HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-10, Page 31101ITII8 OF PAIN
Ws. J. hl, Tim▪ bers, of Hawkea
bury, Tells Row She Obtained
Belief After DoctorEad
Front the Post, Hawkesbury, Oat,
Mrs. James M. Timbers ie well
'mown to nearly everybody in Hawk-
eshury, Vanhleek, Hill and Surround -
tog ceuatry, She WAS "born in Van -
Week; U111, bae since her marriage,
twelve year ago, has lived in Hawk-
esbury, and is girtiy esteemed by
441/ who know her. hirs. Timbers is
Joie of the many thousande who
hate proved the great value of Dr.
WilliaMsPink Pals, and gives her
experience for the benefit of other
sufferere. She says 7. --"While mires
Mg my first child I suffered front a
aureing tanner under the left 'breast.
The Oret symptom was a sharp pain
followed by a growth, which gradu-
ally increased in size until it beCante
as large as an egg. It was exceed-
ingly painful and ceased ire great
suffering. I consetted a doctorwho
gave me medieine. Init it did inc no
good. Then 1conaulteil another doc-
tor. who said 1 woilld have to under-
go an operation. In the meantime.
however, the tumor brokebut
woubl not lwal, and as a 'result I was
feeling very much run down. At this
time ;ay attention Was directed to
Dr. Williams' Pink Fills. and I be
grin maing these. I soon felt that
they were giving me increased
etreugthend after using rt few
bona, the tumor theappeered, and
was as well ae ever 1 bed been.
Lly health, has since been goad, and
cannot apeak too highly of Dr.
William," Pink Pills."
These pills cure troubles liko the
above. because they male rich. red
'blood mai drive ail impuritiee from
the system. Through their action on
the blood they also cure eueli trou-
blcti as nnaetnia, heart palpitation.
erysipelnaearofitla, akin eruptions,
rheumatism. St, Vitus* dance and
the ailments ,that MIRO the live„s of
so many women misereble. The
genuine atwaya Lear the tuil naLne
"Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People," on the wrapper around
°Nero box. Sold by all dealers in
medicine, or sent postpaid at 50
cents a box. or six bons for $2.50,
by addressing the Dr. Williemsfi
Medicine Co,, Brodeville, Ont.
EarlY Winter or 70,11 Calf thQ
Best.-Zow the Animal
Should Be Fed.
"For a number or years 1 haVa had
inatit of My totes drop thole calves
ist the late fall or early winter,"
ass Duncan C. Andersen, of Rugby.
'Ont. and 1 haVe come to the con-
eludon that there is a decided gain
be so doing. The mill -deg season is
• lengthened ; cows coming in fresh
before Christmas, by liberal feeding
In winter, milk pearly as NvOl in the
early summer when the pastures are
at their best, as eows4that come In
fresh i larehk So milk ten months,
Riving the cows two months rest.
They are rested in, the 'early fall,
•when the pastures are at their poor -
tet. At that time the grass is gen-
rally dry parched and burned up.
As we vilest on the skint milk ono
calf to each ow, it is very ime
portaht that the cows should hese
two months rest out of the twelve.
When the -cows are milked to within
a couple of weeks of calving they get
no chance to recuperate. The calf
generally conies with a weakened
vitality, and does not make as rapid
or *satisfactory a growth in the first
six months, as when the cow has
had a fair period for rest and re-
cuperation. After. a long term of
experience I have come to the coue
clusiou; 'Considering the ' increased
price of winter butter, -the long
nilhldng season, resting when the
grass is poor, that in winter dairy-
ing, cows give. at ,least 25 perout:
more milk in the season than if they
came in fresh in. the spring 'months.
Again an early winter or fall calf
iis quite as heavy at two and one-
half years as a, spring call -is at
thrce years old. There is a gain' of
sle. months In the age of the calf,
the .reason. for this being' that it is
weaned off the milk in June, goes on
,to grass; is fed a; little grain ,or meal
• all summer, and in the fall it is a
good, strong lusty yearling,: and win-
ters' much better than: a •spring' calf,
which is just, iveaned in the fall end
goes into winter. -
it is: not good practice to allow the
.• cow to foutile and lick her offspring.
