HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-6-26, Page 6ti,Pc-WI cs./.11,1:0
ceetee. in ree 3.
eree eel ree, tr..
ezz RPM14.4-41:ic4 Agn- . . ,
A. desee:ea five,. che...e.-m se,e„,,,i, fal.ber tutd aae.J. to be forgivene" ono teseee..od them rerioao before the vited. te Preach ote the Sabbath dull' two eggs Med one-half mince vendla. Toientio Oneelet.--Melt three table,
F, fat order tbet others can. be mode I.estem Vila -The. eerier christiaa
l 111 i hip' And lietag triPOv ti-ev e oaf iniseioneriee CA cts NUL 1-12). Col -
tpou'Ont, their eratieuele';:tpol'uie*.” den,. Text. Matt. xxv-iii: 19, "'Go ye,,
Are 7.,vou ready to satisfy the creea therefore, and teach oil oationeee
nage for affection wbich ere pictured The, purpose of tbee„ Lord is that
epee), Cinest's face ? A.re you witting from the oetiens Be may gather a
tt) have your fa.ce stomped uluni people foe his eteme (Acta
Was So Marred More Than
, . face tnere aloree Ilia Spirit threat& Bi WOrd, by
Christ"e heart ? If you, would, you xv. 14), Tide Ile. does b,y
Then.. are many Owlet imprinted upen meens a wining alld Spielt filled
his Mare. end yet all tbese faces ineseerogere„
blend Liao one, These faces, ehieli Lesson VIII . --peed at Antiech, in
risFAlin. (Acts Xiii, 4a-4.2.)„ Golden
Text, Aete. xiii, B. "Through thb
a 'awl His Form More
Thau the Sous of Meu
vire Mantled upon the tender, thing.
Igonopostte picture. When you gratin- men ie preached, unto von the iota torus; goatee for two toirtutes lava ciopt
torgiting aeart eltrist„ make a
ee.e.,.....eoe.a.eaao,eseeteleaeolee.O•tee.ale*elett witi. buttered crinabe, wad bake hell -
y an hoar in a moderate even.
un cru
pare the tomatoes a9 in above re-
%-* TomatoeS Stuffed with 13eef,--Pre-
o• U Lii Aer edd oup fine bread ereaffire, 11 cup
elev. Mince one (mien very- fine.
ehopped roest. beef, seeeon to taste,
ir40•,*etneeleao.„,.:.4.:,.x.,..Kei,....e.e.aoteal and 2 tablespoons melted butter.
I Sprinkle buttered crumbs thickly
TM' I over the top, and place in a, bakiug
A caterer of ice cream gives the Pen. liake half u.n hour o Mod-
feliewing ;simple reeipes for Make erete oven, Nke for breakfast ce
jag a good vanilla ice cream and lunch, -
colored ereeme frezen solid -ia. brick , Tortitetoen- 'with Cora -Stew te,
Ated j•roal trite photographer giteress With SOP-te 011-' To mote (ate gallon of ice creantl roohed totnotees and two cups 1oo1-
0 £*-- --th,47i.im,ct beceof,Se you did 'aeons. Bet leatle :e composite pieture of Your positiou and some encouragement or a s-adielent goautitry to An 431e ed corn front the Cole Seaeon
reeeestee Noe iota I. it tres breaking the more Divans° (lase. lie took all the di,Yerent tbe apestles hate come as far os gallon freezer, nse two (marts of Tz with salt and Penner. Atiol oleo tee
„U;e4-oet„Tereateo1A urv Uwe son did um coare to his Ow:tope:team of the membees and this other Antioch and aro hem in- cream, one pouno powdereo eegar biespoon butter and serve at once.
tilTeate,e4-oadoit..011:inatd..yotLaartelizttecoktelvitlrs,:bnicoZtt (pohniotetri.)attlealpiteseeew'eTtleietteotoilbieotetteet71-1017 tthe yaol, as was Itie afix the eggs irt the powdered segae spoons batter in a frying pee, told
ens• -°111. .a.t4•1414.Y eecieres thLit 0.44C1 atid to creMO 4414 then stir add six. large tomatoes witich
_ tiatiee ceme froiu your eetes pfetare., awe thala teas caned srs of Nazareth. tha al 04,44 the vatinta. This quantity witen bean auat lant cook
.1 .gare 01 alone. Mingled utile tlaea were Lee tEze class *)1 ti -30* ueozi Christ.'S Israel's Aiessin1L, that fie woe creek. frezen will fill -a one gallon freezer, until tender, titer stir i11 six we'll',
• Christ."
