HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-7-3, Page 2PARE FOR TRE HUES For Whatsoever a Man Soweth, That Shall Re Also Reap." 7..sxiteped. gq Act cr tko Panottcat 4 Solt 0.14 l'boatartcl Nat* mos. Weliese Oettreet T tee et 0 a. et eartoeteee. !view deepateh from Chicego eaya Rev. Frank Be Witt Talmage preach- ed from the following text, :=00,1a - tiers m 8. "Ile that eoweth to his flesh shall isf the flesh reap corrulie tiene" Some fausillar texte are po int touics. They have a snap aloe end streng-th which we do ziot weys tied in the water a We wben it is eead in straugo and peculiarly laleeed bottles. Tilley are like the Pellables with which we were song to sleep in childhood, They heee been sins he Must up to the grave's edge Peed he got a -ell. Dut, sir, from that minute usy life was changed to- ward God, and now Must reap the results of' 'my past sins in my boy'e eeecution. Ohe sir, will you not plead, with the governor to pardon tet7 hoe' On account of his mother's etas?" That Woolen reaped -the haswest of her corruption twenty- two veers, after tbe seed. of silt was soma So 'when we sow to 0,9 nese eoltuer or lat,er we shall all reap our eertely and eternal harvest of ag- ouv, euger trove lite past, Misdeeds. GO .1.1t° are the reapers engageO may forgive tee sinner and au the forebaud help the sower to the ‘sults of the past evil may cease eees.,lt gather ill his greatest harvest, when the sinner rebes himself in the wwelt to he garnered: o.t the white garments of the redeeneed, but lerilde of the oper. grave? They are all through . the remainder of the. the tiemonaie mallet*. They are. Sa- SinIter'S earthly career he Most euf- tau and nil his evil eeirits. They are ter tor the evil which eve has oeue. the demone that live in the impene- The minister witl tell you that ore trahle elarkneso of a lower world. er only the usesst corrupt of harvests. ito speak Unto all the congregatme atiteci werIctuell hayte., beeliereu.cs.v.P:tee. TIIE WAY OF ESCAPE, 6,8. Ye shall know that the Lor4 hath be:melee you out from tlie lanai of Emilie. Your murniuriegs are t. Lerd. not ageinst us., hut, against the: THE WONDE..RS :Is ea :roeyaatl Castle ten in evi, 14, 24. gfi, Thy .As to their raurmaringe la Write! ti lusted, exceedingly in the wilderoese OF WINDSOR - and teseletted God 1.1).0 desert. They S' t Treasure frouse• believed. wet /die word, best tour- to leered in their tents. aud heritened, 04-444-4;04,-#.eateorateetrortette-4444-4,--40ooreireee#44-4ffffor-4,.. Tlitte;1;resibtlyb4dir •I:14 tLlsvalt4i:1; I -Via -Weer Cassteeeteeone of the great- I PeculiariS aceePtahle to Charles lie- euurimsring against Moses they were est. treasure -houses in the everld.1 in whose household be held the poet ur nurin iust Gad but when d t Ws- conunan the of groor0 Of the bedchamber. At Ole Restoratson he received the ad- ditional appointment of Master Of the revels. Dining the Eing's ex- ile ha was employed, as Isis westy4e "silldeEnt114EitISITNenifeleileil. THE XING, ab°sollerker beythgpleasthuere.Kiansg usteteerinytiretlf; neglect the greet ena preseing inter - este of the country. be hit upon the following expedient. to allmorrish ldn of bis exti-enie negligence. Having °4ittli:Pmedialbleir:Irivislyll PtliliegreiTa.riegliLb:* apartment. The Kluge surprised at the oildit,y of his appearance. im- mediately *seed the meaning of it aud whither he was going. t1:0"4:01ctailire, infernal vet...el:ilea" replied "Prethee," seal the Iciag. "eat can your errand be to that place?" "To fetch bad* Oliver CrOfilaVell," replied Eilligrew, "that fie may lake eosne care of the allaira of England, r his eticcessor takes none at all," Close to the Veselyele room are ells splendid Ruben:: Auslienete and Prete tame rooms, the tfuerd Chaillher. the Council Cbaniber, tlie Throne roma; and tlie Ailte-Throne r00111. in till Threes° room *Isere is a heedsonse ivory throneb a gift to the late (teem by the Mallara!ah. of Travail: core, which is now uncovered: tilt beautiful eerpet in the room is os Geller blue. Theu the visitor can peep in at this Waterloo Chamber, which le covered with