HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-3, Page 71 .11 ..- I I 11 ­ ,­­ I I -11-.1- ...1-11,11. I ­ _. 11 1. ­. I 11, ­ �.­:­­- � -:­ ­ . I 11! � I... ", :---.,.­­­­ ­­ ,­­­;,_­� ----- :-- '' -717 ­ � _­ -, __­ � ___._,� , I 1. � I . .11 I I .. � I - I I I .1 I 1 I I ., - . . ­ 1 1. ". I . , � .. I I I � � - _'. - -_ - I . . I I I . 1 I I I I I � � I � , I . .1, . . I . . I . . � . I I . . I .. � I I I . I I I I I . . I I -,� ", I - . 111 I . ­ I �, ; I 11 . .1 .. 1.111, . I I � � � 11 . I i I . . I . .1 . I . . . I . I I � I I . I . . I I . I I � . � I . I �.. . . I I . I I I I . . . .. I . . I � � I I . I � �. 11 I I I � I � I I .1 " . �. I I . . I � . I . I . I I . I I I . . I I I � ­ . I I I . I _­ . W � .. � � � �, -­__,___ . . .. - I I 11 .11 Z I ,,, I- I I I 11 11 .11 . - ,,, � - - I . I I I I . I ­­ 11 I I - I . � I I I ­ 11 - �. I I I . I - I � I I. I � . I I I I " I I - � I I 11 11 I - 1. . I I � . I �. I . I 11 11 . I—.. I I'll, . . � . I., . . I i __ ___ The..... I . �, . 4 4 < 4 < 4 � , � I ,. I , < ­ , . �_[ � I I , I I I �� �. . l � L I I 1, I I i3tood At the Rindow of my poor , � little surgery. � %Llero � - WAS scarcely a patient war- il thy of the name -on ivy boolis, and � , * , iitock vings was near - MY little ' ' - of aw . ly exhAusted. In, fact." it. beg:an to JOOk its if the Medals And diatiale- , UOns I bad won at. college a the - no ,d I "'Spi al", were usolqw. for I bad I " ,t I 1-Ifearly niadQ up T d to, abandol � , My win I .. . ,k All hope of work -Ing up A prActiog in . Dewburst. . I , A4 11. lookea down tile whole length 0� the I-ligh iftreot,j , 64W one of the , POIN01-07 ililgftrta turn, the, corner by . . , I the wats4'n. "),"Ce. it contained o� I . groom. dressed I]% their woll-l.�upwlx , I dark bluo livery,, 4nd be drove the , thoroughbred Chestnut up the street at a splitting Pace. T . i Prise, lie stapped at � 0 my Sur- , , t, he do I , � or of =y � . - - L , bumm "" 1 0 fiurgor,y. ordered. a, boy who WAS StandiAig 110ar to hold t , W-141 sprang Out, , ,h,6 betilse, ! 0, "Will yail pleago Come. J.lp *0 the car' R� At once?" lie said breathle. t a ly. ­Tte earl has . cut his hand yery badly.** I believe I Wellt sCorlet with ,I.s, touidinielit, -Dr, Thornton gencrall, , V altUllas ,his lordiihip,11 I ".4 with besitg,. 0on. "Yes sh' " E-1410 the grania- 4%ut , , - 1 -he do;vog�r (onnte,%,j ba'a bad some, Mortis With Xr� 'Th9r,uton. ,and ,, particallarly be You ,*Vill dflveb she 93 , , ,ur 'With ine." 'k . [ A Inoluvilt later I was Seftte4 Ill i the dOgeart, speeding away , a tile : , . t I C4VAIr. not L-nowing illat that slulple , L 61411141tous to attivIla a w.au I � , aded hand � Wils to lead to the ,nost I oxtraordfit- � ary incidVAlt OT lll,�F Carter, I I rwws INTOlved , In tile marning. rOOM W., tbe dowager colinte&s. a Woulau ot awbolat forty years of age. Who WaS StIll in pasje.,;,�Sjen or tlie NVORlierful beanty I%bi � CIA had Made , 114T &.941014% throug-1401,1t JP.14ropp. I , I idnould aleation tbat the vw..,,imt earl War. ber .%tepsiou. Ilin, ytlaiiiR wlfo� n airl of about twoUtY. ,Was In the rOOM U40041. I arrived. but rJ40 ],,tit vt'r.V little (O SaW, and I understood tit a glance that, tile perf,oll to be COR"11141AM was tile. dowager,, who appe.4red to 3-1130 eversybody, The fouver."iati011 WAR Of the ordinary typo. the earl had woiindei�l bic,; hand 00014AThatt f:evorelv With a bunting. . * halift., 110 Wiwi at pre'sent In tile library. and titey Would lih,Q Ill'o to 90, there ;it twep. I Was about to I'lavo the rown. , who,% tile dowager cialhvd ille bliet. ' "'I'llert, is One Other little Matter, Dr. Lightfoot." 'she said, "We very . . I 1111101 fear thAt tile ea.rl-s heart is serloin;ly affected." - 1, *illtl 's iopped and I looked propel'. ]y A.Valpathetiz.. "Could N-011 Mullage to Inakolin 01- allllnatio� without 41017"Ing' 111111? Ile is very nervous, because hCart '016eal"Q I'l In tile falujily.0* I PrOull'Sed to do Iny-best. fl'IIP earl M-DivQd Rie Illost cord4tl. IY 1110 WAs A ]')ail of about fivC. ila(I-(IIIrtlV, JIQAItbY and. strong looking. *01011gh, Noulp 'What pa,le, tile rQ8131t Of 100diagastudious life, Tile I, Wound Ili Ids hand was. not of )uuCh (!0I1,"I%I0IIcQ, Alld-WhIlla a quarter at till bour ft. was sown Alp and blind - aged. 11111ch, I lipPrO0011011 tile heart muestion, of W11F.,V, very delicately. Ile laughed. -I don't ,think tilere is anythira t1w, matter with My lie , art; b;�t Y4 at*(, "Velcoluc to sound it, it ivs Only to PletiNe the ladies.11 Now, if thero-is an organ ,which I Profess to understand with, .some thOrOU911110-S-5- it is tile heart. But .I L eoll14 find nothing in, the world the � matter witAi his, The action was � somewhat weak, but that mult be I eiipectcd if' a man who qpends al - 1 lao"t all till$ time In the library. So , far RS I Could Ascertain ther; was 'lot a trace of disease. ' � "There',% no heart disease in our � fainily," said tile earl cheerily. . : This was a direct contradiction of I 1,1W dowager's wordS, but I had paid . liLtle attentioift to. it at.tll,6 time. i 11',very doctor knows how unreliable � PaliQ'ItS are in their staiements. � Tiiere Are some who take a delight . I 111 e-'CP9gerJXt'ing every, ,trifling ail - A "lent, there are ,other.