When the geparation does take place
there is always a disturbance in thb
cow stable ; the mother gets exdited,
and some nervous cows remaie so
for the best part :of' :a weeke','Better
..results are obtained hi,r neniqVing the
new horn calf without allowing the
Mother to lick it, •Itule it dry .with
Wisp, of .straw, put it into a reoinyn
• dry, .,Whien pen, free ..from froStS. end
drafts, and give it no milk ..fOr the
twelve boars. ;When a. call is
hungry. ,it s not 'nearly se much
trouble to 'teach it to drink: The
first two, weeks it should have a
quart of whole milk three times a
• day, eare being taken. that the e :Joe
milk is warmedto new milt heat.
For the. next -three weeks half a
quart dfskim, inilk S1101.11d be added
to • the whole: milk, at each meal,
When the calf gets to be fi've Weeks
"Old discentinne the noon mill- aJo
.the whole :milk, giving about. three
quarts of skim milk :twice a day. By
this time the stomach will be strong'
enough to: assimilate and digest
other food,- The noon meal shpuld
.then. be Palped.ropts, chopped oats.,
arid well Saved. clover 'hay.. If a se-
parator is not Used and the milk is
• set in shallow.. Pans 0 deep 'setting
cans, it shoti1da1way8 be warmed up
to new 'milk heat befoee being fed.
li itniS fed cold ox' 'tog liOt. it is hot
40 Produce bloating and scours.
When through careless feeding', scour-
ing is allowed to become 'chronic
there is no remedy. When a, calf' is
not dolog well break an egg into its
; this ects as a tonic and adds
Strogth to its ration,
To supplement the loss a better
f et in milk, take for 12 ealhes over
two months old, our cups of flax
seed, put it into a common stove
pot and iI1 up with water. Do this
after dinner and allow it to simmer
ail aft,eruoen and everting. Next
inorning boil smartly fox^ about one
half hour, stir M Some wheat Actou.
until the mixture le about the con-
sistency of thin porridge.
will take a eup full of this flax seed
tea porridge in its Skim milk. The
ilour is used to counteract the looe-
ening effects of the flax seed. Care
must be used at first not to over-
feed. but to WOrk. OD gradually to
what I have mentiened with skint
niilk, lax sod tea, roots, chopped
oats and clover hay, and with com-
fortable warm pens kept clean, and
well bedded. Calves can in this way
bei raised much more prefitebly in
inter than in eiumner. Wheu a see
parator is used it is best to Olilm
the froth off the skimmed milk and
not feed it to the Yoolug mixes= es-
pecially these under three mouths.
It has a tendency to disturb the nor -
anal action at the stomach. and Sot
up scours. 'Whenever a, calf is vont--
lug reduce the quantity of skim xidilt,
Be careful to have the pell from
which the calvee are fed an clean as
peesible. With Adm. milk at the
right temperature led out of peile as
demi AS your milking pails, in not
too lerge quantities, and fed regular-
ly, there will be but little trouble
from calvea scouring.
In warm weather calves should be
kept in during the day time, and
turned out in the eveuing. Thu,e
they will avoid the hot suit and the
Ales. Whole or chopped oats shoulti
be fed. A mixture get whole and
chopped oats, about a, cupful twice a
day for an ordinary sized calf an
good pasture, Neill be sufficient. For
fall feeding until the roots are har-
sted, there is nothing equal to
green corn run through the gutter
bo and mixed with sumo chopped
• The main point In calf feeding is
o never allow them to stop growing
and in the ense of beef 0.111111a1S keep
them in good flesh. In feeding calves
ati in every system of feeding the ex-
tremes of over and under feeding are
to be avoided. Continuous, regular.
liberal feeding always blings the
lost profit, and the best proctical
LIN Stock Commissioner.
Cure AU 11I,inor Ills, and, Bring
Joy and Comfort to Baby
and. littotNer.
