HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-6-26, Page 7FUMY HEM
Gems, io 'Ow Story 9f One Who
Hoel Snfferett aud Has Found
:Front the Sun, Oraeoerille, Ont.
It is a good meny years since the
good Wrtaight by Pe. Williroue" plea
Ville was first reGOrded, in the
tones of the Surk. but during that
peeled the *Weans* merit ot the model
eine has increased ite Avoutatioa allot
overy day odds to the number 9f,
those who hove tourel health through
the use of the% fameuo piels. litaey
ie. tewn bate freely spoken uf
tenefie they bate rierieed from
tire use of. D. Williams! Piuk Pills
arid t9 these orkother is added In thr
person. cif Slisa Victorio Widdis. To
a reporter of the Sun WilO had tweed
of bee core, Miss Witidis said
oral traaratttgia 1 tecome very much
rU5 down I felt tieed all the time,
my bleed wee watery toed X wee in
wbot the pbyeicieres called fru Inlets'
ante conditiken. I was alwaye wcery
and worn out. pet able to do any-
thipg aerd yet not elle% coolish to Le
in bed. My heart botbeoed rao with
oito constant palpitation. broeght
'about by ray aNtreille weaionese. My
appetite failed 1410 And I was• grade.
elle, growing woree. I bed Iteare
teed reed of Pr.Wifliaws Pink Pille
and deelded to give' them a trial.
Atter uelog them a short time
elded eheroge WAS uoticeable mei it, ie
• Th r exaggeration to eay that telt
like an entirely diftererit pereon. My
appetito returned and with it good
blood ood stow fterrea. CAR Cone
ecientiouely Fay for Pr. Williams'
Fink 11115 that they did um more
good than 1 can tell. To all weak,
nervous. easily tired, run down wo-
men. :Jay by all nwane to give Pr.
Fillo a trial and you
te deiighted with the result."
it to tecouso Rowe pilla make rich.
reil Ideod that they vitro took trove
We eteeemia. shortowes ot Dreatb.
bet -Wrote, palpiteelos ot the hearte
rheianothen. eroeirelats St. Vitro'
dame. arid the fouritiouel allmento
that make the Lives of so totally wo-
Mee aootoree of CDEctant lacers.
TIte geoedue pills alwayo beer tho
full IMMO, "lir. Williams" Pink Fine
tor Pale People," on the wrapper on
eve:7 box, Sold by all dealer's or
tient by Atwell atticents hoot or
six hose% tor $2.50. by addreseing
tbo Dr. Willfatutr Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
A barrister recently told tho etory
of ton eeplolt. of Ids own. whenas
eOuneel for the defendant, Ike 'Wag
totanlitting the complainant In a cer-
tain ease.
IJh client. "Hat" Wheelockhad
got into a quarrel with one "Pat"
MePontrid aVer a home transaction.
The quarrel had gone so tar that
Itelhinald had made implication to
magistrote to have Wheelock
bomnd. over to keel, the Peace, alleg-
ing' that be bad threatened to do
'Tim bodily Injury.
When, the ease WAS ended McDonald
testified to the eircumstancee under
whkh Wheelock had threatened him.
The eross-examination began.
•"Now. Mr. McDonald." the lawyer
said. "you declare that you are we-
tter the fear ot bodily harm?"
"I am, son."
"Then you freely admit that Hat
'Wheelock can whip you, Pat McDon-
The (motion aroused McDonald's
"Irlt..11' Instantly.
"Ilat Wheelock whip me? Nivverl"
he shouted. "X kin whip him and
army baltolozen like lam!"
"That will do, Mr. McDonald."
said the attorney. The Court was
already. In a roar, and the lawyer
concluded the case without further
testimony or argument. The action,
was dismissed. for it was evident
that Pat could not be under serious
bodily fear of a man whom, in his
-own, opinion, he had only to use
one-seventh of his strength to whip.
Baby's Own Tablets Ntake
ran Well and Keep Them
If your children are Subject to
colic, • indigestion or any stomach
Vtout le ; if they are troubled with
constipation, diarrhoea, or any of
the ills that afflict little ones, give
them Baby'sOwn Tablets. This
medicine will give relief right away,
making sound, refreshing sleep pos-
srible. It Will put children on' the
highroad to health at once. It is
doing this to -day for thousands of
children in all parts of the country.