% who take an Nlual delight in mj�:imjzilig them. � Before I left I ba,d conic to Uic con- [ cluslon. that the earl'was one of the I best follows :1 had'met. There was �- ,not a scrap of alTectation or non- � sonse about him. r Ilis great hobby was sketching. I I I � have novel- met, a.,man. With such re- niarkable. taiclit. Eivery thought that Passed through his mind seem - I ed to be t"nsferred. to paper. For instance, While we 'Were chatting he � Skotfhed my likeness, It Was quite . a little .wQrR of art,. with tlio.�,pbpLK- acteristic signature,� "Pomeroy, bbc- ember-.20t1l, 189r).,� I 11 , '1Ve are both students, Dr. Liglit- foot," 'he said. warmly, "and. if we don't becollic 'very intimate, it will `­-Vp , c, your own fmu.M - I am quite glad I I cut my hand. - - It hasl been the , I I I incalis bf introducing us.', . . I That' cond tided my ffiterview.,witli , . . : "tile '.0 arl of Pomeroy. � �� . : . The . Saniq' -.night, at tell o,clocki , "I the dogeart again dolled Lip to my .-Surgery. ']'his time the gi.*oom was ­, white with excitement. , I , "Conic at on6e, sir," lie said husk- . ily. � �, I I I I I.Ts aAythibg Wrong?" I asked. "The earl is dead!" . . . For g, nionictit 1 ga7ed at.1iiin in stiipefied silence. Dead?. A man . I 10.014, only a, few hours, earlier, I . lind seen in the Prinic of life -,Ind in . sound health! 111t, .seenied impossi- ble.' I . I., 1� I I "I.Tow did it happen?" I asked. "His lor,dship went to the library I ofter dinner, as usual, He fell w I . Sloop in his aroicliftir before the hre 't -and-and' about ,an, hour ago ,the liousekeopor found him, Sir& He Was � I dead! "; I I I . ' . Tears- were trickling down the . : niafi's`-T,�Lce as he spoke. I.felt.t.bat, ' I my n;icdiC4l, knowled e 4�.ipst be in ­ I . . Ig. ­­ ­­�� :­ - - , --­ ­ ­ � ,�­109�FA­)� � - .1 " �111� I-= . � I . I 1 I � ,. I � � � I . - . � ­ ''.. ,,I - � . I 1 I - . 11 . . .1 1 . , .. . . � 'I ' some,way altogether at, fault, but it ,don't. . L red though, of course, be remembe 1-11 .1 �- ­ ; ....... I ' ', 11, - -­ 1, - . � .. -1 0#*#"e*40#_**e I Itt, 5QPPJ7 of underwear of tennis flaim 01 . 1. .1 - rp 1ASOXXL POINI waallie time for idle conjecture. I Sprang into the, dogeart, and three- , nothing that had ba.ppened after the I tilue he fell asleep in the library. I � - � � . 11 I . of Moderate, we! lit, It wears. well, z 9 �. and is easily Washed' It there are "AbOtutthe I Notes of Tntexe;st Ali( quarters of an hour later stood in the castle hall. I -I ad b told him what 11 ,, appeued� Al:put the 13e hu undorSL-irts to. be lengthened mttke I ­ , , 'I . L�pAding . , .,sbed matter must a, yoker that lits sw I , , oothly about tbe� 'Teopi Xverything w,", of course, in con:- fusion. The' 19 up, Lightl Ot, for tile $1 ,IUQ Of the family." be SaAd eagerly. � hAP0. out tile Skirt from tlip old band, 1, House - her- 1. ,rhe qr$atii, ,rA , . tip jamille servftnto were Ilorror- striaeu. The youl, , IV countess, over- ,, Quite So," I Said; "but we must .,,,.. . or walst, gat the upper edge, and I sew it to the yoke. Or. it the utotb�- viellig rith each other, come with. grief, Ikiatl ., bocii carried also take care'that it does not bap'. � 0 f.w er bar* tAken, the to run, enterprise. One o I , .f the � kinconselous to ber rooln, The onl-v POP "gain. I vagest, that the dow- " precaution . . ####W"""4-V"W,-P*"" on two tucks Above OQ beal, 4 or cruits is Lady Aileen Quill, who, is Re0A alix Person Ad I'lice - , once r 00,1111USS, 1)6 sent for at And confronlred, with , -a UOXVOTI�S� they, =.0 be let out. If YOU bftVQ farAning, ' and 'has acres Prese, . W. of lubid all the dow , Ager, She loolced pale� but, Co9l And CQI� you", My Plan w." ,carrW out, And Put- � Only one child white flannel is ;,Lit _ I Tlie'vAlve of, tile go,mpote as a ilcli� right for sWrts� but when the faml:- ejo �ry , � kumsv-n Variety, in A(J,v-,% AT"nor., Ooqqt� lected. In fact, she) was One Of , . Mosa deteru -tined, strong-minded -we, ceeded better T,bi.0 I expected. ill-- Stead of, at . 'tempting to deny ik She , Cato and d0liclous form of dessert ly IS larg4e tit(, e:�.