HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-6-26, Page 1FIFFEENTIT YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1902. JL SANI)ERS EDTTc.)IL -, ..• - - • .1, . x - I. - .1, 7 ".." .1.-..-MOC,IPAIF-ICtVar"" .."Pr --,yr---.• -•••••• . 1 CROCIi:ER17. AND DINNEIt SETS, 97 pleees illinninated.oilt, new shade Coronation Blue English make and semertorcelitioionl.y $10J10. DINNER SET'Si 97 pieces, new ebacle,Nile Green,illuminated gilt,serol. Jun , U1 U1 very Sp R4 $10.00, ,NNE e SETS, 07 pieces. Lyndon gilt, Cobalt Blue, Hanley goods' worth more nioney,our price Sh.110. DINee'rEgt SETS', 97 pieve$, in Biue and Green colore. new _patterns. specially printed, on priee Vat). This line ties been a ounther one eeller, its value being unexcelled any. where else. e TOILR'r SETS bought at a low price in, sI des of Be, Mot, weenie. and Green.eonststing of the full 0 piece, worth Feld by Its for .. _ We have the famons tint Eagle line and spring aasortment complete throughont far (Renee uree tee. silo or can be $old seperatelote, PCOPLESTONE &CIARE)ENER. Lfocerie$ a, Speeialty. Post Office Biock 4 _ MONA? WO &OAS. Granton w''"v'4"th9itt4 "4.1T4t° fa: b ow acilth pt :miss susio inz-4* tor VEATE15.-Alkisinngit 410i, Intexpeeted 'Teat:moat tape. ttir3.1. or silfligo trope t ws loweat ride% of teterewe Reid. which eeetirred at the home of DICKSON ,& CAtirdINO, Barrietere.ctee. 'Utter. :41r• John linereet Vridene einteed a ' thelleig of prefound sell ow arid thy to pereade the +indite eaatillealitit e have A large aniceet of rrieittetesiele to Senow 'With 0146-4 M40 14' sOrtn on faria reata eatage reareritce At 4IOW her pure etnet tree urea/A mivomplain. ing clitistion fortitude bad endeared IF, W., (114.1fOtANt zuvreNttle mein street Exeter hereelf to ver,r beet t. and sympathy - Aar her redetives in their sore hereave- rinireg Maar vont. The Peneral took place to the MO Estee atel fre.eraere itecef OVID teell Vonelery on Suraday.-One of Far ztrprr1it forzgl..1 t,14 co the My fee? 1 pioneers in Neenah Knee etaretiletenereenerireee. two ne g000r0000 in tbt Iverson or lowto eilr-actectZturV•14=tii;e N7qtgA"'1-1" 31e. Win. Grant, et' died at the f ler sate. te re.:400114:0 here on Thermtlay mon. _ setceetietereit, 11:41,1; , ing at thi% ripe ola age of nevem: The The arnic,t521-.11 ficef‘ v;4,,:. fel sale that off,r;r.tie tuin.41.4.! w,11/1Ph,IV415. VelT lAMPIS-clt 14'1441' um, re fano sianaCtli al 13;1, vIALtY,in gar sqc ittqp. eta olio.; pOic0 tO tile t tra o tun reeehy. tiele fee,e, gage 4, The bee it eta 414erte. reit tel'hill CP metery On Sunday. The fittn- drtned, will friVrd :Uhl iI2014 eValena met oete ily emigrated front Alierileensiiire, etreitivetiee lime ie ea est- retinftee e teree cop tocyk b5ki., go&LI tarn mult ctt,i,r fiN,Itiimg,$, Seotlenti to this Itieality upwcnds of meta nod mu et fart' VO 14 a Cre714.el Sista' netrs ago The tieceaSeii wee a e . . e. , Se gt I t tanTiLtlat Wild “El tfa:it %C.V0.1133,14, Te;tall FO CIA presnytelean in %angina, eon ei Libeled rtramier. Appi te riavli TUtiM, it °title& lie iS fillV: ived by oee son °Otediten lizt, P.O. . int, tlattghter. IMPORTANT TO HOG RAISERS. Yon1:1r1 RaVe UtZt71V, time and feed by beeninir your pip dry and v.tan, Titre Ain 'Uwe letter zee telt Ittaltey, nate the hci: eimareriat4i4 awl he put ea fleet. We on tle eft trait very hide Lt' by erecting (Pedlcrs P.ttort). Tlie Elevated Moveable Pigs Ile& Wimple 0 r4mr,triretilah taal,o it ;et:twelves. sena seem in regletral ktor for farm rigitt certificate and plat of eenatructien Jeten Pentete Esetcr, One Pam applied fen HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE, The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable hrdel situated at, Omen, on the Landon Egad. Thin hotel !sin good condition, and is milts south of Exeter. This road is lam*, ',melted and for the right mon chances are:mailer a silletteid Widgets. There is a good stable to connection also, 11 acres of laud. Possegsion given immediately. This prolwrty ifl be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to DtessoN eluting. Exeter. On plIttlY (WTI. There strayed from the premises 0 the undersigned Lot 10, Con. 11, Stephen, on June Ilth, 3 two. year obi steers, one grey, one red and the other spot- ted red and white. Any per..on returning same or giving information that will lead to their recovery manila suitably rewarded. DAVID SfASTILNXEY.. Cretitton, 1'. 