B. Issagnifieent carPet made by tile convicts of Agra nail presented to the late Queen; al- so St. Geen-geets Ilall (looking view Israel demanded a king in the days peblie are to be given the privilege of Samuel the LOrd lotto Same of inspecting the gorgeous state uel, "They have not rejected thee. rooms of the palace, width contain but they bave rejected Me, that I some of the most beautifee and the sbould not eeiga over these," most costly a ibe treasures. Sae». viii, 7), The entire :castle, says a Londeo 9, 10. emne near before the Lord,: writer, bas been overhauled since Ifor Ile bath heard our murmuring% the late queen's death. end during' of the saddest sights of Chrietion TheY are the demons who will gatlie ThUS Moses coonniseioned Aoron th work is to lee an old Man who has been converted at the eleveuth hour hobbling along Upon his cane through the harvests of corruption . end as he Wake to the ne°nie they pering uew home for the Xing and looked toward the wilderness', name- Queen. Ifew pictures of almost' " gays iliecouraged ..bc g nhieh surrosual bitri everywhere, lie ..whot ate a to do? folly realize ;peeve t_ c On. state apartments.. armor awl art s-tutables tlerongh the harvests my evil past. Must die an eternal I'•/1141self aPPetAred to tlie°34 °"'/*°'111g treaeuree worth 'II" f 'lleene that they were dealing with -nu lone pausal% rareettteai over tied o'er asea.in 'lave e°??4 Ir°n1 tb seed5 014e4.' at? Yes. to3r brother there is met and tiot with leoeee nod Aaron, furrature of the neeet, superb de. soul convicted et his past salsa, , in u ".WK.Y Tit ti latord prsceleee wane have been bang ill the hope for eon if you repent of your o eeription, carpets that cannot be taps 4)4' out- deserted loved ones, so In's own Onntseg." INEXORADLE LAMS OF THE silts mad throw yourself uponl,utosee'se^" have "ilea^ rd th*e Purchased anywhei.e. and curios of that each erose. is made sacred FIELD. .Chrietes mercy, as wide as the for- ' ' Untold. value heve been. collect d d prodece More of a harvest 'text was taken. The feet half of tondo It slum he fa/ell with iTig touchea are being put on for the into the veetibale of *Ise church in ;l=lt 10 lt:ilti.,.;arit-eeolnitti'sf:tats1.141serYthottilillsni,e, the:7:1 The seeds of the 10,esit by the irlex- givettess of fled. I °WY Olfelfe °Re, of the ehdliren of arrieneed by the e a" Words were Ilse uster$ WelvOluing orObie of the Lek'S art"Fe"' af the verse trent- Whiehd 'my sr\avelilovS01):AnZlatte es sern 4411f -sail?, tittilt; thortecies in VD-m(1,1rd! tatc41"0 it"heeatdatz „vitt the erreire woo hoe when we :than the orrol Needs a bleb hove the verso reads thus, "But. he -thaV n g , know t view, 4, to_ nehmemon from the lord chemises 1,4059 of some toners minister. , cora if Ise could only receive in re- first ititlf is a. red light of warnieg 157hnt gre" grace.4)9 /118 lein's (ace, the eioltoe win bear t I. which we hare either read or heard. A !Mrs half a dtreen earS Of corn ; to ,o;obed far out over tbe troubled „sea i ward these unbellevasg murrains* g the tea. em, thotta-it wally grom, eAvulTa Plant twoltY or thine' Verse if he of sin. The eeeetel balf it! a, beacon ilsoste They heel eomplaiseed that Njrtrt '4,ert,'"a"•eie unrreomeetiaellai nwth; to the fiaL so lie will giro them ill to the grAnd =trainee a lofty door - though many holy aesociatious gath-.potls. or .to lalmr at ail if $or evere" barber of Peace, to c..1110,411 „ords :yet wo,ad fain °anted :seed Oleo would eonie , leirsa my brother( you nrupt get, the wilderneee flesh and bread to the way, thraugu which the public will holt, heritese am iwsionatee7 the farmer has at small bog of Wheat pateitint:te In the far east the leilualdal. the Iltpi7e1:41(cleOlilusiViirl:is Rix.1111 trnoowoet: nein:et:de gor(nlinyti tableut:ltalpgilne- aat which has Is It the leseale riar°PerlY. 14°W a" 1/"Taw tilO ;Old net from iron. You must let His is scented with the snail of will he able 10 ltii•Lber a WiMie sinful heart. Then. ;saving prepared 8). and would hnre is find in come to tlse greed stnir gate our beeete to (led. Or tbeee 'helm "wn- It wall" he folk': for soweth to the spirit shall of TtihnielltLeal.0.rWiyoter 601:4 . 