Exeter Advocate, 1902-7-3, Page 1"FIFTEENTH YEAR.
atheneeteeneetengeae,tassat atteseeetesernaltreeheareeere efteeneneathe
ctiterewood Shape, good full roll, in light straw for 7.30,-,...
- -Narrow rim, Nil crowee hew y weave. fancy bands at50-e. and 75e.
ier Three ply rim, Muck hand. holt shape, good value hele.
Boys Straw Hats in wilt ttud faney bands at 2.
Men'a Regatta Shirts in cheeks and strips frilled thle., Wee, and $1.60. I;
Newest In Collars mid Ties and speciale in faney and plain Socks. 111
Groceries o. Specialty. leoet, Mice Moek
Arne sessehtersertegsttasseweett easstreenentanaestreitehhesessisssersheih's
'140N.EY TO WAS.
We bay* tanlimited private futain for i
vo3traiont ttEnn ram or Outgo erurerty,
lowest rates of niterest.
St. Joseph
Mgt. V.13:teha led, neer rowdies i'1 1' la IIPW weminoll and win
Investor et CARLING, ter tank erected en his prenthass. The
30=4'44'044e, Euters mill is the celebrated entedien airatio
manufactured in Tetuan, and wit
add gee:10y to the ettatilft'llit'ilVe end ap
peetenee of his already fine propel ty.
-At the 'salts of the fleytteek retnte.
held at the Thallitlioll Hotel. Zurtelnon
tiaturdag last. the .210 acme, mended
Oil lithe road east and weet. was sold
he Mr. Smith, of Hamburg, for tht
sum of tiehtlitl. Tins is considered a
wets low figure for so fine a. ptopetty
and we congratulate 31r. Sanitli on get-
ting so good a bargain...a:fin 14. V*1
Baehand and Mr. Beeigneni were in
Ottawa last Weal OD hureinesh--Me.
and Mrs. Wm. Horn. who have been
vting friends in these parte,. during
the it three weeks, will return to
their home at Berne, Mich., to -day
BY -TO 1.041,..
bare a large amount of yriteato fools to
num °peters:a villatet rxoyeettet at Tow
tes ot interest.
F. W. (11.s.o.nas.i.
Earettter. Main Stteet Eter
reststeen ELLIOTT
Rol E•lawor.1 Incaztreltgon
rereacesteetta priTcrtics fialt,ita and etold
reatiritalilt, term:), etistral dwelling Itws ter tale.
L.r.ds In en intis ral..gla otA tIhr
for (QCe,
peen eon seet.
wee treatettecedarrhog ter rale Hat desirable
roam Dan :•; ;i Of Stephan.
(tltN: 1.43.if,m. 4. Ifir.‘ land ; acleataNd. %veil
',Nadi:1mq, wet feir(daad itt esMitant goad slate
*-cf cultivation. 211ere is ea the prettolies larelo
Rae bri.,14 giiad ban. and offer icalinzs,
and a toted pannJ ervtard. This i* Cr:--,
ZIA Will be km!r1 Tenca ta mit
Fa-eh:arr. Apply to
Fnasn Taw.
(*milieu East.
Tee can save rummy, time end feed by keep4ng
lour Apt dry anti %IMF Will thrive better
owl !welt healthy. Mahe the Iry comfortable anti
he will . Ton can do so with a very little
expense by crectilituPolices Patent). The Merated
....,„„Rovrablo Pigs fled, Simple of construction. matte
yourselves. Send rills/ in registeredletter for
• farm right certificate and plan of constmetion to
Patent applied for. sIonxPitemm, E%cter, Oat-
TIOTEL rittneettev eon sALE.
The undersigned h offering .for sale that desirable
I wee cheesed and he le now doing as
welt as coniel lte enperted, lett it will
Mike, OW^ luilalr by, Win1 the
taste ef hie legs.
STEPHEN PleNtin.-The towasialp
Stegehett livid tth ti1443404 picuie here
ten Timentatt leet. A huge eneetd was
in attendance and notwithstandinte
Acmes -re --en aceident befel Leslie
Goetz, the 8-yeateold son of M. John
Re Goetz. Oft Weiblesitty, whilehe awl
eotee other boys were playing in the
loft of hem. The young lad stepped
on the end a at loose hoard, with the
emit that lie fell through and lauded
on the back of his head an the hare
floor, after a drop of about twelve feet.
lie was seriously hurt, arid remained
unconscious for several days, but IS
now ellghtly better.
