Exeter Advocate, 1902-6-12, Page 8e • El A lovely lot of swell, new seiting , cloth for Ladies. All the rim ehades, including the new .dawn geey, Ste M RE 0 it Ti One divorce case out of 470 marriages warts. I 1 , in the United States is not so had after _____„e„ an. le shows the patience of the other • 08,1,1 and. see us at our new quarters, NORTH OF MOWS DUO STU& We have greatly enlarged our stook of gureeds, Juitinp. Colting$ Paging; etc. so that we have now some natty and up-to,date lines to choose from. We can satisfy the most critical. REMEMBER TEE STAND. W. W. TAMAN Merchaut SCIENTIFIC RYE SPECIALIST SMITH ••TnaIRMTVIS •178 women. The an who thinks he hos married an angel may consider libuself try fortunate if she turns out to be only a, good coon.. Mr. Weeper, manager of the Ati, mill. Exeter North, raised the freme work of; new barn on Tuesday, . number or halide from the town tresist- beg. D. 'V.. Dish° Baldwin will adminis- ter the eete of ontirmation inTraott Memorial churela, to -night tTivarsday) et 8 o'clock. All are very cordially invited to attend. The Canadian Gazette of Sanarda contains an official proclamation. ea - ling on all subjects to observe June 20, Coronation Day, as a, dey o rejoichlg. A royal salute will be fired from all sae luting statimes at 12 o'cloele noon that day. Work of remodelling the building for the new Sovereign Bank on tile Eaet side of Main street has been commenced aud will he pushed to a finiela as e.apielly a possible in order to have it ready for occupariey by July 1st. A union meeting of the directore of the South Huron and Stephen & horue Agricultural Societies will be held at Hensall at 1 o'clock on Sato. day. June 14th, to make ateongemente for the fall show to be held this year at liensall, Owing to the threatening condition of the weather on Saterday the Ieaak Walton Fishing Club was not largely represented at Grand Bend. and the each waS, equally limited, the lake he. BB AT THU— .. big too rough and the weather too eold and disegreeable for river fishing. COMMERCIAL ItIOUSE EXETER An advertising inornal, 1» »nswer" ing and haqoiry says; "Copy for copy, advertising in a country news - Two days mely paper is worth more thou in a City •••••••••••••••..PM t daily because it is more likely to be FRIDAY awl SATCIWAY, TUNE 201k Gild 21st seen bee every rile. the paper being s*naller eontalnmg less maUer and Call early and avail yourself of his being read with more deliberation:, MeSSI,S. Handfeed Elliott eliipped cerloal horees to Winnipeg on 'Wed.' nesday. Among the munher was as tearof metres muselinstel front Mr. valuable servtee, as this is a rare o portunity to have your eyes proper tested free of charge. No guess work, , but a eeientitie certainty. Diffienit cases aceuretely fitted. Au. worm , John Ovenoof McGillivray, and it may ouaneeerunte •' he eafelly said that the equal of this seauldng team has never been ehipped A 141111»eet Arlinelel Eyes »44e41 from this station. They were pure to our stook. To Tcricaere alai c anaKates. • The 11i1,1 Selieol Ent ranee Examine- - lions in Vt est Huron -krill be held on the 25th, 20th and 27th of a nue' as pre- viously announced. This will prevent any inconvieuce to pupils from the ' rural schools. T. P. Smith coming. If you, have defective eyesight clon,'t foil to eonselt with T. P. Smith, the re.9eed, Eye Spechtliet, of Elora. who will be at the Oonimereral House, Exeter, on June 20ter and 21st, ,,See in meatier column. : no Ovona Specialist eye, ear, nose and throat, • will be at the Commercial Hotel, on theist and 3e4 Fridays of each laantb, spectacles and eYeglassea fitted. Many derangements a the uervons and di- gesttve systems eve due to errora of re- fraction. Exemmion to SarillA. Wingham I. 0. O. F, bee neede ar- rangements to run their big annual meter excursion to Sarnia, ami De triot on Saturday. Jane 21, from. Hilo mediae and pomts along the line. Returning a special train