Disease attacks the little one
through the digestive organs. liaby'e
Own Tablets aro the best thinge in
the wor)d for all bowel and stomach
troubles of children. They stet
quickly and gently, toed always cure
indigestion, colic, constipation and
diarrhoea. They are also a great
help to teething children. Mrs. Ga-
brielle Barnes, Six Mile Lae, Out.,
says —"Baby's, Own Tablets reached
me just in time as my baby Was
very ill with indigestion and bowel
trouble, and 1 ant happy to tany the
Tablets relieved him after a few
doses. Ile is now doing splendidly
with just a Tablet now and then
when he is restlese. I am the moth-
er of eight children and base tried
nearly all the old remedies, but have
never found a medicine equal to
Baby's Own 'Tablets."
The Tablets are guaranteed to ton-
tain no opiate or harmful drug, and
crushed to a, powder they can be
given to the smallest, feeblest child
with a, certainty of good results.
Sold by all druggists, or sent post
paid at 25 cents a box by writing
direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Go., Brockville, Ont., or Schenec-
tady, N.Y.
A Battle Royal Iletween.Thein in,
• • the eAtlantic.
The. big Anieritan liner Rhynland,
from Liverpool, reached her dock
Iat the foot of Washington avenve,
Philadelphia, about ten o'clock on
Wednesday morning, and the passen-
gers tola a thrilling story of a
bloody battle between a shark and
a school of whales, which they wit-
nesse.doff the, coast of NoVa Scotia.
There have been times when the
ships of this line have made eventful
trips, but the oldest, voyager does
not recall any so exciting as the one
which ended to -day.
It was about. ten o'clock on the
morning of the 12th when the keen-
est eyed of the passengers clustered
upon the promenade deck saw away
off what they took to be a grour of
logs. It was soon seen, however,
that the supposed logs had motion
and were rapidly making their way
towards the ship, which, owing to
fog, was going at, half speed. Nearer
and nearer s dame the huge objects,
and -then it was .seen that it •wae
school of whales. Each was a mas-
"siele fellow.• e
It was not lone: before tbe whales
were abeam of the Rhynland, , and
going at about the same speed as
the steamer. There. were 'fully eight
of them, and they presented an un-
broken front. There was not one
bUt would measure 30 feet. The
passengers gazed upon the whales
with fascinated eyes, for it is sel-
dom that such dwellers of the sea are
seen in that latitude.
Suddenly just behind the whales
the interdted watcbers saw another
monster cleaving the :waters with
incredible swiftness, and 'rapidly
overhauling the W tiales just ahead.
its a shark,' burst simultaneously
from the passengers ' lips. '`Now for
a battle royal.' It seemed only a
few minutes ere the battle was on,
With a te rri c I tin go roma rd the
shark plunged into the midst of the
whales, and the struggle 'was on.
Just as the shark darted into the
Every illiran Should
That Pref. W. Hodgson EMS,
Miele Apaleot to the Dominion Gov-
ernment, has recently made a Talinher
aDalyseS of aims, and reports that
"Sueliglit Soap coetaine that high.
"percentage of eils or fata neceSaarY
"to a good lauedry soap."
What everWeDiall does net I4DOW'
is that in common soap a she free
quently pays for adulterations at the
price of oils MA fete. TIT Sim.. -
.Debt Seape-Octageta, Bar -next wash
day, and Yon Will see tbat
Ellis is right. He should Imola 206
cluster of whalea he 41tened, and
there WAS not One upon the liner's
deck that could not oe the awful
jaws distended as though the mons
ter was eager for a bite at the bodies
of the giant foes. 11 the shark
thought to put, the whales to fliglit
he was mistaken, for the entire eight
closed in on him and then began the
fight proper.
Biting like a bulldog at the whales
the sea, was 'soon crimsoned with
blood. The whales stouted, but it
waa mare in auger than in terror.
While the battle was at its height
the biggest of the whales was seen
suddenly to charge the sbark, but
the latter was too swift for hien
Then the rest of the whales closed
ni on the shark, and for a brief
period nothing Was scan 401 tho lat
But the shark appeared to bear
charmed life. Though run down '
PchtedlY. be again rose to the SW-
UM With all his old time ferocity
and agility.