Mrs. A. Iranside left here last week
witle Met four children to join her hes
band, who le in England. She was ae-
compeetied by her brother, air. Fronk
West ment,--Mr, Samuel Centeron and
wife waived a few tleys ago on a visit
to the former's mother, trs, U. CAM=
erten. Mr. Cemeron„ who ie a conduce
tor on the apx„ has been reeldingat
Moose jaw, As.s.t.. for a number of
yeats past, and it is foterteen years
since he last visited lm -Mr. T, C.
3furray. of Toronto; wife visiting his
father. hiked, E. Mierray, dining the
weete-A number departed from this
!elation lest week for Manitoba:end the
Northweet. :intone them being Mines
Vetteree heatott and Annie Moffatt. a
ails owe. anti Mr. John hlotfatt, of
Pwspct BUL
Growl Bead
thantiens Lete-Mr. Harry Wing. of
Shipkee whilo speeding tilawse ber0
Tueselay was frOM the sod -
he and in Ow fall 'it broken
leg at the ateithe The Jointed Enda
Vir'. IL Fair preached his farewell
sermon on Sunday evening last to a
large and appreciative congregation.
The Sehoed eutrance examinee
Ikon began_ on Wednesday morning
with over RIO candidates in attendance.
Mies Celia Thompson. of St. Thomas.
spent a few days in town during the
week. -31r. James Lusk, Jr., bad the
misfortune on Monday morning to he
thrown from one a :Qr. 'Win. Read's
saddle horses. He alighted heavily on
his left shoulder and !woke his collar
bone. -Miss Clara hleFalls has return-
ed front Toronto, where she has been
tate situate! at Devon, on the London Hoed. This attending the Couseevatory of MUSIC.
hotel is hi good condition, and is 2 miles south of At the examinations held at the Con -
Meter. This read is largely traxe led and for the set vatm7 of Music recently hitss
14ht man chaneeseregood for a splendid business.
Them is o. good stable connection also.* acres of Rails paSSeu the .second year with hon.
land. VORIOttii011 given litunediately. This property ors.- re. F.R.Loug, of Toronto June -
ill be sold cheap. For particulars, nnidy to hon, is visaing her ',events, Mist and
menses k. Csatiso, tlirs. R. Ashbury, here. -Mr. Arnold
Exeter, Out, Hadgin.,
or the hank of Ontario, To -
Enna? °ATTU..
I s ronto, is spending a few days at his
home here.-3Irs.MeTtirk has returned
stierestratve (routine prClUISCS Of the underhigned front Toronto,where she has been write
Let le, cal. 11, Stephen, on June UM, 3 two- ing xiMusic.-Ate
year old Steel% MO grey, 41110 red and the other spot-
upon an eaminattoun
ted red and white. Any vorson returning same or enjoyable time was spent at the borne
giving infennation that will lead to their recovery Of Mrs. R.J. MONalllee, a few evenings
will be suitably rewarded.
D4vinliatruesintX. ago, the parte- being in honor of her
Creditor:. P. O. nieCO, Miss Ida Jeekson.-Again we
Fenn TO EMIT OR FOR SALE. are called upon to record the death of
MIs. Mary Matchett, which sad event
The undersigned is offering for rent Or for sale occurred on Saturday, June 21, at the
that desirable hundred acre iarnt in the township, of age of 67 s. •The ral tk
nay, being Lot 8, COnCeSs1011 LOW1011 ROWTh
. e year
premises are conveniently located to Exettem
er, a lace froher late resifuneoo
dence to St.
antes church cemetery on *Monday. -
Mr. Wm. Dovovan resigned his posi-
tion as sidewalk Inspectorand Reeve
McCob has token his Place. -Mrs.
Kinnee who hap resided here for some
years will leave shortly for Michigan,
where she will make her future home.
Her removal will be regretted by many
Stephen as sbe bas invariably helped those in
need, and was almost invaluable in
time of sickness. . The . ladies of the
Methodist church met at the home of
Mrs. S. W. Gibson on Wednesday
evening and preset) ted b er with a purse
and_ a neatly worded address as a slight
token of the appreciation in which she
was held by all. We wish Mrs. Kinnee
every success in her new home.
ACOIDEN'T.-Mr. William Foster, an
employe in the stave mill of. the Tilson
conapany met with a painful accident
vecently. While employed in tak-
ing a plank out of a vett ef boiling wa-
ter used in the mill he lest his balance
and fell in. The vat is some four or
five feet deep and had he not grasped
the edge of the vat in falling would
likely have lost his life. He pulled
himself out and calling several tiraes
managed to make himself heard above
the noise of the macbinery .ancl° se-
cured assistance.