loeee,- and letter vou wlikt 411°Iv"...1-voi" Your toe-"1" is a. co noosit 1.re" n' ed from the deed. fiaenuded Set Con in pail aux; pack around At heateti eggs. Stir constaettly aild
rti-'h -
!earned the 1,0a..e le parent's e'leSCh
. ;vs. oar lust's;That coniposite portrtlit IS ntade up to hee.....ea wad that row throa,o, lasers of dimly rras,,had oziat al..., seasonto tosto. As soon th
as e
dt.o is true. yiut itave., face, altleo.nge re, eerong fare, wr,t-ri a, of your ChristlaP Plather'S anti. 1 1)1A1 tOrgivcoes's of all stria 'd teroate laYers of aeol.se salt. 1'111 eggs begin to set* serve'
1 *1 IMLtile* your wife coo. 11 111r1 S4i4 ineee, your Christian wife isustieeettion frm oall tei-age, ice pp to top areeeer of 4,0,1. but he ekalioped Teu.-
t. g
/1".-;;;31 tee et4.4orar-vf,,a. tbe inmaa 1:1)11(?arl;r•NESS, and child's faces ; la made from Lesson ils-,ear mil at Lystea, (Aces eereful Viet no gait %entice fee amulet toutatoee, aud sl11th
ice *Item re
a Anew. deei ee hew 1--Z5s- 1. -Acte facerr) of the christiaa wets and 'kir, $411), Golden Text, U Titp. bole where daelter rod goes through, er tideik nee bread crumlate
feeee„, tee„et 12 ,40t.mger Anti 2tty l'etriet"S, 224Ust havv, V;$5,111iCia who have died in the Pa`t "'Thou therefore endure bardness Turn with to, rapid and steady woe tel10()2 ePoe7,eit and 4 -teaspoon pea-
1t..1 „ • tett% fOrttisintl. 1,,V4,,itrists it was ard of those who are living to -day, a 0$ 0, good soldier of acmes Cbriste'' then until the Crean% has froznee Per witit f,-eup incited butter. VIII
tin'tze tta. worearee. • ',fear , ,itra 113:1(41144,":0; lIe ,1;" halt' 44ee this etmlr- Although 'LIMY' abode a orr2' time at when. reinove dasher front can and buttered beli.ing illeh with alter -
ideal, Wei goiw !Fool mouzd turn end, ail that 4.X4.4 114404.. 4g4.4444. ;444/4R 4;a411C4.11"411- PiettiA2"4 Va414.1. ineffaceelely "let:0114mo. elleriteino boldly in tete pack makes.naeo 30.er,,i. of crumbs wad sliced
-31Y 420;,tr- :D4:4W dfid yees Lakows 4,••nr 21p01-2 the great heare of Lord, end a grent multitude of leeth del!cious ice create and will satie,-totriatoee. Ititviute the first and lase
Se-welee7,e'."Yone wife weeeto 221' 21 -traggN"itl oterr own 22 W24 ? Jewe ood Greelo ileliotedyet they7 fy the meet fastidioie. layers et tho, el-tombsrake on*
eesteete 00 eat Beep iaiDu Aog„ to *hi til!=41a- Me" 24A'"VS_ 11111.-LSr 1,01.713,", NOT had to Cee front leonium, anti theyl To amee ire cream in tile rand heur,
lee L--, nor iot Dit.laz ai,-t to,. trusted 1,-03 . Nrr,-,,: .i.le ho‘ii ...„,raillienii Virteli 04 14'''' lion. Fad to relate, after ail Mast ,,vallue- tit Lyetra, v.Otere at era thtreo. bred?, form in ooiored %yen requires; 4,
.'•'a„..,.1• ,r..,• . n„......„e,..: t,e.,m' ei,-'ro-t-▪ -k2 "2221
i1x-, 11
y74° vh., .*‘lov..a ,.It,.t,r•-ttt:.•11"1qg W1ir.rFItstn„a:.t,i:-ea I,'yW•-eIMIPIC"T.e"0d.e'.elt•ed elithdASJORIeend
P4131-t-worykb"ut. te;nviohouseewife who , 1lsTolk'ei0
n,l,nTeia40i•vet3U* 22
Y,4"8S .tthaet'e"ttPi11t-i
up, iny a,bp....e.14C4.1!11342t4U1492a iaeto4Il!2;14,,4,efeereningfc:theaS'Ch qeSettNI that 1e2210bl021gt12Q40'* or mouls capea'ewoOm (111) 14olfer F1400
. i.t„.,t,,,_o *422222 22022(2 mayhe geat enough to etoni ned /eft for deaPut taMake this lee cramThe "iP"ou"e,
g„4v iv2,vl,fo,„,o,nier,.anwi..;auitnotttundo;wot„rat.ijave him twet to them, and they 4Molforra L9 made n tin MOuld14a1n
l" 2210 - illi"i" la 14°I414.'4E'Itl1
II'ee22 thedlote ie not blind Tee Went On end Preahed he goselthat bold ore qUart li'd av° 1114do : up carit e