laves Sar- nia at 10 p, M.. on June28, ronin through to Kincardine. The fare from firucebeld and Kippen is 51.20; chil- dren half ram The train leaves the points along, the line abeut the time of the regular early morning train. Wedded in norcltester, Very quietly did Mr. Talbot, of Trill - 1 hot's Beam-, hie himself away on Nion- ' day on a very interestiog trip. Theve was nothing to indicate that anything AllattS4141 Was about to happen but nev. ertheless it didand we have stew learned that Mr. Talbot has joined the army of hettedieta having token as his lite companion lies Clem L. Ceockett, an esteemed young lady of Dorchester. It is wispered to the Au. VOVAT4 that on Wedneedity the toys. tic words were said that marked the transference from liacheliorhood to marriage bile:a Congratulations Will. Centici I Proceedings, Council met at call or Reeveat Town Ilall, June Oth, all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirm- ed. Hording—Wood—I hat the follow, ing accounts be passed end orders drawn onTreasurer for same; • Dyer eatery as aesestt-or SithOlk doe Truant officers list Slur,: S. Handford 1 lerhor SIO11; 8, leaskerville, do., SielOt, R Thos. Hatteraloo$11.7O:Thos. Yieelater, " do., elteld; Jas, Perseus. do.. fie1,75; Jae. 1 t web freight on gaeelana, lake; AV. maine ,$: Snelhelectric light to June ht. S8O24; James Creech. expenses Lng giPironfert(rd ilArigmetaltolioniC t %01-15 elerleile= waders for al cords gravel for skk. evalkeo—Carried. Davie—Wood—that the SUM of SUM be granted the cele. bration etlitiraittee re Deelaration of Peace—Cerried. Wood—Harding-- that commit adjonen to Friday, June lelth at 7.30 p. no— Carried. O. IL Diesiera (lea, Drowned In Brantford. The following from the Brantfind Expositor of Jnne find, contains the sad news of the rwaffle; of Mervin Sinaloa son of 3fr. Frank $mak', a for- mer well know resident of Exeter: The (mend river bas claimed another victim. Yesterday afternoon 31erein Sande. the 15-yeerold son of Frank Smale, former polisher at the Verity plow work„,,,onot who m1(.1060/I Brack street. Iva his life while he was swim- ming in the river near the residence of Mr. Julius Waterons. Tim unfor- tunate boy was in the company of sev- eral small boys, :who were bathing. The ethere have not much to tell of the sad affair. It appears that Swale got beyond his depth, aunt that per - tips he took as cramp. In any event be was not a strong swimmer, and he made no outcry for assistance. The other boys saw bis strnF,gling, and they realized that something must be wrong. They gave the alinen as soon as they could. The accident occurred about a quarter after four and the par - neuters of it were telephoned to the fireman abouta, quarter of an hour la- ter. They took the lifeboat and a par- ty consisting of Chief Lewis and Fire- men Whetmore,Petit and Taylorgrap- • pled for the body and recovered. it af- • ter abont ten minutes. The utmost efforts were made at restiscitation,and for about four hours willing hands did all that was possible to do in the hope of obtaining some indication of life in the body. From the bank of the river the body was taken to the resitInce of Mr. Writerons and from there to the boy's home. The deceased was well known to at great many petiole in this city, and he had made many 'arm friends. At one time be was employed in the office of Earley &Sweet, and at another in the G.N.W. telegraph of- fice. Lately hedtas been employed at Russell's, where he was learning the trade of baking. He was a manly boy and the news of his sad end will be re- ceived with sincere regret. IROOMOVVOIMINAIWOOV4740,071 t PERSONAL. e4s434'..A.:A41rniep"faferde2416446a8tisall, visit: Mrs. G Miners last week. ebesed for the Ogilvie Milling Co..' of Wirinine,, at a cost of 84(X' l and ia atilretinienereeteaterfrin I weighed tritie pounds. It pays to raise 0 DOINGS geed stock. it * A geutleman from Goderieb bad Nessatteese,* never stopped at a big