* .1 � . ,trA'Wft$b1Jig` i t90 , , _ -l; , Ilas long been -Zell ftbrog,d, mucli f9r J,Ier to under t4klo recogni ,at . .naW gm or9r Tbp V,erl ' _ � _ T p well V110 cau face any 4elaerggacy. egtirely lost her aelf�posge&slon*. I . .. , . . . . _�, but has lint recently found ox�tellded _ I rea-der of sbak" " at )Care -t Pla,vs lie bas 6, adied tii She led 1W. at once, to Ili& bed, 'where Wld� falling on I . _ . ... ,ter kueeo� begged forgiveness,, f4-. ,,Or here. it is generally served CAUPETS IN sliulwun, that ho, Is -Able to qui:ite room. be bad been carried. I shall VgVer Porget the scene that � fill� I pointe , d out t1lAt in remaining I With bOiled ric e, joast round at p a -a or T_ rd. o � a] pplIge V,akc� And is easily pre= lie bu ell I the bousekeeiier 'who, ­ , . from 010M. In Ins JibrAr 't . valup,bla edi lons of Jowod. I.Re Jay oli the b �d list face � . c., I . , �, Sileut I WAS COWPOlInding A. Ioloo, does all her own 'work in wired, APPetizing and dainty. Tbe ijil _ warm wea- P ., , Ish I worL 's, !&I Geritian as well I just as 1 had seen, it 11 , a the W , _ orn , _Rd, jeop. in ,t A ai ardizilig . _ . y fu, ure PArleQ17, . in co 0 be er, 1% at, )east, .-t heavy ere, and bread used mpat,eii Sit uld . , I I I 11sh The 1�111peror,s fal wa, except that it. was now pale , � - so I insisted on the dow-aiger count- . . thoroughly dried Wore browning. unless She takes evei.7 pnecautioa to , 1. . ,- " I is "Hantlet. . . , . and rigid, W ess retxrixl,7 altogether from o0cipLy, _ � Many fruits can be used in ,_ . , ge, at com gave berSeU it will Jl"oll tij4es . The King of lVortaigal "Uilw is it, Dr, LightfooW, :she . and living on her own property in I Ill 400n. Dan- Almost unbearable. Of the duties " It ,,Inas anil oranges go A, lawn;Aennis thuslastic s,- 04 sternly, "th.-t.t. wbe4 ., _ saw , ;you , lKn '017th Of I 9111114-LP'loon, A'07 the N , :nIore well t ogether, aways using ,� little that 10, to her lot. few are - � bath the Xing And bis Air _ M. the earl this � ornilig you were , ,not able to foresee this calquilty?" , SwOrO. 1--m-n-mm"M . lemon With bananas. and havilig ta-ying than i5weeplilg hewk y, duf,ty ghtly under,lripo. peaches and . ., tile).'a sli carpet�5 oil A w4rin dfty"alldll�o ' '. Iufal�te Don Alphouso, p tile �i*tttil t�444 , "I doWt believe it -- . was pomilitte for , _9A MS I ,; --- JTST_rk5 :J?OP*TAATT, _ _ . � I.. t o I zkrIse,s, Is it iiio.t bette .ilt PIRMA 90 Well together, Algo ftpri� 41ile - I ,r t I , � I � "' I � discard the carpeta during the, am=- Of 49 Niorth in, the xm-at tourit . � jt�** ally InedicA -c, . � I Ala ... R ... to fol sce 1 replied firmly. Mr. Ulm 14.014s, a -A., Is Now Wt got$ and P01I.A.P. strawberries and , Currants. 4luince and - Pler months? S"w Matting Pan sweet I es. , " C;iseaca for the challep-ge, . "13111; I warned you that t _ . ,,.art . he 0 I QA it. wqrU . ,.- , .11"pi a far 4 tritle ali � it JS eSt he 41 bArborrIes And Sweet or sour apol i1ellpalilaroly'laclea.ner, V t ror W I he queen, ot L Ring 1)10*S it hard vollgF suffered frow. his heart.- "I found ,nothing amim, with the As War. anii,qu,liced gctale time age. X - r� I, like piclop. lt,A., I;,% tbi.� J9r pears and bAl'berries, etc. Cooler and m9ro, The, foundation for all gova he-31thful than carpet -5. INTothfug is is I ,with good 3lidgment, Ill pJ can hold his w . earl.*' e "W hoped that Jin sending for , , , _ , tqqatso OX -04 �Wectcd to P, -, ."pt � the - _ _ offidAl Portrait at Ills Majesty thq, ,potes. -1 about the saimer-MIgair alid ,i,aUr ill Mill`4 delig,ttful In 6vwmer tban, bare I stiga ruga ifiny the Proportion ' , holiKlieej - r 400-rr- with - -, N - -) . of r - . . of Ono cup 0 I baMs in hor- own -It players In Portugal. - - _ laust -Air. An4rew Car Y914" She, said bitterl,Y. "we should King, and ROAV t05 all-impartant, to onc-balf or one cup of water, de- ors Will hold up thiAr this, ' but It hao beell strugglipg fol, wealth I 114VO better Advice than could be ob� tallied from an old Practitioner like , war . k is in balud" witil a, %low# doubt- P91101110 .011011 the juldness of tho rov 4',6 once fruit to be used, V,u� the sugar And trW they will izbaago thor oplailln. da,vs tile only recreation Pr- Thornton. Rvidently. our con. Ici. Of ito being ready in 111)10 jor . , (100 Aa_ � � Loll tile 1,U0rOu,itIQu, says -it Is ill ,at all good Con- WAtQ1` with Whatever flavorlog 1.4 Any floor M , be to look Idiuself Was an, Orexo�loual pedition. IN,ow 04-tt tile Ildenve wal:i misplaced.1" ,%*Ile gm-ept conten , 1ptuously from AWOM. The r,tudio of Mr. FildeW b9allitiful usell Into a, clean saveppall, and c4ok dition, rpay Made quite until grupy. When. boiling drop the well by u$lug 11114 follOwlitS Prellar- goine to Idin be is .tit ard NZ lie hato give -A ord� tile rooill, and left ine there .,. fooling home In the Molbirry Itilad, Xcu- ation. Four all a 's at a time, so "ces of Kant sbell.,1G. fruit lit a few Piece one 011114110 090 9QM b4pluzoln' . building of saini6a ,and t 1.1lare perplexed than I h%ve 'Over been before Or since. , , gington, is, to Mfg, At Corinnon, phrase. "fit for g Uipg." Uere his Majosty that � iL Will Dot. be, Crashed and Ounce Of gum waaflo, One ituart of alcohol. "n.1u6.9,V.