HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-3, Page 8u•e linen towling. The kbad, you
WOUIa expeet to pay Fee per yard for,
aring at iie„ ;said. 4 great snap.
,E11ovEfl it, flee faruit•rs s have asen. glish
s StAtek Fooa pronounce it the best.
cheapest and most sittiefaetory sto-ek
food tlee,y have ever Wed. We heye
Call and see us at our new scores ot the higleesttestinionials erom
the hest stock raisers in this *elution
quart ers,
We have greatly enla • e
stook of
gpmeds, ijaitings.
of the country. Sold by Le Late, Exe-
The ball game widen was to have
been played between the Clintcm and
Exeter teams last Tbureday did not
our come off. tbe Clinton boys for some
reeson failing to put in an appeerance.
a An exciting game a ball was played
.lon the recreation grottuds, on Friday
evening between the married men and
ekinees Aeec.1 the single mere reeulting in a victory
n • en' for the latter by a score of 134. The
SO that we have BOW some" benediets' b°weLeSw'tirihavenlot
they ea
chauge the tale
natty and up-to-date hues 4 go at the bachelors to -night (Thursday)
no, no donbt, asap the former occasion, a
to choose from. We.. ',large crowd will witness the game. A
satisfy the west critical pleasing feature was the attendance of
a large number of ladies.
seingtes For Sale,
ENEMBER THE STAN -v., we have east received a carload a
U. C. shiegles tbis week and expect
three more =leads this month,
Jas. Willis, Exeter.
N, Dr. Ovens.
Specialiet eye, ear, nose and throat.
Mere:leant Tailor. win he at the Coinmereiel Hotel, en
. the let onel Sr nidays of each montle,
lenie note a
eeenee 4orms at tete Sp end eyeglasses fitted. Meny . - e
Adveeate. .#,Ieraugemetats g the nervous, and
For promisery note and xecelpt geetive systems are tine to ereors of re.
forme cell at the Advoeate oflice.'lir tetion
4 • -
Allan'e Worm Powders are theraild.! Peeth af Mrs. R744.
ot„ most pleaeent and M051 effectual ; The eed intellieence was re meal
worm remedy in the maeltet. teolde here Tuesday or the death of Mrs,
by C. Lutz, Eeeter. ',John Ryan. #.4 Brantford, a former
-Dominion Day pesseal oft very quiet. v eve4,1-kleown resident of Exeter, basing
a lingering illness on the
ly in towo, there being nu celebration titick* atter
the (1" ont of town. , ter of Exeter ,
a twe4e euennee of Our !woo. epMrs. Horn. Northand
encnthavretInte. The deeeaced. was a seFee-
left ltere = \Virg afro to reside i
cra antent the lettermale
e Supper ,, Qit n
will he relathinlitereill in the Trtvitt •-17;7"*"„.„1".."'" "ie was lughlY resPreted
Nertainiai etaureh snrotty morninei and her numerotte friends beege wn
I Wcatrn Fair, Louden.
Foe reetening grenT t'`) Its it This vear Canakize's favorite eel:din-
al '4944'0 itebness I teen wiii be held fivint 12th to t'ehlt.
Qf the eealp, and to prevent faiiiag , week later titan !met year, and follow-
t'11411'-'41..•14'5.r*T'144.6.1141'NIIP l;‘4414 S'1141 ohne knit the Ottawa and TOW11110.
bee enleate. Eiceter. snowe. Every taleCessirtw yew the
It is eei411141,1t ni the Wieshest M$ of the Weetinn Farr taltke
Pa» 11-310 Zo Matte eZtirrS torwarti. mad this year wilt be
05 next at. the teeleck, service. he sereiv grieved to Imre of her death,
1 3 pieces only of those 'detains* fold
" Tweed Dress Goods left, vie:trite; at
neea yard. Conics quick. Stewart's.
heppy and one the leen: ways le by
17,2117114)44AgtiWtifit %lit' Realer Stem
Fleute Mettle end thane
illenneesie BOO&
eeception in ibis ttesnietel. Prepare -
tions are tieing nazade Which keep
the add "Western" well to the front
as tlake meet. 614e4VS..515411
Jutt9 %Wain.
Tike emonkodious resiaeuce pThos. 11. H. McCallum, 'William street,
was the scene of a very happy event
on Monday last, when bas eldest
daughter. Hattie, was united in mar-
riage to Mr, Geo. WL11IC, The cere-
mony was performed precicely nt
twelve ceeloek noon, by the 13ev, R.