But the shark was doomed. Itie
foes were too much for him. The
big fellAW above alluded to made
another dart for the shark and
bringing down his great fluke with
mighty force almost, split the shark
asunder. This euded the fight, lor
the next seen by the passeagera was
the dead body of the Shark floating
fax estera.
Its Effect 'Upon, the Birth tintV
Death Rate.
War not only influences the mor-
talit,y of the army in the field, but
has a Malelleent effect on the birth
rate and death rate of the country
wideli is lighting. A low WM rate
may be explained. to some extent.
by the fact that when a. 110,1100 is
at war her people at home are less
prosperous, and coneequentiy mar -
wages are not eo frequent.
The increase at the death rate oe-
cuys, probably, for the reason that
food is scarcer, and also because at
the time when a. country is engaged
In a, disastrous war, the minds of
ita inhabitants are adversely affect-
ed. Thaso who are in odelleate health
or who aro attacked with sicknesa,
succumb much more readily when
the spirits are low than when in a
normal condiMon. Is. indeed, the
reaction ot the mind upon the body.
The returns of the JtegiStrar-GeneF
oral of.Great Lritain of births, ma
ages and deaths for the year 1000
demonstrate the potency of the in- ,
fluence of war upon the birth and
death rate.
The births in 1.000 numbered P27,-'
062, or a rate of 28.7 per 1,000,
this being the lowest on record and.,
1.3 per cent., under the mean rate
cif the past decade. The illegitimate
birth rate was also the lowest on
record.frber0 •e r 0 587.330 .deaths, or 18.2
per 1,000, as agaiust 3.7, 17.4 lentil
3.7.5 in the previous three years. The
number of deaths directly due to
alcoholism was 8,683, while the
death rate from this cause was UM
males and 95 females per 1,000,000.
These rates constitute a highest on
record. Tuberculosis claimed 61,- ,
802 victims, or a death rate of
10.4 per cent of the deaths front
all causes. The death rate of the
array was 27.6 per 1,000, as com-
pared with 10, 12 and 10.5 in the
preceding three years. The mortality
rate in the army abroad was 36.1
per 1,000,.. as compared with an
average of 14.5 in the past live
years, and the death rate at home
was 8.2, as conipared with an aver-
age of 4.3 in the previous five
Thus it . will be seen that woe
drhins the life blood 01 a nation.
Nothing is said in the abOVe returns
,as to the action war is asserted to
have on the production of sex. On.
the authority of German scientists,
it has been declared that the females
Of p, nation at War are apt to give
• birth to, a much larger number of
males than is ordinarily the case.
The London Fire Brigade costs the
population of London 10cents a
head yearly.
imoro's iloimeril inebesi Bra Resiorer.
Take Laxative Bream Quinine Tablets. Al
drerrgists refund the money if it fails to one.
W. Grove's signature is on each box. 23o.
•"A person 20 years old has, on an
average 42 years life before him if
he lives in the United States, 41 if
he lives in England, and only 37 if
his home is Belgium.
Uneartahed-Mr. 'Ph 3S. 131,1111t, Tyena-
inaga, Ont., Writes:—"I have to thank
von for recommending Dr. Thomas'
Ecleetric Oil for bleeding piles. I was
troubled with them for nearly fifteen
years, and tried almost everything I
cotthr.: bear , think of. Some of them
would give ate temporary relief, but none
'Nvould effect a cure. I have. now been
free from the distressing complaint for
nearly eighteee motltbs. I hepe you will
eon tinue to recommend it."
Cast-iron ploughs were introduced
about 120 years ago, and much ob-
jected to upon the ground that tbey
poisoned the land.
It oeme a somewhat surprising
statement to make that egga, eon-
densed Teak, olive oil, and vinegar
are all used in the Welding of boohs,
Yet, such is the case. The white of
egg is used for "sizing," to cause the
delicate ornamental goldleaf to ad-
here. to the leather. To make the
"sizing" perform its adhesive work
even nsos'e dollehteleh a, little milk is
added ; and to help further in the
important world of adhesion, a coat -
big of olive oil or diluted vinegar ie
oometirees applied to the leather.