`* Coilli. until Under, but pliil;olve thorongl)Wv before 41,slug- If o0va 04 tile banks of t '1111013t throe, miles froul, 8 IT. will Blid innumerable oblects of in- 0n its 61mpo4 , -still firm enough to reto caiihilly Cleaned. tbis OQ floorg are little dauglIter ,has all] - I knew quMv %voil t44 I Was . . __ pot terest Which Will not fail, to appeal " to W 0114150C tAC-k$. Aild #411riPff thO fruit with a. . RORION,@ the . oldmmer. . t P01,151A will Jast for Volne 0010. -1 q -ve - , 4r-'4404� -Ikg R1 -e-9 14 VQ991AP Or ,any AoCkm tatight, tile laysterim of All d is, mosk #W141,0as I In 011v 5OR60 Of tile word to blam for Aut bad happened. r9be momt,lits Of 00resting" ill the courgo I Ifardwood or poll. -hod of der, or in any way .-.a that the ef- DJUV94A b.V kind are gen"AlkV More i isplews-Ing. Lot I SPOVt- quqf,,�. 0011 ANUM, Ought I W grant a cer. at a " 6liting,, tlic,cil will to oW,.hU51_ foot the sy�,rup boil 1. , loaning thpal by Reglect. down until tbick. strairl'over the too mile,] e Tho AreliNsbop, of tificAte? It I certilled that the earl I 441colly dilatca upon. Tho studio t5 am of tile bIgg"*t in and fruit. Cool thoroughly before .I*rv- NO-v,or scrub or wasl% tiwm witill hot Ordir; thinks every boy rihould do solAttiling with his bw died of heart discialso, I stultjj�od lu"'Vself' It 1 rofal'Wd A Mrtillgate, 4 _ 1_ S � . 1. t 0 g not . �Oudon. an, It u h. a lar#Q as . , ,go, sup..p. "49 water and do not u .. For instance: -in , oAed by mof�- Apple Coutpote.-Make ;x syrup of wily they WV be VICA se he wag a )ad hill). Of his cororter's, Inques , , t would be required, ,rd j.,cightclev. It I,.,, 11 the litto L -q . anAblug, more eornmodious. for the .0_11alt CUpf", of pilig with Cool it ,ter In Whieb 'no Cup of s�jgar. or ,pid wo 10 I , lilvral all S liven it' a, lount 149, to tate him to .1 carperl wy afternoon. and leave eve , and the wh 010 cO1Rnt,VRJdc` Would be Indignant at what they would call . late Prwident's paluting-room al- water. Mavor with two indles .,sol%ed , ,= R ad of -borax. BUL if 414,0141119 Adhe'�,'IVQ stick Q11114 0 A the thin rind Of as to l("Vil t110 use Of to 1, - AW CluMIRIUM, Ill not avoiding it. I . ways lizeemod to have A very crowded ,Appearaam. . roulove bat.,R, beppil ppill- a half lezoa- rare and core the or difficalt to - , I the, ,ind Jett to drv. it day the Pr4mate treasure , 'Go WIdVk Ito. hi=elf , 0 W wwa 144rullig the!posltloll over JA lily , #111nd. W1104 the butler entered, bcg � Tile great, throre, whcre tile ,91tter ou 1:00or apples (Nitur ouvs cook moro quICL- let ;*Ail and ly than the fiwect). then drop care- "'fly be liceegs-4441iry AO "Cle 6 blarksudgMs forge. In t gin't; Ala to go to taie servakutw ball, -, ilie to payed in frout of tile pataur's ease,. is at the r._X end of the rooln. U�Jve it boil- q water. but 140vVr . , fully In the bat syrUp to bardeal tile wArlil I WX livep a pall of cold uator ,his Youth the, I"ril . n"Ift tl�l � reputation us a, plownizu. as how"ehiceper had teell Inkeii Ill. I., , to wen cancel%abla Item Ilholy outer silrftee. Cover clomly and Will and & .Cie.,,% cloth at blkild to rinso Anterican mliBlionalres � It Was slie Who folind the earl dead In his canduce to the easo and conifort of the sitttr Is to be lound. n so COOR Very blOwly u tit It- If "u 0001Y. A, 90or treat- mse (be obatflur, dlrgh cook over hot. and dr.V Imaii In this wrw will look quite well wealtigy 3114mi are not alwit wbo twelk tuvir own A chair. X�Inlly t,v,70 homrs paAmed lieforo T wa.% able to lell,vol .,11fis MQCA�Y. tile King will, slit, t"_a,y.** The crtibst 1.4 apprind of Water 'Von. Zstrve eye rOMMIS ofled tCAN bright rugs. It Is 4 t with plain whipped cream. fill- with a few a a ay xlvelevq or- valifIvrbilt 19 the invel boiler. Colonel J. Jaco her, aud by that time It wa's nearly i 'I one O'clock. this Important fact, together with Ing the Centre Of tile apples wit1hr XgMQm'0lcAjt(51Q!1j�1Atd fp;llrniture for the fiuxrA- . an Author and luventor a 4 When. at last, tile butler conduct -IF (lie thno of his Ariklesty's -arrival is jK; bright yellow jolly or Preserve$ urtaiAls all,d drap- ay.v C desired. Dior, also lie' chinpry. Including .A till Mr. P. C4 ed me front the houlvtcoporls ro . , am .,vVr.V.tb1ng. in realli e , . ii M, in studio . the Canvas In an the qaml" Fig compate.-Cut, Ono poluld of ,try- .