'" ''01 "• Il1*p 5Vpd1llp'6144 God witi 22204. 22 22211(222 219021 1 t,e ertct1 t 1ertifeith a laeof strwbrry enmint 6l
2een er et0 rr22221 t rree011*1222114,inRee1 len read-milem tAete xolnet vanilla Cr'aXn iliiddlq 41-1,",1 1 An10-
e.- ,.& ' , 1'":. 6%" 21 1,", •*
‘!__ "121 l°.'N:4, •t '.fInt:.tictle, , )1ill I tuna oleo from eirireetsi i ".v.18taend ietst, .ther,efOre, eMtheenta laye
r of thocolateThis irritncei't111c:ii s11613
r - 4 11111 Vi22111114T74'4!g'Y1:th.2"" 4411 11' '221711122 /111)/104 1111021C‘OW liberty WhieWh Christ IlatliMaiea a very pietty co ream M..a:44,41;,,1g
l s 2222 *22 . e4,9: . 1 4 2222fcAt,1., ttin 1 22'* *4 , tnert ou-zo toe ont m - o1 qr'e1*made uee" Wo 11110fvmvrbrit tom. iw:
5 '31t11;:1`," '... VA ; t •4 21.:1, a„.,,,,,,g..,-, ,?„!‘ Re2t0,,, tliZt'S it". r.ia"..,3:.- .et4.01 eeeteee, a veneueeeu
d, eeg- tione frWri
ont th011t the chile:eh. Fr. ,,,,,,k, ,thip ,t*am..t. , .. 1 , • • ' • •
eity eo vwom, with eel aud perm? end
. -
.,, %-•",,. ,. .,
inguIntadte -1111t"1Voou**r1eItolvleeerre"01?.'2''`44...! This io one ebaracterietie ev;nUl"(O114n)ldvowwe2222(2ecrush ntity f £2''£2''-14 stranger-'11°11Slin"r44411 ru"r al*1""
g, 22 *2221 1•4.t%t,1,:iiis,:tihlet which 111 luarkrrtafetzt eiseerA:AteatoIn ull,0 t,ve e,turaleIn powderet9atgar awl 1120244 melted butterServe ea lttrt(s
4 ,D , 71 '4 Nit9111 *712 22 tOur 13412S1,rs,„„1'--22)210.,naratnmerrprtoa,,,intg to biroer toe gonetre 01/tmomixwiha,Plant1t''e4tile
„„4 , „ 111 OIO11:61u41 pg ,.A 1,iTpitI.itt •11
22 OO;greateeeowleelwveatwork-22 2222' 22
tiedwI"te ‘.^111I1t0 eralta33e-43°iToatne-Ctiruin 6ere4
•,.,4„,;;',„ •
-'1"112,' 44. 22-'22, t A.:1 en creece 2.4Va°wi2222 22221? .
oot t
1411ehe shal.l1he ffint up ea g4hore.
" ".: ea (RvxI l
e' l
thc,lie cr;ein5" (o'122.`LtINlacelor unreecteet'\. , . 11F 4712422 l.u;et
I ;taetI rltihtaoatt0utet5rPetihficvhv. 4,2j14ete: ioltoI n
„s.1qu?/.1,,,,,-coo 200tarraei,fereLef11 I-7Vatl er‘sP;t2 to r21. 1}022V1}022V22224-2'011 00(4 inalititeearyave;;erttle,/lrre.4110iira„::ihs
?1, 01,e,-e,ta rt,.-f,i4,c1the:112,14sbx(4CiStfWt.) 11010011,e4.1T MnoOflfar Ws.ni rat POW.1a22w4222222w1.ie to
-...,, .ip.
.,•, t , reee It tee. a 22 22 22222 22' 1e.,...,2214+4•11$ 2222 2222 the, fr,t,eittS ? TitIt• TF ,224-12* V4224 I 44 Tbral eltelt le Ul''' deiced ruffeir; 'eet osatte to root e261'
,,, 7, ,,,, .:,, ,,,,,o ono, 7, Zi• ,:, a41 ;44 I !'.'n,r4-4. .r4,, o, ,, 1„ 1 t , ,,, tr. ,-,.,'..',,„ A !1IN11-a!1, #711,4e ae illte to at ion ef tiot lo aet i tote tit ity of white ice tovzale• btiut„et.:,e.;r ; olnati,o1eh i*ice do'fotieti r6a.t1t?.•.o
t40l(42' 22' la W`11f,,ir,fto 004022t22 22122(24*eat,S 7222140 228(2* in liis lolaea Neaten ewe mix therlegiey22122224 a 122 21 tt124t4
f 4d1 34a ,ett ai 14,0 ,,I1Q 40 '14
'''''''' .."'" '`I. ..Uult 4,4 Goal ea Ito ratiosin ei 10'.o,i2222le'v 2241'ee tc'ssItt. "1-1-11 22 ..$;- taw P14;:311,71 Tall•t" Avi.,#111d Aini iiill aP-IfilIrti full
o to • r. r ea'nua eat ieg VW 4 a.,
,a4rta. CrosA.A 14, r‘?•alla I r,firiq CA°d°*4 **P° /1 r 4", "t 11' el '1.1.44' P% t8"14 "' eliceil °elan, ttro
„ 6„„2222 ,„ eea , 2,1,oppr.*nato034t1,1,14)410natpno ' far clad is with 1""°nte41'1'4 "ale' ret' "'41113 81'411556111e01
„ F 109 oitte712122202222 44/22. Y41tarn unto tee %et tottteltd of tee 014010422it22224-212?
"'• Tea.Vore ret 1i11/C"141'.1'.1r4 .41:41111;3 elli, 142, Ise. ; Tee, 40,041(1 nowt lee tiiiiittol leVel #
22 4. ,,221' 222 0 4422fl22 *224422 • rolowat@ea. SO134;frilt---(tall
top of tin. Coet.e With a. Iloret of .