modern hotel ••••5•••••••••••••140••••••, , until he vielted Toronto recently. , After going to his room he wanted a suits at Stewart's, I Soule soaps 1» EcTi.. reallY-m3" atria of water and on looking around o find some saw the worts opush wiee for water' under a button lu Don't expect credit for doing your the wall. Ile pushed twice, then bell duty, an empty glass under the button, and Blank note and receipt forms at the in that position the bell boy foetid Advocate. him when be arrived with the water. A. politician and a poor workman Pass the greeMa always blame their tools. It i$ difficult to Imagine a better bah * Last week was enumeration week anced seleethm of domestic matter at the Exeter post office. than is rowel in the July Delineator, The most unlovable creature in the adapted as it is to the trfing •deeds of world is a fretting person. For promisory note and receipt forms call at the Advocate office. rse Dix Little Liver Pills, The best in the market. Sold by C. Tiatz, Exe- ter. hot weather. ilonsewrves will ap- preciate, especially the suggestions contained in Summer Salads and Cheese Lishes. the chapter on mayone liaise, the recipes for preparing elm!. ries, and the directions for hot weath- er beveragea In addition is an ar. The trusting shoe dealer is the man title useful at any season on braising, who gets beaten out of his boots often- frying and sauteing meats. est, If it wasn't for the word "toenorrow" the delinquent would have a very poor excuse. Two weeks in a vocation seems like a very short period, but it is a, long time in jail. The elock makers are the direct congratulations of all the students in cause of more strikes than any other breaking the record as the best student class of workmen. who ever atteuded. Ile has not decid- For lame back and derangements ed whether. he will come home or ac- ofpm the kidneycent a position down in the South. In s use Dix Kidney, '' the meantime his friends here will feel Sold. by C. Lutz, Exeter. like offering their congratulatioue. The annual meeting of the South Huron Farmers' Institute was held in The following members of Advance Henseli on Saturday last. Council. No. 2117, R.T.of T., were elect- ed to office on Monday evening: Se - Some things never grow old; the Vice - most noticable of which are yom,_""is lea Councilor, T. H, McCallum; Councillor, Airs. E. Follick;RecaSeey, ladies who are not married. Annie M. Vincent; FinaSecretary,May When a man begins resting before Gill; Treas., Peter Frayne; Chap., Mrs. he gets tired he never gets tired enough Brooks; Herald, Ed. Dignan; Dep. Her - to kuow what real rest is. aid, Ida B. Gillespie; Guard, Thomas Collingwood; Sentinel, John Arakins; Organist, Pearl Rollins; Press Report- er, Mrs. Elliott.—The Teumlars are thinking of holding their annual picnic in the nearfuture and would be pleased to see as many members at our next meeting as find it convenient to be present to discuss the matter. A.M. VINcENT, Rec. Sec'y. The frientts of -Czar Rains will be pleased to learn that he graduated last week from the "Illinois Photographic College." Czar broke the record of the College by graduating In shorter time than any student svito ever at- tended the Caege. He received the • It is said thnt the Chicago packers use everything of the pig but the squeal. Why not use that in making phono- graphs. The Independent and Canadian Or- der Foresters will unite in attending James street Methodist church on Sun- day morning next. The London Free Press of Saturday contained an excellent picture of Victoria Daily Chronicle of June 1st Sergt-Major John T. Westcott, who is says:—Amongst the visitors at the Par - now on his Ivey to attend the corona- liament Buildings yesterday were Mr. tion. and Mrs. Joseph Cobbledick, of Exeter, Rev. A. L. Russell, a former popular Ont., who are returninvia, Victoria . . astor of James street Methodist from a short. visit m California, - and church, was last