- road-elmorr. Itt has rerently devised MUM the, great corridor. it Wa,% all- I.V dillily lighted, but to our great . the paluter*e palette, colors, and bruslics are at ]land, U11th, royal Ap in very small pieces. Have . M,rup m 11D. WA.S pF.I1,r.I-1.CTLY CANDID. ready A, . . ada of one pint Of , - Vapor lainp, �uavhbles glue. . other nO% And -eltie 6AArprise We salw` afigural emerge from the library. and walk slowly and entious-look- tug brougham. will drive up to kr. I water aW it balf-pound of sugar, The beautiful and accolallf6hed Add the figs, a couple of slices Of daughter of a weatft dealer 11441 . W. 1119hop, has 11"pro. Cars, Mr. .Stokes bas I noi-Mosly acrolis the corridor. It . Fillies' residence. and the artist re- ]omon and a small piece at stick clu- the misfortune, so to bll,cak, 'to fail game Of "indoor%olf." approached tAe deal,. of the earl's celviFa tile King to tile . iiperately In love with 4 Young namon. Coolt slowly felt or fifteen do, Phr;aulore has patented bedrooln. and, tilell, turning round, loot -4,41 at us, It was Me white ' XTOXIENT ARRANORM FOR, minutes, xOrring often toward ,�Ilo man Who was valploved in A, rallwo Wt to prevent burning. rour Iiito Office. Iler affelction Wits %ei­y mvell device. iltlytilig, Lord Curzon. the stern, rigid face of Toord Poineroyt I board tile butler - a, stent ;Id A flight of stairs leads to the studia, And h4o tile King will stay for ,any ii difill to coal. NVIle re _ n .Ady to Ilse vilulted so far �afi tho Y01109 111all thelevion cinnamon afill 'was Tndix Was au %ludergradu ' 4cot-snian, who bad been with. the thno betw(on baff an hour to an remove ard concerned, bill, therfa was reason flor�wo with whippad cria m Sweetened , to Infer that Pe, Wealthy inaiden's ford his handwriting ttte- jumible. At this time f4lMlly Since bt).�'hood�-_ WhiSper' a prayer ouder .his breath, I selml hour, according as his engagamonts Permit. Xticb. of course, depends 41,41 gayored witil Vanilla, lqg com- pa, would kW;. pate inny be served In sobrot glAsKes 11y'll"'t is tile best Way to C0110111,41twe two letters, Ono to a IN one to A. chlipi With Nvbola his arm. 1110011, tile lig4t, so the time �.Relccted with tit; wbinped crealn on'toP. I tile old fogoy-hdW Call I get till Ahe disqulksed the. faults of "CoMil with we to the earles bed- for wroyal visit Is generally Oballt Rhubarb Conwpott.r_out fine" red I -blind side Of bhrl�'T* Qskod tile �touth spe0t1\-0,ro1%tIO49. and rooju.#14 said. "I Pliall, want yourl 110011. Ubilst the artist is at work rhubarb hvto Piec0s Rb,aut, Oil 111chiot tile Inalden, during one of thOr put these letters Into the belp.111 NYC entered 'tile room, And found '010 Xilig M411 genially Chat "Way Oil topics principally concerning the art And a balf long. For each ,Pound Of secret, sessions. or sugar. Put .. volopkN. 110 wits about t . ,the I frult allow a, pound Ity father," said tilt' WQaIthY profound apology to I bilia lying just as I had wit Illut of which pointer is s a distill- tile stigar over the fire wItIA about Malden, -Is a grmt adiniror of call- wile,ii, Ili* received the jollo when. the dowager counte .si; took me golshed a roprosentative, for the ater, and the grated yol- dor. if you dov.,Ive him Ill the I . front blur. "Can"t road a into tile )*earn. But there Was no wing. vossosiies An excellent- eye for lowur"1410ti, awt 0. lonion. I'lut tile pieces Wightost particular about YOU', filk- your four pages, but guem, change. Iflia bunch of flowers which, a. good picture, and will discuss Its of rblibarb In tbe boillur, syrup, audal, status or your past 1110 all is saille illoney, youn had been placed on his broast wa.,9 points witli tile keenest of critics. It Is for And let them simmer slowly 'until lost. When vou call oil hilu 110 ,you Unclosed was a Bank iD lying on tile ground, When not ton,tvnient 1118 e 0 tender aud traTISPartut- It MOV straightforwar,ii, even to bluntuess." note foi- a good Amount. l politted this out in silence to tile Majesty to visit the Artist, the royal carctully, boil tile syrup A, few me- The young loan took tile ]that, at 'over Madatlue, X*rdlca, \A butler, ,who trembled violently, And Aradmiclan will 90 to Marlborough ,pentg longer, and poor tile rhu- ni h ae, And 1101at &gnin, in London, recent for ,the first tipto showed signs of House, or wl�ercvor the King may ilarb. Tills is 111CO for a sin)PIO des- daty lie sallied into tile cosy little interviewer At hultiorwis 8 fear. I'ludlig MY fingers Oil tile earl's heart, I Solt after a, niouient a be. A special room Is set ;ftpnrt- and there tire many such In tile va- sort served with plain bolted rite. stildio of, his prospeWvo father -in- 'Oraugo and Banana, Compoto.,-FOr *Ile oce4islon, during a I "t 6f '.