TELE' NEW STA.TION.-At last the G.
T.R. officials have moved in the direc-
tion of building a new station house
for Lueau. On Wednesday Mr. F. R.
Sonierville,chief .engineer.of the build-
ing Department of the G.T.R.,a,ccorn-
painied' by Mr y Pope G.T.R. solicitor,
visited here and completed all the pre-
liminary arrangements for the erec,
tiOlf of a new station house. The -new
structure will he conmeodious, hand-
some and inodero and will in all .iprob-
ability be located at the foot of Frank
street. . Now that a new station is as-
sured it becomes the imperative duty
of otii-eouneil and prorninent citizens
to see that the best interests of Lucan
are served, as regards the nature and
location of the budding. Let no false
economy stand in the way of our vil-
lage securing every possible advant-
age. A few hundred dollars spent
now may mean much to the general
public of Lecan for many years to
are supplied with good buildings, large orchard and
other conveniences.
Env P. 0.
Laxative Bromo.Quinine Tablets, cures a cold hi one
day. No Cure No rw. Trice 85 cents.
, The following is a correct report. of
the standing of the pupils of S.S.No. 3,
for the month of .Tune. Beside the
monthly report, the result of the pro-
motion examinations, held June 26th
and 27th, is also inserted. The names
are arranged in order of merit: -V.---
' Laura Jere,. Sr. IV.-Honter Bag-
sha,w, Asa, Penhale, Chas. Sanders. Jr.
IV. --Hattie Willis, Roy Parsons, Vio-
let, Penhale, Sadie Willis, Willie Trieh-
ner, Clara Beaver. Sr. M.--Herhie
Beaver, Eddie Willis, Minnie Sanders,
Mitchell Willis, Lizzie Sanders, Edith
Parsons. Inter. M. -Tommy Sanders,
Violet Woods, Alfred Wuerth, Earl
Box; Stun Hicks. Jr. M. -Harry Par-
sons, Annie Hicks, Ralph Willis, Harry
Triebuer. Sr. IL -Cecelia Ford, Tom-
my Penhale, Lillie Woods, Fred Bea-
ver, Pail Parsons, Hilda Preszcator,
7""tlarnet Craig, Levine, Cookson, May
Sanders. Sr. Pt. IL -GI/lays Dearing,
Nelson Stacey, George Hicks, Eddie
Triebner, Sam Sranlake, Fred Preszca-
tor, Sherman Willis, Geo. Whittaker.
• Jr. Part I. -Preston Dearing, Johnnie
Willis, Earl Sbapton, Chester Parsons,
Part I. -Ada W illis,Florence Triebner,
Olive Preszcator and Edgar Wuerth
equal, Gordon Sanders, Ahner Willis,
Ena Box, Garfield Stanlake, Fern Box.
Promotion. -In order to pass pupils
were required to obtain 80%° on each
paper and 50% of the aggregate marks.
Sr. III. to IV. -Minnie Sanders, Eddie
-Willis, Herbie Beaver, Lizzie Sanders,
Mitchell Willis, Edith Parsons. Sr.
II. to M. --Lillie Woods, Celelia Ford,
Fred Beaver, - Torniny Pe ale, G-arnet
Craig, Hilda Preszchtor. No. on roll
55, average attendance 47.6. •
Take La,xative Brom() Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggis'Ls refund the money
if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W, Groves'
signature is on melt box.
:the 2oV111401i8 of the lake which pees
vented luettingeothee than on the
river -ail spent a most .enjoyable day.
The horse races WIIS an interesting
feature of the dan's outing, two events
taking place on the tate conree,„ south
tnt Breener's Hotel. Following, is Oust
rteettit. Green trot. Joe. Lannon, let
and 2nd; retiring race, Mr. Doyie lsL
• . Wfltevt 2n ,
Miss Ida Well left Saturday to eleit
her sister. Miss Nettie Well, at Rod-
ney. --Quite a number from town at-
tended the Children's Day at Dash-
vood on Sunday. -The regular meets
ingot' the W.CrrAh. will be held Mon-
day evening at the home of Miss Lythat
Koehler. All are invited. -.Miss Ma-
bel Hardy left Sunday for Dashwood
to visit relatiyes tted friends. -Miss
'rime Kibler, of Branton, is visiting
friends in town. -Mrs. Baldwin. of
Senfortle, is visiting her parents here.
She delighted the congregation of the
Evangeheal church with a beautiful
solo on Sunday evening lash -A
ber from here took in the sports et
Grand 110)11.1 121211 Ilaylleld on Tnesday.