week elected presi- dent of the. London Methodist semi- ference. A cigiusette is a little roll of paper, tobacco and drugs, with a little bit of fire on the front and a fool on therear. It is rteVerknowri to precede anything but a fool. The Synod of Huron will meet in London on Teesday next and among other important questions to be con- sidered will be that of the admission of --woi n en to vote at vestries. the Southwestern States, Mr. Cobble - dick carries on grain -buying business in the East, and. -in looking through the exhibit of grain and other agricul- tural products, was much impressed with their general excellence. The oats he thought were not quite so good as some of the selected samples of his own -province, but he states that no- where has he seen such fine wheat as is found amongst the exhibits from Chilliwack in the collection here, This was exceptionally good, and led him to make many enquiries regarding London,Free Press:—Mr. and Mrs. that district, which he may possibly Thomas Reyeraft, of East London, visit as he passes on homeward bound. spent Sunday at Exeter, with ..Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Cobbledick are guests at Reyeraft's father, who was severely in- the Dominion hotel. jurecl recently in a runaway accident. Apprentice Barber Wanted. A union service of the Presbyterian A young man to learn barbering, ap- and Main street Methodist churches was held in the fortner church Sunday morning last and in the latter in the • evening, conducted by Rey. W. AL ply to A. ITASqINGS, Exeter. Girls Wanted. • • Three girls wanted by the 25t,h day of June to go to Menitoba,for kitchen, • Turkish Sealp Food relieves dandruff dinmg room and cook. Wages:— itching of the scalp, promotes growth Kitchen, $12; dining room, $15; cook, $25 per month. Must be healthy and - of the hair, restores grey hair to its strong, Apply early (so that arrange - natural color. .It is anelegant dres- ments can he made) tegfor tbe heir- Try it. Sold 1)y C. •tits, Bgetes- to a R Sanders' ii.13VoCATE Office, Exeter. Some very nifty netv wool carpets ust opened at Stewart's, and the values are jrist a little better than regule Miss Tapp left, on Tuesday for Al- bion, Mich., to visit her uncle. Mr. W. S. Heaanau spent yesterday (Wed.) in London on business. Mr. J. W. Broderick, of Goderich, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. T. W. Hawkshaw, of London, Spent Sunday with friends in town. Mrs. John Mallett, jr, who has been quite ill for several days,is recovering. Rev. D. M. and Mrs. Ramsay and child, of Ottawa, are visiting friends in town. -- Miss Martha Butt, of Kippen, spent a few days last week visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Yoe, of flohnesville, were the guests of Mrs, J. V. Crocker last week. Mrs. W. J. Heathen and Miss Gertie Hicks left Friday last to visit friends in London. Mrs. H. Glanville, of London, is vis. iting friends in town, the guest of her mother, Mrs. Stve.et. Mr. Thos. Sanders, of Walkerville, is spending a few lsoliclays with friends in and around Exeter. Miss Talbot, who has been engaged as clerk in Talbot's Bazar, has return- ed to her home in London. Want a pair of good, easy fittingMr. Frank Snell left Monday morn Kirig ullity. sboes„, Stewart h,as big, for St. Marys where he has ac- - cepted a situation as bar teeder at the ac - thein for yo0. • Ontario House. Mrs. R. Sehlon, of Ingersoll, s tting at Mr. Geo. Sam well's, 31r. 4,ind Mrs. and Miss Triek, clinton, visited at Air. Co. Sainwell's last week, I Reeds. Brown and Anuyara have I returned from attending the Methae i dist canference held at Sarnia, A Mr. P. Bawelen, and daugbter, of 'Devonshire, England, are expected to arrive here teenorrow. (Friday). Me. Edgar Willis accompanied a . shipinent of horses to Winnipeg Wed- needay. Ile intends reninining in that city. Aire. (Dr.) Thompson, of fioinor, l'ilich, and Mrs. John Thompson. of London, spent Sunday