HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-6-26, Page 4derra„ SDAr, June ' LNIQujrirEs J2 olall GREr. Link by link the vletin of evitleuee coutieeteate, the Liberal eettarbine" with the cremes of North. Grey and the temporary dee. at ee the Canteen -a - •e• candidate. Mr. Boyd. is being • s Ooronation Postponed. Louttou, Jeue 23rd, 1249 p.m -The ttevonation hoe been postponed initely on aceount of the indispositioh • ed. Mr. Beyd Inas discovered in °f teteteg. Etlw"rd' Itatttttcl siatteria)g twit) perttypiiittis, and is ma - potting ptent 0, vheeent• tbirtY goirig entwine). operation. tree: of sterling ehevacter who liave all THE elEDICtelt leteltieFefIN. neent effete:cite t it they voted for Sir Froneis1,,,;:1011...„,„„.., the King.e.rair_ hint,. Yet, only twenty /tine votes were eeeteetarte nee newel g he etenee recorded for the Conservatives. The dentity returning offlear in (+ergo of the Poll. together with the Conserve' wes so eatistectory that It was hoped tive atad Lieerel seraitineers Inave tbat with ewe Ills elajesty wonld be tO go through the ceremony,. On sworn that tineve was only one spoiled I t res„,1 in Monde - evening a balloected. Twis 0„,ieeFudescence bee tedteel anuonneennent,.. as foltews;- efee King in suffering .frone perity.- phlitio - His condition ont Saturday • elwelope otber ,te,itilivurezaini:40t4trinifeeesets.,..attz.vritro.iirmagy7 ,tsslairgeeniecoll ballots were placed loese in the box, lester.ThoniasSmitinLaeking,Thairnas 'Manna tbe ballot ben; was tae u before Berlow. Treveen" Jodge Morrison for recent -it at was , coxorrioN VERY &BRIM'S. foeve that the. kliegs were spoiled 1.99 neeeet -Te oyeetentiem 0.!..the Fing and that four el theie were put inan c'ttec'd71;:t ii3sattayes°411,;:81,;:ufirtinakrni,- erivelope after theigdof ale ebeetiath j more serious than represented by the Tine preeklingo e, 031 the gAetliga banetiu. ballot bAN. WA$ ef his naseessitin OPERATION PERFORMED. for than daye. p teas to ite. deltvero to the retain -drag officer and this ex plains the plot to piece a Liberal •i eln Beyd's seat. The ehlachine" The opet•ation on the King was RUC• - snfl perearoted at. 2 ceeloek, The Kills i»ot lute consciotisness. and i$ w asleep 2.46 p.m. -The following bulletin has losing its head in its reekle-ls effort to been posted at Blieetngeeen palace: Sdse itS Ilfe, but the courts will see to "The operatiou has been succeeifillly it. that in lenitive stealing votes will be PerforoteA• Marge ebseeee hag. been eenenetted, The Xing has borne the tuipt.ofitaide calling. operati011 Well* 0114 is In 4SatiSflartOry condition.' OFF OX A PICA I 3.40 pott.-At Zee p.m. the Ring wa progreseleg very eatiefaetorily. ministered Enrollee AISTENTRIZIELY CRITICAL CON - y tieder way. %his yeat DITION. teeii leeeteog with 5.02 cinlYersation from a , „tetsir wow I press representativet this afternoon, a t govermuent *leaved sea there was tandontitedly very grave ouse for aneetetv. His latest information from the palace was that the King bed sue, cesefully vested the chloroformIng, legebut nohatly eould say delinitely Ar the next twenty -font hears how matters would turn. The ana picuie is al it 348 11.?' the Corouriti Ib Laueler. HemW. 5. Fielding. Hon. Wee. Meleele Met. WM, Pito. Hou. F. W. Beralett Qua Ham telt; Cr- efl teem the advance guard. Late er in the sham) Hem J.I. Tette, Ihm. A. G. Eteeir and Hon. Ches. Fitzpetrick willeraes the peal The first tiainie- terhel ccutingent sgator, to cast $2e.