4 °RI! Haarbeee received the free ticket one, (ere .1,soalted with tae the fanner to elm Zslln Peruels of spirit reap life everlasting." 1.1.4% 0 svolien from this 1.04 awl r could gather in atuen eta a few inviting you up the Nerrows to the. in 13a7Pt they 1444 flesh and breati lIffieent view is always obtainable; ds erotic upon it for two i'eaefine ullIb* 43n0 hernei retarn. But Wheeod n Starr heart riolit for the spiritual (verse 8). TrillY II° 18 El' now be etnedueted to the state apart, P Of t!.t• rollotry• Thervfore aoy seyd SaN" I esseieut plow evree outdo out. 01 wood nedlielente and fit dwelletil all adequate doorway in Haig John's the sower ana *i *w isny shoile grim" and nii°4 tin" right the hewn of the ero$s 5-onr 81°C18Ile 8cY 1.8 ail things (II ear' ix. Prom the vestibule the publie the Ar:V; Melva 141,)," or of the rioter 9444 44 gt1141ell grain- line td tnY the granola for the spirituel seed Him our ali and hutiw thnt everY which bas been arranged by ma au cam, about Laking the fiaest collection of aegs vele.. rissse«' IlItt4re '.s 4th clues the seals wee he aide to reproduce itself plantirsg. you met go to work for .good gift aud eVerY perfect gift is o„,,t „a tto wota rohio ve am eat/ really, realty times." ileseitonin tiod with an tiows, ono to,mdred i front above Aral et:MI.3th down front and armor to the woo& on the (4 itle. teightionitie, way tes,t .10.0.1. letaisklin once said ',hut tee leproe times eye, with a tbouetted times ethe Father of Light.% with whom- is lower, isaridiog., is a flowers ti sta., 145 And unsvs said them) Close by, too. will tie even a repre- did with its panels of unstained L',„fetcSatt.at ilt.t.etwIsl 4nt.tt.egtuteue4 vith tioe eirje.etabl? )ife. ei slasidi eneconeervel disciple! of sits. You must enliet turning f ns. is 4 • ee. lee teeet of the iestmeas Itesf, hes- 1 „ 4 . , ' .-111`s'l..,, 40,4, mind aud Nolo. for Iv . , • • - _ seutation of the E.iner4a chauspion, oak, and which will be the mem ot ORO 4O44I waholui Hunt, '4%th lit rt.' •A .Ir 1 d . foil' za.r. alt iatense• and seggeetie. ...:tilhaer .4 c1„°414 .41'°' I'''`.1"4:'''''.24°C.‘: .44.thr':the gositel illanthea Ae I said ae.oThis is the bmol which the Lord , valeta:, es .0. ,, ... ,„ „ „_ _ .. ,.... tavits SuAlwareeueu 541 11440, dIV loUlAU Dud a lam, ;:k-aii cannot change the pest, ,o sath g Vein ",Nr II 0 eat. d 4 ay.:14110n. NM eeas e sit ut r , #, ouation of George lte be appeared at, the cor- much eplentior ausl gayety this year) teeae et(tatentea *eau wizen et e.,,,, do -en email wheat siesta rl'oln lea pest is dr,,asj.. Dut, oli, by ova, So they hail the ,fiesh of quails in , 4 A. GOLDEN TIGER'S IIVAII 140 P81 time to tire no,s-0 ce tbel(iTse fr,1v s,el-mis.he„n_ras nide I.° er.e'' power of the Holy Spirit you eau' the *vetting and manna In the morn -1 , , • Eettea , ,!! t . 4 t4 the su-Asa in .,ng 10.4e4.5,0 44. „ 0 _ „,_ ., ' veal], eau 4440 Witeat Se Wolateu. 110th ,epirittialize the future: You canljing, all they could eat, sea, IleCallSe , .14 tile tOp of the grand staircase ae S'Xinging scribe. few idaneellf and itie negro 6044 ;24t ;;z4litiie :FOUtil last erarthly tlays honored' they deserved it, but eituply by the 19 a tiger% head from the throne of me manna was alio trippoo Sultan. Tide throne was of ' It wouill be la happy eaelatiesi to '. days in :maven OW OR earth, be- ,grate of God. • id bl . . ductive Iniever, tile ps-olies-ness -the 004 au hese ever tot (ts a no variableueae, ueither shadow of tee fleorge 31,7 by thantrey. The eeranall reason siale ifrella this telit to-alay is homes,: the terringtime of the eeer, when the Aseeeiesen sweet' weal forth to is cede' a few weelis past, The pante stoner if when be tamed One 41%11 , cause they have been lived for God,. muddler seed, White, and the theta • 4 JL'1 W48* wed be shooed get baa only (toOatee to help your sinful fellow maw.: of it was like wafes-s made with seetegolud in shape, having at the were to eornerS eight tigers' beads of gold.' 5 rI-Slik. Thit that ie 844)1 1110 Way 4, “labo.soever will, let hint come and ' heney (verse