HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-6-26, Page 5T11R. 5rX:(a,&X, 11I)RD"ITAS 4tNID COYNS. GOD SA -Vu THO xxvo, EXETER MARMS11! YOU . QED BACTI WEDNESUAY -pl%rtiquaars of tUo Coroxxatlo- lie- 4yery one to siog t CUAN luout,00 preva-Ing at tl�e Ulut. I NVIieat ................ 78 -75 are lean-ultWss you are leati bv London, June �44 London, June U,-Aaiong the, nao ........... tlie mee, W --The 'Xint i's bu pilbitsbed every- at I . 41� A nie(ala tjo)A_ its. ure-yoU %iee al O� 4 m9re fat. en -aged, iu,preparipg corou, obiservamee, on Coronation I AV , ;at c 70 71 You may eat enougli ; you are and specimen coins, Medals will be which have rr-QeXNcd the, approvill of tile Potatoes, prer bag. 45 50 AqV0 Ni losing tlIg benefit of it. struck in two sizes. The larger will be; J�Jli& is tile suggestion that at $ Vcl"k lay er ton . ...... .... 000 700 HIftQ, COMPA PL, 04 about two and a %ilarter Inches; ia ill- oil Tharsday evening every l3ritish sub, Lotill per owt,, roller,, 105 2 OD T=8 or 15 Ill in Advanc meter, oud will be Issued Ili fine gold, ject, In the United Xinadlux aitil tbecol* oaeJ)00firp_r looluft It pa e, *140 will help you dlgi�st your food, au 13 Jim, silver and bronze. The small ined- pides, whether in tlic� street, at 114D 400 5 00 -will in me; In Alidus,. per 100 lbF, - � . � - I brillg YOU the J)1U=Pne$S, Qf 11W, th, als easure one and a quarter a theatre, in ebureb, or elsewhere,. shall tive hogs, per awt, 550 in diameter, and will be ivuedl urevver their bealli and join in slug' 700, 7 09 04ecially trae of babies. t glug Dressed Hogs ........... T only, The "God Save the Khig�', 4 K"Q vOR rftc qA"Pkv Alms? Tar 4T. in $Iiio gold and flue silyc Shorts per cwt .......... 1 10 a -will be --Large gold (in, case), an per c- 00 �;HzwrsI . roiriorAT9, prices Br, kvt ....... I 'Ad. =N",115 sim druggists. , Zs - , No paperdiwoutinniml 4134 Small gold (in case), ge lZ tla� TIM )TAIRKET Itopow-cs. AdvLrd,44nneate vuh�uk Awtious W! I be ==i� puWi$,bed until foj�1,4 A V4, .1 ; large sib. er (Ili case). 10s; small silver, ad chargled at ­o ill I r4lisment advertipAll 1S. bronzo (in 0, _e), 3s. Vo I Cattle Trade nepressed- Vb-ral 445001int MU- um z t, -sue ,Vill be mrile until -after the coronation. Wheat Virroei�,_Tbp Visible. Suv- J()13 coins bearing his Majesty's U 'Jul *rItl! "a Turne EAT in ghe ftne,$T, rk.Nle, a "peolmen ques, "011ey O)Xler% ke- for ete., to be infille ray;iblo elligy will .1150 be specially struck by _Vonda�v FVcnj11gI June 9.3. MCI a V. thc. Miut in two, sets Toronto St. La -w ­r onve �lrarli:lef, S,H, Sander$2 (a) Compriiing one gold. and silver "My hair was IsIlitig =,tt 1, Grolia wcelpts were 000 busliels tAIR morn - log oil the --tre t maruer. rrices worb ve �t- gpxToa AI 'N'T TO v�lbl of, oach dicuonlinatiou from the J�5 v 1199,P IF YO17 IVA turn to tile silizor penny (XilluAlly), and lug, grAy , ry fa� 13 L Buy -or Sell a F ai, ixi Comprising One gold a -Ad silygr steady, 100 bushels of white, Hair vigor stoppp�d t"'. 