-Miss Agnes Knercher isited her
brother, Me, Ezra lhaereher lastweek
-.Miss Maio Witwer and Miss Mel:
vine Koehler' visited Dashwood on.
Sunday. -Mr. j. A. 'eVilliems and Dr.
Campbell spent Sunday evening in
lIensall.-Miss Lydia Ronnie. °who hos
been attending the London Conserva-
tory, returned home Wednesday ev-
ening. -Dr. Campbell, our popular
young Dr. was married to Miss Amy
Seleuelock, of Ilensall, Monday evening.
Miss Kate Hagan, of Detroit, is home
visiting her parents. -The senti-annual
business meeting of the Y.P.A. was
held Tuesday evening and the follow-
ing °Meet% were elected: -President,
Miss Ida Well; Vice -Pres., Wesley
Schoellig; Rec.-Seer, Beatrice Stein -
bath; Con-Seey, Annie Hess; Treas.,
Ella Rennie; Orgeeist. Ethel Williams;
Asst Organist, Lydia, Rennie; Librar-
ian, Roland Geiger; Assistants, Jacob
Ort, A. Gtalman; Supt. of Jutdors.,111iss
L. Faust, Ass't Supt., Miss Andrews.
-Mr. Jacob Zimmerman, of Cavalier,
N.D., is visiting friends here, -Mrs,
Henry Rupp left last week for Pigeon,
Mich., where she will visit for a short
time. -Mr. R Howald, of Stratford,
spent a few days in town last week. -
Miss Gibson, who has had charge of
Faust's millinery department last sea -
sou, has returned to her home in
Blyth. -The directors of the Hay Ag-
ricultural Society held a meeting here
on Thursday evening. -Miss Handford
returned to her home in Centralia last
week, after completing the millinery
season with, Mr. Preeter.-Mr. C. L.
Shoemacher has purchased a three-
year-old driver from Mr. Sohn John-
ston,' of Blake. Mr. II. Magel also
purchased a driver in Ceoderich town-
ship last week. -Miss Andrews, teach-
er in our public school, left' Thursday
for her home in Godericb, where she
will spend her holidays. -Mrs. E. San-
ders, who has been residing 'here for
the past ten, months, left for Exeter
Saturday, where she will make her
future homee-Messrs. Wellington Fee
and R. G. Nichol have returned from
Detroit where theywere spending a
few days. -Miss Ella , teadtter
of the separate 'school,Drysdale, has
gond to Hamilton, where she will spend
the summer holidays. -Mr. WM. Ha-
macher, of Oxford, Mich., and Mr.
Chas. Hamacher, ,of Saginaw, Mich.,
who were here attending the funeral
of their father, have returned to their
respective homes. -Mr. Henry Well,
of Cavalier, Dakota, is the ghest of his
brother, Mr. Herinan. Well. Mr. Well
evas a former resident of this place,
but has been away about, - twenty
yea rs.-Miss Ida Sipple returned from
Detroit Wednesday evening and will
remain aefew Months. -Mr. and , Mr.
Wm. Hoffman and family spent a few
days in Listowel during the ' w eek. -
The continued wet weather is making
the farmers anxious regarding their
crops. •Sonie have begun cutting chi -
ver, but the weather has been very.,
unfavorable for curing hay.
rarqubar, thenennwesh AN 011':ItATION.--Mr.
^;(7,:etil oztoratit".:1 :a the bands of Dr.