Mrs. It. L.,McPaelane, Bristol, Que.,
nays :-"I take pleasure in testify -
ng, to the merits of Baby's Own
Tablets,. I have used them for my
baby since she waisthree months old,
and previous to using them she was
a delicate child.-- She is now quite
the reverse, est she is plump, healthy
nd strong. I think Baby's , Own
NcsojaMts thebest. medicine in tho
World for little ones." These Tab-
lets are good for children o 11 ages
and slisaohed in water or crushed
• to a powder they can be given with
absolute • safety to the youngest,
weakest baby. Guaranteed to con-
•tain no opiate or harmful drugs.
Sold by all dealers at 25c a box, or
sent postpaid by writing direct to
the Dr. Williams' • Medicine Co.,
Brock -eine, Ont., • or Schenectady,
cMagistratee-"I seem to know your,
face !" Prisoner -"Yes ; we was
boys t ogeth er. ' ' Ma gistr at e-"Non-
tfeese !" Prisoner-'' Yus, te was.
' We're both about the same age, so,
we must have bin boys together !"
It is said that thd county or Clack-
paannan, considering its area and
• palm] ttion, has done better than
any oilier • county in Scotland in
• prod uoina soldiers to fight in SOuth
The Ifferalant Ng Loogee Itises
Eoziy And, Werks Lott>, as His
Flarefathers Pia.
Mr. Herold. Begaie, writing in The
London Deily trail, attributes the
decoy of British tattde to the flegena
pretion of the ltritish Merchent. He
No longer does the merebant scorn
delights and live laborlees days. Ho
glsee to bed when the Satroy is shut-
ting its supper (loom, and be rises
when, the evening paper is selling- its
secoed editione He drives to like
city an hour or ewo Oefore lunch,
and minters -very soon After, either
to drive with ids wife in the park
9r to take tett with Sir Timothy
and Lody Tonphn n Cavendish
oquore. 1-Iiir busittese is an incident
in a day Clovo te4 'to the cultivation
of what he i$ pleased to consider so-
ciety. It. is, in ellot--tbis bueiness
h* --an interouption o his dare
work-eon-let/dug to be voted a Buis -
once and a, bore.
This truth is frequently forced WP-.
on netice. L Uv in, a beautiful
district Some twenty miles from
Landon, wbero the chief inhabitants
aro mighty eeptains of commerce.
How to Oct Rich;
Take a quaetity of silica costing
oee-tourth the Priete ot oil; nrio it
wadi oil. and sell the compound to
tbo public et the price ot pure oil;
offer- "prizes" with the cOmpolled
to make it Sell.. It te Snell e,
co:repotted the public get when tbeY
buy contemn, Bealila. In Suolight
Soap-Oetagoo Bar -the Petite buy
a pure and well-inade! Soap. Sun,
light $oest redeces ealeerise by
proloegieg the life ot the. articles
waelee(1 with it, whieh. is Mitch more
proateele to the Public', than. Senile
Senn SoApa with "erizee." ,294
ZOO ranee in length„ previaes for
20,000 subscribers,.
Lord IColvin's 'overlie esti:Rutter of
the oge ot the earth front its lose
beat by raeliotion is sontethiug UIe
24,000,000 Tears.
Scottisb shipbuildera Janne/led
during April 38 vessels of 46,660
tone. as compared with 21, vessels of
3$,079 tons in the previous month.
One of tbo earliest Baptist eon'
Fregatios io Scotland Was Wooded
in the 1801 century. Ito fotender
was Sir Woo, Sinelakr "reiss,
Tim Ceirngoree Club propoee to
illuminate the suounit of Pen , Moo-
druni en tbe evening ot the SIOtir el
Jkore. in honor ot the coronation.
The new Imperial dacke Leith. vas
opeeed trffl
ao lot o(eta. and the
first veesels to enter were the Gov-
rweent. elkipe Duritem and Philo,
Iletween 8 o'clock and 1.1.30 four Lora overtime eoraluels a Bible
at trainpull up at our Station "etaee le the IRO Church, limber -
en route to Lorkdon, first is tore which porkibere 448 mendtere,
'77 et whom atteteleti every =cetera
loet year,
Fifty-one licerreee have been taken
e.wa.y by the Glasgow magietratee
during Use revent licenehig SefiSiOnS,
but in mealy caeca appeale will h
called the ltorkmark s tram: the next
Is called the Pounder's train: the
third is called the Millionaire'e
train; and the foertir the Royal Spo-
Orke bee (rely to etudy tho pase
verkgers of the ee four trains to gee
that the great mercliants are among
the royalties,.