They i harvests of the flesh grow, tate twee ot the water oe life freely," gather it every morning, everyI The legs of the throne were fashion - 1 steel will heroine the parole of a That maws you; that means me. enan according to his eating (verses ,444 in the 6140.90 of the lege of Ole only is Short time ago had the seat ' u*any eel* seethe tin% grandinvont at We evi au anna 16, 18, 21), and so they gathered ialtiger, which appeared to support, the of unsay moral s ruleted coif the le:a beet of two Fen 1 , 1 il , t 4 * /whole on his back. iTippoo had i e• aelt le glen -e SOW frO Tin: SMUT NOW. soluo mo 4 SO re 0 les.7 On tl 0 sixth m s. I , sleep mazes. The trorrow's teeth • , , i . , . 1 11 ti f • •il ,t at en 0 n i e me day they gathered enough for two . adopted the tiger as the entblete, tereua p I, ,,„ o ce i, . ri, e are yet white from chewing 8041 • hareeeta A. sower tatto the gosh ai..4 Dot. my sinful f end, even with days, far none NU on the Sabbath. I „his state. and *Won most of his arms breaking the so. And the owes*. ,wa,.ts reaps more comiption than hose! your sinful past, is that right? a if they gathered more than enouglx14s i a cipher, signifying "Tho Lion of witlx his bag of eeed heesging uPon eenertod to gather. Is that what Christ would have you rosy other day, it bred worms and:God is the Conqueror." After the one eras send bin handful of seed. Itra if ae mil r„seits or taro .7, atl? 11 yen had a wayward boy, Mania but not so the surplus gath- fitarmillg of, Seriugepatara. in 1709, ewingiug at the end of the Whet , pianism are so awful in reference IRMA be had run ttWay from }some i„ ered OR the sloth day. All that God ttehis„ hete wtes „hront to England urea We' a short time 'ago. with 1 th our own lives how much more•ianel tramp leti "an Y"r blee4- asked of them was faith qua obed-', by tow vast tuton, Co.,toand was Pre- meaeured tread, weut aeries the ;awful amst tie th, results when we i heart for many yeara. woUld you,d eknee, yet in everything they trans_ een'oel to William 11,;- It was seen 11444'°. ,v•attering the .Nri'dsk t° tiw 'plant those tares in the lives id othe;want ilim to 51'47 aw" al- - enough on Vie ortfinary (lays, and tight and to the left. May God bele . Ors. AWitil Ullist. be the remoree:', hurdened 11gaillst you and bitter grossed. home gathered lour° than 1,9 to tearh 1 1111 141-"°S °I'll qunrr's !when a. comapted moo realives that emerely heemise he. had been ilut('II otribotion in the lauguage of the • av his sinful souing he has develop., and wayward? Not If you knew !TAW plowing. 1 where be eels tlyieg to -day. you ed harVe61 eorruption in OA would take the eery firift train to Tine $EEP AND T1111 ITAIIVEST. hearts of bie neighbors. If he has him. Yon would go neemnry, The „eeds of the gem' ne the in- plaided there the evil mete, some 441. wItholtt teen a change of garments. for the first time by the public on Ens -ter Monday. Sabbath day (ieersee °O. P-74 28), ileoin the throne of 'rippoo Sultan. 141.1°Y °.t them "re acq'11"11-Y 11184"e and they foussd to their sorrow just, Over the throne wns n, golden. elm_ emit possessed of ieculiar delosioas, There Used to be an old sailor here as Gad had said (Pe, 12, 20, oey and on the top of Otis canopy who went around through tho *4018- ' I d" el I The Gobelin tapestry m the great reception room will be mueb mired by the visitor. and when In emerges into the open air, mar the Grand Quadrangle, he will have had o. aurfelt of wonderful eights; PEOPLE OF ODD DELUSIONS, Jerusalem is a Great Place for Religious Fads. Jerusalem is a. groat plare for cranks, particularly those of reli- gious temleueles. People who bave visions and poseess the gift of pro. pheey, who have discovered maw ways of salvation and inethods by which they may live without ein, Meta to flock hero us tile moths seek the light. Some come in Webs and others ets Nome went Out to gather it on the :There also Isere the golden bird ItSSeeintfuns* 37, 39). In the great gospel chap- ter on manna our Lord mys among other thing% "My leather giveth the true bread frO10. beaven, for the bread of God is Ile wlsic.h. cc:dicta