21;P.2 aL- Qrei5 0 Ring at 63V per bush, 109 bush of, at rgstorcd the natural 'T TO eohi of each datomiluation from thoi an -r b*ez, V. y,, IF YOU WAN 73e per hus'll, and %W bu;tih of goose atV E, Z. Beno &])�L A� It, V�JN4 5b. mLkC, CD -,overeign to the silver penny, per out, bftlf� oats -Were a little ea, set X Includes 45, xi, ; M. at lSt;�e to 451.1o. 1191wr ra4uate of 0 and Oer, 000 bu*h sell. Toronto rialwiroty. BIly or Sell Town Property soverelgra kleces in gold, croikirit, boll, Ila ag I, A ",N-1V9t; ea4k.r., 29 loads SeIll at $11 It's impossible for yell IF YOU WANT TO crown, Aloda, shillirg sixpeuco and to sL� for ilmothy g, and $3 to 0 for Anixod, k anil t p dil * t not to look old -',Nith Th!',z' ?1 41J. -dy fourpeace, threep(,mco, . wQ straw­Nvus bteady. I lew scltln6 a Teft eNt Wte4 W�tuqAt 06,3T plio. or aw Meet, Borrow or LendXoney pence and penny in cilver. to 040 per ton. 4r: -,e I. "e -?";'In will comprise 41 and half- TUe Vitli rNem Set a , Ille VAUPP11r. color of sevcrltv vears i.1 IF YOU WANT sov,:,relgn In gold, and the, saine -4tuom- Julie TIV0 Juno %J01 Juno 20"W your hair 1. perhhaps ycu X --------- IM jrljn� 1), ATUTOX AN'PPR%9N:Z (AIXIL 10-8- loatlZ It silver its in Set A� wheat 4,-&"-W4.QW The , aro seventy, and you U11 -7-o chargea will be:-Fbr� $let A (AY,101 5.liqlt)w MISC. _=.147137 0407 %94% ar gray hairl It not, iseL VO. $at NQUO ItY. tv* 11,2nor jur4gitrire of Tomato n4versity an't rk�mil IF You, NVANXT vase), 420 Cis., (without w 493 J 1111158174,4) yol U (with case), 92 174a Gd, (without 11 �0 mtg S"WACOR, 01 J!ellegg, of W Kew -are( ;C2 V, -3 64, 11 ereas =351 the use Ayer's Hair Vigor .Creao, Mutt yo Life In$ I ew Personal application RASI Wtl(,L� y - r ago 9 it Ulust ho malle at the Royal x1lit. j!43030,00 bushels, In less tb4n a Month your IF 'fOV, WAN'T TO V400AV, marl" .06, gray hair will Jlavra- all tho Undsor. June 21 -The Wetorla, Cheese dark, rich color of youtb. mtagano� 01(l U01111try cvIlAts COLORED pxo:p=. euthotcat � tq� lloard inct liere to-dar. 9.6srs. Flavollo Protekit Against tho INXImflus,; Avan- 11114 Flt:A,'"ald were present as buyers I. V0 4 *44. Vt #mz&s. BY ALLAN LINE WVre on the waral 10191t W00 "For offl".. at 9 7-100. It your druggEffit 0=01t R%Ply Ton, It T, li� XFMPHR OF THF- CASH PAID F OR F UPUS flavalia, Julie 23. -At o, meotiog of MrIA114h Cattle Xftru,�tfl. 80.A4. 5W And WQ W4 oxp;ress ID 'C011=0 at rby4ftmond SlIT50035 ontar1% i To jakboatw Bolairll�tn the colored inhabitants of Cuba, held London, ivae Americau c."attle; TMA on Ur 0111ce, "Pash. 23 ratox Qua Addnsa, %TOW. Oat. call al Me Wersived here to,day. the participauts voted to sheep- G!;zd to 7d; Canadian cattle, 7%4.' n All_ Co., UW011, U erpool June 23-volladlan vattlo. TiL petition the Cuban Cougresa to ilunit! Cattle weA-er; silceT; bad, Djolia p. Wdwn. 0111M Md Rt5i ee. O -W JOHN SPACHPIAV, qaeen5,&ve,. loullou Out ' SP4031 AtteRtjg�l the existing military orders, which m0a Montreal 14v* StooU� Oftobours. r0a to 't OfficeQVer1r. spaelmlan's uardwar(. Atiatinctio", apinst tho blacks. Thoy Uoutreal, Xnall.U-There were allout WQ Ut Coalildemto Pog. attle, 100 calves and aw, depled any intention of rising, And said head at butelleral c, Exeter, were elm V claim,1111 their r1gliti sheep aud lambs *1fervd tor sole at the A yellow 40l; who liad kayed the I UAo Sad Abattoir to4ay. The butchers, Vdigul0t. 