0. ESTRAY CALVE. There strayed from the premises of the undersign. ed Lot 14, Con, 5, Stephen on or about June lst, 4 yearling ealvef, two Steors' and two heifers, mostly red spotted with white. Any person giving informa- tion that will lead to their recovery wtli be suitably „rewarded. Sentems, Crediton East, 1,„ 0 WE Rippe!). :14TeSs1 S, 'Thomson, of Bbke, have nearly Completed, the stone foundathm CII Mr. R. MeMordies new house. -Mr. R. iVeMordie WitS in Tot.011f0 last week on imeiness.-Mrs. J. S. Rameay, of Lemsden. N.W.T., is vieiting with her leiother. 3Ite John Ballow, here. 3frs. Ramsay, in company with 'tees= and daughter, intoul spending some time with friends in Outatio•-ellies Jennie McLean is undergoing treatment for sore throat at Seaforth.----Miss Rota Lpsball spent a few days in Henson during the week. -As Mr. Sprott has been confined to his house by his re- cent aceident his neighbors on Tues- day, did the net of the good Samaritan by doing melds plowing. Mr Sprout is 41, ,good nelghbor, and they took. this high. appreciation of Wm. Doig, of Tuckersmith, has returned home from Detroit wbere he had been studying law and lase week passed his final examinations. His cousin, Mr.A. Doig, who had been taking the same course was equally successful and has also returned home. They will enjoy a, month's vacation when they will ote en an office for the practice of their profession at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Greenway The ladies of Grace church are bold- ing a lawn social, Friday evening, June h'itb, at Mr. D. al. Edwards, Greenway. The entertainment will be given ehiefly by the Coughlin Or- chester. of Parkhill. No time or la- bor will be spared by the ladies to 'make it a success. Tea and strawber. ries served from 6 to 8p. no -The Boa - Have 'What You ton Methodist churn garden Party was a deckled success. Proceeds e51). -Miss- Emma McPherson returned last week from Detroit to her home here. -Miss Grace Menzie, of Sarnia is Want. nice Stylish lot the gtieSt ofeMiss N. M. efePherson.- Miss Markel Ranlsay, of Ohicag-o is of HARNESS You can get the3n . . :at our store at almost any Price. • Every Ilarness - WARRANTED. CALL AND SEE THEM. 13. fl. SWEET, Treble's Old Stand Varna: Mr. John McAsh had a val- uable heavy draught horse die ohe day 1- last week. They had been using it drawbag gravel and when they quit work at night it seemed to be all righe but soon after being placed in the sta- ble it becanae sick ancl died. The lose is a heavy one for Mr. lefcAsh. Mr. B. Iliggine also had a horse clie in the asture field a few nights ago. Wilson visiting her sister Mrs, J and other friends; -Miss Bertha, Mc- Pherson returned from a visit to her flout, Mrs. Edwards, of Toronto. -Mrs. T. G. Harlton, of Exeter, called on friends laere.