What would their fathers
thought - and tide appeal,
plural nucestry must surely
ova Tim ten -year-old daughter of
merelvartteo-of arriviug at the pertty lady emenerl everjoyed when
shop or the, Mike at something after her mother prornieen to tales her to
12? Poes it sound as it hueinese ia a concert on the folic:ming et-eulog,
regarded toriortely? Poee Ulead and. rushing eft eo ie' tittle write
one to think that commerce ing desk, prod:tee(' her diary eruct
wifl witiketend the oneleughts of made 0. to notes In
American and German compiration?,1 "1 should dearly like to see what
SNOIMEItY 'PO BLAME. 7 the darliter girl has coke -ilea in her
The deHi, tlten. of Pritielo (Harr, wed the mutter to ber Inks -
he to be looked for the enobei band when the ciolid bed gotta to
v even okore rampant to -day than PIA "What do YOU War'
1 n %Imam ploorited wed *Illh n'od, it by all meanie" be are
Georg,e Darrow Ideloed it. "I telt swc;?d• "It's '51' 41.0 t be
you what, brotiker." said Mr. Jae- ormoitY innoceet."
per pritthetwo. off ervr "maze, Bo the portly lady !mond lbe new -
break' up. It will le 0`6114g to our IY-bletted entry, which reeti elb fed -
chiefs baying been bitiell by thot, lowsz
30(111 puppy they rail gentility." et "Tuesday: Ain *deg in r:eneert
is now too late to ery out, ter a to -morrow with ekkother. Meek I.
muzzling order; the entire nation, could leuxe haid of her at 11"nte" It's
has been bitten by' that mad Puppy. so uncortorrorteloe to els An the edge
It fel intertenileg to veltark that Of a chair all night."
while there never Was a period in -
EnglIelt itletory when It was COW, NO NEED Wilt A itocTon.
Were(' hoe vulgar to be in trade,
indeed, half the aristocracy is now A good story In told ot Dr. Pen -
engaged in eetemerte., tt.k. ,'.t, Laaa, non, el the Church itliesionary 80.
very period tied, our COMMIT -0 has hospital ,at Remora on the
lost alt its cop, its btensity, northwest frontier ot India.
all Its eleetie energy.
The reason, 1 think, at this almont
contradictory rosult, may be found
In the prevailing notion that oetne,
Amongst the in-patlente was oue
Weald. an Afghan hill tribeemen,
who bad been admitted oelering
from o gtutsbot 'wound in the chest.
After being at death's door he got
convalescent, and when the tone
trade Is not vulgar per se, bard and l for his discharge drew n
it ear he beg -
continuous application to is. You, god very hard for a few cartridges.
may sell bottles nowadays, or any- On qucetioning him o hat Ito intend -
Odom you like, but you must Wove ed to do with them It was found
the details to your manager. You that they were intended for his
may own a line of steamers, but you undo, to whom he was indebted for
muen't take trey Interest In it. To his wound. Dr. Pennell remarked
talk about your steamers io to talk that ho euppossd that he should
shop. You must talk golf. shortly bave tbe uncle to treat.
It is the degeneration of the 33r1.- "No fear ot that." came the reply;
tish merchant that Is bringing about "I ani a, bettor shot Oulu he."
the decay of British trade, and it is
humbling to reflect that the Mer -
HE TENENrTEEchnnt hasfallen, not to he Thor TDOOFAGE
hammer blows of Germen competi-
tion, but to allurements of that
"middle-class friskiness" which
dances before the world under -the
title of Smart Society.
Many Toings Happening to Inter
est the Mitids of Auld
_Scotia's Sons.
The War Office is arranging to
have a. largo military depot at
The Mackintosh has glom $300 to-
wards Inverness coronation celebra-
The late Mr. Robert Younger, the
Edinburgh brewer, left £107,905 of
Ayr is proposing to spend $1S,000
in the establishing of a club for
working girls.
Linlithgow oil works are being
shut dowse The stoppage of the
works is a bad thing for the dis-
The Sunday Society of Edinburgh
is agitating for the opening of the
National Galleries on Suadays.