'hoy d"Ur9d were present In large numb.gra moon ever Once aun8et was Anally I A sa but were tile iountr � bolon'. a to them equally rather 41, V�poluted at the scare ty of gootl opproached by a aedato old mastIff vey r X" . -with the %tva. beer. and a I good eattle. valveii hatt 14mlill oligut 2 o#clook In the moraing, - It, Qnov I All brought nigher prices than oil Thursaggla I . . . . . r 0 1 1101 As. a re,,�ult of the recent clamor rals- marlizet. There were no prime be.oves; an 4, owes hore, frielld... 0414 tho masts. a I -day, tile only stalReil beasta ed 4y the blaeka for QfHQ0 the% 44y.jft the m4rizet to will you be so good as to explain v4:r bovil o0ored eighty place.$ on th;L P0114'a Wert' a lot Of lorgo fat cows. whIth sold at if from 5Q to 0 c per lh*,. the beat among the tk $0 YCA get 90 MUOU Comfort Out Of W. G1AA1DXS1Q'. =C%t 01:14. EXEMER force and tivelve positions as letter-c3r- itl bat!klng all nlg�t it the moal" F Notmv W%lm!z, C=- o fiold at from 416c to So 11_3=41ar. K21?114tar. Tiers. end the common ato& at from 30 to 434C "Well, It's thla 'WAY." explained the Or to at 17-1-Cii rates a, In. of Ili, A lot at 20 head at small lean V4110* dog: ... Xou aqeo I am affilote StOCIC, 1JUIL14, heifers And dry oaWli Weregtdd te 1�1. Affornt, Fztter- d LOR'10 to Callflor;l 1 A at 2ijo per Ili. They welshed 'With InSOM1110k, (Old It tAUQV On cute ac - 12,410 Ills or an Average of 1410 )lip C, form which makes me feel obllued to The Public Reque;qted Not to Treat CatVQfl QQId 11t fWm �, 11,00 tar $12 each tark at something; so I, bol'al; a con. al",owhi, wippi;0=6 rxvntil Aupligney A' Rieliord boUght three superfor calvwatolr Returning soldtorx, alderate dog, bark at tho moon, know. t% forthe 0azalli" of With (1114 311INk"VN., Fotwflfly Id SlAge per lb for go $111ppers pa 4t" fho tuo tw."wUlp of V614,3-0, sati ptomitlls, 1,01111011, June 24,Loril Rob. -e sbeft) aud the butchers liftill from *.V,44* Ing that It cannot heAr me. Therefor( 4 satel upar 4p Lvr Ili. 'Uneildoiltiand terian rcl,=Able- Lambs 6014 At ftaill it, ft aqt Annoyed In the least. and I 13 each. Flat hogs 'Sold At from erti. the Commander in Chief 50 to SAJ� to aile per lb� welglied 01% the oaraI am afforded much, roller.#* of Plows, of the Voices, bas again appealed a Oft you are actuatgd purely by con - CLEARING SALE Untit nuiralo cattle zvarket. Iderate motives and a alneero desire to tbo, public to refrain from treating Sast iluTala, Jane 0 23--cattle-Recelple, The Molsons Bank Craug Plows, Land '11ol1erS) the returning soldiers, so that the 11welf- 4,ft hend; dry felt ateM.F to spare 4ayout annoyance?" I; grassers lower; li75) Harrows, &C.., &C,, OW yo- deserveil weleome xilay not Ile the means Drime, sweri,,�7.05 to $7.46, choice 1,,= to 11�Tust sot" and the yellow dog r" of isullying tile fair Jau-.e of my S111ant I.30o lit steors, 1T to 61t. to, 100d. Waoged his tall proudly. Paid lip V�'Xpftal ....... $2,r)09,04 filg 011. comradeti. Of WhOSe stainless reputation 1,11,50 to $0.75; choice 1.