clown /roux heaven and giveth life unto the world." Manua is sugges- tive ot Christ in that et crone down from heaven. It waS the only food, it was free and sufficient for all, it must be gathered fresh every morn- ing and each must eat it for him- self, An omer of it WaS to be laid up before the Lord to be kept, and it would seem that it was placed in a golden pot in the trek of the t (lieb. 4). eipal streets day after day carrying . the size of a small eigeon foal is a heavy woes. He was tiomg pen- ance for some great sin he had com- mitted, and it would be a eatisfac- tion to know whether he obtained absolution before he died. Then there was a emu 'who bought lamb every morning and saerificed ite giving the Ain and the meet to the poor. Ills place of stterifice was on a rodk anitside, the walls, toad a aneovd was there awaiting him when he came with Isis offering upon his back. There it au old woman in anise.- lem now --and sbe is said to he rich, for she lives en a comfortable house and seems to bave plenty of inoney-. who considers it her mission to re- lieve the hunger and the distress of all e the Ishmaelitish dogs. She goes out daily with baskets of bread and meat. to feed them, and if she can catch one of the mongrel cUrS with WhiCh tho streets are haunted, she takes him home, washes him, puts' , ointment upon his sores, soaks him with 'carbolic acid and other • disin- /octants and then turns him loose. But she never gets the same dog twice- Although they like the food . she brings them, they do net relish the other- attentione: The Moslems. like the North Ameri- can Indians, consider at lunatic sa- cred, and any man who comes here with marked eccentrieies is absolute-, )ti ly safe, safer than if he heel an es- cort of the Sultan's bodyguard. 4..-nr;"e 8°W 01 lb° 11"1"8 t14" °1111' t3"4" "111 C"1"" "11, Me "thr°1';`,7„aa would wall: up and down the t eedeae• the hartests of the Ilesa. and moirltual laws are the same. tended to represent the fabulous lies etatenieut is au axiom. a eelf .1 noRooteteo cotroot souNER oot'r traia while ii. WuS in 111000n, be- bird of antiquity 'which is well- e•iiiesit fart. So self etialeist is the! LATEit. e• e44050 SOur anxiety Weald not let known to Persian scholars. It is tow that the &teas which arr Plant-, The areds of the Heels do uot micas- nliV.e.i.thsotsillan11110„Vd°A;Zitio"Orieustivtalrild- called "the human bird" - a bird ee (gee' eroduee liartests utter thel.r easily produce the harreSt Of the „the throw yourself by his bed just peculiar to the east. Supposed to fly kind that It United Statell ageielue-' Dash instanter. A long time may . to give hint a ales of am and pate Constantly in the air and uever three department has been estaimess- fatemene betweee the thne of plea_ 0011. touch the ground. 114 is looked up - ea. the ellief PlirtRn'e of whi011 is la ing and of reaping. Telco during So JOSIIS to -day begs you to on as a bird of happy omen, end introdnce into the different. loteslithe, the peer the farmer goes forth to live for him and come to him. My that every head it OVershalloWS will brother, will you let the cross be in three wear a crown. il4t1 041* "" °1""Is ler "w 19' 1 "41r- There is' the t'Prillg Plentiug• the plow to change your heart? Will I941. Ti.e ollitisd head of this <leo seeeeede Iseii)eliet.riettittets,elin,theeeglirenoutnidie. rcio_n_11 and go forth to sow to the Spirit, Partaneut is a Methlier of the Press- • A description of the arms tuid OM- li )"', the timothy seed is thrown avette-taa"i7_,thest you may ren) lift everbast- or would take up nearly a page of alma's Cabinet. 