Instead of patronizing Aberdeen,
Dundee has just imported 450 tons
of granite road sets from -Sweden.
The light to be erected on the
Lady Isle near Troon is to be of
goo candle-adwer, and will show
four flashes.
The valrey of the Irvine, with its
fine lands, has always been famous
as a district fOr fine Ayrshire cattle.
Hamilton has a \rerstutile provost.
ne manipulated the "kist o', whis-
tles" in St. John's U. P. Church
In the Black Isle distritt of Ross -
shire a big plantation of young trees
was burned. • The damage is estim-
ated at £3,000.
Orkney must have got nearer the
North Pole. So cold and late a
spring has not been experienced
there for many years.
Glasgow's new municipal telephone
service has underground wires 16, -
To Add Comfort and Celerity to
Travel --How the Bicycle prov-
ed Its Worth.
AD modern means of transporta-
tion are the direct outcome of hu-
man endeavor to add comfort and
celerity of travel: to economize on
the fleeting moments. of our short
lives, and to motto our movemeats
on pleasure or business bent, plea-
sant. The bicycle particularly,
though once regarded as a fad, has
proved itself to be one of the most
serviceable of modern vehielea of
We know of nothing so absolutely
useful . in the country. It has
the virtue of making eight miles
feel as one, and throws into that
distance a sensation of keen enjoy-
ment at the pleasurable exercise We
are getting. To most of us, . a trip
to the post office or our neighbor is
no light task to undertaDe on foot,
and the bother of harneseieg a prob-
ably over -tired horse takes the plear
sure out of the trip. A bicycle
stands always ready to do your
bidding. It is made so perfectly to-
day that repairs are the exception;
and. the price of the very best
wheel is now an easy prop. fsition.
If you want one of the best, wheels
made' any -where on earth, "Cleve-
land," ''Massey -Harris," "Perfect,"
or "Brantford," write to the Can-
ada Cycle &. Motor Co., Limited, 34
'<lug St. West, for their June pro-
Dumfries will confer the freedom
of the burgh upon Colonel Witham
and the other, officers of the 3rd
King's Own Scottish Borderers on
their return from South Africa.
But for the Adnuralty orders for
four cruisers and one battleship, the
Clyde shipbuilders would have had
a bad time during April, hardly an
order of importance being booked.
malla sitairgif
a;tta ,fso--
Page Meta; (:)rnaMental FPnce.,Z:ort'na:11:
ornamental, very showy and surprisingly cheap. It is fist what
wahted for aoor yards, division fences In town lots, crave
yards. ereharda, eta., LI is 20 els PER RUNNING FOOT.
painted and retaile at only
'Arai thinkfof it Let no send you fun particulars, We also
inaki) form 'fence, poultry netting, nails and staples.
The Page Wire Fence Co, Limited, Walken/ills, Oat 8
Being Adopted as Qedekeriu Ah -
tion Theo Qteal Burners,
Coal is being abandoned in Lon-
don as feel for fire engine* and is be-
ing replaced by fuel oil. The ehenge
is made not so moth on e.ceount, of
he elteepneso of oil as SOMPnred
with, eoat but beceuse of the ad-
tensixe experimentS Made, by
Capt. Wella Chief of the Metropoli-
tan Fire Department, his shown
thee while oil is only a little aeasa
or than coal as fuel, by using 911
in the exigines steam can be got up
more (paddy than With Pool or even
wood. A low (lash of oil is being
hoed, ayoidin_ the tendency (g
to carbordze and Oa the tebes end
thus make it dang-erous to light the
Three new oil-burniog engine* baee
been added to the equipment of tho
Louden lire brigade in the last few
weeks and Mee mfunnameerimunsorion
weeks and sin others aro .500n to b
New York bas not yet tried feel
oil in Ito fire engines. Forperiments
bow been tell:ea of. bet nothipg has
been done ateret it.
=CAR B417..I.E CASTS or
1,4-1NUT. DisZA=.
00 IT
4am handle SOW" fildTrig. ECM P041,1711r (allee or greteeoltd). OT3A2134,rhti,
APPXEl, TOM 4T04134 Other Fruite. YO'04.TA*14$ Or PR311110-3 to good StOWArft144.
