Exeter Advocate, 1902-7-3, Page 3fr
afes***,_ .****Reenne**.***P19.11.0.*******Lreeerrareeva
CALGARY.41[0.W.:41. '4AR.
Prices Realized, for Cattle Was
Goode, -Total Receipts ot the
sale $31,077.
The gathering Of Stoainen, at Cal-
gary from the 14tit to the 17th of
May fox the Live Stook CenYention,
ehOw. and sale, was the largest and
Most representative ever known in
the West. Calgary is the centre of
the great ranching country and it
was not stirprising that hundreds of
able And prosperous ranchers, e.epre-
awaking literally "the cattle on
thoesaao hills," should as.semble at
the meetings which had for their eh-
,jeet, the fostering of interests in
Suffered Greatly for riVe Years
Rieeuxuatisna—,Doetors and.
Many Medicines Foiled to Help
Hine1q Rut He Get the Right Ng-
ot Laat.
isieme the Egho. 1utuon Otter,
Recently while chatting with a. re -
of the Eclio,'Afr. Orlin. Post,
a Well known farmer of Gruneidge.
Sian., gave the following story of
nve yeam of great suffering from
that mot painful of diseasee,arliette
tuatisat, Mr. Poet nahlf---"There ere
few people, unless they have beer
eindlarly• alllieted, can understand
how much I suffered during Ilion
live years front the pains of rheinue-
tisra, There were times- when I was
wholly unable to do ony work, and
to merely attempt to move my
limbs caused the greatest agony. I
tried several doctors but they seem-
ed quite unable to vire ale. Then I
tried eeveral advertived deiies
that Were highly recommended for
this trouble, but they Ids° failed to
'bring the longtel-for release from
pain. As these medicines failed me
one after the other. I began to look
upon the trouble us inettrable. and
was almost in deepair. At this
time flume friends asked me why 1
did not try Dr. WillIfuns' Pink Pills,
and I decided to make at, least one
more effort to obtain a cure. 1 knew
iv' case WAS net only a severe one.
but front the failure of other medi-
cines a stubborn one, and I deter-
mined that the pills &Weld have
talc trial, so I hought a dozen
boxes. I took them according to
directions, and before they were
gone there was a. great improvement
in my eontlitiOn, but I was not ful-
Yet cured. I then got another half
dozen boxeS. Mid by the time the
third of them were emptied 1 had not
an ache or a pain left, and wan able
to do a. good hard dity's work with -
tut feellug any of the torture that
had for live yeo.rs node my life mis-
erable. You may eay for zne that
So not think there is tire; medicine
In the world can equal Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills as a cure for rheul
matism, It Is several years since
roy cure was, effected, and as I have
never since hatl the least feign of
the trouble, 1 think I can speak
with authority,"
: When auch severe mem as this are
entlit.ely cured it Is not suivrising
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
made such n. great reputation
throughout the world for the cure
of other diseases due to polr or wa-
tery blood. Paralysis, St. Vitus'
dance, anaemia, consumption, dys-
pepsia, palpitation of the heart.
' nervous headache, female ailments
and neuralgia are among other
troubles they have cured in thou-
sands of eases. Only the genuine
pill will cure—substitutes never cur-
-ed anything—and to avoid substi-
tutes you utiust see ..that the•full
name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People" is on the wrapper
ground evory box. These pills are
sold by all dealerin medicine, or
will be sent post free at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for .2.50 by ad-
dressing the Dr. WilliamsMedicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
What made your linens
coarse? Common soap!
Sunlight Soap saves linen.
for the Octagon Bee, eat
Herefords, Aberdeen Angus and Ayr-
shire, all of which were judged very
satisfactorily by Prof. C. E. Day.
The sale passed oft exceedingly well,
were coashlerea very good, taking
irito consideration the fa.ct that
eorne of the onitnals were as young
as me reonth and others as old as
twelve years. Two hundred and
twenty head were disposed of at
an average price of 8r.)..so, mat.-
ing the total reeeipta of the sale
S21.077. The top price of the sale
was $290, while six excellent, yearl-
ing Shorthorns contributed by one
breeder averaged $171 each. The
follawine. 18 a, summate." of the re-
sults Delis) sale ;
mat Gem, 11u5, Itteelpts
AYMIPe. $0, ANQTri.^e.