441.0. 4'. Toroer-i ask 4,eap, tihe Koilea-ac -enA• tlequierillNe ti,sOn wax: roper rin mate mould
owe from tlia! litiatota tf,t tem te,
tagruit 4'0)4'44'044g face, lint tewaed P.44/!. Golden '1"eet.'; end keep out felt water one elan 4644°69' 8114 16°66"1° '4141' Yr4141:
- Aliditr,2 • `tll'ell". • ealmon, moletened with
0:irefully. Foil with nicely eeettemee
Kit a ci-Kailhog, Mit 1 2., 'ILet WI therefore cant par 1-30 cover. utile4 ipittift et
,124:44 Ta -,i4,4 140 S44Vr. 4PeP.4t1 f"r44:nt 1111',41 'VVOVLS oletehilei;s„ astel Dee, 1444C..1, 1tiOnnld roggit itte re,,d
743322)2 *222 *4225 24* 221*222 fele l• „.•air.,
„.. 1,0W,0,P,i,e3e0 ;t• 4tee apo,,,state Jultua e wtoo,o9 :, (l;.t e4 1) 3l d 4'AIP 4 0 Vlka7 to. ItrIn(411"vof oHeide"- . iThhue
t ' let eIt :Amidi" fodr ipabounlt. thn et„t •
11;M011I 0
b, akeenfvoorr hweilfh itth
teeir„ 22 e „ own•o„wealleopionThefendorhitve 2230 v•holestoryofsala4inaitotssrpieewhnit,win et,fim% ie"hotr,i-° Ilat
44c00VI 1 MitU24 t ; ol tn,ta overi‘,o45 tra'to1oVn 12*1,.o141310 ;0441To remove tee cream fwouot:Into Jen-leet roundfrom'2222 '21 22 t 22 22 122t222 nu as* aee Of 3 tooleotteniarieedOdeteson1uniltt erlv tiIlukewermtoi.natoeeom et
Lett boil -
.11"".'4 r'''''it.;:'n° Iv.11''''' '`I''' ' '''''''441'ih 11"";''''". '''''1"1'4.'''3-..g 1117.6*''Ite- imie'll. "Thou. 0 aatille;lath. ihot/ wo lletial Faint Width tg e cow.; eregutt from naerivr.; to Fidel of till. .4,,,.... - '' - , •
water tor a nmouto or two anti
'evelee...a-n- 11,--,14'2' ti.,et t'.' 31 ';tr', 4-71 0, :,rrat ait:' -
4ti, t.l lst ctotmmerc"14" ;dgo„ial 022224 imof,t144* *711'22&!422*711'22&!4222- ell4Ftlatti?fql 712' the''water ft f.iiwolttl, which lovf'efei the ith%5
nA.1,L°0Ne'eervitenitv L'Ll111. VunttVel
43 '4 !re -4.i 09-I Illceada0vt
erev1,44,d.teed ef f„ if that Obrlu18:laandwhenturned over oe platter tIt„,,1/ieiei
°' 1 4 "'6 i'etteteentpteeed 13;01 140•40Bio"Ftl It God eittbrored, God readily fall out Alla eurt Le cut, coo. mottb„ toztil oil? aro tote
rt 0 tat .0 ,ee e2222e ,1110e et 22 422
the Infidel was conquerato 1* 22 eel (2444*22 t . eels toe With ladle and ee(vea.
01 10%. r
; --------------------------- • lir - "h
22.22 4. i t"1u:t-,
414141d13en*22)2(22*22)2(22 lW
tkhus re:Vfitoryuncaendy.
e•,Z 1,4,eevo"'' "4''1 °t (2122'224'7t 1452244 I010 '
141" 14h46101 4 V4LOt b14,dm, our wod:MoonNeat Weighe
'4*4 " t*
'•3 t" • t
41/1" 114113 enraeol.l ;mon Ch
OM iutih-6.,31i 1, .,
opeeed lee (44!' inahino con -mime emir-
vie ar
ok.nt, 3
- D222022. 2222. W. direonetr4e one Polnd /oaf tower alaio
the 42212.2222(241
42212.2222(24142212.2222(241 lurtti)d1f11d and Pate of wo lenue 4.2-421nt
. o „ 1 n • 11/ , 0o l4/.'"10‘ 44* 44 gpractni40120222 on my aife. Thee pervg kettle, and bil quckly.44221,- 3,` 411 • . to Linn eeateren mA$ TALE.4,4414„„. 41 1„,,ipg our fece en his
, 2re2,7114;71220171 122* i,,,.,,22-122,- 1 ".'1041271111•14'"1311'111
21(t22*. 2212*')).
4 ;OMITlenglratnAiaoen . llw
e e
4Cu0 4 ' 1 41. r 4 1ereestlydob22142214....71. of -421U12 220 Vies -gricedd antiintpntotwell.