ing a few *Leh of. thew honeymoon He-'rrY WriglAC of Niagara Fails, is the . c'tine
Mete Jas. tiaeknete nen- etee eteeet_ -Miss Llirra Lansinoak, of Themes -1 s".2;::::°.t;..;;:ietnit:;30e:trli;fte!'ioiletu. s:,$‘1,:fe.511.t 0 the4ittvd,
D.::::::11:71.Y.e'a. ofpe:I15t::a:vlit- v::::SJ:::::::::::t; f::: ::::::-is cAll:::"‘71:3474:: Ii:3:edrne:wentttaat:
ing his f eine aoil mother. mr, and home in St. fieleree during the week. es
e°Pceratteeheseitese--On Mondly even-
ing the choir and Young People'es VII -
ion of St. Piton; church, wet at the
home of their pastor. Rev. J. H. Do -
hertz:. to spend a pleasant evening
with the former's mother, Mrs. John
flackuey.-Atee, Turnbull hull tfie diet
bee het ithdahelay, but the rain in
the afterneoa hindered them, while
the Wye wens having eon* sport. -
'David st_ hieNieol heti his term put out
of joint EL.- other day. He was *driven
o 1' '.t where the loitered member the 13- Pgc441111 (:".... awl w15133'ed fc° 131" t°41)4"413711I'jtv " "ae " their
vas dressed, He le dohlig ;neat, btu her home in Southampton last weelt. Tes!,. ToecturrLers. in the pereon of
it will be seenw time before he i.e able Mrs. Gerrhh a Port lihhoheis the gele4 4 ,L Ji rsl114.**ofit;:le'ler'' ..51,"r P114.1"111` -'t
to work azain.- W. jt.„ Teisedisiill save of her utother. Mrs.. Page. She Is here il 5"*°.°-- -^14t) c'' "r 111°s°, i". -ng *ea"
a dance te, tee yeneh /teepee element her the purpose of heoclitingther health f tuire cl th° evenan's ProWzlat wo$
here OD Friday night. after they teed t ‘,vhieit has been very paor of lete.-Mr. ' lihs e 1E1;114410D " '447,11,autUoufte Vag -
made a epletelid trank to hle harn.- Artrelor Cenlion, who waS talten lit as 'beteell" stu4h„'le°10Ftowet'l 14' u mleat17
Soule of the fartuers are getting hums 4 re•511ilt of inIting canned Nilmon re- ) "`2 "1 "e" Cl"4*.'"'76* "Pre'T.O(^4" eppreceas
skeet attune gb„ wvathel. as they semis ceittly, has recovered. --Wen. Sproet is ',‘t?" copier K'rriees ct6i at chOteh Worker.
t.44 titrt 222 ti 9, ii. Rt.avers was In ', - .1 g injuties he rettelv- ' 4 '41 f.''‘Alre's SV"5 re4141 inr MI t'. Dahill y
PITA" Vg ±."1., 1,4,;"441;iit* ips,41;vittst tileVhilt tithitslplArsEda PNI:Vilernt.LIPThil:etrrlinalelgs1111111tOriceaTiStIthLitlertS1
zNi )Thiaetysi::::t(Ttizi:t:T(4„:4;:tairlivieeg7t(shiesiP roZ: take el; 4'13:141:1:a:;pititirAteilrperellall:01:3/44:11tStiblitin;r1.)Litt:tgle:',1;ttlaWildS.
___,,ils alai wife left. Lest week foe dianito-
GreeltWay ten where they intend spending a few
Miss earths le. Wiletin, a London, %yea,' wilth fr"I'll''' ehlutm M-43/40311°
guest of fe., C. Petty.- Israel Lindete
field has taken a situation in .A. Mc-
Pherson's estabr sr-neut.-31re, Hatton
and S.00. who have been visiting their
friends here, returned to their home
In Union last week.--311se McAuley
emulated the millinery seas -she with
we the presentetent Watt 'Made IT
Miss Mary Joiallttnt. miss xia.)441
made it and s._82itable reply.
The residence of Mrs. Joint flatiteof
hie townships was the ervite of a very
pretty but liu.tet. (p.m/thug gra Wethdes
IS vieiting her perente it few titeye this /44s he'int"frdhis341150 21 404 ad, June -alth. when Tw-Wge°71;
ee .- • .s G. 3 enzie, of S11Lfl2I, re. I, Fdinetete' sur.ElipplahL Oftw,rein telt iliktit daughter. Mies.* Itos.se, Was 22821(04 in
tp"ini;ed- ralOis(1,3tere.-s'aT2111410 gilittegst ‘s4111:!b''ItUI t/1„411''.1.11,,/;;'"e4-1;1111.11::iiitt`441A114.141-41;4:44:1:342:nr:4444 kit41141:431,Ff
15-eirdlort Ired.-Deteetis B6 int. presence of ettreett tide ty relatives and
tea was serreti Alum sin to eigItt include 22011. wif'h Mtetiiihine ,Irs" sex- friends The lerlde woe 22-4 ley her
Au interteting preetum 22212l 28. peewit none en toe comet. W. 22 IOW 11 nifeax. Wise 1102t10 RAI I •
e. a224 ve I1 11411.41!11.2t giteu in the '4413'4 -ReV. 6"1. "" 4" We8elle4 lw , was 522313122 td los Mr. Charlee
foughlin Vetility. of 14,4ekhin. Rev. 2S'0 '022284228 ""; tr"-13Y '1"""iihiF 1" Thomas'. of Isteeloo. ithe leithe
h 22 25
it% Rohth 0241 he,. ow Innen and 882' 014.4 elengreettiethe. ete. neepinee of 0 114160,13. iof 10;3,4.414
4.4 OrDitt AM 3202T12 8, M. P.. tate Ilete ThwAttr..-The :ptenntte. Questing the e5Z1 128tt,
26*1*1 ulit'tts t'24:83410 '1:41111451242;42.4; 4121 -in itilt7414-h4721;11:11..4; GI. ';IZ *4.'. 2(2
.11-1V;416111 s.11;fi'lltlkii11:311,411:11:ZT4.4---113(11:1411111-21111:11.1 $13: 8.