�_-;a slight movement. lie was alivel rious royal residenem-wbere a light I aw. six baliAlIns, a, little uudcr�r�pe inake "Glood woraing, sh-," said tile lAt- by the late P4 whon, ,,she lived At Clax I began. to,secibere was something May lie obtained corrospoadirg ag 4 Syrup of cup of silgar and a tor. . Ills Royal Iliglizims aeA Iii.mterious Ili tile ,whole afrair. Be- near As Possible with that 01 tile �01,10 haif-cup of water. Fluvor Witt% six ,'Good Morning Your -sell." � 1,01%19 of S01(2er lemonade, tween us we appikad restorative,-; un- artist.'s Studio. whole cloves told one Ind, stick cill- "What caft I do for you ?" ordered to be brought. til the faint gleam, of life Court photOgraPhOrs will tell You namon. Wi eight minutes without 1-1 eftwo to ask the hand of your or was very warin on that ,became More steady. that their very best sitters Are to be stirring. Add the bananas and daughter lit 2narriage ; but before afternoon, And quitc, a .44. loing that there was no immedi-Ifound amongst the members of our until they begin to clOft - Clue me into your family I simulor, r you welc elapse4l. before the drink ate danger, I decided to leave tile own royal family. Thei never seem put In. the juice of two orang0so a Want to give YOU CL low ffteLs about fact, tile delay was such butler with his master, ,while I vise to tire, though they are frequently balf Iem0A - tuid. a half glass.01 in%, past career," ited the llbraz7. While still uncoll" 11taken" In no fewer than it dozen , sherrv. 110MOV6 the cloves and cin- ,,,Well 0 37,11 are a Cool one. IRMO inutgine what had hapi scioll-Ir It was evident that Lord different positions at a. Single sit- nanl�a and serve on rounds of toast You auv assets ?" length the door was flung Pomeroy ]I.-.(] visited that apartment. ting. It Might be mentioned that Or sponge cake with whipped cream. ..Xoj� the slightest.,,' the butler, with an asslis I was curimm to know what had the Queen is regarded as probably ,,Yen are probably in debt ?" er, entered in procession happened -there. I l the most patient of all ' her Ma- W011K IN TIM, SEWING ROOM. "Well, I should say so. I Catilt re- ' the lomolutdc to the 3.1 found tile electric light burning brightly. Ile had Switched it on oil Jest'Y's favorite photo being one takotv�soiife years ago, wearing a _ The Mother who lias-several little member the tilue -when 1, wasu!t dunned several times a day." � Tit#-- cau". of the­001af, 1 plained aftdfwards, vias entering, just as lie wouldbave done In the Ordinary 'way. 1-Tothing wa�s bonnet and a rose fastened oil a vel- vet bow at tilt neek. ones to clothe and does the sewing , 'I daresay that Coat 'You baVe On herself, s6doin -sees the time when . alixtoty of, Ule ser'V=f ip disarranged. I went across to his Xr.,Flldes cannot be Said to be a is not Your property ?" she has no sewing or mending Oil "You've bit it. It's borrowed for New dresses will jjsually be - fitting boluage to 71ii-11 ness, so be had gone in so Writing table, and there I found, Perham the most remarkable piece rapid worker. ITe is very earnest. conscientious and thoughaul, and hand. - needed for best wear, and it is well this sliecial'ottasitin ; tliq hat Isn't paid for, and the Shoemaker is *ait- extra, in,an,101-0 Was cMPl great occasilons. - - of-evideneb that over i6ll Into mak's hand. It wag. half a sheet of note- tbe� task'vIlIch b6 has before bjin now is without doubt the most'Inir to get enough dxtra, material for a second pair ., of sleeves. Soft all- Ing oiltsl& to. convel-e-with. rie " Luls, 3razzailtint the no Paper, with. three sketches dramn in the . portant commission be has ever wool materials are best for children. about tile boots I've oil." sa li o ime to ake "You are one of those Candid It is into vi f t m ' isil'bull fighter, bas had able carcer. From the po earl's masterly way, The first was a Sketch of a little Medical been called upon to execute. This historical canvas will be handed (lit a 9 them in Stith a way that when -veil gcllticnIc1I-" , 1111glit. I keep, candor oil hand to railway porter he has bee ous .I,q tile syringe, the second was a poppy - the opium plant; the third Was a down from generation to generation as "Iting Edward V.11.11 -day it wi-sh. to Ilse them for every give away. Ary salary is only $3.0 a, will be but little trouble to remove ular matitdor of Spain, all Portrait - exact and unmistakable- .- 4 the trimming, left.%,Ing a plain dress. week, .and 1: think the railway coln- dresses be simple, Pally Is going to lower my wages." bers among his friend.% in leadimg people of that ca a portrait of tile Dowager Count- ess of Pomeroy. I A LAWYER'S 33LUND143R. Let the scl,Q01 comfortable ones, but of good Ma- The astonished dealcr� acknowl- left tile Spanish railways it I understood the le: li� of it at A lawyer tells ]low once a. small terials. ManY,NT-oollen. fabrics may edged the fact -ho had unearthed a perfectly candid man. lie ascertain- tip telegraphy, and afterW the study of law. Next once. To sketch wit 'e, 4V . was in his mlnd� was a kind of second na- boy got the better of him in cross- Part of the question- ely as calico if on, I be washed cis nic , ed from his daughter that she would is careful of them, and it is well to to the, stage, where, how ture to the earl; lie would do it al- The examination. Ing and the replies thereto were as . choose a style that is .easy to iron. leap off the end of a, wharf if she Nothing is better than the sailor didn't get him, and, having -f aid the gress was slow; so, PO."e physique and an attracti most unconsciously. meaning of ,bis sketch was that somebody - follows : Ill -lave you any occupation I" , suits, which are usually becoMillf,)l young man's debts, lie gave I his con- se�llt to the marriage. . aitce, coupled witli a Iceell dy hand, and unflinching the dowager. coufitese - had used a syringe to inject a drug, .Ind the IIN021 .. --� . I "Don't you do any Work at all ?" I and have the advantage of having no * ' So much for candor. buttons in the back- for the hair to . . Was atiracted to the where hi.