'2;i2 It• t 22241 1vgli zp Entre Y\CHOC)!44nght. A$ 3 useally go to hei last0eba
, . Io • . • i tea
- to irethatle
ehe has a 127111,121 of open- a Kerte• lomat below tener to until the lulu 1041" 01°1%
; hewwirroom eeredailywor.theondeeonof wetirdranwilen enver*
-uo 4,CO410 2241 .1..41..1441 1 1224 ,
trdinry eLrl hty.oldamfoodemail-sized t0V021.
eet a. •
' e
dptn ioaea
1 ie. ewe 1. 1 'THEraZiNATCLLESSNeeo aei o be preferred,with tourer 044 Pounds. add 210-220 Pounds
,444 i,1g,e^1 spot ICASometonne t 1O(21022 2222, ants town
.TUNE 29. metes a wed 1410001. rromenoyand OK together with a brown sugar. rook slowly without
eithes roe tip lit the night anti and a, ran •ot 'oatteo. break.. penetrate.% and the fruit mans emu,*
, •
tiVee zee in.
4, t ,°7 a ,,,... :, .,3. 1.41 .41 1.4.'4' 1 16.4 14,1. 114. ' *,-... '. 4'. 111 14' .C4. !! .21140 2222211.4225* 222
19 +11i 02 I ,.I 1 414 .` .- 4.1 I 4'4. 4414:.. \toy Te Of the Lesson, Quarterly Ite.. ttekti net to lee .if II. is open. if I
4 i'4.1% 1 b.' a I ;11 +°., tia,t. ,i.1142.1 Mir hotil law Si ' 'view. Golelen Text, Luke don't idie nags att me till morning.
fat.. 24114 lad tit T in ;44 1 s when eke I Be, 32, I A night or two ago I resolved to
ao,,, ., eree et tee ;21-,',,,-1. '1".4.. 1010.144 ; 1'010 111 4' a liard ecere. 3 rolled up
et halve „eel :obi ; l het Leetent 1. --Saul at Tateos tonvert- lot of old newspapez s Into a. long
bemile, mei laid the pacatego down
by the window. tef course she was
aideep, and didn't 'hear me. Then 3
opened the window a little way mid
crept into bed.
,,,,..midnight she
time,' :Jesus made him count it all asr nudgell me, and said :
1 10. 1.1W. Oi 1141411i441/1141 2222 421 eeeap. 1 le ago], p 111 14:,, 13,i024;,.,1 "Jim, 1.'m sure yot; didn't open
12 712' or the seleme e -- toed 171322*! 22 %%rival, e 2222 24- 1414,%444 i1411 1444•4411.4‘ they * itirOrkt (Phil* ill, 11122- .Ife was tblet window. it's like an or en in
v.11 boat exeoptiou tie. intolligenve oi teat/ the 2*! 22 ef her 22* 82 lot.t.::, Val -illy iedenitted to the rim% (.'1U3 44. like room. Get up and *ea."
t" wee otenotal cleat,. 12.4•• ,I*.',1 Made ;awl M4;4 liog, le -4, iiiii i ee tem we; from the day of his, 04,111V1*110111. , So I got. up, went to the window,
eareieet iii Veer face, A Meet, il e.leo ie ere ear mother's urinates, ,Lesson II.-reter,
couple of eggs a few slime of toast adding any water until the *war
322 2% ..., iooteet lee,,.. le tee fast which is entirel;o: $ittlicient for 'I'illke out. epread on. dishes, and dry
1,414 441q41';') 2',•`!-. 'Stiot.4 414.1.,'. the inan of .sedentary employment, in the MM. anriatIllg On a litliff
tnd with a little addition of nut- sPrtiP while drYing. ruck in ALI'S
"4* e4.•,,i.0 -Ore 1112o1 tal'...t.. 42
mtri Moir ilr44en r:01,. of,,,u. :.rtiit 'itt19 of Ille Sante kind. quite en- with layers Of Powdered sugar he-
r 4,..'4114 40 4444,;1". '41 4/144, f4.1.,!;14 Lee ough for a laboring man. In IA tWOOn. 4111d cover tightly. Theee,••
a ..21 Id 1,020 ver,!.. boia?, if ;.°It'l far as actual nouriehment is 0031- Will keel) any length of tbne, and art
aleeeite ;leen. tee, bee. Nolo cerned, the Very cheapeet and hest an excellent substitute for ilgs.
22 that can bo secured is presented by e--4------ --
• 4 f.0.1,.. refeeee .11e ,,,,ivi that ite.y
the tereals, viz., Indian corn, wheat. NATURE'S IiIIGETY FORCE.
ee ete eeet sire ere 1. 22712214L( 114e iteith
mole, ryc, rice, etc. These bodies -
teo ;tail, ine ea,,e.. e.,,t eee oe,,
contaht all the nourisluuent neces- Achievements of Great Field. Guns
sary to supply the vraste of the body Seem. Insignificant,
and the energy and heat necessary
to all animal functions arid hard la- The smaller stones and aspen. 0*
bor, in a form well suited to diges- dust, 'which. the volcanoes throw up
tion anti eldiable, not only of main- in eruptions travel such enormous
tabling the body in a perfect condi- distances that the mind is fidrlY be -
tion, but also of furnisidiog the wildered. In comparison, man's
energy necessary to the hardest. kind aChieVententS with high-pressure field
of manual labor. The waste nut- guns are ineignificant indeed. The
terini in cereals is ver,v small, and, duet clouds frequently obscure the
as compared with that in meate, heavens for Weeks, and it requires
Tractically none at all. In fact, the months for them to dieappear. Ihtr.