-Miss Merilla,Wilson, of Sarnia, is visiting friends here. -A nunaber ef people attended the picnic. to the Bend last Friday, St. Joseph • Several from this vicinity took in the excursion to Guelph, on Friday. -- Mr. john O'Brien is at present visit- ing in Riclgetown, John thinks there are some nice people living there. - Mr. Gr. Rousseau left for city of Que- bec last week to see his sieter, who is very ill. -A few men and teams are now engaged gathering stone for the government dock, which is to be built here. The titxtber is expected short- ly when a large force of men 'will be employed and the Nvork pushed rapid- ly forward. -Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Brien and Mr. and Mrs. W. Horn, of Berne, Mich, Visited friends at Brucefield last week. -Mrs. T. H. Horton and Miss Eva Stoneman, of Ilensall, spent a day visiting friends here last week. - The St. Joseph Land Improvement and Mfg Co., through its president, Dr. L. G. Ritchie, of Ottawa, made tivo :important putrchases of real es- tate on Saturday. One was 40 acres of lot 12, Lake Road West Con., from Samuel Rannie; the °thee 26 acres of a o , Lake Roacl East Con., from Benj. Charrette. lysborne Connell. Council met Ione lith. as Coact o Revision or the iteseesneent roll. .Al - the members were present. As there were no appeals the roll was cAretally revieed and tele assessment adopted. Council met for bosiness at 1.00 p. w. Minutes et the last meeting vote read and approved, 41, dtptliatiOn waited on the Council ashing for a. grant to tLe Exeter tion terounde, illoveO by .Ti Moir (no eecomler) that tne Council grant ,$•45; to the Ir. -Teter Union Burial Groundi J. Hawhies- X, Ballantyne. that no entree:the tAken in the tnatter present-Carriett The tender of the Pattemon Ellis (it Whellhan Co, to build cement con- erete abutments And ettel and cement top liridge nn coneeeelnlle 0 And coieling to speed -teatimes eidAnitted ot V70.00, railing extra, was accepted, bridge to be completed Ity August lsn Accounte autotinting to $neieete, were peened tout orders isseed in paeleent. Commil adjourned to meet July cith at, one o'eloek. 310no1ee Clerk. Blaushard PhnleY WEDPIThe eetlar$,' t110 beantithd new helm of Mr. and Mre. David Cieighton. was the ecerie ii ham June wedding, wben their daughter. Miss Mouton becenue the loide a Mr, William White, County Councillor of Ilibbert. The eCTOMOTIY W45 peoned at high noon on Weds hv Rev. Mr. Heinlerson, broth- erinilltee7 of the groom. iteetetediv Rev. Mr. Hatt in the preeenco of 120 giteete, The bride was very baeonting. ly Milted in it travelling costume et fawn cheviot. with tritnnungs to match. Little Irene Copt& and Evelyne (ha. hu ;Idea as mai& of bonito After Ip emitted koot, kid teen tivit the wedding petty adjourned to the large dimes' room, where thlWel'S in wont - Ain ad:netted the piace, and Reami. of LC(f the moot elelionete woldieg din - noes imaginable. The pents were simply exquisite, and 'beyond a doubt. far superior to tite average array, and only repreeent in a email degree the esteem in which tho bride anti Receipt ere held. Mr. and Mrs. White are epending theie honeymoon iu New tgrk eity and after otjonen of a few I ye in Ntentiee town, will teeturn to II Wen, where the groom ia eaten. vely engaged in farming. Lamm g, • pe tXew dep.; in town dueling the week•-haliae Fitzeraid has esigned her position as eulnielis.-Miss Lillian Breithwatite, of Loudon, epent a tew (lays in the vil- lage last week. -We are pleased, to vote that Moe T.F. Fox, B.A., bee been iippoluted lecturer in Oriental Lan- guageti in Trinity University. MnIrox is to be eon raid:dell upon having been aeconle such MI 11111/Ortallt pose tion in one of the leading Univereities of our couutrie-The elassmates of aLiss Flossie Thomas were entertained at the rectory on Friday evening. A most pleasant evening was epent by all. Miss Flossiehi friends took advant- age of the occasion to show their re- spect for her by presenting her witb a souvenir spoon. The presentation was made by 'Mr. Win. Tier, Mokeand was gracefully responded to by Rev. ELA.Thoinas and also by Miss Flossie. -Reeve McComb; who has been very ill, is recovering and able to be around again. A. complete est from business and .a trip are expected to restore him to has usual good health. -The sympa- thy of the community is extended to Mr. Wilson Stewart, in the loss sbe his sustained through the death of her father, Mr. Wm. Grant, who died at Granton on Thursdayeat the advanced age of 87 years.