,abroleen /kepis Mse 2 sre,e0 ea),
Aereheee e 400 2 Rao
Herefords2 ee.22 '
Sliertlionta 41 545 ICO Q325 513
an lei 114,00 ete1f.00
Total nu her et beetl.... •
Average 4110 pri6Q• .• • • • **** • IrW.Val
which every farmer and rancher of
the plains of Alberta is concerned.
It is recognized in the west as well
as In the east that those who en-
gage in any branch of agriculture
or in any pastoral pursutts aro en-
titled to rank high in the communi-
ty, their oecupations calling for as
much skill and intelligence as any
of what are termed the higher pro-
fessions. The stockmen of the terri-
tories came together to interchange
views and expeelences with regard to
the care, breeding and
to receive instruction from men who
have made a life study of such mat-
ters, and to eiijoy social intercourse
one with another. That the ad-
dresses at the meetings were well
perthy of attention will be readily
recognized when it is mentioned that
among the speakers were C. W. Pet-
ersen, Deputy Minister of Agricul-
ture for the Territories; J. R. And-
orson, Deputy. "Ilinister of Agricul-
tOrfer British Columbia; 3. A.
Puri*, W. R. Stewart, R. B.- Ben-
nett, M. P. P., A. E. Cross, ex -M.
P., and P. ,J Nolan, beSicies a
strong.delegation from the east con-
sisting of Profs. Day, Oreelman and
Grisdale and Messrs. Robert Miller
and F. W. , Ilocipon.
There was only a moderate num-
ber of entries for the Stallion Show,
but everything shoN9n was of ex-
cellent qualit-y, aridspoke volumes
for Alberta as a horse -raising coun-
try. Clydesdales, Shires, Hackneys,
Standard Breds and Preneli Coach-
ers were the breeds represented and
all classes were judged by Mr. Rob-
ert Miller of Stourrville, Ont.
The show of cattle was very large,
ancl the quality averaged high,. „though a number of he females were
old and some not in c -a If whiCh de-
tr aeted considerably from their
value in t110 sale ring. The large
majority of the animals exposed for
sale were Shorthorns, with a few
Messrs- Alfred Mansell A-, Co„
Live Stock expovters, Shrewsbury,
shipped by ss. "Lycia" from Avon-
mouth on the 290. April, 80 Shrop-
shire sheep bred by Mr. A. E, Man-
sell, and purchased by Dfr. Robert
Miller. These sheep consisted of 14
rams end 16 ewes, which with the
xception et 'ono ram were all too
ung to include in the fatuous
glean Dieperston sale, so were
vpt y Mc. Mansell Until his Poet
arm sate at Bishton Hall last
Mardi. Mr. Miller is to bo con-
gratulated *ea obtalulist these sheep
which are the last of Ur. Mansell's
breediug which Canada will obtain.
Attd it is therefore to be booed thot
they Will arriVe eafely at their des -
On Tuesday, April 290. our
Shorthorn bulls purchased by Mr.
J. Lawrence of IllanitOba during Itis
recent visit to England, were Alli-
ed by ss. "Lyda" to Quebec, by
Messrs. Alfma Mansell Se .Co., Live
'tock exporter.% :Shrewsbury. These
bullet were really fine ,anituala, two
beiug bred by M. W. .1. liostien, and
two by Mr. Itoskruge, and should
they reach Monitolet safely should
prove ot great service in Mr. La.w-
rem's herd.
Live Stack Commlesioner.
The following is nor' -id from, 'The
Na.ssau Guardian an Bahama Is-,
lands A.dvocate, and shows that
Salada is for sale everywhere.
'Ate shedee of eight were fatties
Aa elewn the street a good wife.