� success has bee drug was opium. , I But'tho countess had made 'a mis,- ., "xii.1, � "Just loaf around home ?" . Catch on. 'the skirts may be gored Iftin I THE '"TRONa HAT. or made of straight widths, p . I. . .1 . 'ago onal. while lie has had narrow osi-lPes, lie has -11 , calculation. She had injected s,uf- . "That's about all." I . . and fall. Full skirts look better on Kt Scotch weddings some years light ill the bull ring ficient opium to cause the appeftr-;�" "What ,does your father.do ?" slender figures, wea,r well and AXXC it -used to be the custom to batter n-ance, or ill Mexico al alide of death, but. not sufficient .to .1 I I "Nothin' much." . , ' , easily lengthened by letting, out . the the hat of the bridegroom as lie was in -all of,which c kill. � I . .. ,,Does lie do anything to support I . 'the hems when they become too short. leaving the house. in iirhich the, core- �imcrlcti, I s looked '-upon as the Ill 1. could only marvel. at the, diaboh- cal cunning of the woman who had family ?" . - "He does, odd"jobs on ­ cc iP �-a while I If th � c croase at the lower edge Shows Molly , took, place. Oil one of those kirt is.lengthened cover it occft�sions a ilewly inarried coupI when a a , I 0-- , most fighter of niodern 6 �.. attel0ted the crime. Her lilotlire . wheii be call get thera'"." with braid, a Was piece of plaid, -Or relatives of th6 bridegroom -deter- . ­ � I ... I � . 4 , - - I was;dlear - she wished to see one of 1. Iler own, . children inherit the titIq � -"As' a matter'oi fact, isn't your father �:& pi�tty worthles6-fe&w', '. some OflIelr, �� tirimming. W"0113c"� s mined to carry out the observances dros,;..skirts aild other''jarnients that of �this custom to the letter. , ' . � . � I I � I . I I LESSON F OR LESE . . 11 � I I : � and estates. ­ ., , - ,, . � . nearlY7 'always' :fighting 'and, -a " have, be0Jl discarded -by their owners, , The bridegroom. heard! theiii " dis- . � . "i "' , Mali is so p�c n e'l , '. o e to 1 ��, The method.in w1iich she had '. . aP- I loafer ?".1 11 . . ��, ftpart, � wasl?ed, press- cu$Sing tlleir'�Iftns, ftud dispatched a 1�lay be a�44 � should T '' ,fo eflect,ti, little be proaelled the crime. was' inasterly, in I . . I I . , doW'i know, Sir-; You'd better ' It ed, -and:the b ' cs,t 'parts Made into Messe-ligor ,, o , .tlio,'ca.rriv*7�41iich - ' -atteiitionito the mlstft�k6s. 'its, IoAg-sI ghtedn ess. Slid fir . st Z116ar- ,"'I . . ask I hiiii. 11?s . sittin"' o'.,�r there on -very sAisfacitory, , school. cliesses, stood waltirig-with, his hat ' Some .�A professoi � who prided rolled with the family 'd,octOr� ifien, the jury." .1 I 1. I I Little girls, are often dressed in time previous -to his departure. �. Then I his correct English hear t4k,ing'advantage of a trifling ,-to- I - . inade-over clothes Nvithoirt ,iIIY0110 donning the hat *I tbo, male relative . � remark -- � . cident to the sent .for a. Ali, Irishman applied for and ob- I sus'Pectink that it was not now who had " plotted against . him, lie , "I intended to tell Jan =,r5li,e young zlild " practitioner, tained a situation '6n sonic railway - � goods, for if tile material is faded. it prepared to go out to -the carriage. _ a fresh bucket ql water." I � I who would naturally be somewhat works. "Nfliat's your name_,.1 my . call be freshonc.d. .Ind brightened by 96 sooller Rdd he got to tile door,, I "You doubtlesslilean a easily.led. away ,by anything that . I I . I , r : ,Pat- man. ?." aske(ptlio,timckeepe'. dybbiV; it, I than his liat,was, furiously assaulted c, C A fresh water," ol�re ted I was said by Such a great -lady, Her rick C was the reply. 'How , a It is just as easy to h,1,vc .stylish and alviost destroyed, Ile w Iked abr. "I wish you Would I design had'beon frustrated by the ac- ,,abill," I do you spell it ?" � Pat � scratched his dresses as those that a , re'ilot�'jf one olit of the house amid the laughter . that fit nicel Y, 'ittle, attention to your r "A 'rie cident of my being detained.,in"the I hea� ­Ihd,ade�, ar' I - I' Oi don't know, has good pat,torns . of the bystanders lie and entered t few inoilients litter house, .for if in the morning sjie had sorr. Oi never , shpelt it ; an' me and the children -,vill like them bet- vehicle.; tileu; taking the battered ' '�Aly deal,, that picture, v seer. signs of returning conse,iousness father, h6 never ' shpelt it either. to". Have a, difforplit