-Tbe members of St. Patrick's English church intend hold- ing- their annual picnic in Mr. Thos Dickens' grove, Lot 10, Con. 4, Bid- dolploon July ist.-The funeral of the infant soli of Mr, and Mrs Hugh Cer- ro' took place to St. james' cemetery oe Wednesday. ATTENDED OttlJECII„ -The members of Irving Lodge No. 154, Ale& A..M., accompanied by members from Exe- ter, Porkhill and elsewhere, attended divine worshipin Holy Trinity Church, here on Sunday afternoon last. About sixty members were hi. attendance and forming ett the hell marched to the church where Bro.Rev. Thomas preach- ed an able, eloggent and inspiring dis- course. ACCIDENT. -On Thursday, last week, when Messrs. E. Slack and W. Perley were driving from Ailsa Craig to Ln - can they were overtaken by a severe thunder storm. The occasional strokes of lightning served to intensify the succeeding clarknees, and when about three 'miles west of the village, the horse swerved from the beaten road- way and capsized the buggy and its occupants into a gravel pit. Mr. Pa- ley escaped uninjured, but Mr. Slack had his collar bone broken. The brok- en bone was set and he is notv progees, sing favorably. The horse was unin- jured but the buggy was a total wreck. DEATHS. -Mies Annie Wells, forMer- ly of this place, but now of Stratford, whohas been ill for some time and was undergoing treatinent in Port Huron, died there on Saturday. Her remains were brought to Luean Sta- tion on Tuesday morning, last week, and buried in the family plot at St. Patrick cemetery, Biddulph, ehat fore- noon. Several friends and relatives from Stratford and St. -Marys were present at the funeral. Her mother and sister have the greatest sympethy of the many friends in this locality. -- It is our sad duty this week to chron- icle the death of another pioneer of this village in the person of Mrs. Car- oline Scott, who passed away on Mon- day in her 73rd year. Deceased had been very low for the past few weeks and her death was not unexpected. The funeral took place from her late residence on Wednesday to the Holy Trinity church for service, thence to Centralia for interment. teae er in the school In our southern Winclielsea Zuriett I Mr. ()Jilts, Dee Miss Clark, or Len-, Mies Mithel Beedee phtreitt, hi the rief4q.ettomrii,nrifiteirtolleorwolhilii?ogiine'io.";ebitivsivai! don. is vting frieuels in our beagle,- guest of hie. and Mrs. Richbeil.-Mr. anweirtiliEltli!:-::mnaiaritliu)schlt:;:asanislittoeeoi joirtat._ed;rhuh:iri:gtosia.eirlf; litievE! iftebtlheoctisehIltaf.ihetdelixet.le...tt3e,h.'oselit"):„Liottwic:Ifnatttillooenusieaoliteoli:;ivathearxes night last was 4 grand stiecess.me pro. men, visited fineries in olielleo Heron served. The wedding gifts were well ceede amounting to $25. The program and Tavistoch during the weelo-(f. ect.cretie vialaziNee "n4 1,_1?ef,111 and in ade wao epprecititive,,-Mee James Rosseati. or St. Joseph, is spending at .7"°"`,„'"a tuasii "1"11 tuts iuealitY came Redo ntoviel to Exeter Monday. Me. few days in queliee, atteml to his 411" '4 °I.trnt (P* 41t, S towel arid Men - •esseasesee pink roses. Ernest Unit/Were wos the sister, „who eineeeeeesit, oto nono, Itoba. Brussels Methodist Sabbath, sbeerafforrotmh itetrewkitetle._»(!seiclis4t,mbeorealcue$,Lt leen and see), Lorne, or Ilattuotionat., here. --Mies Itella of Zorra towns,hip, is watch eu the hralei, and a eeheid Of POfit 1111P011, i$ visiting her relatives bberrareeerieditswhe.ntTitotenigee:oindeeshuelasit7:: are visiting friends here. She left here visiting ber tutele„ Mr. Awn Ehnee.