here the guests of Mrs. Wm, Hawkshaw, -7kIrs, Larson. nee Miss Beinmeornbe. and child. of RillarneY., Man, arrived here Fridoy last, and will visit friends Iand relatives here for a few tveekte. Mr, P. Bearden and 3Ir. T. B. Gras ham. of Ridgetown, were the guests of Mr. -and Airs. Jos. Bawdeo Monday. They leftTuesday morning for Mitch- ell, Mrs. Telt, who has been visitieg friends in and around Exeter, tti e guest Of her sister, Chas, eat..4 leaves toelay (Thutaday) for her home near Walkerton. Mr, John Farmer will !ewe jitly 1st on a trip to the North West Territor. les where he will be one of syndicate to purchase lerge tract of land in the prairie provtuce. Mr 8, and Mrs. Martin and son rind daughters, Wilbur and 141ila, and Mies Thornpeon. attended the wedding of Mr. Talbot to Mies ch,ackett, of Dor- cheater yeetmeloy (Wednesday.) Mr. Geo. Edwards and Mr. Henry Bale, a Cardiff, Wales, brother and brothee.leelaw respectively of Mrs. jas, Walters, arrived here Monday morn, 1 ing and intend visiting for eonee time, I B. CeNeil and 5. Lang left on Sittorday last 00 an extended pleasure trip of SeiTral weeks dura- tion. Before returning they win en to Denver, Colorada, and return home try way of British Columbia and Nan. itoba, Ur. John BIliot, of Nelson, B. Co spent Monday at his home here, leay. lug again Tueethy morning for New Yotk, and from there will sell for Lon. don where be will combine Wetness with pleasure. He intends visiting other Europeau cities before returning -011.1c=em Loyally Celebrated; IerGIO The citizens of Exeter did honor to the occasion of celebrating that most memorable event, the Declaration o Peace and end of the war in South At. ilea, on Friday afternoon last. The town was gaily deroratel with flags In honor of the event and the town genets ally put on a holiday apPearatree,, The weather Was all that could be desired for the occasion and a large erOWd gathered to witness the progratn, which, considering the slant time the committee had In makingpreparationto was of a most worthy character and re - fleets great credit on those in charge. Shortly after one o'clock those taking part in the progrmn gathered at the school grounds ami formed into pro- eessien. as f011oWst illarShalS, Weekes and R.Devls. "John Ball," (E. Leathoro) and two melerlies Village Council, Wm. Levett, John Muir, John Wood, Wiu. Harding and Jos. Davis, and Ge 11. Bissett, town clerk. Exeter Band. Peace Cate containing, Lord Kitche- ner, (C. H. Sanders); Acting President Schalkurghea (N. D. Hrdon); Lord (st- Wolters); Ex, President Stern, (Dr, Rollins); Gen. Dewet1 (G. A. K McLeod): Oen. Delarey„ (A, S. Deavitt); Gen, Botha, (R.Iseught); 6ee- retney Reitz; tele It, Ilyndman); Lord. Salisbury, (John McIntyre); Rt. Hon. Jos. Chambtelain, (L. H. Dickson) and at either side three peace guards on horse hack. Infantry (Capt. W. J. }Leaman.) Boers. Artillery. Cavalry. School children. (about 200.) S.O.E. and I. O. P. Public. The procession, to the tune of a very beautiful patriotic air played by the band, moved West to Andrew street, thence north to Station streetand then west to William ; thence south to Huron and east to Main; thence np Main and back to the school grounds,followed by an immense crowd, anxious to hear the speaking and other interesting features. There is no school in the county that has prettier or more com- modious grounds than ours and they were admirably adapted for the occa- sion, being shady, convenient and am -1 ply large for the large crowd assem- bled. A platform had been erected in the South-West corner for the speak ers and around this the crowd assem- bled. AU nicely settled and order be- ing restored Reeve Levett took the chair and after a few preliminary re- marks, the program was opened by the sehool children, led by Miss M. E. Gill, singing very beautifully, several patriotic songs. These were followed by able and appropriate addresses from