1.:Ners sear at iii lic °Xi ens: thousands of seed pack- Bad, so that the farm stock eau til- a newSpaper. Many of them evert: 48g4-9 are Scattered over the countey,,e have hay during the winter months. ------+ gifts from. Lord Roberts tuid Lord ter gratuitous distribution among' geemai than the spring, stiotters THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, ICitchetter to the late Queen. Ifere are a few picked out haphazard: Each Cougreseman has an •allotulene. Hardly are theSe .seeds placed in the denehipmemt of the different lands of Theo the et.e. the barley( toe ee ne- you take. the good seed in yoUr hand FINE ARMS AND ARMOR, COVentUl TICE EVIL OP IlEAVY HATS. 0-i, rural constituents. The khalifa's coat of mail, with I make the little tender sprouts come aS there is a spiritual law in tbe up. =risen the fields everywhere - padded coat and cap, found in Om- eatural world so there is a natural. are INTERNATIONAL T. E S S 0 N, daimon. JULY 6. ,A shield mounted with silver, be- longing to Ras Alula, taken by the Text of the Lesson, Ex. xvi., 1 -dervishes at the battle of Gallabat 15. Golden. Text, Matt., vi, 11. in 1890 one captured.in Omdurman.. law in the spiritual world. And the enwer to the flesh has eo more right to expect to reap the harvest of the sower to the spirit than a farmer less a right to expect to gather a because we ha.vc sinned and never e rap of barley from wheat seeds or a yet been punished and have kept on 1. And they took their -journey Ancient helmets belonging to the erop of oats from corn eeeds or a sinning and all the congregation former kings of Darfur and captured -0-.4 God Omnipotene liveth we will! of Egypt. that we from Elim, ter their departing out of the land death -at the battle of Gallia coop of potatoes from muskmelon will be punished, that we never shall , the wilderness of .Sin, which is be- in Omdurman. erop of rye from cotton seeds or a ten thousand tliliunielsdretidia' of the children of Israel came from -- ha.ve to. gather our harvests ot eine tween Elim and Sinai, onethe fif- , Xing Jan's. saddle and trappings, :argue hi/smell iisto a different spirit.- ruptiou, But we will' As the Lord teenth day of the. second -month .af- ta.ken by the deryesbes alter lsie seaals. Any sinner who is. trying to bat atui but snaking himself ridiculous. Christ in the parable of the tares found in Omdurman. A crown which belonged to the sal belief is not only mocking ft el Go where you will you will find householder he bad his eervants let Testament and in Goats own pie_ Queen. of Shoa, a kingdom of South "A FEW WILD OATS." explicitly states this fact. As the We turn. back in our studies to the Buck - that the sower to the flesh always the tares continne to grow by ehe Abyssinia. It 'wits brought, to the great redemption book of the Old reaps D. harvest of corruption. Sit side of the wheat, bet when., tttetture book we see not only real hap- late Queen and .presented at Buck - ',wings but also the foreshadowing ingliam Palace in 1843. carpeted with green. Some of the tares or the sins of the flesh which we have sown in the past may seem to take a very long time in developing. We may think It Is the Most Fruitful Cause of Baldness. When travelling in countries where the great majority of the people habituelly walk bareheaded, an is the case in nia.ny parts of Italy, for instance, one can hardly help notic- ing the great number of handsome heads of hair seen oe the streets. This fact must be accepted as one of the 'etrongest proofs that the hat is the most fruitful cause of baldness. It is certain that there are 1110re bald men than bald women in the world, although if women were con- demned to wear heavy. unyielding felt and.silk hats as men are, they would -probably sneer as much. The head -gear to which men are condemned for the greater part of y things a Cor. x., 11-13). Abyssinia, which was given bim by of King Theodore of The royal cal) with the judge upon the beech, nisei reapers come they will first gather of man _ he will tell you that the young man the tares into . bundles and destroy etanding before him for sentence did Ulan. Shales., do not deceive ynot m. our- The deliverance from death arid the year hh f as several qualities in- the Patriare Cairo. It is of • think that the seeds of eiself. Gant is not mocked. Do Zinot frothe bondage of Egypt in ecum. it C.01- eparable fro, which tend to lower red velvet, with a gold tassel, and •o which he planted in secret would think because the day of retribution neetion•with the blood of the Pass- trio health of the scalp and injure or was presented by Lord Napier of er take root