tinet,,At lee *022 .,3,113M?r, lereentehtsi front Mettles- Zty Matt 434 c4w feas the utetath
1h26' g 2284 *we. w..2.1honehor 1,414,01,4 vrot slBsieliseqd. Greet. Waren, liteffnente Roveacied
tta4';Ir letzt3tIettellitelettetitttle'ZI. si4: r M6- I.23 1r;e" 417;44t!4: "141; 16,feeje ;Taw. NI! v.-..--IANsetorlitTkeT
apr+ nem 84, kiteenennhie. q Lowrie re many h --w. to Mr. ik;t1seililiail Una., jaigo, at„g„k„.„ 113
, .„.
1st wirath p:tventl,. Mr. 288481 1 W. i teTt O14222n, 8_45 1" g126-46Gr 16r4. ( `1140414)' al 201v,1 „gigilain,
maror0w oughlia. M242 -3 Lihtfoot. SI, derti„ir( dllyrt1fw4:l" 31 t1lss,1tl14414:.fs11fi:orattl tatt1ortr1Ili. w iaeIa1,34,.icliiitc;4cLti!111,:.1.titt1ipE4,;ti1014anfa
IL- Pliikanietioe eitosidira, Alice Ligbt.
borne Sholdere. est. 1.-jtenst
Conghlin, Lizzie Cottin Dolton Lewlet
Henry Hollgine.
n'T Pinettehe Tetteher,
eteetnen esenient melee ie inting 1 her tletegitter, Mies Mattlentef Lontleete,
histeititer. Mrs. T. Ihollotettenehlisee Untie 4414 6144444T el 14422 daYti With r‘11""1"
Iland relatives here. prier to leaving for
ohn l
visited in emiten hest tevek. Seult Ste Mat le, wh0lrc? thP7 Win Viriit
fen. 0 few ditya 'with mug. owt2iseb-
rme22.-31ret George Marrey. off Sennett
Iowa, aceompaitied ley her tOkno
fr38't1313 2)2.262, Mr Thomas
Ilell and Mrs. Hunt. of fleetom are
visng frientle and relativist; in town.
Quite 3 number front hern attended
the corner stone laying at Kipper) on
Thursday afterneon laetea.Mrte Hunt
of Clinton, was the enest of Mrs, Hunt
foe a few days hest week. --31r. Joe
Cate. who left here aitent three WitSts
ago for the Wests tem returned. Hie
brother, Geo2ge. aceontpluited bite out
there and intends venue:mug for *muse
time. They have purebustel two and
a half sections at High River on the
;McLeod and Edmonton railway, 40
mike south of Calgary. While .stop.
ping 282 (112.2 town 46 Fort McLeod, Al-
berta. they bad the pleasure of meet-
ing Miss Grace Torrence, formerly of
this vielnity, who IS teaebing there
and is mu& pleased with the country.
-The Chrietian Endeavor held thew
last meeting on Sunday evening until
September. -Miss Kate Robeetsou re-
tehred nosed intelligence last week of
the sad necideut which betel her broth-
er, Angus. 12110 IS foreinan of a large
lumbering company In Minnesota. ft
appears he, was engaged in loatling ettrs
with, logs krald one of them being unex-
reectedly pushed forwatd by a failing
log. he was caught by the eav an
knocked down. While his body fell
clear of the rails, his legs were caught,
breaking both of them, one more ser-
iously than the other.
EtHii.-Oile of those
rahnIsin,Ise.sets., whieli tinited tlps lives
hf Mr. Nett W. Siestier, 4 itatio,
y., and Mies Nelly. eldest &emitter of
hlr. Edmond elepnereen, took place
'Weelnestl.2y. treit inet. nt three path 312
eitralli, waa prettily
deeorated With Malik* leartta. AVIV(
22111) pinh totes. The eeremony WaS
performed ley lbw. J. Bern" and was
witneseed by a large number of rela.
Vette alit; tlielltior. The brMe was
lessened et a datute dress* of white
orgaudie aud b1 alai veil an11 eartied 62,
bouquet of white carnations and ferns.
