, bilt his hl- jliownev; North Ontirio. 11'. H, - floylp - vooltmal, July T. -Grain -The markqt oil Thursdav, took cramps and wits', Genrs Furnishiuvs
It disposition was not considered serions d ned. Sf�. Mittonaud his son did
We are gi -cellel $outh fixford, 1). 1,4utherlavld; N4�rth' Izve-pa vory quirt. Cable 1111justlessi for 31-aM. row
Y3110, ex nti0ronday. I'ledidnotsufferfrom toba, wheat were, not lili; vil ugli'm itton c
"I"lig InIlli'
"t1noSt to s-vVe the *
unied og Nit,. V
any particular disease, but slice Norfolk, C. %:older. &Olne tatiles Olt, Manitobot onts, ere but %Njtljuut ayail. i mme
a oat,
satisfhotion'sinee Re it Bert. Knicpht.
AtyadvvA 1.1berals-Narth York, 1101L, ovj�r the cable. Xo. 2 1114.1toll lid t=l
a grad4ml wearing out of a once ro. *a. 4, onta 10 at 48 , . r drowning himseX Vbung Frank-
, e a
to i , .0, nen,
Modelling oUr Mill- x T.' vavuq; Starmant, W. J. XeCart fseally tit is%o, '.\ - r
bust �onstituflon. No. 3 at 47e to oqe ex -store, i3eas Nvere lin wasa nepliew of J'ames Robinson,
South Xor- : it SGIA-c to .1r4c afloat. of fiowtra. The body was recovered y,
Clinton: The residence of Afra. T. ftilZ` W71*1. Charlton ; South Welling- quiet lint firm I rket 1,1 quiet, but prices
Flour -The mai '! - em MU, Z
Cooper wa-s, the scene ofa. very pretty ton, John Diekension ; Past ATellintA011, tire, steady. Wo. gunte:%laultoba, spring bydraggluginafelv'11411r,'t, fire rods By ps- - "143.
GRISTIN.Gnatl CHOPPING wedding Nvednesdtty,when. hii, second lion. J. Al. Gib,,-,oin ; Centre sivneez�,, D. wht-at patent.4, $I to $1.10; Manitoba strong from the spot where he disappeared. am
daughter, Miss Tenft, became the bride Davidson. bakers'. 7to to Winter %vlleat pa-
(vilt% S391 to $1,10; straight foRem $3.00
nfMr. A.1. Worrise. The ceremony to,83.70; do in bags, $1.7zi to $1.80, and ex- id s
WANE PROAMPTLY. wtis perferined by Rev, Dr. Stewart in -to 41.65 but
'I . I! be dema�ol has fallen Off, Civorfirty years a houselinlol rc-iody
the presence of only tbe ininiediate prjvf�s = stoaay at &t.nn per barrel and Wretched Hot weather
1R. S-w"SITZE f? relatives of the con'traeting partles, Briti..4,ii Parvalot-11t Will Mect Again at S2,35. to $2.40 per I)a,- in round lots and llnrus, sprailvs,Nvollwli�x, a
Ind at --.
nt ss to $5.10 per barrel, .10 to (!Puglis, ('01ds nud all
A A The bride looked ebarming in a lovely In. octolber. ble to occur in wnry hom�,,.
dress of white. silk and her bridestnuid, sip per bag in a jobbing,%va Sufferers.
her cousin, .51iss Eva Henderson, of London, July 7�-Iu the 11ouse Feed_ue demand is limite , and as, ov
terings are pientiful prices have an easier
X-Incitrdine, %vas very becomingly of U011IT110113 this afternoon A� Znj,;tey. . bran, ill bulk, Offering rNOWN-4bere is t,;nly 1, 4
"r trin. and Manitoba In
-at English Rpmeay.
271e Gr. the (_,,overnineut lead- at Z1, t; '.5 1 Por
gownedin. silk (it the saine hue, The j. ffalfoar I I Inve stfivet, Wa Extract. U
3ruggistalmeanada.' Onlyreli- groom was ass sted ky Dr. Ball. or, announced that An autumn ses- ,ps per ton t9r mailltoba In
able medicine discovered. RN sion of Parliament virould be necessar:p� I ijar-,-
cheeseBusiness keeps quiet and tile mar- Paine s
s ton. Shortq cont
�2 Sold and mommended 1�v all . at 'I
packages guaranteed to cure all
be about the middle of October,
of exua Weakness, all effects of abuse . Finest Ontario. 9%
rals of Ylnln� ket has a beary tone
or excess, Alental worry, Excessive use of To* The Use of Beef In Summer Does an tharthe House would adjourn early to, b%,; iineqt townships, 03/.v! to 9%c; finest
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on rOcelPt In August* QveGacs, S%c to 9%c.