Millyard and in the presence of about
tbirty inyited guests, mostly nennean
ate relative*. Both bride awl grOom
were unattended. The bride was be-
comingly attired in a daintilvemede
white silk gown,trintmed with Vrenen
Videneiennes lace and insertion awl
cerried the usual bouquet of kthi
roses end ferns. Arany tokens of es.
teem. were receiveti from their friends,
and it might be said that among the
massy maeriages that have tahen place
in town few hztppy participants, will
have more universally the good wishes
of our citizens for them future bappi.
ness end prosperity than 'they. The
happy couple to* the evening train on
their honer meou trip and before re.
turning will take a trip up th45lusleo-
ka Lakes, The Anvoceerg emus their
host of friends in congratulations fovea
happy future.
Rxeter 931401 neeeet
The following is the remit of the
promotion eettudnatione of the Public
Selling! here. The names ne printed
in order of mmite—From Sze Ill to Jr.
1. -First five with honoree—Olive
Gould. Leah Remitter, Fred Smith,
Hegle Meleay. Frankie Knight, Dolly
V. Belick Hawkins, Jennie Welsh,
Edna Bissett, May Hawkius, Eddie
Vospen Irene Handford,Herry Renehe
Bertha, Stwil, -Maurice Bohlen
Room 5, --Charlie Long, Willie Bis.
sCIt. Howard Powell,John Trott.Chee.
ler I.,:vans. Jos, Vosper, Millie Bissett,
ehifred Wilcox, Ethel Harvey, John
Waiper, Frank Bawden, Winme Huse
ton, Edith McKay. Flossie Sweet.
Sr. 11, to Jr. IIL—First twelve pass
tl with honoree—L. Birney, L. Hod.
gert. J. Manson W. Bradt, E, Mitch.
ell. F. Sheere, J. Harkin, C. Welsh, A.
Dow. le. MeAvoy. K. Collins, and (i.
Dieset tc„ equal, I V. Welsh, H. Davidson,
Bewelete, Bertner, R. Brintuell.
Atkinson, te. Bolder, M. 1.I.'hite, E. of Mrs. A. Peen.
L. (loved, L. E. Farmer, S. Mrs, tirenell, of Detroit, is the guest
Merlon MePhereten, J. willper, miss ollit, meraugbhu spent Tuesday
A successful easter.
The Rev, C. NV, Brown, B. D., on
leaving the James street eboreb. for
another field of labor, bears with him,
we are essered on all hands, the len-
qualitied respect of all with whore he
has been assoeiated during his resi-
dence in Eeetete The members. of
the congregation end also of the Ep-
worth 14eagae beteg desirous to ex.
press their feeling in some tangible
form, have each presented the reveze
end gentleman with an address, and
the ladies of the Woeneres MiseionerY
Society laave likewise conferred the
same honor upon Mrs. Brown. It
way be said that a mit-deter end his
wife more worthy of time expressions
of personal esteem and approval bas
not at any time ministered anmeg the
eongregatiou of jaws street dowels.
js Brown ae the evening service on
Sunday night preached bis faresvell
sermon. During -bis reeidence hero
the revethed gentlemen has endeared
bineself to every member of the con-
gregation. while by leis large hearted
interest and helpfulness in everything
whieh tended. to uplife humanity be
won for himself the respect and es-
teem of many outside the limits of leis
own flock, Mr. Brown's departure is
universally regretted and be and his
estimable Wife and family will carry
with thew. the hese end most heartfelt
wishee of hosts of friends. The church
on Sunday night was crowded to the
doors, the seating accommodation he.
iog taxed to Rs utmost, Throughout
the sere -tee it was evideut that the ap.
Moulting separation was deeply felt
by both pastor and Reek end wheu
Rev. Brown rose to deliver his sermon
every eye was fastened upon him and
everv ear strained to catch the words
s they fell from his lips. Mr. Brown
moved with his family to his new field
of taller, 'Mitt:hell, yesterday (Wednee.
Mervyn. Huston spent Tuesday in
fre. Peter McMartin Is visiting at
Mr. J. W. Broderick was in town
Hooper, le Snell, tiaer home here.
FSOltt roma)) 7 to went 0.—eleolge mr. Albert Rover, at, clialtaa, was
in town tins week.
Mies Vera Snell. of Sarnia, is home
Wing' her holidays.
COK Ferguson, of Legatee.
spent the holiday here.