SIAIPPruc 41gS1 St431135.• P44 euPPEed. Corresoontence Levitea,
glieee01004:400*090, tboittetepritellot)*IboateSto
Any peieter can 4ersoastrate to. a
alat sasith fa the best paint. You
DEMONRAT „ 0 C.44 do a yorterolf. Coes trio/ wro
„,__ /tiN. tis.1.1 in
Earilsa,y's Pain
'ben -Dreper, of Prietel,. quo.,
,libe Was n Victim 'Fields Belief
owl Perreauent Oiere.--4:17e Toile
Of Hie Straniugs ond Zi`erteItTo
Bat Hie .Treubles Behind..
Brietol, Qua, June 10.-(Sposial)
No . dietaee eau eautot more tailoere
wed doetolfel vein than Gooch
Leuben Dreier, of tills place, woe
teiten , 111 ettio this awful troeble
about roe evera ago. lie was crue4
and oo heeRS hate asked blue how it
aage tItet. be Lae 'derided to give
iie whole revery for putaieatiee
`ALMA Our oakes- ago I was takete
111 with tee elreeel. euleirel wort
paid. eo 1 eet.t for a dotter. Le
gate tlie tento ate:di:kir* Owl enana to
tee - imp ofterwares. but, ono
elltereee wee not goat. alai :414 a some
thee 1 Met teenier tory bad ;Model
""I'Vois. thee 1 :one for anetiker
tor witio rollout the sane rotultoo
may I wee gettirg wieder ell tho
"Then a. re/v.170 no to try.
1, odd' i 1l .y Pillo, for he said thee
Led enietil 1s teethe. I thought
would try teon and bought a ewe
"Juet met week atter I tegett the
treaturret 1 rooted a stone 'es large
an.a small heart,, and four does later
another alone, the vete of a grain ot
Irarley-thie moo .into great Toilet, and
1 cortornerteol to feet Itekter and gain
rength 1 itawitto
"That woe fire yealso ago era I
ho.ee not had any trouble in that
y since. 1 bate Rtestones in o.
emelt loath* and arlyone can ren
them who wislure. Poihrs Eiduey
Pala certainly sated- my die."
Tee story of Mr. Deeper. will lo
good rums to many etaf.'orers who
may not Irate known tent Dodd's
Kidney Pills always ettrO, Gravel and
ton' in tbo Bladder.
What Lets ,eured -thie gentleman and
hundreds of other etre bad mese
sdentld ter* anyone, and these who
may be affileeed as Mr. Priseer was
,shouldty Dodd's Kidney Pills.
yOti San atibo dht paint
'int right- It. 1 oethe
Near liat-Se, Ire tad brioht.
Seeettify, to me lest loeg
it is rupee at the s1ht price
pore paint, arol noeof
egents tasertharite,
Prop SS a card and eek
gooKLET "K"
will tell on all about it an
OW &OMB pretty Itorceoo
RAMSAY & SON T64/4144
AONTREAle rofttst. ihto usi
tereed volunteer of
'orltsloire Regiment deekoree heSAW
, the inilowites sign in a veto's just,
oetside Oman Niotal towa DaWre,
'water woe eeeree "Pleae.e. don't 11I150,
seep when W4sills,g, US the iteitor IS
ifelnirad, for
A little bit of a weak woman can
often raise a pretty big row.
The fellow who oWIIS aranalna
hat does a lot of talking through it.
Some MD are about as MUCh use
Some men are about as much use
in the world as an me cooler in a
beer soleon.
A good resolution Is not always
whoa it is cracked up to be. eopeci-
ally when it is broken.
No, Maude, dear. the women who
lived in the Middle Ages were not
all middle-aged women.
The equilibrist may have some (lit-
ficulty in securing engagements on
the vaudeville Stage,.andyet he bas
a steady job.
Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen
utensils, steel, iron and tinware,
knives and forks, and all kinds of
"'row in the world do you get rid
of your stale bread ? I have to
throw lots of mine away." "There
is no :wed for you to do that. Why
not do as I do ? 1 just bide it away
from the children." "Hide it away
from the children ? What then `,"'
"Then the children find it, and eat
up every morsel of it."
Holloway's Corn Cure is the medicine
to remove all kinds of corns and warts,
and only costs the small stun of twenty
five centS.
There is one thing in the wide
universe which is really valuable,
and that is character. --John Todd.
TO CUM: A C01,0 IN ONE 11).4Y.
Take Laxative Eiromo Quinine Tablets. Al
drimifits refund the money lt it fails to cure.