(KK) to 2,130 lbs, 5.13 I am its jealous as I ain proud. o �0.49; fair to ff'ood. $5 to *L3.W; choleo "But, did it never occur to you. t( Resel,ve Fifud ............... 2,150tWo 11011,VS, $3-74 to 4 .23, fuir to g4od, $4.25 to consider your neighbors also?" det. S4.7,1, enolmon to fair. $3.�,W to,,�I; best 41t 9noiniled the mastiff, call,$, $4.743 to $3.75*, fair to good, P.W to 110"0 Maltreat. Bixelytbiug to be cleare(l off cauftalana on tile Slok Limt. U; cannorp, $2 to M(iaz ort bUII%L 46�25 The yellow dog was overwhelmed JAME S ULTA10TV, R -sq. Ottawa, June 24. -The '.NTAIM% to $449, butell4oW bulls,c-14.2a t*:p* Rau. with confusion, Ile listened for a rao pago lialla. PIZA) to &U elhOlee OoWs, P to Went to tho hitherto unnoticed profiln Department Nras yesterday advis. , lieuil lower; good spriligers stea ' IRIJC111111. - to $df5,., Ity) and tearing of hair that was goln JULY 13 1902 ed by the cabitalty Depart- $SG to $55; fAll cod, 08 to I I q- I *era On all over the nalahborhood, Tbez rommon to fair, W to $ ; stock 4 ailtwa,�A to aotitl raravelil ra thcirown mcut, Colic Town, of the Wriess of the feedpns, 10c to 15c lowert, feeders, �4.2?Zo he tud1co4 his tall beneath him nn� notri ii�klt one or 7 lWr 0ilt, ItCW folloNking Canadians on service In South $4.9): stockers. U to $4.30. stock heifers, Alunk under the house. Annual, FIRST I COME, Africa -At Vet ItIver-E Divislon, S. 4 $3.110 to V3.15; yeals, receipts, 030 hoall; Moral: Before striking at an onemy A. C., John Sydney Westlake, danger- olloned steady, tovs, $0.76 to I T. fair to _RX 131110. it BRA N1,0111- goiid, 1'(02 to 40,0; common to lgb,� 1§45 to be sure you have no friends witbill FIRST SERVED. oustv III Nvith 6torie, next of kin n3auk 0. elosing 2u ]awer. 1109S.-Mcel - ran Opal, Owl$ lawful ltiv tram 10 Aaa, to a lum*, $!%t- WeAlake, Thameaford. At Potalief- 800 head; Aletive-, heavy, $7, L 74 to 7.83 s, 17, goe, urdays to I pm. ell, V-65 to S ; st'room-0 Divifilotit S, A� 0, W JI light do. 8 7.75. Yorlzers. $TX to 47,60: ,T,7.4 to ;7. W; pigs, $7.25 , ran b R 8 4The N W01191 t reillaced oil daugerou3y ill"list, $7 to $-1-215, stage. $0 to $0,50. , been and X114,ne,lt Selteral b-miking basine, ausattOd 'Any Atnoul t of N I and 11 abscoas fol owinjamputation of the leg, lamiss-Itecelpts 500 head . st-Ating lambs I steady to 33e higher: all other grades dull* London, Out�, June 2S. -An inques Cast Iron Wanted. next of kin T. Sbanks, Pettafteld, Man. �rutt.m,*T R.,vTm allowed for monq oil Dclitsits S, A. toll him 8, to 7; fa to good, $5.21 on the body of Aut-rustus Ninbom, a: 1j&eJ1Jt% At Standerton-0 Division, 11 to $0 , 25; ell is to common, V to $5, Year- Oneida, Indian, muraored on Saturda D. Uri 1,550, WaTren Craig, dangerous lingiq lid NT 1 4,7z to suaLl It $4.50; faIr to 00 tins. 7ioxt of kin T. Craig night near the Woodbine Hotel, wa Newcastle, B. At toll Xe , - .11 -1) n -dft; 'Pluetown Dridga-Morge Thomas aoibb, S'"s to I to common, §;1.75 to RW. began to -7 by Coroner Ferguson. I CID-GILlyno-N witli, onterle fever ; he enlisted in tho Oldeago Live $took. addition to the livid bruise over Xkl.W- --I: I'd MissIlinniet Dundas wasstruok by a 3rd MAL11. at Ottawa, but his home is Chicago, June 23.