- 0 me het there will plot:oily he A large eupplementaty vote letellited for that pottpieite Tbe PwiU a elnirr travelling in t thug nry and his parteet paesege VOA tlittft CtnIntrY iu OP VI etnity .1;31,30, Then the other Me 10 of the e,abinet. NriUtSe sight awe. - was bo greatly offended Ovate ore and free ttepe. wilt do • bt to ellen() the thoneands at •(Tined. The eeneineg of a eeeonal cootingent i mit to fatilitete the blast- 31*-ts tia rottio before the Conurdion Conveution, beeente that will have Wen ronelealtel extthey melt the motiferienete itetides, Sir Wilfred has left the Canadian representatives little to dieentn On the whole ti lttOveMent leads Uetit believe tb;it the minister., are in for a really good EvARGELic AL s. It was resolved that the sincere et - vele thanks be tendered the Centeenial fteboir• for their excelleut servicean e, d reeet StileeEeNS:f117:'Aibeelng at come and. generous hospitality to be the pastoRevua pastor. 1b W. 0, Helm zd the congeegatiou for the hearty wen teutled to the delegates end visitors. The appropriete closing hymn, oatel be with, you titl we meet twain" eon, 8t1L'a,ifer1 last Week, The 27th annual session of the West cleded a very totereeting and tostenc- Distrtet Se 5. Coevention. Canada tive eouvention, Conference, was opened Weaneeday :Afternoon last at the Centeneal church. $tratforalt Rev. S. R., leneelitet, P. E., oecuplug the cbair in that beautieul eluivele After sev- eral earnest pryers were directed to the throae of 0,4.0w chairmao read for a lessen a portion a 1cor..3m ebapter. Organiz Alton was then proceeded vielt and the foliowing were elected: c prereident, nese S. lruppe, o_eere, ty, lien. W. J. Yaeger. Ttie best, ness committee was Appointed by the chairman, anti consists oe Rev'. Meson-. W. 0. elebm 0. D. Damon C. S. Finite beiner; president of Stratford 5. S. and J. Tbe followtieg* etempose the cone totttee on molutionst Rev. Meeers. 1. Burn, E. Eby-. A. Weider, nod MisseSRanst, and Werner. Rev,. W. 0. Hai . pastor of the Cent Wel cbIi, welcoMed an the dele- gates very cordially and Mr. D. S. itenst tenperttale4 in an approptiate manner. Rev. Et Bey, of Philipsboorg, ad- eretteed the convention on AtThe pee, paratiou of the S. S. Leseone' whleh was the Urst tot*. "Tiie Sandals School Wolters. the. general topic, wee- then die:emoted in two perte: First. "Iiin material and Means" (The Child and the Word). by Rev. IL J. nonmetal).therlitageorti; eeeond, "Ills Helper and Resulte ' (The Hely Spilt and the Reproduction of the Image of Christ), by Rev.. A. leh Giehler, Glen, elute. Rev. 3. C. Matlock. of Daelewood. diecalseed the first tople, "The Influence of Haute Religiou lepou the Sunday Rev. E. Born, of New Itembierg, dist ;limed tope. "How Cent NO CHANGE SINCE OPERATION. zao p.. -Sir FinneiS Xeollys in ioltlird pees repreeentative at 4.Se paaethat three hati practIcally TM ehalage 4tare the Oper " Ille Moleetet?" he sitial. 44 coutinues to sleep weleand proems/1)g satiefactotilye There is no queetion, however. that 1 e King's coodition is extremely MU- . n'eloelna-The following bulletin wae posted aeet t Bblab= leelaee at 0 teelect this evening: -"His Mnjeety coneinues to make Sati414tory t and hos been nineh relieved by the opetation. ISignedt Liebe; Trews, Smith. Lakin, lenitive AFTER THE OPERATION. ti Imediately after reNeavering from operation the Iting asked, for the une Wideseend it, wasonnOunced tt a bulletin would be heated at 0,3a p.m., and a final one at 11 pen. The tieing of these times WaS regarded as a pod elan. Lord Salishiary. the Prem. len and <elite, Inemhers ot the cabinet, ealitel at the pahwe during the day. time at the expense of the overbill den- The cabinet has been sinumoned to meet at ;Meek this erelli teneen mexamlra is terribly upset t,t nervous. The royal gretia child - n Were &Nen to the palace from 'Mk House shortly after one &dock. Tho Prime and Prineess Wales end he Duke of Counaught m reained ot Batekingham Palace throughout the afternoon, eeeeiving the visiting ment- here of the royal families who drove up in the royal earriages to the inner court yard. 1'•-.eees Henry of Bat- tenimey arrived late and entered the palace, almost unnoticed through a private door. Many of the foreign representatives called at Backinghtim Palace this afternoon to make inquir- ies about the Iting's condition. At about 4.30 pan. the Prince mad Ptin- cess of Wales left the palace in an open carriage, looking decidedly mitre cheerful than whenethey entered it. ed tespayer, wile will dale tune be called upon. to pay, what Sir Wilfred consideree(pr , evious to IMO the Ot- tawa, highwaymen. CII;XSUrS POLVTERS. One of the government iostitution that is still flourishing at Ottawa. 