--- jcsio is a good citizen aod will be nilesed be his ninny' friends hoe. viTuitt wm be our lose, however, will be Extents gain,-Mra, X A. McColl-, Iowan, small girt about twentyithrve mist /411, and Mes•Fiekbeiner left theeameevere, e -ears 0,g0, and was pimil at echool on visit. -F. Hoes de Son nre turning inh far Weddling trip to Niag41-4 FAN to Mr. Moneta Wing. She see$ many ont zt one tills4 nwurxgtrtaieerytuan and other point& of interest before re. changee, lint recograiees matey of her fir VitIceffeldee-MMAihert Rose Is gm, Willing to them home in Sebringville_ old, echool inatee. She in a niece of llued to her bed throegh anti ThrY r'ire.$ with them the heart)? head Hiroo, Brawn. who ehe is at present under the doetoris care, as is also Mr. wishes of many far their baPPinees vielting.-Me, John Delbridge $ new Fred Hess, Sr.- hfr. Edigboffer has t nd litosPeeitY.' house le ready for the Oa -tem. -Mr. R. returned to his home in Itilalae-Rev. Deihridge is erecting a cement silo on Father Courtole, of Dover Stmth.visits Vgliorne esley fleywoint lost at the Souble line tor a few days last Uri W. Piriretnilei of the 4th cow. the faint reeentlyerclutsed front Ur. ed several itf hie former periehioners , o„ volualite horse the other day. While weeke-Mie Courad moved the cessiaihilss been made itt a pectie paettwitig In the field with otherluirees engiue tionse to hie farm Tinned:tee waY* Or Ye4" Pincinithe •• h- IL 1 it bad blood 111$,501: ruptured And int a . . T. to eel the held at the homeior 311se Lydia Eciebier. on Monday evening. July Sinn Peitz Is buy doing some worle on his farm that he remit- parehased en the Bronson line, - The eloquent palpitoratonR.eveFiteher McMenamin of amtou gave a Wry intereeting lecture- .in the Cietholic ehurch mrTueetlay evenhig.-Aira. The re .ular meeting of the W. V. as 'etn to ns ply soakage. consemzeutly It was dis. reitilt died He also lost a fine sleee of a well w lel) wire no $ ri the satate (hi y through ileath. His loss , • -P p rite. $ is about Stitt, agreeable ite a$ unhealthful. De- termined to remedy matters if pose sthie Mr. Pineotnbe (lecided to pro. care the- services of iltr. Sroale, who J . 0. S'etei:Velie (fareerly CrAIM eweeare,terreteeteillreir. Notary, ifeonarygoicer tleVer fulls in locating a epring. to Ureter to le:at-Eerier. oei, Sifik n well. The evork Was done and .7111:FS Petty spent Wednesday at a depth a 6111 feet an eeeeelleelt In Seeforrie-Mrs. Blair spent 4.1 foni ->;ttitiers and her M. Eddie, are visit- sPting was struck* tbe water lituthinit weeko-Mre, C. hes returned after poor to leatihig for Reeter wheee &Mart t 1.1Q b011tlits time teltrick spentlinott few doe s with 31tre J.Dines will melee her 1' 14 triune.- 31te ihehteetah'ii eamitiers his f irra daie leippete-iiiiss Cando Wright, Snell. Small of hoe\ improving hie 4'13 °iten ule'vd„to the extent of of Niagare Valle, is visitiug at G. v. term lay potting a flew wire felize, Ktgl hY the lieW Bette& - Moe James Taylor, Of Iht ateuttil IL The posts were driven Ire ronto„ opeat fewilates in town dining 31e, Snider. of TtiShWintil„ with a urbisley, the wee---311en Ca% demo, of Lotalane , delver. Dere likes to have thinge "%Ye ore ple.tt;.-N1 to note that 3InJohri kdays with Rippett friends during the log the formeee. eonsfm, 5/p., I), Snell, in in aliondenee. F, 0 Inneli 60 flint t is ving Mende in town. --The an- , right tronce eieaninations is Whig, held !tete week' it is one wed thitY eGoielbeeerts'oiratit:neria'eatsion°11iesriteedethrienait this 1'. t?,.. -Mie John 1,Vessatiller has to encool the iletth of Levi Ila- • lute been ;attending tilt,. Ltillatill Well" Intl:Wed in the Broneon returned home ihoin lenolon ;Volubly,. .11 fully teeevered from his eevere ontaek machete of the Goshen Liue, Hay, who riwely and will :tome I;e a le to *edam of plea wile -Arnold Metteithine Min died on Thanzelity List. Ins 1'011141111S 1 ti sit4:01/11:11;31?,1142141z:v11:ile247 hirtye IT rttbies leginte, k rending a few days with cemeteey on Saturday, the funeral bee his parents Iterte-Mre. F. MeDonell ing largely attended. He leaves it 'reih,e,..