Miss Ethel Farmer is home from
London for the vaeation.
Mr. E. Hillburn. of Paris, spent
Tuesday at Mr. A. Fortre.
Mr. Frank Hunt spent Tuesday and
Wednesday at his home here,
Miss Etta. May Boivey spent a few
daysin Remelt during the week
Master Norman Geddes, of Belgrave,
is spending bis holinitys in town.
Brr rown. Berry (eeriness. Wilhe Barney.,
Mr. A. Q. Beiner nal his mewled Smelt and Atneenitural 'bow of the til%%nlif,rks.fweit'littki Aanin5ete:
pienic Grata 'Bend on Thavrelay Deminion. New and interesting fea. 5.1‘.1110 Dimetw.Fdi.7/1 fiatin'47n. tide ,
vete A Large tlangptem 44 les petrene tnersare Whig intreduced for the first leetme ii.avior_ Willie "Tatter,
emreiloytoi Wege in ettemniness time. Some impertent chzangee will be "iel,o-nvin• 0"11-1 ; 16) 6:_utttie morns
an excelletit thee woe spent by all Pmdtee inertif; Magtr,Ment el' ft,h1IS Lanra 31CFall$1 Birdie Boyle, Gladys
Advance teemed No. 24. R.T. of T.. seet" —ii'll ''''ll''4-14 `LS %;e•- " *5 Find, Penile isaae, Violet Tinnitlen„
haVe Changed tho date of twee ;mew ntlw1 Depettuterats. Hater Snell, Jack Buckingham, Wel.
plenie te tteetell Ilene eteen eulF :ell Nee Puke, Ernest, Taylor, Bert West -
ea July Min All Tempt:me are palette ott.
niaely requested to attend the nieetitrv Death at .Its. Miete
en Monaley night next, There passed away to the unseen
A petitien Wilifi Sled on Sattueley rectal ott Sattliday night lust about
with IL eleeleuald, Wei registrar of nine o'clock, one who for znany years
the High Court, ageinst the return of past has been a prominent resident of
Henry Either. Conservative member Reek% Mrs. Alfred Allen. The de.,
for South !halite The petitioner is M. ceased has been in delicate henith for
T. MeLean, of neaforth, sonte years, suffering from pernienous
While the puss bits presented an :111WIllia, alla for Rhymeat days she has
endless =tam of inuetrations tlf the hovered between life and death. lies'
Mont Pelee disaster, the illustrations maide» name was Ellen Cooper and
in the July Coetnopeliten. printed on was horn in Yorkshire,Englanibin the
fine impel. with the most cupful art. yQ31." Mt In I.S52 she was married, to
give a clearer idea of emit what grit her surviving husband aed eanie to
disaster means than anything hither. Canada with, him and her child four
to presented rears later settling in Woodstock.
A number of the Maeonie brethren Nfo.king that place their home for a
here drove to Hensel! on Sunday and few yeans they then moved to Exeter,
attended &vine service in the Innen where they bare resided ever shire.
byterian chinch with the brethren of In 1877 Mr, Allen took up gardening,
that place. the Rev. J. S. Hendereou and tbe deceased being very fond of
officiating. They were highly delight. flowers opened up a greenhouse in
connection and took up the work of
ea with the distourse of the Rev. gen.
tleman stud all say it was the best supplying wreaths for funerals, boa -
temente discourse they had ever ifs. tom for weddings, etc., and many
the beautiful and artistic dein has
Mr. Sidney Snell, who moved to been placed to her credit. She is high-
ly spoken of as a good neighbor, a
town from leeiliorne last fall, is this kind parent and many Indeed are
week moving his tunny and house- those who can testify to her kindness
hold effects to leindon township,where of heart. Held in higle esteem her
he has purcbased a two -hundred acre demise brought sadness to a large
farm. Mr. Snell intends going into circle of friends, gained. by long resi-
raisins cattle extensively on his new delve here and the kindness of her
premises, consequently will not erop disposition. The funeral took place
any of the laud. We wish elr. Snell on eionday from the residence of her
every success. son-in-law, Mr. Geo. Harton, where
A careful examination of flour made the deceased bad made her home for
at the Exeter Roller Mills will show some time; proceeding to the Trivitt
that it excels all others in color,. Memorial church, a short service was
strength and even granulation and held and thence the remains were
general leaking qualities. conveyed to their last resting .place in
HARVEY EROS. the Exeter cemetery. The bereaved
There died at the residence of Mr. husband:and daughter have the sym-
David Russell, Exeter North, on Sun- patby of their many friends.