11 20a1.15 after its work. should haye been completed, is tbe census bureau. It is interesting to wateb. the small army of employees who enter and leave the building twice each day, knowing that their serviees cost the country $10,000 per month, And in addition to this the handing in which they ere housed is owned by a party friend, Mr. Seybold, who draws a yearly rental of $6,5e0 and had $10,000 spent by the goverement in improving it. Now, it is enggested, that the census bureau should be ma,de a perroo,nent institu- tion, for the good reason, no doubt, that it will be some years yet before the Minister of Agriculture is able to oOmplete a work which was done by the Conservative government in one year, and at a cost of $500,000, where- as the census now in course of comple- • tion has already cost .$1,15'2,000. The advantages of it perinanent bureau are wetly, from the government's stand point, and few from the viewpoint of the taXpayers. If permanency is add- ed. to the bungling that has character- i4ed the management of the taking of Clanacia's population, Mr. Seybold will continue to draw $6,500 rent for a building (assessed for $10,000) and the army of clerks under Mr. Blue's direc- tion, will be made a "standing force" at a cost of $120,000 per annum. The taxpayer will meet the bills, but that is an incident of the "growing time.' I3RAIN-FOOD NONSENSE. Another ridiculous food fad has been learned by the most competent a.uthor- ities. They have dispelled the silly no- tion that one kind. of food is needed for brain, another for muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every oth- er part. Yet however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or pre- vent tbeir coining' by taking regular doses of Greens' A ngust Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy pill - lions. A few doses aid digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the blood, and make you feel buoyant and vigorous. You an get this relienle remedy at 0, leniz's, Exeter. FIRE AT ILDERTON. Ilderton, Ont., June 24. -Fairfield stock Tam, the property of J. H. and E. Patrick, was the scene of it disas- trous conflegeation here to -night at 9 o'clock, The extensive stock barns and sheep pens, the pride of Mer- ton and the finest in Middlesex, were totally destroyed, together with his large assortment of farm implements and a great quantity of hay, grain and feed of all kinds. The fire was caused by it trap door falling on E. W.. Patrick and causing it lantern, which he carried, to explode. The loss is estimated at $8,000, and the amount of insurance is not definitely known, but is estimated as very light: Although it took but a few minutes to reduce the immense barns to ashes, till the prize Lincobe sheep were sav- ed. Sympathy of the neighborhood was expressed on all sides. LIFE IMPRISONMENT FOR JOHN SALISBURY. . Itnprisonnient in the Kingston peni- tentiary for`the rest of his days was the sentence passed at Chathatn on Saturday on john Salisbury, a young Mall arrested here On election day. In sending him down for life Judge Houston said it was not safe' for the public or children for bine to be at large. Salisbury committed an un- mentionable offense on two occasions on a little girl residing at Norwood, Kent county, in consequence of which the child's healtinis underinined. The prisoner waskeown to the police here prior to the time he was wanted in Chatham. He was twice arrested here -once in company with it young girl - and each time was lightly dealt with, Salisbury took his sentence