Awl la her band sho bore ti. Charm,
To keep her husband safe free). hereof,
154ne "brow was" glad ; her loving
She knew would met her at the
She knew he loved her inst, but
He loved his "our like other men,
The first And last time I saw Pre-
sident Sam he was reviewing the
oruktt at ono of the Pertodiesti Sun-
day parades, writes a correspondent.
I never saw such a human bird of
paradise. The black faces and the
most varier,* and gaudy midterms
that the wit of man ever devised
made an extraordinary spectacle. In
one place a. private soldier had fal-
len out of the ranks, apparently to
sPeak to kis sweetheart, who was
standing at an or en door. An effa-
cer ordered him. to return. The mart
refused. Another fencer arrived to
reinforce the authority, of the first
°Meer. The two officer a tried to haul
the man away, He clung to the
doorpost, and a tug-of-war followed,
while the laughing women of the
house thronged the doorway and en-
couraged the gallant private. Then
the officers took to belaboring the
man with sheathed swords. At last
he surrendered and went back to the
ranks. The incident was -closed,"
and I was told that nothing more
would be heard of it. Meanwhile,
Sam sat on a fat white pony under
the shade of a tree, unmoved and
'41,11 haPiclY h.oznes (she) Saw the
Of stoves that glowed. And kettlee
All boiling hard as hard could be,
For why ? their inmates all dranit
Salado -
"Try not" Oolong, the Grocer said :
"Thia is the tea that soothes the
E'en Lipton must his 'Braede" give
SIM hr has failed to lift. the Cup,
0, stay," her neighbor said, "end
uat one more eip for friendship
She thought of home—"My hue.
band's there.
Without his tea, he will (levels."
A Grateful Mother Tells How Her
-Little Boy Was Cured,
Mrs. A. Sative, Rowanton, Que., is
another happy mother who thanks
Baby's Own Tablets for the health
of her boy. The little fellow be-
came the prey of wornis — that curse
of childhood. His rosy cheeks lost
their color; his little legs end arms
became skinny; his eyes lost their
sparkle an.a. • he became sickly and
peevish. His sleep was restiesO and
feverish, afid his food seemed to do
him no good. His anxious mother
almost 'despaired of seeing him back
again to good health. However,
she heard ef Baby's Own Tablets
and , gave them to her
el:filch_ and now she says:
-- "The Tablets made a - wonder-
ful change in ray little boy. All
signs of 'worms have , disappeared,
and he is now in the best of health.
I can honestly say that Baby's Own
Tablets have no equal as, a cure• for
worms .' '
Baby's Own Tablets are' a. certain
ctire for 'all the Minor ailments of
little ones, Such as constipa,tion,
Simi stomach„,indigestion, di-
arrhoea, , simple fever and the irrita-
tion accompanying the, cutting of
teeth. Guaranteed to contain none
of the poisonous opiates found in
the so-called "soothjng" medichies.
They are i%or Children of all ages.
and dissOlved in water cai . be given
with absolute safety to a new-born
babe. Sold by druggists at 25 cents
,„a box, or sent 'postpaid on receipt of
price, by addressing the Dr.
Medicine Co., 'Brockville,
Beware" the stuff, they sell in
trade :
Don't buy at all, until you've mad
fauite sure it's stansteil in tette
As guarantee the famous uaroe,
"At break of day" when good wives
There is one thing they greatly prize
And that's a cup et bliee,
And if you went to know, 'Us this,
A traveller "from acraes the Po
On afternoons of tea was touch
The good wife told her where to
tett that's unexoelled 1. kind,
A. well known &t.tident of Nature
once tried the growing force of
melon. When it was eighteen days
old, and measured 27 inches in
circumference, he fixed a, sort Q1 har-
ness around it with a long love'''.
attached., The power of the inelort
was measured by the weight it lift -
eel, the weight being :axed to the
lever. When it was twenty days old,
tWQ days alter the harness Was fixed
on it, it lifted 60 patinas. On the
nineteenth day it lifted 5,000 pound
The seed of tbe globe turnii j bent
the twentieth, part of an inch, in.