day last, Ada Minnie, twin daughter In memoriam.
of Mr. James Russell, at the age of The appended clipping from. a De
seven months and two weeks. The Lamar paper has reference to tbe
little tot had been ailing only about death of the wife of a former well -
ten days from throat trouble. The known resident of Exeter:—Mrs. Mary
/lateral took place to the Exeter ceme- Hatton was born in Ireland about 1832,
and came with her family to Canada
when about nine years of age, where
they made their home entill803, when
accompanied by her brother, John
Foster, she came to Salt Lake, remain-
ing there nntil 1809, when they remov-
ed to White Pine Co. On the 4th of
November,1814, she was joined in mar-
riage to Mr. W. N. Barton. They
weet immediately, to Mr. Harton's
ranchin Steptoe Valley, where they
lived until 1887. Mr.:Harton sold the
ranch and they took a trip East. In
the fall of the sarne year they bought a
ranch in Nye Co., White River valley
where they lived until June, 1901.
While there Mrs. Tinton was Post
mistress for elevdn years and at the
same tirne was 'weather reporter for -
She government. Before coming here
from, Canada she taught nine years in
She public school. . Selling the ranch
theytook a trip oeerlaud to Idaho, re-
turning to DeLamar in October, they
settled and lived here until June .1002,
When after about 27.hourS' illness, she
passed away. Mrs. Hatton had a gen-
ial and pleasant disposition and made
friends wherever , she was. known.
Her sudden ii.ed painful illness was a"
terrible blow to hexdevoted husband,
who had: eveuthing done that was
possible, for her comfort and the
neighbors were very kind in rendering
assistance, . but of no 'avail and she.
passed away a few minutes after seven
o'clock, Wednesday morning.
Ledleal eall end see Stewart's finP
temp of faney hosiery. Fine Black
Meteerized silk with highlaee auk] (1
Vp to value itt tikie..40e. and elne a pair.
county Orme°
The County Orange Lodge held their
semi annual meeting 1,11 Howell on
Tuesday, There was a fair represere
tittlin1 of delegates: =long others
Frank Davis, of lesborne r. Nevin.
of Biddulph, Mr. Seariett: Ma McMillan),
end Mr. Lewis, of Crediton. The inde-
fatigable Seetetary, Ma Cantelon, of
Clinton. was also present, County
Master Nevin oecupwd the chair. A.
M. Todd. of Gutlerich presented his re-
port of the sultanas made preparatory
fur the Goal...ride eelebration. He state
ed that greatly reduced railway rates
bad been seemed and that about 100
lodges were expected, Excursions will
be run by boat from Detroit, Manitou-
lin and Collingwoorl. and that prepar-
ations were under way for an immense
crowd of people. Those present pledg-
ed thernselvee to do all possible to
make the celebration a grand success.
Big nay at Godcriclo
For nearly a year the Orangemen of
Goderich and the county of South.
Huron base been working energetic-
ally, for a big and successful gathering
in that beautifin town on the 125h of
July. There will be prizes and attrac-
tions for the hundred lodges that are
expected. The citizens and town
council have been liberal financially,
and the day promises to be the biggest
and greatest on record. Single rail-
way rates have been secured. from all
points within 80 miles of Goderich,
and there will be special trains from
and to near Sarnia, Kincardine, Lon-
don, Stratford, Palmerston, Listowel
via Winghato, etc. Boats have been
chartered from Detroit, Port Huron
and the Brace Peninsula. Those who
want to see a great day, a big crowd,
and a pretty, and healthy town will
have a good. chance. Tickets good
from Friday till Monday.
tery on Monday. A GellittS,
The friends in town of Miss Lavelle Master Frank Weekes, of Exeter,ag-
ed fifteen years, son of Mr. W.
Weekes, of the Exeter Marble Works,
has just completea piece of work
in drawing that goes to prove his
genius. The work is a copy of one of
the great pictures of the world. It
Toledo Times her exazninations have
been most creditable, showing great
aptitude and tact and has proven her-
self a general favorite not only with
her patients. but among the doctors
forber painstaking, efficient and zeal-
ous efforts in the discharge of her
Gregory, &lighter of our esteemed
townsman, Mr. Thos. Gregory, will be
pleased to learn that she has graduat-
ed as nurse at the Toledo (Ohio)Narse's
Training School. According to the
A large new 40 feet canvas pavilion
has been erectea on the va,cant lot op-
posite the Exeter grist mill on Main
street. The following are a few of
the marry inteeesting subjects that
will be presented "The Righteousness
-of God,' "The Angels"—who are they?