pattern , for hat froin,his, head, he thro1w it, into , to better advantage if yo in the earl., alic , would, A0. doubt, Faith, an" 1, don't � think it was ever Oftell 'child, for they are.not exPen- the hands- of its proper owner, ex- liang it over the dock." � , finished her work. I I . lla,%�L -,jittended I I I to be Shpclt at all. Put - sive, and it is better than enlarging cl- int'ing - "Rey, �ToD VL ougall; there's I " Ali," silo replied, "�rou I had now two tasks, before me - � it down without shpelling sorr I " . or niahing it silialler. It is the lit your hat !" and donned, his own, '�niidthc - mean ifj,wc�,c to liang it to r,qstore the earl to behIth - and to , , Ella-"Bolle told ine tha't you to] d I and style rathel, than the Ox-PensiVO cheens, of till pi-qseait, � � the clock. If I were to Ila prevent a recurrence of aii, ktttcmPt . � I I her that socret .1 told you not to triniming that , make a 'handsoille � . I I I I . I the clock we coul,c] nottel on his, life. ., I . I . I tell lie)'." Stella -"She's a me,i,)i , . I ­ . I I � gal'111011t. ,, I Borlin has 1,306,tilillionaires (in I wish you w-ould be lit The first was comparatively easy. thing�, 1, told her not to'tell you I A's a change cannot be nwtdc inarks); and Frankf6rt-on-Tvfaine ,�vitb,, your rhotorie, iiiy de the�end of a couple of hours 'Ile told,her.", 1R.Ia-�-­Well, :1 t,614cl ,1101. aj)ruptly frbin heavy winter under- conics next with. 1-17.. Cologne, And tho learned prof6s 'At I , 10id, was able to take'nouriShment,'' I I . 1,Nvouldn't-tell.-You she told ine-,so il 'S. andS"4* 'tbir d , iti, poillt �6f ,WL'��Ll,�,,to,,,tile.-,l,,,�.t)gli.a gqviiient, needed Which­;�� st _ - , I . . h1l. . .a, �� 'intprost t once very, � l'is .�, niind�, � appeared I quitc� , I .: I . clear. ,, tell, lier',I did�­, I .,- . �' " ' �, t , well to nlalw � ill S"I'lluler, � I' Is I I I a wealth, lilis 217 only, I I I I , I book. ' ' , - �' - 1.4 I IW. I - ! . . i I . � I lit SOM, I I � . . I 14 I . . el I I I I I I I I , are 401 � 'in 1>140AR4 ; lateat ro, A . . IV", dbm,. *- � I ; I � .� 1. t V3010 1, of QmQV , . I gultivatio, j 14meriel. ., is 4 grwv � I of Nyhos I'm I 4 Such efregi , at , lelig(I . ,: I Are MAN . . U�sPeolv� I Pt.9 In Ep"g . , , � , rite Via, I I , I is an or - � � : � W'er, -,In, I ther. vilt I I ayea TO. . I I A I airist ill, , 11 McAt (V , I cup Qfrcre( . 04 lgil, Tilt I A Ing game i O'king, "Ant I . I It the bea � I I . I qgle W4. I It his earl, 11 I he allowet . I I fisbiria " � wealth bw �, ent angler . ra for thi I � ,out hiatCh �, he WON I hillio. At 4 Cady best ", fly-Aghlug I tic at-, till I . � A �Ialltorbarl 4 4 0 Ole ti A ds, Ivilgi . I lather um 11 ves shol 4 him then 4 To tht 11 i a bonge A do in 4 I I * day" 0 4 d clikiltv 4 1 1 -ad �. othel 11 �-B idlera 1 4 Inuseweat 14 �4 A ) Astor it 4 f new In& . I I ,blw ang opor-Ilow. � a mercllr3 4' or ummul I v. Air. D � ed inotat ivented a and Air. a, tyro-ro, Viceroy at � me at' ON. , � I Ala quitii - I lie wrot4 � ative and t be alwit" I Moir re.- ,, I I �Octdpntally � �, I Wrong en - a write a, Its relative wing note word of I you Want g nvwal.11 r B ngland � to Is onto ly told (lit Wry% Oil isit paid xe-Coburg, � nce Galte, , I ed $or a I Which was 4 rhe %veath- I particular i long -time 4 4 Came, in I a lengthy 1 4 ould not I ened. At 11 open. and taut Wait-' 1 4 to Serve 4 Iyal guest. I t Was ex- "I I lue to the . . � I render all . � � I I iyal Iflgli-� I arch of all 7 1 *1 ! r yed on air . ­ 1 4 , I A -1 m retilark- I sition of a ome fam- . I and pop- I d lie nura- . .1 tiny of the I I ntry. 110 I to take I ards, began. I he turned , wer. . . pro- � �slng a fine . 14 ve appear- I L eye, Stem- I I nerve, - lie . bull ring, . � 11 plienoul- . sonic very �. .1 vor lost a I in Spain, � d Central I I ountries lie ' . . ost fore- . . Mes. . � ,- I . � I I I . I I r � 11 .. - I �� . .: 444 1 . .... . . 0, N. I'll, . .. . .1 - . , : . I I I I . . that Ill � 1, � . . . ��. " . � I . re �drax�llls , . -�''.. r I ­ I . 1. of -others., I . . :, : I 7 hialself oil , , L , . I � . I d .Iiis 'wife . . � I - , . . I . �, .� � � .� � � I , to brilig . I I . ,; , . I I o L' I . . I � i bucket ,oi ' I . ' I � .1 I r 1e profes-, I .��, pay 8031A I 11, I . I licLoric." I I L .1 .. �% said :r . . 1, . ." I I ould Show I . I I I I U were to � .� I � -I I I I doubtleS4 , , , � I . , � . ftboy6 the r .1 . I lig it ovea I I . I I tile Linle- , , r I � ore caref-ul I . � 11 1 . L , �r. . , ar, .L I I I.. I . , 2 , or' 1'ecAlne � , ­ ., ,� I I ''. 11 e4l'iml * 1i� _ � " , . . . �,;,: , ,, � , ,: I I . , , , I t. . . 1 �, � 1� � � �,�: � , , � .: L -r I :11.- I I . I I . � I 1, . I .1. 11: . I _1 I"- I 11 . I I ,: . � I . � . . I . . I I I I I I I I ­ .. I ­' I I I ­ I I I I I I � . . I . L ;, I I . I I . I I � r I � 1. . I . 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