ordinary wastes, sucb as the bran ing the great explosion of •Kraka,-
and gerin, are tunong the most nu- torn in 1888, the dust was 'blown
tritive components of the cereals, some ten miles into the nir, and it
and both health and economy would aetually loated around the whole
be conserved, as a rule, by their earth before it dually settled and
consumption, instead of rejecting clisaPPeared. The wind -wave started
them as in the ordinary processes of by this explosion is eaid to 1141,VCA
milling. The otelinary cereals of made the eirettit cl, the earth. three -
conunerce contain only about 10 per and one-half thees'before it subsid-
cent. of waste, and this is an exceed- ed. One of the greatest outpourings
ine.,ly small proportion, as compared of volcanic ashes in this hemisphere
with the percentage in meats, If Ives in 1835, in the eruption of the
meats should be used as suggested voicano Coseguina, in Nicaragua.
above, more for condimental pur- So violent was this explosion and so
Poses, as in the making of soups, great was the storm of dust and
stews, etc., and not more than once ashes that absolute darkness 've-
to day, as one of -the staple articles veiled for 85 miles in every clirec-
of the table, it would be better for tion, while the ram of dust and
tbe health and strength of the con- ashes actually fell over a radius,
sumer, and especially wOuld it be a some 270 miles in diameter. Near -
saving in the matter of household ly 25 miles from ine volcano the
----- ground was covered with 10 feet of
, IrOIVATOES FOR. ALL TASTES. ashes and fine dust. Seven hundred
Tomato Soup. -Stew one miles away, in tbebarbor of Kings-
si)oons flour rubbed smobt 1 111 .
pint to_ ton, j'arnaica, the, explosive meter-
matoes 20 minutes. Boil one , pint: sem. • . .
, . . lale fell lour days after the expko-
milk and thicken it. with ,tuo table .
nist pititboilooeriseps,s,00'aadnuae:c..1.17,:sticz;i tiinletSotbrothaitiielitt:71.1.0141.... 0.0 174, at!:',:oiSlioa.es s
iIe'OtShSalEi StISviie0eNt80.4 :I -1.0.A; S,hf:lik.c.1
possessions, in Asia eni-
,.,,,t4.3ida.t.r:ciwo:,,,ian.,01.iiilliendtiekietseL3.4•;e1n- o'ir.0 the as the •Tenited: 'States proper, 'I'lley
are ahotit as, large as the'• whole ' of. ,.
'core from .sinbotli, pei-fect tomatoes; S°util Alne-ritt4,. and n•bout ' "61' ice '''''
ance take „et seme- eretes 8sses., much ae Europe: The Itiiseian peS-
,Sprinkle the bolloW' with fine bread seeeiollS in Central Asia, alone, in -
crumbs, season with salt and pePper, chiding the regions now being open -
and add a generouS bit of better. ed,,liP by .t.he Trans -Caspian Rail-
road, are half as large ps the Unit-,,
tlace in a pan; and bake very slow-
lv ' until tender " but not broken. ed States, and the Cear is now ,
Stewed Toina.toes.---Pet one table- in Chinese ,'.1tirkestaii, a, -1,Q1•1'iLdry
spoon butter in a granite saucepan, twice as big es the Empire of
and brown, a, thinly sliced onion in manY-• Siberia, is twenty-five 'tinies
it. • And one quart, peelea and eueea as. big as Ceimiany or France.
toma,toes, season with salt and pep-, 1,000,000 •squi.re miles bigger thqn '
per, ' add a hay . leaf,: atid simmer 'Europe, and bigger than the 'United '
gently one ho-ur. Cooked in , this States., . Central Americat, iltal 11fox- .
way they are much seperi or - to the ico combined. Manchuria., whiclt i. .1
usuai stewed tomatoes. '. . now practically annexed tor'Siberia, '
Tomatoes. Stuffed • steel]. Corte -Re- is biggair . than any- country in (.1
11171)220 the cores from Jinn, smooth rope outside of Russia; and. Mon-
s:guoilf;it,t, 122, \vh oicillie_thAitil 1 pi ti.loob ;,a,..:li,l?y cy,f-iali,toliv:(
to°11-11 alite°',cpsu''l ',lit." Is•'11)6.1)the°'ultiolaloswPst3Pwiliittib.1
eneteit. tate+. 'moot; Om took vaire itt ,111 l'Arr,t% taoltien
241, 3 e.e.„ „ie.. vote eeet; lea t, Ace, id. I 0, "Ilepent ye. therefore,
11.4,s 11,1„.0 ilval 2284 -8' and be converted. that your sins
tie te 13144 *!1710-14 2 41.1.111 4,2204. U1:4.11 ;31141Y be blotted not." Saul had im
:47101 "..iit4t ......5.1V;1;it 444. 414013 „ for 1.1eNetollent eliaracter mei :gentling in
4,11i.°Ok'.; '4, r ei101.11. tetine the 211)4 (*ye -4 Of JliS. 1.1101`.'S 11Ia In his
, , lt71"s„aild_Dor'''' and -threw the sash as high as it
':*efe!.,,aon, It 22 *22 a ..silliitim. a 1..m- tlaoz roue as the Pattie eciore of life I'l COS (AMS 1X4 32;01). Gingen %text, would go. As I did so I gave a lit-
ther, a (*.Atilt - oil we've by lloeir alter. egito her for her cloiltiree. in !Acts ix. 34. "Jesus Christ inaketli tle shriek and then thing my bundle
*22*e ,:iosnontly I hal tltift eta -teepee is bee; t ID Wia ;•Iso ‚45, )i22 to SVe 1114' !Will,. i the0 WhOle." 3711° healing of nneas down to the pirceinent below. It
irne. Nu t'hriet tweet leery, bell en *42222 )4224.22 to Jaele. whith setae Were and the reisiug to life of Dorcas etreok, with a dull thud, and 1
haellieent Owe. It was leo. 21.. 4-t,t int41 hi.F. etir skin Atilik! tkuifering !each led to a great male' tinting to dodged behind the, curtain to await
;elate arliets have pointed it, the for oor redg rapt ton. ,,the T.401A1 and believing in IIiin (ver- deeeiepraeues,
;ewe of an int/Tact (Al!41r4111/ter 01' of aloe erarred fare of *breve ie. an eee :;5, 42)„ peter was the instill- The room WAS verY dark, and I
the Lord's baud, but it was
41 fttl1a tie or of an effemin.ate 14.144- i'llmaha;t1 fat,. 'Haw yoe „eve s..,0, meet in
couldn't see m,y wife, but I heard her
entity. Ms was the fttce of one who • o Nuoi clAllthulia)14.,.e Urfa up with 11, t(1011 who wrought mightily through raise herself to a sitting posture.