-Cattlo--Recelpts, 10"- cheek -bone, believed to be unused by th train and killedwhile Wheeling al.-ross tit Kazabazua. At Newcaftle--Whi, 500. Itleffidlug 2,000 Texans; Active and 10c blood-stained stone found near tb to 15C higher; gpod to pritue steers, $T.60 to body, the neek and chest is frightfull. the rx. T. R. track tit Pope avenue, Bell, 2nd C.M.R., with onterie -, he comes $8.23; oorto,ipedlum,$4.750�7.50* stock- discolored. Wbether this is due Toronto. from Hamilton, A. 11cTntosh# 4th 0, U. or$ ang feeders, $2,50 to 0; caurs, 41.40 to blows and kicks, or to the natural di ROLLER MILL139 R., -with pneumonia, his home is ' Mont- $5,75; heifers, $2-W to so.,so,. canners, $1-40 STOPS THE COUGH to $2.50; bulls, �2.25 to $5.S5; calves, st�.ao coloration which sets in after deat im) ivoiRics oFr- THE COLID. real, to $6.50; Texas f steers, $4 to * 65. will be determined by the post-marte Hogs-Recelpts, 3T,V001, left over, 5.000. se examination. Drs. Waugh and Xeu �wi ind butchers'. $7.25 to I=Ittivo Bronio-QuIulne Tall 11 cures ft cold in [one tov)c higher; mixed We are g*ving pxcellent do;.' Sovur"6"xv. priltla. cents. XCIllelil. by NlIdUsts. $7.73; irod to choice, heavy', *7.70 to conduct the post-mortent, a -ad the 1 and Lodge at New Tork. June 23.-A special ftble rough eavy, $T.25 to . UO; 11-1 t, "RTA'd t; quest vill be resamed on F�Iday u*N 89 to Tile Sun from Paris re rT ,tiSfa&tion gMee Re- The Oddfollows Grl rMtS a. tole. �7.45_, built of sal 7j5, Sheep At the Court House. Belleville has concluded its ineetings. gram from Eydtkuhnen sAS, o mg that two -Receipts, 20,000; ibe to Ise lower; grass wet4terms, 20c to 20o lower-, lambii, best ModeWng our Mill- Mr.W.14.SboWToroDto, was elect- Nihilists shot and killed Al. Lotz, secre- spring steady; good to choice wethers, $4 ed Grand, Master. tary to the Governor of Warsaw'. as ho to $4.75; western sheep, $2.50 to $4.75 St. 'Marvs: Arthur, tbelittle son of wps passing through Cosivollin. Neither native lambs, 45 to $7; westem larabs, 0 Dr. Geo. il. Gibo, V.S.. was severely of,the assassins has been a -treated. to �6. 75. It Leads Aild Saves. $B:0RTS- scalded by putting a tin of boiling wa- Montreal Grain aud Produee. A quant#y of ShortS ter over the stove. The boy's chest Tr.LnCxRAPH I 3311L10, VITIES. Montreal, June 23.-Graiii-The marliet is anged. A. few car lots of badly but-ned., oats ollanged hands In this ma was Uri, and 1irs. Chamberlain held A re- quiet and unch tol)aR c for No' an'! fs Celer Oil h;ind. ception for the Colonial Premiers. liricei; ruled steady at 4 r'�_Akilnl to 48,__ 841o., 2 Ontario aild P a i n GRIST11,TG mad CHOPPING LEAPE D TO DIIATH. Lord. titchener and General French 4Ne for No. 3 ex -store. salled for England on the Orotava. Flour -There Is a fair demand for Sniall Stri tford, Ont., Julie -90.-Mrs.Riob- A little son of Air.,William. Kirk of lots lit steady prices, We quote:-Mault6ba. DONDi PROMPTLY. Ang -whent RatentS, $4 to $4.20; Uniiitolift ard Skude, on aged himate of tbe aalnilton Ivas strangled across a swing. sf, to 10-00; winter Compound a rout bakers, $3�70 11ouse of Rehige, jamped froin an up- CapL Percy Beale, late of tile l0th W110a pat6nts, s3.90 to $4.10; straight roll - 14. SWEITZER per window this illorniug, and when Livaglushires, died at Niagara-lin-the. m, $3.,11,, to *3.1,0; do 1. bags, *1.75 to DR. PHELPS' $1, r,0, and extras �1.