What is their work?", "The Second
Coining of Christ," "The Straggle be-
tween Capital and Labor a Sign of the
Times," "nTelitiehadneeear's Dream"
paniel..2), "The United States a Sub-
ject of Bible Prophesy," "Looking Un-
to Jesus," "Where will the Saints
spend Eternity," "Where will You
spend eternity." Services will begin
at 8 o'clock each evening, commencing
Friday,July inn Services will also be
held. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Good singing. The public are cordi-
ally invited.
IAre you going travelling? If so
you will probably want something
in the trunk and telescope line. Ste-
wart's have jnst received a large
shipment of these goods at away
down prices. Big Cash Store,
represents a scene from Tennyson's
"Idylls of the King descriptive of the
final scene in "Lancelot and Elaine."
Many faces, a boat en water carrying
a bier, a tragical boatman, with much
fine carving, appear on the canvas. It
is so exact a reproduction of the ori-
ginal that only by close scrutiny
could one picture be told from the oth-
er. On close inspection it will be
found, however, that the young.artist,
has much improved the original by
making the files iu the background
more distinct and giving to each cout-
tenatice a.nd expression suitable to'
the occasion that the ,original does not
possess. It is more bewilderi-ng when
we know that this picture was eepro-
duced by free-hand drawing, not a
measurement of any kind being taken;
just trusting alone to the eye and
sense of proportion. This faculty of
Master Prank is partly hereditary,
as his father has the afflatus to a re-
markable degree, having produced
many fine paintings. Frank is an un-
obtrusive boy with a Mania for draw-
ing. Already lithographic companies
and newspaper men are after the
youthful artist's services, but his fam-
ily wisely decline to launch him on
the world for a few years. When he
is launched look out for some good
work from his pencil and brush.
I48c. the pair for men's overalls
made of good brown duck, double
stitched, wear guaranteed. Certain-
ly a great bargain. Stewart's.
Shingles for sale at James Willis',
Exeter Lumber Yard.
Mr, G. G. Gibson,.of St. Louis Mo.,
was a pleasant caller at the ADVOCATE
office, Wednesday. Mr. Gibson was a
former resident of 'Osborne and visit-
ed the scenes of his boyhood days,
baying Heed with his Parents on the
farm now owned. by Mr. Simon Camp-
bell at Farquhar.
Mr. John Crooks, of Clinton, spen
the holiday with friends in tome
elr. D. Crittenden, of Myth, spelt
the holiday with friends in town.
Miss Ross, of Clinton, -spent Sunda.
in townsthe guest of Miss 13allard.
Me. Ed. Pete!), of London. spen
Tuesday with friends in Exeter North
Mr. Geo. Avery of London, visite
his aunt, Mrs. Kestle in Stephen, thi
Miss Irene Rogers, of Patethill,spen
a few days with her brother here thi
Mrs. Ches. Eirney returned home 01
NVetineeday after a short visit at 130
Mrs. Frityne and little daughter
Lilly, spent a few days with friends i
Mrs. Newton and little &weigh ter
Gladys, of Windsoais visiting friend
in town.
Mrs. T. G. Creech left on Saturda
to visit her sister, who is very ill it
Miss May Hooper, of Bowmanvill
lathe guest of her cousin, Miss Coe
Mrs. E. Sanders and son, Edward
of Zurich, have taken up _their vesi
dence here.
Mr. 0. Pentound, of Brucefield, spen
Friday in town, the guest of Miss Jes
sie Creech.
Mr. David Spicer, of lirantford
spent a few days with friends in tOW
during the week.
Mr. Edgar Evans, of London, is vi
iting friends here, the guest of his a
ole, Mr. John Evans.
Miss Emma Lewis, of Orecliton, wa
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. Penhal
for a few days during the week.
Mrs. Arthnv Andrews, alter a fe
days' visit with friends here, retzerne
to her home in Detroit, Saturday.
Mr. W. H. Trett, who has been itt
disposed Inc some time, is again abl
to be out to do a few small jobs at th
Mr. W. Robertson, of the Gocleric
Signal staff, spent a few 'days in tow
during the week, the guest of Mr.