diameter, and ygt in the course of
tew months this eeed will enlarge
into twenty-seven. 'Li -MRS its,
eriginAl bulk, and this in addition
to the bunch of leaves. It has bee*
found by experirefeot thot a turnip
seed will, under favorable conditions
inerease a.s own weight fifteen times
in a minute. 'Turnips growing in
peat ground have been found. to in,
crease More them fifteen thousand
times the weight of their seeds in
"There in the twilight" they did
And each ono pondered, in her
Tile fact that all the finest tea
Was at The Model Grocery,
4.11) n d No dear, just as soon
as you arrive you must telegraph."
Wife --"Alt right. How Muck shall I
telegral it for ?"
Billeasness Burdens Life.—The bilious
minis never a compantonaltle man be
cause Ids ailment renders him morose and
glOomy. The coMplitifit 14 not so danger
05.3 as it is disagreeable, Yet uo one uted
suffer from it who can proeure Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills. By vegulating the liver
and obviating the effeets of bile in the
stomach they restore men to cheerfulness
and full vigor of nation,
Australia has most churches in
proportion . to poentiation ; the
United States stands next ; England
Is third, oud Spain takes fourth
Via the Chicago and North West.
ern Railway to Denver, Colorado
Springs, Pueblo. Salt Lake, Hof
Springs and Deadwood, South Dm
kota, during June, July and August.
A. splendid opportunity is offered lot
an enjoyable vacation trip. Several
tine trains via the North-Western
Line daily. Full information and
lustrated pamphlets can be obtained
Irene 13. IL Bennett, General Agent,
2 King etreet east, Toronto, Ont.
Miss Giddigcish—,-'`Ob, uncle, have
you seen the Uilliamses' baby ? Do
deseribe it te me," 'Uncle Snerle—
``Deseription 1. Um ,l—ah Very
small , featur6s„ clean shaven, red
faced, and. looks like a hard drink-
er 1"
The longest railway ruil in the
world without changing is on the
Canadian Pacific, front ITalifax to
Vancouver, 3,062 miles.
NO G -09D.
1. New Brunswick Postmester Tells
His Efforts to Cure is 1td-
sey Suffered for
ars and Tried Many Medicines,
But thily Recently Pound the
Bight QUO,
Lower Windsor, N. June 23
P. 11. Dolyea, post-
niaSter of this place, has mile a
very- intereeting statement ot Ms
xperience, iu his efforts to be cur-
ed of Kiduey Trouble which, has
thertel him for many years.
At times he would have very bad
Polls, and when these came Oti. he
Was alinost laid up.
He tried several doctora and used
sunny medicines. but nothing seemed
tie NAP him in the least.
Plaster% oile, liniments on the
outside and doses of all Muds and
descriptions taken interually seent
to, have but one result. Ile was PP
12°'411y through reading an where
tieement lie was led to the inSe of
Doild's Kidney Pills. He says;
KiOney PitIs were so
highly recommended for Kidney
'meek that after reading some
testimonial% 1 concluded to try
them accoteling to directions.
"I had tried so many things that
I was very skeptical and hod but.
little faith Wet Dodd's Kidney Pills
could or would belp me. However.
I did not use them long before I
found that they were all and mare
than was claimed for them.
"I have received mom benefft from
then then from any other medicine
Save ever used , for they ECOM to
have ulnae a. complete cure of my
isel as well as ever I did and
have not the slightest trace of the
Kidney Trouble that. bothered me
ever so long.
"I want to say that I believe that
Dodil's Kidney Pills are tho right
medicine for Kidney Trouble."
Belyea is very well known to
everybody is this neighborhood and
there are but few who it PaVC1 not been
aware of hie serious illness.
Everyone is delighted at his im-
proved health and bis published
statement has done much to make
Dodd's Inciney Pills even more pap-
illae in this neighborhood than they
it..vo beau.
Citizens Rose by Candle -Light. ---
Strange Change in Public
Tbere was a, tbne when. "city
;Silks" got up by the fadieg dark of
eight and started countrywo.rd on a
wheel in search of entertainment.