„11A/noteeilli-enlit'oPrianiii`coinb-itswel,)selleoeilit! and chilthen are visiting friends in widow arid growa up family tu mourn ;Jo -7,8"r tici:ieno, crewel was teiTinene -Mies Diane t Petty. ot Toronto, Is ADDRESS AND PDCSIfeMeTtfele.---The Uri, J. elitism ,ivere the gnests of MC. Detroit. flier will remain seine tone, hie demise. iteel all reporteN it good time.-31reind visiting her brothteeeitud ether friends eluieuee, toe doer, seihieleo leviuhd and Mrs. Tilos. Gilbert on Titursdeev. it) ;mil atound thinerill.--Rev. J. S. e1 as and sy.e.T.17. rriwoteci miss DRATti op Um Itanurf,d04,,...1346 Henderson was in Toronto last week Laura Williams with t unfollowing ad- week it becomes our Onty to recerd Attending the General Assembly of dpesst the death of 3.1r. N. Morgan. who thed Presbyterian ehurch.-J. C. Clausen rear 314s tit 1118 'home eone ssi 111 'was in Liettion last week to represent le h h.. tentiliarg. tile synod et the Diocese of /osin • tire C,1 tier erre faithful werittre aa e titer tinder the auspices of -the, ornopmen, e on s vial. St. Ptitire churl.% ;se a lay delegate to eneligeteleeltiiti•ihi goet trooriisieltlettie isiotieon Sunday laet, tool was buried on the See el.--Ittev. W. Doherty Wats it theteou areetouttliithe ue. w • ted ant he are Toesdan the funeral being 'colidneted Hum at teindon last week. -M as 'S. oeueevecelotretseeriee Ttt----------------------- T,tivos. ifhe bereaered widow h'11444'w' ,atd' "3 i! Iand family have the eympathy of the Cook, whp has been on 011 exteneed (decor near. es Preetfue el Vbe Ali!anfte Y611 V $ tO *len+ S 1111( reloitieed lit Stmt., lave pmven mast entriceth• wortar, atel eel; love cortitutntity. tr f 1 I ford nod seboogville. bos teve raitiouinifemeant ef theater. I'd us eurnett er so min .bablath behmd Oars fed that wo Clandeboye, ed bOlUe 4tttor tokiug dip101110. At 11"4.'t ht4eQtwi. w.c.'2'.1% krxv4 its laP. Me. James Glebe, of litielditne bailee again.-Rov McCoy Juts return- are losing keine tenter. eel hal won the tare - the Commercial College, London, Leo to.1,oar eanteLt cOrns as Prcrident, ant ue oni naino o, few (loos with jell& where he has beef* in attendauce for ,ifelfl,etcliFtgeliirienc:illtr,litc,i'aitivill:i111114.171f1II:.utervali;rtwtliftitiVit (br.) 8116.011 S-1;41A-ili Wale MOntbS.--A nutuber front here spending his itolidays illichignia.- Guelph last 11t,'1. 1110 asseesnient or took in the excursions to Detroit and, ei Yee ea neer this tra srnitc WI D' ITMe611414 I 14131" Thill'AtY'—:110 1" Fted. Piutt' is Mr. Ben Seals, of St. hittrys, spent a Ifensall is '8220,850.-W, 3.1eCovayh(ans, wselaiTice 0. tom 014,0 tra,.., t ,ez,dlit:ir,itaiti.c,,d a fioit doe's with his Parents hese- -Ain diepoeed of his pOny to James ts 1 tenpin lifelmav tegewitinlietIo9'lf r""' cknil tee,ollins bas his netv barn twenty conn. and purchased another one. -Our Odd ' ' ' " elm 1 a NrEp,m, vi.e.eae pleted.-The famous Bell Ringers evill Fellows intend shortly to put, in some Miss IDA WELL, ViA:e•Pris. nen' upholstered furniture, width will add to the comfort and appearance of their halL-Miss Nicolls, of London, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Urquhart H. Reyuolds is raising a portion of his house which adds greatly to its ap- pearance. He bas also put a handsome fence in front of his property. -The Christian Endeavor conyention which WS to have been held in Myth last week luts been postponed till Septette - ben -A. elraerberry sociol, under the guests. rhe bride was attired in a give an entertatnment In the Metho- Worrosions.-Weeteetars.-A very (list church on Fritlay evening next.- pretty wedding took place at. the res- A game of football will be played be- dence of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williatn, tween Dentield and Clandeboye on OO Wednesday afternoon, Ante 18th, Thursday evening for the champion - when their eldestdaughter, Miss Laura ship of illiddlesex.