(30 to $1.65. found witi§ dead. No bones were lake. Sleal-Ther.e was a slight improvement th laid the coruer_ the demand and salea In barrels w,l! WONDER-WORKING MED broken,' and she was killed by the are inade 'V'P?e' Ap" T00ft PhOSP110119, shook.. Deceav4 had been in -poor Arclibl.9hop O'Connor t $5,15 to arrive null on spot at �5 per Tu Gre4t E41fsh Bpr,4V�- health for some time, and being slight- stone of. the neiv Catholic Cantrell at tarrei. Saies in bags were made at $2.40. CAL PRESCRIPTION. -W sold and recommended by all Farkdale. to $2.45. fair and drugglats in Owada, 0111 rell. ly derafiged, has been tinder restrairlb, Feed-Th6 demand for bran was able medicine digcovel,62.1 ;Sfz bab in the temporavy absence of her Over 300 vessels will take -part in the saies of Ontario were made at $18 In bulk ek4ges galzranteed to cure all busband she went to her death as e;rcination naval review -at. Spithead on and Manitoba bran tit $17 to f18 Ill baWs. Paine!s Cel . ery Compound is tl lormlmn ofsexu Weakness, t1i,effectgofabuse' �he market for shorts Is still firm and Xaz or excess, XenW Worz�r, Excessive use of To- 'stated, Ali ihqllest was deenied un- Saturday-, ltol)n In 11 -5 Is quated fit $28 per ton. d on receipt necessary. Jame$ 'K. Thorison of Ottawa, was cheesc!lgh. mArrot is soniewhat easier. worldts great leading medicine and E bacon, Opium or Stimulants, Malle ual for feeding e vinest Ontario, D%c to 9%c; finest to`wn- e It hAs no eq carried over -High Falls, in.the Gatineau ships, 0SC to hausted nerves; it stands Brost as cure. I to 9%e; finest Qnebecs, V a�nphtets free to an - &ddress. .-drowr ulider grades, 9��c to: -0 % wy lfll�et- and rather linildel., of the weak alia i Tho Wood Go-pany, in or, On& River, and ed,. 9%Boltter-The� market Is qu shatter The Northern Mevator ClompEL-fty's easier. Finest townships,make,,20:y4c to. nervous system. V-1 n W I in E xeter Health- - Gi 9 Malt 201he; good to fine, 10%c to 1.9%e, saclindq,' pai 6,s Celery C)onipoliud bas lbu oddsPhosphodine is sol( I elevator at Pipeshone was, burned, with I ­aDd 0.- Lutz at. by J Browning 5,00a bushels ofwhe, 10k to IDY460- ago proved its poweras a bz�nisher D1, lZists. 11. Joyce, a locomotiv�' fireinan from Eggs 'Therii Is a fair demand at IBI/2c to neuralgD ja%c for round lots of straight receipts. dyspepsia, rhearnatism, -ain n ase, liver co p t, Toronto, fell from a ti car Tyndall Isi-ovisions-Therels it fair demhnd for kidney, dise, in lain al EX. n, Man. and killed.- smoiced meats. We quote:-Ileavy Canada' its a purifier of the blood. Thousan ETER - ' - -1, 1 .� I , Canada. Kisfound Only in S-tatio ;hoVt'cjt mess, park $24 50 to *25 on 1, s,,e r. ya#, 1 gainst the sbort;cut back, porL-, $12*3.5Q to 24- ii -lit 6fnien­xnd women, tired out,, sl�ee A C i've, petition' 'a Canada� Short cut I orl; $93 to io iERI, 168�, nervous, iii6i-oaeand despolide-ii Malt electio'n of. lion. E, Davis' - in No ' Ab 121/ti� to f1iiest kettle, have 'been given . perfect heult Real Estate. kchange,,, York -,yas� fileii. Olt Osj6ode �xtrti� puro lard, fix -20-lb, palls.,'110 -fied,cbulpound lard, 0%c and buoyancy of pit" At Edmonton a 'Swede named Nils to 64, cholee refl, tO 0 e� e r! brand, Ili 20-1b wood tfii.