on Satur- day with indifference. The prisoner was convicted of a similar offense six years ago, and received thirty lashes and six months in jail. TO CURE, A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tab- lets. All druggisas refund the money If it fails to cure. 25e. E. W. Groves' signature is 011 eech box. Around About Vs. cuutom ou Monday evening while returning from Stapleton salt Mope.. Front, tlee emerteeneyeareold •son of Mr. Adam Foster fell frem the rail- way bridge. to the stony river bent beneath, a dietance of About twenty give feet, Fortunately be alighted Avail his feet. but the shock was seLele reone and he bad to be eqrried h Clinton,: Mrs. Arteene Cantefoe extent of canned salmou on Thins - ay evening, last mei shortly aftee- i wards became veey Tbe doctor nvas sinnumeed who proneaanced the syeaptonee those of poleolting and ad- unantstering an antidote soon had the sufferee out of danger. Mrs. Ovate. Ion continued in a weak state for a few slays.- hut has now recovered her Ilene' health. Ileeteeneld: What infght haw teen nest Serious acchlent happeoed at the home of jam Aittenbend a. few tbtere ego. While movipet ralle one of the Nee that were pled ereet fen. wheu John MeEwen and Hugh Aiken. heaere thd wrown damn eve struck by the utile. rendering. them mteone,elone, lead they hem Wen few inches close to the circutie saw they would have been thrown against it. Both men have recovered but it was a Parrow eecape, St, Marys: After an illness of ten months, Elizabeth Sparrow, wife of Mr. Samuel Moore, prieeted away at her home on Friday. Deemed. who was horn at Carletan riaee,YrAS in her 57th year. She was married in St. Marys to eInSeneuel 'eloorein 1St. arid form- erly resided on River Road,Blanelearel. the can we vihee Chle wng th" T"e rnziVeepare4.asearthtlititne eforne.Net UYreet: Heroism 04151g5 n PUing Right. 1amen Five children survive her, two Rev. W. a. Yaeger. of Zinnia. epote sone and three danghteret on the sublease "Why shoeld our p Young men vettlelli in the Sunday e Belem& lee Mondale. eit, t-017* Etla__Qt aattat allgo, Was Cart .ginif o5usarpn eretine antentliog to mow the grass along the street in front ot their pro - 'dee he hewed and fell upon the vett bleile. The first giver of his right. hand was Mier severed and his left arm nor the elivw, reeeived had gateterequiting the old of n physie clam to deers it. Fortunately the maiu artery was not cut or it would Mr. 3. L. Epee was appointed tweet hive been a DMA eetious ease um for the ensuing year. St. Mines; Fire broke out in the It was decided to hold the next one lionee of ears. I. Wilson Thimelay and Vellf101A ht OttIZertt church of theNteth the building with merle- all its tem. F.ast hope dint*. tents were eonsanned. treWileates Addresece Were delivered on the fol. fathom, isaav Cotlartt, was in the aittie lowing topiest "Whitt can the Sue- of the building where the fire originate day eehoot do for thhtedeitted develp,oed and was with ditlieulty Eavethbefug went of the child.' Um, S. Krupp. nearly suffocated with emolee. The New Hanibing; "What on the Son. building was an wa log house, shied day se,uita do for the develointleall- Ower with baai. The tire brigetle of the tniee,lonary epirit in the eight. was on hand, but water was ecaree. reit." Rev. 3. tile Mem Thelmilient the water works' MaillS not being ex- eWhat yen the Sunday school do for teneed up to that part of the town. the develoraent ot the temperaeee The loss will be it heavy one tens elte. sentiment, Rev. 0, 5. rioldaium Wilson as she had no iliellrAtICO ou Sebringrille, lianiSe Or randelltS... The question thawee waie the next feetore, and many nue-Alone were ask. ed by the delegates and aneweredhy Rev. Meeere. 