Wise old bookbinders have been wet
to use the light froth of ale as e,
eating over a binding Of Silk:. Th
roth holda the gold -leaf with p.
let success, and does alCot stain the
Many of the o14. expert book-
binders have little secret methods of
their OWn by whim to produce pe-
culiarly line results, and these se-
crets they guard as jealously as the
housewife deo her favorite family
A It-AIldAY---KAN*
X171,4911.011471T MT7LN4*
xtrozx Tnonag.„
Tortured by all TrAnda Of Pala
and Achea he Tries Everything,
but Faile to Find Relief, Till
Friend. Advises in. to line
Dcald's Eidney Have
ble,de a. Well Nan of Him and He
Is Grateful.
.The Dawson Commission 04,
, , , / TaRatiTO
Pan /handle yells 69TM, EM, POULTRY (allVe Or 'Imaged), 3TRAW3i82161.
APnEi'i TOM trO.E% Ow Frints, VifICIAOLES Or PRODU04 to good atialietaffe• .
Shieehaz tags, StaelPi, 8546 SUppISd. Cerrespowleace invited,
0041,•000.00000.e0000000.00411,6,00.0111000.0.0 Seftlie I
. Be Quick! Den't leee time with your paint- 0
ing Ilea'. Get at it at onne.. Make 0
• your house look smart and cleataes
0 giq m i vt + I 1 Bah 1 amongst its tteighbers. Touch, Ufa
• a wall IL %, Ikrar Evir t up inside and CUT.. With. •
6:, 0
O Of peint aeohlitg. &fade just right;
•Ramsay's Paints
The best that gots itt the way.
for good wort. Anyone taxi pat *
Ottawa, Ont., dune 30. -(Special)
Frank Chartrand, a railway num.1 ell
whose home is 13Q Little Chaudiere *
target, hacnowledgedthat vixbrs rifi
Kidney Pills !lase dene more for a
hist than euythitat elee in the world :
has eter done. Ile says .!. "I suffered ,p1
with backache and was always 0
drowsy and had a very heavy feeling
in my limbus.
"I had, irequeut severe headaches
and mti
ore mes very sharp pains i
the top of my head, which gave nie
much annoyance in my work.
"My lingers would graven and
would bae an *nosing...5n in my leg
and caeca:Am:al pains in the Wine.
"I was dizzy in spells and short
of breath. if I ate a hearty meal I
would have a pain in my lett side.
My apectite would etemetiniee be very
good and fiontetinies I couldn't eat
".t had a, constant soreness and
tenderects over the spine and tired
feeling in the tegion of my kidneys.
"I suffered quite a. little with .
dragging :heavy feeling across the
"Poild"s Kidney Pills Were reCom-
mended to inc by a friend who had
been (wed, and I began to u.se, them.
"Almost from the *tart I began to
feel the wonderful improvement,
which continued as the treatment
proceeded, till the unpleanant symp-
toms lio.d one by one entirely disap-
"Dtetiti's Kidney Pills have worhed
a Wonderful cure in ray ease and I
cannot speak too highly et this
great. and good remedy."
What Iltald's Kidney Pills :lave
done for Mr. Chartrand they have
done for thousands of °titers, and
they'll do the same for you if you
give •them a chance.
There are many railway men in
Canada to -day who find Dodd's Kid -
ray Pills indispensable. They aro
the railway man's surest and best
The COnStatit vibration. on trains
and engines is very hard on tho kid-
neys, and Dodd'e Kidney Pius make
these organs well and able to resist
One of the delusions of a lunatic
recently sent to an asylum at
Ararat, Victoria, was that he was
being pursued by a ghost which had
come all the way front the Gallo
Mountaine, in Ireland, to haunt
• The superiority of Alother Guavas' Wortu
EXterntator is shown by its good effects
on the ehildren. Purchase a bottle and
Neither Lord Rosebery nor any
other Liberal statesman would ever
li-re to see the time 'when the Liberal
Party wonld be in office except by
the support of the Irish votes, de-
clared Mr. J. Rechnond, M.P., on
Saturday night at. Kensington.