&t�h the well-advised nab of 1?41in Johnson, has been ariested.'for tbe. I al palls, upound. ' It has given a ne of his..brother, to - t po a- 15, And Globe at $1- Celery Cot The Sale,-Pnrobase and apgO leged xLurderbf to J _1b lit palls I/je per 1b lesi; I -operties a cattle. 'I 't76 14 n bacon. 14c.to Ise per,lb. aDd hap . life to a vas - tin t Vfflag� and farm, lands aliA pr B T e 0111L f a s- t session of hi %y 0 once were tired of _,.a ne�g(ttiated it reason Able mte6 pf-pia- A ch 'tmbl known as arl e -institution Levko�ink WIlLealt ivilarizets Lea Soeura - Gaclbois near St, Hilaire, -116st previous day. ClosIng to -day. Qae., was burned. I Xhe inmates,. num- Cash. $ept. Cash. Sept If your health is ivap-,tired; if yoa aily weakening 1i Food. 72 bifrilened with, or ki beriTig about .80$ were all . rescuect fill nialady, use Paine's Cele y o For Sale. 77Y4 Several Valtiable Farm a in �HA The Montreal street car, m6n, intend to' �rollido 79% 75 -19 7-D�j pound to�day; it� is specially ada Y$ The Health Foad tj�at keel)s ask t 7&% 7ft t -USBORNE; STEPHEN,.'iud McGILL- he company for ali bicrea�e, of. Minnearto is - - - - 11r,case; it will Make oil 1v111w.auk*e. 2 nor 77% 77 10710 IVRAY; alsa Three very desiraWe lie, - wages to, eigliteen, cents on week days jietrolt�' 2 red 80 75 80 11,11, strong. Mr. 11,13alll, at. I B� 379 -ting -,mid old stkong sidence properties in Exeter. and, twenty, cents, an hour for Sunday St. Loijl,5, 78�6 .70%. 7 0%, Onti, SAys: work. Duluth 78 _ . .1, 1 "%�as so seliously ill I was oblig antl happy. laritim I b, Markets. to tAk( F I ar'111s Want0d. The,'foliowin� Provincial appointr td My 1)ed, whe're I laid �azett;�a :-Jud f0ul"',no�-nths. The doctors beren.nd menla am ge O'Reilly, London, June 2& -Wheat onpazsage fiviii 000 Wl " 639 ON S1111W 484 OW ed W bu ea wit at 5 310$s or, to 15-1. $1 90 t 2c a r y Oh We baVe parchaserg for good farm to be L6.cal Master, of t1le 8u-. but uot;,actiye; eargbe'b No. Cal. troll, Toronto said iny troublewas Addiso passn��c, 30s 6d sebers. English and t'rexlch digease of tbelitlincys,,and told me anti jcjnity of'Ex,ete.r, or who Health-gi'ving Malt is found only ill preme Court for Stormont,' Dundas and iouiatry niaruets I llnl6t but 8tbady. 'Ilk Ag ill.' Ili Novem "I the would never w, 'It will EX611,111ye. Malt Bre.ikfast Food.' The scientific 41eni;ar W. Charles Cameron, Met- Wheat Is 5 to 45 Part% Tune 23.� CentimLs I commenced 'to use Paine's Cele cornbiliation of choidest' Wheat and "If, to ry! -W Division iowor k Z.90 for Tune an(! 21.25 for Sep - AP I PLY TO be Clerk of the Six A lit 31,15 cornpouhd. Afterhavingusedann alt.produc urt of 0 . I -y; ]b ber and Decelubei 'lour quit . of ottles the pavest'M. es a food that arleton Count 4 fic N. Arm ten) 8.tbtor Septeintber aild. De- b ' ' enablell'to aLte for June and 2 WIks M44 Baden, Wid Mill the inost 6milient, pbysiciansrecognize inour, Toyonto, to be 110tary,. public. His ceinl)er, as a, perfect health breakfast food; London, June 23.