She was tteedsted by her two sisters,
BOUM and Bella, EMMA wore a white
oretuulie 'With Ohl IPSO einfron as trim.
wane and earried 12 bouquet of pink
:mega. Bella also wore °Mute with pele
blue taffeta as trimming and carteet1
a bouquet of yellow roses. Little° Adalt
made a very smart mid of honor and
carrit basketof roses. The groom
WAS atteuded by his Installer, A. Stmt.
ler, of Dashwood, The bride's brother,
Arthur, and fieo. Saunders actedas
ushers and Mrs. J. R. Willem played
the wedding march. After the cere-
mony the guests retttrned to the home
of the bride's father, where a ilainty
vepast WaS served. The beide and
groomwere the recipients of many
pretty gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Shetler
leave tins week for Buffalo where they
will reside.
hfraind Mth.G.Senilie,of Ann Arbor,
are visiting friends in this vicinity. -
Mr. Donald 31eNevive of Dungannon,
is visitingett the home of his son, Mr.
John 31c7e7e2in.-Mrs, Thomas Snell,
and Mrs. N. McAvoy and son, Clifford,
of Exeternvere guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. McGregor, on Sunday. -Rev. G. H.
Long, who, for the 'pest three years,
has been the faithful and zealous pas-
tor of the Methodist church here,
preached his farewell sermon on Sun-
day eyening last. During Mr. and
Mrs. Long's stay here, going in and
out enumg theirpeople, they have en-
deared themselves to all and will be
greatly missed. They leave this week
for Harrow, and the good wishes of all
follow thein. -Misses M.McGregor and
A. Merra-y, who have been attending
the Normal school at London for the
past two months, have returned and
will spend a few weeks with their par-
ents here, -Mr. Gilbert Dick has beau-
tified his residence by painting it. -
The grain house at the station, which
for many Years has been the property
of Mr. Gregory, of Wingha,m, has
changed hands, having been disposed
of to Messrs. Hay Brothers, of Listo-
wel. -A. Murdock, who has been a
student at the Medical College, Toron-
to, at the recent final examination
proved himself a successful student,
having paged with high honors. He is
now a, full fledged 'MAI -Isaac Sewitt,
who has beesenn a trip to the North-
west, has returned home. Tie reports
crops looking well. -Alex. Monteith is
building a core and Mrs. B.
Smillie, of Detroit, are the guests of
the former's mother; Mrs. James Stnil-'
lie, here. -R. C. Clegg, Our station
master, is recovering from his recent
illness. Mr. McTaggart, of Exeter, is
ably filling his .position. -Joe 3.1e:Gy-
mont, of. Windsor, spent a few days
here during the week with his parents,
Mr. and -Mrs., Thos. MeLymont,-Mrs.
Win. Kyle and daughter, Miss Vine,
are spending a few weeks ,with friends
in Guelph. -Master Thos. McDonald,
of Loudon, is ' spending his summer
vacation here with his grandmother,
Mrs. Ancierson. -Mrs. Cochrane, who
has been in poor health for sprite time,
has gone to Dakota,witli the hope that
the change might benefit her. She
was i.ceo,inpanied by her father. -The
corner -stone, of the new school, room
building at the Presbyterian church
was laid on Thursday evening last.
Geo. MeEwenes.M.P., performed the
cerem on y.
seventy-five Masonic brethren, includ.
ing members of the fraternity from
Exeter, Seaforth and elsewhere, gath-
ered at the Lodge room here on Sun-
day evenieg last, and paraded to the
Presbyterian church, where divine ser-
vice was conducted, Bro. Rev. J. S.
Henderson occupying the pulpit. The
discourse delivered by the Revs gentle-
man was indeed magnificent and was
listened to by the large congregation
with rapt attention. The singing by
the choir was also much appreciated.
Nnenno A FIS. --On Sunday af-
ternoon smoke was seen issuing from
the stable on B. Hoggarth's property.
Mr. Yunghlut and R. Arnold, who
happened to be looking in that direc-
tion ran over and found a portion of
the floor and joist on fire, They pro-
cured water and succeeded in extin-
guishing the flames, which was get-
ting under way, The fire was caused
by a coal which happened to he in a
box of ashes placed in the hen house,
coming in contact with the side of the
quiet but beautiful house wedding was
solemnized at the residence of Mr.