utter-Tbe market is quiet and country,
of price, one onewaliwam, X ot Favor Digestioll or B Compound
4iz tow cur 1railtage any address. all here. Fancy town-
TteP hiets free to Wiva4sorj On& prices are higher th
.pd COMPE111ky. VV111FIGRAP111 BRIUVWX13. S. !gulps creamery. 19v2c; nuest Quebec cream -
W.* Good Health. ery, !; fine makes, 18C tO 1%4-c; eu cotton soot compouncl,
1!):Vtc to 19
mild emes of swallpox are reported at
L 611, OULD BE USED IN JULY '!!`su'e"cessfuIIy used
Woods Plil artret Is. qnlet but steady it 000Lad1e& Safe, effe-outly
mpho�dine is s6ld in Exeter gga-The m. .1.1 I.= -
by T. W. Bruwah-ig and 0. Lutz Woodstock and Dutton. ;o: to 1341c for Str 3. in round drucist far Cook's Cotton Root Cam -
131/ alght recel�tl your
t tock. und. like no a er, as all blixtures, pills and
Druggists. Joseph Hawley of HarNNjoh ToNViiship lots and 123he to i3clor No. - S AND, AUGUST& tations are dangerous, Pr1ce,Xo.1,$1 r
'-fast, Food d suicide by liang" . provigions-Tlie demand has fallen. off, but Nac
malt BreaK cominitte ing ote:- box, No. 2, 10 degrees stronger,$$ per box. o.
the prices reniali, steady. we 61
The C.. P.A. will reconstruct at once C111111111SLI!, Sljort elit mess pork, i or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two $-cent
EXETER Jidda short cut back pZVk, Otam]g. The Cook Company Windsor Ont.
IgAloreNntritious and Ap- t1lose'13-ortions of the Ferth car shops 24.50 to 125, Ca 1. and 2 sold And recommended �y all
03.50r to 24,, Ii -lit Canada short cut clear able sp 1 n gr
destroyed,by lire. irk, $23-50 to 124- finest kettle lai'd 20- The, extraordinary vark 1� reapouslD.le Druggists In 011unds.
the County rb gli.. 123/,, t- 0%e; IXtIa P1110 I-ra', in and early sutumer weather
20. polls, Ile to 11yc, choice refined, wAse, o a
pet. zing and 1S an Aid ot the No I and No -2 are� sold in Exeter by
leal Estate Ex0hagge. Sheriff Dawson is 'suing present year has been the c, f
of Irro tenac for a, stationery hill of 2C towiie� liollr?s Head A
to Dig 3mpound Ined !Sj,".1" vast amount of sickness in every part
I qboand, In 20-11) wood 0allS,, Lutz -and J, W rug-
estive $58�that the Audit..Committ6e refused $ .07 to 0 . BiowDibg' D
to pass. and GInbe at, $1.80 to 11 -Ni 20-1� till Pallsi ofour eountry.' Strong nien and Nvo- ! ts:
per hVials 2o to, 14c, and" inen have bel;n -Victims; the weak run7
The Sale, Parebase and Vigor, i The Department of Railways and Can- t4aco� 141r), 10%. Pct A. -
Exchange of 011. c to I down and sickly have suffered infense-
villa-el and farm land$ 'tud Properties aba is preparipg planslor the removal of Leading -ets ly, �jnd nithyfainilies now inaurn the..
11 ated.at reasonable rates of corn- obstructionsAn the Welland Canal be- *]i eat, Marli aLy
Welland. and dbxr ones You M Need
nussimi, ort Colborneland. V Previous day., closalig to-py. loss of near
One 15 Cent FackagQ Makes tween P Cash, Sept. Cash. SLpt. The nervous, Nveak,, rundown and
Governor Gates of Illinois has writte" Clilengo -13% 7 0 "/a debilitated shorild �nolv devote their INEMM. , #
New Y(vrk 8 7
For Sale. petitions, from residents Of* Chall1paigh Toledo .... .... TO 77J/4 building, so as to enable them to with -
It 1% 1 -raw Wal
Twenty -Five Meals toAhe Department of Justice enal6sing Its% best energies and attention to healtb-
Several I Val tiable F�trrns in HAX, �fbr -the coulmutation, of, Fred: Rice's minnenpolls - m - - sthnd the enerv'atlug effects of the ap-
USBORNE, STEPHENtind Th' use of beef in the. hot woath9r,is stute'llee.. X11%vai*6b, 2 nor 7rV2 72% 76% 73-,6 hot, . Nveatber. For
e So ' 77Y4 77% 77% Lebin
McGILL betrolt, 2rcd . . 1) ii :
n: -y' frequently the cause of indiges- ... 72�,Is 7- 721/4 72% P T Pahie's 'Celery Compound Cuts
IVRAY-�also Three very desirable Re- vo The Toronto, -plumbers get an increase' St� Louis 18i/ .