They rode far and long, and pro -
ably, if the truth were told, over-
did it somewhat. That was when
bicycling was treated as a. fad, but,
Is with most fads, the public tired
3f it rapidly, A transformation in
the citizens' fancies then occurred.
They dropped the wheel as a no-
velty, only to realize that it was a
ositive necessity—a convenience—a
money -saver on mu. fares. And that's
what caused the big bicycle revival
in the city.
Out along the highroads the far-
mer was wont to look upon the bi-
cycle as some foolish vehicle for
giddy tourists. Ile said hard words
abont it because it rudely shocked
the tense .nerves of his colt, and
placed: him. more tlian" mile in.' an
unconventional position by the
ditch -side. This. man of the country
districts has n,lso experienced a
ehange of thought, and,.probably for
even stronger reasons than that- of
his city cousin. Can you imagine a
tnore useful artiele out of tafhi, than
a bicycle ? It has the virtue of mak-
ing eight miles feel a,s one—puts
the post oflice and your neighbor at
the turn of a pleasant spin—is al -
wars at your immediate call. And
these things have made the bicycle
Popular in the country districts.
You should not be without a
bicycle to -clay. The cot of one ts
very- easy. Write to Canada Cycle
& Motor Co ,"Limited, 31 :King St.,
West, and ask abcint June' prices for
"CleVela,ncl," 'Naey Ha ries,"
"13r an eford,'' and "Perfect" bi-
"Non o knew thee b ut to praise."
None named thee lent to love the,
It is singular that some al them ost beautiful LiQetry over wrttcn
exaetly emlicable to
The Dawson Commission Co., 13141TIni
Can handle your OUSTER, EOM POULTRY (alive or dreelled), STRAW13513315111
APPLES, TOWNS, Other Smite, VECETA,13144 or PRODUCE *9 gOotl advantage,
Shipping tags, stamps, pads sepedied. Corresinierience invited,
I�ri'tiewe yew painting entil
'the minute, Do it now. aud
.let it dr.y befere the hot July endow
August sun gets at it- Give&
your house a chance, touch it up 0
Ramsay's Paintsi
inside and outside. These ere
the paints for wear ad tear. for 0
begaity and easy to work. Plau-ip
cly eana. NO 11105. No waste.,
Price 0. Z. Drop vs A. card .o.nd rep
ask for fit
BooisLET '4E" FREE.. 0
telling about it and
some beautiful homes. •
motiTREAL Paint Makora
• o elpeeete
• —.4:17:4-44+4-1+1-1444+1-1+1144444-1,
4i • Odorless,
Every Stick—
Non. Iy
ea Sulphurous' toy
A Match Parlour
e"; Matches
The average duration of marriages
In England is 28 years ;ia France
and Germany, 26 years. ; in Norway,
21 years; ia Russia, DO years.
Lifebuoy Soap — disinfectant—is
strongly recommended by the medi-
cal profession as a safegun.rd against
infectious' diseases.
A wimpy of an Egyptian king re-
cently discovered has in its mouth
a set of artificial teeth. The plate
is of wood, and the teeth are knobs
of brass.
For Over May IrOOTS.
Winslow's Soothing Syria, boa bean used forabver sixty
yera by millions of mothers for their children while
fectbmg, with perfect £110008P. It tOothe3 the child,
softens the gurns,'allays LILpalm cures wind colic, and
lathe beat remedy for Diarrhosa, Is picarant to the
Wm:. Sold by druggists in every part of the wor d.
Twenty -8e cents a bottle. Its value fa incalculable.