W. Grove's signature is on each box. 250.
Humanity is never so beautiful as
when prayiog, for forgiveness; or else
when forgiving another. --Richter.
Mirard's liniment the bast Hair Restorer
It is not mere enaurance, but right
endurance, of' affliction that brings
blessing., --J. It Evans,• , •
Inekle's An ti-ConSumptiveSyrupstands
at the head of the list for all diseases of
the throat and lungs.. It acts like 'magic
in hi:oldest:1p a cold, A cough is soon
subdued, tightness of the chest is relieved,
even' the worst ease of consuMptioe is re-
lieved. While in recent cases it mat ,be
sandneter to fall, It is a. medicine pre -
eared from tbe active principles 'or virtues,
of Several raeclioins.1 herbs, and can be da,
peeded, upon for ell puliminary com-
plaints. ,
Ithere the best thiOgs are not pos-
sible, the best should be in,ade of
those that are, --Hooter.
Custoreero°11ealliers. mew, ore those
eggs freeir 2°' Grezer-°t.hrolara. 11
eon wilt hindey step to the teiephoote
044 call up our fuTrtn you ran hear
the hens thot laid theee eeee still
newara or Ointments ror Catatwit
that contain 57erenry
ii mercury wilt toreir tle.trar the 42050 et
small entleorteeeteirdatakkee ilbOvilogogyareco
whim ant %rive 4Ct5imigh Ste DincOni cUrt41:04.
:‘,Ugitart:ehvehostirl never be toed except en
ereicr.plenr freer reputable eheatclatee to the
demote toy witide atom reit to the woe Yoe
see polluter tletivorrom ipsn, /le tebuoteetersto
foie '0, reaferns no- nkarehy Vy. end ra tekee
oeneklie, actual discetly epee Dm heed and
ef r be roe kr et,
lat"Itcltrt4, th,1116Y1t P/V2
ino O ken in anal settee made In 'Toted*
Ohre. be IO J. Cherkey o. Co. Testimeresee
voia bairrausites, price 'Oetior bottle.
Ben's eamtn eateare the trot.
Tiro AIWA of (Weave,. inTenerifie.
has probably tbo Olivet climate ot
any town on earth. The coldest
month, February, has an average
temperature of GO degrees, and the
warrueet, July, of 77 degrees.
Alois( tits termer
nee were* far the cold.
tome:Ivo Ilreneeetuntee Tab'ara one este
In one day. itet erne. No PAY. Pelee seecets,
Leghorns are the best layers among
chickens. Ku% hen lays from erie
to 200 eggs yeurio. Ilamburgs lay
about I715; and other breeds from
1110 to 150.
Minald's !limed far Rheumatism
Little EtheI--"Ma, are you the
nearest relative I've got ?" Mother
(who has just been refused a new
bounet)-"Yes, cleat' ; and your pa
is tho closest. relative you've got."
They Cleense the System Thoroughly -
Perm el ee's Vegetable Pills clear the stom-
ach and newels of bilions matter, eaus-
the exeretory vessels to throw off impuri-
ties from the blood foto the boutIs and
expel the deleterious mass from the body.
ney do this without pain or inconven-
ience to the natient, who speedily realizes
their good offices as soon as they begin to
take effect. They have strong recom-
mendations from all kinds of people.
"Well, Fritz, you got birched in.
school to -day ?" "Yes. but it
didn't hurt." "But you certainly
have been crying ?" "Ob, I wanted
to let the teacher hate a little
pleasure out of
Via the Chicago and North West-
ern Railway to Denver, Colorado
Springs, Pueblo, Salt Lake, Hot
Springs and Deadwood, South Da-
kota, during June, July and At gust.
A splendid opportunity is offered for
at enjoyable vacation txip. Several
fine trains via the North-Western
Lino daily. Full information and ie
lustrated pamphlets can be obtained
frchn. B. H. 'Bennett, General Agent,
• S. King street east, Toronto, Ont.
Newitt-"Ves; old Gondman's three
IseYs are a bad, lot. Two of them,
at least„ Ought ', to .be in gaol.",
Browe-e"Samo redeeming quality
about the third- ono eh re Newitt-
eires; bp'e - el:exec-1y .there,"
Some Feet -Mrs. R J. Neill, New Ain
egg's 3?, a, writes: "For nearly six
months I was teoubled with burning
:iehes and pains in my: feet to such an ex-
tent that I could not sleep at night, and
as my feet were badly swollen. I Could
not Wear my boots for .weeks. At lest I
eat a bottle of Dr. .T homes' Eelecteic 011
and resolved to try it and to my aseenah-
ment I eat ahilest insteet relief, and the
'one bottle accomplished a perfect cure.