0. D. Damnt and K Bairn, • TlirrinSIDAY°6 Thansila_y rtiorniegte eention openetl at 9 Weleek. merles. FiXaN-At Ansa Craig, n Sunday June 15, to Mr. teed ;tire. Jas. Finan it $ont Monooett-Ie Linen on Julie 13, Ur, and Meet Hugh Murdock", son. The &Tont' thee afternoon sc$•sion 1 Tnetwrfillttilt What might have was "Pened with a deentinnni exeltit.et moved it fatal aecident, but seriame led by Rev. S. KroPP. of NCW Home enough as it is, occurred at the hero . Nu g. raisiog a Mr. Upstairs of the Mel The business cenneittee rePorted 001)•d00 Wednesday, *bile in the that the program be Preeeeden with net tif raiSillfr it bent to the pneloin, a us set before. them with the addition brace fell out, and falling some twelve that Rev. L.. II. Wagner, of the Beet feet, .striiek Mr. Wm. Sproat, son of Distriet, ;Address the children foe ten minutes, ailed Rev. A. le, Heist, to Jae Sproat, of the 2nd con., on top of he same district, to conduct the de; the heed, rendering him unconsetons, t He was picked up and carried to the votional exercises on Thursday even- onee and Dr. eetenetrona, et Bruce. Tile topic; "Normal Tteuniug as a field, summoned, W110 at first examin- . ration thought that the skull was free- PreParatu'n for tedoltinft," Reth .I. IL tined. Thursday morning be regain- Grenzehnek, eillverton, was then dis- ed consciousness, and was carried to cussed. After the opening of this WI- tee home, where he has since been do. portant subject the conveution joined Ing nicely., and it is thought out o In singsingingthe stirring hymn, "Rock danger. of Ages. The topic: "Order and Dishiplinet St. 3ah alleys: Mr. Geo. Nor% burse - The Secured and ebtintained, Rev. at (/' "amw °sea" enin ea -n a Thursda , He had a somewhat E. 1). Becker, Rodney, was next dis- ie cussed. fractious co t, hitebed to it rig, and The %antes meeting of the children raerledetripotrpseg ttounlesrlthietbaulogigyig,whHene then followed and Rev. C. C. Mor- te eectt lock took for the base of his address httng onto the horse's bridle, hoWever. Prov. 20: II. and when the briny went oven tbe The ministerial choir rendered a horse went with it, and he on top of selection, "God Save My Boy." the horse. It Was in attempting to get away from tbe horse in its struggle to The Rev. E. Burn followed, takiug • ,njuries - as his subject "The Bible." arise, that he susteuemd the i, Rev. L. a Wagner next followed wbich e esulted in the breaking of bis with. a practical addressh on the fourth right collar bone and a slight kick on commandment. the. I:envie near the eye. Had he re - Rev. I. en Moyer, of tbe East Dis- ceived the full force of the kick on the trict, and former pestor of the St -rat - ford temple, it would probably have been ford church, came in arid was welcorn- fatal. As it is he willearry his arm in ed. He wasthen made an advisory a. sling for some time. member of the convention, and made Seaforth: Mr. Thomas Copp, third a few appropriate remarks, son of Mr. Wm. Copp, departed this The conyention adopted the ranee life on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Copp utes of the previous sessions and bad been ill for over a year, being it closed with singing it hymn with bene- victim of consinnption, and was a se - diction by Rev. I. M. Moyer. veve sufferer. nee was 31 years, 4 The Young People's Alliance rally months arid 20days. He was a drug - took place in the evening, and opened gist by profession, and after finishing with a song service led by Rev. E. his course here went to New York, Decker, the choir and the conoTego,_ where he held for some time a good tion participating. position. While -in that city he • non - a The opening exercises and addresses tracted the disease which resnIted in by the chairman, Rev. S. R. Knechtel, his death. He made a brave fight for P. E, Berlin, took place. life, but despite the best medical skill Rev. A. Y. Heist conducted the do- and the 'most careful care that loving votional exercises, reading it portion nurses could bestow, his constitution of the 10th chapter of 2nd Chron. An earnest prayer was then offered for gradually gave way