Se sure and ask for :Tn. Winalow's Soothing Pyrup,
thelleist teetehtein
the noted, meet trent
soft corer eine ars
teteteny &WWII
(twine: DA,14-
ollono*ortott Polar*
*Nthau witeinlex
about 500 Inatobes—
Pete, in *malt,
for axle by
AH Firat MLR*
When it begins to get. hot, and dry
one's thoughts naturally turn to.
ward the takes and rivers and the
eeashore of New York and New Fug -
laud, and we begin to wonder how
much it would require of tit& and
money to make the trip. A lot •of
these quelltions aro 1111.SWel'Cli and a
lot of information given free In
"Four Track Series" No. 3, "Anted -
en's Summer Resorts." 'Sent on re-
ceipt of a. two -cent stamp, by
George H. Daiiials, General Passen-
ger Agent, New York Central €.1
Hudson River Railroad, Grand Cen-
tral Station, New York.
Tommy --"What does the paper
mean, by calling Mr. Shifteyes an.
eight -by -ten busitiess4nan ?" Father
—"1 'presume it means he is not
exactly square."
Minard's Liniment' for Rheumatism
Oustomer—"Is the - proprietor in ?"
Waiter --"'Yes, Sir." Customer—' Take
this steak back and ask -him to jump
en it." Waiter--"YOu'll have to
wait a little while sir. There are
two other 'orders ahead of you:"
There never was. and never will be a
universal panacea,,in one remedy, for. all
1118 to whieb. 'flesh . heir—the very nature
of many curati*es beingsuch that Were
the gernis. of other and differently ' seated
diseases rhoteecl in the system OT the
patient-Vihat wottId relieve one ill, in
turn wonld aggravate the.' Other. We
have, howavr in Oninias Wine,, when
obtainable in . a sound unadulterated
state, it reinedy for Many and grevi ens ilk...
By its;gradual. andjediciolie use; the
,frailest systems are led into convalescence
and strength, by the influence which Qin-
nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives.
It relieves -the drooping spirits of thosiiq,
, with whom e chronic state of morbid des
pendency end leek of interest in life is a"
disease, Mid; liy tranquilizilig the nerves,
disposes to sound and refreshing' sidep
imparts vigot to tie action of the blood,
Which . berngstlimila,ted, courses tin:one:h-
em the veins,' 'strengthening th:e healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
making activity' a necessary reseit,
strengibeningthe frame, and giving. life
to the dieeitiVe eleveret' which naruraliy
demand increased .sube C all ce—result, im•-•
proved appetite. Northrop 4: Lynnie Of
Toronto, have eiven to the public their
su perior Qutn Inc Wine at the usual votre,
and, ganged by tbe opiniee of • scientist,e
this v,ene eppreephes n eareet pe'efectioleof
any in theenerket.' All druggists sell it,
e •
In Jewich marriages the woman al-
ways stands to the right. In every
other nation that is the rnan'a
Telco Laxative Brom* QUIDIDO Tablets. 4.
dame/its refund the money it it failto cure.
W. Grove's Miniature is on oath box. 250.
Friend—"Well, Ethel, how do you
like mnrried lifo ?" Ethel (enthu-
siastioaltY)—"It's simply delightful.
We`te been married a. week and have
had eight quarrels, and I got the
beet of it every time."
Tula ranrAir LAKES.
The Rideau River, lakes and ca-
nal, a -unique region, comparatively
unknown, but affording the more
novel experience of any trip in
America. An inland waterway be-
tween the St. Lawrence at King-
ston and the Ottawa River at Ot-
tawa; every mile afforcis a new ex-
perience. It. is briefly described in
No. 31 of the "Four -Track -Series,”
'"ro Ottawa, Out., Via. the Rideau
Takes and River," Copy will be
mailed free on receipt of a 2 -cent
stamp by George IL Daniels, Gen-
eral Passenger Agent, Grand Central
Station, New York.
A weli built chimney 100 feet high
will sway 3 inches to 4 inches in a
high wind without any4 danger of
TNU 382
NO1101111110 iltallaCTS I:;
Mucous Swarcv.Sort Xarkell orideati
VC:amain Sippeiwatt al an astalseva
suaa.14.1hatr10MAO. tiltrritaleres.
Xrannemialdove. Marv:ad t1
a trod; wath,saratiee,re. rad
111.114n. rAllaattaanintON, raddi,tioihr.S.