b/d n ota.-lerfit1 mind. 11.1en we be- °..wntile ? liate y011 ever jotaill a lit- Iiina by ihe Iloly Spirit in 'the name Then she spoke. "Pool old Jine''
gie 10 study t'hrist'S fare. 'We are tle tidal bleat forth Leto a laugh of ihe 1.oril Jesus (Gal. ii, 8). !she quietly said ; ''he's tumbled out
22)224)1, 2,44d with the conviction tha72?. in the midst of a el of cryieg- 1..esson 3IL-reter raul eurnslius' of the window in his raggedest night
hi, eye was an omniscient eye, that ; laugh when a tear is ;.(st. g1-7stening (Acts x, 31-18). Golden Test, Acts shirt, What a spectacle he'll be
tile 2212 222122 back of that face was an upon the 'We( 111P64 ? 1,, ell Christ's x, Z14, "Clod is no revilceter of Per- when they find him in the morning!"
omnipotent brain, that the car Was tare, (hough in one, Ne1484. a Sad face, sons." The church ' thus far wa9 Then. she lay down again and went
an ail hearing ear. That face re- a -scarred fade, 11.1 yet an illumined gatbet.ed Only 110/11 the Jews, but it
an elect ,conapany out of all nations', ute or two, and then sneaked inio
to sleep.
Was tile purpose of God to gather I stood there sbivering for a min -
and the parting commission was to bed.
preath the gospel ie all the world -4-
(Matt. xXViii, 32, Mark xvi, 15;
Act:4 11 8; Rev. v, 0, 1022.
vealed the ;act that Chroa knew all fare, trt, hat; joy in the eye, jc.,:v 01*
from eternity past to eternity to the op, joy on the (heels, joy eeery-
come. Dut whet is more imporlaet. Nebel e, when one of his lo‘ed mite
to us perSonally win% WO 100k 11POTt 11W: 1.44V0,41 ay the seconee or
Christ's face is , that we intuttivele his hioott„ Thcre is lo„ro jyy tht.t.t,
feel Christ !snows eve*. thought and (11'. 2211!' fat( t‘ er OTIO 1.4411,01' that
'hope tux(' (100(1 ee our thee., Ire reeenteth then 022 ee ninety find uine Lesoon re.ceived. into
knows whal we have done awl what Just. Persons that, need no repent- the church (Acts xi, 1-18). Golden
we would. hove liked to do. Text, Aets x, 43, "Whosoever be -
ant e•
A SVAIPATIIETIC PAore, ILIXMINED BY LOVIe. lieveth in Him shall receive ramie-
Jetets Christ,e face was aleo a If Christ's heti not been. an ilium- elon 21121'. [1222 apostles at Jer-
sympathetic and forgiving' frtt'e* ined fare the little children would Usaleill, hearing what had hepperted
many men we have seen 2212022(3 fares not have loved to run to
represent intelligent power, but with- children are attracted he a smile.
0134. 1134'.1Ty-faCeS Buell as you could They are afraid of (ears, (4 t
t415r iMaginc a IlObespierre might where, as Jesus' ,s,niilittoo :ace ap-
ha.vt... had or a Fralieeestein or any pran„,j, wo can hone 7281(2 enieeirar,
of the greet leaders of the inquisi- ing one another. 'Come, cow.° !