before the ravages of the disease. He was a bright, in - the divine presence.upon the exercises telligent, good hearted. young fellow, of the evening. after which the large and was highly esteemed by all. . His gathering sang, with deep reverence, early death is i'Severe bell'Ve'lleil"o the -great hymn of praise, Holy, Holy, hi's-parents aturothentelateves aiect is Holy, Lord God Almihty." • much regretted ,t'ty all. who-Itnetil bine. The chairmen mane a few intro- St. Marys: Mr, J. C. Gilpin is con- ductory remarks, after which the fined to his house as a result of injur- choir tendered a selection, ies incurred in a runaway aecident on _ The topic: "The Young People's Friday evening. Accompanied by his Opportunity for Christ and the wife -Mr. Gilpin was driving around Church." by Miss Rosa Schweitzer, town whedhis horse took fright and New. Hamburg, was then taken up. became un managable. It came down This important topic was very ably Queen street decline at a rapid rate. presented by Miss Schwoitzer. - When opposite the warerooms of D. "How can we get our young men Maxwell & Sons, the phaeton collided into the Y. P. A. and lead them to with a rig belonging to that firm. The Christ," by J. H. Holtzman, Presi: shafts broke and • the horse sped on dent of Conference Branch Y. P. A., to,its stable. The sudden separation Crediton, Ont., was tile -next topic. sent the rig with its occupants on a The last topic: "Some Essentiale lively spin across the street. Fortun- of a Successful Y. P. Alliance, was, ately at thiS juncture, Thos. Fairies, presented in a forcible manner by Reyvvho was on the side of the street grab. Gr. D. Damm, of Crediton. bed the -back end of the phaeton and ., The above topics were interspersed saved it from upsetting.- Mrs. Gilpin with selections by the cbior of tbe was uninjured.,but Mr.Gilpin has since local society, the ministerial choir, been confined to his room, his back and the congregational singing. ' having been severely wrenched. The The collection was taken amounting phaeton was not much injured, but to the sum of $12.03. The total collec- the Maxwell rig was !gully damaged, tions for the convention amount'ed to he v ing a, broken wheel and the arm of $20.32. the -axle broken. AltiRRIAGES, XNFlIttIlv,F41-1‘14,EX,D'EMS--At tile re- sidence of the brithee mother,. south. of Breese's, oneJeue Ith by Rev. John Holmes, Rev. Chas. Tinkbein. en of Sebringville, Ont.. to Mies Lizzlet etteouti daugliter of the late Mr. Thos. Maunders, 0 Mrs, Richard eltuce conneitted sui- cide by jumping out, of a eviedoev in • tbe Bente ot Referee at Stra trot el. Unprecedented cold weather in Fianee, .Austria, Hungary and Ger- many is causing grave anxiety regard ing the state of the crops arid the 'vineyards. M. Flanentarion. the Fr eacit asteoncener, eitys Mete bas been no "eecle dieastrons springtime since 18e2. oetenneeteennone-At the residence: E. M. Cubbun, on June IS. bv the of the Wale's parents, Mr, and Mee. Rev. Thomas etermitig, Mies Lizzie Cubbon, to Mr. Thomas Fletcher, both eit So Marrs. Wnrre---Co-ntennoete-ett the reeldence of tbe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davie Creighton.Blenshardain June He by the Rev. Me. Hart, Miee Elea- nor Cneighton, to Mr. W. White. of Hibbert, Balasadsnest hsvo no efrect go, barPCAA treetvd alth 'Eureka nen OIL lk 51.5t1 dig dax.P.p. sr suit aud VI; abbr. Stitc,bes de eat trete. 15QT**0€11r- f*** teCb*f* audrus, hunts* nct ody:kceps tz-Atezlikik .121at Vge*TAl*iit;* *A Iveeeeita neeetgerelee Rnuas ,4 aircrew Leeete-ln Exeter, on Janie leth. Stele* oil Jane, beloved daughter of Mr. and Wit7 Mre, Chas. leene. aged I year. 4 • kneetiel Oil months and 9 ditete. camp* TRUMAINE-In Exeter, on Jaalle zap, Mr. Rleherd even Charles Trelainillei agell %?,''In yens* 7 mouths. ...