Farmer -"So you've ,had sonic ea-
perienee, hivee you ? New Amu -
Yes , sir." Farmer-O'Wele what
side of At cow de you Sit on to
Milk New Man -The outside''
, .
s iment Cures ,La Etipe
7;24 fee
n4 ati
theatt and leese tteretOeo Cite dee
,; toile. Oat Valle ellen vireo
SUOMI SOTTLEte eeeroreadereftble
PeleMO Cca tele fey ail dreogots al
Sooa per lame bettle-ze cente ter Well
I 14',1ms or it funy be ordered diNgt. &CM
Improve -4 farm ererterrOboterio Meese@
11-1.earsoteessee, We W. loaien
furl poen:eta-et eta letron cash price,
sytcp-tv month witeert orert will Taw
two ascryetere to bureau rookie V woe of
;be beat tewnt Wgiatefil Octerlo. Melo to
gln uorty ; ge:INeit "Oho londoe Liam
No13 reeire-er
1$14-3 *wt.:Au:0i ecti gum
emeetleee. Iairur, tlano.
etta:tfrm, wrote re moot
847.ft.infaia,..em4b4asta rod
Herr Wilbelln Pleviza, of Schimmel
I Geese 18, Vienea. has resided in
that hoikee for a Wu -aired ,'ears, and
has just celebrated this teetotal cert.
Atelary. lie was %born there, remain-
ed in the house when he married.
hvoisght ttp sin children there. He
' has been the recipient ot many eons
grat Watery mezsugee.
Sleeples-snese.-When the nerves are un
•, strung and tit* wlkole bedy given ueto
wretelteauess, when the need is filled
with:do:no awl dismal toreirodinge, the
ireseit of. der:it:gement aoefs to
the. digestive
1 lore would be oblivion for a, while and
:temporary relief. Parmelee's Vezetable
I Pills willon
ot lv iaduce 1 •
I - "P' but will act so bene ' subjeet. wile
%%rite refreeited mei restored. to happiness,
About 43,000 people in Great Dolt -
Ain wear glass eyes.
Mifigiti'S Liniment Is 1111 bzst
Bind together your spare hours by
the cord of some definite purpose,
and you know not how much may be
accomplished. -W, Of. Taylor.
For Or Sart? Years.
Am Ora) Axe WatarTnrxe Itztrarer. - ?ern
Winslow's Foothingdyrup boa been used for over tivx
years by atillione of mothers for their children w: t o
teeth:13g, with perfest tueeem. It sosthes tae
softens the gums, allays all phln, cures wind code, sod
isthe beet remedy for Diarrheas. 1.4 p'les.ons to tho
t4310. SUM ti 3 vinavtv in every part of tha iror 0.
Twenty.ilve cents *bottle. Ds Talus fia
'So aure had 1,5ls 1st *sts, Vflailoria So.:qh.ox
hmithlte ackatfira.ided.
New Office Boy -"A, note called
here to thrash you a few minutes
ago." Master -"What did you say
to iren ?" "I told tim I was sorry -
you weren't in."
, ,
Parents but- Mother Graves' Worm Ex. -
terminator because they know it is a „safe
medicine for their thildten and an effee
uai expeller of worms.
The highest magnifying power ob-
tained with the object -glass of a
microscope enables the eye to dis-
tinguish one two-hundred-and-four-
millioa a seven -hundred - thousandth
part. of an inch.
, My mare,. a very valuable' one, was
badly bruised and Out by being
caught in a wire tenet, Seem of the. .
puild would riot heal, although
tried many different medieines. ' De.
Bell' advised me to use MINARISS
LINIMENT, Led at first, , en
stronger as the Ores began. to look -
better, unit F, after three weeks, the
sores have healed, and best of all
the hair is groWied well, and IS not,
White, as is most always the ease in
'horse woutde.
P.. M. DOUGEte. .
.Let him go where lie ill he can
only find so nluch. Doaill,y or Woll;11.
as .1i carrics.-Eniorson..,