thin! Tbose were the faces of men jlere is •Jesus, Oonie, come 1" if
like Napole0n, whoi, hearing.a ,fi,,rsafe, face eras, .),01. 4211 iJl110221171-(1
shal of France after bloode- bat- t'face eotod„ }my° spoi.,an
tic express, regret, Over 'tile a'sriVi such. triumphant words as (11 (130
slaughter oi human life, replied: whicil lie spoke to him .c,ick. of -the
"Oh, that is nothing. 1.11 order to pa'rsz,,-, "son. IT. gonjz, ; thy
mptlib A-11 On).0104i :4.011 11111.1t, blVa14. a sins are forvi‘vnithee." lle could
feW eggs.' ne-cer lat..te spoken such NVO11115 Of
SO We =1St, not, think.' of Christ's
face only as an intelligent face, a
face of •power, but also es a, lovina,,
sympathetic, forgiving face. We
raest think of -him as having the
same kind of face your, earthly fa-
ther 1. ,t' have haa, aim remember
•.. .
when. m the past, you did what
your father bad forbidden, ;you came
to bis side and buried your face in
his lap and cried, "Father, will you.
forgive me?" Then g01.1 remember
how he took you up in his great,
strong arms. ' What a sweet look
If you take a, careful glance at the
finger nails of some people immoinn
finger nails of certain people you
will ,observe that the nails, instead
of being smooth, are grooved or
ribbed lengthwise from. the business
end »et underatanding the will of end to the quick. In some instances
the Loyd, contend with Peter be- only one nail on each hand. is thus
cause he went to the itheircumeized, marked, but in other cases all the
but when Peter rehearsed the mat-
ter to them and told how God had
ordeeed. and done it, all and that'
2210 \Vas only, 22. 0(1 williog lustre-
vent, then they Were onieted and
gi ori fled od
Lesson 17.--Tlie churi:11 at Antioch
in Syria. (Ac(s xi; :L9-30). C1olden
Text, Acts ee, 21, `The, hand of the suffering. This grooving is duo to
Lord was -tvitli them, and a eTeat inabilitar tO -properly assinaila.te
niuuber 1)olit!ved and turned unto the fodil, which • is' proVocative of dis-
coinmaniation aS' illo:te he spoke in Lord:' 112047 114.221 of it in Jerusa-- case. In connection with tile mental
reference o the ecui,urion, ''Verily, 10111. and Ilarnal)as, 1)eing sent, a condition, those ribs denote fits of
s,a.y unto you, X have not, 171 11)7(1 so 111(.11 Dill of 1.11(3 Ifoly Ghoi-it and of mental aberration, and the doctor
great faith, no, not in israel.Aud, faith 1.10 i'51' 2:414 to fl'C'e "Lbc grace of can, after a little experience, tell
.my brother, if our sinf; are nolo_ (loci and gives iltera good counsel. bow frequent and how- severe those
ing the Saviour's face such a sad Tc ‚.031 VT -'2 delivered from attacks are likely to be as soon as
face ancl if oto• repentonce will inzike" Prieon (Acts xii, 1-9)• Golden Text, he fieeS tile grooves in. the nails.
e",leestes he:0 such tell illomiueci face, rs. 2222 141 angel of the
should we not; he to brighten elleamPeth round about "them FUNERAI.S IN PARIS.
'.11) 01711 Saviour's face since it has hat fear and delivereth Iboro
*offered so much ?' ' laseon takee ne beck to Jertteee All the. funerals in Paris are con -
'Mit the sweelpst it) me of
all is that CirriA's is a face that.
want$1 to lie lovet:. portralt:i
nails have grooves. This is a Sign
of bad health, and it is closely, re-
lated te the mental condiffoft of 'the
possessor. Whoa a. doctor visits a
patient and notes, these ribbed ;mile,
he may assume with confidence that
the patient; will haVe an acute " at-
tack of the malady from NV,hiell he is
3eiii, where we find that James, the ducted by a single syndicate, which
brother of Joh.n, has jtmt been he-- has a licensed inonopoly of the busi-
hencled. anti l'eter is held ie pri- riess. There is a regular tariff of
came into 1,,..ts loving face: ,,I,f_ow Ills hate na in d oscri b 0 ()le ..:,() /la c t 11 fug .',111 1,1'01,101)1Y awai tine the seine eates, a, first class funeral costing
lip trenlbled and ills eYes filled sw'th about 1 hc,in which proves t,u, a 1 i boee re to. The church in its -he) pleosin cs5i $2,000, and a cheap, or ninth -class,
teal'S 118 IIC Ilaid; "ally boy, iny deco' facer, c,,a,-0 afTection! .122 f 1, ., 1.1 . 1 river4 i t se/ 1 22(0 earnest; crni ini,cettS'illg fi'c'e dollars.
little son, ,- Wil1.1 111 11 OP es thrt t ;C013 lips do a] (1 spea k, they -,-„, (3(722 d s a ,,,,, : pi' ii rv ' I', nh d to tileic great. StIrprt Ste,
001)') 33 e0the -to me ae you heee done. el Ile, 101. (0.,17(„1.ii iii cii,cei„ 11,,i, 1,4:tor i,,.; dolivel,c,„6 1.),..,,, al, angel, , and
ixteen per cent. of the grown-up
36],),7 ':-1-'41-ri, 39.112 a.11.119$1, 8210'' 22111(1, 3-1-1Y others miglA I i 1 0 Sor 1:110. I love s()Ine of -11i11ell'ies are ,,'I''''jn• La in IP' ngl.ind ',re 1)ald.
. _.
Serve 42*. 01100. clainiing the right to all 00110essiops
nicely scaspned, cooked corn, cover
:United StrateSi.