Beware of Ointments for 'Catarrh
that contain Mercury
as mercury will t-urely dedroy the sense ot
smellanatompletely derange the whole system
en entering. it through the minims surfaces.
Such articles should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputablephysicians, as the
damage they wiil do isten fold to the good YOU
eon possiblY derive from them. ITa I's Catarrh
Care, manufactured by T.J. Cheney & Co.. To-
ledo, 0., contains no mercury. and is taken in.
ternay, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get tho germ
lat. It is token internally -,and made In Toledo
Ohio, by T. J. Cheney It Co. Testimonials
Sd by Druggists, price 710 per bottle.
iaiFo .Tamily Pills aro the beet.
The favorite dog of a fashionable
London lady was suddenly taken ill
and died. Desiring to know the
cause of death the sorrowing own-
er sent the defunct canine by her,
page to a veterinary surgeon for a
post-mortem examination. On the
way a policeman. arrested the- page
for having an. unmazzled dog, and
took him to the police station, where
he was duly charged. "Put down
that .pup," commended the inspec-
tor. The page deposited the dog
carefully upon the floor. "What's
the matter with it?", asked the offi-
eial. "Can't it stand up?"
sir," was the reply; "it's dead."
Page Acme Poultry Netting
eloserneshed at bottom and. does not reqUire rail or
board. support at edges, having strong, straight wire
(No. 12 guage) at top, bottom and in centre, cannot Sag
and is easy, to erc-et. The "Page Acme" nettitigis of
neat appearance, very durable and cheap. Fre also
melte farm and ornamental fence, gates, nails and
staples. The name of Page 18 your guarantee of quaiity,
The Page IN re Fence Co., Limited, Walkervillc, Ont,
it on. Ready for use, nice cans. •
no times, no loss. Sold at
eonable prices by dealers. es,
Write us and ash for •
showiag actatekweiy hums. isa
A. RAMSAY & SON, "44'1342 ;
lemagsgato Paint Makers
e • ••••0••• 111,41.
„ -
At Ballymaketra, county. Coii.
• speaking eentenariatt Data
age,Y has just like. aged 106.
is ouly necessary to read the les
menials to be eonvincell that, Itollitaity's
Cora Cure la auequalled for the removal
ef come, warts, eve. It is a complete ex.
A man who livesto seventy years
hos coneumed 5.1.1 tons of food and
Lever's Y -Z (Win Head) Disinfect
at Soap Powder IV better than
ther soap powders, as it, ale° acts
it disinfectant.
Teacher: "James, what. is the
shortest day of 'the year?" James
(from experience): "The day your
father promises to give you a
Ing 'afore 'afore you go to bed."
Severe colds araeasily eared by the use
01 Dickies Anti-Coneuroptive b"yrup, a
mettle] ne of extraordinary penetrating end
healing properties. It isacknowiedgee
by those who have used it as being rhe
nestmetileine sold for coughs, colds, in
flammation of the lungs, and all affection
of the throat and chest. Its agreeablenee
to the taste snakes it a favourite with
ladies and eliildren.
Silver is the best conductor of
heat and electricity; copper a. good
Llubnctit Cures LaCrippei
A French landowner is forced by
law to divide his estate equally be-
tween his children.
For Ore? .Sixty Tears.
• OLO AND WELIel'ittan SaltithY. Mrs
IVinderestioothleallyrup has horn used for over slaty
years 1)1.i:11111one of mothers for their chthhen ladle
reethlan with perfect euecew. it mother the ehlld,
to:tonsil:a gains, altars an pain, cures wind collo, suit
lathe hest remedy far Diarrhout Is plea ant to the
taste. Sold hy drarsi•to In every part nt the or d.
TwentyalivecentaabotrIta Ila value la i.e.-weldable.
30 sure anclask for Wes. Vanslow's So3thinz ,cernal.
Charles Devlin, an Irish fernier,
Who has just died, aged 105, at Nit-
naVeigh County, Armagh. attended
Newry Market only a fortnight ago.