Thos. Hartnoll, Dr. Rollins, R.E. Hus- ton, Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, Henry Ell- ber M.P.P., and Rev. Martin. The Infantrt also gave a very pretty drill. This part of the celebration being end- ed all dispersed by joining in singing "God Save the King." Li the evening the weather was any- thing but favorable, heavy dark clouds gathered overhead and rain started to fall about seven o'clock, making things gloomy and very unpleasant. otwith- staeding this the evening's program was carried out to the letter. The base- ball game between the "Buffers" and "‘ D utters," (two teams picked from our business men,) who, judging from the playing, never played a game in their lives before, was certainly an interest- ing feature of the day, and the crowd kept up a continued roar of -laughter. The game was finally decided by the refree a draw, and the teams will, on some future occasion, he called togeth- er again to decide to whom the honors belong, Following this a big bon tire took place and later a grand display of Fireworks by 'Professor Hand" Sham battles were fought and the crowd was 'very pleasantly entertained for nearly two hours. Strange to say the crowd stayed till the last rocket was fired, it being nearly ten o'clock. Screen geods, linty is the time to prepare for the fly season, by Prneorinig your Screens. We have a supply of either doors or windowe, and at right prices. TELL THE TRUT1L Why is it that some dealers wilfully make false statements in their advertisement? It eau - Pot he because they and it pays; for it certainly does not. We believe it is beat to tell the truth about what we have and conceal nothing, wasp, we say our stock a HARDWARE is complete we say so without the least exaggeration. To in- spect our shoek is to verify what we say. We here quote a few Does of seasonable goods. Mire, Zic„ We Imve joist pat a large supply of Barb, Web and Spring Coil wires, Poultry Netting, Ete. Specials, Sprayers, Pruners, Garden Shears-, Lawn Mowers, Paris Thorald and Portland Cements. en, T. HAWKINS & SON, Successors to Bishop & Son, Shoes:..4t'Spackrnatis. To band this week a large consignment of the latest in Ladies toe slippers, Strap Oxfords, Laced Oxfords, Button Oxfords. Also the newest productions in laced and buttoned shoes. 500 PAIRS of meas odd pants Good value at $2.00, 3.00. Jobbing at the very special price of $1.50, E J SPAOKIVIAN. Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Stiudfor4 Ready Made ('lothing. IITAKING is the time 'to beautify your homes by selecting' some of' our handsome Furniture. Do you want a nice Bedroom sett for............ $10 Sideboard. . .. 8 Cool Sweet Mattresses. — .. 3 Bed Sprhags . 2 Couches and Easy Chairs at easy prices. Curtain poles and trimmings. We have several sets of beautiful chairs just in. Give us a call and if we have not got what ybu want we will soon get it for you. Wes. C. Huston, Furniture and undertaking rooms. Gidley's Block, Exeter. 26 Ms • of granulate& sugar for S 1 .00 with e -very hun- dred of flour you punichaSe W. Trevethick. • Mr. 3. Harton, of Kerwood, was the guest -of his daughter, Etta, for a few days at the home of Mrs. Elworthy, Huron street. Brucefield: Mr. John Murdoch re- cently shipped a carload of cattle to Toronto. They averaged 1,440 pounds each, and were the finest load of cattle tbat years.entered ofth tehTeaarticlistioisflsTtovIaosnatotwf oor- year-old, and weighed 1,500 pounds. They were all of Mr. Murdoeh's own . feeding, and reflect credit on. him and the . a A y reinthey came. 01111IILIO1I PUBOOt EXETER, AGENT FOR PROVAN'S PATENT CARRIERS FORKS ANO SLINGS. Supplied. with either the Angle Iron, Round -416. Rod or Wood. These are without a doubt the best ma- chines obtainable at any price, • Was awarded the only medal and diploma given onllay Forks at the World's Fair Chicago. Supplies at Russell's f3 lacitsinith shop. EXETER, ONTARIO. „,,1"".taqtertWYPVirtr'"w"*.'"TfisrA""Ygi'6041:” '