-Lnd serimis stoinach -derange- 2 79 "ill l� iig a return of tr6e physi- crarn PS
sidence ti6n nimum wages oF2 � 1-2'eents to Daluth .,Burns
properties in Exeter.
and rich in thO
ments. Th6 use of beaNy CAI sti,engtb; the nerves will be fed. Bruises Diarrhoep.
ning w4al is 30'cent§ per hout, and a promi.86 of' British ITULrUets- 'tii,) do�
weats at the mor respon- 11 er e(liard wivance iii January next, Pas- mid braced"' tbe blood will be All Bowel
-illousanclsbf cAses of CIYSPeP- :IsL oth Londox) 3111Y 7-ClOse-'Wheat) On i its
siblo� for e, malze, oil vis- nd richer; digestion will be cov-, complai;
Parins Watited:� and have aealared their strike off. sage. but not activ
W it is a qLre, safe and quiok relnecly,
SW. sage. (juiLt and steady. Wheat -D! �111'slk ee�, T.,�.fteshing 4eep will.
clish of M111t Brealdast Food. will Td,tdsb their rig -lit to PiA up yab�s and of ins6wnia, and ii:vita-
We have puichksers for -good farm. A coulito,'mark6ts of yest�rday quiet, Fre.11ell take the pLwe
and iii the vicinity of Exeter, or "who stipply tilore'nutrition,� eneegy and wives along the'streets of Toronto counb,y watkets quiet. bility. ThoreIs Lilly one PAIN-KILLtPL
-at the consent of the City Colvicil. the razjs, auly 7-CloAc-Wbeat, toile 11t0adY*, doil�q , �r I
-work thttu a o Pz my DAVXS',
will Excliange. stri4n�tjj. f6r the day'� . je, DetembcD 20f _Paine.'s Celery 001bl)(
k can afford. It keeps Bell Teleplaone Company bave decided fo jn1y, 24T, 4r Tivo s�zes, Nc. a4id 500.
poubd of'beefste,% , 4 Flour steatly; 3uly 31f 5e, �15eptinbibw Marvelloils work for tile Sick avd suf-
APPLY, TO the stomaub� in pci-fect,666dition, 1. pre- carri thear'case -to the Qourf of Appeal. 85c- 9' s time. It is the,6nly pre -
and fk,,C-6mbor 27f fet-hig at thi
"Voilts 0011"itip,*ttiOn, al)dkeep's the blood �Outractor Br6l�lez��of'!Iaiilflton Antw��P 31aly 7A. that possesses value a'n'd
2 red ar�. Ition
oza r1iff P
1" 01
David M91j,:, t, ljorlwd,teroperature, Ifyoo.,'would charged in the Police couft Nvit-11 at- London, jilly 1)qtil' t;1ir Virtuc'. ICor recrubtig'the strength and I P(,titions ns� the election of 3h%
113111'lwt foreigp, stel"'al I al
Manager. litive-a clear brain and fall physic0 temj�ing -t6 bribe aity offi�ials to eqn- weaklv - and Sick I Hoyle in N4-hii,outarlo, Mr. J, S. Gt -
bushless V11i'll-sli 1161niliaily unchaii,,efl spent e-nergies of
Vigor, Ilse A1,11t �Breakfast' Food evory llive At frai�d;� hi his' caal, coii�rac�. The people iff su aimer di�le. The, trial ot I higher ill Frontenae, P, Sath-
� 2i
CW MOM111g. too 11101 qult,j flour 'AinL feai"11*
15 cen 'I gappy esult8. ei;land in South Oxford bave been filed.
OFFICE S Dickson & Carli t�� a package. All case wa-, a�Jogal h deftv'�,J' e �Oftle willgiveyou r
Block, Exeter. Cfvocers. ity, (julet blit steady.