-' er NIA] aess and felt like A". new rq� valuator. Manager, ionor the Lieutenant -Governor has do to basil ". " I MAI Avith confidence tl Malt B�e�ikfast Food is fiast dis 3lacin claTed that all pr�yi ket-WhO..Lt, foroign quIct but unchangO 1 - , 4oial public 6flices, - _V:ii i,,,, Vt,.1(,ry CorinDound saved ' i Corn =.kin T1 D UHL, PROPORS", TO YOU To accept eome otberbrand Q,f;aour. wbeo Toll ;isl;,Qa for ML�T'F�"R STAR FLOV R? It so belvaXe of such a ZrOcQr. er Star. lnf�vlor binuds 111cur Indigestible bread wbiell briOr" 05 on r�spppsla A;ld Ime 1,roubles. XaLe tbi- grocer understand th"A 'you vl�knt E Te t Stu F104T. It contains the janest of wheat'all tile saperflol's tAarelk and other detrimentill 0ellients I - tire elhiiinated. Aln4ays vsk tDrEXETER STAR I"107CR4 and be sure you get it. F or 1$ale by the end at tfie 011% Higheps -t MorUvt pri;es Patcl; for w1mut 4gd Q04rap Grain. Harvey Bros. saccessom to T. cobbledlel; & Two Secoild-balld r' U MANOS AND une Square NANO Fol MIR OH W,n *0 Z, New I. -m -nos- aud Orgaus Always Ilu, 'Stock - sawma MACHINES, Ont, experience in the Sewing Xa,# eblue, isusinesq Ira Years) Is a guarall. tee of Our gwAs. , Wleeavry ill AaWil;Q I)Qst 3.1a. cullies that the marl"et .111ards And sell on easy tertne. Needles a lid Re - Pairs for all kluds of .11440111tivs always on hand, # . , # siteatMilts1Q, MUSIC 11OORSW flytou Books, Eta., Ropt lu stocu. C,.&T,T, .4-N, Dmru 17s, IT NV ILL P,&Y YOV. S. MARTIN OUR ,"Ew PRE IS1864 Wo have moved into mir new pre inisesoppositetheCentral Hotel and are now open for busiuess�. Our pre- InfRes are Inoderit and we give YOU modern and up-to-date goodti and made Ili the inost modern lityle. t We Personally ... Cut Eveq Gtirment Thats made upot this estillillshnient -as well as fit it -and look after all the details. This is only one reason why our prices are moder- ate. Genf$ Furnishings tit Come and isee us in our new place of businessand exataine our stock ef GenVs Furnishintrs. Bert. Kiiig'nit. A F T E R 5 H, AXI 9 S t"Pa VCOOLS, mrFORTS AND HEALS T1,4c, BV4, rRIA- tpil� E_ E-J� N _ 1, SUM THE 5103T TEN- DER FAU TO ENJOY A I�Pffi, 7 CLOSE UAVE V11TIROUT - av, URIPLEASPRT MSUL'TiS, Avoid derqopous, irdtat % 2ftgVJ!1d11 Halo �aorzsentad to ba "the sanie Pond's EXtract, "hicil sour and generally easily contain "wood a1cchol", a f3eadly Poison. e fe dftGooklz Gotton Ract Comyoulla ]M�is successfully, used monthly by ove I r 10)00OLsdies Sale, effectual. lAdles Ask or y;ur dru%giit for Cook's Cotton Root Com poand. Takeno.ot er, as all Mixtures, pills and 9 of it 1, id as P- - No. land No.2 axe sold in Exeter by t, C. Lutz.and J.W.Brp-wning,1ir'ug- h, gist'$.' ts e's w Yo -j Mey Need of nd 1W axti For ed cuts Burns cran"Ps in I Bruises Diarrhoea. All Bowel d Complaints tor, It is -i sure, safe sakd quick remedy. fin; Ther&s only one PAXN�-KILLEPL Prn--r J)Avis� �;wo �Izcs, 25c� al Id b0c. )er The Plifflppinew.ar to date NIS Cos [$170,326,586. 30t i'�Irs, Ila ttie StevVnrt n, coloveer ATC rnan. was btirned to df-Inth in'ber obt