---teenteeettee Walter Goteler was hanged at Bran- don for the murder of Chao. Paw and Jaeob Smith. William Vergercashier in the C. P. Ite. freight office et Fort William, com- mitted @Weide by drowning. NUM, lei Tel= more precious than when, Foram member of the faulty Is attacked by colic, dysentery or any bowel trouble. The doctor is alistaint hnt if Ferry Davie Pahokiller is near all danger Is soon endea. czema Idled Rea Rim= - • reerteetttsn'that burn, neatn *et . ever and over smite Mee beeeutee aunt; oven the amble, Ogee% bletteeleet, leea ey. :itraitlds4ptellaar Wiling en be areas ot el:4.14a E, Ward, Cue Point, 461-, and All ever the bealy ot Mx Otte 14'.Theeineen, Seyvtlin eh Y.; treueled .1t J. Cheletten, Mabee= rune, N.Y., erxs. years, multi. le ilictanaten, Jr, Cunt. tat it., etteen yearn Ttwsceatlerera teentee itke many °there, tbat thee went gleCally ane pernieuentiy mired by flood's Sarsaparilla whicb always removetete MIRO eczema. by thoroughly clewing the bleed, anti but:Mane the *tele ante= One's ranee:eau itver 0: DILWOOE ifilltilTURE STORE. re heated to eall uu4 beeped my ge neeertment itt Fioniture and lornishinge which I will Weer a very close priees. My eta& coo- eiste of the Au suites, Bedroom suites, Spring Mattresses, Bed- steads, Couebes, Lounges Tables, Chairs or all descrip- tions, Sideboards, Rockers, Fang Rockers, Curtain Poles and Trimmings, Sbades, Mouldings, Mirrors, Pilow Sham Holders, Hat Baas, Towel Hollers, &e., Plante let mullet', at sircehay Haley CertiegienGthearte,Expreee wag - our. Carte. Meting hone?, etet lenderteilling. ealCy it large and wen eeeort- ed 8tgek in this line. In time of need tt� not Ian to call. The above eteck Is leinght ftona the leading elanufaetorets of Canada anal nought at the eloseet miens anal our expeners are low (byte - WO edo if at priees which will empriee you. t-tiVt* US it call before ttaircbasing eleenhere. Mcisaac ON 04 actogot 01 11 tafrIble el'atia, blot -4 Comte tteatted Ito king at all diteasos t luny be eitherlserealtary oremittracledt sa white It may uot ba it erInso to bar e Omar:4 Mita ettren to p;•nult it to remain In tlat cyotetn. 11 may suaoltes elf la the Corm at $crotalt. r,tselua, stieurtuttiz pains, otlit or swollen Joints whine:mot tettetenoreetacehereateeutneacetste tee mum ,ar oa Usa tongue *aro threat, Unbar cut ot war, eeettortectoraecte end a &literal deprAssion Units's:WA, y on Itava acrid hesn symptom:a Alqu'Sszeltitet onraldt, no timo to lose. Beware el "old Soap, treatinara-bewara or :mineral polsoun- beware of Quacks and rakirs. 0114 ZIEW ISOVB013:4 TalliVrhISST Is guaranteed Wawa this diseast, never to retUrn. Bank Bonds will protect you. Our treatment la not Issjurlous in any way, but resells* the Ter" roa ort4tsece ancl eliminateu all pulsar), trona tho system symptoms of diseaso gradually dlauppaar. Thu bloodbecerilas pup:mud eu bi tha seholo van= la oleantad nd purlEbtioud *ha patient teels prepared anew or Ws duties and the pleasures or lila. 'cleans intnesitnerrsule ore SO Al 5 Yestre tIa Detroit. 250.000 Cured. - Coustilletion Free. Question Wank tor Home Treatment and Books Filtd. DRAENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. falchlgasa .1.ve., stud Shelby St, Detroit, Mich, K K K 14C .0est re!' pure blood, it brigbt eye, a clear complexton, a been appetite, a good digestion and refreshing sleep, MCP. I BRISTOL'S Sa.rsek.pexillek. It arouses the Liver, quickens the circulation, brightens the spirits and generally improves the health. SIxty-elght years trial tare proved it to be, the most reliable BLOOD purifier known. All druggists sell -BRISTOL'S." FARM IMPEMINTS WE SELL Vcrittic .• tezoi„-:‘, MANCTFACTUB,E0 BY TEE Intending Purchasers. Show THE BEST,. Farmers intending to * purchase anything in the line of Machinery should call and examine our dis. play -in fact if they consult their' interests they can't afford to pass us. We sell the Ideal Binder, Ideal, Mower, Rakes, Windmills, Etc., Etc, Rooms opposite Dr. Browning's Drug Store. W. 3. BISSETT. 'tee