0. Huston.
Rev. Dr. Hannon, accompanied b
his family, arrived in town yesterda
(Wed.) evening to minister in his ne
field of labor.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Braand an
family, of Brantford, are the guest
of the latter's :parents, Mr; and Mn
3 ohn Essery.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bawden, Of Co
lingwood, who have been visitin
friends here for the past week, left f
their libine Tuesday.
v'isiting their mother, Mrs. Jeeke
Mrs. E. P. Howell, eof Toronto, a
Miss B. Jeckell, of Negaune, Mich., a
London Road, North.
Russell Southcott and Lorne Can
who have.been filling positions in 'D
trait, are spendino•t'a few days at the
respective homes here.
Mr. Herb Mitchell, who rnoved wi
his family to Berlin a few months a,g
has decided to return to town and w
move his family here shortly.
Mr. J. A. Stewart - left Sa.tuiel
evening for New York to meet h
brother, who is in a very low , state
health from pulinonary trouble, a
who has been in Denver, Col., for t
gocid.of his health for some time.
.A. farmer is often suspicious of what he buys
in, the hardware line. Ile has suffered feom false
statements, perhaps 'and is a good deal like the
burnt child, which dreads the fire. The most un-
sophisticated can buy at our store with as much
confidence and safeq as an ezpert.--
What do you want now for Hay Season?
Is it Flay Forks, Mower EWA) sections, Rivets,
Scythes, Snatbs or Scythe Stones. If so we have
them all and that too of the very best quality.
. .sk to see our new stoc4 or
ernaan rante-Ware.
successors to If. Bishop st Son.
We Iteve the kind that are new Organdies. Persian lawns, India
in style and that tit to perfection. , linens and Book Muslins. goods
The large sale we are having for that are all of line even "WC4STO at
these goods proves their worth, prices consistent with quality. Al.
!; so linen Batiste in plitin awl fancies,
' linen eifeets In lame ansersione.
A special line on sale this week, Two very speeial lines et MAI
king AVOWS* regultar 250, goods. at ansi $1.2.1
the special price of leke
Headquarters for the Celmbrntesl W. E. Sendford Ready Made Clothing.
- - .
....._ . . .....
imiNbERT Alecloo
Now is the time to beautify your
homes by selecting some of our
handsome Furniture.
Do you want a nice
Bedroom sett for... $10
Sideboard.... ... . .... ... .. 8
Cool Sweet Mattresses. 3
Bed Springs.... .... .... .... . 2
Couches and Easy Chairs at easy prices.
Curtain poles and trimmings.
We have several sets of beautiful chairs just in.
Give us a call and if we have not got what you
want we will soon get it for you.
Wes. C. _Huston,
Furniture and undertaking rooms.
Gidley's Block, Exeter,
Dr.R. F g ii of Pontiac, Arch.,
is spendingeril
afe°sv? days the 1
guest of his sister, Mrs. Chas. Snell.
Little Earl Smith, son of Mr. LSmith,
of whom mention was raadelast week,
still lingers in a very low condition,
totally paralzyed and unconscious.
Mrs. Elliott ind Ales. Williams, after
a few days visit with the former's
daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson,retuen-
ed. to their home in Mitchell, Friday.
Mr. Fred Brook an.d wife and child,
of St. Thomas, spent a few days at
the former's home during the week.
Mr. Brooks intends leaving for Man-
itoba on July 15th.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Drew, of London,
accompanied by their daughter, Mrs.
Dickson, and child, spent Tuesday in
town the guest of the former's broth-
er, Mr. Wm, Drew. ,
Mr. George Bawden, - of London;
vent a few days with hie parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bawden, town.
He was accompanied by his son Fred,
vvho intends remaining here for some
Messrs. Wm. Bawden an a A. Me-
Donell left on Monday evening last
for the ,Old Country where they in-
tend purchasing another shipment of
entire horses for their sale stables
here. •
Mrs. I. Bawden, who has been yisit-
ing friends here for several days, re -
turned Tuescney evening to Blyth.given
She intends going West about the first
'of August where she will make her
future home,
Mr. Jos. Davis is still confined to his
home but shows signs of improesnient.
Miss Johnston, an experienced nurse
of London, is ministering to his wants
with seemingly beneficial effect and
We hope to see Joe soon again enjoy.
011011 0
Supplied with either thE
. .-
Angie iron, Round
Rod or Wood.
These b at rteh e bweietth omuat _
chines obtainable
at any price.
Was awarded the on13
medal and diploma
on Hay Forks
at the World's
Fair Chicago.
Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith sh(if
, .