-Mrs. Thomp- Charlotte, was joined, in theholy bonds son, of Calgary,N.W.T„ whip has been of matrimony to the Rev. If. White- visiting friends in this vicinity for sides, of the Montreal Conference of the past few days bas retiuned borne. the Methodistchtweb. The ceremooy St James church held their annual was performed by the Rev. Yaeger, m strawberry festival on Thursday even - the presence of a large nuraher of Ing -Mi Mellhargey, of Stratford. was in two last week. -Mrs. Picket, of Chatham, is visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. Cunningham, here. --Miss Eva Collins is away spending her holidays. anspieea of the Womee's ..ktlxilitu7 Of St. Pears churcb, wilrbe held in the skating ring on Thursday evening, July 3rd.-A1iss Annie Johnston has returned from London, where she has been for the past seven months. -Mrs. Babcock, of Stratford- is visiting her son, Mr. G. N. Babcock, here. REAM OE jokiN Ponn.-It is with sincere regret we chronicle the death of jobst Pope, merchant tailor, of this place, which occurred after midnight on, Wednesday,18. Mr.Pope had been ailing for some timobut not sufficient- ly to cause him to leave his business, About the middle of last week, how- evenhe was obliged to take to his bed, but had improyed sufficient to be able to walk around on Sunday. On Sunday night he became worse and gradually sank despite tfie most -careful efforts of his physician, wife and friends. His constitntion, never 'robust was gradu- ally worn out by confinement and loug hours incident to his business. He was a good citizen, well liked by all who Montreal Annex'Mr. Whiteside has bad business or social relations with been pastor of thet church, and during him and his unexpected death has his brief pastorate has completely won awakened a strong chord of sympathy the love and admiration of his congre- for his bereaved wife and five children, gation. At a meeting held to bid fare - all of them quite young. The deceased. well to the old pastor and welcome the was born in Plattsville, Ont., of Ger- new one, Mr. Whiteside was present - man parents on September 5, 1864, He ed with an envelope containing a learned his trade, tailoring hi that handsome sum. Mr. and Mrs. White - piece and from there moved to Dash- side left on Monday last for Toronto, wood about 17 years ago, where in where they took the boat for the about a year he was Nveddecl to Miss Thousand Islands and other points of Mary Ellen Grebiel. He remained in interest. A reception awaits them At Dashwood for about six years, when he came to Hensall, rebutting to Dash- wood over five years ago; where he did business for a couple of years, but at the earnest solicitation of his old friends returned to Hensalesince which, he had been steadily improving his business. He was a member of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist church and took a warm interest in its welfare. Ile was also an active member of the Canadian Order of For- esters and also of the Zurich Lodge, A. F. & A. M. He was just in the prime, of life, being in his 38th year. The funeral took place to the Tiode4erville cemetery on Friday under the auspices of the Zurich Lodge, A.F. & A.M., and the 0.0.F, and was largely attended. The deceased held a certificate for $1000 in the 0.0.F. eautaful costume of white silk and presented a most cbartning appear- ance. She was attended by her sister, Miss Ethel, while the groom was sup- ported by the Rev. Chris. Baker of the Wesleyan College. The bride has for many years taken an active part in church work, being Presidene of the Young People's Alliance as well as of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, of this place and has been an active Sunday school teacher. She has also been a member