Sir ./osepix Dizasdale is the •first'
Lord Mayor of London for 180 Years
who was educated at, Eton.
Tell the Deaf. --Mr. j. F. Kellock.
Druggist. Perth, writes: "A customer ot
Woe having been medal'. deafness by the
nee of Dr. Thomas' Belectrie 011, wrote to
Irehtutl telliug his friends there of the
cure. In cousequence I received an order
to send half a &zee, by xpress
ford, Ireland, this week,"
The aeerage riace at which a Vitt*.
derstorm travels is 2..c.qt Miles an
Stop* the Collet
and *works ntr the Cad.
Laxative Bramo•Quinino Tablota curecold
in ono der. NO Cure. No Pay, Price Ocelots.
In the t him trade a, dozen may
mean various number,s, from 2 to SO.
MillafirS Liniment is the best
"Hear about Maulstick fie mar-
ried a woman" who won't let him
smoke; even in bis studio." "Good
gracious_ I I never knew she had as
much money as
They Advertise Theinselves.—Inamed
iaely theY we,ee offered to the 'nubile.
Parmeleels ',Vegetable- Pills became pop
War because of the good report they made
for themselves. That reputation hag
grown, and they now rank among; ' the
first medicines for use, 1 attacks of dye -
Pepsin, and biliousness, complaints of the
liver and kidneys, rheumatisin, 'fever and
ague and the innumerable -complications
to which these allele ets give rise.
Agent—."Here, sir, is a book that
should be in every • family. it con-
tains a receipt for everything, sir --
everything." Choll y--" Giye me three
copies. lf it has a receipt for my
tailor's bill I1I take five.''
Niinard,'s Uriirt Cureg La Gripi
,,s"cy\roetri,,: statyps\yvociaeci liisjgco„sisyieplin?ol,'
"Wheil I feel „disposed to hear my
neighbors d i eci esed I merely men-
tion 0 name and proceed to listen,"
Mitattl'sttnimeattabest Hair Resta.
It took Harvey 2.6 years to perfect
ids work of the discovery of the ch.-
talation of the blOod.
There are cases Of consumption so far
dr anced that Bickle's .A,nti-Oonstunptive
Syrup will not cure, but none so bad that
it will not give relief, For coughs, colds
andelt affections of the throat, lungs and
chest, is is a specific which has never been
known to fail. It promotes a free and
easy expectoratioe, thereby removing the
phlegm, and gives the diseased parts a
chance to heal.
uncle—"Row old are you Jimmy?"
Jimaty—"I'm thirteen at home,
fourteea at school, and eleven in the
My mare, a -eery valuable one, was
badly beuised and cut by being'
caught in a wire fence. Some of the
wounds would not heal, although I
tried many different medicines. Dr.
Bell advised ine to use MINARDIS
LINIMENT, diluted at first,, then.
stronger as the sores began to look
better, nntil, after three weeks, the
sores have bellied, and best of all.
the hair is growing and is not
white, as is most alwaYs the case in
horse Wounds. .
• , P, M. DOUGET.
1350,00.0 people in Britain are en-
gaged in the eleather trade. They
turn out manufactured products
worth 20 millions a, year,
BeWare of Oittments for Catarrh
• that contain Elereusy
as Mermary wili t•urely de.troy the sense og
smell and completely derange the %Melo sy, tens
1,vhen enviring it through filo mucous surfaces.
Euci ettieles sliould never be used except on
ntuitr•plionq from reputable ph ysiciaus, 53 (he
daineve they will do' is ten fold to the good you
ean possibly derive from them. .fla'rp, Catarrh
Cate, manufactured by F.;.1. Ceeteay 'Sr; Ca.. To,.
ledo, 0,, contains no meretey, and is taken in-
ternally, acting directly upon the blood end.
mucous surteces of the sytene in buying
Hell's Catarrh One he sure ,;,„e tot the gone
. Me. it is to ken internal 3,5111 Reel e in Toted()
Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & Co. Testimentals
Sold by Droggit,ts, price 750 per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the btat,