Thos. Murdock, on Monday evening,
when his eldest daughter, Miss Amy,
became the wife ef Dr. Byron ()tulip -
bell, of Zurich. The bride, who was
charmingly attired in white silk organ-
die, trimmed with insertion and rib-
bon, and•carrying a bouquet of white
roses, enterecl the parlor on the arm
a her father at 7 o'clock to the strains
of the wedding March by her sister,
Miss Vera. She was attended by her
sister, Miss Ethel, dressed in pink dim-
ity, with 'a bouquet of pink roses, while
pretty little Miss Ruth Rennie made a
dainty -maid of honor. Mr. C. W. Mt-
Goire, of London., assisted the groom.
Rey. Mr. Jewett, Methodist minister,
of Hensall, officiated. , Dr. and Mrs.
Campbell, who Were both deservedly
popular, 'received many ,congrattula-
tory messages during the evening, and
the large nutnber of handsome presents
received from their friends here and ,
elsewhere will, ever remind them of
the warm place they occupy in the
cotninunity. Amid the congratula-
tions of their friends Dr. Campbell and
his happy bride left. on the 10.80 p.m.
train to spend their honeymoon hi
New York, Albany and other Ameri-
can cities,
Mies Carrie Kuhn hag returned from
Mebane after 3 PkniSailt 'iSit with
hir. and Airs. Fred Sieglieneeet num-
Ler of our eitizente Attended the Childs
l012'5 1)4'.' teethed Dashwood Suns
tine -he -Miss Hill, of Clinton, is visiting
her aunt. hits. tferst Rivers this week.
Mr Beery Millen. has remit:Peel a
new Smith...eremite. typewriter foe his
u1flte.'31iss L. Hardy, of Exeter, was
in the village 53131114 22', teaehing leer
teupilte-Mr. Carl Fhtkileiner has res
painted tie dwelling thus eaddinertereat-
ly to its appearance.- Mr. S. Halstead,
of Gotheich, i/ in the village for a fesv
weelts. for the purpose of cleaning
teatime, for tete m beds and matresses
and guarantees eat Wheaten. Give him
a eall.-Mr. Garnet Baker and Miss
Annie Hill. ef London, were in the -
village Sualay.--Three, representa-
tives of the Imulon Sarsaparilla Co.
have been in lens village the past week
advettising their medicine. It is sine
prising to eve the way they make 111011.•
ey. We never had any idea that there
were so many people on the sick lists
until these gentlemen arrived. -Rev.
0.D. Datum preached an excellent ser-
mon to the Maccabees Sunday even-
ing taking for his text, Colossians 1-18.
-31r. and Alta 1Villiana 31orloek. of
Aurora, Ill., are visiting relatives in
this village. -First of July' passed off
quietly. :Most of our citizens etayed
at home, but several went to Grand
Bend and Central:the-Mr. Henry Bea.
ver, of Bervie, spent the First here
with friends, but returned again Wed-
nesday as he has considerable work to
do in laying cement floors for barns,
etc. -Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oestreicher
spent Sunday in Dashwod, the tgnese
of Mr. and Mee Gottfried Oestrewher.
-Oor public school closed Thursday
for the summer holidays. The pupils
and teachers have worked hard and
deserve the holidays, which we trust
they will enjoys -We have had june-
ary weather. June and. April seem to
have exchanged places by mutual con-
sent. Itbas caused our citizens to put
up their stoves again and put on warm-
er clothing. We trust that July tvill
be better for us, or else we will have
to move to a warmer climate.
CIVIC HOLIDAY. -Last Thursday
was Stephen's Civic Holiday and al-
though the weather was not very
agreeable, all those tvho went to Grand
Bend had a pleasant time. The base-
ball match between. the married and
single men was won by the latter, by
a score of 16 to 3. The prize of $6 will
he used by the boys to buy balls, etc.,
for the team. The football match be-
tween Centralia and Dashwood, re- .
stilted in a tie, 1-1. Tbe prize of $5
was divided between the two teants.
The remainder of the afternoon was •
taken up in the . usual sports, which
was quite Interesting. Very little
boating was done, asthe lake was too
rough: The township. council are to be
congratelated for making the da-
CI:DEikTT.- --Last Tuesday night
abont 11 p. after the 'Dashwood
band boys had got half a Mile out ofr
the village, a rig driven by Mr. Alder-
son, and going at a furious ra.te,struck
a horse and buggy, eoetaining two of
the band boys, with such force as to
throw them out of the rig, but happily
none the Worse of the accident. The
horse fared worst of all. .The other
buggy struck the animal a fearful
blow On the chest and tore' a greet .
piece of skin and flesh off and it is hard
to say if the animal will survive. This
incident should be a lessen to those,
who will presiSt in furious driving' on
the public highway, and especially on. .
a dark night when it is, impossible to .
see far ahead. It is indeed lucky thee
none of the occupants of either nie •
were killed,