Mafia At All Times. -In winter' or in
,summer Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will
cope with and overcome any irreenlari-
lies of the digestive oral ns which change
of diet, change of residence, or variation
of temperature may bring about. They
sheen be alivays kept at hand, and once
their beneficial action becomes known, no
one will he without them. There is no-
thing nauseating in their structure, and
the -Most delicate can use there confident
Gallows Hill and Harmony 11111
are the respective names of two
streets in Sligo.
Stop, the cough
and works off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold
15 050 day. No Cure. No Par. Price Vicente.
A man Must be live feet three inches
in height and weigh 115 pounds be-
fore he can join the army.
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism
The first .Ainerican Woman doctor
was Miss Elizabeth Blackwell, who
began to , practise in 1849. To -day
there are 6,000 women !physicians in
the United States.
Chicago & North-Western R'y from
Chicago, August 2 to 10. The new
Overland Limited, the hucurions ev-
ery -day train, leaves Chicago 8.00
1...m. Only three days en route. Un-
rivaled scenery. Variable routes. Nev
Drawing Room Sleeping Cars and
Compartment Cars, Observation
Cars (with telephone). All meals in
Dining Cars. Buffet Library Cars
(with, barber). Electric lighted
throughout. TWO other fast trains
10.00 an. • and 11.80 p.in.
The best of everything. Daily and
personally conducted tourist car ex-
cursions to California, Oregon and
Washington. Apply to your nearest
ticket agent or address 13, IT, • Ben-
nett, 2 East King Si., Toronto.
A Freacla author is credited with,
he Accidental discovery that esti
masted from writing may he rest-
ed by gotoilig a few itiiintlitS at bite
ef bright-coloieil silk. After experi-
t he wound his ink -well with a
band of gay -mimeo Mita and nowt
gets relief by glancing at this when-
ever he dips his pen into the ink.
Dares Med Is the best$
An °Meer Joining the army is
ally two years a sub -lieutenant, six
a lieutenant. ten a captain, seven a,
major. fotir lieutettant-colonel, and
eleven a full colonel.
A Small Pill, but Poicerful.-They that
judge of the power.: of a pill its size
would consider Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills to be lackiog. It is a little wonder
among Dille. Ihitat it lacks in size it
makes up in potency. The remedies
which it carries are puts up in these small
doses, beeanee they are so Imiverftil that
only small doses ere required. The full
etrength of the extracts is secured in this
form and do their work thoroughly.
"And wily don't you like Iter, Zia -
heir "Because she talks so much
:caudal. I was dying to tell her
about Mrs. Jones's goings-on, and
about the awful way Mr. Jenkins
treats hiswife, but she never gave
me a chance to get a word in."
President Roosevelt is only 44. lie
Is the youngest president the United
States ever ho.d. President Harri-
son, who was (38 when inaugurated.
was the oldest.
Messrs. G. O. Richards to Co.
• Dear Sirs,--Witile in the eallutFYI
last SUrnmer 1 was badly bitten by
mosquitoes -so balmy that I thought)
I woult be disfigured for it cotiple
weeks. I was advised to try. your
Liniment to allay the irritation, -
and did so. The effect was more
than 1 expected -a few apr licationS
completely curing the irritation, pre-
venting the bites from becoming
sore. MINARD'S LINIMENT is also
a good article to Icor off the mos.
Yours truly,
W. A. OKE,
Harbor Grace, Nfld., Jan. 81808.
• A train, big enough to carry the
live stock which arrives in a single
day in the Chicago stockyards would
have to be 161 of a mile long, and
contain 2,397 cars.
LIBBY Luncheons
• We seal the precinct in key -opening cans. Tura
a key Pnd you find tho meat exncti," left
Us. We put them upia (Ida way
Potted Hain, Beef and rongue,
.0x Tongue (02°10, rent Leaf,
Deviled'Hant, Brisket Beet,
.Sliced Smoked Beet.
All Natural rinyor foods. Palatablennd
'wholesome. Your groter should have tham.
.pbby, AlcHein 2 Libt1P, calear,to 0
ho sent free if you ask us. ,