and begin to sprouthas been postponed that the seeds of over lalnb and the glorious power entirely destroy the hair, and in a Magdala in 1868; also King Theo - Ile . did not tell* that his sowing a- the- flesh. are .dead eesen tlfey me of tem Lord's right hand sets before less-er degree women's hats may come elore's imperial seal of gold, elabor- . us God's redemption provided 'for ately chased. few "wild oats" would ever cause his merely dormant.. As the long downfall. Yet Clod was watching d t h• , • t ' eth t • 89 by Christ, our Passover while the Sc pieces of plate which formed part ot seven pieces sent to the Queen by the. Thirty -Second Begi- n -rent:" They were injeredeby a shot which struck the plate chest during the siege of the residency. of Luck - now in 1857. under the .sarae condemnation. These qualities are weight, lack of ventila- tion and tightness. Any hat which 'causes a sense 'of ,oppression apd heaviness across the brow *ilt injitre -the' growth- of the hair. Let any tvornan who has worn for months or years small, light bonnets set back from the face put on a stiff felt hat that rests upon the brow, and she 'will soon realize how vigbr- Znisly her whole head resents the un- wonted tyranny., She ,will find her- self constantly lifting the -weight to gain a. moment's relief and fresh air for the imprisoned and rebelling nerees and .veins. If she persistsin wearing the:hate in a eboel time the danger -signals cease. Tier brOW be, comes apparently indifferent to the insult ; it has given its warning -its danger -signals of pain and discom- fort -and now adapts itself to the new burden, But the harh4 goes on, neveftheless. The scalp sufTOrs from overwork, overheating and lack of ventilation, and in- a short time the thinning temples and dull, nerveless hair will tell the tale. The growing custom .for tycmen of removing the hat ie public places to- gether with the extreme lightness of the structures demanded by fashion for the greater portion of the year should result in a noticeable im- proNement in this respect, for with the hair as trill all the rest of Ile, good looks cannot exist without good health, him sow those seecls: Ilis employers were Watching him. Almost every large business house in the great cities has spies detailed to folloW the tracks of its employees. So when the money disappeared from the safe the detectives naturally • hunted up the young man who spent his Sundays at the rci.ces, the one whose, conmanions were not what they ought to have'been. They sea- turttlly -came to teat young maxi and put the hands of the aw upon his shoulder,• „paying : young Dian. „T1e...C.011.Viet:5 'cen awaits- you, Come: 1", The physician in -the sickroom Will teaeh you that the sower of the flesh alwa.ys reaps the corruption of the flesh. Upon the bed of sutrering lies an invalid, He may pfay, he may groan, he may promise to do right in .the future, Wit. the physician says : my friend, good inten- tions do not eradicate the physical wrongs of the past. -You imist reap the seeds of gluttony, the seeds which once sparkled in the wine cup, mat:, you must reap the harvest of rh1 defiance of raoral laws. Dying man, you must reap the harvest of the sins of the flesh which you have sown.'; Stand 41'] U1 the minister in his pulpit, and he will teach you the same lesson. Ile Wig tell you that thr,:/gli a 254411 ingy repent of 1318 est harvest, •so the longer the mail- eueceeding °yenta suggest the too islunent of the sins of the flesh is e.omusen eeperience of the believer postponed the greater .and the rnere in which there is apI to 1),41inore awful will be the hart:ests oi murmuring than rejoicing. " rel./time 2, 3. And the whole coegregation I once saw a woman rea.pIng her *tgainst Moses 418(1 Aaren-in the of the children of Israel murmured wilderness. es0'1'11ER'S REAPING.. harvest of the flesh which she had .At Morale it was because they did not like the water, and now it IS beca-use they eanmxt see, what, they are going to,eat, failing to see that He who delivered them from' Egypt and divided the sea.for them would surely not fail to care for them in every way. But In them we see ourselves, for whic11 of us cafl say. that Rom:via, 82, delivers us from all 1111101110ring? 4,5. Then' said the Lord unto Moses:. 