of the choir since its organization. The Y.P.A,, the choir and the W.0.T.1.1. presented her with at magnificent silver tea ser- vice, together with an address, expres- sive of her many services. The esteem in which the bride is held fomad ample expression in the many handsome and nsefnl presents which she received. The groom •gradnatecl from the Wes- leyan Theological College, and since the death of the Rev. Mr. Aline of Fairmount Avenue Methodist churcb, the home of the groom in Metcalf, whence they will prouend to their new home at Hudson,Que. The good wish- es of a host of friends follow them to their new home. Illnentelonna.-The following tak- en frein the Brussels Post of last week thus refers to two former residents of tlais place. "At the comfortable resi- dence of Mrs. T. Maunders, South of 13russels, a very pleasing and happy matrimonial engagement was entered into Wednesday evening at 6,15 o'clock when Rev. Jno. Holmes, Methodist minister, tied the nuptial bew between Rev. Chas. Finkbeiner, pastor of the Evangelical church,Sebringville,Perth Co., and Miss Lizzie, second daughter of the hostess. Ceremony was per- formed on the lawn under an ever- green arch from which a floral bell was sespended. The bridelooked charm - Clinton: While erausing himself on ing in a very becomingcostume of a raft, on Andrew's pood the other white organdie and carried a hognet day, Harold, son of Mr. Albert Mor- of roses. She was attended by Miss re% fell in the water, but beyond the Davie, of Toronto, who was tastefnlly &irking he got experienced no harmattired in blue organdie and carried • • Crediton Mr. Wm. Brown has returned from. Detroit after a very pleasant visit - Our town boys are using the flax -mill grounds in which to play base ball. - We are pleased to state that Miss Lily Huston is steadily recovering from her recent illness. -Mr. August Hill hae purchased a new driving horse. -Mr. Henry Eilber, M. P. Pe and. Mr. Jacob Heist have returned from Muskoka Lakes, after an excellent eating among the wilds of Ontario. Mr. Heist aston- ished his old comrades by his healthy appearance and seems to have taken anew lease of life. He says he will go deer shooting in the fall, but hisfriends are doubtful if he will keep his promise. -Mr. and Mrs. john Winer, of Morris- ton, are visiting relatives in the village. -Mr. Matthew Morlock has given his verandah afresh coat of paint. -Straw- berries have been sold in the village the past week at seven cents per quart -Mr. Wm. Lewis has returned from Parry Sound District after a successful fishing tour. -Mr. Joseph Heist is hav- ing a cement floor laid in his barn. - Mr. Thos. J. Amy, who was hurt at a raising last week, is rapidlyrecovering. -Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Damn) attended the camp meeting services in Carrick, the past week. R,ev. Staebler and Mr, Gottleib Brown occupied the pulpit in the morning and everting last Sunday during his absence. ---Rev. C. W. Brown, of Exeter, preached two excel- lent sermons in the Methodist church last Sunday. -A strawberry festival was held on the Methodist church - grounds last, Tuesday night, The ladies took active part and made it a splendid success. The funds collected will be placed towards paying the ex- penses of painting and otherwise reno- vating the interior of the church.- Mr, Chris Zwicker, traveller for The Mc- Cormick Manufacturing., Co., of Lon- don, is fast recovering his health and will soon be able to take his grip again. -Cue board sidewalks are an a dis- graceful condition and it is high time that something was done to repair them. -Toolay is Stephen's Civic hole - day and a good turniout is expected. Splendid prizes will be paid to the suc- cessful ones, who will compete in the various sports in Grand Bend natl.:. Let everybody come and make this day, the day of all days. • • eeheeeee.enei