13ehold, 1 will, l'4.1 in bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go Out and gather a certain rate every „clay (the portion of a day in his day --margin) that I may prove them, 'whether they will walk in my law or 110. , So it is written in Pe. lxxviii, 24, 25, "And had rained clown manna upon them to eat and had given them of the corn of heaven. Every one did eat the bread of the inigh.. ty" (inargin). Just think of it, food for millions clay by day right from heaven! lie would teach them to look to, Flim atone cmd be ecntent to live by the d1137. planted a fifth of a century. before. It was in .our old. Brooklyn home. The doorbell rasig. I went to the door and eshered Mt° the parlor a lady dressed in:de0 mourning. lifer face ,revealed'the marks Of intense .SUrrering Yyheit 01137 father' came down in ansWer- to my summons, the lady began V° plead with him to in- tercede with the governor for the life of her boy. Ile was a young man under sentence of death. He Was to be and was electrocuted within six weeks. "Dr. Talmage," she said, el. Want YOU to plead with the governor because nay boy's life is all the result of my past Sins. When Ile was a. little child, he Was very sick. The doctors gctve him up and laid he had to die. Then I knelt by 14137 son's bed and defied God. I said: '0 God, I will not let, him die! He shall not die! You can de- stroy hie soul, you can destroy mine, but I will not and shall not give him up.' . Then, strange to say. Dr. Talmage, the boy had a 249(111011 change toward physical re- ' covery. 111 spite 04 al) the doctors THE ZUCCARELLI ROOM. Passing through Charles II.'s banqueting room (known more fam- iliarly as the ante-rooni), the visi- tor will ,cerrie to what .bas long. been known as the Zneettrelli Voom, on account, of the princ,pal figures in' it being painted. by „Francesco Zupear- 6111.. These have,- however, 'boon re-. moved, and epplaced by some of -the finest pictures in the world. This roolfl is now an art gallery in itself, and will be much talked about. The apartment, by the -Way, used to be known as the "Queen's State Draw- ing -room." Here is now to be 90011' Quintin Matsys' famous work, "The Misers," which picture lovers from all parts will visit Windsor to We. Then there are ,magnificent works by Guido, Titian, Canaletto , Co rivio , Holbein and many others. The visitor, next enters the old ball -room, DOW usually stylecl "the Vandyck room," on account of the paintings contained therein being the production of that master. Here one sees a picture of Thomas KBE- BOU13LES ITS SIZE. 'There is a, wonderful arrangement ir in SJarnes Blyth's house in Port- land Plaee, by means of which the dining -room can noiselessly do -able its size. One saunters down to drink a cup of coffee, and finds a. spacitms and well proportioned 1100311 papered. in a Warn! crimson and hung with handsome pictures. There is a door of communication with ..the adjoiniag. rooni, on either 89)0 of whiCh hangs a 'large picture in a heavy gold frame. The floor is pol- ished, and a, thiek carpet conies 'within a yard of the wall all round. coffee is excellent, but one doubts its potency when, on turn - Mg round, one is confronted by the partitioning walls, door, pietures, and all, halfway through the floor! ilin tehetlYpoilI tisstieldilisanttilelec70;1 fi0 Llid Ol;1111 0$ 1117- mptible! Only the crimson W149are twice as long and there ave bor- clued 'carpets,. It is the most per- fect triumph of mechanical skill. 47- THE LONG GREEN. "Cast off by his lather, lie bc- came 'a landscape in.itnter.'' . "Why did ,be choose that work ?" "He wanted to continue drawing the green.'.". 31r. Singleton ---"Miss Willing-er--' Nellie, don't care if 1 drop tlic `Miss' and call 3709 Nellie, do you ?" Miss Willing --"No, indeed I Why, only yesterday .1 remarked to inam grew, who, by his exhaustless store ma that 2 was getting a:IA:lolly tire( 01 wit and humor, rendered himSelf el being called' 'Afieee =-